
Series: Characters

1. Hezekiah’s parents. a. Father – , king of . 1) He was the 11th king of Judah. 2) He was very wicked (2 Chr 28). a) He did not serve God like (2 Chr 28:1-4). b) He used the sacred items of the temple for sacrifice to idols (2 Chr 28:23-24). b. Mother – (also Abi), daughter of Zachariah. 1) It is possible that she was the daughter of the prophet Zachariah who served during the reign of King (2 Chr 26:5; 29:1).1 2) If this is the case, she would have been the godly influence in Hezekiah’s life. a) Her name means “my Father is Jehovah.” b) Hezekiah’s name means “the strength of Jehovah.” 2. The fact that Hezekiah was a godly king after being raised in a home where there was such a contrast spiritually shows the grace of God. 3. What I would like for us to see in the life of Hezekiah, and in our own lives, is that God knows best. Hezekiah is a great example of this very fact.


A. One Of Function.

1. Through revival.2 a. He repaired the temple (2 Chr 29:3). b. He restored the articles of worship (2 Chr 29:19). c. He rededicated the temple (2 Chr 29:20-36). d. He reinstituted the (2 Chr 30). e. He removed the practice of idolatry (2 Chr 31:1). f. He reappointed priest and Levites (2 Chr 31:2-19). 2. Through resistance. a. He resisted the urge to plea with the (chief aide) (:36). b. He resisted the urge to panic (:1-2). 1) Instead of panicking he went to the temple. 2) Instead of panicking he sent for the man of God. c. He resisted the urge of powerlessness (2 Kings 19:14-15a).

1 Henry H. Morris, The New Defender’s Study Bible (Nashville, World Publishing 1995), 609. 2 King James Study Bible (Nashville, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1988), 738-739.


1) He went to the temple. 2) He spread the letter out before the Lord and prayed.

B. One Of Faith.

1. In prayer. a. He prayed for political healing. 1) When threatened . 2) This is recorded three times in Scripture (2 Kings 19:14-19) (2 Chr 32:20) ( 37:14-20). b. He prayed for physical healing (2 Kings 20:1-2). 2. In power. a. In the power of God for protection. 1) God encouraged Hezekiah and the people through His prophet (2 Kings 19:20- 28). 2) God encouraged Hezekiah and the people through a sign (2 Kings 19:29). 3) God encouraged Hezekiah and the people through His mighty angel (2 Kings 19:35-37). b. In the power of God for posterity. 1) Why did Hezekiah pray for health (2 Kings 20:1-11)? 2) Could it be that he had no heirs? Maybe he wanted a son to continue in his stead. 3) Whatever the reason, he believed God could heal him, and God gave him 15 more years (2 Kings 20:5-6).


A. One Of Self-Importance.

1. Because of fitness (2 Kings 20:5-6). a. Maybe he felt like God must have thought he was important for some reason (2 Kings 20:3). b. It is easy to become prideful after God has blessed us. Sort of like we must be closer to God than anyone else. 2. Because of flattery (2 Kings 20:12). 3. Because of fanfare (2 Kings 20:13).

B. One Of Sorrow.

1. In Isaiah’s revelation.


a. Isaiah rebukes Hezekiah for showing the Babylonians the fortune of Jerusalem (2 Kings 20:16-18). b. Notice that even in being rebuked, Hezekiah shows more concern for himself than for his sons or the people (2 Kings 20:19). 2. In Manasseh’s reign. a. The son that he had during those 15 extra years of life would turn out to be one of the most wicked kings yet (2 Kings 21:2-16 esp. v. 12). b. Eventually, Manasseh would be carried away and brought back. c. Eventually, the Jews would be led away captive by . and the three Hebrew children would be a part of this captivity.

Would it have been better for Hezekiah had he died at God’s appointed time instead of living another 15 years? Though our desires and wants may be different, God still knows what is best.
