Practical Application Questions - 1 Kings 3:1-28

1. Without over-spiritualizing your answer, if God showed up on your way home tonight and told you to ask for whatever you want, what would you ask for? . COM NJ 2. What has been the toughest decision you’ve had to make lately? Looking back, do you feel your decision was wise?

3. What impresses you most about in tonight’s story? WWW . REMIX

4. Why do you think God asked Solomon to ask for whatever he wanted?

5. Where else in the scriptures did God offer an individual or group a blank check?

6. What are some plausible reasons why Solomon desired wisdom above anything else?

7. Sometimes, it builds one’s faith when you recount and acknowledge all God has done, can you think of three “unbelievable” things God did in or through your life this past year?

Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you

7. What are some natural gifts, talents, or innate abilities you’ve observed in your life? What would your prayers sound like if you began asking God to help you excel in those . COM areas of gifting? NJ

8. In light of your personal life experience, relationships, education, time in God’s word, and prayer life, where have you gained the most wisdom in your life? WWW . REMIX 9. What opportunities or decisions are you facing right now for which you need the wisdom God granted Solomon?


theREMIX is the college and 20something ministry of Grace the church on the Mount.

As part of a church- wide vision to raise up a generation of families that are built to last, our goal is to prepare young adults

. COM to engage in healthy relationships at every level of their lives. NJ Hence, our worship gatherings are designed to equip young adults with biblical truths so that they in turn influence the people in their lives for Jesus Christ

MATTHEW 22:37-39 WWW . REMIX Part four: ‘1 Kings 3:1-28’ series: ‘SUN STAND STILL’ If on your way home tonight son of the aging king , he brought her to the City of after REMIX, you stopped at a was in his early twenties, and David until he finished building traffic light and out of nowhere, God is about to make him an his palace and the temple of the a bright, almost blinding light offer of a lifetime. LORD, and the wall around appeared, and there was no . 2The people, doubt in your mind and in Just so we have some context as however, were still sacrificing at actuality that it was Jesus Christ. to where we are. We are in the the high places, because a And if in that moment, He book of 1 Kings 3. King David temple had not yet been built looked favorably on you and has ruled for 40 years and for the Name of the LORD. made this offer, “Ask for he’s old and frail, however right 3Solomon showed his love for whatever you want me to give before his death, he passes on the LORD by walking you.” the mantle of leadership to his according to the statutes of his twenty something year old son father David, except that he The question is, what would you Solomon. offered sacrifices and burned ask for? incense on the high places. Verse 1-4: “A CALL TO 4The king went to to Some of you already know this, LEADERSHIP” offer sacrifices, for that was the but a scenario quite similar to most important high place, and that happened to a real “Solomon made an alliance Solomon offered a thousand individual in the . His with Pharaoh king of Egypt and burnt offerings on that altar.” name was Solomon, he was the married his daughter. He

I think it’s accurate to say that after inheriting the kingdom from his father A few moments later, I David, Solomon had his fair share of decided ice cream cake

. COM concerns to worry about as he began his reign as the 3rd king over Israel. Let’s wasn’t worthy of God and NJ review a few of them. changed my visualization to a stack of cash, which at the In previous chapters, we’re told that on time would have amounted to the very day he was made king, one of something around $42, (big his stepbrothers, (Adonijah) attempted a dreams have to start coup d'état, but failed. Secondly, his father David, prior to his death, had somewhere!). When all was warned Solomon to be wary of certain said and done, I had dreamt WWW . REMIX men who could do him harm – so he up everything from owning our had that additional worry on his mind. neighbors new car (forget the Thirdly, at the young age of 20, he’s fact that I couldn’t drive at the faced with the great responsibility of leading a nation that had the potential time), to being the coolest and for great good, or great evil. smartest kid at my school at the time. In addition to all of those burdens, verse 1 indicates that even at a young age, he was being sought after by foreign kings who wanted to form an alliance with him through marriage to their daughters. Not only did he have to be a diplomat and a good husband, he also Gibeon to offer sacrifices, for that was the I vividly remember in that moment had the arduous task of overseeing three most important high place, and Solomon visualizing a giant ice cream cake I had major building projects; his own palace, offered a thousand burnt offerings on seen on T.V and how amazing it would the defensive walls of his city, and the that altar. At Gibeon the LORD be if God would grant me a monster- first temple in Israel. appeared to Solomon during the night in slice, (delicious cake was a scarcity in Lest you think anyone in his position a dream, and God said, “Ask for Nigeria during those years!). A few could have done what he did because whatever you want me to give you.” moments later, I decided ice cream cake God was on his side, you should know wasn’t worthy of God and changed my that we don’t really hear much of the Though I asked this question visualization to a stack of cash, which at prophetic intervention we read of during hypothetically at the beginning of the the time would have amounted to his father’s reign as king. During David’s message, and though this is taking place something around $42, (big dreams have time as king, he had the prophets Samuel in a dream, there was (and is) nothing to start somewhere!). When all was said and Nathan to encourage or rebuke him hypothetical about this offer God was and done, I had dreamt up everything according to God’s word, but Solomon making. God was basically giving him a from owning our neighbors new car was sort of on his own. He didn’t really blank signed check in which he could put (forget the fact that I couldn’t drive at the have any of the prophets speaking to him in as many zeros as he wanted! time), to being the coolest and smartest during his reign. kid at my school at the time. Can we take a moment and just All that to say, if anyone needed a sun acknowledge how incredible this offer is? Now I don’t even remember what the rest stand still prayer, Solomon was a prime There are only a handful (or so) of of the message was that morning, but I candidate. This guy needed some serious people in the scriptures who had this kind do remember that over the next few divine intervention. of personal relationship with God where months, and maybe even years, I such an offer was made. continually found myself wondering what Now, the first few verses do indicate that I needed to do or change in my life so he might have had a divided heart on in My earliest memory of being in church that God would extend to me such an that he sometimes worshipped God in a involves hearing a message about this offer. manner contrary to what God had story. I must have been 10, maybe 11 instructed, but verse 3 compensates for years old at the time, and even then I The reality is that God has made that that fact by telling us that, “Solomon remember being stirred deeply by this same offer to you and I through His son showed his love for the LORD by account. I recall sitting next to some of Jesus Christ. It’s what the apostle John walking according to the statutes of his my friends while the Sunday school writes about in 1 John 5:14-15 when he father David…” teacher rambled on and on, and I didn’t says, “This is the confidence we have in snap to it until she got to this question, “if approaching God: that if we ask anything Verse 5: “AN OFFER OF A you were in Solomon’s shoes, what would according to his will, he hears us. 15And LIFETIME” you have asked?” if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we In fact God seems to have taken notice, asked of him.” because verse 5 says, “The king went to

Verse 6-9: “A REQUEST FOR In his prayer, Solomon was essentially WISDOM” What has God done right in your life? asking God to grant him wisdom & What have you prayed for and seen God understanding, but here’s what’s

. COM In light of Solomon’s situation, you and I work out? How has He demonstrated His incredible about this prayer, earlier can probably come up with a list of love and power in the lives of those chapters indicate that Solomon was NJ priority items from which he could have closest to you? already a man of wisdom. It was selected his request. displayed in the way he handled affairs of Is it possible that the reason some of us the state in chapter 1:52-53, and in fact, In light of the ill-intentioned men his are not seeing God move as dramatically his father David says so on two occasions father warned him about, he could have as we’d expect is because we haven’t even in the previous chapter that he is a man asked God to help him completely rid his taken the time to acknowledge and thank of wisdom, (verse 6 & 9). enemies so his reign would be a period of Him for all the great things He has done! So out of all the things he could have

WWW . REMIX peace. There is a reverence and humility in asked for, why in the world would he ask Considering the fact that he had just Solomon’s prayer as He acknowledges for more of what he already had? I think married the daughter of Pharaoh for before God that long before He was the answer to that question is the political reasons, he could have asked that born, God had been gracious to His difference in settling for something good God would bless his time in office so rather than trusting God for something that Israel would be the most renowned great! nation in the known world. I recall one of my professors walking In light of all the building projects he into class in seminary and making this was involved in, he could have asked statement to us eager students, “the that God would exponentially multiply problem some of you will face in whatever wealth his father David had ministry is that you’re good at what you left for him so that he and his people do!” His point was that relying on our would never be in need. own gifts and talents might get us far in life, but arriving at a point where we But incredibly, Solomon doesn’t ask for recognize that compared to what God any of the “expected requests” you and has to offer, even our best is like a child’s I would have made. His request reflects knowledge! something profound and honorable going on deep in his heart. Listen to Could Solomon have asked God for how he starts it in verse 6, “Solomon wealth or military might and still have answered, “You have shown great More of the same? been an effective king? Absolutely, but kindness to your servant, my father Why ask for more of what he already its highly unlikely you or I would David, because he was faithful to you had? The answer to that question is remember his name today or associate and righteous and upright in heart. You the difference in settling for something him with wisdom and opulence. have continued this great kindness to good rather than trusting God for him and have given him a son to sit on something great! Even though Solomon already possessed his throne this very day. …” wisdom, he recognized that in order to truly be great, he needed a super Those are just the opening lines to his empowering of God’s spirit in an area prayer, he hasn’t even gotten to his main of his life he had already been blessed request yet, but did you hear the father, and true to HIS nature, God was in. He was willing, not only to surrender genuineness and humility in his tone as again extending the same grace and favor his weaknesses to God, but also his best! he approached God to ask for something to him. It’s as if Solomon was saying, God already guaranteed would be his? “God I know you know this already, but I Think about that for a moment, many of want you to know that I know that you’re us often approach God with our long He acknowledges before God that all he the one who has done this!” beefed up resume stating what it is we has and is about to be entrusted with is a can bring to the table for the kingdom of gift from God. He was in essence saying, It’s only then that he asks for his request, God. But what we learn from Solomon “O Lord, my father became king and 7 “Now, O LORD my God, you have is that in approaching God, we must see remained successful because you allowed made your servant king in place of my whatever gifting we’ve been given in light it, and by your great loving kindness, you father David. But I am only a little child of His greatness and generosity. have provided me with the opportunity to and do not know how to carry out my be in his position today.” duties. 8Your servant is here among the Listen to how he builds his case before people you have chosen, a great people, God. He says, “Lord, though the world Ok, let’s pause and reflect on that for a too numerous to count or number. 9So praises my wisdom, truth is, I don’t really moment. When you approach God in give your servant a discerning heart to know what I’m doing here. You have just prayer, do you ever pause and govern your people and to distinguish entrusted me with the lives of a great acknowledge what God has already done between right and wrong. For who is able people who have the potential for and is doing in your life, and in the lives to govern this great people of yours?” amazing good, or frightful rebellion, I of those closest to you? need your version of wisdom so I can

lead them well.” Don’t miss how responsive He wasn’t simply asking for more and thankful Solomon is to

. COM wisdom, Solomon was asking that God would grant him the kind of wisdom God throughout this account; NJ that would help him EXCEL at the there is an ongoing responsibilities he was entrusted with. acknowledgment that all he has is a gift from God. An act Solomon was already king, he had we continual encourage all already received the answers to his sun remixers to regularly engage stand still prayer, but now he had to do something with it. Hence why he asked in! God to grant him a discerning heart on WWW . REMIX how to govern the people and help them distinguish between right and wrong.

So here’s a natural transitional thought, what has God already “installed” in you? What areas of gifting, talent, and abilities do you already thrive in? Consider the fact that you already find great joy in these areas because they come naturally to you. So why not begin praying that God would grant you the wisdom to best manage and excel in your giftings in such a way that it brings Him the greatest glory. In light of his prayer, God grants him Can you imagine him trying to explain three favorable responses. First off, God the reason for the celebration?, “yeah, so In asking God to grant him a discerning granted him the wisdom he needed to God told me in a dream I am gonna be heart so that he could excel in what God lead, so much so that dignitaries from far sooooo smart & rich!” had entrusted him with, Solomon (as well away lands came to Israel seeking his as those of us who follow his lead) was counsel. So he received above and Don’t miss how responsive and thankful essentially preparing the way so that God beyond what he expected. But God Solomon is to God throughout this could show His power in and through his wasn’t done just yet because He threw in account; there is an ongoing life. an extra bonus, he also granted Solomon, acknowledgment that all he has is a gift wealth and fame. from God. An act we continual Verse 10-15: “A RESPONSE LIKE encourage all remixers to regularly NO OTHER” While those first three responses were engage in! freebies, the last one is conditional in that Notice how God responds to his request, he would be granted long life to enjoy all Verse 16-27: “A DISPLAY OF “10The Lord was pleased that Solomon his blessings if he remained faithful to WISDOM” had asked for this. 11So God said to him, God all his days. All that to say, there are “Since you have asked for this and not for times when God blesses us for His name As if to assure us that God really did long life or wealth for yourself, nor have sake and for His glory, and other times, it grant Solomon wisdom, chapter 3 ends asked for the death of your enemies but is conditional upon our faithfulness to with an account stating how his wisdom for discernment in administering justice, walk in obedience to Him. was put on display. 12I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so The account ends with Solomon offering Let me read it to you cause it’s actually that there will never have been anyone thanks and praise to God, even though it an interesting account. Starting in verse like you, nor will there ever be. all happened in a dream. Think about his 16, “Now two prostitutes came to the 13Moreover, I will give you what you actions in verse 15 because it king and stood before him. 17One of have not asked for—both riches and demonstrates a heart that was incredibly them said, “My lord, this woman and I honor—so that in your lifetime you will receptive and responsive to God. live in the same house. I had a baby while have no equal among kings. 14And if she was there with me. 18The third day you walk in my ways and obey my In light of that fact that all of this took after my child was born, this woman also statutes and commands as David your place in a dream, Solomon could have had a baby. We were alone; there was no father did, I will give you a long life.” woken up and written off as a result of a one in the house but the two of us. 15Then Solomon awoke—and he good night’s rest. Instead, by faith and 19“During the night this woman’s son realized it had been a dream. He out of gratitude, he offered personal died because she lay on him. 20So she returned to Jerusalem, stood before the sacrifices and offerings to God, then he got up in the middle of the night and ark of the Lord’s covenant and sacrificed threw a huge “thank-you-madd-shout- took my son from my side while I your burnt offerings and fellowship offerings. out to God” party for all his officials. servant was asleep. She put him by her Then he gave a feast for all his court.”

breast and put her dead son by my 25He then gave an order: “Cut the breast. 21The next morning, I got up living child in two and give half to God did exactly what he said he to nurse my son—and he was dead! one and half to the other.”26The would do. If you want a detailed . COM But when I looked at him closely in woman whose son was alive was filled account of his wealth and wisdom,

NJ the morning light, I saw that it wasn’t with compassion for her son and said look at :29-34 and 1 Kings the son I had borne.”22The other to the king, “Please, my lord, give her 10:14-29. woman said, “No! The living one is the living baby! Don’t kill him!” But my son; the dead one is yours.” But the other said, “Neither I nor you As we finish off this part of the the first one insisted, “No! The dead shall have him. Cut him in evening, one of the questions you’ll one is yours; the living one is mine.” two!”27Then the king gave his ruling: have a chance to discuss in your And so they argued before the king. “Give the living baby to the first groups is this, “What opportunities or 23The king said, “This one says, ‘My woman. Do not kill him; she is his decisions are you facing right now for

WWW . REMIX son is alive and your son is dead,’ mother.28When all Israel heard the which you need the wisdom God while that one says, ‘No! Your son is verdict the king had given, they held granted Solomon?” dead and mine is alive.’”24Then the the king in awe, because they saw that king said, “Bring me a sword.” So he had wisdom from God to they brought a sword for the king. administer justice.”

WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN? theREMIX meets on Sunday nights at 6:00P.M (year round). We can be reached online at (www . remixnj . com) You can also find us on Facebook | The Remix Ministry Phone: 973.347.0667. Fax: 973.691.4214 | EMAIL: remixministrynj @ | We meet at GRACE THE CHURCH ON THE MOUNT

Box 35. Route 46 East. Netcong, New Jersey, 07857 (Next to CITGO gas station)