I. Demonstration of Pentose Isomerase, Pentulokinase, and Pentitol Dehydrogenase Enzyme Families' R

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I. Demonstration of Pentose Isomerase, Pentulokinase, and Pentitol Dehydrogenase Enzyme Families' R Jouwra OF BACTERIOLOGY Vol. 88, No. 4, p. 838-844 October, 1964 Copyright § 1964 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A. METABOLISM OF PENTOSES AND PENTITOLS BY AEROBACTER AEROGENES I. DEMONSTRATION OF PENTOSE ISOMERASE, PENTULOKINASE, AND PENTITOL DEHYDROGENASE ENZYME FAMILIES' R. P. MORTLOCK2 AND W. A. WOOD Department of Biochemistry, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan Received for publication 1 April 1964 ABSTRACT among bacteria in that it can grow on all eight MORTLOCK, R. P. (Michigan State University, of the aldopentoses (Simpson, unpublished data) East Lansing) AND W. A. WOOD. Metabolism of and all four of the pentitols. This versatility is pentoses and pentitols by Aerobacter aerogenes. I. more striking because many of these compounds Demonstration of pentose isomerase, pentuloki- rarely, if ever, occur in nature. Fermentation nase, and pentitol dehydrogenase enzyme families. studies with specifically labeled pentoses showed J. Bacteriol. 88:838-844. 1964.-Aerobacter aero- that several of the pentoses yield the same fer- genes PRL-R3 is capable of utilizing as sole sub- mentation products and with identical labeling strates for energy and growth seven of the eight patterns (Neish and Simpson, 1954; Altermatt, aldopentoses and all of the four pentitols. Growth Simpson, and Neish, 1955). Thus, the same gen- upon media containing either D-xylOse, L-arabi- nose, D-ribose, D-arabitol, or ribitol occurred eral metabolic routes must be involved for the within 24 hr at 26 C. When D-arabinose or L-arabi- fermentation of these compounds. The strategy tol were used as growth substrates, growth was for pentose utilization as elucidated in many complete within 2 days; 4 days were required for organisms involves isomerization of an aldopen- growth on D-lyxose or xylitol, and 3 to 4 weeks for tose to (one of the four) ketopentoses, phos- growth upon L-xylose. The versatility of this phorylation of the ketopentoses, and epimeriza- strain of A. aerogenes is due to an ability to syn- tion of ketopentose-5-phosphates to D-xylu- thesize in the presence of appropriate carbohy- lose-5-phosphate. Pentitols are utilized by drates (inducers) families of enzymes which cata- dehydrogenation to the ketopentose, but the lyze the metabolism of the carbohydrates (i.e., remaining steps are identical. families of pentitol dehydrogenases, aldopentose isomerases, and pentulokinases). The specificity of For A. aerogenes, these processes accommodate induction for members of the enzyme families was the whole range of C5 structures. Current infor- found to vary, and cross induction of enzyme ac- mation on these pathways is summarized in Fig. tivity was common, especially among the pentitol 1. The individual reactions in the utilization of dehydrogenases. Ribitol dehydrogenase activity L-arabinose, L-xylose, L-lyxose, and the pentitols was detected in extracts of cells grown on all of were intensively studied in this strain. As shown the above carbohydrates with the exception of by Simpson, Wolin, and Wood [(1958); see also D-xylose, L-arabinose, and D-ribose. The ribitol Burma and Horecker (1958) for similar processes dehydrogenase activity of xylitol-grown cell ex- in Lactobacillus plantarum], L-arabinose is isom- tracts was fivefold higher than the activity in ex- erized to L-ribulose which is then phosphorylated tracts of ribitol-grown cells. to 4-ribulose-5-phosphate. This phosphate ester is then epimerized at carbon four to form D-xylu- Aerobacter aerogenes, PRL-R3, is unusual lose-5-phosphate, the substrate of transketolase. Similarly, L-xylose and L-lyxose are isomerized to I Contribution no. 3272 of the Michigan Agri- L-xylulose, which is then phosphorylated to L- cultural Experiment Station. A preliminary report of this investigation was presented at the Annual xylulose-5-phosphate. By epimerizations at car- Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology bons three and four, this ester is also converted at Kansas City, Mo., May, 1962. to D-xylulose-5-phosphate (Anderson and Wood, 2 Postdoctoral Fellow of the U.S. Public Health 1962a). Thus, all of these isomers are converted Service. Present address: Department of Micro- to D-xylulose-5-phosphate by epimerases. biology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. The oxidation of ribitol to D-ribulose and of 838 VOL'. 88, 1964 ENZYME FAMILIES IN A. AEROGENES !839 D-arabitol to D-xylulose by specific nicotinamide (c) pyruvate + reduced nicotinamide. .,{f, adenine dinucleotide (NAD)-linked dehydro- adenine dinucleotide (NADIb) genases has been documented (Fromm, 1958; Wood, McDonough, and Jacobs, 1961; Lin, 1961), lactic dehydrogenae >lactate + NAD as have the oxidations of L-arabitol to L-xylulose and xylitol to D-xylulose (Fossitt et al., 1964). For determination of pentitol dehydrogenase For D-ribose, a difference in detail exists, in that activity, the same reaction mixture was used, phosphorylation precedes isomerization. except that ATP was omitted and the rate of Growth of A. aerogenes on all of these five- pentulose reduction (NADH oxidation) at 340 m,u carbon structures implies an unusual ability to was determined. To measure kinase activity in synthesize several families of enzymes, with the the presence of large amounts of pentitol dehy- members of each famnily catalyzing the same re- drogenase activity, reduced nicotinamide adenine action, but each having a different specificity. dtnucleotide phosphate (NADPH) was substi- Because of the value of these families in studying tuted for NADH. NADPH serves as an efficient determinants of specificity, a detailed analysis of reductant for pyruvate in the presence of excess this phenomenon has been undertaken. lactic dehydrogenase, but is not utilized by NADH oxidase or the NADH-specific pentitol MATERIALS AND METHODS dehydrogenases, thereby greatly decreasing the Bacteriological. A. aerogenes, PRL-R3, was blank rate. A unit of kinase or pentitol dehy- grown aerobically at 25 C on a minimal medium drogenase activity was defined as the amount of (Anderson and Wood, 1962a) supplemented with enzyme giving an absorbancy change of 1.0 per 0.5% carbohydrate. The carbohydrate and min at 340 m,u in a reaction volume of 0.15 ml MgSO4 were autoclaved separately and added and with a light path of 1 cm. after cooling. For some experiments, the carbo- Isomerase activity was measured from the rate hydrate was sterilized by filtration through a of pentulose formation by the method of Ander- type HA Millipore filter. The viable cell determi- son and Wood (1962a); 1 unit of isomerase in 2.0 nations were obtained by plating on the above ml catalyzed the formation of 1 ,umole of pentu- medium supplemented with 1.5% Nobel Agar lose per hr at 37 C. (Difco). Total cell counts were made with a Oxygen utilization was determined by stand- Petroff-Hausser counting chamber. Turbidity ard manometric methods. Protein was estimated determinations were made in a Bausch & Lomb by the method of Lowry et al. (1951). Aldopen- Spectronic-20 colorimeter, and were converted to toses were determined by the orcinol test (Mej- dry weight of cell material with a standard curve. baum, 1939), with a 40-min heating time. Keto- For standardized growth experiments, tubes pentose was measured by the cysteine-carbazole test of Dische and Borenfreund (1951). containing 5.5 ml of medium were inoculated to Chemical. Ribitol, D-arabitol, give 2 X 106 cells per ml, inclined to 450, and xylitol, D-xylose, incubated at 26 C on a reciprocating shaker. The and D-ribose were purchased from Nutritional inoculum was washed twice with sterile salts solution prior to use. Cultures were considered D-RIBOSE kinose O-RIBOSE-5-PHOSPHATE grown when the turbidity at 620 m, reached an D-ARABINOSE isomerose isomerose kinose optical density of 1.0. D-RIBULOSE D-RIBULOSE-5-PHOSPHATE Analytical. Kinase activity was estimated by RIBITOL dehydrogenose L use of the following coupled reaction sequence 0-XYLOSE isornerose 3pimerase D-LYXOSE isomerose k kinose described by Anderson and Wood (1962b): o-XYLULOSE 11-D-XYLULOSE-5-PH SPHAT D-ARABITOL 4nit2roense (a) pentulose + adenosine triphosphate (ATP) XYLITOL dehdromse4m isoerneose kinose { 4-pinerose kinase > pentulose-5-phosphate L-ARABINOSE --- L-RIBULOSE ko L-RIBULOSE-5-PHOSPHATE L-XYLOSE isomerose + adenosine diphosphate (ADP) L-LYXOSE isoerose 3-epimerse L-XYLULOSE --- L-XYLULOSE-5-PHOSPHATE A (b) ADP + phosphoenolpyruvate L-ARABI TOL !2^dr9e~nqse FIG. Aldopentose andk/inose3-hnrs pyruvate kinase> 1. Aldopentose pentitol metabolism by pyruvate + ATP Aerobacter aerogenes. 840 MORTLOCK AND WOOD J. BACTERIOL. Biochemicals Corp., Cleveland, Ohio. r-Arab- RESULTS inose and D-arabinose were obtained from Growth characteistics. A. aerogenes, PRL-R3, Pfanstiehl Laboratories, Inc., Waukegan, Ill.; utilized as a sole source of carbon and energy for L-arabitol was purchased from Mann Research growth seven of the eight aldopentoses and all of Laboratory, New York, N.Y.; D-lyxose was pur- the pentitols. The times required to reach a pre- chased from General Biochemicals, Chagrin scribed growth level on these substrates are Falls, Ohio; L-xylose, L-lyxose, and t-xylulose shown in Table 1. With the use of a standard were prepared as described by Anderson and inoculum of D-glucose-grown cells, growth on Wood (1962a); and L-xylose was also purchased D-glucose, D-xylose, D-ribose, L-arabinose, ribitol, from General Biochemicals. D-Ribulose was pre- and D-arabitol was complete within 1 day. A pared from the o-nitrophenylhydrazone deriva- longer incubation time was required for the other tive as described by Muller, Montigel, and Reich- substrates as follows: D-arabinose and L-arabitol, stein (1937). Recrystallization of aldopentoses 2 days; D-lyxose and xylitol, 4 days; and L-xylose, and pentitols was carried out in absolute ethanol. from 3 to 4 weeks. The longer growth period on Enzymatic. To prepare cell-free extracts for these substrates was due to a lag of approxi- enzyme assays, the cells were harvested by cen- mately 15 hr with D-arabinose and L-arabitol, trifugation, washed once in 0.3 volume of water, and 3 days with D-lyxose or xylitol.
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