• The Weather TocIay . . Judge Does Fine Work Fair with little change in temperature to­ P BTLADELPHIA (JP) - Mal'l trate Jaeob Dor.1e ""t C' lalmlnl' a record but he h d a r1'hl fine day 10 ceo· day. Partly cloudy and warmer tomorrow. tnJ police court yesterday. Yesterda y'S high was 77 and the mercury Alter four li nd one-bllif holll'S of hearlnp, the mu-­ _. . !Strate announced the follow;nr score: owaJll dropped to a chilly 43 at about 3 a. m. yes­ Cases disposed of: 900. terday for the low temperature. CoUected In fines: 4,500 - practically a record. Eat. 186S-Vol. SO, No. 294-UP, AP New. and W irepholo Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, Sept. 10, 1948 Five Cents New Election, AFL Union To Support Dewey Reveal Elpori (ailed (or by Irregularities Senator, Hear Tales ADe Gaullist Of Forgery, Bungling WAS) lING TON (JP)-Astonisb­ French Workers Riot ed seMtors dug up th assorted As Queuille Steps In facts yesterday about this govern­ ment's export lice~ program: PARIS (JP)-An official spokes­ 1. Nail Z and one-ball and :I man for Gen. Charles De Gaulle inches long-badly needed to build called last night lor new national h(.lnes-were xported last year French elections. as .. h tacks." Tijis was the timt time De 2. A woman I'overrunent clerk Gaulle had intervened during a issued permits to export more cabinet crisis. than two million pounds of lard Jacques Soustelle, secretary­ during a period wh n the quota general of De Gaulle's French was 199.000 pounds. People's Rally (RPF), made a 3. A man under pld n in statement to the press at a moment connection With forged license when: Wlr.,b.t., hown above re­ was put on a "watch list" and th n W HINGTON (N) - Presl· I . The veteran Radical Socialist two w Its later granted a permit deDt Truman y 'rday under­ Henri Queuille had accepted celvll1C a pled&,e of SIIP)IO" from tbe AFL Bulldln&, ervl('e employ union in tbe &,ovemor's office In UJe New York capitol. H ndl11&' to export a million dollars worth _ red Am.. rt('an d urmlnatlo.n formally the DC mination for pre­ Dewey the pledge is WlU lam L. McFetrld&,e (Idt), Intern 1I0nai prf _ of rice. to ta, In ovl l -bl kaded mier of France. BerUn allCl Iden& at the unIon. ... Govel11Jlle n ~ officials bere a Whit house lslt­ 2. Labor unrest Hared throucb. continued to use a perforating ma­ or quoted him Inl', "We out France and her colonies. chin to validate licen for five will not btl pw.hed out.. h On the outskil·ts of Pal'is, work­ * * * * * * monlhs after th y J arned a simi­ ers of the Renault automobile fac­ lar mach!n was turning out forg­ tory quit their jobs and began a President Plans Tour ed lic n s. Th y explafne(J they mnrch toward the center ot the lack d ,750 to change th original city. machine. • a ~ 5. A New York City e~rte r A large police contingent met la. them along the route. They at­ ,Of West in Campaign told about paying $9,"00 tor two permits to ship (Jour to Bra~il. He tacked the police with paving BI' T llf! A 80 ClATED PIlf!88 stones and overturned a police said the money went to another BERLIN (/1') - On p(,l"son was car. Before the group was dis­ PI'psiut'nl 'l'rllmon plaM to head w('St for an intf'nflive two-week exporter who previously testified killed nd 22 wt'r(' Injur d by bul­ persed, a dozen workel'S and 20 stumph1IX campaign. to paying more lhan '29,000 tor lets and ston during a bloody policemen were injured. His il inPI'lIl'Y, IInllonn('('d y('stel'day, is similuI' to (lilt' to b fol. 12 export permits that seoat In­ street clash lost night b tw n lowed by Gov. 'rhoma. E. D wey, the R publil'sil nomillt'l'. v stigntors Slly wer forged. B rUn civilians and RussLan Earlier BaUle _ troops, supported by ('astern Ber­ !\II' Truman's II' . tl'rn swing will earry him all th lIY to the Chairman F rluson (R-Mich) SevjCr~ workers got cracked the nat Inv !lgaUng sub­ lin poUe, ofttl'ial r POI-Is said heads in an earlier battle with po­ w st coast. l\Iajor addr. ,'wilJ be mad!' in at I 8 l four w stel'll or committ e finally obs rved that arly today. lice near the palace at Pr sldent statl'. , the op ninS' speech lx>ing * * * "It is ImpOssible to tell what went The clasht' Ol' tlrr d near th Vincent Auriol. One was reported .1·I1I'<1ul('u al pl'xter, 10:, Sept. Rain Delays Wallace's out ot this country under the ex­ hi torlc Brandenburg gate tier hospitalized. lIS ut till' nntlOnul plowlllg COIl- 'W I H I II I ('Il!. e come ome Ra y port system." 200,000 Germans hud demon -trat­ Queuille accepted the premier­ ed in a n arby quar against the Following the Dexter kiCk-off But Wallac S. Thomas, dlr clor Government Sues ship nomination alter getting lhe NEW YORK (UP) - A eiant of export opera lions tor the office U. S. Says Today's Too Soon Communist driv for power over address, Mr. Truman is scheduled sUPPort ot the Socialist party. "welcome home" rally for H nry ot in ternnlionn 1 trade, assured the block d d city. Asks' Vote Today to make major addresses at Den­ Machinery Firms Brill. h s ctor police headquar­ ver Sept. 20, Salt Lake City Sept. A. Wallace in Yankee stadium senators that a nw check-up had SUCCess for the new premier in t rs said he injured civilians. In­ 21, Son FranCiscO, Sept. 22 and was rained out last n.ight after been instal1ed at the start ot this forming a cabinet would means a month. He said It should eliminate For Talks on Hali n Colonies cludinl three with gunfire Los Angeles Sept. 23. For Price Fixing selback for De Gaulle's party and more than 20,000 persons had as­ most irrelularities including the wounds, wcre In Britl. h • cloJ:" In addition he will make ap­ sembled In the 'ble baseball po k. 'W A III ro'l' N (1P)-'l'lw 1,llilt'd Hiatt· told ltm ~iR Je tt'rlluy ho.pltal!l. the Communists. Both would be pea.ra nees on the nar plat.­ forged permits. MINNEAPOLIS (UP) - The lell out of the government again. The rally-Wallac 's first cam­ Ihllt tlIri. 1111'1'1 ill". The onli-tru t division at jhe Wallace had prepared 0 bilt I' iltll hI:' ./lid tilt' Auwricllll sions ft In hurled stone and one was in a pOSition to win a ma­ j'eturn trip will be worked out Spews Deadly Gas; JU»tlc:e d partm nt !II d II civil woman received an arm Injury. jority there for the la lcst in a flghline speech describing bls (},·I. ;tilt i J\ "Imld Jltl1 UI' llri.·fl II latel·. IJit 'lglJinll 111 rQational lIar· 'ommun Woundt'd ~I s of coalitiOh middle-or-the­ campaign tour through the south and dispatched in tim to Ill't t D~wey will begin his cllmpalgn W lIate, C()mmunists v er company, J. I. Case com­ The Sovl t - Ii MeUnited States, Britain and It charied that since 1944 lhe One demonstrator climbed atop But Brownell said the Republi­ ment, a beauty shOp and photo France last week. In New York's ,l-billlon a-year firms had "oral and tacit ar­ the memorial and tor down a Alcaraz' message, addressed "to fur industry, also heard tories of Russian fl ag. NO FOWL DEAL cans would get the "rank and file" shop. all ships at sea," said: Mr. Truman backed up Marsh­ faniements" with dealers who JONESBORO, ARK. (IP) vole of labor. He said some CIO A nearby furniture store and In­ all's slat menl that bipartisan alleged union terrorism against handle their products that the lat­ Soviet iroop that rushed to the "Acute emergency at Camlguin both employers and workers. Lynn Brinkley bought a hen fOI' leu deI's "may get religion" before surance offices in one of the dam­ Island. All available boats needed agre m nt has been reoched on ter would not carry products of scene 1ired theIr tommyguns. $1.40 and the towl returned $1.15. the campaign is over, aged buildings were damaged by for mass evacuation. Guinsiliban lhe attitude th United Stales will Pike told the congressmen thai smaller manufacturers. Russlan-eontroll d German po­ In dressing Ihe hen for dinner, The CIO political acUon com­ smoke and water. and Binone designated embarka­ lake on th knotty proble or U, union forced ils memb rs to The big manufacturers dealt lice tlr d pistol on demonstrators Brinkley found eleven dimes and mittee promptly denied Brownell's Fire Chief Dick Kennison esti­ tion points. Binone top priority Italy's three former African col­ "kil'k 10" to help support the with retail dealel'li through afen­ on the line between the Russian a nickel in its gizzard. claims. mated damage at $5(),OOO. to ships." onies, Eritrea, Llbiu nnd ltalion Ncw York Freiheit, a J wish­ des. while malleI' manufacturers and Brltlsh ('ctors of Berlin. SomaiUand. langunie C<.mmunist newspaper. deal directly with the dealer, the RUSSian military police drove a He said he also had "heard" suit satd. 11 olleged that the smal­ jeep through the gat Into the that union memb rs were asked to l r concerns found their outlets British sector and fired tommy· You Can't Blame contribute whenever a drive was sharply reduced because or the al­ guns Into the olr until Britlsh­ Say Pilot, Not Flares, Cause of Crash on to raise funds tor the Ncw leged price-lixini and restraint of controlled pollc and soldl rs per­ A Man for Asking York Daily Worker. trad liuaded the crowd to dlsp rse. DECORAH (JP).-A pilot's error and not ignited landing flares here y/ednesday night, 19, and Robert HarIman, about 26, ignited while the plane was in caused the crash of a plane in Among the victims was Robert both of Decorah, and Doyle Wag­ fUgh t. MILWAUKEE (JI> - J rom e * * * wh ich lour young men died, Nor­ SatLre. HI, Iowa's youngest flying ner, about 24, of OSSian. A subsequent investigation dis­ Mackey, 30, found out yesterday bert Locke, director of the Iowa instructor and son at County Locke said the condition of the closed no nares were on the plane, that no matter how polite you aeronautics commisSion, said yes­ Auditor and Mrs. Mel SaUre of wreckage indicated an intense fire Locke said. He added that the po­ are, you can't ask a lady for a terday. He had just completed an Decorah. followed the crash and that It was sition of the plane indicated the kiss. Investigation of the crash near The others were Tom Knowlton, tbought at first Ihe landing flares pUot, whose identity could not be Mackey, a gas company repair­ determined, was in a turn at the man, appeared in district court Hme of the crash. The plane where Mrs. Robert Adamczewski, * * * * * * * * didn't have suttlcient nltitude in 22, testified he asked her to kiss an approach to landing, L,ocke hIm alter being called to her home said. yesterday morning to fix a leaky The plane, only four weeks old, pipe. Her husband, he said, crashed Into a wooded hilltop haU chased him out of the house. a mile from the Decorah airport, "r asked her for a kiss," Mackey about 9:3 5 p.m. Knowlton and admitted. 1 said "Would you Wagner bad pilot licenses and please give me a kiss." HoHman had had trainint as an "And I said it m a polite tone, aviation mechanic. too," he added. Locke said the plane crasbed J udge Thaddeus Pruss wasn't into some trees, miSSing clearance Impressed. He tined Mackey '15. by about 25 feet and break!nr aU the tops ot some trees. Charles Rosendabl, airport in­ Gas Export Embargoes structor, said "J heard the plane come in tor a landing. The motor Slated for West Coast was thr ottled down. Then it WASHlNGTON (,41) The speeded up again. The next thing government announced that a I heard was the crash." temporary embargo on the export Rosendahl notified De wey of gasoline. including aviation Tatro, owner of the plane and fuel and other oils from West manager of the Tatro Oying serv­ coast ports will go into effect Ice of D ecorah. The two went to Sept. 11. the scene. They notified federal and county officials, and state pa­ Besides gasoline, the fuels af­ Irolmen stood guard over the fected include kerosene, gas, oil \ ' (AP Wire, ••,., wreckage aU nighl and distillate fuel oil. (JU' ..... I... lrep .....) POUlt PERSONS DIED In the flarnJnK wreckar;e of thJ. plane when 1& erashed In a timber tract near The plane was In an inaccessible Officials said the embargo has GERMAN ANTI-COMMUNISTS lurrounded UJls KIIMlan Dillltarr pollee Jeep yesterday afur t.be ve­ Decorah Wednesday nl, ht. The dead are Robert Bottnaan, !S, TbOlllU Knowlton, 18, and Robert position and the bodies could not been made necessary by the work hicle drove UJrou, b UJe Brandenburc ,ate separalln, BriUsh and Kualan zones (see Inset). The enwd SaUre, 19, aU at Decorah, and Doyle Warnet', 24, of 0aaIan. IDv ..tla'aton Aid YHierda)' they beUeved a be removed until early yesterday stoppage at Pacific coast oil re­ " part of the 200,000 demOnstrators who Just before bad held a hue protest rally outside UJe bomB­ ,uot'. error ud Dot IJnlt~ Ian~D' flares bad CluM Ute craib. " I mormn,. ______fineries. ---'--- liearred RelellS'''. B ....lans fired bdo the anU-CoIaauuaJ." w» .&oIIed' UJe Jeep-load .1 Sovld _lelIe.... I THE DAILY IOWAN, FRJDAY SEPT. 10, 1948-PAGE TWO City-High Out little ' Hawks Open at Waterloo IMAJOR s~ Ine~perien~e To Evenl Score . AMEaICAN,,~E~GV~r_ G .n . NATIONAL :'EAL~U~ T . G.B. Noltceable In s. Ion . • ..••. , ..•.. ~ ~8 .686 .I n. Ion ...... 16 61 .G7 1 New York •••.•.••••. In 3'': .6Oft 4).L \ The 1948 edition of 'the City high Clev.land ...... 80 63 .6O'j 4I~ Pill.bur,h ...... 11 r.t! . ~ i"blla.. ell)hfa .•••..• It' ;}:, . LIt;', !flz Rrooklyo . . .• ,,0 " . 71 5U .:'.6 S' ~ Iowa Backfl1eld foolball leam rolls off the presses DrlrolL . . .•...•• if'! ~~ : :~~: ~:I\ SI. Loul • .•..•..• 0 •• 11 fj': .G:JI " tonight at 7:45 p.m. when the Lit­ \\~ ~ ~~~~on "::· · :::.~ ~~~ Iti ,;Cf,4, 86 New ".rk ...... 69 63 .n~s 6t ~ tle Hawks meet a reportedly Chlra,o ,. liM .393 40 Cbit'.,...... 3'7 'HI .4.'!!J IfJ Now that Dr. Eddie Anderson strong West Waterloo team at the Yu'~rd .)· RI' nits Pblladelphla . ...•.. C5'7 '6 .4!.~ 19 ton 9, New York • has settled dGwn to the serious Waterloo stadium. "0 Clnt:fn".U ..•.•.•... M 'Hi St. Loul, :;· 1. Chi~.'D '!.'! task oC developing his backfield, The Red and White aggregation, Cle,,'el.nd ;'. Dtlrolt '.! at Wall hinlton (PG!'\tpontd. it is only too obvious how inex­ bolstered by ten lettermen, will be Brooklyn '!, New 'York .. rain) PUbburrh O. CJncinnlti I perienced the J 948 corps will be. out to even matters with the Wa­ "uda)"11 ""H chrrIJ SI. Loulo 4. Chl.a,o U hawn, who trounced the Little Nt'w l ' .rk at 6ottlon- U. .. "chl (IK·U) va. BOlhn ... Philadelphia ( postponed. The Iowa head coach has begun Kr.. n1t~ r (10-1) ,.In) Hawks in lheir 1947 opening tilt. Delroit at Clevdand-'rrout. (lO- I'!) VI. Today', Pitchers to shift his balks into separate 18-7. dearden . ' 3-7) Brookl)'n. aL New York-Roe (9 .. '1) v •. units, each running through plays st. Lou ill al ChicalO (nl,hO-Oarver Jansen ( 16- 1.) The Hawkld club will have a (7-8t VI. Rolblall (o·ot at Phlladelpbl.. (Dll'bU-Uar­ while the lineman worked on difficult job on Ita bands, how­ Phll ad~lphla at " 'ublorton (~ twllllhi­ r.U (7-7) VS. Rowe (8-9) blocking aSSign ments. n1ehU-Brl It: (lS·:t) a,..d CoJt:m.n U'!­ Clnelnnatl al Sl. Leul. (nlelll)-Rat­ ~er. West Waterloo will field II) v . lIudson 0-11) .ltd C.ndlnl ('!·1) fenlberrer (10-9) VI. Pollet (lO-tl) Five dirrerent backfields have elrht letter winners' qalnsi CU,. or ea,borou&,h ( I'!-K) (Onl,. ,.arnes .~he.uled) been formed with Quartebaet itr; Jack Cooper, left guard; Keith Hemingway. left tackle; Gene hlrh. Altholl&'h their .tarUnl' HAWKLETS' FIRST STRING - Above Is the Iowa City hleh AI DUUarco dlrect!n!:' the No. I Hettrick. left end. In the backfield. Dick Doran, quarterback; Dick .'41 backfield I. ,one, the Wa­ IIChool flnt strlnl' football team which wllI open Ita season a,alnlt four!Ome. In DIMarco's batk. West Waterloo tonl,ht. Left to rl,ht: Blil Fenton, "I'hi end; Francis Williams, left halfbac~ Dan Dutcher. rlcht halfback, and Rox hawks will have a capable crew field are Halfba~ks Jerry Falke handlin&' the backlleld chore•• Beasley, right tackle; John Fenton, ri,M ,uard; Dave Crumley, cen- Shain. fullbaCk. America Favored in and Bob Lon!:'ley and Fulll•• Olty high, on the other hand. Ron JIeadlngton. will start a veteran backfield, The relative inexperience ot the with Dick Doran at the signal­ Reberry Added to John Iowa City Quarterback ca1ling slot, Dan Dutcher and Club To Meet Monday backs was shown by the fact that Deere Nine for Tourney Prep Gridders To See Games Net Championships nine or the first sjxleen are total· DiCk Williams at the halfback po­ Paul Reberry, strong-arm soft­ Jowa City's Quarterback club Iy devoid of intercollegiate ~x­ sitions and Big Rox Shain in the The traditional Guest Day for tic association eligibility blanks ball pitcher of the Iowa City will hold its first luncheon meet­ FOREST HILLS. N.Y. (UP) - of Miami, :F'la.-along with Wim­ perience. Three others have play­ fullback spot. Iowa high school football squads Cardinals, has been added to the must be received at the depart­ ing of the fall season Monday American tennis stars. who have bledon champion Bob Falkenburg ed only a few minutes. coach Frank Bates said that has been made plural for 1948 noon at the Jefferson hotel. John Deere Tractor team of Wa­ captured just about every major of Hollywood. Cal., r uled top Halfbacks Clayton Yoder and terloo for the men's western by the University of Iowa. ment of athletics addressed to Highlight of the meeting will be During yesterday's ' drills An· )Jarold "Babe" Snook will see international prize this year, were choices to !battle it out for the derson put his second and third regional tournament at st. Jos­ Paul Brechler, athletic director, Frank Havlicek, business manag­ the election of the team of 11 men considerable action Friday night. eph's, Mo., beginning today. announced Thursday that this ex­ who will later elect the officers of highly favored today to win their title. The quartet is seaded 1-2-3- string teams thrcugh a light Snooir will spell Doran at quarter­ Reberry also hurled :for the pansion plan will permit the er, on the Tuesday before each the club tor the coming- year. own National Singles champion- 4 in the order among the Ameri­ scrimmage and announced that the back when City high is on defen e. Cochran roofing nine in the state !quads and coaches to attend three According to club member I. J. drills will get tougher today and Al Krall and Larry Lemme will game. ships which begin today at the can competitors. tournament at Oedar Rapids last of the five home games, instead of Barron, any member of 'Ihe Uni­ continue through I'lex,t week. The see some duty at fullback, Bates Each school may send 22 play­ West Side Tennis club. Talbert is the only one of the week. The state meet was won only the opener. versity of Iowa "1" club is eligible week prior to (he' Marquette game said. Lemme will also play de­ by John Deere and Reberry was to join the group and may do so With the foreign entry group top four who will see Iirst round the practice llessions will be used Letters have been sent to all ers, ccaches and threc drivers who fensive left guard. added to its roster as a courtesy simply by paying the established regarded as the weakcst in years, action today. He is expected to to taper of!. At tbe line posts, Gene Het­ player following the tourney. Iowa high school principals, in­ will be admitted for 50 cents, plus lee. h trick wDl be a' rlc:ht end, Keith viting the squads to the Marquette Tentative plans for Monday'S tree members of the victorious have litlie difficulty disposing Ilf Andel'!lOn and hIs coacbiJrr While pitching for Iowa City he 10 CEnts tax. It is expected that staff will put the Hawk grid­ Bemlft&'W3.y, left tackle; dhl.1lD­ game, Sept. 25; Purdue, Oct. 16, meeting include the appearanc~ of U.S. Davis cup team-Frank Par­ 'Barnard Welsh of Rockville, Md. won 13 games and lost 10 in the ders through a full-scale scrim­ _ SeJunldt, feft ruard o.,,,e western division of the National and Wisconsin, Oct. 30. more than 2,000 young players Coach Eddie Anderson as gucst ker of Los An!;,,:es, Hi II Talbert Top-seeded Parl-er, MuUoy and .aoum1ely. eeilter; Jolla Fenton. Softball league. Iowa State High School Athle- will appear. speaker. of New York and Gardner Mulloy Falkenburg drew first-round byes. mage tomorrow. the first hanl tlihl .,....«1: Franc" "Rot" ------~------~------scrimmage of the season ...... y. ri.... t tackle, ..... 8111 Four C! the positions in the line hIrton. rlI'bt eDd. seem definitely sel for returning Game captain wilL lie John l"en­ regulars. Only the ends and pne ton. , guard spot are still questionable. Beasley will again do the punt­ Bill Kay and Jim Shoat, the Ing this year with the place-kick­ two huge tackles who saw a good Ing job going to Shain. Beasley Barney s No-H'itter Dodger~' Hurl portion of the action last year, ... as responsible for many long have been the No. 1 choice at boots last season and his punting i hat oosition since the first day or may keep the Wahawks in their Harris Halts Irate INiarhos pra.;tic'e. Guard Joe Grothus and own territory tonight. Cubs Blanked Giants~ Held Hitless lor first Center Dick Woodard are also set raOBABLIt LINEUPS r. • I.",. Clly . . weot Waterloo .. at their positions. Hettrick ...... L.E...... Reed U_ln.way ...... L.T...... ?,;lemer Battlin!:, for the other &'liard Scbmldt ...... L.G...... Cockerhlln spot arc two players who have Cr(Jmley ...... C...... Molder Time in 33 Years, Lose" 2-0 By Brecheen . ltU J . Fenlon ...... R.G ...... BUlh seen a lot of line duty in ae~s1ey ...... R. T...... qll cohn S1 LOUIS (Jf')-Stan Musial 1J. ".nlon ...... lUI!...... Gerald Colin EW YORK (Jf')- Ht'l( Blll'lWy, Ilt \'OJl~ -I1},J1I l'( 1 23-y ear-old l'ight­ and 1947, Earl lJanks and RaJ Poran ...... Q.B...... M . Mill,,. handel' of the Bl'ooklyn Dod ge l', ', last night pileh('tl the first no and h rry Brecheen put lite back Carlson. Bank , an ali-coli fer­ Dutcher ...... L.,l, .. .. , .. .. . Landau into tt.e St. Louis Cardinals last ellce gua.rll in 1946, fell off ,bls Williams ...... R.B ...... Kemp run, no hit A'am<' of tilt' ]948 Nlltional h'lIgue 1'lt'1l so Il , with It 2-0 Shain ...... F .B...... f . Miller victory ov('r til(' ew YOl'k 'jants. night as they defeated the Chicago caliber of play Ia'st year alld ~Ime: 7:45 p.m. ' Cubs 4 to 0 before 11 ,403 fans. currently is ranked behind Place: Wesl Waterloo Barney .'tl'll('k out fOil 1'. Only font' GiaJlt. l'cllc heo ba.~(' Stan hit safely rour out of four Oa!lson. against him, two "ill walks lind two 011 el'l'OI·S. ~ix balls wen' hit trips, including a triple. He bat­ The ends continue to provide to the outfield . ted in 'two of the S:. Louis runs major headaches tOI' the coaches. 'Barney'li mouhd masterpiece is and scored the other two himself. Eight-Run 'Splurge the first by a Dodger hurler since * * * The deevlopment of sturdy delen· Giant Power Baffled Brecheen fanned 10 Cubs while si ve ends is one of Iowa's major Ed Head blanked the Boston Brooklyn AlJ ll11 N.w Vork AD R 11 limiting them to six hits for his Braves without a hit April 23, Cox, 3b..... 3 l 0 Lohrke. 2b.. 3 problems. Bob McKenzie, Bob 8y Re~ Sox Routs si xth shutout of the season. 1946. Roblnion. 2b , 0 0 Lockman. c!. 4 Phill ips and Ralph Wcodard have Reiser. It... ~ 0 0 G

J Margaref J. Scares, - Margaret Jean Scales Weds BuUs for Baby Corduroy for Date-Time Dress Earl Brewer Wed Started Stogie Habit Society At Methodist Church For Two-Year-Old SPRINGFIELD. tASS., (UP) Margaret Jean Scales became - Cigar smoking 22-months-old Former Stuclent Wecls the bride of Earl C. Brewer in a Law~nce Phillips Jr., can ...·allt two o'clock ceremony yesterday pretty well but his vocabulary afternoon at the Fi""t Methodi·t was too limited for an interview church. The Rev. Robert Crocker yesterday. oUiciated at the doubl rine er­ So the b by leaned back and vice. purred contentedly on a Ion I. The bride is the daughter (If fro black stogie - the 12 cent kind - and Mn;. Alfred N. Scale, 302 as he listened to his mGth l' ex­ Melrose avenue Mr. and Mrs. plain his habiL Mark Sackett. Ma n City, arl' It 011 started wh n he w s parents of the brid &room. about a year old and bee n Mellie Scales, 'ist roC the brid(" moochine butt from hi gnnd­ was maid of honor. B 5t man was mother. Mn. Phillips id. His Meryl G. Brewer, fa~on City. father would light th ci&arett Dale Grittin. Mason ity, and and Lawrence would puff happily Richard Taylor. Fort Dodgl'. weI(' away. ushers. The family and friend thought After a reception at the hom It quit cute, he said, and ina. ­ of th bride's par nL. the 1"011"'" much as he didn't inh Ie, they left on a wedding trip to Chi/'ago didn't think it harmlul. Lav.'T nee and Milwaukee. never got sick. Mrs. Brewer. a gradu t or Th tot tried Havana about Iowa City high IKhool. uttclld d two months go and ha b n a ID.U, I ..... PIo... ~, JI. n ...... ' the State University oC Iowa! A confirmed cigar mok rever graduate oC Moson City high Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Brewer si nce. H smok two a day - school, the bridegroom IS tudying n Just after h g ts up in th at the University at Iowa. HE' is morning and the other Ju t b - aftlliated with lem3 Phi Epsilon, Ruth Doris McGill Weds Michael H. Cryder tor his afternoon nao. social fraternity. On the other hllnd, his mother h g When Mr. and Mrs. Brew t ll'~ A candlclight marriage eere-- Ushers w re Richard C. and Rob- said. Is r al litll nil man. turn. they will make their hom many at 7 p.m. Sept. 5 in the Fin;t ert McGill, brothers ot the bride. "He always u n 8 htray." sh said. Mrs. James Franklin Calhoun at 302 M Iro avenue. Methodi t church. Mu. co tine. u­ After a reception in the church nitc(i Ruth Doris McGill and Mic­ parlors. the couple lelt on a wed­ Mary L. Huiskamp Murray Wier Gets hael H. Cryder. The double ring dine trip to St. Louis. Marriage License Personal Notes < rvice was u. d with Dr. Claude Mr•. Cryder is 11 eraduat of Becomes the Bride W. Coop r olrlclaUng. Conesville hleh school and the Murray Wier, all-American !!!!!!!!i!!!!i!!!!i!!!!!~~~~~~~~ ,I Th bride i. th daught r of Mr. school of nun;lnJ at Mercy ho - basketball player last year at SUI, Out-at-lawn guest at the nnd Mrs. Paul McGill. Muscatine. pltal, low City, wh re she Is now Of James Calhoun and Marjorie Mae Smith ot Iowa Scal s-Brewer wedding y~ terday Mr. Cryd r is th son ot Mr. nnd 8 statt nu r. St. Peter's Episcopal church, Port- City were issued a marriage li­ included Mrs. Ida Box and J";ln, Mrs. How rd Cryd St. .Loull. A araduate of Soldan hleh land. Ore., was the scene of the cense at the Johnson county Belle Plaine; Richard Tllylw', Mo. school, St. LoUis, Mr. Cryd r is a Sept. 3 wedding of Mary Louise clerk's office yesterday. Fort Dodge; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Phillis Mae Funck. Muscatine. Hulskamp Dnd James Franklin Licenses were also issued to Brewer, Davenport; J. K. Hemp­ cousin {Jt the bride. was maid of senior In the coLlele of comm rc , II I.l•• pl.nly of '."9V to mid" tit, tltt., l ', .•. • 14 Calhoun. Roberl E. Freeman and Marion hill, North Liberty; Mr. and Mrs. honor. BridesmaIds were Fr nces University of lowa. Al" h.. pl •• ly of foods lh.t hoy. wh,t It t,k... W,'." Mr. and Mrs. William C. Huis- J. Kirby. both of Iowa City; Louis Richard Ad ams, Solon; Henry Chapman, Mu. clltine, and Susie A [I r Sept. 15, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. "'t,,, I.d milk. Ioro,d, ,.d 'pr•• d" frodo frul" ,.cI •• ,t­ kamp, Keokuk, are porents oC the R. Kral and Evelyn M. Unlck, Clark, Ames; Gwen Kirchner, tobl .., ..I FOR FIlYIN&1 I-C-I C-O-L-D BLUE RIBBON FOX DELUXE Il'IIIOIr'. Tlilli_ CIiOi COl Canl CIlISCO Shortuilll BUDWEISER EDELWEISS '6-02. c 1.. 02. "ftc B ER 'JAII "5~ TIN "6.7 OLD STYLE E SCHUTZ 12 So. Dubuque / ~ 3 ~SI.1 Iowa City. Iowa OARUNG'S ALE -.- -- ._--- ______"' _4", __ .___ •.• ______• __ "'

- ' II • Tn DAILY IOWAN, ramAY EPT. I', IHB-PAQ How Price Supports Are Doing Budenz Sees Soviets McBride's Hall The Da/~ Iowan 'Taking Over' U. S. S1 ESTABLISHED 1868 A Few Nine-Oul-of Tenners FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1948 In Wallace Victory Hlf /jiLL McBRIDE I n a rt'crnt pre.!> relen e a fellow b.v the Jlame of .J8mC8 E. BIr. Set ","Uabed dal17 except Monda,. b,. Stu­ NEW YORK (UP)-A former bee, "uoted marriag<, ('oun~('lol'.' >\lIid that mo~t divoroes or ""D\ I'ubU ..Uon., IDe. Entered .. &eO­ HEMBJI:R OF THI ASSOCIATED PRESS The adu­ high-ranking American Commu­ GIld et.ua mail matter at the ~UI'" Iuooclated Prft8 Ia mUUed ~epal'at i ons are 'au. ed by kll\·h annoyinl! little trait as crackilak • Iowa Cit,., Iowa under the ad of ...... "v~y to the UM for republlcaU~n of nist asserted yesterday lhat if &II the l.,.,aI new. printed to this n_.. knuckles and )'cading IHIJWl' the dinner table. IIfte of Ma.rob I. 11'1'. Henry Wallace should be elected a at p,oper... wen .. &II AP new. d1aDoitobee. BOI'b 'aid the way to s ttll' a problem of this 'Ott before it Tel aub.",tptloft rat_Br carrter to low. president the party "would cele­ e United Press Leased WIre . Service CIt7 10 cent. ..ee~· l1 01' " p". yur to vic­ reaches the alimony and srpUl'lItr quartpl'S stag' is to ask your By edv..... : lUI monthl 13 ,110: three montbl brate the election as a major , •.10. lI,. mall In low. ,7.50 per ,.ear; tory and as the iirst long stride SpOli. e to point out ~' Olll' [ittl£.' fanlts. PIT'] montbl Board of Trustees: Leslie G. Moeller. II. umthl f3.1IO: three ,2. And Mason Ladd. A. Cral, Baird, Paul R. toward the Sovietization of ~ maI1 lIUbaortpUoOlJ sa \06 )lear; ala • • • sion h 0180n. LestCT Brook., Steve Dinnin •• America." ,_nthl ",Ia: I.bree mOl'1ha P.Z\. Kathryn McNamara, RIchard DIce, Kelll> J'hal looh good on lJ11/1('r, bill fJltl Barbee do c~,,'t k,ww what burgh . 1\. . Glascow. Louis F . Budenz, former man­ getlil1g 101 1I11.~II.~l)( ' d ;11(/ intu\,(' ~lrayinU' ('(tuipnl('nt in th(' bathroom ink, maliciollsl.v steal theil' wivcs' blankcts in the middlo of the cold· date h munists." Budenz repudiated Com­ on est nights, .· moke too lllu('h, ('at too mnch 01' <'at too littlc. /lati Decline Before the Fall munism and joined the Catholic televlsl church. • • • Now 'I'hl' SUHl(> nin<, out of tE'll 1111l1('s fail to be punctua l, tell and reo , "Moscow placed the stamp ot casts f 'l'hel'e is II strange emphasis creeping across the nation; it is an tell thc same stale jokes in the presence of thei r wiv(/s, strew dirty approval upon him more than four stead C cmpha is on fear. years ago," Budenz wrote. "Since la undry about the house, arC' ph,ysicaily too weak to open home !SPO Perhaps it is becau,c people al'e too oroplacent. Tt Be ros he returned from a visit to Si­ canned pea('hes, f l'g(>t to hold doors for spou. R when away from strange to say the nation ill complacent when there's the Berlin beria in 1944, the Communists home and show littl(' intC'I'('st in household mattrl's (such as fixing dan.::!'eJ· spot and Ru. 'ians to worry about. It's ocld that Ameri. have never doubted that he would a leaky fallcet). cans can complain about high prices lind still deep down inside support any policy put forward by • • • feel tbat they arc pretty well ~ituateed. the Soviet Union and denounce any attempt by the United Stales In (uldiliOlt Iii lit e 7(1tltcirlr crarking and pc/per rC(ldillY whirl! So maybe the fear emphasis come fl'Om a prnt·up fcrling of to counter Russian aggression. HaI'bee IItl'ntiollcd nine 0111 of IC11 11Iale.~ l)OSSCSS til e prime lauU discontenl and uncertainty. ]\]aybc thl' nation is ripe to be "As early as Fe"ruary, 1945, .. . Ihey p()int Oltililllc flaws ill flu [clllale pcrsonatfly. whlpped up into It more unifi d fOrcc if it gets afraid ('nough of Alexander Trachtenberg, a top • • • someth ing. party boss who always knows Ml·. Btll'bee wantR thl'se Ihings bl'ought into the open to elim' RCllublicans al'e beating a drUIII about l';pie~ in our xl'cutive what the Kremllno wants, saId at iUlitc divol'(;c- Ict 's just kl'l'p quiet about them, anI. maybe nQ oue branch. We'r' ni l supposed to be !ltnlck 80 dumb by feal' that all a meeting of the Communist will notice. we can do is mark an :x in the G P list on the ballot. W e arc hierarchy In New York, 'we are • CI • supposed to kpcp our (fll stions about COil. tl'uctive economi and taking Wallace Into custody.' I One of my agcnts dropped ill the other day und presented me attended this meeting as man­ foreign meastll'es at Ii milIil1lltlTl. We are supposed to believe that with II snapping tUl'tl(' abont t il(' si7.c of II si ll,cl' dollal·. At fil'l\ aging editor of ~he Dally I\. thl'eat of key position f;p ics is the major thing threatening Olll' Worker .. !' I thought it was fin£' to wn a sna pping tll1'tlr llll by myself. &011 Jlation. B Budenz said that "because of 1 l el'\ rned thl' l'('spoIlRibility of being' turtle owner is not aU a The Democrats are doing mueh the same thing exccpt that the what they'd done for him" the b wl of chen'irs ... a~ a mattI'\' of fact, it ',. mol" Jik' Ii croci. nation'l! economic conditi on is the tbinl< to hE' feared. TJabor is Communists would demand repre­ • • • also told to be afl'aid of fanncn, alld Repllulicansi fanners arC' sentation in Wallace's cabinet. II I/(/'lird (;il l /!tat the t/l,.lIr didn'l like tap wate1'. 7'he" tll&k told to be afmid of labor and Republicans_ We call nma. s quit "And before Wallllce, immersed o[ leodill(J Ihol I/ldle down 10 the !';WI' every vc1ting so 4e II co lection of aR.'lorted fl·ar!;. in his visionary plans, knew what coulel havl' l/. drillk (Jot 10 lie aql old slol'!!. "But one of the biggest fellI'S is th£' onE) being whipped up by I he was going on, the Communists rru<'sday night I. became dil:lgu t d with him and left him 011 t~e Dfxiecl'ats. Thi is a feal' that goes d epel' than economic 01' po­ ""';w would be firmly entrenched in the river bank to go his own wily. 'rhe point that made up my m.ind li tical th('ory- it goel> to thr 1ll11'r!lsoning find basic Routhrrn COTTON: 31 cents per pound CORN: Loan rale to be an­ TOBACCO: Govenlluent lends government," he wrote. "Russian was Ilis decision not to drink at all, not even river wuter. r.ounced Oct. I, expected to be hatred for another race. guaranteed. If price gocs higher, 43.9 cents 011 flue-cured type. agents would arrive in swarms. It just goes to prove you CAn lead a turtle to the river bank, bllt around $1.60 bushel. Bumper Then would begin a sequence of Rates for others to be an­ it '8 a dull party if he doesn 't drink. 'I'hL'! i sue was enoll.gll to lip lit off a pady faction which had farmer makes that much more. crop. nounced. events similar to those which re­ been welded to the mother party since til(' Civil Wal'. sulted in the overthrow of de­ • • • ]f th sOlllb('t'n statr. 11 a \'1' always oppo ed constitutional U.S. GOVERNMENT Is operating an estimated $2- billion farm price 5uppor~ program this year, with mocracy in CzechoslOVakia, and An example of humorous understatement was rel(,llted by 'Ib rights for Negroes, they will cet·tainly tend to increase their the net 10 expected to run as high ~ as $U6-million. JIIu trakd abOve arc six of the many Hems the enslavement of other eastern an-ent here the other day. 'rile I ' police depal't1nenL hadpi c~ antipathy after such misguided and rabblc-rousi ng fll1l!l1 iCR as beIng purchased to guaranke the farmer's income. It works thls way: On Wheat, for example, lhe gov­ european peopls by th Reds." np II drunk who WBS in snch sad shape he c!l uldn't walk. South Carolina" Govel'nol' J. Rh'om 'l'hurmond grt Ihl'ollgh with ernment lends the farmer 2 a. bushel. If the price drops, the farmer can keep the $2 and the govern­ Buden:/: said Communists or Just as the ufficers w<,rC abollt to ('any the drunk into a cell, ment takes the lo_s. If the price goes uP. the farmer gets the difference when repaying the loan. Other this cam]laign. "reliable fellow travelers" 01](' of th(' hig-hway pall'ohnen who \vol'kg this area dropped ill iM item are sup!lorled simllarly. Although farm supp lrts are a major item in the in flation picture, both would be "slipped Into key cab­ offel'ed to llelp. B e told 'I'exans that Tl'1l1111ll1, Dewry and 'IValluc wert' "di~· Oemocrats and Republicans are glossing over it. The Democratic platfonn urges price upport on a. cipl~~ of Stalinism. " lIe llOwl ed thAt Fail' Employment PracticeR Inet posts/' Ihe FBI and secret Whil,. {,(lrl'yin{J I II (' soc1(/cn lllmp of Immunity the patrol",. pennanent ba Is while the GOP platform seeks "flexible SlIpport prices" to protect thc rarmer. servIce heads rcplaecd and the act is a "bral.'lI, direct threat ngainst you aud yo 111 ' chiLdren ;" bent ",!(W, looking inlo tfie dnmk ',~ [a('c (lnd ~(Lid, "8a,!!, Bu6. two services reorganized along Have YOlL bew elf'inking?" and thot by Illw thel'c would be nn an1algamfttiol) of roe('s. Russian lines. '1'hurmond is making 1hc Routhrl'ne['S Ilfrai

'J L.t Us Keep Your Clothes L~oking like New ':: !'~I C. O. D. Cleaners R 93 DIAL 4433 106 S. CAPITOL YEA 5 Try Our Alterations nnd R"pairs Dl'pt.

.. J TIlE bAnY IOWAN, n:Jr)AY SEM'. 10, 1948-PAGE SIX Reports Greek-Yugoslav Fight; Officials Split United Nations Probe Awaited Over Division ATHE ,GREECE ( 'P}-:'IIini. ter of War George, 'Inltos aid la t ni~ht tllat Gr'eek and YUg'o. la\' troops dashed Wedoe'­ day inside Greece and t>ight Yugoslil I' soldier~ anti one officer wer killed. Of Aid 'Money He did not say whether tht'rt> w('rl' ony Or('('k (·a nnlt ips, bllt he WASHINGTON (,IP}- The United - told a press conference that three Yngoslnvs '(,I'e captnred and States found itseH yesterday both I an undisclosed number w re ----­ a contender nnd thl' umpire in a wounded. It was the first open contest over th divlRion of ,Mar­ skirmish between Greek and Yug­ shall plan oid among the European oslav troops since the guerrilla (zechs Speed -, nations. war began two years ago. A $100 million difference of The clash took place in the opinion over the share that should Soubifrontier area, where the go to bizone Germa ny is the issue. BE Yugoslavs attacked the Greek Anti-Regime An ECA spokesman i;oid the dis. • Ru 556th battalion, Stratos said. pute has delayed the shaping or The Greek defenders withdrew the first-year recovery program. airlW after the invaders occupied posi­ Purge I rials Case Compllealed A ' tions inside Greece but later coun­ The case is complicated, ECI. tailed ter-aUacked and reoccupied Soubi, PRAGUE, CZECHOSLOVAKIA officials admit, by this country'l of(iCil he said. (UP)-The government yesterday "split personality" with respect to The war minister said that the stepped up "conspiracy" trials and foreign aid. ECA - Yugoslav wounded had been its purge of the nnli-Communist SpeakIng through Admin­ treated but that the dead were Sokol gymnnstic society. istrator Paul G. Hoffman and Am­ left where they fell to await in­ bassad<\l'-at-Large W. Averell As 25 pclicemen and tour high­ vestigation by a United Nations Harriman, this country insisted ranking army officers appeared Balkan commission team. that the 16 European countri Stratos said the Greek general before two s parat courts, the themselves divide up the $5 bil­ government-controlled press cre­ lion pie through the "OEEC"~the staff had ordered Greek troops Organization for European Ec0- "not under any circumstances 10 dited armed foctory workers and the Communist party with pre­ nomic Cooperation at Paris - in enter foreign territory" lind to which the United States does not safeguard Greek territory by all venting "foreign-ordered" demon­ have membership. OEEC there­ means available. strations Wednesday at Dr. Ed­ upon assigned Germany a reported Only Wednesday the UN Balk­ uard Bene' funeral. (Dally Iowan Photo by Jim Show en) $365 million share. ans commission voted to forward An editorial distributed by the Over the river and through the traNic went this clty~wned qllonset hut yesterday as It was moved But another American voice - to UN headquarters a report of official news agency .and promin­ from S. Riverside drive to the city yards on S. Gilbert. Traffic was dIsrupted alone the 14-block route that ot Genera I Lucius D. Clay, 10 Incidents-In which Greek troops ently displayeci in Prague ))apers AQuonset Hut Goes A-Calling- In such places as on Burlington street. brldre whe re this photorraph was taken. The quonset will be U.S. representative in the British­ were fired on from foreign soil. said "provocative aelion" centered used to house City equipment. Aemrican zone-is preSSing lor Bulgaria, Albania and Yugo­ in the Sokol, but it did not give $100 million more on grounds that slavia have denied repeatedly that details of alleged anti-regime dis­ German recovery is a key to the they were aiding the guerrillas orders. Hospitals List 3 recovery of aU Europe. and have charged, in turn, that Returning Body of Henyan Fined $300 Discussions Bor Greek troops were operating be­ Trials in Prague were connected Spokesmen of Major Pa~ties New Polio Cases The OEEC discussions bogged yond the borders of Greece. with' the Communist coup in Leroy E. Week~s On Inlo,xication Count down, amid reports oC strained February. Foul' army officers went Three new polio cases were an­ feelings, as a Sept. 1 deadline (or before the supreme military court nounced by University hospttals Don Darwin Henyan yesterdaY agreement passed. Adminisirator on charges o[ conspiring to oc­ Defend Farm Pric~ Supports Hoffman had set that target tor To Ie for Burial authorities yesterday. paid a $300 fine at tbe Johnson Jaycees Plan cupy the Pr;1gue I'odio station dur­ county courthouse after pleading the fixing of allocations tor the DES MOlNE. {,IP)-K y spokesmen on both sides of Ih£' politi­ year endIng next June 30 . ing the days the Communists The body of the first member 01 Mary Coon, 26, Sumner, was in guilty to a charge of operating a seized power.