Federal Register/Vol. 64, No. 88/Friday, May 7, 1999/Rules And
Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 88 / Friday, May 7, 1999 / Rules and Regulations 24517 Dates and name of news- State and county Location paper where notice was Chief executive officer of community Effective date of Community published modification No. Illinois: DuPage .... Unincorporated February 16, 1999, Feb- Mr. Robert Schillerstrom, Chairman of May 24, 1999 ....... 170197 D Areas. ruary 23, 1999, Daily the DuPage County Board, DuPage Herald. Center, 421 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, Illinois 60187. Minnesota: Olmsted ......... City of Rochester February 19, 1999, Feb- The Honorable Chuck Canfield, Feb. 11, 1999 ...... 275246 E ruary 26, 1999, Post- Mayor of the City of Rochester, Bulletin. City Hall, Room 281, 201 4th Street, SE, Rochester, Minnesota 55904. Olmsted ......... Unincorporated February 19, 1999, Feb- Mr. Richard Devlin, Olmsted County Feb. 11, 1999 ...... 270626 E Areas. ruary 26, 1999, Post- Administrator, 151 4th Street, SE, Bulletin. Rochester, Minnesota 55904. North Carolina: City of Greensboro January 20, 1999, Janu- The Honorable Carolyn S. Allen, Apr. 27, 1999 ....... 375351 C Guilford. ary 27, 1999, News and Mayor of the City of Greensboro, Record. One Governmental Plaza, P.O. Box 3136, Greensboro, North Carolina 27402. Tennessee: Shel- City of German- February 12, 1999, Feb- The Honorable Sharon Goldsworthy, Feb. 2, 1999 ........ 470353 by. town. ruary 19, 1999, The Mayor of the City of Germantown, Commercial Appeal. 1930 South Germantown Road, Germantown, Tennessee 38183± 0809. Virginia: Albemarle Unincorporated February 9, 1999, Feb- Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr., Albemarle Feb. 3, 1999 ........ 510006 B Areas. ruary 16, 1999, The County Administrator, 401 McIntire Daily Progress. Road, Charlottesville, Virginia 22901.
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