• The Weather TocIay . Judge Does Fine Work Fair with little change in temperature to­ P BTLADELPHIA (JP) - Mal'l trate Jaeob Dor.1e ""t C' lalmlnl' a record but he h d a r1'hl fine day 10 ceo· day. Partly cloudy and warmer tomorrow. tnJ police court yesterday. Yesterda y'S high was 77 and the mercury Alter four li nd one-bllif holll'S of hearlnp, the mu-­ _. !Strate announced the follow;nr score: owaJll dropped to a chilly 43 at about 3 a. m. yes­ Cases disposed of: 900. terday for the low temperature. CoUected In fines: 4,500 - practically a record. Eat. 186S-Vol. SO, No. 294-UP, AP New. and W irepholo Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, Sept. 10, 1948 Five Cents New Election, AFL Union To Support Dewey Reveal Elpori (ailed (or by Irregularities Senator, Hear Tales ADe Gaullist Of Forgery, Bungling WAS) lING TON (JP)-Astonisb­ French Workers Riot ed seMtors dug up th assorted As Queuille Steps In facts yesterday about this govern­ ment's export lice~ program: PARIS (JP)-An official spokes­ 1. Nail Z and one-ball and :I man for Gen. Charles De Gaulle inches long-badly needed to build called last night lor new national h(.lnes-were xported last year French elections. as .. h tacks." Tijis was the timt time De 2. A woman I'overrunent clerk Gaulle had intervened during a issued permits to export more cabinet crisis. than two million pounds of lard Jacques Soustelle, secretary­ during a period wh n the quota general of De Gaulle's French was 199.000 pounds. People's Rally (RPF), made a 3. A man under pld n in statement to the press at a moment connection With forged license when: Wlr.,b.t., hown above re­ was put on a "watch list" and th n W HINGTON (N) - Presl· I . The veteran Radical Socialist two w Its later granted a permit deDt Truman y 'rday under­ Henri Queuille had accepted celvll1C a pled&,e of SIIP)IO" from tbe AFL Bulldln&, ervl('e employ union in tbe &,ovemor's office In UJe New York capitol. H ndl11&' to export a million dollars worth _ red Am.. rt('an d urmlnatlo.n formally the DC mination for pre­ Dewey the pledge is WlU lam L. McFetrld&,e (Idt), Intern 1I0nai prf _ of rice. to ta, In ovl l -bl kaded mier of France. BerUn allCl Iden& at the unIon. ... Govel11Jlle n ~ officials bere a Whit house lslt­ 2. Labor unrest Hared throucb. continued to use a perforating ma­ or quoted him Inl', "We out France and her colonies. chin to validate licen for five will not btl pw.hed out.. h On the outskil·ts of Pal'is, work­ * * * * * * monlhs after th y J arned a simi­ ers of the Renault automobile fac­ lar mach!n was turning out forg­ tory quit their jobs and began a President Plans Tour ed lic n s. Th y explafne(J they mnrch toward the center ot the lack d ,750 to change th original city. machine. • a ~ 5. A New York City e~rte r A large police contingent met la. them along the route. They at­ ,Of West in Campaign told about paying $9,"00 tor two permits to ship (Jour to Bra~il. He tacked the police with paving BI' T llf! A 80 ClATED PIlf!88 stones and overturned a police said the money went to another BERLIN (/1') - On p(,l"son was car. Before the group was dis­ PI'psiut'nl 'l'rllmon plaM to head w('St for an intf'nflive two-week exporter who previously testified killed nd 22 wt'r(' Injur d by bul­ persed, a dozen workel'S and 20 stumph1IX campaign. to paying more lhan '29,000 tor lets and ston during a bloody policemen were injured. His il inPI'lIl'Y, IInllonn('('d y('stel'day, is similuI' to (lilt' to b fol. 12 export permits that seoat In­ street clash lost night b tw n lowed by Gov. 'rhoma. E. D wey, the R publil'sil nomillt'l'. v stigntors Slly wer forged. B rUn civilians and RussLan Earlier BaUle _ troops, supported by ('astern Ber­ !\II' Truman's II' . tl'rn swing will earry him all th lIY to the Chairman F rluson (R-Mich) SevjCr~ workers got cracked the nat Inv !lgaUng sub­ lin poUe, ofttl'ial r POI-Is said heads in an earlier battle with po­ w st coast. l\Iajor addr. ,'wilJ be mad!' in at I 8 l four w stel'll or committ e finally obs rved that arly today. lice near the palace at Pr sldent statl'. , the op ninS' speech lx>ing * * * "It is ImpOssible to tell what went The clasht' Ol' tlrr d near th Vincent Auriol. One was reported .1·I1I'<1ul('u al pl'xter, 10:, Sept. Rain Delays Wallace's out ot this country under the ex­ hi torlc Brandenburg gate tier hospitalized. lIS ut till' nntlOnul plowlllg COIl- 'W I H I II I ('Il!. e come ome Ra y port system." 200,000 Germans hud demon -trat­ Queuille accepted the premier­ ed in a n arby quar against the Following the Dexter kiCk-off But Wallac S. Thomas, dlr clor Government Sues ship nomination alter getting lhe NEW YORK (UP) - A eiant of export opera lions tor the office U. S. Says Today's Too Soon Communist driv for power over address, Mr. Truman is scheduled sUPPort ot the Socialist party. "welcome home" rally for H nry ot in ternnlionn 1 trade, assured the block d d city. Asks' Vote Today to make major addresses at Den­ Machinery Firms Brill. h s ctor police headquar­ ver Sept. 20, Salt Lake City Sept. A. Wallace in Yankee stadium senators that a nw check-up had SUCCess for the new premier in t rs said he injured civilians. In­ 21, Son FranCiscO, Sept. 22 and was rained out last n.ight after been instal1ed at the start ot this forming a cabinet would means a month. He said It should eliminate For Talks on Hali n Colonies cludinl three with gunfire Los Angeles Sept. 23. For Price Fixing selback for De Gaulle's party and more than 20,000 persons had as­ most irrelularities including the wounds, wcre In Britl. h • cloJ:" In addition he will make ap­ sembled In the 'ble baseball po k. 'W A III ro'l' N (1P)-'l'lw 1,llilt'd Hiatt· told ltm ~iR Je tt'rlluy ho.pltal!l. the Communists. Both would be pea.ra nees on the nar plat.­ forged permits. MINNEAPOLIS (UP) - The lell out of the government again. The rally-Wallac 's first cam­ Ihllt t<uluy i. 100 M/OII Iu rt'ullI'JI tulk~ "It tit., fUlt' of 1IIIIy' Wllr- The d puty pollee chief or the form of hi special train a ~ IOV rnOll'nt y terday accu ed 10 t ·ulullit'. alit! tlg'~lhh'!l ~111I1du~ in t 'Ull. Soviet sector sold five of his po­ QueuilJe said he would go be­ Davenport, Iowa City, Oxford, paign appearance since his south­ thr of th world'. Illre t farm 'I'11l' Hu~siIlJl. 111111 "UI£l!:I' Io'd II1IIt 1111' I Ik · '111rl ill 1'1I1·i ' IlItiIlY. lle men wer injur d, one s rlous­ tore the national assembly today Des Moines and Charlton, In ern tour- was postponed until to­ machin ry mllnufoctur of pric to ask [or a rati[ying vole. Bur­ Philippine Volcano ~l'ct(·tllry 01' ,'t"tl' ~luJ' hull ill II 1I1t'1I11lln tht' Hovil't emb y,lIIli<l rlxlng. Iy. In addition, h said, approxi­ Iowa. night. mal ly 10 polic surtered abra­ ring unexpected difficulties he The speaking schedule for the 111P ll. R Wll~ "whlllly It .... 'I·all"· .. ttl tit" J>lIri. 1111'1'1 ill". The onli-tru t division at jhe Wallace had prepared 0 bilt I' iltll hI:' ./lid tilt' Auwricllll sions ft In hurled stone and one was in a pOSition to win a ma­ j'eturn trip will be worked out Spews Deadly Gas; JU»tlc:e d partm nt !II d II civil woman received an arm Injury. jority there for the la lcst in a flghline speech describing bls (},·I. ;tilt i J\ "Imld Jltl1 UI' llri.·fl II latel·. IJit 'lglJinll 111 rQational lIar· 'ommun Woundt'd ~I s of coalitiOh middle-or-the­ campaign tour through the south and dispatched in tim to Ill't t D~wey will begin his cllmpalgn W lIate, C()mmunists v er company, J. I. Case com­ The Sovl t - Ii Me<! n Wi road governments. Spouts New (rater Poris todaY. III Des Moines with a major ad­ where he was egged and heckled. pony, Deer ond company, Ilnd of ncy (ADN) a III two or th dr S5 Sept. 20. From there he wl11 The Progressive party presidential MANILA {/PI - Deadly gases It th Monday, S pt. 13, dut' is nln 0 re ubsldlarl •. Communist polic 'men w r continue west, nnd his aides have candidate never appeared at the spewed trom Hlbokbibok volcano accepted It will leave only lhl' Accused by Furriers They were IlCCUS d of combln­ wounded by ,unnre. The eastern indicated he will keep on golnr stadium. today, imperllinl the last )5,000 doys to discus th coloni 5 qu - Inl with retail dealers to fix the sector d puty ('hi did not specLty Storm Watched for lion before a Sept.
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