310 The Testimony, August 2003 This final quotation is most interesting. Not dignity, euthanasia, and the right to sui- only does it embody liberty and equality, it ex- cide. We oppose the increasing invasion pounds fraternity as an obligation to democracy. of privacy, by whatever means, in both Note also that it concludes by specifically tracing totalitarian and democratic societies. We this Humanist Manifesto back, not merely to 1948 would safeguard, extend, and imple- (UN Declaration) and the French Revolution, but ment the principles of human freedom also to the 1688 Bill of Rights and to the 1215 evolved from the Magna Carta to the Magna Carta! This surely confirms the validity Bill of Rights, the Rights of Man, and of our thesis, that the contemporary manifesta- the Universal Declaration of Human tion of the three frog spirits is humanism. Rights. (To be concluded) EDITOR: Tony Benson, 26 Tiercel Avenue, Norwich, Prophecy, History NR7 8JN. Tel./Fax 01603 412978; email:
[email protected] and Archaeology The Sinai Peninsula 1. Roads and routes David Green HE AIM OF this seven-part series of arti- dered in the wilderness in a solitary way; they cles is to describe a range of features relat- found no city to dwell in”, says the psalmist Ting to the Sinai Peninsula, and to a lesser (107:4), yet there was sufficient plant growth and extent the adjacent wilderness areas of the Ara- water to support the flocks and herds, “large bah and the Negev. Past and present aspects will droves of livestock” (Ex. 12:38, NIV), that they be included, together with any Biblical connec- brought out of Egypt.