

The Wisdom of

1 Kings 3

Characters: Narrator, Solomon, God, Truthful Woman, Lying Woman

Narrator: Solomon became King of after , his father, had died. Solomon, like David, worshipped the Lord and offered him many sacrifices. One night, while Solomon was asleep, the Lord came to Solomon in a dream.

God: Solomon! You have been faithful to me your entire life. Therefore, I will grant you whatever you ask for. What is it that you desire most?

Solomon: Lord, I feel completely unprepared for the job you have given me—to rule this great nation of Israel. I ask that you give me wisdom and understanding to help me rule Israel with justice.

God: Because you have asked for wisdom, to be used to rule my people with justice, I will not only grant you wisdom, but riches and fame as well. There is and never will be a king as great as you, that has ruled his nation with such a knowledgeable and understanding heart. I promise you this— if you obey my commandments, I will give you a very long life.

Narrator: Solomon soon awoke from his dream, and found that God had given him the gift of knowledge. To show his thankfulness, Solomon went to the keeping place of the , and made many sacrifices to the Lord. Several days later, two women came before Solomon with a dispute.

Truthful woman: Please, King Solomon, settle this dispute. This woman lives in the same house as me. Three days ago, we had both given birth to sons. My son was stolen from me. While she was sleeping, she had accidentally rolled on top of her son, killing him. While I was sleeping, she took her dead baby, and swapped it out for mine. When I awoke this morning, I realized that the dead baby wasn’t my baby, and she had stolen my own.

Lying woman: That isn’t true at all! She killed her own child, and wants mine for her own! The dead one is hers!

Solomon: Each of you say that the dead child belongs to the other. I know a way this can be settled. Bring me a sword, and the living child.

Narrator: Solomon was handed a sword and the child. 2

Solomon: Since both of you claim the child, I will divide him in half, and each of you will take a half home.

Lying woman: Very well—that is a fair solution to the problem.

Truthful woman: No, don’t kill the child! Let her have the whole child, just spare his life!

Solomon: The truthful woman has revealed herself! Only she would care about the child’s life so much, that she would find it acceptable to part with him to spare his life. Give her the child.

Narrator: The real woman was able to reclaim her child because of Solomon’s wisdom. When news of Solomon’s wisdom spread throughout the land, the people of Israel were in shock and awe at what an amazing gift God had given Solomon.