2013 OCTOBER WWW.HKAA.COM.HK 豹蹤再現 Jaguar 揭示跑車 New Cat Pounces …. Jaguar unveils sports model Macau GP celebrates 60th Anniversary 全球車壇盛事:澳門格蘭披治鑽禧紀念 Road Test: We put Porsche 911 Carerra 4 through its paces 新車落地: Porsche 911 Carerra 4 展現出類拔萃的性能 Drive like a Champion … in Aberdeen 一嚐冠軍車手滋味 何須遠求 HKAA HONORARY LIFE PRESIDENTS 香港汽車會永遠榮譽會長 Philip George TAYLOR 戴禮賢 Robin HAUSER 侯思 Anthony NEDDERMAN 李達文 Barry Fegan WILL Lawrence K. K. YU, BBS, MBE, JP 余錦基太平紳士 CONTENTS Simon K. S. MAK 麥錦誠 Duffy C. N. WONG, JP 黃鎮南太平紳士 Jackson Y. T. HO, MH 何懿德 Michael J Dudley RUSHWORTH 韋詩域 Laurence L. T. HOU 侯勵存 Martin P. K. HONG 康寶駒 Wesley W. H. Wan 雲維熹 03 DRIVEN by the President GOVERNORS 會監 Robin HAUSER 侯思 Anthony NEDDERMAN 李達文 黃鎮南太平紳士 04 Have Your Say – Letters to DRIVEN Duffy C. N. WONG, JP HKAA GENERAL COMMITTEE 2012/2013 香港汽車會 2012/2013 常務委員會 05 DRIVEN by Mok San President 會長 Lawrence K. K. YU, BBS, MBE, JP 余錦基太平紳士 Vice Presidents 副會長 Laurence L. T. HOU 侯勵存 08 Cover Feature – Jaguar’s New Cat Pounces James Y. H. KONG 江日雄 Honorary Secretary 義務秘書 Ian Foster 霍思達 15 – Learn Like a Pro Honorary Treasurer 義務司庫 Simulation Aldo C. K. YUNG 容自強 Committee Members 常務委員 Danny S. CHAU 仇偉冠 19 Preview – Macau Grand Prix Julian K. H. Cheung 張劍雄 John C. Koh 許文法 Paul S. H. Law 羅少雄 Ringo Y. P. Lee 李耀培 23 Road Test – Porsche 911 Carrera 4 LIU Keung 廖強 Wesley W. H. Wan 雲維熹 Danny C. M. Wong 黃志敏 Lincoln K. Y. Yu 余錦遠 28 Street Streaker – New kit roadster hits Hong Kong ADVISOR 顧問 • Technical 機械技術 TANG Wing Hong Madison 鄧永漢 34 HKAA Activities Review NATIONAL MOTOR SPORT COUNCIL 香港汽車會賽車事務委員會 Lawrence K. K. YU, BBS, MBE, JP 余錦基太平紳士 35 HKAA News Laurence L. T. HOU 侯勵存 James Y. H. KONG 江日雄 Wesley W. H. Wan 雲維熹 Danny C. M. Wong 黃志敏 38 Member Privileges – Best Deals in Town HONORARY MEMBER 榮譽會員 Jean TODT 約翰.托特 Rose Ka-Woon CHAN 陳嘉桓 CHAN Pak Cheung 陳百祥 Carat CHEUNG 張名雅 CHEUNG Siu Fai 張兆輝 HKAA AFFILIATED CLUBS (in alphabetical order) 香港汽車會屬會 (以字母先後次序排列) CHIN Ka Lok 錢嘉樂 Marvel CHOW 周定宇 China Dragon Motor Racing Club Ghiasports Profile Ltd. Supercar Club Hong Kong Ltd. HUI Koon Man 許冠文 華龍賽車俱樂部 基亞運動推廣有限公司 香港超級跑車會 Aaron KWOK 郭富城 黎明 Classic Car Club of Hong Kong (1989) Ltd. Hong Kong Kart Club Ltd. The Motor Sports Club of Hong Kong Ltd. Leon LAI 香港老爺車會 香港小型賽車會 香港賽車會 MIU Kiu Wai 苗僑偉 Jennifer SHUM 岑杏賢 Collectors Car Club of Hong Kong Ltd Hong Kong Land Rover Club 譚詠麟 香港珍藏車協會有限公司 香港越野路華四驅車會 Type-R Club Company Limited Alan TAM Eric TSANG 曾志偉 Formula Racing Development Ltd. Mini Race Car Club Ltd. Racing Virus Motorsports Limited WONG Yat Wah 黃日華 方程式賽車發展有限公司 迷你賽車會有限公司 賽車讀有限公司 Jacqueline WONG 黃心穎 Porsche Club Hong Kong Ltd. YAM Tat Wah 任達華 香港保時捷會 Raymond TSANG 曾守明 Publisher: Hong Kong Automobile Association 出版人: 香港汽車會 | 391 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍彌敦道391號 Tel 電話: (852) 3583 3638 Fax 傳真: (852) 3583 4120 e-mail 電郵: [email protected] web 網址: www.hkaa.com.hk 24 Hours Emergency Hotline 24小時緊急服務熱線 (852) 3583 3628 Car Inspection 驗車部 (852) 3583 3628 Insurance 保險部 (852) 3583 3616 Membership 會員部 (852) 3583 3615 Auto Transport 汽車船運 (852) 3583 3619 Motorsports 賽車活動部 (852) 3583 3618 The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Hong Kong Automobile Association. © All rights reserved October 2013 Graphic production: DRIVEN 01 直線 3583 3600 傳真 3585 5510 電郵 [email protected] Tel 3583 3600 Fax 3585 5510 E-mail [email protected] President’s message Dear Members, 親愛的會員: Forgive me for coming back to this topic, but, due to the well- 請容忍再一次的老生常談,但眾所周知,由於香港 publicised poor quality of Hong Kong’s air conditions and other 惡劣的空氣質素及其他因素影響,我們感到有必要 factors, we feel a new push to help boost the slow adoption rate 重新提出加快推行電動汽車的建議。在全球大部份 of electric vehicles in Hong Kong is needed. Most developed 先進城市的政府都積極支持使用環保汽車的時候, cities in the world now support the use of these environmentally- 香港特區政府亦表明要在2020年達到30%私家車 friendly vehicles, and the Hong Kong government has stated it 為油電混合車或全電動車的數量。 wants 30% of privately-owned cars in the city to be hybrid or electric by 2020. 為達到這個目標,特區政府鼓勵企業及停車場裝設 充電站,冀望以增加充電設施,推動電動汽車的使 As such, the government has encouraged businesses and car-park 用率。可惜事與願違,今年4月底的統計數字反映 owners to install charging stations in the hope of setting up an 全港電動汽車的數量只有443輛,當中已包括354 electric infrastructure before these new vehicles hit the roads in 輛私家車、56輛電單車、25輛貨車、5輛小巴和3 significant numbers. However, as at end of April this year, there 輛大型巴士(其中一輛屬於專利巴士公司);雖然近 were 443 electric vehicles in Hong Kong, including 354 private cars, 56 motorcycles, 25 goods vehicles, five light buses and three buses (one of which was a franchised bus). Now there are a few electric taxis to add to that number. So, compared with some 700,000 vehicles currently registered in Hong Kong, it would seem that we have a long way to go if the government’s 30% vision is to become a reality. 期還多了少量電動計程車,但相對全港已登記的70 萬汽車的數量而言,恐怕特區政府要實現30%環保 The government wants to have zero emission buses running 汽車的目標仍有漫漫長路。 across Hong Kong and has allocated $180 million to fund the full cost of 36 electric buses and associated charging facilities for 針對實行「巴士零排放」的目標,特區政府已在預 trial by five franchised bus companies. It is expected that these 算案中撥出1億8千萬以全數資助購入36輛電動巴 trials will commence by the end of 2014. 士及5間專利巴士公司安裝充電系統,試行計劃預 計可在2014年底開始實行。 Commendable though that is, it would seem that the government has greatly favoured the mass public transport sector for financial 特區政府此舉雖然其志可嘉,財政措施方面卻偏向 support rather than helping facilitate the change over from fuel- 協助公共運輸業,而非以鼓勵全港使用汽油作燃料 driven vehicles to electric and hybrid versions. More government 的汽車轉型為電動或混合型汽車為目標。若特區政 action is needed to encourage the private sector to change if 府要實現道路上使用的電動或混合型汽車達到20萬 the dream of having over 200,000 electric or hybrid vehicles on 輛的夢想,恐怕要加倍努力才能成為事實。電動汽 Hong Kong roads is not just pie in the sky! Electric cars must find 車必須另尋「出路」!就讓我們一起繼續爭取,共 a way on to our roads. Together, let’s build greater momentum 同創造一個更環保的駕駛環境,一起體驗綠色駕駛 and greener roads for a better driving experience. 樂趣。 As a footnote, and a further call for government action, we 另外再補充一點,亦是一個對特區政府的呼籲,本 feel there is a dire need for a comprehensive plan to support 地賽車運動應得到全面的推廣及支持。香港的賽車 motorsport. Hong Kong has sporting prowess and facilities in 界已擁有傑出的運動員和客觀條件,更有一流設 many fields, with first-class facilities to match the ambitions of 施,足以媲美亞洲鄰近地區。可惜由於缺乏相關支 many. However, motorsport is the poor relation in this field and 援,特別在財政方面更相形見絀,政府必須充當更 it is an avenue that needs to be explored by the government, 主動的角色,推動例如 Mega Fund 及發展其他資 especially with financial support available through bodies like the 助計劃,以幫助本地賽車運動成為另一個香港人的 Mega Fund and various sporting grant schemes. 驕傲。 Lawrence K.K. Yu, BBS, MBE, JP 余錦基太平紳士 President 香港汽車會會長 DRIVEN 03 直線 3583 3600 傳真 3585 5510 電郵 [email protected] Tel 3583 3600 Fax 3585 5510 E-mail [email protected] HAVE YOUR SAY LETTERS QUESTION: As a family, we have been 問:我和家人對保護環境一直十分支持, 1997. Some mitigating factors do exist thinking about changing to an electric 亦曾考慮轉用電動汽車或混能汽車,但最 for the case against a F1 event here in car or a hybrid but I have been put off 終打消了這個念頭,主要原因是由於本地 Hong Kong, primarily finding the type of because it seems there are not as many 的充電設施不足,加上這兩種汽車的售價 land that could be converted into a circuit facilities catering for these kind of vehicles 要比燃油驅動的高,從經濟角度看來,使 and ensuring that all infrastructures are in in Hong Kong and also these alternatives 用環保汽車似乎並不划算。究竟好處和缺 place to make spectators gain access to are more expensive than petrol-powered 點是什麼? the track with ease and comfort. Also, I vehicles so even though we want to be don’t think it is feasible to try and create environmentally friendly as a family, it 答:關於環保汽車普及化這方面,已不 a “street circuit” in Hong Kong similar to T does not seem to make economic sense. 單在香港備受關注,而是世界各地駕駛 the one that has shown to be acceptable O What is the upside and downside to this? 人士的熱門話題。一些國家已經在經濟 in Singapore (although this is a night 政策和稅務優惠方面著手協助推廣電動 race, which again could cause a problem 車,更提供多種計劃以平衡配套設施不 DRIVEN ANSWER: This is a subject that has been here). The other glaring factor is the lack talked about widely in motoring circles 足及其他因使用環保汽車引起的憂慮。 of desire of the government and/or other and not just in Hong Kong. Some countries 特區政府研究過多種措施,例如降低電 bodies to bring a F1 event to Hong Kong have developed economic policies and tax 動車登記稅、提供免稅優惠,甚至考慮 and, more importantly, keep it here on incentives to spur the sales of electric cars 向使用3條過海隧道及青嶼幹線的電動 an annual basis. Malaysia, Shanghai, and have provided and promoted various 車提供全數或部份隧道費和路費補貼, Singapore and Japan all had the hunger schemes to help overcome the detractions 希望能刺激市民的購買意欲。現時雖然 to go that extra mile and secure a F1 event through lack of facilities and other “green” 已有一定數量的充電站投入服務,但選 at initial costs that would cover the GDP motoring obstacles. Our government 址卻不太方便,車子可能未到充電站已 of a small country. Now, these events has looked at offering tax reductions or 「油盡燈枯」了。解決辦法其實並不複 are established on the F1 calendar and exemptions for owners of electric cars 雜,例如可在天橋下、公共及私人停車 the respective organisers are reaping the or even gone to the extent of looking at 場,甚至在路邊泊車咪表較集中的地點 benefits. It would seem to me that Hong subsidising full or partial tunnel tolls for 裝設小型充電站。另一方面可以立法方 Kong missed the boat on this one many, the three cross-harbour tunnels and the 式強制商業和住宅樓宇必須在停車場內 many years ago. Lantau Link to encourage electric car sales. 提供汽車充電設施。 Charging stations are already in place 問:本人居住香港多年,而最近15年亦 but the majority of these are not in areas 要所有住宅大廈都設有充電站,看來沒有 經常往返鄰近各大亞洲城市,例如新加 where drivers can easily “hook-up”, hence 「十年八載」都難以實現。但要鼓勵市民 坡、上海、日本、馬來西亞等。令我大惑 vehicles could be left stranded.
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