2013 October


豹蹤再現 Jaguar 揭示跑車 New Cat Pounces …. Jaguar unveils sports model

Macau GP celebrates 60th Anniversary 全球車壇盛事:澳門格蘭披治鑽禧紀念 Road Test: We put Porsche 911 Carerra 4 through its paces 新車落地: Porsche 911 Carerra 4 展現出類拔萃的性能 Drive like a Champion … in Aberdeen 一嚐冠軍車手滋味 何須遠求

HKAA Honorary Life Presidents 香港汽車會永遠榮譽會長 Philip George TAYLOR 戴禮賢 Robin HAUSER 侯思 Anthony NEDDERMAN 李達文 Barry Fegan WILL Lawrence K. K. YU, BBS, MBE, JP 余錦基太平紳士 CONTENTS Simon K. S. MAK 麥錦誠 Duffy C. N. WONG, JP 黃鎮南太平紳士 Jackson Y. T. HO, MH 何懿德 Michael J Dudley RUSHWORTH 韋詩域 Laurence L. T. HOU 侯勵存 Martin P. K. HONG 康寶駒 Wesley W. H. Wan 雲維熹

03 DRIVEN by the President Governors 會監 Robin HAUSER 侯思 Anthony NEDDERMAN 李達文 黃鎮南太平紳士 04 Have Your Say – Letters to DRIVEN Duffy C. N. WONG, JP HKAA General Committee 2012/2013 香港汽車會 2012/2013 常務委員會 05 DRIVEN by Mok San President 會長 Lawrence K. K. YU, BBS, MBE, JP 余錦基太平紳士 Vice Presidents 副會長 Laurence L. T. HOU 侯勵存 08 Cover Feature – Jaguar’s New Cat Pounces James Y. H. KONG 江日雄 Honorary Secretary 義務秘書 Ian Foster 霍思達 15 – Learn Like a Pro Honorary Treasurer 義務司庫 Simulation Aldo C. K. YUNG 容自強 Committee Members 常務委員 Danny S. CHAU 仇偉冠 19 Preview – Julian K. H. Cheung 張劍雄 John C. Koh 許文法 Paul S. H. Law 羅少雄 Ringo Y. P. Lee 李耀培 23 Road Test – Porsche 911 Carrera 4 LIU Keung 廖強 Wesley W. H. Wan 雲維熹 Danny C. M. Wong 黃志敏 Lincoln K. Y. Yu 余錦遠 28 Street Streaker – New kit roadster hits Hong Kong Advisor 顧問 • Technical 機械技術 TANG Wing Hong Madison 鄧永漢 34 HKAA Activities Review National Motor Sport Council 香港汽車會賽車事務委員會

Lawrence K. K. YU, BBS, MBE, JP 余錦基太平紳士 35 HKAA News Laurence L. T. HOU 侯勵存 James Y. H. KONG 江日雄 Wesley W. H. Wan 雲維熹 Danny C. M. Wong 黃志敏 38 Member Privileges – Best Deals in Town Honorary Member 榮譽會員 Jean TODT 約翰.托特 Rose Ka-Woon CHAN 陳嘉桓 CHAN Pak Cheung 陳百祥 Carat CHEUNG 張名雅 CHEUNG Siu Fai 張兆輝 HKAA Affiliated Clubs (in alphabetical order) 香港汽車會屬會 (以字母先後次序排列) CHIN Ka Lok 錢嘉樂 Marvel CHOW 周定宇 China Dragon Motor Racing Club Ghiasports Profile Ltd. Supercar Club Hong Kong Ltd. HUI Koon Man 許冠文 華龍賽車俱樂部 基亞運動推廣有限公司 香港超級跑車會 Aaron KWOK 郭富城 黎明 Classic Car Club of Hong Kong (1989) Ltd. Hong Kong Kart Club Ltd. The Motor Sports Club of Hong Kong Ltd. Leon LAI 香港老爺車會 香港小型賽車會 香港賽車會 MIU Kiu Wai 苗僑偉 Jennifer SHUM 岑杏賢 Collectors Car Club of Hong Kong Ltd Hong Kong Land Rover Club 譚詠麟 香港珍藏車協會有限公司 香港越野路華四驅車會 Type-R Club Company Limited Alan TAM Eric TSANG 曾志偉 Formula Racing Development Ltd. Mini Race Car Club Ltd. Racing Virus Motorsports Limited WONG Yat Wah 黃日華 方程式賽車發展有限公司 迷你賽車會有限公司 賽車讀有限公司 Jacqueline WONG 黃心穎 Porsche Club Hong Kong Ltd. YAM Tat Wah 任達華 香港保時捷會 Raymond TSANG 曾守明

Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道391號  Tel 電話: (852) 3583 3638 Fax 傳真: (852) 3583 4120  e-mail 電郵: [email protected]  web 網址: www.hkaa.com.hk  24 Hours Emergency Hotline 24小時緊急服務熱線 (852) 3583 3628 Car Inspection 驗車部 (852) 3583 3628  Insurance 保險部 (852) 3583 3616  Membership 會員部 (852) 3583 3615  Auto Transport 汽車船運 (852) 3583 3619 Motorsports 賽車活動部 (852) 3583 3618  The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Hong Kong Automobile Association. © All rights reserved October 2013

Graphic production: DRIVEN 01 直線 3583 3600 傳真 3585 5510 電郵 [email protected] Tel 3583 3600 Fax 3585 5510 E-mail [email protected] President’s message Dear Members, 親愛的會員:

Forgive me for coming back to this topic, but, due to the well- 請容忍再一次的老生常談,但眾所周知,由於香港 publicised poor quality of Hong Kong’s air conditions and other 惡劣的空氣質素及其他因素影響,我們感到有必要 factors, we feel a new push to help boost the slow adoption rate 重新提出加快推行電動汽車的建議。在全球大部份 of electric vehicles in Hong Kong is needed. Most developed 先進城市的政府都積極支持使用環保汽車的時候, cities in the world now support the use of these environmentally- 香港特區政府亦表明要在2020年達到30%私家車 friendly vehicles, and the Hong Kong government has stated it 為油電混合車或全電動車的數量。 wants 30% of privately-owned cars in the city to be hybrid or electric by 2020. 為達到這個目標,特區政府鼓勵企業及停車場裝設 充電站,冀望以增加充電設施,推動電動汽車的使 As such, the government has encouraged businesses and car-park 用率。可惜事與願違,今年4月底的統計數字反映 owners to install charging stations in the hope of setting up an 全港電動汽車的數量只有443輛,當中已包括354 electric infrastructure before these new vehicles hit the roads in 輛私家車、56輛電單車、25輛貨車、5輛小巴和3 significant numbers. However, as at end of April this year, there 輛大型巴士(其中一輛屬於專利巴士公司);雖然近 were 443 electric vehicles in Hong Kong, including 354 private cars, 56 motorcycles, 25 goods vehicles, five light buses and three buses (one of which was a franchised bus). Now there are a few electric taxis to add to that number. So, compared with some 700,000 vehicles currently registered in Hong Kong, it would seem that we have a long way to go if the government’s 30% vision is to become a reality. 期還多了少量電動計程車,但相對全港已登記的70 萬汽車的數量而言,恐怕特區政府要實現30%環保 The government wants to have zero emission buses running 汽車的目標仍有漫漫長路。 across Hong Kong and has allocated $180 million to fund the full cost of 36 electric buses and associated charging facilities for 針對實行「巴士零排放」的目標,特區政府已在預 trial by five franchised bus companies. It is expected that these 算案中撥出1億8千萬以全數資助購入36輛電動巴 trials will commence by the end of 2014. 士及5間專利巴士公司安裝充電系統,試行計劃預 計可在2014年底開始實行。 Commendable though that is, it would seem that the government has greatly favoured the mass public transport sector for financial 特區政府此舉雖然其志可嘉,財政措施方面卻偏向 support rather than helping facilitate the change over from fuel- 協助公共運輸業,而非以鼓勵全港使用汽油作燃料 driven vehicles to electric and hybrid versions. More government 的汽車轉型為電動或混合型汽車為目標。若特區政 action is needed to encourage the private sector to change if 府要實現道路上使用的電動或混合型汽車達到20萬 the dream of having over 200,000 electric or hybrid vehicles on 輛的夢想,恐怕要加倍努力才能成為事實。電動汽 Hong Kong roads is not just pie in the sky! Electric cars must find 車必須另尋「出路」!就讓我們一起繼續爭取,共 a way on to our roads. Together, let’s build greater momentum 同創造一個更環保的駕駛環境,一起體驗綠色駕駛 and greener roads for a better driving experience. 樂趣。

As a footnote, and a further call for government action, we 另外再補充一點,亦是一個對特區政府的呼籲,本 feel there is a dire need for a comprehensive plan to support 地賽車運動應得到全面的推廣及支持。香港的賽車 motorsport. Hong Kong has sporting prowess and facilities in 界已擁有傑出的運動員和客觀條件,更有一流設 many fields, with first-class facilities to match the ambitions of 施,足以媲美亞洲鄰近地區。可惜由於缺乏相關支 many. However, motorsport is the poor relation in this field and 援,特別在財政方面更相形見絀,政府必須充當更 it is an avenue that needs to be explored by the government, 主動的角色,推動例如 Mega Fund 及發展其他資 especially with financial support available through bodies like the 助計劃,以幫助本地賽車運動成為另一個香港人的 Mega Fund and various sporting grant schemes. 驕傲。

Lawrence K.K. Yu, BBS, MBE, JP 余錦基太平紳士 President 香港汽車會會長 DRIVEN 03 直線 3583 3600 傳真 3585 5510 電郵 [email protected] Tel 3583 3600 Fax 3585 5510 E-mail [email protected] HAVE YOUR SAY Letters T O DRIVEN Question: As a family, we have been 問:我和家人對保護環境一直十分支持, 1997. Some mitigating factors do exist thinking about changing to an electric 亦曾考慮轉用電動汽車或混能汽車,但最 for the case against a F1 event here in car or a hybrid but I have been put off 終打消了這個念頭,主要原因是由於本地 Hong Kong, primarily finding the type of because it seems there are not as many 的充電設施不足,加上這兩種汽車的售價 land that could be converted into a circuit facilities catering for these kind of vehicles 要比燃油驅動的高,從經濟角度看來,使 and ensuring that all infrastructures are in in Hong Kong and also these alternatives 用環保汽車似乎並不划算。究竟好處和缺 place to make spectators gain access to are more expensive than petrol-powered 點是什麼? the track with ease and comfort. Also, I vehicles so even though we want to be don’t think it is feasible to try and create environmentally friendly as a family, it 答:關於環保汽車普及化這方面,已不 a “street circuit” in Hong Kong similar to does not seem to make economic sense. 單在香港備受關注,而是世界各地駕駛 the one that has shown to be acceptable What is the upside and downside to this? 人士的熱門話題。一些國家已經在經濟 in Singapore (although this is a night 政策和稅務優惠方面著手協助推廣電動 race, which again could cause a problem Answer: This is a subject that has been 車,更提供多種計劃以平衡配套設施不 here). The other glaring factor is the lack talked about widely in motoring circles 足及其他因使用環保汽車引起的憂慮。 of desire of the government and/or other and not just in Hong Kong. Some countries 特區政府研究過多種措施,例如降低電 bodies to bring a F1 event to Hong Kong have developed economic policies and tax 動車登記稅、提供免稅優惠,甚至考慮 and, more importantly, keep it here on incentives to spur the sales of electric cars 向使用3條過海隧道及青嶼幹線的電動 an annual basis. Malaysia, Shanghai, and have provided and promoted various 車提供全數或部份隧道費和路費補貼, Singapore and Japan all had the hunger schemes to help overcome the detractions 希望能刺激市民的購買意欲。現時雖然 to go that extra mile and secure a F1 event through lack of facilities and other “green” 已有一定數量的充電站投入服務,但選 at initial costs that would cover the GDP motoring obstacles. Our government 址卻不太方便,車子可能未到充電站已 of a small country. Now, these events has looked at offering tax reductions or 「油盡燈枯」了。解決辦法其實並不複 are established on the F1 calendar and exemptions for owners of electric cars 雜,例如可在天橋下、公共及私人停車 the respective organisers are reaping the or even gone to the extent of looking at 場,甚至在路邊泊車咪表較集中的地點 benefits. It would seem to me that Hong subsidising full or partial tunnel tolls for 裝設小型充電站。另一方面可以立法方 Kong missed the boat on this one many, the three cross-harbour tunnels and the 式強制商業和住宅樓宇必須在停車場內 many years ago. Lantau Link to encourage electric car sales. 提供汽車充電設施。 Charging stations are already in place 問:本人居住香港多年,而最近15年亦 but the majority of these are not in areas 要所有住宅大廈都設有充電站,看來沒有 經常往返鄰近各大亞洲城市,例如新加 where drivers can easily “hook-up”, hence 「十年八載」都難以實現。但要鼓勵市民 坡、上海、日本、馬來西亞等。令我大惑 vehicles could be left stranded. Perhaps 使用電動車必須先考慮便利性,解決現時 不解的是:若這些城市都能成功舉辦一級 an answer could be to build mini charging 遠水難救近火的充電站問題,避免消費者 方程式賽事,為什麼F1總與香港緣慳一 stations beneath flyovers, in public and 擔心因「停電」而被困路上。環保汽車絕 面呢? private car parks and even look into 對是未來的大趨勢,政府必須採取更主動 providing such stations along roadsides 的角色(例如利用行政手段),同時與對推 答:對於這個富爭議性的問題,最直接 where most parking meters are located. 出電動車仍存有疑慮的業界攜手合作,加 的答案就是將F1賽事帶到香港牽涉到數 Another option is to implement new laws 速電動車的使用率。 以億元的投資,無人願意挑起這個令人 to make it mandatory for commercial 望而卻步的經濟擔子。儘管澳門舉辦格 and residential buildings to provide QUESTION: As a long-term resident of Hong 蘭披治大賽多年,並成功躋身國際最受 such charging facilities in car parks. A Kong and a frequent visitor to other major 注目的賽事之一,理應是回歸前的香港 convenient and efficient charging network Asian cities over the past 15 years, it has 政府及現時的特區政府的正面教材,但 must exist to make electric vehicles viable. always made me wonder why we have 卻未見有關方面把任何賽車活動引入香 never got to the forefront of Formula 1 港的實際行動。把一級方程式賽事引進 It may be another eight- to- ten years racing, especially since it has been so 香港的不利因素主要是難以找到合適的 before we can really drive up to our successful in Singapore, Shanghai and 場地,同時需要興建交通和基建配套, homes and charge our cars right where Japan, not to mention Malaysia? 方便觀眾到現場觀賽。而且因地理環境 our house or apartment is. As for now, 的限制,香港未能像新加坡一樣將街道 convenience is further away from reality ANSWER: The very short answer to this very 變為賽道,就算是晚上的賽事都很可能 than the possibility of driving an electric moot question is that nobody is willing to 產生各種困難。另一個明顯的問題是缺 car in Hong Kong with the freedom of pay the horrendously expensive cost of 乏政府及其他機構牽頭,更不用說把賽 access to facilities and the peace of mind introducing a F1 circuit to Hong Kong, 事變成年度盛事。相反,馬來西亞、上 that drivers would not be stranded through which would run into billions of dollars. 海、新加坡和日本等地,雖然把一級方 running out of power. Electric cars must There has been no encouragement from 程式賽事帶到當地所需要投放的前期投 find a way onto our roads. Electric cars the Hong Kong government to bring any 資,可媲美一個小國的國民生產總值, are the future but to bring that future tangible form of motorsport to our shores, 但仍依然對引進賽事非常積極;而事實 closer to home will take more government although the unprecedented success of the 亦證明賽事為當地帶來的經濟及其他利 intervention and working hand-in-hand Macau Grand Prix over many years could 益已逐漸出現。就個人的觀點看來,多 with an industry that is only just putting its have influenced the thinking of successive 年前香港已經錯過了舉辦一級方程式賽 toe in the water. administrations in the SAR and before 事的「最後召集」。

04 DRIVEN C E O’s message Dear Members, 親愛的會員:

Environmental protection is a hot topic around the world nowadays, and 環保已是一個世界性的熱門話題,而在香港 no more so than in Hong Kong which, as an international metropolis, 這個國際大都會,亦沒有比推動綠色生活更 has to protect its green living areas. With that in mind, it gives me great 重要的事情了。在這個大前提下,我很榮幸 pleasure to announce that the HKAA is about to launch its first ECO Drive 地宣佈由香港汽車會主辦,加德士呈獻的第 Competition 2013 to find our most efficient and “green” driver. 一屆昂坪360全港慳油比賽,將於12月1日 舉行,為環保活動增添刺激歡樂氣氛。 The event will be held on December 1 and is open to members of the public – not just our members – and is aimed at having private car drivers 除本會會員外亦接受公眾人士參與,旨在鼓 show how they can achieve the greatest fuel economy by driving on a 勵駕駛者以最低耗油量完成指定駕駛路線。 prescribed route. We are looking for 150 Hong Kong drivers divided 我們預計將150位參賽者分成為汽油私家車 between private car groups, celebrity groups and family group to take 組、珍藏車組、柴油車組、混能車組、商業 挑戰車組及傳媒車組 進行比賽,賽事起點 位於九龍灣政府驗車 中心,經大帽山、青 嶼幹線等抵達昂坪市 集,在天壇大佛稍事 逗留休息並欣賞這個 亞洲最大戶外青銅佛 像後,再從東涌取道 青嶼幹線、經昂船洲 大橋、穿過青沙隧道 至終點的沙田香港專 業教育學院,並舉行 頒獎典禮。

這次活動肯定非常刺 part in the competition, which will follow a prescribed route mainly on 激,全程約110公里的賽道包括市區及郊區 Lantau Island and ending at Ngong Ping Village. 道路,路程估計約需兩個半小時,可讓參賽 者瞭解在不同路面情況下減低耗油量的駕駛 It should prove to be an exciting, innovative event with the race route 技巧。整個賽事的目的在於幫助駕駛人士明 covering around 110 kilometres, which should take in about 2.5 白有不同方法減低耗油量,既做一個精明的 hours of driving and allow motorists to understand the different road 駕駛者之餘,亦能在環保方面出一分力。我 conditions (urban, suburban) of fuel-efficient driving skills. The whole 很希望這活動能將每年傳承下去。 exercise is aimed at helping drivers to be aware of the various ways to save fuel through responsible driving techniques while also supporting 我們這次活動獲贊助商加德士及昂坪360全 environmental issues and I am happy to say that this “first” for the HKAA 力支持。透過這項比賽亦將向各界展示大嶼 should go on to be an annual event. 山的迷人景色,協助推廣當地旅遊事業,同 時讓市區駕駛人士體驗到大嶼山的獨特景 One of our major sponsors is Caltex while another sponsor, Ngong Ping 致。 360, will be overseeing things from above. The event is also an attempt to help promote the development of tourism on scenic Lantau Island by 昂坪市集除了是文娛表演勝地外,也是各種 showcasing the visibility of the surrounding area and it will also allow 活動的熱門場地選擇,曾舉辦多個車展、演 urban drivers to experience the characteristic style of the area. 唱會、親子遊樂嘉年華等獲一眾名人明星積 極參與的活動。香港汽車會更為了這次汽車 Ngong Ping Village Bay in addition to being the venue for the entertaining 活動,特別在昂坪市集安排了精彩的表演節 performance, will also host a number of side attractions, such as a featured 目,讓各參賽者舒緩一下緊張刺激的情緒。 car exhibition, singers and entertainment programmes, fun games for the 我衷心希望在活動當日能見到本地及外地遊 kids and a chance to meet celebrities involved in the event. So I hope that 客到來為參與我們這個獨一無二的比賽的 a lot of locals and visitors turn up to cheer on the 150 competitors in this 150名參賽者打氣,同時好好享受當地歡樂 unique event and also enjoy the party atmosphere of the day. 氣氛。

Drive safely and environmentally! 安全環保,精明駕駛之道!

Wilson Mok 莫裕生 Chief Executive 行政總裁


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HKAA Apr magazine ad Trim Size: 285mm(L) x 420mm(W) THE ART OF INNER SILKY SMOOTH • ULTRA FIT • COMFORTABLE

Harbour City . SOGO Causeway Bay . SOGO Tsim Sha Tsui . YATA Shatin . Venetian Macau . New Yaohan Macau

Enquiries: 2797 4009 DRIVEN 07 www. hom.com

HKAA Apr magazine ad Trim Size: 285mm(L) x 420mm(W) Jaguar goes back to its roots

The classic sports car has returned to tease and please drivers with a new look and new lease of life

article Feature08 DRIVEN Jaguar 經 典 跑 車 , goes back to its roots 載 尋 譽 歸 根 來 之 , 全 旅 新 姿 態 重 燃 生 命 激 情

At first glance, it looks like just another sports car. Get closer and you discover this is a work of art.

Jaguar’s new F-Type sports, soon to be available in Hong Kong, boasts a new design, although it is being touted vociferously by the company as the successor to the timeless E-Type Jaguar that captured generations of minds and souls.

DRIVEN 09 “We are creating a new generation of Jaguar sports car so it has to be credible from both a performance and design point of view,” Jaguar’s Mark White, the company’s chief engineer, says. “It has to deliver, has to be a great handling car with a stiff, rigid platform underpinning it and it has to look every inch an icon.

“For our team, the greatest satisfaction was delivering the desired performance attributes – ride, handling and agility – by increasing stiffness and at the same time reducing weight.

“We also worked hard to deliver the designers’ vision. The biggest design challenge was the bonnet. Not only is it a one-piece pressing, it’s where the first heart line begins. When we produced that stamping, we all stood around the gloss black painted bonnet under the high intensity lights and the designers said to us, ‘yes, that’s what we wanted’ and the tooling engineers said, ‘we can make that’. That was us working at our best; delivering the design proposition in high volumes.” Competition The car is an impressive effort, even for Jaguar’s parent company, India’s Tata Motors, and as a sports car, the F-Type is no trial-and-error exercise; Jaguar is taking on such high-octane competition as the Porsche 911 Carrera and the

10 DRIVEN F- T YP E : TE CH NI C A L S P I F ATI O NS F-TYPE F-TYPE S F-TYPE V8 S ENGINE & TRANSMISSION Engine Capacity (cc) 2995 2995 5000 Cylinders 6 6 8 Valves per cylinder 4 4 4 Compression ratio 10.5:1 10.5:1 9.5:1

PERFORMANCe ***0-60mph (sec) 5.1 4.8 4.2 0-100km/h (sec) 5.3 4.9 4.3 ***50-75mph (sec) 3.3 3.1 2.5 80-120km/h (sec) 3.3 3.1 2.5 ***Top speed - electronically limited (mph) 161 171 186 Top speed - electronically limited (km/h) 260 275 300 Power (PS@rpm) 340@6500 380@6500 495@6500 Power (kW@rpm) 250@6500 280@6500 364@6500 Power to weight ratio (PS/tonne) 213 235 297 Torque (lb ft@rpm) 332@3500-5000 339@3500-5000 460@2500-5500 Torque (Nm@rpm) 450@3500-5000 460@3500-5000 625@2500-5500 Torque to weight ratio (Nm/tonne) 282 285 375

ECONOMY Combined economy (mpg) 31.4 31.0 25.5 Combined economy (l/100km) 9.0 9.1 11.1 CO2 emissions (g/km) 209 213 259

DIMensions Length (mm) 4470 4470 4470 Width excl. mirrors (mm) 1923 1923 1923 Height (mm) 1296 1296 1307 Wheelbase (mm) 2622 2622 2622 Front track (mm) 1585* 1585* 1585* Rear track (mm) 1627* 1627* 1627* Boot (litres) 200.5 200.5 200.5 Fuel tank capacity (litres) 72 72 72 Weight from (kg) 1597 1614 1665

*For cars fitted with 20-inch wheels. Manufacturer’s figures. Correct at time of going to press.

DRIVEN 11 Aston Martin V8 Vantage, which makes the visual appeal of the “We wanted the experience of sitting in the F-Type to be exciting. F-Type so important and immediately recognisable. A sports car cockpit should be an intimate place and so we aimed to get a sense of the surfaces falling towards and then The visibility begins with its formidable grille, which takes the form wrapping around the driver. What we’ve done is given it the established by Jaguar’s bold saloons, the XF and XJ, reshaping essence and spirit of doing what you want to do rather than it to create a sports car signature. The grille shape is softer and what’s expected of you. The more processed this world becomes, wider and leans slightly forward to create a suggestion of motion the more important that is.” even when the car is stationary, although this car actually drives faster than it looks! Connectivity The F-Type used new structural alloys in its construction, resulting “Every aspect of a sports car, dimensionally, allows us to create in greatly increased rigidity, which in turn provides the best something that is visually exciting; visceral as well as physical,” possible basis for a finely tuned suspension system to deliver an Jaguar’s design director Ian Callum says. “To me the definition unrivalled feeling of connectivity to the driver. of sports car design is being fit for purpose, wrapping up the occupants and mechanicals in the most exciting, beautiful and The new car revolves around a bonded and riveted aluminium sensual package possible with no unnecessary surfaces or structure that is lightweight and, especially for an open-top car, adornment. A piece of design should tell a story and this is why remarkably stiff. Suspension pieces are also aluminium, which every line in the F-Type has a start, a direction and a conclusion. helps keep curb weight well between 1,600kg and 1,700kg. If you approach every line individually and get it as aesthetically Six- and eight-cylinder engines meet an eight-speed automatic correct as possible, get the dimensions right, it will stand the test transmission, but for now, no traditional manual is available. of time,” the design director adds.

1922 Jaguar began life started as the Swallow Coachbuilding Co.,sidecar building 為主要業務 aluminium sidecars 一 Jaguar 的前身乃 Swallow Coachbuilding Co.,以製造鋁質 切 1931 The S.S.1 was launched, using British motor company Standard mechanical components , 推出以英國汽車公司標準機械零件製造的 S.S.1 從 1934 Sport Side Car William (later Sir William) Lyons chose the change the name to JaguarJaguar because of the Nazi connotations William Lyons (其後獲授勳為爵士)因為名稱帶有納粹色彩而易名

It began as SS Cars … 1945 The official name was changed to Jaguar Cars 公司正式更名為 Jaguar 汽車

1951 The first sports car appeared: the sleek, high- performance XK120, named because it could reach 120 mph (193 km/h) 第一輛跑車面世:線條流暢、性能卓越 的 XK120,型號的名字由來,是因為它時速可 達120英里 (193公里) 開 1957 始 The XK150 was launched with up to 250 bhp on the top-of-the-range model 推出同級車款中達頂級250匹馬力的XK150

12 DRIVEN The new F-Type comes in three engine dimensions, all 驚鴻一瞥,它不過是又一輛的跑車。但只有細心欣賞,才能 supercharged: the base model, with a 340bhp V6; then 體會到它的獨特美態。 the V6 S, with 380bhp; and finally the V8 S, with a version of Jaguar/Land Rover’s 5-litre V8 producing an awesome Jaguar 全新F系跑車,雖然聲稱它將成為一直俘虜無數車迷心的 495bhp. The V8 S will sprint from zero to 100km/h in 4.4 經典E系後繼者,這些坊間傳聞甚囂塵上,但事實上,它即將以 seconds and push on to a governed top speed of just under 嶄新外形設計,以皇者姿態蒞臨香港。 300km/h. The V6 S, slightly behind, runs to 100km/h in 5.2 seconds on its way to 275km/h, and the base model 「我們創造出這個新一代的 Jaguar 跑車,無論在性能上以至 manages 5.3 seconds to 100km/h and a top speed almost 外形設計上都必須是無可比擬的。」Jaguar 的總工程師 Mark 260km/h. White 表示。「它必須在容易操控的同時擁有『硬淨』的性能 基礎,更要做到每一寸都是完美之作。」 Mike Cross, Jaguar’s chief engineer, says: “Fundamentally, a great sports car is one you’ll look forward to driving because 「能夠實現全方位性能表現的承諾——以強化懸掛系統同時減 it’s fun, and the F-Type definitely delivers on that score. We’ve 輕重量,使速度、操控性和靈敏度都大大提升——對於我們的 worked hard to make sure that responses to steering, throttle 團隊而言,就是最大的滿足。」 and brakes are absolutely immediate, a task made far easier by the rigid aluminium structure at the car’s base. It’s precise and 「我們亦盡力將設計師的概念完美體現。其中最大的挑戰是引 exciting, a car that you’ll want to drive for the sake of driving alone – and it sounds fantastic!”

1961 The E-Type Jaguar was launched to great acclaim at the Geneva Motor Show. It had a 3.8 litre, 265 bhp straight-six engine and could reach 150 mph (240 km/h) 系,配備可輸出 匹馬力的 汽缸垂直引擎容 首度在日內瓦車展中曝光的 Jaguar E 265 6 量達3.8公升,最高時速150英里 (240公里),在展覽會中鋒芒畢露

1969 The Jaguar XJ6 came into being, powered by a 4.2 litreJaguar version XJ6 of the familiar six 推出同樣採用6汽缸垂直引擎,但容量增至4.2公升的

1972 Sir William Lyons was succeeded as chairman of the then-British Leyland by D.R.W. (Lofty) England William Lyons 勳爵獲 D.R.W. (Lofty) England 委 任為當時 British Leyland 公司的主席

1989 Jaguar was acquired by the Ford Motor Co. 福特汽車收購 Jaguar

1998 The Jaguar S-type was introduced, a loose copy of the popular Mk. II 推出輕量版S系 Jaguar 因應當時極受歡迎的 Mk. II

2008 Ford Motor Co., sold Jaguar Land Rover (as it then was) to Tata Motors 福特汽車把當時的 Jaguar Land Rover 出售 予 Tata Motors

2013 JLR is hugely profitable and will begin making the Range Rover Evoque in China within two years JLR 錄得鉅額盈利,並將在兩年內於中國生 產 Range Rover Evoque

DRIVEN 13 擎罩,除了要克服一體成型的技術難度,也因 為它是賦予跑車生命的開端。在沖模過程中, 大家都圍著那個在強光照耀下閃閃發亮的黑色 引擎罩旁邊,設計師肯定地對我們說:『沒 錯,這就是我們要的效果。』而制模工程師亦 同樣有信心:『絕沒問題。』在最大的程度上 將設計概念變成實物,就是我們的工作,亦是 我們的驕傲。」 競爭,必須棋逢敵手 即使對 Jaguar 的母公司,即總部設於印度的 Tata Motors 來說,對這最新產品也投放了很 多心血,而且以跑車作定位的F系必須一擊即 中;Jaguar 跟風格強烈的 Porsche 911 Carrera 和 Aston Martin V8 Vantage 為同級對手,因 此需要擁有脫俗新穎外形,才能令 F 系脫穎而 出。

如此吸引的外形由強大的鬼面罩開始,以轎 車 XF 系和 XJ 系為藍本改裝,營造星級跑車風 人車合一 格,與舊設計相比線條較柔和,但尺寸更寬,稍微前傾的角度 F系的車架採用了嶄新的結構性合金,除大大提升了車體硬度以 令它即使在靜止的情況下仍充滿蓄勢待發的感覺,而它真正速 外,可使配套的懸掛系統反應更敏銳,給予駕駛者無可比擬的 度比光看外形要更強勁! 人車合一的感受。

「這全新的跑車從內到外都讓我 整個車身的鋁質結構以鉚釘焊 們盡情發揮創意。」Jaguar 設計 接,兼具輕巧和結實的優點,特 總監 Ian Callum 說。「我認為 別適合開篷車。懸掛系統零件 跑車設計應該符合車子本身的用 亦以鋁合金製造,可將制動器 途,如何將人與機器完美結合在 的重量維持在1,600至1,700公 最火辣、漂亮、感性的車體內, 斤。6汽缸及8汽缸引擎配合8前 摒棄不必要的裝飾。好的設計自 速波箱現已改為自動波。 有其背後的故事,因此F系的每 一條線條都有起承轉合,假如你 新F系給你3種引擎選擇,全部 從美學的角度細心研究它每一線 都設有機械增壓器:標準型號 條,在任何方面,它都能通過時 配備340匹馬力的 V6 引擎,升 間的考驗。」設計總監補充。 級版則採用有380匹馬力的 V6 S 引擎;而終極的 V8 S 引擎 「我們希望每個坐上 F 系的人都感到興奮。賽車的駕駛座應該 與 Jaguar/Land Rover 的5公升 V8 引擎同樣可輸出超強勁的495 是一個非常私人的空間,因此我們採用了前傾和大包圍的設 匹馬力。V8 S 引擎由靜止飆至時速100公里只需4.4秒,最高限 計,讓座椅緊緊擁抱著駕駛者。我們要使它做到任何你需要它 速達每小時300公里。而 V6 S 略為「斯文」,同樣加速至100 做到的事情,而不是由你去遷就它。當世界越來越多事情需要 公里亦只需5.2秒,可加速至每小時275公里。標準型號也毫不 人們處理,這種『以人為本』的精神就更形重要。」 遜色,只需5.3秒就能由0達到100公里時速,而最高限速亦可 達260公里。

Jaguar 總工程師 Mike Cross 稱:「一輛令你不 能自拔的頂級跑車,最基本的條件是它能給予 你無窮駕駛樂趣,這點F系絕對綽綽有餘。我們 致力提高每組操控設備反應的靈敏度,例如方向 盤、油門、剎車等,務求令這輛由鋁合金組成的 跑車對你的操控指令反應得更快更准,給你最 純粹的駕駛樂趣和刺激,單是想想也令人呯然心 動!」

14 DRIVEN Fast track to a Roaring Success 升 as Racing Simulator 級 Upgrades 版 Racing Simulator

功 力 3 級 跳 ? Aspiring amateur F1 contenders and the guys that know their way around racing cars now have the ideal training vehicle on their doorstep 業餘 F1 車手和賽車發燒友天大喜訊!完美的訓練車就在眼前

Armchair racing fans can now experience an even faster thrill of speed in Hong Kong after a technical pitstop has seen a substantial upgrade to the SAR’s most sophisticated racing simulator training centre.

DRIVEN 15 Racing Simulation is truly remarkable in that it is the closest imaginable experience to actually being in the car Racing Simulation 帶給你前所未有的真正駕駛樂趣

Racing Simulation, located in Wong Chuk Hang, is a multi-million the British research-based Cranfield University in Bedforshire. dollar professional facility that was designed specifically to help Cranfield University rose to prominence as a leading developer promising young drivers, seasoned experts, and enthusiastic of pilot-training systems in the 1980s and now CMS uses a amateur racers alike hone their skills. Now, the upgrade has combination of experience and technological innovation to made it even better! produce the most effective, realistic motorsport training simulator on the market. The venture is the brainchild of Hong Kong businessman Stephen Luk Wing Tak, who believes Racing Simulation can play a The facility has been lauded by Hong Kong’s motorsport pivotal role in ensuring future generations of Hong Kong racing professionals, who have been quick to recognise the potential of drivers: “Racing Simulation provides a multitude of training the new facility, and the opportunities it presents for the sport in opportunities, from nurturing young talent – and who knows, a city famously devoid of its own race track. However, with an perhaps discovering a future superstar – to building the skills of investment in the region of HK$3 million, they are also keen to local race engineers and driver coaches. emphasise that Racing Simulation is not a game, although it can be a lot of fun. Our latest upgrade makes the facility even better – and maybe a bit more challenging for the professionals, it is certainly more Reigning Audi R8 LMS Cup Champion, Marchy Lee who, along challenging for the amateurs.” with FIA World Touring Car Champion Darryl O’Young, is an ambassador for the new venture, said: “Racing Simulation is for The new state-of-the-art simulator, like its predecessor, was crafted drivers who are serious about the sport. With this facility, you can by Cranfield Motorsport Simulation (CMS), which is linked to achieve in one hour what it would take half a day to achieve on a race track. Drivers, coaches and engineers can work together on car set up and racecraft just as though they were physically at a track with the car itself, but you are saving the cost of track fees, fuel, parts and especially tyres.”

The simulation system houses almost every track and racing car commonly used in today’s racing world, allowing drivers to sharpen their skills without leaving Hong Kong. Realistic The simulator is also frighteningly realistic, having constant “cues” built in to monitor eye position movement (kinaesthetic) in addition to sustained pressure (somatic) cues from actuators placed

16 DRIVEN around the seat bucket as well as harness tension variation, and true vibration cues, based on real vehicle data. This data is processed via an Ethernet connection, giving an aerodynamic buffet, engine, track, tyre variations, and warnings of driving over a curb.

“Racing Simulation is truly remarkable in that it is the closest imaginable experience to actually being in the car,” O’Young said. “You can physically feel the forces when braking, acceleration and cornering, and the data feedback are In the past, Hong Kong drivers looking to further their careers the same as you get from your actual racing car. There are a normally had to relocate to Europe – the hub of motorsport – and multitude of benefits quite apart from the cost savings. arrived not knowing any of the circuits, which is a major factor to succeeding in motorsport, and with a set of tyres costing upwards “At many race meetings there is only limited time on track, so of HK$10,000 and practice session time precious, time spent in Racing Simulation means you can learn a new racetrack and a simulated environment is of definite benefit and advantage. the ideal set up for your car before you arrive and literally hit the track running. Many championships, including Formula 1, Coupled with gaining track familiarity, the simulator allows have cut back on permitted official testing in the interests of cost constant communication and interaction between the driver and saving, but in a professional simulator you can test for a fraction “pit team”. Being able to see the driver’s track position as well of the cost and without infringing any regulations.” as both steering and pedal inputs also allows much more to be gleaned about driving style, which makes teaching more efficient. Lee and O’Young, both of whom have carved successful careers from the sport, are also excited by the opportunities Racing In addition, it is possible to overlay a ghost car image of previous Simulation brings to the next generation of young drivers in Hong laps by the driver at the end of each “practice”. Merging a Kong. number of laps together and playing them simultaneously allows both the driver and pit team to analyze the driver’s consistency “The simulator is a very useful and cost-effective tool for throughout the lap, visually demonstrating where time is being evaluating new drivers and making comparisons with existing lost or gained. driver telemetry. Driver performance in the simulator is an accurate reflection of their performance on track, and telemetry Race engineers can also benefit as the simulated environment downloaded from the simulator is detailed, allowing accurate provides everything he or she would have at the track, including analysis of the driver’s performance in a debriefing session” Lee circuit position with sector and lap times, live telemetry and an said. overview visual of the car on the track.

DRIVEN 17 The latest upgrade at Racing Simulation sees it on a par with the best simulation circuits in Europe 全新升級版 Racing Simulation 媲美全歐最佳模擬賽道

香港模擬賽車粉絲們將體驗到極速快感,因為全港最專業的 的震動感,與及當車輛貼近路邊時向駕駛者發出提示。 模擬賽車訓練中心已增添了維修加油站的設備。 「Racing Simulation 最出色的地方是它能體現最接近真實駕駛 累計投資數百萬的專業設備、位於黃竹坑的 Racing 賽車的感覺。」Darryl 表示。「當你剎車、加速和入彎時,你的 Simulation 公司,一直致力為年輕的駕駛人士、經驗豐富的車手 身體可以完全感受到那種 G Force,而反饋的資料也跟你真正操 及對賽車充滿熱情的業餘賽車運動員等提供一個磨練及提升駕 控著一輛跑車一模一樣。換言之,你得到的將不只是節省成本 駛技術的平臺,而最新的升級版設備令訓練課程更臻完美! 那麼簡單。」

這個香港前所未有的概念,由陸永德先生一手將其實現。一直 「大部份賽事最嚴重的問題是給車手熟悉賽道的時間非常有 從商的 Stephen 相信模擬賽車訓練在培育更多本地賽車運動員可 限,而 Racing Simulation 就可彌補這方面的不足,你可以在正 扮演一個非常關鍵的角色。「Racing Simulation 可以為年輕而 式『落場』前已對賽道有充份的瞭解,並在事前把戰車預先調 有天賦的運動員提供大量培訓機會,加強本地賽車工程師和教 校至最佳設置。現時包括一級方程式在內的大部分比賽中,基 練的實力,說不定還可能從中發掘到賽車壇的超級新星呢!我 於成本考慮,都儘量削減在跑道正式試車的預算。但只需要從 們最新的設備令整個訓練中心更趨成熟,無論對專業或業餘車 預算撥出一小部份,就能轉以專業賽車模擬系統作訓練,同時 手都更具挑戰性,雖然在難度而言對兩者有很大分別。」 亦不會違反任何賽事規定,可謂一舉兩得。」

新一代的 simulator 與前身一樣,由位於英國 Bedforshire 的 Marchy 和 Darryl 兩位屢獲殊榮的賽車冠軍對於 Racing 模擬訓練系統研究權威 Cranfield University 的研發產業 Simulation 可以為香港年輕一代賽車運動員提供的實習機會都非 部 Cranfield Motorsport Simulation (CMS) 精心打造。自80年代 常雀躍。 開始,Cranfield University 已投入研究飛機師培訓系統,而無論 在經驗以至創新技術方面,CMS現已成為市場上效果最佳、最 Marchy 進一步解釋:「模擬系統最適合用來比較新舊車手的表 實用的賽車模擬訓練系統生產商。 現,成本效益亦相當高,因為模擬測試足以反映出車手在跑道 上的實際表現,更可以獲得詳細資料,以便準確分析個別車手 香港有名的專業賽車手對這套設備都讚不絕口,馬上就看出其 的表現,對於賽後檢討和改善極為重要。」 無限潛能及對缺乏賽道設施的城市所帶來的實質意義。但由於 投資這套設備需要港幣3百萬,他們都強調 Racing Simulation 並 過往香港賽車運動員都以進軍歐洲為主要目標,但所有「初到 不是遊戲機,雖然一樣能為用家帶來極大樂趣。 貴境」的香港車手卻對這個賽車聖地的任何賽道都非常陌生。 以這項運動而言,熟識賽道是成功的首要條件,更別說一組輪 本屆 Audi R8 LMS 杯賽冠軍 Marchy Lee 李英健,與 FIA 胎動輒港幣萬元以上的支出,加上可供練習的時間亦非常寶 World Touring Car 冠軍 Darryl O’Young 歐陽若曦同為 Racing 貴,若能在模擬實景中有充足的賽前訓練,肯定對車手更有 Simulation 的形象大使。兩位冠軍級人馬均表示:「Racing 利,取得更大優勢。 Simulation 是專為對賽車充滿熱誠的車手而設的。只需1小時的 模擬訓練,你就能獲得相等於實際在賽道上訓練半天的成果。 除了讓車手充分認識賽道外,模擬系統亦協助運動員與維修站 車手、教練與工程人員在『校車』、維修、保養及技術支援上 內車隊各成員保持緊密聯繫。由於車隊成員能清楚看到車手的 合作無間,整個過程與實際參賽並無分別,但你無須為此付出 排位、方向盤和踏板的資料,就更瞭解車手的駕駛風格,從而 場地、燃油、零部件和輪胎等費用。」 令培訓更有效率。

這套模擬系統已幾乎包含了每種賽道和現今最常用的賽道數 另外更可將最新一圈試車過程與上一圈的影像同步顯示,在完成 據,車手無須長途跋涉便能磨練駕駛技巧。 一定圈數後可以即時看「playback」比較,車手整體表現的穩定 性以視像形式重現,有利車手本身和車隊隊員分析圈速快慢。 最真實的虛擬實境 模擬系統中的路面實景效果逼真度極高,並內置各種不同功能的 賽車工程人員亦可受惠於模擬環境中提供的所有賽道資料,包 動感模擬,例如追蹤駕駛者視線的鏡頭、圍繞座位四周安裝了壓 括賽道路段位置和圈速、即時測距與及車輛在賽道上的全景。 力傳動裝置、安全帶亦設有拉力感應器,還有根據實際車輛震動 數據而產生的逼真動感。所有這些資料均透過 Ethernet連接至電 Racing Simulation位於黃竹坑業發街1號The Factory。模擬訓練 腦系統,即時模擬出因風阻、引擎、賽道、不同輪胎性能而產生 預約電話:2553 2552。

18 DRIVEN 鑽 光 Macau’s 璀 glittering diamond Street race truly comes of age as SAR celebrates 璨 60 years of Grand Prix action 澳門格蘭披治賽60周年鑽禧, 耀 教人望穿秋水的街道賽終於正式登場 濠 江

Asian motorsport surpasses a high milestone next month when The inaugural Macau Grand Prix, on October 30 and 31, 1954, Macau hosts its 60th Grand Prix. For the past six decades, the saw the title being taken by Eddie Carvalho driving a TR2, Macau Grand Prix has mushroomed from being a gathering of and, over the following years, the event grew into an influential amateur racing enthusiasts to a shining jewel on the international amateur meeting. The GP, however, changed in 1966 with the motor racing calendar, with the HKAA playing no small part in introduction of a factory driver, with the event transforming into the early beginnings of the event. a professional, international Grand Prix. The same decade saw the first Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix held 1967, with Japanese The first Macau Grand Prix was held in 1954, a gathering that rider Hiroshi Hasegawa winning the first race. saw an idea by a group of the Macau and Hong Kong automotive buffs come to fruition. Their idea of holding a motorised treasure In the 1970s, the Grand Prix continued its popularity rise, hunt was to become the Grand Prix that it is today. attracting Formula One stars such as Alan Jones and Riccardo Patrese, and by 1977 it was established as a bona fide Formula This year the event will be held over two weekends in November, Atlantic/Formula Pacific event, with the Guia Race making its 9-10 and 14-17, with other events being organised during the debut at Macau in 1972. Grand Prix to spice things up, including the Macau Food Festival and a Fireworks Display, which are aimed at adding to the Since 2005, this has been the final round of the FIA World carnival atmosphere and further enhance Macau’s image as a Touring Car Championship, continuing the tradition of bringing tourism and leisure destination. the finest international stars to Macau.

DRIVEN 19 亞洲房車賽會在下月舉行的 Famous drivers 第60屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車 The 1980s saw another major turning point for the Grand Prix with the decision being made 中將超越新里程。回望過去一 to adopt Formula 3 into racing festival. This proved to be a masterstroke and resulted in the 甲子,澳門格蘭披治大賽車由 creation of the world’s most famous single-seater race outside Formula One. The first Formula 最初只是一群業餘賽車愛好者 3 Macau Grand Prix in 1983 included a number of drivers who went on to Formula One, 的賽車活動開始,發展至如今 most notably Gerhard Berger, Martin Brundle, and a future triple World Champion, Ayrton 國際賽車壇最觸目的賽事之 Senna, who dominated the event in 1983, taking pole position and winning both legs of the 一,香港汽車會有幸在這個活 competition while also recording the fastest lap. 動萌芽階段經已參與其中,更 作出了重要貢獻。 Since then, drivers such as Michael Schumacher, Mika Häkkinen, Damon Hill, Jenson Button, David Coulthard, Ralf Schumacher, Lewis Hamilton (who appeared but did not race), Sebastian 第一屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車在 Vettel, Mark Webber and a whole host of other famous names have all raced the Guia Circuit. 1954年舉行,由一群來自香 港和澳門的汽車愛好者的一個 The introduction of the Macau GT Cup in 2008 added yet another string to the bow of this 奇想——舉辦一個駕車尋寶活 world-class event. Today, the Grand Prix includes prestigious international races for four of the 動——開始,逐漸成熟,最終 world’s most popular motorsport disciplines: single seaters, touring cars, motorcycles and sports 脫胎換骨成為今日的澳門格蘭 cars. 披治大賽。 Safety 今年的比賽將由11月9日至 Track safety is of primary importance, with protective mesh being installed at high-speed areas 10日,及14日至17日橫跨兩 of the circuit to ensure the safety of the spectators and the surrounding households in the event 周,並在賽季中穿插其他活 of an incident, while constant co-ordination with relevant government departments is ongoing 動,增加賽事的吸引力;「同 to arrange for track resurfacing works to be carried out at night and on weekends. To improve 場加映」的活動包括澳門美食 traffic flow, the number of moveable barriers to facilitate traffic movement will be increased this 節和國際煙花匯演,冀能加強 year. 這個盛事的嘉年華會般的歡樂 氣氛,同時提升澳門作為旅遊 Construction of the existing race building was completed two decades ago, in 1993. At that 及休閒勝地的形象。 time, the Grand Prix featured only two international races on the programme, the FIA F3 Intercontinental Cup and the Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix, plus other support races. Today, 首屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車在 there are two FIA events in Macau: The FIA F3 Intercontinental Cup and, since its introduction 1954年10月30日及31日揭 in 2005, the FIA World Touring Car Championship, as well as the celebrated two-wheel race, 幕,由 Eddie Carvalho 駕 駛 the Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix. In 2011, the Macau Grand Prix entered a new era when, TR2奪得第一屆冠軍;在其後 in addition to the three headline races, the Roadsport Challenge, Macau Touring Car Cup and 的十多年,這個活動已經成為 Macau GT Cup became international competitions. 最具影響力的業餘賽事。而 在1966年,澳門格蘭披治大 The budget for the two weekends of events is HK$220 million, which includes infrastructure 賽車首次有外地車手奪冠,令 projects for the Grand Prix, while the new Race Control Tower, replacing the original structure 賽事搖身一變成為國際性及專 which was demolished after last year’s event, cost $68 million. 業的澳門格蘭披治大賽車。翌 年,即1967年亦舉辦了第一 屆澳門格蘭披治電單車賽,並 由日本車手 Hiroshi Hasegawa 贏得桂冠。

70年代的澳門格蘭披治大 賽車變得越來越受歡迎,甚 至吸引了國際知名的一級方 程式賽車手例如 Alan Jones 和 Riccardo Patrese 參賽,而 1972年東望洋大賽首度登場 後,在1977年更成為名副其 實的大西洋方程式/太平洋方 程式賽車活動。

自2005年起,澳門格蘭披治 大賽車已經成為FIA世界旅遊 車冠軍賽的終站賽場地,一如 既往的繼續將最受注目的國際 賽車盛事帶到澳門。

20 DRIVEN 大師級車手 HKAA raises 澳門格蘭披治大賽車在80年代的轉捩 點是在賽季中增加了三級方程式賽事。 flag for GP 這個神來之筆在日後已被證明是除一級 方程式賽外,世上最著名的單座位賽車 The Hong Kong Automobile 賽事。第一屆澳門格蘭披治三級方程式 Association has been involved in 賽在1983年舉行,參賽者包括同時參 the running of the Macau Grand 加了一級方程式賽的多位車手,其中最 Prix since the early 1960s, with 受注目的例如 Gerhard Berger、Martin over 70 Hong Kong officials assisting to help run the event since those early days. Brundle,以及當時仍未成為三料世界 冠軍的 Ayrton Senna,壟斷了1983年 In the 50th MGP in 2003, the new Road Sport Challenge was launched by the HKAA, 賽事的頭位、全部賽事冠軍,同時刷新 showcasing nine different manufacturers of sports and GT street cars on the 36-car starting 了最快圈速記錄。 grid. It has since become one of the most popular supporting races at the grand prix.

此後,一眾頂級車手如 Michael The HKAA also organises its own “Hong Kong Touring Car Championship” at overseas Schumacher 、 Mika Häkkinen 、 circuits to select qualified competitors to participate in the Macau Touring Car Race, Damon Hill 、 Jenson Button 、 David an Interport Race and the Road Sport Challenge. The Guia Circuit has become the Coulthard 、 Ralf Schumacher arena for Hong Kong and Macau competitors and it is anticipated that HKAA President 、 Lewis Hamilton (只有他光到場 Lawrence Yu will continue to oversee the event. 沒參賽)、 Sebastian Vettel 、 Mark Webber 以及無數「響噹噹」的車手都 Also affiliated to the HKAA is Supercarclub HK Ltd, which is the organiser of GT Asia 紛紛參加東望洋大賽。 in association with Motorsports Asia as its partner. The GT Asia event is the qualifying championship for the Macau GT Cup at the Macau GP. 2008年全新引入的澳門GT盃可說是為 這世界級賽事加入了又一激動人心的項 China, Hong Kong, and Macau are a consolidated motor sport body with each having 目。時至今日,澳門格蘭披治大賽車已 its own identity and characteristics in motoring activities. Since Hong Kong does not have 囊括了世上最受歡迎頂級賽車類別的四 its own circuit, races have to be organised overseas. China has eight circuits, with racing 大天王:單座位賽車、房車、電單車及 standards continually increasing with the debut of the Shanghai GP in 2004 and Beijing 跑車賽事。 being slated to host the Formula E electric car street series in September next year and Hong Kong being slated to be a venue for the event, recently announce by F1 chief Bernie 為保障觀眾及附近民居在事故發生時的 Ecclestone. 安全,維持賽道安全是首要任務,因此 大會特別在車速高的賽道位置安裝保護 Macau, after 60 years development in organising its street circuit race, has shown 性鐵絲圍網,同時與政府相關部門保 great improvements in terms of programme diversity, race safety and event attraction 持密切聯繫,儘量安排在夜間和週末進 over the years. 行賽道路面重鋪工程。另外,今年將增 加機動性圍欄的數量,以改善和疏導交 澳門格蘭披治的「旗手」——香港汽車會 通。 香港汽車會自60年代起經已參與協辦澳門格蘭披治大賽的工作,過往每年派出多位工 現時的賽會大樓在1993年經已落成, 作人員協助這個盛事。 當時的澳門格蘭披治大賽車只有兩項國 際賽事,分別是 三級方程式洲際盃 FIA 本會在第50屆澳門格蘭披治大賽中首次舉辦路車挑戰賽,並在起步點的36輛參賽車中 和澳門格蘭披治電單車賽,當然還有其 展示9家不同車廠所製造的跑車和GT路車,挑戰賽至今已成為格蘭披治大賽中最受歡 他規模較小的賽事。而今天,單單在澳 迎的賽事之一。 門舉行的FIA賽事就已經有兩項:FIA三 級方程式洲際盃,與及2005年開始舉 香港汽車會舉辦的「香港房車錦標賽」以選出合資格的車手參加澳門房車錦標賽、埠 辦的FIA世界房車錦標賽;另外更有著 際賽及路車挑戰賽。港澳兩地的參賽者將會在東望洋跑道上一較高下。 名的「兩個轆」賽事——澳門格蘭披治 電單車賽。在 年澳門格蘭披治大 2011 GT亞洲賽是香港汽車會的屬會香港超級跑車會所辦的賽事,成績優異的賽手可晉身參 賽車進入新紀元,除 項主要賽事外, 3 加澳門GT盃賽。 路車挑戰賽、澳門房車錦標賽和澳門 GT盃亦已成為國際性的賽事。 中國、香港和澳門被視為一個體系,但每地的參賽車隊都有其獨特的身份和風格。香 港由於缺乏賽道的關係,所有賽事必須在境外進行;而中國內地現有的賽車場共有8 籌備這個在兩周中進行的活動預算需港 個,自2004年上海首次舉辦格蘭披治賽事以來,質素一直不斷提升。FIA最近宣佈, 幣 億 千萬元,其中包括澳門格蘭披 2 2 北京與香港兩地已雙雙獲選為明年首辦的Formula E電動車方程式賽事的兩個站,分別 治大賽車的基建項目,而新落成的賽事 主辦揭幕賽及第3站賽事的城市。 控制塔建築費已達6千8百萬,將取代 在去年賽後拆卸的舊塔,在今年投入這 60年來,我們喜見澳門舉辦的路賽越趨成熟,賽事更多元化,安全性也有長足的改 個盛事。 善,並創造出更多亮點,令賽事更具吸引力。

DRIVEN 21 Driver Development 賽車手的未來發展

Aspiring drivers can also get a taste of the Grand Prix action, albeit from 澳門特區政府推出的賽車運動員資助計劃(雖然對香港 afar, through a Macau government funding scheme to help competitors’ 的運動員來說是有點遠),可協助有志投身賽車運動的 contest championships recognised by the FIA or FIM, and facilitating 發燒友們,一嚐在格蘭披治賽中大顯身手的滋味!這個 entry to the annual event. 資助計畫旨在為曾於FIA或FIM比賽中獲得名次的賽車運 動員提供實質支援,以及幫助他們晉身格蘭披治這個年 Since a high-performance race car should have a skilled driver, with 度盛事。 experience and talent, the scheme aims to train local drivers and riders in Macau to gain valuable experience by participating in internationally- 由於出賽的戰車及電單車馬力強大,車手必須擁有高超 recognized series, with the claim of achieving Grand Prix results. 的駕駛技術、豐富經驗和一定的天份,資助計劃的目的 是為澳門本地賽車手提供培訓、爭取更多國際賽經驗, The ultimate goal of the SAR government-sponsored drivers and riders 使他們能順利進軍格蘭披治大賽,並獲得更佳成績。 joining international championships is to enhance their achievements in their home event. The assessment for the level of annual funding includes 所有獲澳門特區政府資助的車手們,都以在澳門主場賽 a review of the driver’s or rider’s overall Macau Grand Prix performance, 事中取得更好成績的終極目標,資助額將取決於幾個評 evaluation of the level at which they are participating in overseas races 審的基礎,包括他們在澳門格蘭披治賽事中的表現、其 and the feasibility of further progression in their individual disciplines. 他海外賽事的等級和車手進一步提升個人技術的潛力。

Points are given according to their results in the Grand Prix and in overseas 由於評分基準是根據申請者在格蘭披治賽及海外賽事中 races. In order to obtain a subsidy for the following season, the drivers 的表現而釐訂,如要獲得參與下個賽季所需的資助,賽 and riders must meet performance criteria both in the Macau Grand Prix 車手及電單車手都必須在澳門格蘭披治賽及海外賽事中 as well as in overseas championships in which they are eligible to enter. 的表現達到一定標準,方符合資助計劃的申請資格。

22 DRIVEN 向 未 來 衝


保 時 捷 全 Porsche 新 leaps to the future with

Since the 1960s, the iconic sports car has hardly changed its shape, and few noticed when it did. Now a new breed of the marque is on the move 自60年代起這款經典的跑車在外形方面並沒有很大的改變, 至少感覺上如此,但今天它正脫胎換骨,即將以嶄新形象出現。

DRIVEN 23 It is over 50 years since the Porsche 911 was launched and the accelerator. although the basic external shape remains the same, what a difference the latest models are to anything previously seen. The Carrera 4’s suspension is firmer than in previous models; not ideal on the roads of Kennedy Town and surrounding The model Driven tested was the 911 Carrera 4, which as the area, but once down at Cyberport, it was smooth and name implies, has the benefit of all-wheel drive. For the majority effortless. It is, however, always supremely comfortable of journeys however, the torque bias is to the rear and only a thanks to its superb sports seats, which are finished in hand- burst of hard acceleration induced an even split of power to the stitched leather. front and rear wheels. On the Road And talking about wheels, with typical Jebsen attention-to-detail, Driven has tested many Porsche models over the years and every vehicle in its spacious Gloucester Road showroom has the indeed, our test driver owned a 911 at one time, but this car is Stuttgart shield that graces the centre hub of the wheels is in the a completely different animal to the majority of its predecessors. upright position. A tiny detail that implies this is a distributor who It is hard to convey exactly how far advanced the latest 911 is cares. compared to anything else.

When Porsche introduced the sports model in 1963, it was It is a car you would be happy to climb into every day without originally designated the 901 but an outburst by Peugeot that any concerns about reliability or comfort. During the test drive, a insisted the rights to the central figure was theirs, induced Porsche heavy rain shower occurred, courtesy of the fringes of a typhoon, to rename its new vehicle the 911, although to the present day, but the Porsche behaved impeccably: visibility was good, the there has never been a Peugeot 901. variable windscreen wipers did exactly what they were required

The 911 has featured a variety of engine types and transmissions to do and the all-wheel drive, although not needed, would have but, essentially, the model remains true to the original concept of ensured absolute sure-footedness no matter what road conditions 50 years ago. prevailed.

Drive to the front- and rear-wheels is computer controlled The seat, steering column and exterior mirrors are all electrically according to the conditions and road speed. Come to a stop in adjustable and this ensures excellent visibility no matter the road traffic and the engine switches off, restarting again on depressing and weather conditions.

24 DRIVEN The Porsche 911 Carrera 4 – and presumably the others in the range – is a joy to drive and, although the 911 has been around for those 50 years, it has changed with the times and demonstrates no feelings, nor characteristics of age. Each decade of evolution has seen an improvement. Personalisation The list of options available to personalize this 911 is immense and it is possible to make your Porsche different to any other 911. Included in the

The first 911 had a two- litre, air-cooled, flat-six engine; with the car tested by Driven having a 3.4 litre, water-cooled motor, producing a healthy 350 bhp (257 kW) and delivering a massive 390 Nm of torque. The benchmark 0-100 km/h time comes up in just 4.5 seconds with a top speed of 283 km/h.

原祖版的911擁有兩公升容量、風冷式 6汽缸引擎,而今次Driven測試的升 級版的水冷式引擎容量達3.4公升, 輕易輸出350匹馬力(257 kW)及 390 Nm 的強勁扭力。基準車速測試時速 由0至100公里只需4.5秒,最高時速達 283公里。

options is a sports exhaust package, seat ventilation (this Standard equipment includes power windows with a one-touch comes at a rather hefty $10,000 charge) and a BOSE feature, Bi-xenon headlamps with dynamic leveling, LED rear surround sound system at $13,600. A leather interior in lights and a nine-speaker audio system. Safety is taken care of black is available as a no-cost option, although adaptive by front, head and thorax airbags in both front seats and ISOFIX sports seats with an 18-way electrical function and memory mounting points in the rear seats for child safety seats. As tested, is an additional $9,700. the Carrera 4 has a price tag of $2,261,280.

DRIVEN 25 Porsche 911 面世已超過半個世紀,雖然基本外形 依舊,但新版 Carrera 4 的內在卻有翻天覆地的變 化。

今次試車的主角 911 Carrera 4,車如其名,同樣為 4輪驅動,但在大部份路段中扭距都偏在尾輪,只 有在踩油加速時扭距才平均分佈於前後輪。

秉承捷成洋行一貫對細節的執著,每輛在告士打道 陳列室中展示的車輛的輪胎中央都由 Stuttgart 輪罩( 鈴冚)保護,保持筆直,表現出代理商對旗下汽車的 鍾愛程度。

1963年,當保時捷車廠推出跑車系列時,本來計劃 推出的是901款,但由於標致車廠堅持擁有901的 命名權,保時捷便把新車改名為911,儘管由始至 終標致都沒有推出901車款。

雖然911車系可搭配不同種類的引擎和變速箱,但 仍以50年前的原創外形為依歸。

26 DRIVEN 全新911由電腦根據不同情況及路面速度控制前輪和後輪動力, 面狀況或天氣如何都能使你擁有最佳的駕駛視野。 停車同時關閉引擎,一踏油門馬上起動。 駕駛保時捷 911 Carrera 4,包括同系的其他型號,無疑都是一 Carrera 4 的懸掛系統比前身車款更「硬淨」,在堅尼地城及附 種頂級享受,雖然911面世的金禧紀念已過,但911車系在每個 近地區路面行駛不算十分理想,但駛至數碼港就非常順暢。其 階段的改良和進化都與時並進,由內至外,時至今日,仍是車 實無論在任何情況下,單是坐在 Carrera 4 以人手縫製的頂級賽 壇的不朽典範。 車座椅上都是極之舒適的享受。 座駕個人化服務 路試 生產商更為全新911提供多種配備可供選擇,以配合車主的駕駛 多年來我們已經測試過多個保時捷跑車型號,而事實上,負責 習慣,使座駕更顯個人特色,獨一無二。配備的選項包括跑車 今次測試的車手就曾擁有一輛911,但這輛最新的 Carrera 4 與 專用排氣套件、價值高達10,000元的座椅通風系統,以及價值 之前大部份的911截然不同,其優勝之處實在難以言喻,亦難有 13,600元的BOSE環迴身歷聲音響組合。雖然標準設備已包括 其他同級跑車能與之相比。 黑色真皮內籠,你仍可以9,700元改裝成相應的電子控制18向 跑車座椅連記憶體。 全新911可靠性與舒適兼備,肯定令人愛不釋手。在進行路試時 正好遇上颱風周邊雨帶帶來的傾盤大雨,但這輛 Porsche 的表現 標準配備包括觸感式電動車窗、強力雙氙車頭燈、LED尾燈及9 依然極為出色,可調節角度的水撥發揮了完美功能,而即使在 個揚聲器的音響系統。安全設施方面有多個氣囊,包括在前座 這樣的情況下亦無需用上四輪驅動加強步速的穩定性。 和ISOFIX裝嵌位置設有前排氣囊、駕駛氣囊、座側氣囊,並在 後排座位安裝了兒童安全座椅。要添置所有這些配套選項,你 座椅、方向機柱和車側倒後鏡均由電子控制調節角度,不管路 的 Carrera 4 增值至2,261,280元。

DRIVEN 27 A new mean machine has been set loose on the streets of Hong The WR3 has optimal performance settings for all types of road Kong. and track conditions through its turbo anti-lag and active launch control settings that give three selectable engine mappings (road, The first SDR WR3 has arrived in Hong Kong and, having passed race and drag). all the import and testing requirements, the car is now fully street legal, according to the people behind the venture, Tung Chung- Specially-fitted options include fully adjustable dampers and based Daedalus Racing. race suspension, five-speed close ratio sports gearbox, an Exedy lightweight racing clutch, a custom high performance exhaust The first car to hit the street, the “Diablo Negro” (Black Devil) system, Cosworth Kevlar cam belts, a full race telemetry package is a carbon fibre special edition boasting a custom 350bhp and a quick release race steering wheel. race tuned and remapped STI engine. Packed with a host of additional performance options, it’s one of the fastest cars that Each WR3 is hand built to bespoke customer instructions at the UK manufacturer SDR has built. company’s UK factory, with a wide range of design options

28 DRIVEN A street car

英 named 國 製 造 極 速 辣 車 正 式 登 陸 香 港 DIABLO Super-fast racing machine is now legal for Hong Kong roads as first import arrives from UK 魔王 現身

DRIVEN 29 Since power to weight ratio is critical to any racing car’s performance, the WR3 utilises an ultra-light chassis and powerful turbocharged engine, giving a performance potential that leaves many exotic supercars in its wake. 由於功率重量比例對 跑車性能的影響最 大,WR3同時選用了 超輕車殼和強勁的渦 輪增壓引擎,令其他 品牌的「超級跑車」 available to create the vehicle of choice. Hand-built engines from 瞠乎其後。 245bhp to 550bhp, hand-built manual or sequential gearboxes for road or race conditions, suspension and telemetry setting, Ominous wheel and tyre packages, seating and harnesses, different body However, ominously the company says there are no refunds on colourings and carbon fibre options are included in a wide range cancelled orders with payment required in full at the time of the of performance and tuning options. order. There is also a 50% deposit on signing the order with the balance held in a Hong Kong escrow account, payable upon This power, combined with dynamic race-tuned suspension and delivery. motorsport braking, means that the WR3 can out accelerate, out brake and also comprehensively outperform most other cars on According to the company, normal build time is three- to- five the road or track. months dependant on vehicle specification and factory workload and prior to leaving the factory, each vehicle is track tested for The WR3 not only challenges exotic supercars in the performance approx 130 kms to hone performance and handling before being stakes, it also leaves behind its direct competitors in the ultra- shipped from the UK to Hong Kong, which takes approx 28 days. light sports car category in most respects, according to Daedalus Racing. Since the company admits that the WR3 is a potent and powerful sports car with performance levels beyond many exotic sports The Hong Kong firm claims that the WR3 is not only the most cars, Daedalus Racing provides each new owner with a free one- potent and least expensive of its class contenders, but more hour vehicle familiarisation lesson with one of its trained drivers importantly, the only one certified for public road use in Hong to promote the highest levels of safety and enjoyment. Kong. The lesson is at the owner’s discretion but highly recommended to Certainly, comparing the WR3 to the Ariel Atom, which claims safely maximise the car’s outstanding performance, the company to achieve 0-100km/h in around three seconds, and the KTM maintains. X-Bow, Daedalus Racing does have claims, although Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson said of the Atom: “I have never ever driven something that accelerates so fast.” 跑車迷夢寐以求的終極座駕終於在香港現身了。

But, like everything else in motoring from Formula One 據牽頭引進首部 SDR WR3 的 Daedalus Racing 的人員透露,這 downwards, this level of performance and excellence costs. 位「美女」已成功通過種種繁複的進口手續和測試,大家隨時 都有可能會見到她在香港街道上馳騁的風姿。 Prices start from HKD$ 375,000 for the “baby” 245hp version, and, with prices not including shipping at around HK$13,000 率先在香港路上亮相的是 Diablo Negro (直譯為黑色惡魔),擁 and Hong Kong’s first registration tax, at between 100% to 有別注版全碳纖維車身,馬力輸出達一級賽車標準的350匹和改 115% of the car’s declared value, the bottom rung price for this 良版STI環保引擎,更備有一系列 racing parts 可供選擇,令她一 car could be upwards of HK$800,000. If there is any good 躍而成為英國SDR車廠歷來生產過最高速的車款。 news, customers are given a detailed costing after submitting their favoured vehicle specifications. 這輛全英國製造的WR3可適應任何道路和路面情況,透過設置


本身 turbo anti-lag 系統及 active launch control,提供3種引擎模 是:「我從未駕駛過一輛車起動如此迅速」。 式選擇,使車子能因應不同道路、賽道、和彎位參數的改變作 出最佳反應。 但自一級方程式賽車以下,任何跑車要達到如此高的性能,就 必須要付出代價。 特別設計的升級配置包括可調式阻尼器 (adjustable damper) 及 賽車級懸掛系統、5段速跑車波箱、超輕 Exedy 離合器、專用高 擁有245匹馬力的入門版WR3售價由港幣375,000元起,當中 性能排氣系統、Cosworth Kevlar 凸輪帶、全套賽車級測距儀及 已包括港幣13,000元運費及車價1至1.15倍的本地車輛首次登 靈敏的軚盤。 記稅,即「埋單」最少港幣800,000元。還好,如顧客要求升 級,生產商將列出整體所需費用的明細表。 每輛WR3均于英國車廠按照顧客的要求以人手精心組裝,配 合多種升級配置,打造獨一無二的愛車。顧客可選擇全手工製 另類問題 造,馬力輸出由245至550匹的引擎、適合普通路面使用的棍 Daedalus Racing 公司明確聲明在確認訂購WR3後,車主所有 波波箱或 racing 專用棍波波箱、懸掛及測距設置、車輪及車軚 已繳付的費用均不可 套裝、座椅和安全帶、不同車身顏色以及碳纖維車體,任君選 退還,而且在簽署訂 擇。 單時,必須先付車價 的50%到 Hong Kong WR3無論在市區路面或賽車跑道上,之所以能在加速、剎車以 Escrow 帳戶,其餘費 至在整體表現都超越其他車種,全因實現了同時把賽車級懸掛 用須在正式交車時繳 系統和制動系統相互配合的卓越概念。 清。

一輛WR3由訂購至 出廠基本約需3到5 個月時間,看顧客 要求的複雜程度和 車廠當時的工作量 而定,出廠後還需 要通過約130公里 的路試,確定產品 的性能和操控性都 達到最高標準才正 式付運,而從英國 運送到香港約需28 天,即大概半年時 間新車便可正式「 落地」了。

由於WR3是一部 極具爆炸力的跑 車,較一般超級跑 車需要更高的操控 技巧,Daedalus Racing 將免費為每 The WR3 can out 位新WR3車主提供 accelerate, out brake and 由專業車手指導的 also comprehensively 1小時課程,讓新車 據 Daedalus Racing 透露,WR3的超凡表現不但遠遠拋離其他 outperform most other 主更安全地享受駕 品牌的超級跑車,性能及全面性更是同類超輕跑車車種難以望 馭這輛「hot babe」 其項背的。 cars on the road or track 的樂趣。 無論在路上或賽道 這家引進WR3的公司更揚言此車相對同一級數的競爭車系而 上, 的加速、剎 雖然並非硬性規定 言,其非凡性能和最相宜的價格為性價比最高,更是香港唯一 WR3 這個指導課程必須 可在公共路面使用的超級跑車。 車以至整體性能,都 完成,但為了讓車 是其他對手難以望其 主更安全地發揮此 當然,Ariel Atom 聲稱由靜止、起動至時速60公里只需2.9秒, 項背的。 車的最強性能,這1 而 Daedalus Racing 亦表示曾測試過的 KTM-X Bow 確可達到這 小時的時間還是值 個速度,但據 Top Gear 發言人 Jeremy Clarkson 對 Atom 的評語 得花的。


T e ch ni c a l S er

1. $950 Special Package for car inspection & engine oil replacement (original price $1230), which includes: 1. Basic car inspection service ($450) 2. Engine oil replacement service ($780) Terms & Conditions: 1. Costs of workmanship and material inclusive in this special offer; 2. Designated engine oil: Mobile Super 2000 (Super S) 5L – 10w40; 3. This offer cannot be exchanged for cash and cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offer; 4. Service by appointment only; 5. In the event of dispute, the decision of HKAA shall be final; 6. Valid till 31 December 2013.

2. super-save annual car care services. Only $950 (original price $1197), which includes: 1. Front air vent replacement ($299) 2. Air conditioning vent replacement ($399) 3. Refrigerant replacement ($499) Terms & Conditions: 1. Costs of workmanship and material inclusive in this special offer; v i c e 2. This offer cannot be exchanged for cash and cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offer; 3. Service by appointment only; 4. In the event of dispute, the decision of HKAA shall be final; 5. Valid till 31 December 2013.

3. special tyres replacement package with a number of tyre brands to choose from! Terms & Conditions: 1. Costs of workmanship and material inclusive in this special offer; 2. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offer; 3. Service by appointment only; 技 4. In the event of dispute, the decision of HKAA shall be final; 5. Valid till 31 December 2013. 術 Call for details: 3583-3628

部 1. 驗車+換機油套餐優惠,$950 (原價 $1230)可享: 1. 基本驗車服務 ($450) 2. 更換機油服務 ($780) 條款及細則: 1. 以上優惠已包括人工及指定物料; 2. 機油只限 Mobile Super 2000 (Super S) 5L – 10w40; 3. 此優惠不可兌換現金及與其他優惠同時使用; 4. 此優惠只接受預約; 5. 如有任何爭議,香港汽車會將保留最終之決定權。 6. 有效期至 31/12/2013

2. 周年保養套餐優惠$950 (原價$1197) 可享 1. 更換車頭風隔 $299 2. 更換冷氣風隔 $399 3. 打雪種 $499 條款及細則: 1. 以上優惠已包括人工及指定物料; 2. 此優惠不可兌換現金及與其他優惠同時使用; 3. 此優惠只接受預約; 4. 如有任何爭議,香港汽車會將保留最終之決定權; 5. 有效期至 31/12/2013。

3. 好消息!特價輪胎更換服務!多款牌子可供選擇! 條款及細則: 1. 以上優惠已包括人工及指定物料; 2. 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用; 3. 此優惠只接受預約; 4. 如有任何爭議,香港汽車會將保留最終之決定權; 5. 有效期至 31/12/2013。

詳情可致電查詢: 3583-3628。

34 DRIVEN Motorsports Academy Training 2013 香港汽車會賽車培訓班2013

The HKAA Motorsports Training Academy was held over two weekends, July 27-28 and August 17-18, at the Guangdong International Circuit (GIC). Students spent two days at GIC undergoing extensive training in both theory and on-track skills, which included track safety, flag skills and control of the race car. The students also had their feet on the pedals to experience the reality of driving on the track like a professional driver. It looks like becoming addictive!

為進一步推廣賽車活 動,香港汽車會分別於 2013年7月27至28日 及 8 月 17至 18日在廣 東國際賽車場舉行賽車 培訓班。學員接受為期 二日之理論及實踐訓練 課程,包括認識賽道安 全、旗號指示、賽車控 制等,亦在廣東國際賽 車場親身賽車道上飛 馳,體驗賽車手真正感 覺。是次訓練課程令學 員獲益良多,進一步加 深他們對賽車之熱誠及 體驗駕駛樂趣。

DRIVEN 35 HK AA Show r oo m

Victorinox army knives at $95 each! Don’t miss it! Terms & Conditions: 1. Please present valid HKAA Membership Card prior to purchase; 2. This offer is only available for specific model(s); 3. Each purchase is limited to one Victorinox army knife for each member; 4. While stock lasts; 5. In the event of dispute, the decision of HKAA shall be final.

Get a free Ordinary Membership for purchase at HKAA Showroom reaches $950! Terms & Conditions: 1. This offer is available to non-members and first-time registration only; 2. This offer is not transferable. Only the person who made the purchase will be admitted as Ordinary Member; 3. Membership granted under the terms of this offer is valid for 3 months from the date of purchase receipt; 4. Single submission per person; 5. In the event of dispute, the decision of HKAA shall be final; 6. Valid till 31 December 2013.

Membership discount for purchase Meguiar’s & Ambipur products Terms & Conditions: 1. Please present valid HKAA Membership Card prior to purchase; 2. In the event of dispute, the decision of HKAA shall be final. 3. Valid till 31 December 2013.

香 Membership discount for purchase Herpa products Terms & Conditions: 1. Please present valid HKAA Membership Card prior to purchase; 港 2. In the event of dispute, the decision of HKAA shall be final. 3. Valid till 31 December 2013. 汽 以優惠價$95購買瑞士軍刀 (Victorinox) 車 優惠條款及細則: 1. 必須出示有效的香港汽車會會員證; 2. 只限指定款式; 3. 每人每次只可購買一把; 會 4. 數量有限,售完即止; 5. 如有任何爭議,香港汽車會保留最終權利。

陳 於陳列室購物滿$950,即送基本會籍 優惠條款及細則: 1. 只限非會員及首次登記成為會員人士; 列 2. 登記會籍與購物者本人必須為同一人,不得轉讓; 3. 會籍為期三個月(由購買日起計); 4. 每人只可兌換一次; 室 5. 如有任何爭議,香港汽車會保留最終權利; 6. 有效期至 31/12/2013。

會員享有優惠價購買全新引入 Meguiar’s 美光汽車護理產品及 Ambipur 香必飄汽車香薰。 優惠條款及細則: 1. 必須出示有效的香港汽車會會員證; 2. 如有任何爭議,香港汽車會保留最終權利; 3. 有效期至 31/12/2013。

會員享有優惠價購買新引進 Herpa 飛機模型,有多款型號,絕對滿足到熱愛飛機的您! 優惠條款及細則: 1. 必須出示有效的香港汽車會會員證; 2. 如有任何爭議,香港汽車會保留最終權利; 3. 有效期至 31/12/2013。

36 DRIVEN 37 DRIVEN 保險部 新增24小時網上投保個人旅遊保 險及家居保險8折優惠 條款及細則: 1. 只限經網上成功投保利寶國際保險有限公 司之保單; 2. 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用; 3. 有關承保之具體內容,以保單內容為準; 4. 如有任何爭議,香港汽車會將保留最終之 決定權; 5. 有效期至 31/12/2013 查詢熱線: 3583 3616 會員部 全新香港汽車會會員禮遇! 現凡成 為香港汽車會會員可免費獲贈: 1. 精美皮記事簿一本 及 2. 基本驗車服務一次 (價值$450)。 優惠條款及細則: 1. 只限首次登記成為會員人士; 2. 如有任何爭議,香港汽車會保留最終權利; 3. 有效期至 31/12/2013。 查詢熱線: 3583 3615 documentation; application only; promotional offer; Terms & Conditions: Terms Terms & Conditions: & Terms Insurance Hotline: 3583 3615 Hotline: 3583 3616 1. Leather Note Book & Membership 3. Valid till 31 December 2013. 3. Valid 5. Valid till 31 December 2013. till 31 December 5. Valid Being a HKAA member, Application and 20% off.Application and you can get the free gift: Apply for HKAA Home Care & Travel Home Care & Travel Apply for HKAA 2. Basic car inspection service (valued $450) Insurance with our new 24-hrs Online Insurance with our 3. For details of coverage, please refer to the policy 3. For details of coverage, please refer to the 2. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other 2. This offer cannot be 1. This offer is available for first-time registration only;

1. For Liberty International Ltd policy via online Insurance

2. In the event of dispute, the decision of HKAA shall be final; 4. In the event of dispute, the decision of HKAA shall be final. 4. In the event of dispute, the decision of HKAA

部 員 會

部 險 Insurance 保 Membership PRIVILEGESFu e l Di sco u nt 入油折扣 ESSO SINOPEC (HK) Co. Ltd. 埃克森美孚 中石化(香港)有限公司

ExxonMobil Hong Kong (EMHK) Ltd and BOC Credit Card (International) Ltd We are pleased to announce that HKAA members are invited to apply the (the ‘Company’) are proud to bring you, Hong Kong Automobile Association SINOPEC VIP Card and get the following privilege discount in SINOPEC (HKMA) members, the new Esso Private Label Card. petrol filling stations. The Esso Private Label Card is a credit card which can be used for fuel or retail 香港汽車會會員現獲邀申請中石化貴賓咭,憑咭到指定中石化油站入油, purchases at any Esso or Feoso Service Station in Hong Kong. 即可獲享以下特別優惠: 香港汽車會會員現獲邀申請Esso私人客戶咭,憑咭到指定Esso油站入油或Feoso 油站入油,即可獲享以下特別優惠。 - SINO X POWER Discount $1.8/L So SIGN-UP TODAY for the Esso Private Label Card to enjoy exclusive - SINO POWER Discount $1.8/L discounts and offers below: - SINO X POWER 入油折扣 $1.8/L - SINO POWER 入油折扣 $1.8/L Synergy F-1: HK$1.5/litre Synergy 8000: HK$1.3/litre Easy to apply Synergy Diesel: HK$0.7/litre Any HKAA member desire to become a SINOPEC VIP Card member must complete and submit an application in the form prescribed by SINOPEC and shall be issued with a SINOPEC VIP Card at no charge. By presenting the SINOPEC VIP Card, HKAA Application Procedures members can enjoy the above privilege discount and payment can be made by cash Step 1: Complete the application form (Download from HKAA website www.hkaa. or credit card. com.hk or pick up at HKAA Kowloon Headquarters) 申請方便快捷 Step 2: Complete the application form with supporting documents and a copy of 所有香港汽車會會員均可申請中石化貴賓咭,只須寫妥中石化貴賓卡申請表 your HKAA membership card. Send it directly to any braches of Bank of 格,申請一經接納後,申請人即可免費獲發中石化貴賓卡,此後到指定中石化 China (HK) or mail it to BOC Credit Card Ltd, (for details, please refer to the 油站入油及出示貴賓卡,即可享受以上優惠,亦可用現金或信用咭付款,簡單 application form). 方便。 申請方法 1. 申請表可於香港汽車會網站下載www.hkaa.com.hk或到香港汽車會九龍總部索取。 Application Method 2. 申請人自行將申請表及其他文件副本寄回或交回任何一間中國(香港) 銀行分行。[詳 1. Applicant can mail the application form to the SINOPEC (HK) Co. Ltd. with the 情請閱申請表] relevant documents. 2. Applicant can give the application form with all the documents to HKAA, and Address: BOC Credit Card Ltd, 3/F, Bank of China Centre, HKAA will pass those documents to SINOPEC (HK) Co. Ltd. directly. Olympian City, 11 Hoi Fan Road, West Kowloon, Hong Kong 申請方法 地址: 中銀信用咭(國際)有限公司 1. 申請人可選擇自行寄回申請表及其他文件副本到中石化(香港)有限公司。 香港西九龍海輝道11號奧城中銀中心三樓 2. 申請人可將申請表及其他文件副本交到香港汽車會九龍辦事處,我們會將所有文件 轉交至中石化(香港)有限公司。

Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: (852) 3583-3601 web-site / 網址: www.hkaa.com.hk

Caltex 加德士 Chinaoil (Hong Kong) Corporation Ltd. SIGN-UP TODAY for the Caltex StarCard to enjoy exclusive discounts and offers below: 中國石油(香港)有限公司 香港汽車會會員現獲邀申請加德士能源咭,憑咭到指定加德士油站入油, We are pleased to announce that HKAA members are invited to apply for 即可獲享以下特別優惠: the PetrolChina Discount Card and get the following privilege discount in Chinaoil. 0-100L: HK$0.7/litre 香港汽車會會員現獲邀申請中國石油汽油折扣卡,憑卡到中國石油站入 101L - 300L: HK$0.9/litre 油,即可獲享以下特別優惠: >300L: HK$1.3/litre - Futuro Premium 超級汽油 Discount $1.7/L 入油折扣 - VitaGold Unleaded 清新汽油 Discount $1.5/L 入油折扣 Applications Procedures: 1. Bonus Point will not be accumulated under the new offer. 2. Applicable to Gold Gasoline with Techron, Platinum Gasoline and Diesel Techron. Application Method 3. Complete the application form (Download from HKAA website www.hkaa.com. 1. Complete the application form ( Donwload from HKAA website www.hkaa.com.hk hk or pick up the form at HKAA Kowloon Headquarters). After filling up the form or pick up at HKAA Kowloon Headquarters) and. please mail it to below address. 2. Complete the application form with supporting documents and a copy of your 申請方法: HKAA membership card. Mail it directly to 12/F, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, 1. 積分不能累積至以上新優惠。 Wanchai, Hong Kong, fax to 2527-4922 or email to [email protected] 2. 以上優惠適用於Techron金汽油、Techron白金汽油及Techron柴油。 申請方法 3. 申請表可於網上下載或到香港汽車會索取。 1. 申請人可於香港汽車會網站下載www.hkaa.com.hk 或香港汽車會九龍總部索 取。 Address: 15/F Tower B, Kwun Tong 223, 2. 申請人自行將申請表及其他文件副本連同香港汽車會會員証影印本郵寄至 No.223-231 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong KLN 香港灣仔港灣道18號中環廣場12樓、傳真至2527-4922或電郵至 [email protected]

Valid Until / 優惠期至: 31/05/2014 Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: (852) 2527-8500 web-site / 網址: www.hkaa.com.hk

38 DRIVEN 39 DRIVEN 2480 0648/ 9485 9966 2499 0117/ 6300 0087

31/12/2013 31/12/2013

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ther notice 優惠有效直至另行通知 y Hotline / 查詢熱線: y Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2850 5040 y Hotline / 查詢熱線: (Original price $500), after join our VIP member you can enjoy extra discount and birthday gift. 凡出示香港汽車會會員證到本店購物,所有正價貨品均獲3%折扣優 惠。 購物滿港幣$300(折實價),更可成為我們VIP(原價港幣$500),享有更 多折扣優惠及生日禮物等。 Special sale product without discount. Present the valid HKAA membership card. 特價貨品不設優惠。 須出示有效之香港汽車會會員證。 This offer cannot be used for original manufacturer windscreen. be used for original manufacturer This offer cannot HKAA membership card. Present the valid Glass Co., Ltd. reservesXinyi Automobile right of decision on use of the the final discount. 此優惠不適用於原廠玻璃。 須出示有效之香港汽車會會員證。 信義汽車玻璃有限公司擁有最終決定權。 Long, N.T. Main Road, Yuen DD109LOT 466 (4) Kam Tin Kowloon Tokwawan, 18-20 Mok Cheong Street, G/F, N.T. Wan, Road Tsuen 176 Sha Tsui G/F, Ho Street, HK 74 Sai Wan Shop 5, G/F, (4)地段 新界元朗錦田大馬路第109約466 九龍土瓜灣木廠街18-20號地鋪 新界荃灣沙咀道176號地舖 香港筲箕灣西灣河街74號地舖 20% off on Glass renew & scratch removal, commercial & Residential window film services 15% off on Automobile business and Automobile services 10% off on Glass mirror engineering services 玻璃翻新及花痕修復及商住玻璃隔熱膜服務可享9折優惠。 汽車買賣及汽車服務可享85折優惠。 玻璃鏡業及工程服務可享9折優惠。 alid until fur alid Until / 優惠期至: alid Until / 優惠期至: V Terms & Conditions: Terms 1. 2. 條款及細則: 1. 2. V Mun. N.T. Chot st.,Kam Fat Building,Tuen 9 Tseng Address: Shop 20, 1/F, HongKong. 地址: 新界屯門井財街9號錦發大廈商場一樓20號舖 Enquir 旗艦店 Benefit Details: • membership card when present HKAA’s Enjoy 3% discount • (discount price), you can become our VIP member Purchase over $300 優惠詳情: • • Commercial Building 66-68 Stanley Street, Central, Address: Room 501, Kai Tak Hong Kong 地址: 香港中環士丹利街66-68號佳德大廈501室 Enquir web-site / 網址: http://stitch.com.hk Email / 電郵: [email protected] Office Hour / 營業時間 to Saturday (11:00am-8:00 pm) 星期二 至 星期六 (11:00am-8:00pm) / Tuesday 星期日 及 公眾假期 (2:00pm-8:00pm) / Sunday and Public Holiday (2:00pm- 8:00pm) 逢星期一休息 Xinyi Automobile Glass Co., Ltd. Co., Glass Automobile Xinyi 信義汽車玻璃有限公司 only. windscreen for private car 10% discount 9折優惠。 私家車前擋玻璃可享 & Conditions: Terms 1. 2. 3. 條款及細則: 1. 2. 3. Address 1. 2. 3. 4. 地址: 1. 2. 3. 4. V A-Class Window Film 高卡士玻璃膜 Enquir web-site / 網址: web-site / 網址: ------

SHOPPING & ENTERTAINMENT 購物 2994-9999 2512-8305 2566-0973 2202-5094

31/12/2013 31/12/2013

y Hotline / 查詢熱線: y Hotline / 查詢熱線: y Hotline / 查詢熱線: y Hotline / 查詢熱線: Platinum treatment Inner and Rear Compartment Disinfection 白金護理 車內及尾箱滅菌處理 $3,360) 憑咭惠顧「城市精英」12個月汽車美容護理計劃8折 (原價 ) 憑咭惠顧「保養易」汽車維修保養計劃75折 (原價$6,000-$9,000 $1,200-$1,500) 憑咭惠顧「三重特亮水晶車蠟」服務特價$900 (原價 Protection Program (original price: $3,360) (original price: $6,000-$9,000) Service$1,200-$1,500) (original price: HK$320訂閱1年12期的車王+HIM雜誌,更 香港汽車會會員可以優惠價 可獲得迎新禮物。 for a year to HKAA members. And the subscriber will be entitled to a for a year to HKAA members. welcome gift. Edition (Original Price: HK$600) and a complimentary Price: HK$600) and a Edition (Original SkyCity Nine Fee. Eagles Green Nine (原價﹕HK$600)及 附送 1年HK$400 訂閱《高球文摘》可獲優惠價 劵乙張。 Eagles 高爾夫球場果嶺 Must present the valid HKAA membership card. This offer is not transferable and not redeemable for cash. No change will be given either in cash or in other form. Only one coupon can be used per visit or purchase of service and cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts, coupons or promotions offered by Carsland. Carsland reserves of final decision in case of any dispute arising from this the right coupon. 必須出示有效的香港汽車會會員證。 此優惠不能轉讓、兌換現金及不獲現金或其他形式找贖。 本優惠不能與其他折扣優惠及推廣活動同時使用。 如有任何爭議,車樂園保留最終決定權。 alid Until / 優惠期至: alid Until / 優惠期至: V Terms & Conditions: Terms 1. 2. 3. 4. 條款及細則: 1. 2. 3. 4. Customer for first time usage: Use the following service can get HK$200 coupon. 1. 2. 贈予首次惠顧之客戶: 惠顧以下其中一項服務便可享HK$200優惠劵 1. 2. CARSLAND 車樂園 2. 3. 1. * 優惠只適用於私家車款 V 2. 20% off on Challenger “City Expert” 12-Month Car Detailing & 3. 25% off on Challenger “Service Easy” Auto Repair & Maintenance Plan * Offers are only applicable to private car models Benefit Details: 1. Specialon Challenger “System-Plus Formula price: $900 Paint Sealant” CHALLENGER 挑戰者 Enquir • 車王雜誌+HIM Car Plus + HIM • magazine will be HK$320 The subscription price of “Car Plus + HIM” Enquir 高球文摘 Digest Golf • Digest – HK subscription of Golf Price of HK$400 for 1 year Special • Enquir Enquir


Amaze Megaman 曼佳美 Benefit details: Benefit details: Enjoy 10% discount when present HKAA’s membership card • 15% off upon ordering any Amaze floral items 優惠詳情: • Free Delivery services along MTR route (except Tung Chung line & 於曼佳美專門店出示香港汽車會會員證可享有9折優惠 Airport Express line) 優惠詳情: Terms & conditions: • 選購Amaze花禮品可享85折優惠。 1. This coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other promotion offers or discounts. 2. This coupon cannot be used for discount product. • 以上優惠包括地鐵沿線送貨服務(東涌線及機場快線除外) 3. This coupon is valid till 31st December 2013 4. MEGAMAN® reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute concerning Terms & Condition: this coupon. 1. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts 5. This offer is only available at the following MEGAMAN® Hong Kong concept and privileges offered by Amaze. stores: 2. All matters and disputes related to the offers shall be subject to the final decision of 條款及細則: Amaze. 1. 此優惠不可與其他優惠共同使用 3. Must present the valid HKAA Membership Card. 2. 此優惠不適用於特價貨品 此優惠有效日期至 年 月 日 條款及細則: 3. 2013 12 31 4. 曼佳美®將保留使用此優惠的最終決定權 1. 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用。 5. 此優惠只適用於香港曼佳美®專門店 2. 如有任何爭議Amaze保留以上優惠之最終決定權。 3. 須出示有效的香港汽車會會員證。 Address: G/F, Siu On Ctr, 188 Lockhart Rd, Wanchai, HK 地址: 香港灣仔駱克道 號兆安中心地下 Valid Until / 優惠期至: 31/12/2013 188 Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: (852) 2511 0690 Address: Unit 1106, 11/F, Technology Plaza, 651 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong 地址: 香港北角英皇道651號科匯中心11樓1106室 Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2189 7473 Address: G/F, 703 Shanghai Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong web-site / 網址: www.amaze.com.hk 地址: 香港九龍上海街703號地下 Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: (852) 23930962

Address: Shop No. 101, Level 1, Homesquare, 138 Shatin Rural Committee Road, Shatin, N.T. 地址: 新界沙田鄉事會路138號Homesquare 1樓101號 Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: (852) 2634 0090 HaarMax Hair Research Centre Limited 哈瑪仕髮理研究中心 Address: Shop 532, Level 5, Tsuen Wan Plaza, 4-30 Tai Pa Street, Tsuen Wan, N.T. 地址: 荃灣大壩街4-30號荃灣廣場5樓532號鋪 Benefit Details: Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: (852) 2492 3682 May enjoy HaarMax “Professional Anti-Hair Loss Treatment” (Value: HKD$880) or “Organic White Tea Health Treatment for Hair” (Value: $HKD480) for once, at an attractive trial price of only HKD$98. 優惠詳情 以$98試做「活髮療程」(價值︰$880) ;或「有機白茶養髮療程」(價 Life Studio 值︰$480) 乙次; 攜帶一位親友(男友均可)即可免費體驗多種優惠 Benefit Detail: 15% off on all Life Family Package or extra one costume for all costume Terms & Conditions: 優惠詳情: 1. Valid HKAA membership card must be presented to enjoy the offer 惠顧家庭攝影套餐可享 折優惠 或 造型照套餐加送壹款造型。 2. Must register as HaarMax member to enjoy the offer 85 3. Each person can enjoy once only 4. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions or discounts Terms & Condition: 5. HaarMax reserves the right of final decision in any case of dispute Present the valid HKAA membership card before photography. 條款及細則: 條款及細則: 1. 須出示有效香港汽車會會員證 須於拍攝前出示有效之香港汽車會會員證。 2. 需登記成為哈瑪仕會員方可享優惠 3. 每人限享乙次 Valid Until / 優惠期至: 31/12/2013 4. 不可與其他優惠同時使用 Address: Shop 33-35, 3/F., E-Max-Kowloon Bay International Trade & Exhibition 5. 如有任何議,哈瑪仕保留最終決定權 Centre, Hong Kong 地址: 九龍灣國際展貿中心E-Max 商場3/F 33-35號舖 Address Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2114 0311 1. 27/F, Siki Centre, No.21-23 Jardine’s Crescent, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong web-site / 網址: www.lifestudio.com.hk 2. Room 1230, 12/F, One Grand Tower, No.639 Nathan Road, Kowloon 地址: 銅鑼灣渣甸街 號兆基商業中心 樓 1. 21-23 27 2. 九龍旺角彌敦道639 號雅蘭中心辦公樓一期12樓1230室

Valid Until / 優惠期至: 31/12/2013 Hang Cheong Loong Bird’s Nest & Ginseng Ltd Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2234 0992 (銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay),2234 0234 (旺角 MongKok) 恆昌隆燕窩參茸行有限公司 web-site / 網址: www.haarmax.com.hk Benefit details: 10% discount for marked price products and 20% off for instant bird’s nest 優惠詳情: 正價貨品九折優惠,禦之燕冰糖燕窩八折優惠

Terms & conditions: 1. Must present the HKAA membership card before purchasing. 2. Offer is not valid with any other promotions or privileges. 3. Hang Cheong Loong Bird’s Nest & Ginseng Ltd reserves the right of final decision in case of dispute. 條款及細則: 1. 購買前出示有效的香港汽車會會員證 2. 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 3. 如有任何爭議, 本公司保留最終決定權

Valid Until / 優惠期至: 31st December 2013 Address: G/F, 62 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, HK 地址: 香港上環永樂街62號地鋪 Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2542 3039 web-site / 網址: www.hkhcl.com

40 DRIVEN Royal House Furnishings Gallery 帝庭傢俱廊 Fashion outlet 名牌倉 Benefit details: Detail of Benefits: 20% discount for European furniture, Lighting and FLORENCE figurine Simply visit our Fashion Outlet and present the valid HKAA Membership 優惠詳情: Card to enjoy EXTRA 10% discount with any purchase. 歐洲傢俬、燈飾、FLORENCE雕塑擺設品八折 優惠詳情 憑香港汽車會會員卡於名牌倉購物可享額外9折優惠 Terms & Conditions: • All offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers. • ROYAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS GALLERY reserves the right of final decision in case Terms & Conditions of any disputes. 1. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with VIP members discount or other offers • Must present the valid HKAA membership card. 2. This offer is not applicable towards the purchase of ”派”and “ShirtStop” clothing. 條款及細則: 3. No Fitting. 4. All items are sold in “as-is” condition. • 此優惠不可與其他推廣同時使用。 5. Please check purchased items carefully, no exchange, return or refund on all items. • 本公司保留使用此優惠之最終决定權。 6. Cash payment ONLY. • 須出示有效的香港汽車會會員證。 7. Labels will be cut. 優惠期至: 31-12-2013 Valid Until / 8. In the event of any dispute, Fashion Outlet’s decision is final. Address: Unit J, 9/F, Phase 2, Kwun Tong Industrial Centre, 468 Kwun Tong Road, 條款及細則 Kowloon 1. 此優惠不能與會員優惠或其他優惠同時使用 地址: 九龍官塘道468號官塘工業中心二期9樓J室 2. 此優惠不適用於派及“ShirtStop”品牌的服裝 Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2620-0629 3. 不設試身 web-site / 網址: www.royalhouse.hk 4. 所有貨品按現況出售 5. 請小心檢查所有貨品,所有貨品不設退換、退貨或退款 6. 只接受現金 7. 所有品牌吊牌會被剪掉 ABC Wine 葡萄園 8. 如有任何爭議,名牌倉持有最終決議權 Benefit details: Valid Until / 優惠期至: 31/12/2013 • 15% off original price items below HK$1,000, except special promotion Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2877 6680 products. Address / 地址: 優惠詳情: 九龍觀塘駿業里8號世貿大樓10樓 10/F, World Interests Building,No.8 Tsun Yip Lane, kwun Tong, Kln • HK$1,000以下貨品85折優惠,特價品除外。

Terms & Condition:

• Must present the valid HKAA Membership Card. 條款及細則: • 須出示有效的香港汽車會會員證。 Valid Until / 優惠期至: 31-12-2013 PRICELESS.COM.HK 慳多啲’ 優惠網站 Address / 地址: 尖沙咀麼地道63號好時中心G22號鋪 No. G22 ,G/F Houston Center, Detail of Benefits: 63 Mody Road, TST 1. All members and staff of Hong Kong Automobile Association can 美孚曼克頓山商場G01號鋪 No. G01, Manhattan Hill Shopping Center, become the permanent member of PRICELESS waives of the $50 Mei Foo, Kln membership fee. Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2368-4684 2. All member and staff of Hong Kong Automobile Association can enjoy all the discounts listed on the PRICELESS website. Ambassador 大使花禮 3. Apart from the listed discounts, PRICELESS will offer seasonal discounts to all members and staff of Hong Kong Automobile Association. Please Benefit details call for further information. • 10% off on all regular-priced items, including flower, fruit, cake, food 優惠詳情 hamper and baby gift baskets. 優惠詳情 1. 香港汽車會會員及員工均可獲豁免$50 ‘慳多啲’ 永久會員費。 • 訂購正價貨品可享有九折優惠,包括鮮花、果藍、蛋糕、食物藍及嬰兒 2. 香港汽車會會員及員工均可享有所有 ‘慳多啲’ 網站上各大公司之折 禮藍等。 扣優惠。 3. ‘慳多啲’ 每季均會額外提供給香港汽車會會員及員工特選優惠,請 Terms & Condition: 致電瞭解詳情。 1. Offer is applicable for regular-priced items. 2. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offer. 3. Must present the valid HKAA Membership Card Terms and Conditions 條款及細則: 1. Please provide the required information which will be restricted for PRICELESS order 1. 優惠只限於正價貨品。 processing purpose only. 2. 不可與其他折扣優惠同時使用。 2. Orders can be placed either on the PRICELESS website or simply contact PRICELESS 3. 須出示有效的香港汽車會會員證。 by phone calls. 3. Orders that are made by phone, payment can be settled by cash upon receipt of 優惠期至: Valid Until / 31/12/2013 the products 地址 Address / : 4. Once an order is placed, PRICELESS will confirm the order and make delivery 香港北角屈臣道 號海景大廈 室 4-6 B-816C within three working days. (PRICELESS reserves the right to change the date of B-816C, Seaview Estate, 4-6 Watson Road, North Point, Hong Kong delivery) Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2861 1111 5. Free delivery will be provided for any purchase over $500, except off-shore Island and outlying of New Territories. 6. All transactions are provided solely by PRICLESS without involvement of Hong Kong Automobile Association. 7. In case of any disputes, PRICELESS reserves the right of final decision. 2000 Flower 條款及細則 Benefit details 1. 香港汽車會會員及員工需提供會員證資料及部份個人資料以供核對身份,所有資料 • 15% off for all regular priced items 一概保密及只供 ‘慳多啲’ 處理訂單時使用。 優惠詳情 2. 可於網上選購或致電 ‘慳多啲’ 落單。 3. 電話落單可于交收時以現金支付。 • 所有正價八五折 4. ‘慳多啲’ 將會于落單後三個工作天內確認及安排送貨。(供應商有權更改送貨日 期) Terms & Conditions 5. 每次買滿 $500 即可享有免費送貨服務,離島及偏遠新界地區除外。 1. Must present valid HKAA membership card 6. 所有交易均經由 ‘慳多啲’ 處理,與香港汽車會無關。 2. Offer not valid on Festive Days 7. 如有任何爭議,‘慳多啲’ 將保留最終決定權。 3. This offer cannot be used In conjuction with other discount 條款及細則: Address / 地址: 1. 須出示有效之香港汽車會會員證. 九龍尖沙咀加連威老道8A-10號加威中心604室 2. 節日除外 Rm 604, Grandmark, 8A-10 Granville Rd, TST KLN 3. 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 Valid Until / 優惠期至: 31/12/2013 Valid Until / 優惠期至: 31/12/2013 Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2369 0936 Address / 地址: web-site / 網址: www.priceless.com.hk 尖沙咀漢口道5-15號223室 RM 223, 2/F, Hankow Ctr, No. 5-15 Hankow Rd, TST Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2575 8899 web-site / 網址: www.2000-flower.com

DRIVEN 41 2311 3108 2526 0999 2971 0001 2521 1600

31/12/2013 31/12/2013 31/12/2013 31/12/2013

y Hotline / 查詢熱線: y Hotline / 查詢熱線: y Hotline / 查詢熱線: y Hotline / 查詢熱線: Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the offer. Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the The offer is only valid for dinging in. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discount. & Eve, New year day & The offer is not valid on the following dates: Christmas day day. Mother’s day, Eve, Valentine’s 顧客必須出示香港汽車會會員證方可享用此優惠。 只適用於堂食。 此優惠不可與其他優惠一併使用。 此優惠不適用於耶誕節及平安夜,除夕及元旦,情人節和母親節。 Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the offer. The offer is only valid for dinging in. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discount. The offer is not valid on the following dates: Christmas day & Eve, New year day & day. Mother’s day, Eve, Valentine’s 顧客必須出示香港汽車會會員證方可享用此優惠。 只適用於堂食。 此優惠不可與其他優惠一併使用。 此優惠不適用於耶誕節及平安夜,除夕及元旦,情人節和母親節。 Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the offer. present HKAA membership card Customer must valid for dinging in. The offer is only with other discount. The offer cannot be used in conjunction dates: Christmas day & Eve, New year day & The offer is not valid on the following day. Mother’s day, Eve, Valentine’s 顧客必須出示香港汽車會會員證方可享用此優惠。 只適用於堂食。 此優惠不可與其他優惠一併使用。 此優惠不適用於耶誕節及平安夜,除夕及元旦,情人節和母親節。 offer. Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the The offer is only valid for dinging in. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discount. & Eve, New year day & The offer is not valid on the following dates: Christmas day day. Mother’s day, Eve, Valentine’s 顧客必須出示香港汽車會會員證方可享用此優惠。 只適用於堂食。 此優惠不可與其他優惠一併使用。 此優惠不適用於耶誕節及平安夜,除夕及元旦,情人節和母親節。 alid Until / 優惠期至: alid Until / 優惠期至: alid Until / 優惠期至: alid Until / 優惠期至: BOMBAY DREAMS, Indian BOMBAY 10% discount on a la carte dining including drinks 優惠詳情 自選菜單連飲品九折優惠。 & Conditions Terms 1. 2. 3. 4. 條款及細則 1. 2. 3. 4. V PRIME, Steakhouse & Wine Bar 10% discount on a la carte dining including drinks 優惠詳情 自選菜單連飲品九折優惠。 & Conditions Terms 1. 2. 3. 4. 條款及細則 1. 2. 3. 4. V SOHO SPICE, Vietnamese & Thai & Vietnamese SPICE, SOHO Benefit details on a la carte10% discount including drinks dining 優惠詳情 自選菜單連飲品九折優惠。 & Conditions Terms 1. 2. 3. 4. 條款及細則 1. 2. 3. 4. V Fire Cooking CRAFTSTEAK, Open Benefit details 10% discount on a la carte dining including drinks 優惠詳情 自選菜單連飲品九折優惠。 & Conditions Terms 1. 2. 3. 4. 條款及細則 1. 2. 3. 4. V Address / 地址: 29 Elgin Street, Soho, Hong Kong 中環蘇豪伊利近街29號 Enquir Address / 地址: 77 Wyndham Street, Central 中環雲鹹街77號4樓 4/F, Enquir Shop R008, Rooftop Garden, Bar, Address / 地址: Prime Steakhouse & Wine Kowloon Elements, 1 Austin Road West, Civic Square, 3/F, 尖沙咀柯士甸道西1號圓方(Elements)3樓R008號鋪 Enquir G/F, 47B Elgin Street, Soho, Hong Kong 47B Elgin Street, Soho, Hong Address / 地址: G/F, 中環蘇豪伊利近街47B號地下 Enquir

2521 1608 2147 5500 2525 9300 2735 3980

31/12/2013 31/12/2013 31/12/2013 31/12/2013

y Hotline / 查詢熱線: y Hotline / 查詢熱線: y Hotline / 查詢熱線: y Hotline / 查詢熱線: The offer is only valid for dinging in. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discount. The offer is not valid on the following dates: Christmas day & Eve, New year day & day. Mother’s day, Eve, Valentine’s 顧客必須出示香港汽車會會員證方可享用此優惠。 只適用於堂食。 此優惠不可與其他優惠一併使用。 此優惠不適用於耶誕節及平安夜,除夕及元旦,情人節和母親節。 Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the offer. Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the offer. Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the The offer is only valid for dinging in. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discount. & Eve, New year day & The offer is not valid on the following dates: Christmas day day. Mother’s day, Eve, Valentine’s 顧客必須出示香港汽車會會員證方可享用此優惠。 只適用於堂食。 此優惠不可與其他優惠一併使用。 此優惠不適用於耶誕節及平安夜,除夕及元旦,情人節和母親節。 Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the offer. Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the The offer is only valid for dinging in. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discount. & Eve, New year day & The offer is not valid on the following dates: Christmas day day. Mother’s day, Eve, Valentine’s 顧客必須出示香港汽車會會員證方可享用此優惠。 只適用於堂食。 此優惠不可與其他優惠一併使用。 此優惠不適用於耶誕節及平安夜,除夕及元旦,情人節和母親節。 The offer is only valid for dinging in. The offer is only with other discount. The offer cannot be used in conjunction dates: Christmas day & Eve, New year day & The offer is not valid on the following day. Mother’s day, Eve, Valentine’s 顧客必須出示香港汽車會會員證方可享用此優惠。 只適用於堂食。 此優惠不可與其他優惠一併使用。 此優惠不適用於耶誕節及平安夜,除夕及元旦,情人節和母親節。 Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the offer. present HKAA membership card Customer must alid Until / 優惠期至: alid Until / 優惠期至: alid Until / 優惠期至: alid Until / 優惠期至: DRIVEN 2. 3. 4. 條款及細則 1. 2. 3. 4. V Terms & Conditions Terms 1. OLIVE, Greek & Middle Eastern, Soho Benefit details 10% discount on a la carte dining including drinks 優惠詳情 自選菜單連飲品九折優惠。 Terms & Conditions Terms 1. 2. 3. 4. 條款及細則 1. 2. 3. 4. V Cecconi’s Italian Italian Cecconi’s Benefit details 10% discount on a la carte dining including drinks 優惠詳情 自選菜單連飲品九折優惠。 Terms & Conditions Terms 1. 2. 3. 4. 條款及細則 1. 2. 3. 4. V Bouchon Bistro Francais Bouchon Bistro Benefit details 10% discount on a la carte dining including drinks 優惠詳情 自選菜單連飲品九折優惠。 2. 3. 4. 條款及細則 1. 2. 3. 4. V Terms & Conditions Terms 1. Manzo Italian Steak House Steak Italian Manzo Benefit details on a la carte10% discount including drinks dining 優惠詳情 自選菜單連飲品九折優惠。 G/F, 32 Elgin Street, Soho, Hong Kong Address / 地址: G/F, 中環蘇豪區伊利近街32號地下 Enquir 43地下 43 Elgin Street, Soho, Central 中環蘇豪伊利近街 Address / 地址: G/F, Enquir Address / 地址: 49 Elgin Street, Soho, Central 中環蘇豪伊利近街49號地下 G/F, Enquir Shop 1104, 11/F, Times Square, Square, Times Address / 地址: Shop 1104, 11/F, HK Bay, 1 Matheson Street, Causeway 樓1104號鋪 銅鑼灣勿地臣街1號時代廣場11 Enquir

FAX / 傳真: 2147 9090 FAX

42 美食佳餚

PRIVILEGES FOOD & DINING Edible Arrangements Hong Kong Spice Restaurant Benefit details Benefit details 10% discount on all items and free delivery in central 15% discount dinner a la carte menu for HKAA members and also HKAA 優惠詳情 staff. 全線貨品九折優惠及免費送貨(只限中環區) 。 優惠詳情 Terms & Conditions 凡出示香港汽車會會員證可享有85折晚市優惠。 • Customer must present HKAA membership No. while placing order. 條款及細則 Terms & Conditions • 顧客在訂購時必須提供香港汽車會會員號碼方可享用此優惠。 1. For dinner dine in only, valid on a-la-carte menu only 2. Cannot be used with other promotional offer Valid Until / 優惠期至: 31/12/2013 3. Customer must present HKAA membership card while placing order. Address / 地址: 條款及細則 G05 Nathan Square, 348 Nathan Road, Jordan, Kowloon 只適用於晚市堂食及自選菜單。 九龍佐敦彌敦道348號諾富特酒店地下G05號 1. 2. 不可與其他優惠同時使用。 Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2385 1058 3. 請出示香港汽車會會員證以享優惠。 1 Harbour View Street, Central, HK 中環港景街1號國際金融中心商場3樓3012舖 Valid Until / 優惠期至: 31/12/2013 Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2295 1108 Address / 地址: Kiosk 1, Level 1, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon 2/F, 1 Knutsford Terrace, Tsim Sha Tsui 九龍塘達之路80號又一城L1層Kiosk One 尖沙咀諾士佛臺1號2樓 Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2673 3558 Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2191 9880

Finds Benefit details 15% discount on final bill upon presentation of HKAA membership card 聰嫂私房甜品(銅鑼灣店) 優惠詳情 Benefit details 凡出示香港汽車會會員卡,可享有85折全單折扣優惠。 10% discount upon presentation of HKAA membership card. Terms & Conditions 優惠詳情 1. Customer must present HKAA membership No. while placing order.. 凡出示香港汽車會會員證可享有全單9折優惠。 2. Offer is not valid on Public holiday Eves and public holidays. 3. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions or privileges. 4. In case of disputes, the decision of FINDS shall be final. Terms & Conditions 條款及細則 1. Applicable only in Causeway Bay shop 2. Applicable only when order 2 or more items. 1. 請於落單前出示香港汽車會會員證。 3. Customer must present HKAA membership card to enjoy the offer. 2. 優惠不適用於公眾假期及其前夕。 3. 此優惠不可與其他推廣或折扣優惠同時使用。 條款及細則 4. 如有任何爭議,Finds 保留最終決定權。 1. 只適用於聰嫂私房甜品(銅鑼灣店)。 2. 此優惠必須在主餐牌上選購2項食品或以上方可使用。 Offer Valid until further notice / 優惠有效直至另行通告 3. 請出示香港汽車會會員證以享優惠。 Address / 地址: 1/F The Luxw Manor, 39 Kimberley Rd Tsim Sha Tsui Valid Until / 優惠期至: 尖沙咀金巴厘道39號帝樂文娜公館一樓 31/12/2013 Address / 地址: Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2522 9318 G/F, No. 11 Yiu Wah Street, Causeway Bay, HK 銅鑼灣耀華街11號地下

Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2278 2622 Jashan restaurant

Benefit details 15% discount dinner a la carte menu for HKAA members and also HKAA staff. 優惠詳情 Pacific Coffee Company Limited 凡出示香港汽車會會員證可享有85 折晚市優惠。 Benefit details Terms & Conditions Must present HKAA Membership Card, member is to enjoy the offer of 1. For dinner dine in only, valid on a la carte menu only. Free Upgrade on drinks (except bottled drinks and juices) at 11 selected 2. Cannot be used with other promotional offer. PCC Coffeehouses. (Windsor House, Empire Center, Peak Tower, Festival 3. Customer must present HKAA membership card while placing order. Walk , The One, Stanley, Fashion walk, Hong Kong Gold Coast, Fenwick 條款及細則 Street, Great Eagle Centre & Fortis Bank Tower) 1. 只適用於晚市堂食及自選菜單。 2. 不可與其他優惠同時使用。 優惠詳情: 3. 請出示香港汽車會會員證以享優惠。 持有香港汽車會有效之會員證的會員即可在以下11間專門店,享有免費升 級飲品,樽裝飲品及果汁除外(銅鑼灣皇室大廈/帝國中心/山頂凌宵閣/又 Valid Until / 優惠期至: 31/ 12/2013 Address / 地址: 一城/東薈城/赤柱/名店坊/黃金海岸商場/東城大廈/灣仔鷹君中心/灣仔華比 1st Floor, Amber Lodge, 23 Hollywood Road, 富通大廈) 中環蘇豪荷李活道23號金珀苑1樓 Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 3105 5300 Terms & Conditions: 1. Offer is not valid with any other promotions or privileges. 2. Pacific Coffee Company Ltd. reserves the right of final decision in case of dispute. 條款及細則: JoJo restaurant 1. 此優惠不可與其他優惠一起使用。 Benefit details 2. 如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。 15% discount dinner a la carte menu for HKAA members and also HKAA staff. Valid Until / 優惠期至: 31/12/2013 優惠詳情 Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 8108-8500 凡出示香港汽車會會員證可享有85折晚市優惠。 web-site / 網址: www.pacificcoffee.com

Terms & Conditions 1. For dinner dine in only, valid on a-la-carte menu only 2. Cannot be used with other promotional offer 3. Customer must present HKAA membership card while placing order. 條款及細則 1. 只適用於晚市堂食及自選菜單。 2. 不可與其他優惠同時使用。 3. 請出示香港汽車會會員證以享優惠。 Valid Until / 優惠期至: 31/12/2013 Address / 地址: 2/F, David House, 37-39 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai 灣仔駱克道37-39號得利樓2樓 Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2527 3776

DRIVEN 43 PRIVILEGESFOOD & D I N NG 美食佳餚 科學園囍慶 油麻地旅遊 亞洲旅遊 Benefit details 訂購以下產品可享每位 折扣優惠 Present HKAA membership card can enjoy 20% discount on Din Sum HK$30 During Monday to Sunday. • 指定中國或東南亞『酒店+來回機票』套票 Dinner: • 指定東南亞旅行團 1. Free roasted chicken for dinner (Half for a table of 2 to 5; whole for a 澳門酒店 table of 6 or more.) OR 2. One bottle of famous red wine for 2 to 6 persons. One red wine & • 訂購星期六入住之酒店,每房可享HK$20折扣優惠 longlife bun free for 7 persons and above. 中國長線旅行團 晚市優惠 (以下任選其一) • 參加指定直航團或航空團,可享每位HK$30折扣優惠 二至五位送燒雞半隻, 位或以上送壹隻;或 1. 6 中國短線旅行團 2. 2至6人送名廠紅酒一枝 / 7人或以上送紅酒一枝及壽包(12隻)。 • 參加指定二天團,可享每位HK$10折扣優惠 Free parking: • 參加指定三天團,可享每位HK$20折扣優惠 Monday to Friday: 2 Hours for day time / 4 Hours for evening 本地旅遊 Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday: 4 hours a day Address: 1/F, No 1,Science Park West Avenue Hong Kong, NT • 參加指定本地水線或兩餐一天團隊,可享每位HK$10折扣優惠 優惠詳情: 機票 出示會員證可享午市八折點心優惠只適用於星期一至星期日。 免費泊車優惠 • 訂購國際線機票,可享每位HK$50折扣優惠 星期一至五: 早上免費泊車 小時 / 晚上免費泊車 小時。 2 4 訂購中國線機票,可享每位 折扣優惠 星期六日假期全日可享泊車4小時 • HK$20 地址: 沙田香港科學園科技大道西1號1樓 條款及細則: 1. 以上優惠之有效出發日期由 2013年1月1日至 2013年12月31日止。 Valid Until / 優惠期至: 31/12/2013 2. 指定團隊/套票以有關統籌部門公佈為準。 Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2827 8803 3. 名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。 Fax / 傳真: 2827 8321 4. 每一証件最多可供4人參加同一團隊,或購買2套相同入住日期之套票。 web-site / 網址: www.bridalrest.hk 5. 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用及只接受現金付款。 6. 如有任何爭議,以油蔴地旅遊之最終決定為準。 優惠期至: 31/12/2013 電話報名熱線: 2516-2303

Eddie Kitchen Westminster Travel Ltd. 西敏旅行社 HKAA members can enjoy HK$200 Discount on packages below: Benefit Details 20% discount for cake order or cake course 1. China Airlines Dynasty Package (Taiwan Packages) 優惠詳情 2. Club Med Package 訂購蛋糕或參加蛋糕課程可享8折優惠。 香港汽車會會員訂購以下旅遊套票,即享港幣$200折扣優惠 Terms & Conditions: 1. 華航精緻旅遊 (台灣套票) Customer must present HKAA membership card while placing order. 旅遊套票 條款及細則: 2. Club Med 須於惠顧前出示有效之香港汽車會會員證。 Valid until: 31 Dec 2013 Valid Until / 優惠期至: 2013年12月31日 Address / 地址: Enquiry E-mail: 12/F, Philip House, No.5 Kimberley Street, Tsim Sha Tsui China Airlines Dynasty Package (Taiwan Packages) : [email protected] 九龍尖沙咀金巴利街5號菲力大廈12樓全層 Club Med Package: [email protected] Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2311 1129 Enquiry Hotline: web-site / 網址: www.eddiekitchen.com China Airlines Dynasty Package (Taiwan Packages) : 2313 9881

Club Med Package: 2313 980 優惠期至2013年12月31日 查詢電郵:

T ra 華航精緻旅遊 (台灣套票): [email protected]

v e l & Le i s u re 旅遊優閒 Club Med 旅遊套票: [email protected] Hong Kong Airlines Holidays 港航假期 查詢熱線: 華航精緻旅遊 (台灣套票): 2313 9881 HK$200折扣優惠 Discount Club Med 旅遊套票: 2313 9800 Terms & Conditions: 1. This discount is valid until 31 December 2013. 2. HK Airlines products cannot be redeemed for cash. 3. This discount is valid to be used only for redeeming one time $200 discount (per person per package) S Travel 心程旅遊 4. Please present HKAA membership card before payment. Enjoy HK$100 discount upon purchase of any S Travel package of over 5. This discount cannot be used in conjunction with discount under other promotion. 6. These terms and conditions shall not offset the terms and conditions that may be $2000 per person applicable to the relevant products or services so redeemed. 凡選購心程旅遊套票滿$2,000, 即享$100折扣優惠 7. Hong Kong Airlines Holidays reserves the final right of decision on the use of the discount. Valid Until / 優惠期至: 31/12/2013 條款及細則: Enquiry Email / 查詢電郵: [email protected] 1. 有效日期由即日起至 2013年12月31日 Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 81006223 2. 優惠不能兌換現金 3. 此項HK$200折扣優惠只可用壹次(每位顧客每套交易計) 4. 請於付款前出示香港汽車會會員卡 5. 優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 6. 此優惠之條款及細則不適用於所購買產品及服務之附帶條款 7. 如有任何爭議,港航假期保留最終決定權

Address / 地址: 香港九龍尖沙咀赫德道8號8樓C室 Flat C, 8/F, No.8, Hart Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Enquiry Hotline / 查詢熱線: 2369-8888 Company e-mail / 公司電郵: [email protected] web-site / 網址: www.hkairlinesholidays.com