m r AtarMta Mly Ktt PrtH Roa , ..w'-t., > a g s 7 W S l ;v i 'sfdlb'' 'W-'-—'—a — ... TUESDAY^ 7 EBSUASY RilNI MMk iU m tm u t tha AMIt . gtmrtag laU tartght. .OUmnalleee biff TW ntM y. '~ ~.~^ : -'.V Mr. uMl Mra., l« w r « io « Scraa* .y Manehest^r-^A City otV^Uage Charm ten e ( MT Beuldt^ > -MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1952 DelU CiMter Jfo. 51, Royal the Hartford Hoepital. i I g G c M r ^ G E S ) ' - PRICE FIVE GSH^ Arch Mhanha. will confer the R ^ - GAUDET’S al Arch Defree at lU regular c^> The Willing Worker* of the lUon of . the Manches- vocation towrarrow evenug at 7:50 South Methodlat WBCS will meet 'ho received first and at the Maaonic Temple. The meet* in the Ladlea parlor tomorrow burns in. an explo- t^ers all lag will be Mlowad by the uaual afternoon. Member* ar* redueated tion/fn his falhw'e gasoline ita- / aoclal hour and raneahinenta. to meet at on* o'dock. The buai* Uoit in Harttoi^Saturday night tteaa meeting will be held at , 3 was deacribML tms morning as . The Caatac^Church Senior Choir- o'cloek. Hoataaaea will be Mra. Ana / 'very good by (nXMiobs^at Hartford will hold it* regular rahearaal to*. Bronkie and Mr*. Bnuna Dowd, Hospital where' Uken fnl. these features / '•‘mDrw arjdght at T;50r------lowing the-bhMt. y ■ / ^ ----- A daughter wag bom Saturday According to F;^re r The DUVCW «rlll meet tonight V---. , at the St. FrancU Hoapltal in Thomas F. Le*.. who on nday of superior ■/ at S o'cteek at the heme of Mra. Hartford to Mr. and Mra. Joaeph Inspected the gasoline. . y Hanry Sehwarm, 115 Cooper Hill Dawood, o f SSS lllddle tumpika Which Is on BuckinghsM sti atraat. A panny auction will be ' ■ ■■ ■ Donald Mdchla, 16, of 20 Di bald. A, was cleaning the floor of the WATC] The Wealey Group of the South buUdi^ with * mixture -of gaso­ Beauty ahop ownara are rernind* Methodist W8CS will meet to­ line and kerosene. The fire mgr- «d o f an important meeting of the morrow averting at 7:45. Member* shsl theorised that-fumes-eflcmplng -•-Fr-ee-fflectiraiik -watw^ ,*'.‘;.sarsroi?rrr;vii-'v Haiidreeaera' Oulld at the Hotel will work on article* for the ran- (PUL U *"-jL 3 h « cleaning flulS -tJUBVlBM'fViHnffg- - "(W'lnmre.~H««aaBrwtTr-hrMit=- cdul7 "liavs 'W n ig n ited liy a -O A d jn s t BidBtff fay e6lrtRi9A.watcIi:'(ffiker'^ ■=«----- .dred Stevenson, Edna Penny, Ruth spark striick by a nail In the Boy Scout Troop 27 of St. Wallace and Beverly Richardaoiu youth's shoe. >xLarge atogk of replMtaicBt Late King and Heir Apparent Lonit Live-the Queen r’a Church will •celebrate one The station, which was weak­ Reds Want Duke Tells I firat eventa of Scout Week Post 3046 wiU hold lU reg­ ened by the explocion. was con-^ • Ohfi year repair Boarantee 'when an expected lip peraoni ular meeting tonight at 5 o'clock. demned as a public danger on gather tomorrow evening at 0:30 Five new member* will be initiated Sunday by Asetstant Building In- Conference - 3 at the church for a potluCk. Local and a epaghettl supper and a ao- iTiootor C. Hhnry Hayea who or­ Va/cki Princess of Scout leader* will be gueeta. clal wtll follow. dered the walls and roof of the building braced with heavy beams After Truce ------^Mias-Norma X.. StroM of Pit-' for the protection of passereby. kitt'etreet, a student at Westbrook ’is End Junior CoUega, Portland. Me., has !Muii8an. Korea, Feb, 6—(/P) been named to the dean's Hat. Mias s^ote 89th Birthday —-The communist* today pro­ Strong graduated from Manches­ ET’S N*irobl, KenyA., Fob. 6— ter High School in June, 1951. . posed K high level political (/P)-^Princo8* Elizffbeth wept IMPOSSIBLE Of Mrg. Peterson 891 MAIN ST. OPPOSn^ST. JAMES’ CHURCH conference within 90 da.y? ' London, Feb. 6—(A»)— Tired and spent, King George VI when teldj^ of her- father'* died today after 15 yeaTp on the throne. His daughter Eliza­ Hillatown Orange 'V o. ' 57 la after a Korean armistice to death today and made im­ planning to hold a pre-Lentan beth, 25, became Queen." A surprise birthday party off the negotiate withdrawal of for­ mediate plans to fly J^ack to card party iPriday, Peb. I, at 5 occasion of her 89th birthday was The word reached her in an African colony, one of the rem­ BUT TRUE! o'clock at the Grange Hall on Hill Pietmed hat* am asambata o f the plaiaaing committee far the t!M> drive which started yeetetday T- eign troops, settle the Korean London. held last gening for Mrs. Anna nant.* of the British Empire. ^ Z '" — - streat, East. Hartford. fUfreah- swd will eaathsae for tw e weeks. Heated, left to right, as* Mrs. WUHaaa Stoeh, Chalimaa Horace B. ------problem and resolve related News of the. death which made Learned, sad I m . Charlee S. Houee. Btaadlng, left U right, are Shenroed llehb, Henry BoekweU, Peterson at the home of her son George VI— the steady sort of Monarch the BritonaJovR— L'---na^.wi “■ meats will be served and d o o r *nd. daughter-iq-Uw, Mr. and Mr*. ssues in Xhe Orient..... the PrinceiM a ()ueen 'vss,Withheld rChedey had Oerdea -Peggi- ■ ■ - ■...... ■ -■ ...... — ' - Fer - U14inMt»- I>o«eliiiefl» . from Elizabeth until direct confir-P d1^ in_hl8 slte|) at Sandringham, the rb.val estate in Norfolk Wofeli for AnotlMr prises awarded'...... Harry Peterson.\28 Gardner street. "Thf ' thfse-point priipo.sal .wSs Make Your Next Permanent mstlon was obtained by telepHr^ Relatives and\ friends from ds St Pahmnnjom in ths first, where he was born 56 years ago. Ali;over Britain, the oeoule StoNi Ad DAV Auxiliary-will hold a the FanMtn fUlt. dress session of triice negoti/ from Buckingham palace. y said: “ He was a good man.” ----- — .....I— ***- ^ Glagfonbury, Witlimantic, Coven­ meeting tomorrow evening at 5 try, Andover, Hartford and Man­ atlnq teams in two months. / When she was finally toki the Laat September one nf the king'a at the VFW Home, JHancheater Zoii^rs Grant Allied delegsies made ncr com­ news, Elizabeth btoke d lyn Swards and Miss Mary Miller Reject Used Car Lot Lawrence Petei*on of Hartfc^ a deflnlta saving! A to peace In'Korea/\ fir.at leg of the 30.000-mile round He In atste in Westminister Hall, f-u it 1. Members unable to be present are Robert p. Harrison. Warren O. Johnson^----- wave with plenty of th e^’orld totir .they had planned. the great hsH of the Hmise* of . . ** - ElizabethEH»beth Catl Peterson of Manchester^nd But In prcscmJng proposaL had. a premonition ah* might not FUNERAL requested to notify either of the Edmund' A. Hsuschild. Carmen Jones curls! Reg: 615 Returned From Hunt . Parliament, for several day* next Meeting in executive session sf- Frank E. Hayes. Hamilton M. Jones Mrs. Elsie Carlson, also o f^ a n - North Korean Gen. Nam'-Xl linked see her father alive again. hostesses. It to a stat^ en t by President Only a few houra before news of week. The fimeral will take place ter holding public hearings on 10 Rlyhard A. Heady. Kenneth W. Jones cheater. George VI wa* the fliat British SERVICE applications for exceptions to zon­ FREDERICS LOVE- No Appointmeht N tn is a iy Truman invMving U.' 5. ntilitary the King'a death arrived, Elisa­ at Windsor Castle, oh a date to be Manchester Grange will meet Allan F. Hellatrom, Jr. Lloyd A. Jones beth and her hiiahand had returned, determined after Elizabeth'- con- King to visit the United Statet— ing regulations, tha Zoning Board Joseph P. Henderson. LEE CURL Export Ueseaod Oporatan aid to Formosa, Indo-C7iina\and He waa there with hla Queen, Eli­ W altw N. tomorrow avanUig In Orange Hall. Robert E. Jones the Philipmnes. to the royal lodge from an ele­ aulta palace advisor* and the gov­ of Appeals last night granted Donald J. Henry. Robert J. Jones Rea. 110.50 ^ O a U U zabeth. in 1939. The new (mean Leciare, The lecturer, Mrs. Gustave Ander­ eight of the appeals, ,denied one BEAUTY Slgnlflgsntly, the Communist phant hunt. ernment-: Director son, is. arranging a Valentine pro­ Robert H. Hermann. Sarsh A. Jones Lifeoil At one Jlme- ■ herd of 6 ele. Th# -King ami hi*. Q u *^ Eiiaa- went to. Washington last ..yaajr .en 35. MAIN. ST. .and tabled one. Everett. M. Hewitt. , Joseph W. J. Ksminskt SALON proposM referred- for the ftrsf-. a side-excui-alon from her trip gram, ahd each lady attending is HALE'S time to "the People's Republic o f phanta paa.sed with.a few yards of beth, with their two pfeity daugh­ Pour of the applications that Gecfrge P. Hewitt. . Robert A. Ksnak 34 s t a t e ST. 4-0206 across Canada. , -Manchastar Call 5269 asked to provide a box lunch for C h ii^' ss a belligerent In Korea. the Princeaa' ohaervatinn spot. ter*-. Elizabeth and Margaret Rose, two. were, approved, however, were Richard W. Hewitt. George A . Kanehl a r ..5 $ 7 . 5 p / HABTFOBO The late King George -VI le shown yrith .1-wsr-old Prince CTiarlee Hunters closed In to protect her had won the heart* of Britain by Prime Minlater Churchill called granted conditionally. Anthony Robert J. Hildebrand. Bernard J. Kasulki Over Begal Theater Heretofore, the Reds have insisted who now becomes first In line to suewired to Nip throne. rhnries. an emergency meeting of the cab­ Headquarters All waves Include Shampoo, fighting In Korea were and the Duke joined them rarr.ving their steadfast ^fiu isl to seek Smith, who aought permission to Frank M. Hlller>-. Frederic Kelsh OPEN MONDATS bom Nov. 13, 1545, some dsy will become Prinr* of Al'nies. n title re- a heavy elephant gim. ■ ^ ’ safety shroad'.during World War inet to set In motion the machin­ convert a single-family unit into Henry L. Hilliard. . George-G.. Keith FOR FlngeKWave, Halrstyllag iiUinteers. *ccveK« l«e« king'rsmiwsdi.hla luffUlo iwnony..ijJSIi66heth-.hy.M gc PauFTfTftTsfiir'^ elfe“Bffisved like 'a Queen. medfitFniniFTflrfhiTCtfffc'^aTtCTthr r-fer--- Spruce— »treetT--*nd—G .—Walter ■Wllilam J._ ments of countries fighting in Ko- A /l _g.randfather.. Oeorgn V - "7^ -Edmund- L.- Klely- "ShV-broke-tnio-tears.- hut she Last- September-.-w- - surgeon Snow, who also applied for permis­ Allsn Hooey<' . Eugene F. Kiely 'te A .. That' w'buKr rbe' the....fiSsT d M , court mourning waa ordered, clause of an armistice. Two other regsihed her composure.^' the in­ rpoved one of hi* lung* ss cancer /• sion to convert a one-family house Norrtlan p/^Hooey. Francis J. Kisly QUEEN ELIZABETH ous. and. the King had looked ill for, nine months. z clsuses still are unsettled. formant aald. to a two-family house with an out­ James H. Hope. James King, Jr. for a long time. But even hi* Iny George V'a Queen. Mary,' at 54 Ralph A. Howard. Jr. ha* outlived her husband and her side stairway on the side .of the William W. Kirk Other deveInpmeiUs; ----- Masked Wit ss i\ells " — WINDSOR TO SAIll.----- mediate • family did- not —know building, at 120 Walnut street, aon; ■ ------V George R. Hubbard Henry S. Ki.saman __ 1. A subcommittee working on New York. Feb. 6— The death waa so near. Princeaa Eliza­ were granted permission on the W'illtam P. Huddleston. Jr. ' E. John KJeliaon exchange of prisoners agreed to beth was In the first stages nf an It was at Sandringliam that Duke of Windsor announced today George V died, Jan. 21. 1936. Then condition that the statr'''ay be en­ Ruby Jack. Richard E. Klein Inspection of POW ctmos .b y Of Massa e in KWyn h*. ndil aaib tomorrow night- to- at­ House Unit VotM around-thc-worid trip, hut planned closed. ' George El jatwls. William B. Klo’ppenburg, Jr. Joint ' Red CriJss' tesms' 'of belHg- to fly home im m^iately from Edwarff v i n waa.TClhg for a fev Both dwellings are In Residence tend the funeral of hi*'brother. month*: The dead King at that I Lloyd Jarvis. Andrew E. Kluck •re'nt nations aPd turned their dls- King George VI. hut that th# Kenya in Esst-Afric*. Zone* B. Earl W. Knofia ' cuMions over to staff officers. Vol- W ip in g crowd* gathered at time waa Duke of York. He 1»e- Robert E. Jensen. ;! Duchess wtll. remain In the United cameKtng th ^ ll, i»86. when Ed­ The two other applications that Lotiis J.'Jodoin. EdWard Kodes trfitsrv repatriation is the main WaAhinifton, Feb. — A 4«i>5e witnfiw in a pBlowslip State*. Buckingham Palare aa word of received conditional permissions ward gave up the throne for "the Kmest C. Johnson. Jr. John Koenig unsettled riueytlon. mask testified today l>e saw Polish officers being shot Id' Rus­ ■Phe Duke, who a* Effward V III ^ King'a death apreasL Flags SEALY MATTRESSIS . . . $34.50 «mI up were those of Wilbrod Messier and 2. Staff officers debating woman I love." the-twice-divorced Helmer W. Johnson, -<* Edwin KosakowskI sian soldiers in Kati'n foresfy-.acene of oiie of the greatest abdicated the throne to marry the were lowered to half staff. The na­ Mre. Simpson. Stanley Nihcols, Jr. Messterl who Rongoi, Rtfriqoraren mesne of supervising the truce tion's radios went silent except for Niels Johnson, .fr. John K. Kossick ma.ss executions of all‘time. In-AlI, he said, he and two\coni- former Wallia Warfield Slm'naon. Washington. Feh. 6 (^i The .-supervised generally by a civUiiu sought exfenslon of permlasinn, to Robert. C. Johnson. • John M. Kossick met for only 10 minutes.. The key news bulletin*.' Died A t 5:46 A.6L conduct an upholstering business Wdihors and AH panlons saw 200 Polish officers • will depart for .Southampton on House Armed Services committee dominsled commission. ■ Exejnp- Robert F. Johnson. Mer\-in Kramer dispute on this clause - whether the liner "Queen Mary. King by.U'Mm nf.Fates Word of the death came from at the rear oL.199 Center street. put to death. tofla.v i>pproved a rompulapry Un;-: Ilona or deferments from thealx Randrlngham. Palace at 10:46 cm . Robert L. Johnson. Edward J. KuezynakI Ifkor AppHoneos the Reds may rebuild airfields The Duchess hss visited Eng­ Unwillingly, George VI became KEMP’S, Inc. Residence ^ n e C, where he has was not,submitted, to eteff officers I The witness, identified ss an cs- versa.L Military .Ti'*ih*'’g . - j y M T ) o t training would pis held (8:48 a.in. e c t . i . . Tha British land since she "married the Duke King hv a whim of the fatea been cbnrfitctihg the business for .*i'in not a T.IN member. .*raped prison^of the Russians and J. L. McGovei?!! bill. ~ to a minimum. Brosdcaatlng Oorp. announced it FINE IID0IN9 former Polish soldier, told a spe­ In 1937. hut she never has been when Edward V III (now the Duke many years on extensions of per­ ment on the second floor of his The vote, taken ip closed aes- The committee bill /Utipulstes of VVindaori abdicated' rather than at Jl:16 cm. Nen-apaper 'extras 763 MAIN STREEt TEL. 5680 six-family apartment house at 2S JW .IUUeoM 3. President R^rngman Rhee of cial Hou.«e/h«bcommlttee that some, received hy the royal family. mission from the bpkrd, was last ALSCO ALUMINUM Roiith Korea said the whole truce aion. waa reported aa 37 to 7.. ^ __^..that Ute training program shall give tip the love of the American hU tha streets within a few min­ night granted an Indefinite exten­ Otis .streeti which is in * Rest- Polish officers \vere thrown alive Rites Are Hek The legtslation is due to fare s ' take effect onl.v sj/some future ute*. In downtewn London women talks era ''meaningless to me" snd into a ^ a t pit among the rorp.se*. ni'TC'Hr,.«.R TO RETJ'RN Mrs. WsHia Simpson. sion on the condition that he con- dence Zone A. There was one You COB SUVf House test,^this montlu ....ylt pro- . litue to be decided the Preat- H»..llved to. see Britain, lose hurst into tears as they -saw Uia - .Sferm SoUl and Doors ■ 7 ^ -that hie- Republic- would -npt ac­ Ih/Shoft Polish sehl'enccs. the Jftinirh. Gertnatty. Feb. d-'-t/pt-r duct'the business'j^i*hnally. obJecUoh to the applicalinn. ' " vide* for the Induction” into a se­ dent or Congrea*/pi-faum*bly i,in- much of her empire, and to see hla headlines. cept any settlement which left IS - his name snd backciound 111 Bridgeport ;he Duchess of Kent, aia'ter-in-law Nichols was granted a two-year The remaining four applications the nation divided. He said that curity training corps for six dnr emergenc.v^ndittons. countrymen in wartime valor and While Ellrjiheth became Queen that received approval of- the - GuoranrMd By wlthheld--descrlhed killings extension of permission on his re­ CBAt STOKER.. YonuneI fui^aee would be "yielding tq Rovlet Rus- month* nf trsining ^ all eligible It prohlbi^^n.v attempt by the peacetime austerity. > Immediately on the death of her quest to keep more than flve board were" those of the Atlantic h an eerie flood-lighted forest near Bridgeport. Ffb, 5 Hun­ (UnntlirHed on Page Four) males,,when they pecome .18 year* aimed scrvl^s to send trainees d1- Good Heusoktopinq ■sia." ' — - - Now Britain has her first Queen father, th* nation actually is with­ roomers at 106-109-110 Birch Refining Company, who refeived tending when you instidl the new a u ^ « Smolensk. Russia, In October. f9.",9. dreds of persons, representing all of sge. / , rectl.v in t^ h ff armed force* uaon in 61 year*. The last waa ()ueeh out a Constitutional head until she an extension' of permission of one Immediate Delivery . on SHELL He said "I saw prisoner* being street. Residence Zone B. provid- branches of the goyermnent; Uie After serving yfix months, the completljm of their six month* of Victoria, who ntleff from 1838 to ryjJLtqta home from Afrlca.^ ed that he-.keep no .inore-thaiv-Hl -y«ar.^in- which.Jta-ecset-* g ssoltne matic coa] atokera! More good newut You itle. with-, two ehmonnioBSr- tratnees- would'-h*--Hahl/-for--re- ^rattthij eonimunily snd religious orgsniza- I5(ir7~XnaTKnoni 5*ffeVe~frrniTy tiatlun resulted flViffi the uiiex- roomers at-a tlnv*'." " ' station together with lights and ,(ctiii;______• / savejnoney, aometimefi iui-m uch— . fifty-pflff— he lay strapped In a tree within ditorj? Bhrst serve duty for. seven and on«-ha!f TTie: Pentagon h«d recommended that the country waxes proaper- PMtedneaa of the King'a dseth The board laat night denied the signs on VVeat CslTTl-“r“ atr^r,“'eifsl Sfhglc Sessiotj the foreat. ^ tlbnsTinied Rt. Peter s cmurcn lo- years. that UM'T trainees automatically ous under a woman's reign. The ailing Monarch wa* scheduled application of Raymond Camposeo of Hartford road and William and M a k e |5 tent on fuel bjUfi . . . hec&uBe automatic equip­ j Fears Repriaala " dsy St service.* for James L. .Mc­ The proposed law would go-Into serve 18 months In the regular The heir to the throne wilt he to leave March 11 on a health for a certificate of approval and Stella Lang, who w-ere granted an / Meh* heeUNfel I The stocky witness wore s pil­ Govern. s.*.< 5 3 on However, opponents predicted tive duty without his consent for become Prince of Wales. would have taken over .all ro)rai and Residence Zone B after prop^ to erect an outside stairway on Phon« 5 1 6 1 ar NlgMe 4 6 U eardt ead neyel- Party to Mept May 26, hera of hla family behind the Iron the federal, state And municipal the.v will kill it when It reaches any period in exre.ss of .30 day*, While there was no offlrial an­ function* except the pow'er t(» dlt- you hum ' Id Co^pany*i|. Lehigh premium an­ e s ta te Dejil.^Books erty. owners living in the vicinity the side of the dwelling at ."iflO- Bank Flnanm g / 11*1 'Item tea Citrtaln. He Spoke and *aw through government.*, joijied community the House. except in such mqnner' or niimi^r nouncement. well-inforjned.. aper. .aqly# parliament, Slid to create A62 Middle turnpike east. Business Pick Delegates; Sen­ leadera irt the pr/^eaaion, from lh» The - leeislatinn, follows the gen­ of the proposed used-raV lot pre­ 4 5 Dsye First Rhymedt thellt. taisy Heen thracite. Call ufi for information. allta In the cnide white mask. As Collp4*hdiIe aa Congress mpv determine.'. rialista speculated that the King peers. Ruch rounaellora are ap. sented strong objections bn the Zone. If; . at Hapaiaest with ate, House Nominri*s The aiLbcommIttee; headed hy McGovern reatrience th the church eral outlines of s program suh- Under the bili. U M T could h^- died of coronary thfomboals — a pointed whenever a r\M*T, hfoomfll ____ Nursery ?*choql _ * . and then to UichaeJ'a Cemetery mlMed --hv • a special commitsrtnn — ...... grounds that aur-h .a. bnslnes.. in this peafitehl* hahs- Rep. Madden (DJnrtl. lit'lnveatl- started \yhenever Cong res*' slops >lot oh the heart.' This ia" oTleh the Also granted were those of Mrs. In final tribute to the dean of '‘Hartford, Feb. 6 ~ ~~ Ptate headed hv former Renator .Tames their midst would depreciate their by. It's (iety M Hartford. Feb. * —(/PI—Connect­ - gating the murder of some 10.000 or reduce* the drafting of youtha cause when, death occurs during (ConHaned off Page Thlrtera) property, create a traffic hazard Thomas Dawkins, who was given Polish ofCIcei* In K*t^^^ foreat. Connecticut newspapermen who Tax Deparlmeht "wiite-offa" nf Wed.«worth of New York. helow 19 years of age. nr the leers sad fan fer icut Republican* will choose their sleep. Additinnally, (he King had and serioualy alter the character a two-year permission to conduct 6. E.^ILLIS Earlier witneaaea have aald, the died at the age of 82 yehra. auppoaeffly umollectsble Inherit­ The trslnlng progrsm would he Pre.sldent issues an executive or­ a history of circulatory ailments s nursery school for three children WANTiO ell the family, .delegate* I'o the party'* national .Rcorea of prieats from pariahea of the neighborhood. convention And their nomincoofor .Ruaalan* -did .the killing. TTie Stp- ance taxes canW. under .fire today der to that effect? Thia would be —he wail,i.nperated on In 1949 to at Wk) Woodbridge- street, in a Ihroiiglioul (he ‘atate'w’ere’. ifi the Tabled was th«:, sppHcAtloh of U^ 8. Senator ahd Congreaamanr vleta *lW*>-*ii*ve^biaiTied it on the lo f the bi-partlsan state aj(dij,qrs. the "tiigger.'' reiteve a' drCOTathry dianrder of Residence Zone A: and Clarence EASY-FVN sanctuary when the solemn mas* Edward-J.. Holl, 'who requested BOOK^P^^ SSOillNC. . St-Large at one atate convention German*. The auditors tmenly questioned Thereafter. 18 year olds would the leg. permission to make use of two Setpel. Who. asked permission to W« IMFR • 4Em»Ma of requiem was celebrated at 11 enter UMT for their six, months George'* voice sounded husky BuUeBtis erect sn addition in the rear, of Nm 9f Mt 2 MAIN 3T.—TCL. SI2S Inatead of two. ^ Todal-'a maaked .withe** said he some of the 332,¥.3.3 written off ta rooms and a bath ns an apart- saw the firat two, doomed Poilah o'cjpck in the absence of the Moat' trsining. although tho.se 19 snd when he broadcast hla annual his dwelling at 62 . Phelps roiid. oiiGDNa4a The GOP State Central commit­ ''uncoliertable'' Iri^ Herember, 1950, News Tidbits from th.ff AP.-Wiz6ff BafariUoim ef the nsmara ear otrihe le mK ever^Aay PtudentUI ASST. lOOKKEim t e - M a : :T9« Mria aoldler* taken to the edge-j»f * Revv-Henry J. O'Brien, - Bishop of over Avhiild >-till ha auhjert to in­ Christmaa mesaage and snm* Residence Zone A.- 659^9 NeSidy teS er tee, meeting here last night to hy then Tax'Coinmlaaioher Denitt'a ageat eolleetlag this w w « le ecabMag the Jeb. Memhera el all huge- pit about 100 yard* from the Hartford, upon whose recommend duction under the Selective Serv­ snfcialiat* saw that a possible In­ The board last night also took plsn for the coming campaign, aet. P. O'Connor. > " Calird from AP Wires 9 i m I (fation McGovern was made a ice law.___ dication tkat cancer, having been " i * thLa sad g (y » m year coa- action on the apnlieatlon of Leslie Sfota' Weotimit the dates for. the aingle convention tree in which he was hidden.. -"R ecord * in the .taxpayer*!, files Oittei auppoH ia oar aaltaaal sTrihe. ' HOBBY SHOPPE aa May 25 and 27: Biishnell Me- Acting out each event he des­ Knight of Ft.‘Gfegdr.v in 1948. The WILL PROCLAIM QUEEN LAND SURVEYING dml Carrot, which had. been held over Viesr Generiil - of the. Diocese, did not fully support the aiatement and Sdary Dasirod Cor. Center and Orlswold St*. . morisl' in this city, acene of many cribed,. the wltaeaa gave this aa- that all such-abaled takes and in­ l^iMon. Fefc flrtrtff^ Brit- since Per.: 1ft, gi*n-ttng-GhrroI-per-> M.sgr. John F. 'Caliahan attended' Announced U. 5. battle eaannl- PHONE 3233 past convention*, waa aelected aa count: terest charges were iUn(:oIlect*ble," tlea in Korea reach 10,5,271. ' in­ ala s Accession esmacil drafted a LOOAL UMIU l a CIVIL ENGlNEERiNG mission to erect' * dwelling on a WRITE iOX R the service*. proelamaHea tonight formally 3 lot having less area than regular OPEN 9 A. si. to 7 P. »f. Wh^ Does A Man Buy? “ th'e pTace'. Tour Riisalan solditrs escorted said the qudltora \Demorrat Jo­ crease of 27.0 since last week e*o Tha HoraM - Pleoty of Parking Space June 31 was picked a* another the officer*: They" Jerked hack the " (>lehrant of^h/c iitasa was the seph. B. Downes ana Republican President Truman attend^ funeral Truman Switch in N. H. ”Minmf '~PH«ieraa ISHiilietli ^ tions allow' south at 13A Biickland IVHY DOES A m a n buy Hf* hiaanuape? ' ' — BiiwcNrd L. UavH, Jr. “Important date on ' the political officers' heads and stuffed saw­ Rev, Elmer Henderson. S. J., of Ra.ymond I. Longle.v.l for Harold L. Ickea, forifter Sec­ Queen o f Great Britain. The street, which la located In a Rura^ calendar; On that day convention* Fordham University, a relative of prorlamatinn heramea official Begtslered Ch'll Engineer and Residence Zone. ^ BECAUSE M a moraiag during the dn^ M Ms yraOi ho *ver- dust in their mouths. In at leaat two caAea, the audi- retary of-Interior who died Run- ( «n"ugh of to nominate for U. 8. Repreaent*-. Then the prisoner*; arm* were the McGovern famil.v,, Asaisttng .t.«r*„. aalff, . hgckajidii^ ,taxp6y,(tM upon publlratiM expected trttk- ...... Land. Surveyor...... fiVS'wlir'b* held in"e*ch -of- - the- ffay-..- :■....—...... "la M few hOOTC' " to gather that they had borrowed moacy to pay hla tuition *t the -puHeff "belffnff" their - barks "atid him-w-ere' thp Rerr- IJngii F. G*Ti were found able to pa.y tip - only to Norwalk Board of Fkiucation atate'* five Congreaslonal diiffrict*. lagher, assistant to the pastor. 15.Proctor Road< Manchester university, and be determlawd forthwith that they would be re- .hound with wire. find their tax bill* had been for­ vote* 5 to 4 to renew contract of In paat Prealdential year*. Con- <5ne^ Poje resisted. A Russian' MSg.r, Leo. M.. Finn,, who la. out of .,..£ANADA HAIU4 QUEEN. Tel. 7016 ■pald.; ' ^ , , ,, given.--- ■ RUperintendent Of .Rfhool* ". HITtlS’ ’ -Becticut- Republican* havs. al- the state; the Rev. .lohn J.-Top- "Either the record* were incom­ Washington. Feb. «. (Ah- Pres-11dent’s plans brought neW effolt* Ottaw'c .''Feb. .6— r/pC .' P tM - - t| Ere Yo^ookinef 5r UICQME? BECAUSE oijw Mft w n ^ ovetikg uiielno*t woad^^ Mri K. Idleman for one year . .Remov- I -- TOYB way* held two atate convention* — JContinued On Page Twelve) mey. alao of St. Peter's. plete, nr proper and adequate" in- Idem Truman's off-agaln. on-agaln : hy Senators Kefauver ( D.. .T t^ l COM EllsMieth tadsv w m ta the worM shyly proMliiod hereoH to hiin a«d Mm aloM *^ al 'of Veteran*'' .Idintnistratlnn nf- tntS.Tiin’ n Wscfpshlrs .na IC»rr I f) DhTs I iff TTne tip i .iMa*«sh»y^a'awgrw«rs4^ A i ^.aiijpuc i^RfMea.. “aa-Hwv ■teIhriilawlff'ItteiP'igwri wi >'*«ii>wiy 'tw*iiHiMMr*a^ ^ SiaaUgahnii and anllsfillaa'aiithaaa TH^fTtTBlTTErWTlTm ■.TSKsnuaHitir Xilvjifrf «onvFfitiGn ¥ec^T* were not resorted'to;” akirfrthe re­ presldentia) pHma^’ left Demo- delegate atreiigtYi. K erf ha* not - ter wtot, might come, plM would never regret placliiglwr fnttue 4»nd In th e fall to nominAta candl- Arihiir Orms —Tj'xuie.KT*;- ---L ■***rtiiiehit’'y^‘'' Tlif risMuet taali natAa of -■ TWa^yesr, howsv*Fr*omlnstioos th*- Hartford ■ Regional.:,Offlre: J 0 **ANN;3 -BECAURE" one division - foe- fli'(f 12-monfh period Firahk Mr'Ktmrey,- -"the • party’*- Intendrtn-rnn i f Trumah -doea’ not -Dgtowea to the Qqewi.' ' ; ' ------ill RMforUIMN^f ER SHAK him twe *hlay keys on.* thla loop of wire aad prenraaeei the for atste offices will not be made ending lest June .30. Three iqen killed and‘eight In­ national chairman, made It clear seek reelection. because of legislation Increaaing- Rooder and Advisor. excIMag words. "She’s finished aa* gll yrai*.” aad he swore that In either case, the auditors In- jured a-* B-29 bomber, sweeping in there will be no objection to en­ Kefauver, who ha* announced He RRANNAN FIRES TMt> WHATB THE BEAL PBICB no quirk of fate would ever drive Ms bride from this, her benp*. For Repu hlican Nomina tiort for landing, crash#* and burn* in tering Truman delegate- alates In is In th* fqee "to the finish", plans - Waohlagtaii,' Feh. 6 —(A v -S «> *%. (ConHaoeff • * Pag* Four) --- alfalfa field near runway at March such atate* a* caitfnrnl*. where to’ : rampalg'n ictlvel.v iff New ON TOUR HOUSE? BECAUSE la the predawn hush of a wintry day the firat thla (Oontinned on Page Four) retaiy .BhMMa today firad tha Haa Moved to New Address Air Baae. Calif . . . Two Hartford the candidate's consent i* nqt re­ Hampshire, where a slate backing -dtrector and aeaiataat director wail of a newborn babe enbned kts nervoa*.|Miclng*'Wtth the nof- Haefford, Feb. 6.—tJP>—The "He (Lodge) as an individual, , ' . Ml Trail nra otu eotnoetrat 'Coiiat.v homicide rases will be con­ quired. him will buck Truman delegate of ibe Agriniltare departiwrat’a ema reaUzatlon that he rad that wenderfnl giri had rreotod n Bisenhower-fpr-Preaident band has the right to express hia view*. sidered by a grand jury which will candidates In' the March 11 pri­ new life, and he pledged Mimelf right then that an ehUd of theira Grain Shortage :■ But he left (n the air any deci­ eommmUty office aji Dallaa, te .Please send me witheut cost or obligation your cir­ wagon in Connecticut has been I atill believe that Taft will be the Moran CoiivicTecl convene in Hartford Feh. 14. mary. would la«k aU the training aad all the prepnratton the trarlfl *f sion on what will be done in states eoanerttra with eorreat laveatl , 111 MapI*' «y**6«. li "" cular on New England Utility. iven a hearty shove by (Sovefnor strongest candidate.' ■ New Bngland Congressmen de­ like Wisconsin, where the Presi­ The Tennessee Renator aald he ^^toBBorrew Blight demand. - . ohn Lodge. Neyertheleaa, the effect of gattorn af ahartagea af gavatto Remcmlwr, there I* never Losses Debated J cide to offer bills soon for approval dent would have to consent to the will make a "non-politiral" speech meat grata. Near Franklin and Morris any oMItstlra whra vra «a0 The -Governor'a announcement of Lodge's annoiincement waa re­ On Shakedowns BECAUSE one Bever-to-be-forgntteii mMaight M* hext door of ronuectlcut River Good control use of hi* name. at Naahau, N. H., Runday~and fol­ The dlaehargea, af Di recto* neighbor died and he spent the endless hears untU ■we~i-r try- support for the general, expected garded aa giving impetus to the compact and to take alcp.-t to keep Washington, Feb. 6 'A5 — A Wlacnnsln law requirta the filing low it up later with- campaign ap­ LAfham WMte ahd ' — Tel. 6-1370 HaHfurd JABVIS REALTt lag to comfort and reaeeure a widow wholly lacapaMo of ceaiBi*- to be followed shortly by a simi­ state Riaenhower organization, New York, Feb. 6 —'^' _ Apyty T. the day wnaM reiM whea ha weald have to sten —ui- far a tion to be held in Hartford May could..be 345. years in prison. Hedy Lamarr aaya hei fourth previously, asked that it be with, ' an mr^raaSs supply program. tion. Former Lieut. Oov. Robert A. 26 and 27. will be defeated anywhere In a hiaat eartUtaata to tadid a 5 1 4 ' Ca/rOerctfeNW Niw . Mnfan'a ball waa revoked after marriage "oh which I had placed drawn. However, delegate* Democratic primary. mlBIra daBar atoal aaill ta data* Ihirthermore. legal action is be- Pvaons, one of the first atate The governor got behind Eiken- Thai. Fiokarty, Sapt. the jury of middle-agied business such high hopes." is a . flop, and "pledged" to a candidate needed But the big quaation—n UI Ttu- aeettrat ia atlO “aadti ----- *f iMder* in th* Taft camp, had this $ — S ‘ WM nmi and Middlebrook, L e. to say: aaya ah* seeks divorce from Er- hia consent; and he gave.lt. eeatlra*' 4 jr tbs aaWaaal ptaiata TtltphMt Nimbtr On Pago fliu (Crattouad ra Pag* Etevaa) RICHMD S. C A R ^ — »*ANR F* SHILPON (Coattoued Oa Page TweKe) nMt (Ted) Stauffer. The uncertainty about the Praa- (Orattaoed Om Pac* Twalva) tlaa adafdatatrattsa. L. T. WOOD^CO. ColoRiai Boari Co* INVESTMENT SECURITIES CHARTiRID UFI UNOIRW Rims^ 41 pISSELL STREET Bepreeratlag The Pheeali Matoal Lif* Ira Cc TEL. 4496 615 Forfctr Stroat 541 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 8631 m EAST CENTER STREET, M ANCH ESlSt. CONN, ± M^cmtER EVEmNG yigtALD^^ mi^^y «.1 ?6 2

.Wttlt Mhar. towed nway hgr flit niiinw HBglMtlU ISd *SMSlBAt-'r< ft-.:-:.,..,- -■ T : *- tuie>«g 4teafs m t h e m u n y ^ 1 —- - Pehrolmnn 'ftobeit-IW eette ■ JCVENING HBRAT*D, ItAKCHESTlUt, CotQIw WEDNESDAY^ PEBRtrAKr.9,1952 l ^ a t l n l ^ 'fory:"'H«e^"li:oiidk "br thi'-'Miiil:"'' veetigeted. taken this. Afternoon. Jaekaoa, pa- chestAf Drag Cbmpany arraaged Mahcheetar -PrudentieLi _ iSttUL pi.rsgd.'Wt-:* .1 JamiMOTi,—•-flie- M lUII on atrika. Obhan'aaid to- 5 k ! w S --f#ee:aBid; waa-lmeeW dewm wlie*4" ■fbrthe-ep4««ei''-’'- ^yRrethere;' nfl- n t the- “pagt"nw -WMlfiii;' ,tli»' he ran ipta the sthect but the car Proceeda- for the Ltoa's Oub T iScliDolCliildreu nea. C a rl tre sy k goal of wrhloh waa to win one mil- quirad fo r /MT. '*^a ara hopaful the maatlnf Public tU;c(|)rd did not paee over hintyH c auffer- lip n u i. kin hMr fruit and y aatnew ani Deal 8 Ford -erbaby and George-flriatol Heeee Shwr niei“qaad bP thiaaee - Uoa yeung-people to Ghriat. • jiiick thinking on the ■part of ed brulaea and 'abraplime. , Tlw committee, which ts ____ ReV. Carl. Haasen, the priaclpal itiA ^ents iiii4 winj»a_^c;oiw^ .. have been made general. chairman ,tta club praiactE an h y wMeh u - H ’eeraew-of.-of-,: -.llg Peerl-atreet .... ■ -by M ra.-J. Bdwaid-AtoKeever, _ PoFf UoliR Open l*L»i*£?k^kai gjiqrinaan .-ffL.. ---Ratroimaa^ Josepli Sardeiiir fa of the 'Mkhchtatift XJta’a abb al4 to the handita^pe^nd Wiifl. W e d d i s ; aqpeakafgt the aeryte* Bimday «v«; iMiie4%g{Mere <10), OeMTii ^^aiU'TW ieirni Whan aak^ if tha eaUlnf In of pre' what could have been a ,„l«»ntmulng hie laVaatigatloB. He stated by Mr. and Mrs. Henry CbT' Green Manor Catatea, lac.. _ 1933 'Horae Shew, It waa announc­ compared the "Call” of Ordnance Deflgn Bagtoaeg nOr tha nagotutora ihaant tha com­ - Mfa. Honoura /..Gallagher far aerioua accident at I 9IS 'repdrted Moonly ae-driving east Crosby haa aanounceid the fol­ H m df«H Khearsal of "Oorner- mter, Mrs. Willtam LaMotte, W’U- m orrow in W anhii^on Jamea fXrCtalg. JiC A iiir^ th ^ ed at tha cluta bi-monthly meet­ to a., yoke, not a yoke of T h en atlo a'e niwner and operator o f ning on thp4 idewnik aa hit brother KaDy-Hcii tta Heltlstor kpheel on Sunday and Mrs. Bernard'SandweU. y k n aad Se< told tta storiea of those would ba In a paid panalon, CbHah labt night 'at her ho'me, ,Bom In •Manor Egtates, Inc., to Speaker-oA the -meeting waa vita, fiaanee: Robert Dillon, pub­ diecotutad with uCeddlag . Other peeitioaa to be illedi: TI m iMfoUAUnir eomroi'tttc for a large oil tr^wk, waa parked on ■ekaeed him. The youngster ran be­ SaflrMiinki-ildtclikiaB be contacted by phone by Mtyont who tad answered "The CbU” in ter, the Bprlngfleld (Maee.) Ar­ Galway, Ireland, aha cama-to tfila Kriitt and Judith .fV John A^ Law, a rbpreaantative of licity; Dr. Robert Kenaoa, tro­ white aUwameip.' afternoon, met 'with enthusiastic Phyaieai Metaliurgtata ( 3 ) . Tbol •tHklas PniilMitUI aifonU will aald, “Thera muat be aomathlng 'ln Lllley atreet, xtoliveiing oil at 34 hind a parked car. Mooney told po­ deairing tlcketa. their particular, way. mory, has announced that Civil tha ofnnt." country and Maneheater. many KrhtC'jproperty on Elisabeth drive. the Eli Lilly prug Company of In- phic* and ribboaa; John Wflhud. For a Wedding trip to New Tork reception from the. audience vef Designere ( 3 ), tadustriei RMHai. ' n M t n r th« flrat .fM* tine* th« Lilley ■ atreet.\ Suddenly . tha lio* he area going about 1» m iles . Following tne sermon tta young tarvtce openings in aeveral scien­ at(liuiiit( at th« PrumnUal tthk* . Although afflAaia of tha Inaur- yeara ago. She waa A membeif.^ dlanapollA who spoke on the de­ refaeshmenta: John HadKnd, flag aty the bride choM a red suit. echool ehlldren preeteL tific and engineering fields are iste ( 4 ); Physic{sU'a|ia St. Jamea' Chiirch.- • \ truck, parked fahiw eaat on the an-hnur and had applied his krakea velopment' of pharmaceutical people' gave their covenant with D m l 1 with Affiefkla of th« cow- andi Aganta international Unton, Ch^MeSaapence Chaponla and crew and grouada; .BdwaM Mae- black mediRyigg apA-' gny fur- - The acU were aU #etl received. Y t lllt h l^ 2»tllf>i*inaekwawl>r--APeartoa mm- ran-in frost tf him. - : ----- Abund movie Whiibi deeefibed the mm. Maistant :;rihgm^ te carry on His work. ■lo o n iln *.i. V npgotlatora wouM not be called In the truck m lliag doa^the center; H iui^ (i{cr; ta'Ki'. marked at St. their friende aner Feb. d at 43$ number done by IS I fieida -are-opea,' aocordthg-to-Ar­ . Recent «aUage gradaataa.-tai'an* Edward P. McCartan, both of Mary%. Bpl*coHl Church, Satur Center atreet. . . Who are -regular televistob. enter- Assiatihg In the service'were mory officials. A »alafi4 m -caatoaLla:. Ctiwirw until the company had-gdifanccd. flCitiuLsUseL-bsedeti (imaxto^Call’ Jate-JEted R. Edaae, Rev, -Clifford- ginaeriagr nr aeienee without pr»; l'''}4'aiionaBie orrar; aoma abllilng' ^ dayryehrtihr — 1$>e bride'e gift to, ttw -brii tolaeia Tlw animal get unasr the PBBDSt Oobm,iobni, diaIrnMiAehalOnan of the Manchaa- William A. Clay inf Pranclatown, traveled Main- atreet Q. Sim'psoa.' lUvTlSdira'OI'H'uBtr tcr Stilka rommittM, from union ageiita of Local M, which em> on the running board flaHiding i groom waa luggage; te her maid’ dlrecttoii o f Roberto and b|k as- that'research and development ac- tra in a e g n riM ^ per year.. N. H„ and Mfa. Frank Rival, Mra. To Winiam wendilhg for aiten of honor ahe 'gave a rhBieatBBe aet siaUM L Ona^ataMO a super halU f The eighth annual Youth Week Lynn Norris, Kim Shlrer, Jack tivties at the Armory ■ have In^ haadquartera laM nirht aald that bracali the Hartford area, recently I fj”' and pulled the ateerlng Pro.van, GiUl Todd and Don Nich­ Qualified persons from Itga- tions and adiTOona tdNIweUing it* and to her bridesm alda, gedd h eatt ta the "Gharmettes" and a aaappy HSi brought to a clone Sunday creased 100<> over that of last eheeter and vidnity Intoreatod In •>l M v io R IcrIard I of Wat«rbur>% out preaaUra on tha union to call Ar^rnaeio^'Am ^ all of Ma?' the left- before being throwiK to I HAVE SEEN MORE THAN 1IN PICTURES bracelets. ' olson. \lfW Enfland repraaantatlv* oiv r th. Mgottating committee. ° Vi. vutTl the ground. ’ .ife waa not 339 Parker streAt, $1,0 (awrleston duet alao met with evening at the Center Congrega­ year. Recent demonstrations of sucb tniall arms ordainca work cheater; four alatera, the Mlaaea ^ •• jreafA I have bqea a theater maaagir. When t prevlewad Wafnar ■ ! « . " l e e * far great approval, the cast includes light rifiM at the Aberdeen (Md.) fl|^ nafotlatinf eommlttaa, wouW At 'a meeting of aganta from jured. TK e’ tnick .tnUed. apprwciV ,Mei«n wHh C m Oraat aad Betsy Drake. I honestly feK It teas the heat eoiMt^ t had aiea la tlw \Tng T»HaClVtainr;cive to Wa tional Church when about 150 P ro ­ Man-^I met my. wife at dinner ahonid contact tta avlUan Clara, Mary and Delia Gallagher, bride a Mmilton watch and to hta Tony O'BrighL Arlyne Mary Gsr- Proving Orotmta brought to'light •onnel Office at the Armory; New England In Qoaton Saturday, all of ManchMter. and Mra. Ar- mately 219 feet down the atreet, yearn.n*. IPs tnrty— ■ a ‘ wonderful, — . wholeeome . - family...... eatertalnnMnt testant ybuUi and their adult lead- la st nighL howavaf, negoOatora aald they did JiimpM the mdewalk curb and beat man w pen and pencil aet; to rlto, the Cbrmlera, Jimmy McCon- erk rededicated 'themselves-to-Ood some of the,' -extemriva-Wofit—in- ,thur Wadewotih of Hartford, and Aboul r want te perseaalfy recommend thin pictim to all my patrons and Hf you only eae meWea pia- the uhaeiu ha gave tie claapa and ^ le. Carol quinn. Donna and ■ ■^'THen'd--HiSw n ice; ■ ■ W d ' you small arm ordnance currently be­ not want to ba ckllad'ln for talke I 2 grandchildren. r o l l - down a IS-foot embank­ tare tMs year—tMe is the one you MVST eee! In an impressive service. This ser­ have an exciting time 7 ' Z w lb a r and ita neighbor iefamd. ■ww—--—- ■ seta of cuff, itnka.. t - Richard Fogg, BUly Maaiir, Wdle ing conducted at the Armoi Perabat off Africa’a. east with the. company, until -the com­ ■ The'funarm w ill be'ham mtday' ment before atr|king a pariced car vice climaxed', the. aeries of "GgU"t - -Man—Did li.-- L traa suppoeed T^>aif iguTi ■ ...... j a c k s a n s o n . The bride waa graduated with Stllra, Ckrol Csdbret and Eddie meetings, w-hl'h have been going rttioits - bbfn' cover a“ % Htng' coast, produce about touf-flfUia olr pany bettered ita offer, according morning at 8 :3 0 from the W. P, In Sam and Tom'e service action ;j?Llj>!?-W«gtlAngl U gtrtet t at to he working late at the qflrice. th lw al d«etataa"wKo atleiadaif. lot at 418 M aim tTm f~~T'"~ t t a 19 4B niaae from— Maaetaatee tjtilah . Mineral Tfome, -2 jn Main this morning hy ^igh School. She Is employed by atfeet, followed by a aolemn high The fnick rammed Into a car epipany S. \ /ackaon' Steiner and Company of owned hy Gerald Caacy. of 20 Maw .of requiem, at Stv Jamea' Hartford. ■ The bridegroom was MBBcnnniBiMisnGn Church at 9 o'clock. Burial will be W'adaw’orth street, k linotype op­ Hose C o .,f a t the 8 M PD w ill graduated from East Hartford BUTtRUE! Personal Notices In the family plot In St. Jamea' erator at-The Herald. The car bold its annual banquet Satb High School, and. until recently Cem etery. waa struck broadelde'^iiHl was al­ evening. Fib. I*. aUrtIng at 6 Y8 waa employed by'the Coca Cola rrlenda may call at the funeral most a total wreck, 'rae oil truck BotUIng Company. He will leave S II ARTIWII DRIN^ ,1 C a r d a t T h sslM r^ home from 7 to 10 thia evening, dfd not. turn over and.\wAi ohly A son waa tarn tq Mr. and Mra. for the qervlre on Feb. $. ' , ------Kiiie atwUo f W*e d.aire to riunk all/'^ur oetah- from J tn 5 tomorrow aftemorfh, allghtly damaged. TM t-D illon JTrank M. Spillane, \ 4 7 4 Middle Mta. Donald. R, Sndrotiasid GREAT i heft, frienda end raletln^ for »he \ The bride was' honored, with a and from 7 to 10 tomorrow eve­ wrecker pulled the truck'tack on­ tumoike. east, thin njom lng at \ (manr aete of kMnJuyiut •vmiMihv large pre-nuptial mlaceUaneoua Ir-i'- 4TORI AD TODAY •howti ue In our r*c»t ber»»»»m*nt. ning. to the road and Pearson was ah]e the Hartford Hoqpltaj.|l. \M" ra. 8 Spll- Miss Edith Alice. Hotchkiss, : fW iletih of neorg* H. V*Hrh. W» lane la the former, ahower. The party, which came aa j J*pail«ll}' Ihonlr W who ••nt h x iiil- to drive away without any trou­ Dorothea V. „ __ Fallot gtiidlo a complete aurprise, was given by daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan C. ON P A G I9 \ ) fill aorwl trlhiitoir or granlril iiM> .of The Ladiea' Aid Society of Zion ble. Haatinga. daughter of M r. • and Mrs- Thomaa g. Helly Hotchkiss of 31 Middle turnpike earA' Lutheran Church will meet tonight Mra. Howard her aunts,, Mra. Felix Gavello and ' Caaey’a car, taarlng New Brana Haatinga, /bf 101 Mrs. Em il Schuls 'at the .SUpsar east, and Donald Raymond . $ad- MIBWIM t The Voli.h fomtly. at 7 :3 0 In the church. , Phetpa road. ^.M laa Dolores Blanche Hbim* wick registration platea, \waa aub and was attended by 75 tiosinaki, son of Mr. and Mrs. John daughter of Mrs. John Klein of guests from this and surrounding J. Trivigno of 4 $ Alexander street, 489 Cebter atreet, became the town; The hall waa beautifully were married Saturdav, Feb. 3 in Report St. \Jemea' Church. TT>e double­ bride of Thomaa Joseph Kelly, aon decorated with white f wedding bells and white streamers. 'The ring ceremony waa performed at Coiulitioii Is Good of Mr. and Mra.-Thomaa Kelly of bride unwrapped her choice gtfta 1 1 o'clock, hy Rev. John Tierney 77 Elm atreet. Eaat Hartford. Sat- while seated before a simulated of St/JPeter’s Church, Hartford. ^wlaMng-wcU.-';— ----- ■■-""■"■•'11. 1111,1 tatartat- played "lAw'fehce'JiHStan.''$.''’abn‘of'Hff.'' -urday;—Feb- ' 3,- In St; Jamef fbe traditional bridal music. Church. Rev. George P. Hughea The hostess aen-ed a buffet aad Mra. Burton Jackaon of #S ;._,1rbe bride who waa given In mar­ performed the ceremony at a high style collation of, a variety of W^l* rtreet, la in good condition riage by htd- father was attended ■<. ; . \' pun than* spring ib b m Ib r SO in a n y nuptial Maas at 10 o'clock. Mra: foods. The tabta was eeateted at Mandieatir Memorial HotpltjH % her friend. Miss Ruth Glade of Tlirlfty Maachester Hsa F< today. Jackaon waa atruck by a e a ts Jane Macrarone preaided at the with a large shower cske, sur­ d Huadreds Of ExrlUag Valum huggaUle liK^BtSeSUray dogs mounted by a miniature .umbrella Stratford. Vincent Diana, cousin Qnr Eatlre Stare! Taull , Stoaalag New Suites Aad car tacrated' by Martin M^ney. organ and palms, white gladioli of the bridegroom, was best man. OeeaaloBal ‘Oui€ h^nr^luul and anapdragona enmpoaed the Nsuaaally- Faaimu.Appllaaees - - a>»iXl And Floor Covering 23. 101 Maple atreet abouy 4:43 IbrldsainM and ushers were Ernest Arenot of Midwinter Sale Prices! / deeoratlona. Westervelt-HaMley the U . 8 . Navy and John S. Maya z The bride waa given In marriage Mr. and Mrs.-Robert F. Hawley of Bridgeport. by her guardian,^ John Klein, and of Gilead, formerly of Manchester, Th# bride's gown of white satin announce the marriage of their \. attended hy her couain, Mj.aa Jean wss designed with a fitted bodice, . I Gavello, aa maid of honor. Bridea- daughter, Anne, to Milo L. Weater- / BUSHNELL buttoned to ' the wrBiitline. long LOVELylsih CENTURY malda were Mlaa Betty Kelly, sis­ velt of Big Timber, Montana, on sleeves and full skirt terminating ter of the bridegroom, and Mias Jan. 10 at Nashua, Io#a, In "The in a train. Her finger-tip veil of UlV DRtSS ORly Irene Frank of Talcottville. Gerald Uttle Brown Church." French illuaion was caught to a l:.10-.^Eve. at fii.lO Kelly waa beat man for hia tiara of orange blossoms. She car­ m a h o g a n y tbs k^nieal’ ebup^u aincuSf«uples began I—m. brother, ind uahera were, the ried a bridal bouquet of white hridc’a brothera, Robert and rosea with whita orchid center. Joseph Helm. Service Conducted The maid of honor wore powder The bride was gowned In Chan­ blue taffeta and net, a tiara of yel­ SUITE .98 tilly lare and nylon tufle. The fit­ /By Young I^eople low roses and blue delphiniums, iORE ted bodice had a aheyf yoke, edged with veil, and an arm bouquet of iffeoULARLY $243.5 0 ! Featured for Thursday . . , ' the sams-fk>wers:---^Ai,..,...... yu,; .to give you an authentic ISth Ceatury repro^Uon - ‘ T h e i w w j I ftialMr oT mfl'PrifliwhC: Vt Rbda.; with aequina- long; tlght*mOng sleeves that tapered to a point Sunday morning at the Center 'The mother of the bride wore a at a substantial Keith Mvlng! Dreaser with Mirror, over the hands. Tha akirt waa Congregational Church; all three wrple faille dr'es*. pink Rccessor- Chest of Drawers and Sleigh JACK ROSE-MELVdlESHAVELSON; HENRY flLANKE-NORMANrtAuRoe^ bouffant and extended into a servioes nf worship were conduct­ /»• and pink rose corsage, and the Bed . . . all In fine Mahogany demure litt'le buttons march down veneers with oak Interiors, chapel train. She wore a yell of ed by young people w ith J a y Entet'': bridegroom's mother was attirta th* *aug/i'fitting . dolman.-tlMy.El ON SAME SHOW nylon.ael. attached in a laCe'-bead- In navy crepe. vulUi navy accesj^ center drjiwer guides, dust- piece and carried- a colonial bou­ •ole.' 'ettident"ksaUtant, ' preac,hing lea and corsage of red roses. They praof ehtt«truction;“~"'"“*~ “'“ Jacket to/point up a fu ll. akirt. r-iirDAYS John Proven leading the serv- > / f quet of white camellias encircledrcled ' assisted the bridsi party at A re^ iKHIps daMkn ; “ttnirpetal:«tteaffiefs: -At-the-»;i3 aervlee-lbr-CSierub -mtmbTestaiiTant.~Botron.:/ r T p:Tw7 ' Mjl* poeketa.. y f 0 0 % wool Ftm t- with Roddy McDowall The honor attendant wore a Choir sang the anthem, "Children’s For an unannounced wedding H of blue lace and Praise" by Adams and Barbara trip the bride is wearing a navv /w'worth or' rmsted T w ^ in beautiful f the .lace. Sta car- Hewitt read the' scripture lesson. plaid suit, light b^e cost and ROOM FOR ONE 2 «n4 g;lS~"STEEL FjSr\at 3 C^t. bouquet of pink black accessories./niey will make putelt. SUei ____ .....______A t^ the 11 o'clock_ service the ly's gown was of Chapin Choir sang "'.‘'Paalm ' 6 2 “ their home in piilsdelphla and be i lace, and Mias from Wilson's collection and Carol at home to t h ^ r friends after Peb. let and lace, both Hewitt read the scripture lesson. 10. The Wde was graduated driM dept. ■ ? i MIT SNOW OF from " M ^hester High School .V- ' . a y th at worn by Joel Alvord led the congregation CHILDREN 12 under— tor. Their colonial clasa of /1950, and the Randall In the Act of Thanksgiving at both School ..m Hartford. The bride­ HALF PRICE.tr r. Orch. $2,40, V of red roses. All services and Robert Kenael led in $IJW; l*t Bale. $2.40, $I.M , ts were mitta to groom^ attended------Howell— Cheney the Act of .Confesaion. Mr. Eber- T^cKnical School and ia at preaant $1.20; 2nil Balc^ale. $i.20.g l.20. Only tad2pd / match-thei.^owns. aole’a sermon, "United! Com­ Hair. «enta lefi for Matinee. 'rel.\ X The mqther of the bride wore wjfh fbe U. S. Navy at the Phila- mitted! Jn Christ!” was chslleng- X*lphia Naval Base. Hartford .3-8117 for reaenutlona. ■ s Court” ' teal blue lace, black acce-asories lag and helped the young people^ and corsage of pink camelliaa. to see the adventure still to b* A reception for 200 gueaU took Ravenna and Adria, once, great found In modem living. / Italian seaports, are now stranded NEXT TUESDAY-X THREE-ACT COMEDY RY MARK TWAIN place In the afternoon at the Ital- Boy Scouts of Troop 25 A ere. m i lan-Americaa Oub, \J1iich w as in marshy ground because of silt­ ONE PERFORMA-NC'E' l . m h Y ushers. X ing and shifting coastal -sands. ■ ‘ X • PrflSflntfld-fy ------V - ■ . f . *T .rn,m» •wradav e.»w*« X- MARCEL LCMN ‘‘ 4 A.NN A .N M E ^OCK AND BUSKIN. MANCHESTER HlOH SCHOOL DRAMATlt CkMI/ and Sixturday Bvertings^ — fe b ‘ J5> 16 ~ 6j 841 MAIN STREET nuaya^* too { h ig h ' sc h o o l a u d it o r iu m BURTON'S FOR BEST - V jjgAS^feNIt^ADEM^^ Oreraj Terms ^ . Open An Account Roy^ Vlctory in lovely leaf paittems cut to MIRACLE Fri., Sat.. Sun. "The » show ydiir ottler for all'room "stce rugs fl-r “wall To of the East." “Honey Chile” wall floor covering. Now ...... FUN FUN ' FRIDAY thm MON, New Hampden for finer quality at a low KeiUi - 141 m a in ST. SHELl.EV k l CHAllit' - pripe! B eautiful designs cut to your dfde'r.' No SKIRT cutting or binding charge foe standard size ,.50 rTHE RAOINO TIDE** nigs^* ..J.,,., , crease-resistant^ • Llnila Hajmeil. la z BURNSIDK-rr "THE,LADT PATS OFFv ■*^W'arwlck TW i^'TO'EAvi!: in choice of s^en iTvHS I SIM MS aM esfiris stunning decorator colors. Nationally famous i.95r ^wonderfully, priced BabeH Tayla^ . Wa- T fifteia for better appearance, lasttfig service. Now ,, n*slM nsrrri Ann Herdlnt “Westward “The Open A Keith Budget Account CdllTURIER , - " - T h e " - 'TTrilTnowri E 4 STW 00D Women” Man“ Rahert Taj'Isr W . Ftbseea O snel. Aaa Wseilas - $:U '"I i;M - ll:l4 ", kure It’s a miracle , . “Weslwanl "Th# ; SU IT • ’ The 'UniiRoim Table .8 AXJL:£B£AT-itai8 .4$iiaqi tY O fllfll .a^tat'i more Its watar-repellewt ___ MMiaataiaa.- ►•■r-ficaiAiaa ■■ flqBF.amaeB-am. anPli etau ■ ■ ;Ja l— 4s ‘: HesA ^vnw.-jTOrAj,,.'; $ 17,95 VALUE! Correct tor every raom. itAlD- Anfl vpot^pcoo£^'ThA.JntrAc.l|l fib r ir _ a EAST FREE PARKt^'0 a — m u k upwtaa taaaaaeuff over w paa-tart-l^yaaai aswi wwotli- ■itotk.'lta--.fths :'..Mhh6gaay v.i^eerv^'its ‘ ftRrtKAj S U N .r b r i g h t v i c t o r t graceful design, careful construction. — ______/ • ■ , • - , * d io e e 3 oaT liwwaaetaM mp look I K eith : dale- priced at only Ifi men'i-wesr-grey trimmed uith ban­ ker's grey. glaCa 10- 18. Tor MW and bsitw way to poligh Boon ooinM frtmi the TONIGHT! BunouaJohnaoii’a WazkboraUwiHl — A radically diffennt kind of poliah called Hard Gktn FIVE PIECES . $ 1 2 9 5 do-Coat givea your floon the ArigAteaf ahine youlve ever Coms'feai aad admire tta. rich wossted chicken sportawemr dopt. texture of this suit . . . and you woa!t seen—the Aonteif ahine you’ve ever walked on! tallm'e us when we tell you it'e ribbed L A LL IN PERSON j Hard Gloaa Glo-Coat driea auper-bard without mb* rayon! Come see Its crepe-Mned Jacket, RETURN ENCACEMENT POT PIE bihg or buffing. Under ordinary houaehold traffic it SOLID MAPLE DINETTE its hip-munding contour . . . the dra- doean’t look atreaky or smeary or acuffed-ut>. Not even OPEN THURSDAY mstlc-two-toned collar and cuffs , . . n i \ because of you E X A C T L Y $27.2 5 ! Rugged Solid Rock Maple In a warm, glowing the sparkle of rhinestone buttons . . . r, CDLQ COLD HEART 8 5 c after weeks of wear I hMd rubbed finish . . perfect for the Colonial kitchen or dinette. Dropleaf the slim skirt,. . .. and you’ll fall In Buy Johnson’s Hard Gloaa Glo- Table and four carefully braced chairs at a thrilling Keith Midwinter Sals UNTIL 9 P.M. love with every stitch of It, Buy It m THinUDAT SPECIAL Coat wherever waxes are sold. p rice! - mist blue. n«'’y, grey, or beige.' SUea CORNED BRF FREE PARKINO at KelUi'a Parldng 10-20. . • Once you liae it on linoleum, as­ Lot adjolaiag the atore. Na Meter Park­ ANDCABBAGE phalt tile, rubber tile or fiitiahed Budget'~Ternis $5 Monthly ing la entire block Just south of store! BOILED OMONS wood, you’ll afpree it’s tha md SUIT SALON ! economy buy in floor poliahea BJNNETT 90c because the shine lasts so long! 841 MAIN W m M M W TV—UssS atltli Garrt- Mm iv —WNHC- p e H te tm t b u r t o n 's f o r b est TV rhsasel 4. <;M ksl. afteniMB*. O F MANCHESTER CHATTERIOX t h n t r l l DEL WOOD RAOIO—I.UIes te "Jekssea’*' ' A t H O h -e m i\ BURTON'S' FOR BEST REmUMNT Nem" I tisiM s dsy ee Mstsel. Advertise in The H erald^lt Pays tyi!M»cpj5,®svia FOR FINE •18 MAIN STREET ...... *OI(i-Ceer era ripeiraS K ie iit i. K eith 'S SMonten feoouerofjM HsoM i w nxiuttum llli MAIN ST OPPOSm: HIGH SGHUUl.

• f t

"I ■■ r- ■\- I^CH ESTEl EVENING HEXAU). MANOpSTEB, C O N N , ^ ' «. HBl -V. ** ■-—**..... ■III.<1111. ■! M___JL-Lei III I II ^ d tl«* AK lUAtft t t tM PVMCtllJ.. tariaa _|ha number a<_____ to ,Af.. •UrtilUi Ml ft b - .i tl)* Ortv< wQl it ba« aaqto to.tfea gISI* BiiiicetsTtofv— r MANCHEStER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. WCBRITARY b. ia m ■ura. 4AollLiJFltk' oinMBMo: dliaotty. v .kuU •' 3 n t t E i m 'iditotisia‘'’nitt' '^ «C n ' Wiws TromlKikie did p i^ for o oawa photognpkar. •UM III th* town of Hartford to aiact convantton dalagntaa will \ ' ______FACIAL TISSUE Lugg. Tha pubUc to imdtad to Board of Bdiication of. the Town tor o f tha Union Cltureh, wiU afternoon and will taka place ‘i m d s D n v e ba baM an -April SS; tha Banatortel There wna bo > aeaalni attond. I , of Varnon will to bald this eve- ■^liarr leokod to tka T ’ for Town court this moriitog. Tho tot Virgloio fSitiaMat waa a R ockville ■pekk oh hto axpariancaa in Har­ at g.q’c)ock-at tha Union Oongra- (OM« frwm m g a Ooa) diatrieto win eboons tbair dale* (OaB^hiiiid IMna lOM ) unit orgaoitid aad eeaniaandad .by x i S 2 i - : ? 5 c -Norttoaat FTA Maattog nUIW at T:SO o'clock at the office lem. The membera of tha aoclaty Church. Mrs. Bhbia O uiat^ G oal In illO .0 0 0 maktar craKa and .sporU, for fnlaa-an bUy-g. . ..(Mh. Judge John 8. O. Rott* Jl OaorgaL Waabiogtoo. ------Itov. Fdinraat Muaaar wiU apaak of Snparintondent of Schools A. EL -wi,i,i. Mid...* buaInhM. aaaMim at to ..aialrtlng ..with.. 4to ' ' 2 ” ' ” •ducation’*’ and InBBiratkMl.tnapiratloo. Th*Tkc 'the torma of office from two to , Namtoatlona for tha BUta San. nar and b e ^ ty Judga' ClMirlM'’^ o f K in f Oaotoiia H aakM fo r past- M’a'.fiaarrd '•r''tha maOUhg o f IM Northoaat rtaiiiteiSto:'''''''' '...... 7:30 p.m. plana. Tto comnilttaa in charge W illi Caoipaign Ead* flood haa groaUy iacroaaad during four' yoaia. with the next atato nta Witt ba made an ^aly M at H. Crockett wara uriibla to ait age on thaha fim airItoar''froih Mun- To Give Talks Parent Taadiar Aaaociation Includes •ItlM Lanora Chafbto, election net being -liaM until ItM. on tke bench becauaa 'of side, ^ ^ Thurwtog avaning. Fab. 14,. at g World Itor of Pnurar thia paat year^ “nna ii^duc to Uio diatiiet eonvantlHU. Tha data for idi to Landon'toda;.‘ ijr aftari raeaiv- Burpaa Women’s Relieft corps The rohuhittae the area coin. Mra. Dorto SOahlts, and Mra. Mi­ ■ N A M i k iiq; Feb. 22; Prograni iargo nomlfor at young man who For thia raahon, and to extend tha local mnciwm and eanvantlima to naoa. Proaeeutdr John J, O’COn. toAwnnmM aC hi^dsatk. o'clock . . Ha w ill hava for hto will Inaat thia evening In the ered by the Greater, Rockville chael Vath*nO.,toroaiclo,. hare loft Uioir familioo to go Into time for campaigning,' - Stnta to forHba State House of nor notified .aU defendants tkb durhaaa laI tha wWwidow of the Onlke, Taft aubjoet, ‘‘Pamnetacy at Work in OAR^'IthU. Tliara will'be a mem- ‘^ONE-COAT MAUIC” P M W AUS 4L WOQDERORIC whose ease# w *i«.to ba beard i o S T B i e i B x Oduncil of diurch Women haa an­ \ito part'of'Uia rampai(n of Um' tho armed oerrlcM and to the new Chnlrmnn CInranca F..BaIdwih and left open. Kiag'a youagar tha lAike Hairlam," baand on hto axpariancaa' tor’a supper at 6 p.m. with tha nounced that plans are being com­ othar party leada'ro urged, a alngla today, and flia iiaaiiqH oraa can. In that aacUm oft^Naw Tork Cityl ■Francto P o ^ e haikhaan alactad Htftford OouMto rWCA to raiae famillM braugAt to communiUea er Kant, wha wsa•a IdlU ItonldC husineaa seasloh. to follow. pleted for an evening aerviee for 1^—^ me—~ convention this yaar. called. Next ragul OBy Oaenefl- Maattog prasidant of the Man's Club of St. a a f lAOM threugliout th«.the cMinty,county, Uutho j by the Ofqiaaitlon of dofonab worib WaridWar lt '^ Boortera of Two P r^ Baptist Women thf/World Day of Prayer pn Feb. Bernard’a Church with dthar ofti- Tha early da(p aat for tha eon-, will be bald Saturday' / |(ayor/Fradsrtck Barger will I ieoteuI buuEE i MancMMrr Bwu^ of tiw Hart' Hiindroda of yoMng women and Audiroi^i Blast WS'Baaaato’tim MfM'to EM S The Women's Eloclety of the 20. ’ Because many w-otoen who cera u followa: Vfca p^toent. gtrla. In theiw timet of iincartatnty ventlon waa. expected to Ihtanatfy DC0UNB8 CXMoillirr tonaide,at tha aawion of the Qt^ ,t e fl Oomty. tinX A ia.toM A i^ jtha already vtgoroua campaign ba> C a n d i d f lle i . - t o jtopttot . <^urch Wtu hold a Manto. am. amploysd cannot ttend—the John Fnrphyr tiaaaurar. In the I and fear, arb laokttg fto koig. The MfhfihIfMT------K. T.. M . ' Tarto' kud twiigHt st Night this evening at 8:1S at the ■ ,ernoon. service, tog'waged for tha Senatorial nom O’Cli at Qia council rooms. Thia ie evening Baker; aecretary. WUliam F. T W 6 a U aqittly gWtod of tbia tibaoffs Prln ciaa or Qrsaea. A^di«M GOP Woioen church. Rev. Forreat Mu wUL.4 ------— gnfupnwiviir 4 R o w d i c s N OTiiiBS 'WPS is iP is s flin s - vrill ba the 1 tto to baM’ Praaeott Buah of Ordaiiartch; today on tha new sting night,' Wad- f ChnhfWdglVs Ita program to include them-la ita (OanMnnad fram fn « a Itockvilft, FaK * - Tha Wom- activitlao. Tho program htlpa to William Purtell of ..Waa^'Hartford to r o tim to Im id eo. Bha naiday. Probata Judge Walloar Clark, Jr., To School OroiiiM an'A^apubhean Qlub or'the Town' Cbwrch develop laadtrMitp, atability. and dieatad. It^ la up to Uia tax to dtaeuoi tha dahtk today C A R R O lpU ^ dl of Diarian and'John Mathar Lupton \ ■ ■ ....' '■ 5toorga VI. of VartKm is aponaoriiig a Unetdn The Church CouitoU of the Firat S p 0 i n i M Gm charaetar. and .fottera ChriaUan of Wafton. ■ CUT RAfi fellowaMp, partmant to sM things right. \(bhUdran at Nathan Hsja School PHneaoa AUea,. mother o f tht WRITt ROX R Day Bmargasbord at tbe Italtoa Congregational C hum will meet Senator Wllliatii'. Benton (D), This marks the second time ' af Bdlaburgli, Quean Bltoa. TSS itAm m B R this evening -at S o'cm:k at the Tha local "Y" la vary actlra and onN^riM Btroat who ride bicycles c « Ito HwMU American. fViendiihip^Club' on f i e f ^ Y o i who wen dvri- Suib to IMO by 1.. WitMn a nreak tha^tha bipartisan ^ hiiahaod, made a hriaf atop- church paraona'ga wlth'^he new la praaantlng .an ektonalva pro­ too votes out of mere than MO.OtW to’ school found no rack to atora Saturday, Feb. •, Whan two speak- gram 'to'ytba .town at the- praaent auditors liava baan^ critical of church offteera 'in attandi raot, la regarded aa a Sure bat for thalr whaala, whan they arrived at ar*. to praaent to speak on Fiiaadly Ciaaa time: AMoag-Un program adtlvi- rennmtoatfon. phasaa of thi tax agamya opar. / toar Rapublican Praaidenttol enn- tloo art Uiaaiaaoaa.In rug iwibing .school today,\ The lack, loeatad The Friendly Mi kaaa nity, T, tha laat one of. thooa held / * n VetariSi Who has yaatarday on "Hair Styling." gataa ttodar a ayitam yndar which so low It made cellacUen of such and ia being Invaatigatad by po­ TTie February meeting of the stag at yonr "baarrXiidWrigt^ aneh t o ^ and Sanntorial dUtrict amounts' unpractical. lice. aeryaa on various towds in his Don’t waste time . . . it can never be ooata aa'iktla Monthly alao aro tha laeturet t>yfn community. regained! Don’t waste money . . . it Itotaanr;^^. which tha PuMle Aflalra rommlt- A AStata Senator^age Pearson of rarely ever ia recovered. The best safe* taa oponabro, with ' well known , y£W>lton, a consulting enginaOr. is Cnmmtautiw ppcakera preaenting ihetr view- 7 president of ^ e Taft for P r*l- toodi iUlwj Eggt guard against wasting money is to have SyaatbrNawl _ ^ - 'pointa on world problamt, the dent Cliib In Connecticut. He a aavings plan and see to it that you OM COAT cevmsioaa MW b ag OWIl prodntt of a aampany tiwt t theme of tha aariaa t ^ yaar being served during tha war as ptoii- save-ar'consistently as possible. Piiit ntcMianr to mail praWauMy paMad lUiWma. &M deralopaaMK of quality i "The United Statea and Our World \ ning engineer for the War Depart- mm. So, ba aura ta gat na a Watt those pavings in ■eONOMICAll K Ipnadi to mid raaSy ItaaponslMIltlaa." ment end la alao active in affairs wiigtay'a Spaanaiot Gnm. La apnn /.. A MM tarn a to# «ay. ■w gram apwr an the parir.m In ordar that tha Weal "T ” may In bla community. Before tha rontinua preaenting thIa good pro­ speaking program a amorgaabord MUM) aaAur wainaiui h'i wuih 111 giia gram and anldrga^lt It.la nacaasary will be aarved. Besarvatlona jNRIlMtlEltllniatl ' 'hava’ auffiriont‘fundi, tiifltra' may to made thrinigh Mrs. Viola llM,ThdMnlsTHBS appaal for flnanctal aid harj It', hard to pan an Ask vs obovt WMiWerfuf new DUCO Sm U-G/om bimm§t foUay ■ant out to tocat etttaam favorit* fbooi, CTth ka ohould ba mallad a tbbnab Toakaowaddia- . "" MNt $1.44~QUART $2,k bio to Mri. A., P. Wlloy, digMdoii, eai and h.ut- of the local driveIrlvyC bara nar raault. But yoa can do at Williooi do. JOHNfETELLI Thar iait cany a roll of Tamila pocknerpurae, E. A. JOHNSON P a I n T C 6 . MmoR CMtitKfor Eat 1 or 2 Ilka candy, Savings BdHk<»=MdHdie$tei' and praiio, tkara a 4f9 MAIN STREET \ MANCHESTER quick, Moihins Kliaf. Tumi arc diferaot SAvinos SAnic Conuin no aoda to caaia add ratounA No miaina, no itirrina—no waitiaf. Taka aoywhara. Gat a roll of Tumi today SflM th0 $uifae0 umdyosi tav sMI EXCEL —alwayi fan raliaf for add iadigaatiM. CM, lOc T tin j HACK ALUMINUI / Ttitplifit Numbtr •4kAFeeheee 15« ^OMMNATION WINDOWS: ANON OORS

FACTORY TO YOU TUMt pee tot TUMMY SATISrACnOW o u a r a n t b e d

ORDIR NOW WHILE AVAILAILE WITH ALUMINUM SCREENS ■\ X 34 MONTHS TO PAY C i ^ iTO« rfKMOSvnMnov^o o b l i o a t io n ’>!• SS!n 1 ' / RsetaiiTt FactSKr DIrtribator For Monchentfr TEL. 3-4M4S ^ W BILTITB BOAD


.V- t h e E t i f i r e F a m i l y 'N 1 l o c T l fsshion cdninr for young msnehester MEN'S PULLOVER OR ^*EN’.S ..FUR, FELT 9M'mitin sL “ SLEEVeL ^ S "^ UNDERWEAR BOYS^ SHOP Broadcloth, knit, rayon, nylon. SWEATERS D R ESS H A T S SHIRTS-SHORTS-DRAWERS YOUTHS’ BIC BOYS’ ’ BOYS’ 1 5 % O FF ^ y 4 t o / Small, medium, Ifrge. AND UNION SUITS OXFORDS 7=0J®M B^"=” TCXnSTEN^KS-: ------AND------r- ==T 0fT B F F Reg. $7.60 to $15.00. 20% ~O F F Reg. S8.50—Not 'an aliaa. Reg. 19.50. Sian 7-13. Rag. 37.00. Slaaa m .8 . ' Toddlers' # Boys' • Girls' ACROBATS. I u $3.98 $5.98 $ 4 9 8 WINTEkvAPPAREL - MEN'S COAT STYLE. 2 0 % O FF BROADCLOTH AMD RAYON / FLANNELEnE AND KNIT SKI * * • SWEATERS LONGIES SUR COATS AND LONG SLEEVE ^ 35 Cirls^ COATS, COAT S^TS 4 PAJAMAS Sian 4-13. \ ALSO SPORT AND SPORT SHIRTS and STORM COATS sues 2 to 4x. .t to Ax 2 0 % O FF STORM COATS . 4 7 to it. mb taan li\nd 14. DRESS CAPS 2 0 % O FF : 1 0 % OFF N O W 5 1 .S 0 t h e .Siaet 3B-50. 2 0 % O FF Reg.TT795 g a y lo o k Rag. $2.25-$2.39 N O W $ 1 .8 0 y o u ; ll be m a d \ Rag:'$2.50-$2.59 N O W $ 1 .9 1 “t'M- ;19®« ■ 24®® ^ ■ V LOlif^SLEmSTORT,: YOUTH TROUSERS - \ B O Y S ' FLANN EL A lt BEITS, NECKTIES ~io-ie and 25^31. — Rag. $2.l5-$2.95 M O W $ 2 .1 1 :---- ^ ^ ------d' ABOUT THE SHIRTS SHIRTS AND PAJAWAS Rag. $3.25 N O W $2.$W "3 0 C m Piece SNOW SUITS wiiN hus # ! AND SUSPENDERS I tom orrow... WEN’S DRESS “ 1 0 % O FF Rag. $3.50 H O W $ 2 .7 9 \ ~ — pastels snd deep ton**, slaes 1 lo 4. WONDERFUL NEW Reg. $3.95 Values NOW $3.00 ALL REDUCED 1-3 Reg. $4.50 Values NOW $3.50 W ere .Special sizea;. 6...8n 12. 14. 16. 84. ** i « 4«'»fl«/rW.m.’=SlS5*2ia».n.- 1 -GOTTEN ■’ .--rAiT-. - W ere and W'ORK HOSE leg . $4.95 Values NOW $4.00 d.98 to JANTZEN 16% OFF 14.98 to Reg. $5.95 Values NOW $4.50 PULLOVER SWEATERS LONG SLEEVE 12.98 m 16i98 b y ■ Wool, part wool, rayon and cotton. WOOL MACKINAWS _ CHOICE OF STOCK Re4. $5.50 and $6.95 Regular $2.79 NOW $1.19 Reg. Pried $9.00 N O W $ 4 .0 0 POLO SHIRTS BRAS! Values NOW $5,50 Reg. Price $10.50 N O W 5 T .O O SOCkb'end Boys'3pc,SKOWSUITS JEWELRY and BILLFOLDS Reg. $7.95 and $8.95 BOYS’ MITTENS Rag. $1.79 N O W $ 1 .4 0 2 0 % O F F -Reg“ Prtce-$i:2j50- 4 4 O W ^ S 8 i3 0 utMi 2 tfl Ax. fiiitf: only in 7 to 14. | 4v«5~ ~ 'iTitvgv-v'.dsvw- f Reg.'Price $ 15.00 N O W $ 9 .9 8 Reg. $798 NOW IJT’ - - N O W - S W t - R e g . ^ . 2 $ *5 - HOSN $ | .0 0 Rag. $1.95 Orig. to Here', the lox’eliest bra you’ve ” 1 6 % 0 F F . NOW $1.10 fi • Sf Htf.Vri E2S| 4U2gVB7^^VTf LS3V; IF> 9 8 I r:5SSC=S?SS.-*..;= fmkHys ir™' -gleirwmrtmngr- w>-i'.wondarful ----- ‘’fAN€?f’mirH£:SiN-"OT S N O W ^ L IN 0 AND. UNUNED ...... • . r : -treated to .\i«S«!iPd»LVXSto.»'*‘''V f t o A T ^ eliies f- to g •' fomta. the 'Tlrrular atllehtog ^ Reg, $19.95 NOW $1330 A l i ROYS’ make, perferily-.hapad, per- \ aiiunderwea S DRESSGLOVES• . 3^, . Reg. $21.95 NOW $14.40 maneiitly-.haped atttehed COLD PLATED CUFF Reg. $2,95 Values* NOW $l.f$ : REDUCED 10% S U IT S A N D Boys' STORM COAT SETS .1*4. 3.0 • | rupav; . Ilcht-aS-alr hut Reg. $23.50 N O W 5 1 S .4 0 Reg. $3.65 Values N 6W $2.4$ firm . . . and 'ic you a UNKS&TIE 2 0 % O F F - Reg. $3.95 Values NOW 2.f$ BOYS* BELTS ' Boys' STORM COATS .ire. v lo i* } lovely natural • uplifted line. ’Hiane srg the fsihiong QUILTED JET JACKETS SPORTCOATS We have a fine aelertion of BAR SETS r...... $1.19 Reg, $4.50 Values NOW $3.50 SUSPENDERS, BILLFOLDS these wonderful new Jantsen yoa>d aeefl in the Janwur IsfMw of SdeentMa . . a Pin# Tax Reg, $2.75 to $7.60 Reg. $5.00 Values NOW $3.95 Rag. $10.00 NOW $7.9$ Reg. $1.00 NOW 79e 1 0 % O F F Boys' WINTER JACKETS .i.e.«tois i bras . V . come In today and chooM one or seraral. Other i _ a •**‘**y the VtotHiSt _____ ^ __ ' Grig, to 19.98 Orif. to 27.98 OHg. to 34.98 ^ ’• OflQVYINO OIRL8' Jantsen Bras fl.ts and up.____ t yok’M see this SpriBg. ALL OUR FELT. COBBLERS ..4 SHEEP-LINED Both siscs 7 to 15 Slid cmly $8.98 A f c / i V Footw ear R eductions BROWN OXFORDS. LOAFERS. 1498 1898 22®® 1 OF CALIFORNIA SADDLE OXFORDS and aitd BATES. ef New England's leading , foetwaar manufacturers. 2 STRAP PUMPS SUPPERS ST A. Ssaforigsd fine coaibod plsi({ ginghaai PUMPS and CASUALS FRIENDLY MAKE EXCEPT toANIXL ORSEN Reg. 2.49. 2.98 $11.00 Values NOW ,. .. $13.50 Values NOW . . . ROYS' MOUTON TRIMMED "i WWe emshsd beh. $9.49 $11,49 P 4 Blsek or brows prodoaiinatiRg. N O W * 6 -< 9 $8.50 Value NOW .99 WINTER CAPS 1 4 9 $12.50 Values N 6W ...... j, . $ 10,69 ' $ 14.50 Values NOW ...... $ 1 L 9 9 * 6 1-2 PRICE ton. h'T- gtoy- B. Saaforiicd fine eonbcii brosdeloth ,Bargain Table Specials MISSES'^ CHILDREN'S ..d INFANTS' with, ginghsai sppUqiM on i Iosvsb. ChspeoBl fn jr, inify, green or browB. Shi^s, Sweafars, Jackets CEHOHSESSON K AU :STEN -H »'and ACROBAT and Uhdarwaar OFF AND MORE I 1 ^ C »# S S S ^ S S S S IS S h ^ 3 i f V E A ’f C o p r r iw s t a m p s PUMPS and OXFORDS =1^ T: MANCHESTER EVENING HERALfa, ItANCHiESTER. CONKi, WTONESDXY. FEBRUARY 9,1952 ZZ^. •X "ItaKCHE^lSrES-EYEKWa HEBALD, |t^CHESIEB, CONW^ JgEDI K% FEBRUAItY'<», 1952 to go aloiig. With. tha .to w n tjf^ T te q ^ Mutual ISS«.-(l r.-' ^ ‘^e'^Sirtbad ihaV^'*''i^e**'"hig wtn ~ba held m meiMbera oT’^'Obhgreadkinaf j AirffrtMiit'l>3silli«« MMnt, Chfef Bchendel • will . ■ (named to head the program in ;Topic eut'trtUcK aha and •'Mr. Albert” "Child Parent ^ * Gram §tioitage tees tnreatlgatlng the and tha way the Agri- Aid for Towns Manchealar. raEsanmoiS ' A new schedule in'accepting Chief Schendel Said this morn­ Losses Debated ipartmant has handled display advertising -In Tha Lui o / Service Pen^t^^^l For Homemakerafe its gtrahi^^atoraga program predict G fin ffiS y dm m SM nM L ing that his being hi^d of i the that it ia ao adaptable to all typM Will Make Voters Herald will become effective on ‘ Mancheater Civil Defense under u s t tha iciaagMpill run into many mil M s n e h e s t e r W o u l d R e n * Monday. . ^ b . 18. AU adver- Tiw HMnamaicef’a Holiday of ’ people in an age groupa. ‘The (OaatlmMi i rasa O M ) Ilona iff ~ ' ftrlbiriiigSliWiB the state progrilin. would not pre­ iSSTteom j&m *• i * • ■ • r t • „ cut waa demonatratad on a. mem­ On February 20 Agrioilturo Bran mall o f the change in policy, •>: t». MUM tlN-ytowwi. « M wiBW . r t t _____ ber of the audiehcA Mra.- Otia ing conaidarad in coanectian with someone else to direct Manches­ tm____ —«Hlr Mffc ■. f. I ■INI*.» ■wM>\ tarday morning at the Oommunity nan, on tha otmT; hand, aaya he " E v e n t o t D fs a s t e r s pHiduetian schedules and (he ter’s activities under„ the Mutual Parker. /• 13 ether cases of ahortagea. The expects the total to ha far leas fMi, M. Ittl.) • ' Y u i^ r the auapieaa'of uie Man^ A , coffee hour waa held before ThCxEktart of Diiectoni laait Bccoasity for punctual delivery Ai(I Agreement. ' " ’ ar Branch. Hartford County Mlaa Baflow'a talk, with Mra. amounts Involved hnrax*'^net than gya million donaiA probably Tha queMion of whether Mbn- Aa readers of n ie Herald, every night eat Wedneaday, Fab. 30, as less Hffm one mllHonNimea final Ronald hlatthawBon provod to be moat aue- Hamilton Mullen in charge of re- ’determined. imimi aheater Munfid pnter into an r 4ay forces ^ e Herald PHntlng - Weh«rd W. KurUji ad thoM attending were the date on which new votere will PoBBlblp ahortagwf in 33 other aaHlbmefiU are reached. vfiini aooafet- , kgraemant wKh (oams in the Hart­ Oompany 'to adhere rigtdlp to JOMphXBttkA Nieitolaa A. Mamalo freahAMaila,' aaaieted by Mra. Mdr.- -4l*leeliWUell*iiels .Wiiuaia E. MaaM enthi ton Tinker and Mra, Rlchard.HuM'. be' made. , The houm will U ala^torp and warbhouaea are be- Brhnnan esilmataa t ford-New Britain area which the following,deadline; "RntKJtlttvfe ' Thd MiilUiir,’ W m Agiiai ' Ba^ Mra Aibert Hayea and Mra Gil­ in^n'd'to 8 ,p. m, • ihjg. tnvM ttgat^ to determine IdiiM «ni U Is m TEii ■ffejrtji would 'bihd this tewh to'a mutual IWIbvrtiiig 'it' Ih’e ’new’ iaShedf- BuMiitt Bui Ueth of one per cen^ of the low, battahx known aa "H ia a bert-'Hunter were in charge o f the — lOf, mtUiig. ,tha .date. ,.lha. .boaed whether it m&l ba necaasary to ■id progfaas in east o f local a d - ule ahmslng first,'the day that id d f l o i k ii -■SSSlmr**^ KIBBirinarKIBdrl'a Beauly w tH«» i» o: 8. eoimin 'Bf iiuuiuiikmwi handMiH)^ foMr- ■■oterrwigTBSiTTr^ eojpy for adverUsing wUl ap- M. Upped nuriaryT”ana' MSi;' RblWrt ’iliyRli' went along with-a recommenda­ Clairenea E. ICeOauum dio at the UatTeratty of OonnectI* in charge of the white elephant; ex­ action. - ______commercial' atoraga eoncama. nedjiiiig of the Board of Directora pear, and second, the, date the / Mehud Uppm change and arrangenienta The tion made Town . Clerk SiTm- Tha Juatiee l^apartiMm aald Its mil no aetipn was taken. Krn*«t 8 . U n en ‘ David IdeOeUum, Jr. _ cut flrat diaeiiaawl general hinta \ copy must be in the office; Richard J. MbOoiiviUa In hair atyllng a a d ^ bow hair apaakar waa in tro d ii^ by Mra .iiel t i TU rk in ^^, who aaid thajl erlmthal diyiaion waa looking into Rough Rider Theodora RpdMvalt .-The matter waa raised by a. let- FOR VALUE DAYS j. vaab ibttwy • Monday—1 p. m i' Friday. J. Lkwton Wllaon 8. MoOormiek ahould conform to tha''fMturn aa WUllam Steckel. .-a -- there are a nurti^r of town real- at Jadpt two or three cases. mkintained the last ^oxtanaiva gABVIfi BBALn tar to the board from the state Tuesday—1 p. m. Monday. SAMYULYES wall aa the rant of the ai^aranca, •Tha theme of the next Home- denta who want Ta^ be made vwt O ^ t dlfferancee of opinion prtP prasidantiai stable Of^ horsea in A B * t U » Samaat P. MeCurry ^ «lil office of Civil Defense aeking the Wednesday—rl p .' ih. TVeu, SiMS Repairing of the Rei­ giving apacifle aaamplaa. \Then maker'a Holiday program, which era In Manchester. yait aa to the extent of final lossea.' the United fitataa. V.-.* • •: . . H»rtld urort Jamea M. U tC v rry x town to aign the agreement and day.'. ter K M Dowe tVhUe Von r : John r . Upault . WiUiaa MaDowall appoint someona to head tha pro­ Thursday-i-l" p. ,hl. Wednes- Walt. Tennyaan B. MePaU / ' ' gram locally. " V Edward I t Ulunaim 18 MAPLE STREET > r Hareld B. Lahmana Earl McOaown Th# mutual aid program. la n : Fr1dayy-1 pr. m. Ihutaday;.. Jamaa R. McKay /'I ' O iv. First HatfnMat Store FRIUT-OF-TNE-LCOM SHIR ■ Maurlea N. Lamiaux cut-down version of the state clrtl Saturday— 1 p. m. Friday. Fnrking Lot. 1 -A-'C-'. . -■ • ' V Fraiik t. Uat. Jr. w u iian J. McKanuA Jr. fhfense program, in which the , Claiisified'Departihent dead­ . , X 1 Hanray McKlnnay Patricia A. Ltnt Governor, through the sute dlreC- line Is 10:30 a. nv each day of Whitea aiad patleraa. Uuranca I t Laenard PhlUtp J. McLAUghUtt / ton of civil defense, can order aid Thomaa MeMuUln. iblication, exorpt Saturday, (Spmrt filirla tacloM ) HOUSEWARES DEPARTME Oravar T. Liadall to be cent to any part o f the state Stadlihe for Saturday's clsssl- Haibart J. Uttla ..Lawranca M. McNaaiara, Jr. from any town in case of disaster. teeesaeaeeeeee'aeaeeesse Bernard J. McParland ■ / ffed ads Is 3 a. ni. Reg. vaiiie' I2A9 17! > WASHABLE OVAL H O L L A ^ « X 32 CLOTH*^ Rcfla J. Ungtln MARLOW'S Fuinituie BARGAIN BASEMENT Also, the Mutual. Aid Agtae- MWiciRt GabiRih R e ^ rt C U>reh Geerga U Maixall r ' ment Is not limited to use In enemy Thomaa M. Mahig MarLOW prict Jaaaph MaeaiMt air attacks. It can be put Into op­ BRMPED BUGS Reg. 88.48 SHADES Eupana Mafnan GllUa J. MaUvler Bloomfield, East' Hartford, Farm­ wiwraw eration in caaaa of natural dtp- MarLOW price v . $ 1.9 8 Dthiald T. Mafnall a y d a J t Millar . ington, Glastonbury, Hartford, Beg. Ftlee ‘H- aaterr, such aa hnrricanas or. New Britain. Newington. Rocky Slightly Irrrgalar. Set ea yoar. G«or(a t". Mahar Cyrua C. MlUer fioods. 0 ' $1.98 79 c Durward J. MlUar. Hill, Simsbury, Booth Windsor, MarLOW p rollee. Small carting eharga. Walter J. Mahoney The program Under discuarton Praneia Makulla Edward W. Millar West . Hartford, Wethersfield, (iENlUNE CASCO Leonard A. Millar-^-- - last night Is limited to Avon. IVlndsor and Manchester. / Worth Constdera^' Traneia It Mannar Reg.* value .12.98 Z TALL 98c More Francia Manning x Ronald E Miner \ chief o f Police Herman . Q: KITGHEN STOOI^ Wiiuam H. Marcaau Chariea J. Mlnleuccl. Jr. Schendel. who is head of Manches­ Henry Minor / MarLOW price iS T EB I diarlea E. Marcal ter's Civil Defense program, is Red or l^lkiw m Jamaa W. Martin Stanley W . Mlruekl ••••••••••••••I scheduled to attend a meeting in Ke, BhM, Tellaw aM MarLOW prire . .. P 8:98 John J. Martin G ^rga Mitchell BANTLY Hartford Friday evening, where Elutris Toattoi^^ Robert J. Martin Robert J. Medean' tha. mutual aid agreements will ANNUAL CHECK UP 8S.4S be discussed by representatives of MarLOW priea' $ 1.9 8 PREVENTS FOI.DINO / , Flip-Over Style, necycul for tha week end of Fab. V I. .■ the towns to be' ineluded. Nursing Courses I t . T W r ia also a ‘‘Bfqthw kood , 2 ...*Ba...-$5x#0.G' “ ’At ' uie, "meeUn'g ''iast nighlT tU S T L t REPAIRS / (R E N lirh lE TELE^^^^^ Waak" prejaet. Persona intaraat- Mayor HamM A. 'Turkington sug­ S8RYER8 : Was- 88.38 ':--$2:49-^"-” y im Sixes 14-11. i Begin Next Week ed In having one these atudenta gested that the board hold o ff any leagtiM. for two days may contact Mra'. action until the members had a DEWEY-RIGHMAN KITGHEN GLOGKS Harrison Tc^ttff, ^aaident of tha ehanoe to study the agreement (Male IN MAPLE! FOAM RUBBER! ond Fuel Y87 Main Street ' Two naw Home Nursing eoursas Council, at 3-1808, Wlllimantle. first. Reg. 88.38 a n O f t If yoH art iRf4rt8»ad ,lii A board meating of Hartford Jewelera — Eat. 1908 Worth 88.38 $ 2 .4 9 will begin next week in tha Home mellow maple bed. Luxury foam rubber topper It Is believed, however, that sc- MarijOW priee ... District. Connecticiit Fallowship on Disfribufors tion will be taken on the matter St bamboo poreb bHo4< ot Nursing rooms ip tha basement at chadt and dresser with hjlr- on resilient innerspringi En­ m ilLE THEY LAST! , Congregational Christian Women, rpr at a lew Fabruarv' Sue / 333 MAIN ST. the board's special meeting next the rear of the Adler and Dobkin will be held St the YWCA in Hart­ cased between layers of soft ALUMINCI tbo somo low prtebi ot irice! \ 'elt! All sixes! i week, and that if the directora de- Read Herald Advs. BOYS' ,/■ building at the'comer of Proepect ford on Tuesday. Feb, 12. Women knt yoor ploetyVoor or* of this church are welcome to at­ $29 ./ street and Hartford road. Bach II MONTHS TO PAYl OLOTHES BASKETS Prtssurt Gr r h u tend the luncheon by reservation. NO MONEY DOWN! V PUIB SHIRTS course Vlll run two nigliu a week Mrs, Georgs Nelaon will stake lUg. 8IJM - Were 81A7fi Sixeo 8 Ft. to Id Ft. 8 Ft. Loaf. 'for three consecutive weeks. The arrangements. Colton flannels. Sixes 8-14. Beg., $ 1.4 9 value 81.9A MarLOW pvtea MarLOW price ... $9.f Xatnr^ and Otmi. hours will be from 7:80 p. m. to "A Wondarfiit U fe,” starHng f ♦ ♦ Jana Duha is Ihe film to which 6 ,3:80 p.m. families and their friends ara in- .MarLOW Mrs. Naomi Lockwood, RN will vltad by tha Ladles' Banevelent 8o- . price $ 1.00 teach tha claasaa on .Mondays and daty tomorrow at 8 p. m. in tha Wadnaadayt, to begin Monday. ehuKh social room. T H u R Feb. 11. The Tuesday and ThUrsr DRUGSTOREDIIA CTADE A m t »r Esirgy fistt BOYS' WltlTE BIG SAVINGS ON 'day course, begtnlng Feb. 13..will \ OLA-IEROR-12 JAVION. •be instructed ^ Mra. Eileen Con­ #42 MAM STRUT AY ST. JAMIS STRUT Ftl filMI S.l.r. luHIT rad RN. ____ SELF-OONHDENGE DRESS SHIRTS CHILDREN’S S T (^ COATS, i 'mr~Hbhii~Nur8nii^iismiction 4enrMiUi8e 1 - 1 2 la i^ r e d to the public by the You are invlt' Golden Boy brand. Fine qj ad to be one of ] ..JUd Ctoaa as a commu.nity jerv- 1Z 7C/U-// DRUG STORE . broadcloth, Sites 8 to I*, SNOW S$|TS and SL) ice. Hbwever,. since each< class A group Of •fi'j lar valde 81 .OA ...... to 18 students. It men and wom- eew* ----- ...... y'tarLOW . .Storm. coala^axiL tb“Tn f6TT’T n r*rw rn ri" tiw "fntttal Sale! Home Needs -prloe- -Wne* - ian-apd wtae. ly for training .maeting of the classes by phentng Alpaca Hard with In tha DALE mouton mllar. 8lxeo Mrs. Howard Boyd, recruitmant CARN E O IE 5 PIECES irCHROME! H(n.T^ Wr*PP*r, oMp-over ahlrio. chairman for the Home Hurting Includes a handsome plastic 8 to 13* Reg. values COURSE in Formica-top, porcelain kitch­ Tnylor-mnde qasllty, Vnineo to dec. 25c fien’ire. Registration will net be Effaetive en table in modem design, ''headboard, "Reatwell" mal- ^accepted. at the first rlass nor tieaa and box-roiing on. legs, MarLOW pf4ee 8 peak In g . With 4 chrome and waahable MEN'S WORK TROUSERS (Main Floor) ' after the courses have bagun. Lisader ship plastic seats and backs.' in ' popular SO-inch width. MarLOW Prico _____ T raining One\|Butflt only jat and Humiuk Balations. For Lilar- LONG USY TiRMSI \ NO M ^ DOWN! nturo writ# Dala Carnegie Course. ■;5P GHILGREirS SLEEPERS Andover 333 Canner Straet. Naw Havan. Blae Label, ^ eoverf Oar faiaoaa E-8 braad, oae piece, double cloth, aaatorised.. Sisea' feet. BhM aad piak. Siaaa 1-8. Beg. yalM E.VBOLLNOW — 83-48. Bog. valao 88J3. First fiaiectman U Ed«-ard FOR FEE ST CLASS •IJfi..^ - , . Whltciynb has receivad a letter Manchealar HaM will ba bald at the Amarkan lAgion Hall. Sand MarLOW price from the office of the Institute of MarLOW Public Service at the University far frea Utaratnra today. of Connecticut advising of ■ the town's standing in the annual ce- $2.98 'port eontcat. "W e Are happy to Bay now tor later ;adviae you that the, annual report nae. Eveiy one of of your town for Ihe fiscal yaar S H a L ^,of 188.1 has been'granted a rertifl- these la an excellent cats of Honorable Mmlib'n In (ho •vnlae.. fiav-enth Annual Oonnactlcut Town J E W a R Y and CMy Report Oemtest. Your ’ Lm HI 83 M«lt3 H BIEN'S ATH1.ET1C (Chllidrm'a Kepf.— raport waa judged in cem^tition Poster Bed Outfit -r^Jolding Cot and li^attress Plain Floor) With those of, other tow.ns having Mahabm / ;a population of 1,000 to 3,000 ac- i a e a l 'i v . ' Includes sturdy bed in maple sturdy all-steel folding cot SHIRTS AND ^vovding to the 130O'~renaus. A- or walnut, cotton mat.__ complete, with a-eomty- ____aultabla certifleate of award will tress and link pad. Now priced at SHORTS sprlng. only. contest will ba held again this Good quality. A lf lixea. iyaar and wa will look forward lo Aafit. la|ov Heat* .Reg. vehie 89c. having your Iptasl report a^ong tha antries." MarLOW Prieo INFANTS' PEPPERELI. r Sunday. Feb. n . h u been deeig- irr' sated aa Loyalt,v Sunda.v. At this CRIB BLANKETS NYLON HOSIE time, tha anaual Every Member 44c Canvass w ill ha conducted: The 38 la. X 88 lai, aatla Madihg. Blao, plak» ailat, :fHlR rAMOi:S. g r a c e i^AI Canvass commlttaa baa alraady (Underwear—Main- Floor) )-eBow. Keg, vahM 8>.38.^\ . . MANCHESTEB bacn formad undar tba laadtrship Daytime or evening ahee p t Clifton Herne. Serving on the m m i^ m Mn* «• Juitwli h tf " MirLOW^iJ < N r .rammittea ara Donald Rirhai-ds, .price ^(S oi ahadea. Slaea 8

OITR BACKS ABE BEING CLEANED OF — ^lala Floor) . FOR EVERYTH INC. Regularly $179—Save s60 WOOL JUSfYS . . . TAPPITAS . . . CRiPES . \ ALL SIZES . , . PLUS EXTKA SIZES. ___ LXTD Big Valor! Keg, |I4.3B Big Valnaa! Keg. 813.38 Big Value: Reg. 810.35 RAYON PANTIES BEAUTY SALON FEATURE 3-Pc. MAPLE DEN SETS MarLOW Prko MaiiOW Prieo MorLOW Prico

;j|1£l| , ltl| lllllf TIA- ■ W wse-arriefftwe fisrx%mvmTTm°miy _ ■ rubbed mellow maple framesr liiiier- ^'" ■'gprlng" ^'ntruidlori ! ~ ' tihe''" MacLOSK iRieo. ^ maple sofa-bed,'platform roeker.and-, SENSATIONAL VALUE! i iNinge chair . . . all 3-pieces complete!^ 839.95 Student Bed . . . sturdy High Chairs . . . MATERNITY DRESSES AND JUMPERS /' 39c ‘'Healthwell" mattresa and Hare’a a big bargain tor Sizes 10-14. Big value at S8.9S aad |9.95 X box-spring on sturdy legs! In- baby! Sturdy maple high (Uadenrear^ \ 1 5 % DOWN-78 WEEKSTO PAY! popular 2'8'' width. chairs worth O C MarLOW price ) e a e a a eeooape#< $6.95: Mala Floor) Jfow only...... $29 110 more! p I d t s T p \ Rig value at $7.49 A O NOBOBY IN MANCHESTER OFFERS YOIT MarLOW price . 1 ... ^ d o 7 0 FAMOUS BRANDS (OrrooM—Mala Floor) TYPE 130 SHEETS SUCH TREMENBOUS FURNITURE VALUES! SEAGRAM ? - 4.27 100% WOOL 81 X H or I t X lOR Sttt >UrLOW prico ' 4 “ WILKENS IMPERIAL MS COATS 3th SUITS larindiag Uiort eoata. Brokea ffaea. $ 2 .19 Valaea to 888.38. Bltndtd WhiskRy OLD MR. BOSTON S ■ ■ Skirt aad Jackot. Sixeo IS-K Big Crone Oil value at SS4.S&.- T Y P E I4d ' 4YMl«OMUFrMf ROGKING GHAIR 8th 3.32 MorLOW Prieo- MorLOW Pfko PEpUOT PARKER’S RESERVE 2.98 Perm anent i N o w Bth ^ SHEETS. Fun-Sigen Maple GHbs, OLD 41 WINES 59e $22.50 i OFF 81 X N Indudee Hiurshapingt 3th MarLOW prtea • V — Has the automaUc dmp-sida (Coata-Balta Mala Flaar) Storai eoata alao at gTeat-Mviagi. for mother'a \ convenience! 1 . 2.88 WAVE Shmtpoo end Hair Set Finished in sanitary mjipla PILSER’SALE f $ 2 .6 9 or waxed birch. $36 CASE 6 f 34 CANS. PhoM 2-2991 for AfpoiatMeiit 867 M AIN MANCHESTER With mattraaa.

jT \ t p i /N

BT: TMAKGHaSTEa-fiVffiONG' fl]Q U ^ MANdHEST£Bi GONN.-^DNESDAY. FEBBt^BY «i: }9«l OOWNw WEDNESPAY, .FEBRXTARlF^l&Sir' ... ! milttAry atrmftli.. aMoiniiliaat. Dirac lor Harry. J, noihiuted BaTm "ai a - ...... fKiit'»tti> butbmanfMti w ni'tirliaiit N a m e 'n m ie Wratciwto 'ObJaWadrAaytaf w i» af 4lia .Uva.eid-'lahor.c'.wti. t ♦Atfstilurj'rfc'nSd'nSTiSeiik Ideaa in. Increasing' the member, Mfa. Margarat Boyle,' . ired guests end wUiSerewnt a -v / . mouph to txtrhiotti Itaclf from the. 'thi^^waa to met a malnber of “ tha In tha .lockl school syatdm ,)?■ qulckaand , Into which I f short demortstrSUon Of aome phase T o 'huik and f ll^ on tha comraiaaion. act'tva member of thd, waa Set for Fn^l^ o f Scouting. Also It Is' plenaj^ to' atepped, thot It «1H be hbneat Ha aaid ha did not conaider Bogera nominated by d irect^ katliarlSa 104^-A ' Besides using form 1040 for pre'sent 'the charter for the ne^ly \"d‘S^f^Sm^lStwS^m^-^oS^ wc. cnouph and tondid* mbugh to a member of the rank and file. D. Bourn for the poat pm tha park saif-employed person thotr taooma tax-return, the eelf- " ' ■ « — i ' ' *:ruiMjrsiiMr EHractor Walter T. Mahoney commiaaion. / estaUiahed Exployers’ Post. tquare away and take Another Patoiiy Krasenics “ abort form, oota employed murt aleo - uae a aepa- The annual Fatbcr-S^Baiupiet, ” A,cordial Invuatiim is extends The month of look at the German problem, aitd •W**e 8 (B > aa page t, Where It rata foras, aeheduleG; whsrs they aponaored by the BroUMrfaood o f to all men and hoys of Etaihuel 4dsd with To Developmetit 2 : Short Fojito tya to bet yiaur eoeiel eecurtty pruvida Information necessary for the Emanuel Lutherail. C^tarch, ckooae totinder poHdea not overi CSiurch. del MSI] V r«MUlMn . tax, if you^ aMf^ptoyad. / datarmtatag tlwir Social ascurlty w ill be held at Uia church vestry, b aaoe T tm itA October 1. lUl mayed by the deceptive \nalon jof Brennan to Rre Bbai It ’« sah priced! — aa loa tax. Friday, Feb. Jmmt 8 p. m. Rev* Haady BuUdoscr atra: ple^ijV^inede rMlair. Bseopt. 'GetmM. youtha toting.new riflea. , (Edltor’a NdU; Thla l£ thoAhaeo but can claim fo U i: aavataF mUU6« self* Many paople flbng on tha 1840 James Bell, pastor'of the Nesflrene •iShth of 10 BtoriM o f’ Vanilla Ice ■ n t ^ bt m that ill iUmoat too much^'tp hope.' Three appoi: two to the In full. pay a aocial aa> abort form -taui* use not only C h w ^ f W be the guest speaker. sy, 'N eb.—ijPi—A bettor,. Conn., «t /■ But It mifht hel]^ to take a good Pevelopment Col iMlon and one '~7~ how to makA out your points on form BMO-A: tax on their firtf«etaploy> paga 1 but paga 2, also, because of ' a ehisrt program of magic Will tion compMy’s tru^i-afalled- on a Kttttr. to ^ e Recreation Park Com* It’s solidptaplel tax return.) Tow do no ftguitag. Answer the whipped eraam dseoratloiia.. look at-Juat where we w e bow; W e lacotne for 1881. Hie tax ia tbetr special income and problems. >t«an^iWv » ■*» dant o f the tW U A union at-- -aad what to wsteh out. for) if I f too much tax waa withheld by C»»rler..,i;,.;V....-,j . » not have it. Nor can any one aay - - T#br,...;*.-|i».00 ey Brothera, i ^ Edwaid W. you’re nuking your It e l income from you during the year, he’ll when w will have It^ We are in aenica, a real aafate agent tax return on form KMO-A or the give you a refund. If ha finda you SW1SV trouble for aomething we do not reglatcred repreaentatlve of Co^. 1040 abort form. atlU owe tax, he’ll notifp you. You THC AaKKXATCD PltBSS have, and may not. in fact, ever bum and Middlebrook. Inc., were •1. I f husband a ^ iw lfo make a get SO days after thet noUficatlOB ■7 ■ tko AtaoeloM PrttaProto Ila oxtiotlrtlT, have^wtfh'ln any practical apan of appointed to the Development Joint return, both must sign it. to payjthe tax. ' /'■ •ntititb to tbo utt of republlctUna et Commiaaion, tnereaaing the mem- , ' 2. Be sure when you hand in I f file JoUit^ on form oil atvt Utpatebet ertdittb to It. or time, We would be juat aa atrbng pot ethorwlet erebltedv birHUa-.'peper.i .bergjMp. f?»m fiyft.to w y m ,, ; ..... 1040SA with ypur wife,, the ooUec- apb alto the local aewt publltheO hero. phj^ieally, and a' wt atroager ' -xaffiam S^fbBrtgd, t All rtfhta of ropubllcotlOa of tper,ltl morally,^ If we had never begun at Chfney Brothera. waa appointr' ■: y given 3TOU by a boaa. aa 'proof of, io see whether,it!a cheaper for you 7 \ (MtptKelitt herein trt alto reterreO. counting on the German army in ed to replace. Frank J. Robinaon /C/what he paid you and how muoK 'to file jointly or separately. He’ll '/ ■ • \ • on. the M fk board. . Robinaon're \ the flrat place. tax he withheld from you laat give you the benefit of what he ■ X f i l l terrlce client of K. B. ^ Sere- signed Because of the pressure of year. IOC- finds. itlctienr R»pr«»»iiUtlv*«; personal busineas. .Hit 'resignation 2. Be Careful, under Itcnt No. 1 PiMli A Now take the 1040 abort form; 7 Jnflu*Xild As the Roy Si^oiits of Amehes 533 MAIN ST, — MANCHESTER but your deductible expenaes were Bank Fteanbtag relehrsfe this week, their ,42ne^'— Bryond Jhi.s.-tnhute Is xtsn-|tne^ truthful about It, goes be.vonrt such to the fact that these principles Preseription’i Called HAND SCULPTURED. HAND SET STONES OADLOOM CARPET apedfle and aaamingly reasonable have been, able, over th'la span of bedding frame demands. There Is more of s price years, to attract and hold the de- For and Delivered 29.50 - ______:x...- on Germany's cooperation than volad. and mvaluable_ servwaa of " (Above) The Hollyw'ood head­ ran ba Indtcatad by such speclftc one generation after another of -VARIOUS MAKES- board bookcase bed come.s ambitlona. What we have suc- adult leadera, w-hose great reward complet^Avith Harvard metal S the pleasure of w(jfl above). lines, crosswise or lengthwise. Makee it poa- J think, ta an early awereneaa that . sible to side-seam without change in color. - Fl'R.MSHINaS — ’TOYS •A Ttmto Mwft 8« TtIB.- I .1o'GOl.lUmJrACTVBIMQ COMPANY ' ^ Old Ipswich cabinet pieces are fashioned ta any htddtag for tha hand of after a typical -base Early Ameri­ BUY THEM FOR MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS Garmaay, tha victors of World DUmond Ring $488 — Ol'R FRIGE > (Seny~ne mull er lAont oMert) | Buy them for Vateatine gifta—Buy them for Birthday giftw— . $300 Plus Tax can design. The beds offer a variety of Bay them for Oraduatioa gtfto aad Perooaal gtfto. Tou caa avau W ar n would be bound to be the A sa’s Watch SS2.M — ol'R PRICE ... ., $80 PtusTax ways to ensemble your new bedroom,;.' " Imy them BOW far Chriatmaa gifta. ir An Entirely New Value loaar*. ' Cbekar Set^il.85 — OCR PRICE .... $8.83 Phis Tax All wool face. AO cotton back la plaer af tha W h at can we do now,' when our Steam Iron 8S4.8S — OCR P R IC E ...... M a n d t e iie o jfc ...... 8I4.M 832 MAIN STREET psual Mttbn-and-juta combinatioB need for wooing o f Oemieny has lod Gcr-: Vacuum Cleaaer $88.85 — QCR PRICE I MVS ONLY-THURS, FRI, S«T...... $88.85 stiffening. - - - , aaenp t a t a setting a prtca nobody Is wiOtag to pay? That one does MANCHESTER TEL*. 8883 ' Large selerlioa of children’s riotkes priced exceptionally low 5 9 .0 0 S »t know. Oas can ss# that evtnU POLO SHIRTS — SWEATERS — PAJAMAS ■ ARTHUR DRUG STORE USD Win WMV fo m us to plow down in Men’s Sklrto 85.85 — OCR PRICE ...... py p} ■tBa proeiss o f ustag and restoring SIlfiEI SEWriit'MtCIlIHE COMPtNT (VAHNS 0^ M2 MAIN sm nr, AT sr. M kHs n u n • w-M-.Miaameitwairrwte u m iu n - i : l i - 4 _ ^ - L £ - • ••• • jv*

-V HANCHasm ^VEm NQ HERAtD, IfANCHESTERr CONlf" WEPNESDAYTrEBRITARX^, 19B8 x x : : -MANCmESFER EVBWyO HERALD. iOWCHS 8TEB, C6W ^ W E D l^ ^ tIm m m L . ' 1—lAiiiiw niii S = = IttPrBKClEawiira' laaiard eailm. part of tewn-^wiu be. lira Invaldabl* to thos; about to catab- 'elcetion of a true great American , Activity Pick» Up Vagliacci^ Opera Coinihg "' QuilUtch and U n . Lawrence. Han- Hana FTsdariekaon, ' whose candidacy 1 ' a u fa e - W BAT-o tl* UConiispr^ En^ liah or Initiate negotiated pension eWer. Johiwon. M ra.R. B. plant in the stete'a m sitv^sctinlag Uonal lirwa." UOMIS III W t l O o 1« M * OUwrs in the same aecUon are Adalbert Ouentbar, ^8 Industry, «; x' A t Vote Center- Mrs. Ponald PipeV, Mrs. Ruee*U. ______Rat ^ ,w v8 i u - i n . y Pensions Survey Feb. 15 as USO Benefit B e n so n , Mra Ja m e a t h a t % ' ___ Oangwere, Mra. Jerome Btett- Jtobfirt Seaman. Mrs. m e — ^ -w a >1. -. s o i . o u r ria PiM ifv ^ - u w achneidar, |dn. WUiiam peLoag, son. Mr*. Melvin Oilman. \ S t o m / 6—T ila first aucvey Town Maps Plans Tliaro were a jotsT ^ 210 e o a - I Jun> B o n r W EAR Opera' Bome* to Mancha*tera oinoi mt d during these twd week* Mrs. Max Olalber, .Mr*, J. Leo Ouistav Paterson. M ra ______. pension pl'Ona In Con- tracte Oentewpsrfoa- = - = ^ M > IS — I to gather fund* fo r th* 87,000 g o a l Doeelar, Mr*. R C Wright. Hudson, Mra W UR^. fMnOoi^ ^ Rower in a fUA-drese radio speech b e 5 T o r Additions^ month a* compared with when "PagUaoct” is'pigaented |iy 78Wt nljiR t Hailing tl)e general aa w nc—BtakMu*. ^ WONS—Jack’* Wi Industry has bebn made 2 '7221 A St. (0*r. BI***S SL) in ifanchester’s USO drive.' This Alao Mr*. Barnard M. Ouy Abdersott, Parker Bortn, M ra b o w e r oca- BODY MASSAGE WTHT—KUner Davla. for January last year, a report The Hartford. School of Mualc In leach,' Mra. F. Hv Cowan, Mis. Peggy Tleman,' Franklin Rich­ oSne w h o “ e x e m p U fle e th e c itls a n - -tnW M f»hantM «lir. b y 6/ ^ r6di|9t e *4lliideni 'a t the.TTnl- MEN’S AND lOYi* W IAI organisatioD is of national scope. v ln c e d la in a). It usnttlbute* Oewnrd* I by Director l/to U Beauehaa^ lb* T U . m 4 -\ Shepley Cleave*, Jdis, Melvin mond, Foster H arry,' Ralph Lean* soldier at hi* exeelleat beat,” th* (At; — ------:u«te. ityofOoniM ciloutandhaa'lust Friday evening, Feb. Most lante cltle* have odotributed beet interest* «s i_am c^ BQ hart llontgom ti Til* * Town dlonteA ■/-. - IttilA lN ST. (OOpNER HBSBtX ST.) IKL. • • 1 6 Hathaway, Mr*. B. E. Harry; Mr*. Oovetiw r said he would "persOnel* pro o ed* from tta gootay|to the fund through U m St c o a u n u - der, Mr. and |Cfw Wunam Mc- A m e ric a .' b o n pobhahad aa alnTllettn of the O f t k a M 78 wera new contract* John D. Rice, Mra. J. R. HaakMI. ly and, enthusiastically’* support m q iiM t Naira; Muale Room.' aity cheat*. Th* smaller ciute Brld*, Daima Beach. M ra Albert S ta te Chairm an ;. WDTO-^^T)ail«y ~<)naiai ^ VhlyMri((y'*h-I«bor-Manageii^^^ ' •> saw ebntmete fo r Jan< ■ 'V - •vent w ill be g lrsn ^ the currant Mr*. Thorn** Dawktna, Mr*. Harry him for the npmlnatiatt. aad town* are having tbeir'ow n Prtrti, Miss Ruth Turkington, C te re n c e Uw W HAT-^Night Watch. "itkU. .. • 10 8 1, a n < i l 28 la p o a t i United Sanrice 0 > |6n ti® tia iM Peingold,', Mr*. Leon R. HuesOs, ' Ledge tirgad “every thoughtful, MRS* VILMA drlvas to augment Uwj^fund lira Robert Tedford, Jamae Ma- le ^ o f lln*d iffi to- .woMa— .WMortBiiu. iw r tia fnr ttM Hw* mnittK rrf d r i v e. Mrs, Edwgbd Uwla,£ X i& - ,M Mr*. E L . Joeenh iw e ,__ Mra Winetnn THiridTtgtnn, ■nilnwg ritfim fiT nur ttato, •*y twhlj^ Flsinliiwe*** j Q M L iz r j separate plana am T cove*# THIS IS IT!! Mr*. Oharjee Felber, chairman PL W right. Y lraE H 'ia a Fifiy r y Tr ’Tariow', gardleee of Id* a(fUlaUoii*,\to W lirr—Oueat star. year, tbe report .diow*. Oeorge .CB oiyy bee BBen Ml** Marlene LereoW' and Robert Ptssideatlal nemina- '^ -W TlC^ aO a ©alta*.-- lOitS— V T— , of .th* negotiated p in s In ef­ areA drew up .a. tax brochure, anu Of tbe contract* la*t month, W nt-tlw eamtsiw, Raa-ahnouneed Ahe M fiflji. R iB[ / a n d 14n ,J V a I * M c C a n n , la the movement to assure m fect fall. . completed maps for gonlng ^ and ^ •E ON TIME m THIS SENSATIONAL named .obnlrW iA or^ M committee name* of additional ( volunteer don RL John. ^ ____ tiid i Dowi»a/a V u a t o -WTHT-^TraveUMary of the A ir concent'dd insurance, 28 . houaltig, m akliig ' enaageftMtite for the Z V • 1 WONS—Jack'* Waawork*. ’nenryay.Jiras mad* by Ttier- other puriwses, according to A ^ 33 0 :L lo a n , 19 p e n s io n , 16 m te c - Workers to solicit in the house to CanvassenT for^ the southwest S h o p . V . aaa Co^ctfiQch Newman,, of An- port submitted to Acting Otaaral opera.. The date ha* been eet, but ' "WTHT—Thy Nalghbor'a Voice. lltSS— \ ' tiv* aoryfee, 14 change o f addr***, SPECli house canvass in the nbrthweat area Will Include \Mra. Gladys TT' aojitei graduate etudent of econom­ Mangger.' James H ., gbeelMy by tha ^aca for the j pn a*ntatlois W ill RcRubert. Mr*. -H l^ . C Fair­ WDRC—earl Smitiu NMra on all atattona. ■ n d 14,‘deaU l claim*. section of town.. They art Mrs, ic*, and under direction of Paul. N. Acting Engineer Frank G. Steele. ba announced in-Uw naiar fu tiM Jqawe Irvine, Mra William Ewing, banks, Mr*. Harold A. Tedford, 11:1S— FINAL CLEARANCE 'TegHeoci,'* an opera la two apte, WTHT—Late Bob Uoyd. ' Taylor, assistant^ professor of eco­ The departmenta also laid out Robert Browm Mr*. Loul* Betko, Thomas Sm ith,-M iss- Chriatine ~ lia Harrhu Newfc bea had popular appeal aince it W ONS—Jack’* W axwork*.' nomic*, and Robert L stute, asao- lines for seven, streets, assigned p u r c h a s e ^ L etwee u d George Johnaon; PavidMn, Harold Clendhniel, C. wea.firat produced in Uw late 19t b ^ V a n k a a a . ■W HAT-Rtght .Watch. clate profeaiOr of tebor-manage- 38 street numbgrs, 'Jocated 29 tROKEN L< AND the A*m bm of the Mu Sigma Hoyt Stillsen, Mrs. Leonard Tay- TBiient at thb Unlyera^ . botiseii, '« nd • ■dHR'totfteek litferm E-" ijkiiO-Simi(itiN0 «nd centnnTf tiw "play w ithin. A .piny** rlo r.. wvyj-v ..... C — Y o u tvir WldWer Br«?^ W T I C — N e w * . Oh <2 I*os^ oC -UwBeeond- Congre*^ W tW S—Jack'* Waxwork*. Th# objective study^gete forth tion on various subjects, the report which occura la thla opm 1* o n e gatloaal Chiarcb. \ Additional .^ rker* in the aoihh-; 4»t5— \ In simple language theXvarious sh o u ’s. , CIVIL ENGlNEiRlNO of the Harlequin comedie* which WTIC-r-Woman In M y Hoiwa.\ il: S A — FOR Ml AND Solicitor* in tlw,. Northeast pension form * In the state i^ ught In'addition the department laid Rave been acted by troupes of WONS—Playtim e for Children: w n c—Hotel SUUer. $a.fs section for the UjBO cMpelgn wlP 11:SS— abbut as a'rcault of collectivesbar- out the edntoucs and, dfgw a ‘plan •troUiag pUtyer* In Italy for cen- include Mra B. F. M^amara, WHAY^Mualc. , , Edwaini L D ovb.?^ t u iie a ...... < W O N S — N e w * . gaining, describing the methooAof of the site of fhe South .:\^bool, S3 O N L Y S 83A 6 37 ONLtf BOYS* 82A8 Mr*. Arthur Stevens, Mnt Rat 777 Moin St. Manchester, Conn. 2-3448 \ f m' ^ finahclng and the types of ben condi^ted a survey-to determine Registered C ivil Eagtaecr aad ( Horace B. Learned, dwirm an of CHOKED ei:L.GAS? W bRC—Ne^ra; Joe Gtrand T M e v ta lo n ADCLOTH Ballsieper, Mis. RuaaeU ^ y lo t fits, , , • thevcfficiency of garbage co.Uec- Land Surveyor HNITE tbe USO campaign, urgds the peq- S h o w . , W N H C — T V FU M ia SHIRTS Mr*. William Dobaoii; Mr*. TBAXKBKavmWiMensiuekranjuetui* P , M . Myron Clark, direc^r of' the tioA investigated the sites of aCpie '^e of Manchmer to enjoy this Atahoney, Mra Eklward Broangn tndiBvaUon. Wheo H atrikaa, Uk« B«U-ftxu WTIC—Juit Plali"R lll. Labor-Management Inatitute, says .Ac'cident cases, ..constructed stonp 18 Proctor Road.'Maackeeter SHIR' muaicel event end at the sente WONS—Green Mortet. 4:00—Kate Smith Show. $1.00 Mrfl. Harbertx Finlay, Mlaa Mt^ toblata. They eal*y, aisy. LLewi* ew i* O0«k> el*. RRichard ichard B a s c - if o ertburn. («• eiW Ueiller dl>tr*M.BH. W C C C — G o v . tin d g e. » 8:30—Howdy Doqdy. KNIT BOTTOM / - ■ ■ 'g|.»5’F t;B ... 8 :00—Song Premiere. W HAT-Croshv’a Quarter, GABARDINE. TRIMMEO w n C -Fron t Pafee Parren.^ Stas'—W eather Forecaat. 6:30—NeWa Today. WNTPli CAPS i: S » — / l l|Hirt Skirts UpM / WTIC-Note* and Quote*. 6:48—Vanity Fair Theater. . WHAY—Band bv Demand. ^ ^ 7:00—Kukla, Fran and O lllt. 8120 WONS—W ild B ill Htckock. \ 7 ; l 6—Bob and Ray. THEY’RE HERET .N. V W THT—Joe Gtrand. 7:30—Connecticut Spotlight. M Eirs S CK 7:45—Newa Caravan. 0 8 1 0 ONLY BOYS* ALL W’DRC—iiem ory Lane. / THE WOOL S U P ON 8:00—A rthiir Godfrey; -\ f : 45— f : 00—Strike It Rich. . 4 P R . F O R $14)0 W .DRC. X^ lri JIlMW X .«tl(!I..M;Ar- VrSS^Plaiivelotheamaa. » u AWEATPR?! - thk Tilton. 10:00— Boiite. W HAY—Sporta. 47 C ^ N LV 3I E V S 10:45—Spiort Spot. 1952 83.06 a n d 8S .08 SIZES JM 2 $14)0 11:00—Comady Jlm ir. - '- ; r W ONS—New*. / FLANN EL W THT—World Flight Reporter. SEE THEM! TRY THEM! COMI^ARE T>fEM! ' 2 ONI.Y BOYS* 213.08'^ B v e n b ig SHIRTS $1.00 SHOW SUITS g.-ttft— BUY THEM! W D R C — N e w * . Blood Donor WTIC—New*. , MEN’R OABARDINE SIZES 8 .and 13' $ 8 . 0 0 W O N S — N e w * . A N D W O O L W THT—New*: Joe Oirand. Pmgrqm 6 ONLY BOYS* 80.08 W H A Y — N e w * . MELTON and OABARDINE These sets are,^signed to WiHter Saps $14)0 , REVERSIBLE w nc-Strictly Sporta: , In tha\l) month*'SMC# the start of tha war in KbraA tha Am erican JACKETS Weather. . X OUT-PERFOflM any T V set 43 ONLY MEN’S 81-00 A L L WONS—Sport*. / people hara donated 1,238,000 iM u e t S W H A Y- Supper Serenade. pint* of blood through tha Red W OOL SOCKS S I Z E 16 O N L T $44)0 WDRC—Jack Smith. CYora for V . S. m iltte^. foreee. Aa on the mai •ns— addltlonel l, 86l,®00^|Ate were B O Y S ’ $4.08-85.08 collected during the earn* period P R .. F O R $ \ W T5RC—Thl* I BeUeve. 14)0 ji jrg'w sfflab- • :S0— by the Red Cross for civUian ua* CORUlIRnY . W TIC-Em ile Cot* Glee Club. In th* nation’s hoetetala. 'These T i l flgurea were released hut week by 8 ONLY MEN’S 1. 4 1 . W THT—Sereno Gammell, New# Ask cib9ii» th* N«w Sup«r Cetofodo C O R D l’ R O Y SLAw rsM OO b ’ WONS—Jack Downey Show; B. Roland Harriman. pr*aid*nt of ! ■digasw-' the Am erican Red Cross. S I Z E S 8-18 I. . N e w * . T u n cry . SokincMl ■•am . . and Lower W DRC—Guy Lombardo. "Manehrater’a ahsra of 180 p in t s SPORT COATS a month i* a very small part of 3 ONLY MEVS 84720 ( B lu s ...JU IJJrt- ...... ■■■ thl* trtm andoufly iifftiofiant pfd- P rice iL ...... y- ..... ' REO. SIR"** $ A L L W 4X H . 3n P . I N . W 'DRCr-Lowell Thomaa. A a L e w . A a T a x ) 104)0 gram ," said W ell* Dennison, chair* $ 1 9 9 9 5 /■ ...... W n c—Threl* Star Extra...... :niKtrKT.aifl fire=ir.,-.-w=?afr.,Tr;w>. Imxi »>i.. :'.i-i •»,«., Atu-'C*. -a _ ifisrerifiir^ W w ffsiw I^MEZaKlBXia m s I sn;Linuin=i’.;t7ra« S I Z E S 88 a n d 44 ninalnew crease-rm m ^ - N ew a - .cliaptet,_ 13tutJiLnrdec.-to-ka*p fbu •tS O ------...... ■vttTtt^pRjject"xltv*"we“ m u*t "con*'^ Bovs* -f LOXfr^- 4 ONLY MEN’S ‘8IA00 galnrdiiieii. Bhie, brown, W THT—Sporta. tinue to fulflll our obUgatlon* la .SLEEVE KNIT GABARDINE fid ® — '• ' the future *as well aa' we have up tan, gray and green. Buy a W ONS-Fulton Lewi*. ,Tr. ^ to th* present time, * POLO SHIRTS TRENCH COATS _ - WTIC -W ayne King Show. ' "The Bloodmotille unit w ill again BENSON’S S I Z E S 8-16 few pair now for springy W DRC—Beulah. visit Manchester next Monday, RADI^^ TELEVISION — APPUANCES S I Z E S 43-44-44 W HAY—Symphony Hall. F e b . 11, and w ill be stationed at wear. Sizes 29 to 42. W ONS—New*; Journal of..-th* Woodruff Hall from 2 p. m. until FOR $1.00 \ $74)0 A ir , 7 p. m. We need ISO successful 7 U MAIN^STREET^^.^^ 3535 * ilS — donors on that day. .Premium QdaUty, "To obtain 1.10 successful donors WONS—Tello-Tcat. ' • Extra Sheer W O NS'- Hnnira and Storie*. w* . should have appointment* W DRC—Jack Smith. made for approximately 338 v o l­ You can roast a SS-Ilx —or bake eix pics at • Dairfc dr Regular unteers Th# bitter truth of the 7 :30- once —in tiw giant oven of thit Frigidaire rangel/ Seams matter Is that, right now, we do W TIC—New* of the World. 7 " Yet the whole range it only 30 inches wide — ' W THT—Lone Ranger. not have sufficient pledge card* in • All Sipes—^New W ONS-Gabriel, Hfcatter. our blood donor flies to Secure 22S easily in the smalleet kitchen And it hai fast-Mat' Cetera W HAY—Symphony Hall. appointment*.’’ flurryf Only Few Days Left To Win Free Prizes! Contest, Ends Wed., Feb. 13th ing Radiantube lurface unite — autoipatiiyCIpck W DRC-aub Fifteen. ' Mr. Drnni.ion urge* that all Control — porcelain flniah. FuIV ^ tjf 220.75 »:45— Manchester reMdenti who are well width utemtl drawer. Priced only * ..... W DRC—Ed Murrow. . and between, the ages of )8 .and 89 call M il and offer to be a donor. W O NS-M ill* Broa, S a__ - - - ■a_a.« - WTIC-piQne Ma^a Fam ily. "Manchester has an enviable MW ■ WWMBIil w^mm hMWTVUe SmBM WWWWe ''f.-O O — ...... ■ re c o rd ," h e s a id ." ■"%'* K a v a 'iie v e r WDRC-B'lg town.' "" " ' tall.en down On our com m unity ap* W THT—Mvatery Theater. penis. Let’s get together and W’ T I C - H a lh i o f Iv>-. make sure that we continue to do WONS T-Theater of the A ir. our part In this great life-saving • i 80— p ro g ra m ." MC m tAe &mic 6 ? W D R C - Df." CKflalTahT'^ W TIC-Great Ollderaleeve. ------W THT -The Top Gny^------^ EAT ANYTHINCHIVfElt 12E CdUNT \ ftO O — « N a RtPRESENTS a DIFFERENT PEnODf \ WTIC—You Be.t Your Ufe; .FA LSE TEETH! , \ W DRC-Red Skelton. If jo m tiav* ffovbl* with ^airs H't N ^ l It’s OIFFERENTI H 'l EXCITIN6 I And k peyt off »»h wonderful p rit^ C o n ., \>VONS—Newa; Johnny Menko'a ihii tlip nofi rock %md enuM tore ceelod in each of the tix comic*'belew iith a lay to a vary popular parted rtyla ----- O rch^ — ' ...... — r^' . . _giMiB.‘"try Brimw PUtd'tiMf. Om ftppItCB* W THT—Bold Venture. iio« MBk*! pU«M ki nit<^a. You’BIInd beautiful furniture a t our ite ra au th a n tica ly ity ia d In thaea i i i •iSO-;-.;'. h«caus« Briraau FluiMiii^'it optroiantni lO BE 8IVEN BY MARLOW’S FURNITURE DEPT. Can you find tha correct (oliitten? ■ _ ■ rcliocf. It ftliflti nod ftktt loose dIm m ie a 1063 MAIN STkEiT w n c —The Big Story. w if oo powdof'M paate CM do. I v m o« 0I4J ..tv WDRC—Bing Croahv. rubber pU ttapoveeteoM rcaplit Ua aioaUis PUZZLE No. 1 I PUZZLE No. 2 PUZZLE No. 3 I P U Z Z L E No. 4 | P U Z Z LE No. 5 ' W THT—Mr. Prealdent, rna rear or fooeoc. vmoANMTAinmNMei ■ P U Z Z LE No. 6 16:00— X Simply la? to A atrip of PlMtt*lJa«t 00 iroubl*- - W DRC—Boxlnir Boiita, lOAc upper or loaror. Bite cimI li aiotda per- f«ctly. cejy MaurrtaMcUaa.odorltu. baimleft ItJ W ONS—Frank- Edwarda. to fo u and tout ptatta; Rtmtovable if dcUrtd. W TIC-Barrie Crane,’ Confl- Monty back H-aot compUtalf taiiUItd. rdil _____ -dentlal Ip.vf#t|ggtoj- >»gr ■ t PIFRt W HAY—Newa; Night Watch. BRIMMS PLASTI LINFR W T H T — N e w s . IMI F|H*V«a>x|NI t llN ll. l- l H|«l-vlM

FAMOUS CANNON 72z99 HERE’S a PUZZLE the WHOLE FAMILY WILL ENJOY! IT’S EASY! ^ llxlO B W p tE uv)$5 CORRECT SOLUTION- ORIGINALITY and NEATNESS WILL COUNT! MADE TO SELL FOR 3.98 AND MORE 1^, • v-^- SiCQND _ JU S T FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE RULES: The CfUfOeef ANSWERS ire m o w : s*-«5» d — - '.^WT.'wwAw-Vf1v*is«.,teat.i.raw^-»twr3-Mrj.mi»j ■''V'Wi viiarritwaae-rewi w>w»wrww'i>w ■VT-ia* eB»avB«an>ir4rAeiaiMC.'WUrVr’ Wr- 4—Utk CwrteW <«t.Y C»*ywi aww be »vi«al*tvly WUd ovt wHktte.ik ' r COLOnFa L ... aRiwaYi. yotir ftanta-aad addrm...... •LOUIS JO U ftfE S N IH '-^ - 1 Uch lankly Ia-M»w ^ cmfRdI aafry,.«dJH 7:..'' I'Vttfr *Afi'''te>arj,,** *il OUNCAN THYFE^ WINDSOR J.. Arty ^n«a. Z f yOOfi aif #9* or owtrj k o^iotUii l« wifi oob ik Hta prim. ‘°iK*plM------*r-->9 '*w empleyMr e aj J lA.:*Hwir 21'ftm *tf Xei. -...... - ...... l' • R E G E N C Y WEFFLEWHITE^ 4. Th, judan W> avard pr'at bara of carraxt a«iw«r. ariyinatoy S H E R A T O N EASTLAKE .... of prttaotafion and noatn^ Th* d*clne« of tho jod*#* wk bo finol. G E O R G IA N TUDOR %. In H

tMivt to moki this short. . . A.1Varly*tme service. Others OH your .line ore just os anxiew. to ' moke rails ds you ore. 109 CENTER ST. COR. TROTTER ST. ly shoring port/ lines fairly,;ya« kelp every one to better '***> • A C ETA TE tBMpIlOlig MTViCBe HURRY! BRING or MAIL THIS ONE BLOCK FROM THE CEMTIR _ GABS .. foa TNI BIST PAaTY-UNI snvicl •MONOTONE CONTEST CO U^ .TO MAR- Wofc/i For Opening Announcement PLAIDS (I) Mok« cotb of rtaionabi* l•nath. (2) Spoct out calls. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 13 •RAYON (■) Giv» up ftw Ibw intfntrgtnciM. FURNITURE BARGAIN BASEMENT LOW'S BARGAIN FURNITURE FAILLES

rhf SUUIHIRN NtA [SOIANO TELEPHONE COMPANY A ll long -8lec7( 867 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER “^sement! BEDARD’S FLOOR COVERING Sig6 S.M*L. ' '. ■ .r 'X :t^ i-uris. _L,.,.-...i:,i.;-..^mj:.j V ■ ; JtfA^CHRSTSIt BVENINO M A N Cm )^ 0(»IK4'' Mra. FpedGeyer,, Mias 2toith I', .w. .y 8r-aai-.v.Jtoa|TAy^OlT; ■ im r-m im -' woitM gat 00 tbe traln, wiyui ^ the. Bbard of Wucatlow priaant to epeanfagtonent, helped /Britons niond ^ u ii^ Newington 'ringa; Mrs Fj. i , FiO H iii CoBTicted to the First 3 5 0 j VoletoSetUe tha imaaiiig at ^ tMHiNr any gusatfana. Mayor Har- ’ .->• s\ inset' Mid turn bock uie foe's Were circulated pisfiiarged yesterday: - Helvln- ■West Center B'treet.. \ .. and aaaka aura OM A. Thrfclngton oedorad a. copy bUtakraig, With hla Prims Minis around,the'C«ater.c S irs ,- . thla mpmlng facts tin Btecd, Wapplhg; .Ernest' Zwick, 58 Discharged today';- ijtn . Mabel Qg the rnjogt-ba aanf to aadi M tar. Wtoaton Churchill,, that a pollcenun waa badly uK .Garden street; Mrs. Isabella Hert- FUh, Iwat. Hartford;-,Mra. HeJen frH ™ 'tK r the diraotots for further atudy to Qaorge will ba long napu Jurad- near the police StotMA Mrs, Kokab \ 3affsrl, teacher tdge; 56. BIsseU street; David Da- Veltch I' and son; xAnapvec; MVa. Tha diractoeii also heard allow any member who wiahaa. to /U lt Youl' P nlntB r I far hla part in "Britain's ftoi Slid takeii to the HdUpMdC The from Irani In 'thu < country to vUft 1097 Main. atiWt; Mrs Han­ Roy an^'son, Bbuth Cov­ peat fnm tha-Bb^ of -do fo to place d question ian, Uia mm 1^ CM ) hour." - reporta were fato^ V otu^- -the Amerthan , education' nah Addy,'.31>s Foster street; entry: .Mrs. Myrtice DeSlata and on the condition of the- aganda Of a future msetlng. ' Tbs Monarch was'hetter known Actually what Appehed wah ayptem,. addres yiKf.-'>H[S Much of the reaponalbllit vfbr health which plagued him from the toMWi whteh rtO'ptoeh had- ulatlon. climate and geography. Enrtotoad WEtto -faseRnf; night voted to aattte dut of court safe. Tba. Hartford 'Steam Boiler atod. Tito naw.-GusM'Wa epeeealon-.to time he oacended the throne'. lylnjui on Mltopaible During Wn-ld War II, she said. O FEN b A lL Y IU'EDNESbA klJfolm A. Winao. : for $555 with a Bd-yaauM^ woman Insurance and InnacUon Com­ Vuich ‘Boif the throne will be proclaimed to_ the aUta funeral of King ■'^ta whli in tito police "Iran, uhqi knov-n as the •brfdgr‘ lOJUJQNL ■>V< H orfr wM ctaiBiLUi. )>ays m m n i injur- pany. whidi ia vary highly regard- Man boys in Taman, stnaH an ancient eeremoi^ a t old nt nod the ceremonies. auiT-____ _ rrulsera. dcmoinoiigtration of vlctoryV- Allied ships .shllln'r ed by offleiala hare, insuraa all \ i the accession'of Queen Mtoabatlr THURSDAY . M. to P. iea when she dipped and fen on le« kingdom at the southern tip of tha •N Jahiea Palace .In the heart of LmI' U lbert iConunitJed took place at\fha rear of the the/Perslin Gulf Isnd'nJ \yar ma-_ UNRER NEW : In whteh o il ----- town-owned boUara. AiMton panlnanlarwear wide'beiu don. The Garter Ktog of A m s. tn' the throne will rest on thr X- lira dfpartmaRt' at the corner ^ Fgnc d ^ CSwat- atatioh at S o'clock (Mh'morn- teriala there toi be shibnod to tois-' I 'A ■ ry nut streets. - / , . Since there wara no members of holding curved daggers. [, Inc. chief of the Klng-a hetohto, clad r M llm a U }oba were For S^ond Time tog-. \ sin. She also dearribed the edu­ FOR ONI OF THE U R p aM ta tor The woman, lira. Alica U tw in- 645 MAIN STREET—TELEPBONP 6887 , In hla brilliantly ambrolderad me- ^Norfolk. heradiUry Marsha) of . Policemen acted as live sub- cational system in ber. own coun­ CARRd] .akdhaB down.wwaoiv ^--ached••. (lie ot akl. aaya ahaAtffarwl a broken diaval costume, will eUmb to the w ngi^o. Hlifil (eaa.eoUadad by lhapaeton jecta. for the demonftratlon; try, .Soeaktot of Persian-noetry - S IL i /W an* wrist and other Uijuriea on Feb. roof of' the palace and read the The new heir apparent to the ^aWord. (hi—An" East thus .the atoriea ■ nd-srt Mrs. SaffaH Concluded her j r i S i w j l ^ »5 to\fS 5* wltnaaaaa 2, 19S1 thdut 7:30 p. m. whan em dal announcement 4 throne. Prince. Chartea. waa at Hartfo awaiting trial for talk bv recitin"' e».vera| vk-nes of .a t r e e y . ----______This oaremony, .howavfr. must jBandringham whan George '■ VI the muh Dafenaa Counael deor*e Wolf aUppad gw-aceumulatMrfeSi - CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS his wife wag com- The Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayvam ig to tha aaitlamaBt.H - await tha drafting.of the official' diad. Thera also was hla littia ala- mitted mental institution to- In' pure Pe-alim. ureed there had bMi yfaft In the alOBg ctomaBon . anpoundag. tha j tor, PtMc m Akna, j^ .-afo o n d : to BIGFLOW “ *'3a » & iW t, W dtmlad : »lonoi POWER CLEANED oapqito. tima. hto ./. Alfred Hiinitip -of South Coven- itH i f the' Hang w iT th ? 'aecaa:- thi' 7i«a' Of ------arrest Jing- A bout Tow n t-y: was a jn>»at of Frank .SheMnn. R. ■ ; k i^ of It. Wolf aaid Moran ^ il John P . L«Balla, who dnn of tba. new’ruler. The king obowad no hint of ap- He, Was larick G. Ulbert, 44. Dr Edw'arrf R»-se-. a gite*t of th* 24 Hour t^ yhrtng made a "poUUcal foofbaU I ’ ^ I ‘ II < I ! - t I I , I ■ . ■ prooehtog daath whan ha bode / that the town- had no wll ..Queen lOlaabeth'a fitrat 'poor' ,wh^. ON last -JUay 11 . allegedly The name oi Ihigane M. Griffin cliih.vand WIIHam Ponn of East y t t e A r*t."" and that reporta of waathar iffitutlenal’duty trill ba to hold an goodnight last night at gaadring- atm bed to deallip ble 31-year-old Hartford, a vlalting Roltrian. Moran. Ba la appealinf a federal : . . r \ i ■ , Mto to hie Queen and the PHneeee of 73'Oakland ■ street was inad­ Ambulance tiona at the tlipt Of the allagi aoceaakm, meeting of t^ie Privy pride of le.u thai month; then vertently Included In the list of lo­ -■'■■■ .- k' eourt'.oeiiiury convtctlon and a«n* cldent laerved to siibatanflatw CoundL an andent bod^;which ad- Margaret Rose. httem pted to com (t suicide. tanea of dv* yoara and a $3,000 cal draftees, who left today for In­ Service Litwrinakl's claim. v viaea the King. It ia f composed The new Queen's husband, tlto Ulbert was comi Ittad . to Nor- duction at New Haven In last HospitaI)Notcs SEE OUR DISPLAY and SALESROOM, ‘ fin« K a ^ a s found guilty of lying In addition to the wrepther re­ McKinney bros. largely of noblea and Uadlng po­ handsome, SO-yegr-eld puke Of to the UX*- Senate Grime cont- ports, LaBelle aald, tha claimant -1 w \i I HI I'M \i (I litical figures. ! Rdinburgh, may receive a hew term s ndttee ab^'hia.relationa with a la reported to have witneasea who title In due . course. There ./to a . Admitted yWderday ■Sfrs. JWH' BUDGET ARRANGED At thla accession rofeting, the hie Fletchipr, ^ Hrooklyn nuih^na racketeer. can testify to the )cy copifiUon of 1 .'><> I’. ,ifl ''t. III. ) 1.1111 111 -11 I . I i ( i«"i new sovereign will awpar to ful­ precedent—Queen Victoria's hue- mant In Hartford Countv^jJall. I _ _ '* ^ ' 273 Adsntfi str4el;i the walk at the j^ace deacribad by V fill Her duties and be a good ruler Mnd, Prince Albert, had the title John LeCkfor, 18 McKee street:' WALL t o WALL SPECIA^JST of Britain. The oath wlll.ba ad­ of Prince Contort. C- Tem. Wo. 14. Thomas JtrVeigh, 2:>1 .Spruce Masked ^itnegg ^ lABeUa alpo said that althloaigh / / 'street; Lawrence Jackson, 6.3 picture above paw naada W-aia ahowrooBia of Moctarty Broth­ ministered hy the I»ird .Chancel­ It Is the first time to history ^ e ll s street: M"s. Grace Schaefer. ers recently at the iiar Biamng of the IBBlTderoBy." " medical bil|b amounted to- about lor, the nation's highest law lord. that a aovarflgn . has kccaded —to $55, plus . additional "out-of-pock­ Britain's thr^e. While abroad in 66 Essex street; Mrs, Mary Marr. Airs rere dlatributed to the wimio at timt Ikae. Mortarty B r^ere are •nien "Lords of the Privy COun- 76 Essex Street; John Soniervllle, . et? expahsas, a court suit might ell” swear to accept the. new the Commonwealth. ported In S ^ rlor Co_urt_, that th- ; waahlngton'a blrthdara were oh. showing the aU-new IM t liaeela tovM it aad eaee ogaia'wUI Os- coat town great deal 36 Helalna-eioadf-Mrs.-'Bteresn-MC-- trlbnte ordUda to the weatOi vialttag tfcatr ahusrreesae. Pictured at (M a. —Tha-quiet famjly mxw~wh6TTwrhiert ~haT~ltoegm4~Htonnnty dia-s^ Mrved. with . Mrs. Luna .HutChl- (Coathnad frees Mga Oaei/ tha amount of tha aa'ttla- royal duty above personal pleasure turbed again, Bwen. {15 Center street. left above la hlarty Oeaa. aalee maaager aad at ecater Mlaa Tlaa auperlntandent of the rumors our strike la sot over. Any Prudential Oa$$ified In kMping with 8t. Valentine's . .,,RFrth.4.j:fi!ltCX)lai'-A..,daughter,,lo 30|J « A J .N dinner-in-'WMMngtoRr ho-tou^K^ ding tito.tnek toamMtog. tha job. ..Mbnaham-at .nB -■.»'nmr.-vJgoBae«4>-..-led-*-"*Brltoln4-hlm"aBd ordened-hla-commitoietit Da A 'A ' •'anidBHk' lunfeWCon^was ”r i\i '«i**«d‘^Mflf'ar;;madB'i Te* ■ ■•'"Theyre-not' going "to'be -on 'thie tif-parka.-midAetinrfMnarat'Jiaa*' through her worst ordeal when the.I to the Mlddletdwn State Hospital Mr. and Mrs. William Freeman. ! _uat puaheipuahed Into earth any longer.” h» aald Uia on the 1952 Prestdent^U camiialgn. agar Jamaa H.' Shaakay. yonr famiHM Idsdiy note this -and give na your enn- served by the president, aasiated 189,Oak street; a son to Mr. and alatance. He w ta ]ua la our nationa) strike. Idand kingdom faced the victory- | “until the time of hla trial.” by Mrg. Helen Andrews, -"^'graiVev.-■W.Wamw^w *-'• - •/ ...... priaat. told .him.— WithaainlleJIio.MMt...... , Mnniliex, reported..tQ..,tMboenL MtoacraMsicaMM imngi)' A^eri&^aitg »|THSraLl»Waa«'te•—.Anrua-siSjnevw-i-'y tvA - -Minor; -Agent-. .Tel:—Bockvlll* 6- ' 5042. ELLINGTON — High on a hill. OUR GIFT DRfSSES Three year old ranch on one-half acre. Full basement, oil heat, at­ FOR LiniE GIRLS tached garage. Excellent condl- - ttonr-M»OT«er"*ira"dsv?wr RtsT-'" tors. 2--0255. Eveninga Hartford 3-9070; 8,0139; 32-0122: 33-1481; 2-8791. GLASTONBURY—Owner trans­ ferred ou^ of state. Immediate CLIVIR CONVERSATION pratfr srscMcs) fas. ocipupahcyHcViHom room AdarwMa far Springf Cape Cod with rear shed dormer aNOY MfARTS^ and two front dormers, bath and la\‘atoryr -fireplace,” -bookcase,■ '- '.'Jiist'" IW C 'lh,...... Tha laqia*'* «ulaif atylaa -desk, oil heat,' large wooded loL •nada afpeciaHy far «m to good location near school and A i«ee) heel '•hoi't gaed / quality amboitad fobrici. "bus. Priced for. quick sale. Henry for yeur .iael Cw)e layinga' E scott, Agency. I*hone 8883. In OMarted flovert and litet. Iswaly Sprtog catan. l-4 x. ANDOVER LAKE—Partially com­ pleted live Tooma plus, waterfront h onae: Bargain It \ takeiP-^'aa la. Complete’ it youiiaelf andi save. Suburban Realty Co.. Realtora, SMART VALUES In LINGERIE 541 M ils attoel-'PlIiSng 8815. / ELLINGTON. Sunaat .VlaW. Sav? eral Caps Cbd and ranch homes ...loc.aslik .L.3dl. , 2>U«» ~ rt* ' ."t I— . li'll l$v§ Y$ 9 FfrTfttM ... Rockville. Sign on Route 83 points up ML RoSd U mile to homes. Excellent view. LoU average la s' richly- X 200’. Tom Minor, agent.; Tel. raiFUMID nOWIR Rockville 5-5042. triaiaisd Wanted—-Real Estate 77 Wa Nt BD—4 or 5 room hdus* in CREPE $10,000 range. Will pay cash. _ Alto any other typfc house wnat- r.iujyeeprrm* fexYAWtig ai;i4.//^yaatni-eH«harst4s'-ltoaS.- reT M Tn^^ifOBrff B=5IM; »- i I . ' J -i- M .la-ngL;". j.'/ i. -"Li Iw; ARE -YOU. j Ik Ad t to aaU- ja u t. . property. Llit 'with 'HSrdd 41. CNEin v«miu icE CROli Bomhelm. Call 8948. FOR QUICK RESULTS in sellbig ' ThaSsaRMt Fitntef-et-lht-MoitHi 'X . your property call - Suburban Realty'Oo.', Re'altora, 541 '7 tor Fshruory atrecL ^ 1 : 8215. Highly, ilylad, lavishly ONE OF MANY FEBRUARY FURN18H1NOS 8AX£ FEATURES Irissmad slips arp aver so Super delidoua! Made of gweet, CONSIDERINO SELUHO famininel. Rayon Of royon TOUR PR0 PERTTT and nyton crapb. Soft pink, juky dieiTiM blended wiHi S ealt^ Without obligation to jt m « a VaniUa loe Cream. Enjoy it often SPECIAL PURcWi ASE—SAVE $40 ON 2-PC. FFUEZE Gr6 uP qHlI appraise or mnka you a eSMt whHa, iof -blocli. 37-44:. / : l - , affer tor property* ua..htoSM We salute the Boy Scouts of Mancliester arid Scouts' everyivhere. In at fountains and at home. you Ball. . ''i V»'*' - Phone S37S b r a e -b u r n r e a l t y NANEKS LOOK EMMKNOERIO RAYON 2 5 % Dowa, Tmrma . K- " N o w O a t f 149.88 WANTED—Tour property to aell. UEI VAlOmNIS^. SATW SLJFFIRS Maiichester ivp are official outfitters for Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts , Everybody will agree. . it's a glorious treat. Smart enough for / Reliable buyers waiting nriUi .cash. Finances - arranged.' We any piirty . . thrifty enoiigh for family dessert. MeuIo of that If not ifMcIally purchased, our price would be $ 4 0 smart colors. Both pieces ore Hiiddy insulated wMi need 4-S-8-7 room dnglea and 3- last 2 2 9 pair family houaca. Howard R Haaf- 25* more. Enjoy new IMng room beooty 'ohd oewifort felted cotton dnd nibberlred Iralr podding. Ings. Phone 3-1107. amoother, creamier Sealteet VanQla Ice Cream and crushed, juicy sa soy "WMh lava". Smbrald hove ctosad bock tor in your home. Ibsoe pieces ore smartly tailored Coil*spring boM ortd bock p rom ^ sturdy con­ UST TOUR PROPERTT flt. tad, royal, block. 4-f. atzawberrici. Your Sealtest Dealer has this Ice. Cremii Strawberry ICE CREAM in le n g -w fo i^ mohair jacquard friezh, trimmed struction for years to coma. Protecting hardwood aingle, - two family homes, bud- arm knuckles in rich gloety mohogony finish. ncaa property and building lota wHh thick luxurious rayon fringe. Your choice of with this agency for quick results. CEHOllSEfiSON OIHI8 AL K8 CaiAM CORPORATION 6======I M C .= = S = Fla leady for you now. Take one home. GEORGE L. GRAZIADIO ' S'i REET W C GIVE dl'«r GREEK STAMPS Realtor W . T. GRANT CO. Wofck6 aabatf "MG TOP" ea Mavision. ^ weivspc|j»afa for Hms ssd stofioa. 100 Haniy Street' Phene 8378

■ 1. ■ ^7

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. ItAKCHESTEB^ CO N N .»^D N E^AY. FEBRUARY^ 19S2 ■V ...... rnair~;T^---rn-ii-i(^7T»iiTr-njr.7;fcTrw-.-ii^ViiyT.--s~. ’' if -—Ti'.-in-----siii ~;t;i" it •+-=- pm ju it' lERALIX fXimii j WrgglffiSDAY,.yEBIttJAEY I'lyw ? n«WWWH!.L . ■sawto I GiUiNIfr’ 41 *; ■Miliiiita conut meqnrdlag (ima'IMd eMoatmaagMl liMag Add TVobba drive Uhd oh Middle WEARABLE VAUENTINSS ta itdnMMa. waat 'from Englewood are tbe last word in fasbioA at the N T L ^ FAB- OR paekato' [ e m » Flood HcMer ' tosca of to trcsilo. e m o v e ^ . . m S m i ' '" ' ' ■' S trto ta Dover road. TVaa sida- WILROSE sh o p . 601 Main atreet. fepiinine for crust. '• in to vicinity of to No feminine heart could evening gamit, and gen- 'WVHBWI SM/VGMTGra KfnOOM MQ brighL' fuU-Bwrtngtng <}i MM waar, as .Just aAdad A PEN AND rtoliea wide and all. 91. Thera are many attraetlv Now in ^v4 2 i$d Y eor \Firm*t lUUroad Spi nous sidswniks and sMMugflr ^flaw alju ware put in as a tempo­ rate J$«keta, rary and axpbmaivt mamsure at a m i u . MmeciaAcE ti >^ alcohol end d rytp ^ with a soft (379 dagreei^to M^degreea F.) aary, as -.o wegii away the _ - .. . seen at Including t o gMd ^rtnt, are waah- (ediara. (or ladlea or gantlanMii. whlah wara laid aaat/to ■ siw time whan thkN )^ achoola want IS ORCHID NIGHT iMpnr ftfue^otea fpr v« K i t t e n i n F i l e t tissue. SO to 60 fninutaa. of.nA jmUI-Aiie UU» eoui of t o ««« 1H» Wil- ahle-A- nicc tfitfentme’A g lfL -— Harold TUrklngtoB, posMMUtF of iha railroad schaoia aa a taato*wfy staasura. apahing; ■ ■ - -.- \ \ •/— aquaah la aoft. Turn sauaggea once workman- a fdlsgraca’' to t o town and aatd P w - or / the metal to ■hip. anO •If vou Mtclbad your washing in th o u a i^ of ciU< undarpaas ea Hilliard atraat ba- It was at this- point that Direc­ Wbnt to a room for Just during cooking to burura thorough pricea- make Indoor planta do better during machine. ^ \wlU keep ydur the United srt toj^ rop n ttotad •■(IMcrimIhatlon’’ these very dark Urlntar days if'placed under tag aHmlaatad was ralsM at t o tor Bourn auggeatM that tha Act­ eim flnda tliiflr. double, fS.OO. It'a poaaibla with the sate of heating. We are all ii ed in the eilothaa m m .bm g washed dean, mlB|g Pab. 6-13 as Board of DIraOtora maatlng Hast atnea t)to wars UiatallCd and paUl ing Ganaral lfanaiM^ find out _auodrupIt etruid* o( M onl, pricoill RQOMJUIM^OF-WALL J-APBR ththg? thqt_brighti up. !Wr.lK«mS6. t o alactric light aveiy^erentng. •ad nay avail-taa^ tham., ...... sight whah. Diractor Walur Ma- for by tha' tawa whlla an otor what aldawalka- ara n ^ - naaded aa from ta i l up, th d u d tr ^ ^ being marked down at the Me- VAMsrm»E^^RsAdl6i •ad-m ake them « pteasant -to MESH b a g s ; "as Sccto Wade. Tkfa la the propaMy avraan had to pap t o tta At .’IHER’S ATTHE Have your WINDOW SHADES hMiay eaUad for t o traatla’s r^'- that a public ,hearing\ could ■ ba MOIUARTy“ BR(>T-HERS tlMre. ar* wonderful ^pMklacee of OILL - CONVERSE COMPANT, PLANTS at« cbmpletaiy ^{| live Ih. Of the various 'mmuia at ^The MINIATURE CHAIRB fftr an n isto air At W* founding dt aaoval as a dangar and a bottla- InataUatkid. of thalr awa coacrata held. teaulno cultured pcurle for aiieer- 649 Main Street. Not all the lota at .the JOYCE f^ W B I our dlaposal, color It the moat im- make a 'welcome Way of IJEViSRSED as a far-aighted w » toplay among other emamanta Boy iwhutaW America.,The ■Idasrilka. V ■Be my Valentine." Priced to get n neeeaeary .Job dC|M-to- naek and auggaatad that tracha on It la standaid proeodurexfol tha \wt-degUM.'' are dulte - that....Inexpensive,-—of- 34-Chureh street,, JKHtanft If you have ci^or_ ippj to t o Mans ant proving Vary ■ of tha'*w^<^toat1on which .Mayor ,tha Orford Soap' proparty ba tiaad tMreQtar Bay Warran; white BBginaarittg Department -io make / -> 4 ^ / couFse, but any of thend offer a er red rosettea eahiallas, violata, mne. drop in at the S ia m ' aV$HI.08, in gold' or'anver 'cdlw, tore you dive ihio eprihg'hotise- popular , at the McOIUeGON- caRChfrinff with Mahosay in that a aurvay -of wbare t o need for or orchids are detlgnad writh ar­ WILLIAMS •CX>.. 719 AM APf t o bags will keep thalr levelIneas deantng. A t THE JOHNSCHf Turkington today follows: taataad. -; VCryeUl aer^ liee cryiU l. ao be big weaving in good-lookfng papers par many years. v .' VERSE 6DMPANT, 646 Main Mahqnay aald 5a had made a t o Inatalatlon k f t o bitumtnoua •(dswstiks axiata and Hhen to re, ' in Soap and wt- for any room .li^ the house. You tistry and be-ribboned with taatc. STREET, and conault our STYLE PAINT OOMPAHT, 6jB96jM Main Street. Unpainted aeala modela, Whereas, 8. 1663 la the concrata tM aw ato ky t o town port back to ' ths. Iteard of Direc­ Plants—violeta asaleaa, and oth^ QVtpX AND STYLE OUipl& Straet R - chats only $.39 to' have 43nd ahnlvanar^qf. t o founding study of t o situation and ba- waa tmfalr to to prapafty ownara ter.Xplua ^Vvldual pollfhinjr with need to see them to Bppreclate''tbe a-aiting the personal decorating HavM Ihat tha Orford Soap’s tors, who ckll t o a public hearv jaakaJt>ahiiie.. .rgainel’ era—irtlL bring long-lasting beaq- COM^?A>riON o r_ ai^ ^ ,A metal screen In front of yojir the aoUed wrorn pdrt of the shade touch, am. g lto and $3.96 in tttiy, of the Boy Scouts^ of America, who had to-pay t o thalr own lag. If It Is toidad to t.a aid#- tV,'' 'AMff'theif'''6oiiqueU^ spring to'’1iorri|iw'thAni. w lQ idut'fiw l^- 'flreplAce wili keep Nythg aparka; frift ‘Ahowr cbitoaito to ^ CmMrito lha dsaeks aauM bo usad- On his -aug* wAikJi. saM 'toVto M yto M to straight chairs. Boston rodtars gaatiojn, t o board authorlaad virSik irill ba' Iha'taltad, t o |own DtlAPERT FABRieS — Braided rag rugs are easy- to flowers'have a “flair’’ for conlbl'' tlon, to atudy letsurely^At Jiome:. but. of your living ipdin. Have yoUr gtva the wtndowa a, frakh ngw ap- and rockari without arms. United States, aa a tow ram for Mtununous e o n-c r a t a aidawaikA paya one third of tha coat and tha natlona - The Style \Guide alM>Wii a.Ver one chimney cleaned '^•pd inspected' 'paaranto ' , ' X • '• an the boys of America/to*' Acting Oonaral Managar Jamas which caa ba laid In a. to rt tlnw, adkome for allp cover* a i for make, if the fabrics you use have ■H. ghaakay to eonfar with offi­ nroaarty owner toYbmaindar. ia a ^ r e new available at flrat been washed and pressed flat. hundred actual Hved-tn rooms—In iodically. \ '• A'n aid to'keeping freshly aham- Wharaaa. The BoY Scout Pro­ waa nacaaaary ainee a naad for Gently polish your Jewelry with full color—and teHA, you how to To brighten' ehonv, apply ollv-e- gram has affected the toM M cials of tha soap company regard­ apaad antatad. /j/fcbeney’a. twenty achieve the saihe^beautiful effects oil with a piece of ffannel and pol­ pooad hair as clean aa poaaibla be­ 16,000.000 Anieiiean boys and man ing usa of thalr tracks by iha typaa from wWch to chooae In thli SPRING TO P R e R S AND a lintlaaa soft cloth before you' RE LK r e m n a n t s In tween washings is to. tuck cotton The atdawalka niidar dtatfiaaloa wv*r it. X 1 • In youY homexW'Very little cost. one sfo 9v^ yard lengths for ish 'writh chamela. slnea 1610. and hew has an town, ware laid oa Oraan road batwtan yam-dyad ihattrlal which you will SPRING SUITS are particularly The Style Guide Companion con­ (kram into the bristles of your MUc onrellment of . 3,600,000, and \ ' Tto Aetlag Ganaral Managar. certainly want to examine at the attractive iq styling and in price blousel ’ dresses would, provide a brush. RobMn road and Princaton atraat, A NEW b r a c e l e t SET tains 699 authentic color cbmblna- V alw ’a mft of charming in A WORK ROOM SALE at the Whereas, the' movement' la now who haa long baan an ampioya of on Adaina atraat botwaan Oantar CSIBIfET 8ROTHERS lUCU- at' tha MONTGOMERY WARD tions-T all^orked out for you by ter« MANCHBgTER CARPET CBN- .\ . Aalut B.PMIMiMiM. _- tha town, said that ha had made KANlr IJAUSBltOOM. f^MPANY. Toppers. In sizes 10 WITH A^ LARGE AMETHYST t. 'fbebe locally made but na- launching a three-jrear program. and Olcott .atraata, on Waat dm- (the February btrthatonel comes experts. All you have to do is pick tloiiallyIiy totoowm; fabric, in thlrty- TER.^309 Main Street, should LINOLEUMS. ASPHALT TILE "Forward., on Liberty's Team” Jdlin^B. DeQuattro of 439 Main aueh a study 34 years ago sad at tar,atraat batdaan McKaa atraat b 19, are shown In handsqpie coltd in a heart-shaped box at MATH­ your colors and you can feel-as­ and Oilrty-nlne Inch widths, have a special interest to budget- and other floor coverings are through which It seeks to even Never keep more than a pUlon cliinrs from pastels to bright coral sured they wriii be correct, ' come* in bevHtchIng colors and de­ conscious beauty lovers. Fine- stocked In quantity and quality more effectively serve .thq^-obtlon straet to * *****> aelaeted by the an^lii very sporty checks, and ER’S AT THE CENTER. Othe^ of ' gaaollne or ke^oiue In yo u r fascinating V®I«btlne apecialUsik signs. Look f ^ . It (a ny week-day rug remnants In 27” .94“ are at the MANCHESTER FLOOR through Its youth, and , •* > aeveral loUlan soelatiea la Man- e a a e a .S^a a a a * SINGER SEWING MA- sa l e sr o o m . \ They are perfect for dimrways. In /or a real btoutlflcatiOn of your X. khd law and Its, program la a vi­ Incbidlng^riwlcir—and ux i . cuN Bifacerela'wraf TTHeirt | ^* * * * ^ ^ * ^ — 83»- "Itfffnr ■fronr^of chairt, amrifetwi'fsn~~hlg I kitchen.— bathroom;—nursery -w r— tal' faetw'ln totifliiirY* preserve' Eal».43-and.anAt o F*h- M. Other, The gEALT^ATTREW ANNl- solid colola, are $16.09 to $24.79K. compacts of Sterling Street. ‘ i There are -----both portable -• V A L E N T I N E .GREETING higs. A varied eroiip of scatter game roomX you’re almost certain American Demoeraey, and devrel- driva officisda araNArturo Orem- >-V VEMART «ALB offers a tremen- in the.same rizca The new lln6s silver or enamel In the kekaonal and console styles In first class CARDS and VALEN’i^NE GIFTS rugs are marked down 90%. to And It /there. Pattema in; lin­ eplng phyatear fttneae. initiative mo,' aaeretary. and'lira- Carmans \ deus barf alb at KEMP'S. , INC.. of thf new Suits are trim and be­ shape. X working order to help one combat are most .attractive at'the DEW- They - Won't be available long at oleums have been choaen to lult and self-rglhinee In boys: Alolsio, treasurer. AeUng; aa the \ 7»S Maiiv^treet. This nstionally coming. in stzM 10 to 20 or half the coat of living by the large EY-RICHMAN COMPANY. - 767 these prlcee! both general and special demands. ■ Now, Therefore, 1. Harold Tiirk- clearing bouat.Will be Robert S«SS W ^ '^ ’'™n”’hlfff'''’YO - A-TTtEE’STICK"OP7tSNCmH savtngt’'ln'Trrgktng‘fln!Friswn'“aTnd Car^ in alai%e van- [ ^ '==l«'-'iwtot' w 'sripp*»i«««t‘'k"M>«*' ‘ Thgtiwir tnayrr ’or t w 'T W h " ''hr 'Hathaway toiba-M airetotowT - !*■ lar for ItA jffne workmanship, And). Rayon gabardine ,qr_iiienji- LAVENDER, tlj^ t In slse for car­ the family’s clothing and m 'con­ ety of sizes and pricaa, ark gaily. ^CoCMiut " ' "■Giageranap Pie - rial color scheme, to suit particu- ^ Manche'ater In the State of Ovn- Trust Oo./Honorary chalrmaa are Itfllfigg By OOIM. dy Inner-sprlnfs. and sletp- wear la ityHsh in iiolld ct^ibrs, tiny rying In one’s purse; for freshen­ structing one’s bw-n'draperles. slip designed to appeal to chlldrsn,' to Ingredients; 1 (nip flne ringer Ito periods of furniture, dr’ to; necHeut. do hereby proclaim the Mayor Harold A- TurkingtaiL\pi- irq; iiMi—'»e'’rn-vr»«iVM' n acta at ones to relitva •wntptetr^-eontfort“-'''‘ts checks, -or-•"pebbr*"'' wesYe ■“ a t ing -up - during .-ike" day. '-la -miW' .CavMs...aad -other ..home.needs. — members 'Of the''family,’ to wp®®**! anap' crumbs, - 4-4- rsip- butter ' nr toode'^*)*- 'Utad.“ -room.. Advica - -waek- of ■ Febr A- lo ■ 18 • ■•ir"Boy jractor Harry ..lUato and Aldo P iu ."'MSpr r-J 1 down for this special event $12.09 to $16.09 available with evqry purchaae of a "relationships’’ and to friehds. margarine (melted*, one 9 l-f' on lypea for var.ving degraaa of Bimnt Week’’ and urge our clti- •ganl... X ■ • ' ^ “ IB caaaad by ooids. It also ■/ bdx containing three cakea of the ’ Keep a Jar of night cream on Gifts of jewaky.sll'.’er. stationery, ounce package coconut pudding iisevat an.v b*idget Is fr^ . A** ren* to recognise the patriotic Det^uattro aald^ this morning natural aecSsttoas ta t o JeoBL. the. ramilar. tSfi.50 to , only a table nearby yuur-bed. and when tSb.M. If you see a new mattress Yotir qven doesn't have to he famous Yardley Lavender Sohp. at wallet*, and many other ciisieeir bbSi ■(«* aning. ■ Ihstallstlona receive the personal- service bemg rendered to our com­ that fwo' Serlea of leturs WtU 1)6 throat a a i braodiiM tubto to BHp By Mr*. Anne fabot $1.3.9, at the WELDON DRUG you are comfortably settled, 'mas- are particularly nice of their kind,' ^ -Method: Mix gingeranap brumbs supervision of tong-experienced munity by the. Volunteer Rcout mailed later this week. One letter TheUmous kxwso thick, sticky phlegm and In your future, you can't afford to Your upholstered chair will ;;e- 'sizzling hot for roasting • meats. sege the cream slowly and tKo.r- ■uka It eaaiar to raise. up this valua ' . Experts now urge low tempera­ COMPANY; 901 Main atreet. whatever the price. (*nd butter or margarine. Spryad Manager Gayer Leaders and to express their 'ap­ wUIW U I be.o e . Iaddressed to local Italian maln fresh and Inviting \v|th this oughly Into the akin of your fare In 9-ineh ple YMin. Preea down preciation to the religtoiia bodies, and the other to local SBnoaani la safe and ni(ph(y tffae- cute kitten In filet to guard It. ture roasting. Meat shrinks less, ScnVir tinware only when necea- and neck. The soothing manipula- fatnilto miuNtHina Mas t o both old and yinuig. Plaas- waJ Prtttera needs less fuel and fat spattering W*sh drip cups and gratings in 'ffrtnly on bottom and sides of pan school organizations. . veterans' busiilraareaamed. The lettere will eon- ant taattog and Inexpenaiva. Both the beginner and expert can * The Inquirer asiKvciatinits, fraternal groups and tain returetum envelopes. (Makes 10 to It cakes) complete It In no time'at all. I la minimized. aervice clubs which soonsor our Two cupa crooked oatmeal, 1 eff. Pattern No, .9741 contains com­ lAi The local Itallan-American So- beaten; ><*' teaspoon salt, t, tea Cub Packs. Boy Becut. Troops and ctrty haa already donated 3t(M to plete crocheting Instructions, ma­ APPLE STRUDEL, PURE Explorer Unita. Italian flood relief, (Siairman De- spoon bakinf'powder, '4 'cup flour, terial requirements, stitch illu­ F R U IT ORANGE LAYER ' Combine oatmeal' and beaten strations and finishing directions. CAKES, and RAISIN BREAD 101314AIN ST. <)uattro' said, and it la hopod (ke eff: sift tofether rest of ihfre' X Send 29c In coins, your name, Illustrate three of the many, many drive will bring in many timaa ..dlenta and add to oatmeal. Beat address and the pattern number to good things to esht -made at. tlw NEAR MAPU ST. S]\fFD Committcic that amount. well. Drop 'i cup for each cake Anne Cabot. The Manchester Eve­ PINE PASTRY SHOP. 660 Center ' ’Thousands were left homcleaa Y«iir 'Into hot fat H-Inch deep In frying ning Herald, 1190 Ave. Americas, Street, where discriminating home To Meet Tonight and milflona of dollars In proiperty pan. Brown on both sides. .Drain New York 36, N. Y. makers can turn any nieal Into a damage resulted in last November I ipeetsi 8earf Boxes Igirtirooiw or KHthoR on absorbent paper. Serve with ■ Anhe Cabot's New Album, of feast. The shop will; hsvs lots and December when' the tremen­ *\ snii •Miaf WhitiMR'6 AssMtwieiile buttar and syrup. Needlework Is cbock-full of grand dous floods struck ths Italian Po Witk of specially decorated goodies for The committee in charge of Valley. Rinre that time, campaigns e A BlhBClIv I y SfHIB|l>4 designa, plus exciting features and Valentine parties and A'dreated dp colorsXyour , Ladles Night for the South Msn- (»R8AO ES AND CUT FLOW­ a gl/t pattern printed in the book, dinner on Februai;j^ 14. for money and clothing have been I \ . 1 fsr VbI«iiIIm *6 Day ERS for Valentine's Day are very 29 cents. ehaatar Fire Department vvlll conducted In this country to assist reasonably priced at McCON- Keep your pastry cloth ; and meet tonight at 7:$0 at Hose Co. rehahllitatlon efforts and to pro- • -V •;/ D U R A T IL E .vide .c!otkln*.i.o.r flood, refugaea. -VlLLB^r tot -Woodbfidf e -Street. nnn. •'sirces' isa- W ang-e-ib"iix -(t^^ -li -AbOttt-160 peraons-have-already - Sl«H WdG TRo - They will make a satisfylnf selec- heat-resistant...... glass custard * cup*. I hem overnight In cold water. secured tickets for '' the annual ,.4W4«t.:tot4#:.:-Raymoiii# yil4tto:P6*W‘-W96toa6BWiii.:CldP>: Sp^n syrup over potatoes and limes .snn rinse well. Ian American <71ub on Eldridge Hennequlii. sceretary Is Thomas ■pab'e-ffiF' modemte oven. 390 d(r- .street Saturday nighL JdtN allyand- treasurer -is- James Cba4l*4 Sweet Potatoes * grcea F., liptll most of the' syrup I..et the friendiv gtaff at the A supper will be served at 6:30 Fogarty. Deadline for purchasing I • ®ie|hShto|o JIMjI (• aenriafs) has been absorbed by the potatoes, PINE p h a r m a c y , 664 Center with dancing totU 1 a. m. Chalr- tickets is toriiorrow nij^t. . Six tablespoon* butter,. 0 table, about 30 minutes. Street, help vou make a HAPPY S^*«overed spoons water, % cup brown sugar, VALEN’nNE'S d a y . Valentine AspiMit THo Flotof • boiled and peeled sweet potatoes. YoUr diamonds a-lll sparkle and greeting cards are attractively de­ rubberiied Cook butter, water and sugar in shine, if you clean them every signed for children or sdults. In ' / \ C«i 4019 Aftarf P. M. a one-quart heat-resistant glass month with a small brush dipped serious Or'humorous mood. Small •honlder pids •aueepaa, stirring occasionally, for In a soluHoh made of 1.4 ieaapobn costume-doll* with special Valen­ Advertiflc in The Herald-"—It Payg V.' -V about three minutes or until a thin of ammonia in a glassful of warm tine tourhea Are Just the gift for ’ tymp It formed. Cut. potatoei In water. Fintsh by dipping gems In little girls. TherAs nothing like, 834-636 .6161 cosmetics In. a favorite type or In piAiK g r. X something a little extra glan|orous As a gift to “girls or guys." 'Very sweet Indeed are the candy hearts ; and other VAIentine candles avall- KIMP'S RICORD DIPARTMENT SUGGESTS I able there. \ / Tfct Lattst Ir **Suri-Firi” Po|wtarity j ' Sausage And Squash (Sepvea 4) Adjngtalde length cufla MOUNTAIN ^^^UREL" , ...... JoiwTMny Two acorn squash, or 1 small- Jslzed .winter, aquaah. salt -and pep-. A Braind New ...... Ediiy Howdnl ; per. 1 pound“bulK' aSusage. Armo mohair I Cut acorn squash In halves or IwteiyHiiIng I'Srintsr squash into' fOifr pleOeA ahd RtetfoMl Huyit 'remove seeds and stringy portion. 'Cut^ stashes Inf the squash to the . - EMia PiflMr rind, snd sprinkle cut surface with Matching buttons salt snd pepper. Shape sausage Into 9 thin patties and place in front and back 6.66 X I f With your holtnwa. of=aquaah. ' . jPlua, Fad. ta x ’...alg;»iia'-.. Place squash Ih shallow baking d-hnt watar- to tha-d»pth. of '»* Inch. Bake In a hot oven FULL NONeSKID D E F ^ , FULL T h e L e a d e r tread m i m i , r u i^ siz e fu rn itu re and M U Sre!^ HOME OF FRIGIOAIRE WatOT rep d ieiits ______Every SedsM B aM aeked crease and spot resistant INTPOOUOOIY S A ljl- •natorial in this nawatl mambar af - haiidsewii _ 1-^ family it Brictly 1st quality. Seva- a aaf buttonholes "ow at iow introductory m Io price. We put the ring into Sprihg—with cblor. U " 0 n d 3 9 " NEW MVERS^ An CUSHIONS / ■■ / ■ You’ll love the excitement of it! The look.^ Ml 611 IW tin BBia A #1 the fit gnd fashion of our tgilor huiu -Fit and flare suit hag the linea 14.40-13. , , , , «2.35*4vX-^"-“ you lote. Hand-piped poi^ett, make them a wonder buy! In \6.70-13. 14.754...... 2F0** ^ep bnttonv deuilini;. Sixes *^u^Y Brooki6he"r anto(du$ive water*^ 7 , 1 0 - .F.g0** 1' 7 to 15, ib to 18...... rgJ3*...... 2.9$m repellent, crease and spot resistant rayon AQO-13...... 1 9 .8 3 6 .. • .3.50P* 4 - with gmenswear finish. A Labtex fabric. — ^ 0 -1 4 ...... 14.93»...... -I / I RIVERSIDES OimR CARS 6J0.13....,...18.43f.., ...... 2 7 0 ** I to S yd. lengfht .. - — ------4 -0 0 -1 6 ...... 12,93*;..;.,..2.40** G o m growing years^ra vital yoart. Thd Idfoit ^ 6J0-16,..’..... 17.23*...... 2 F 3** Totrii are formiiig; booM aro - !‘"Crggtioffi'.fisr - -' - - j;/;-*'' >™ ■■ ■ • —Vi’-/ V * If* rof. sM to . *tlm M las ; ' •V -ii* .XwC'• 3'T^S? - - Wotttgr aiid - — v t ------—- h T f r f i i w iiWfigiiaiwg,TT*>’ •• DELtDEE TUBES ItEDUCED r>;ta#t«^«h4toi.%>irvA'WwiaeUAinAwtetiiKt8litoi^y4rtflA90*p»#i676y>r:»fifFr.7ts’;*a«wtei >HMta ffi drg$$g$ tar/Spring, Nma Mp tirat wear longar O - with addad safaty.Piw Pad. Tak. A s/ U ami sfroog wHli ^ 476.U 10% DOWN ON MONTHIY TBUia (RE3INANTS 7« B MiOUNnO WITHOUr CNARM . . AND IMPERFECTSV 8734, 12-44 I .. By Sue Buraelt „ ' a n o t h e r 5,600 YARDS i The cver-popular rlaaaic tfiat JUST RECEIVED INCLUDNG NEW DESIGNS welcomes each new aelson with VITAMIN D HOMOGENIZED MILK charm and graceful air-- Collarless and slim-lined this -csrefully tail­ ored style hs* brief sleeves and COMPARE OUR BATTERY PRICES handy patch pocketa.' Tailor suit, soft details. For Growing youngeten must have Vitamm ’D’ Milk; and. we homo,- Pattern No. 9734 is a sew-rlte '.i MYANT1 CHAhNAN-ILa. IMUB llaltefy, a sm(x>lh notchinl perforated pattern In sizes 12. 14. The suit that compliment* a -X-" .H --- \ AND GUARANTEE BEFORE BUYING calduin and Vitamin ’D’ • *r aound emze it to apread the nouriahing collar, a taring skirt. Sizes 16, J9. 20; 40. 42, 44. Site 14. 3 1-4 woman’s figure! SKm, gentle growth and good health. Thia forti- cream all through every drop. yards of -39-1nch.» ‘ 7 to 15. iO 10 18. REMNANT' SALESROOM , ^ For this pattern, send 30c In lines, fashion-wrise wing collar Co everywhere datsic maksa C-l . C:2F ' fitd milk auppliea both in generoua Give your (diildren the benefit of ^—' ___ _ “ AF'^roRD''ROAD--MANCHESTER colna, your name, address, size de­ with button inieresL Sizes fashioa’ new* with stem-slim meaaura. We add 400 unita of Vita­ thia nutritionally-improved milk aQ sired. and the pattern number to jinet, tulip pockets. As seen C-2L C-3 I Sue BiimMt. The Manchester Eve­ ll4K to 24H:. MONTHS GUARANTEE min ’D’ to every quart of Sealteet through their growing yeen. OPEN 9 to 5:30 — SATURDAY 9 to 4:45 ning Herald, 1150'Ave, Americas. jin Seventeen.. Sixes ,7. to IS. New York 36. N. Y. C-2 CLOSED WEDNESDAYS The hew Spring and Summit 10 to 18. Basle Fashion for women who sew ” 6 VOLT AND 12 VOLT _ - Aheaye to t o 1 will be ready for you shortly. Send Fit for Him...Styled for Her Wofdi Saeiieif "IfG TOP” an tataviiwn. See aewvpepw* far Nme end *fe#ieal,i Mflk • Craaas • Cottage 33 cents now (or j-our copy. TRUCK, tUS AND DI^EL lAHERIES GUARANTEED FOR 24 MONTHS Cream • ButtortoDi ►Cheeaiaw aaarN to t Cream • Shwbato a»iiratos'Dainr'l%a4aeiiL' 1

. . -I ^ ■ - ;'■ t \'

'v ' '•-' ' a - r x M ^ O P S T O ■Ub* tiem m SiS, A l d 8 2 |E*tiBiOEtiSter viUKC!Hi sTEitavi «xwojap»i^^#*3wam w.'t»r:*»?yw •■. ^••. f.vtv.KV' T-^.\ - ■

V s -H to 1^ at ■■ iii ->-1^ V . T ^ n Bowling Tournament Hoheiitlial NetR $ CoUegiateiVtey ^ n e Hairstoil THE Sueci^ful ‘*Teat Night Riblease A^br O iailgC OlVCS 'IiOCa|s Starts Si^day Afternoon 33 Points Chefs Toh|^i ’ace Junior Ckesey Ws'aisa' ■' atvsia BsaKyC*. Beraki Angie Slig^CSioice Id by Obedience Clit b le Slates PtMssr, Om sT^) Two gaoM* art aebadulad la toa Four Home Contests Merenloo IS In Rec League Acttm Ftans Tournament Dlraeter Maurice *1 ler . T ' ganlor Ltagua toaigbt Tb*. t* ■ fmf thh tbwn duck iwpetu there will ba '% Afnrlsmex Gouaguua. with * 4 and 5 tdcord, E A R t W . BraVl ExpectedN.^P(lieii MaadMBtsr Qbsdisnee Novice, poaalbie aeore, 300. let nkagiptanship tournimMnt ‘ first p ^ of 980 in L. Pet. Frey .... m Ti M l 39 Fer Cent of Games Facnhy Manager Perry^ Dimtew . will taekla Um laagna 'laadiat flIWttB Editor V bald its <*Ts8t Night" last William CartFs Dobarmah Plnoh- irtB ba stagad at tRa Deubla Strika eaaiUx ^vwn-Boauprax:..... 7' 6 1.000 7» Hartford Playen Score New Yorker TrpdeB^ Enters Army Deeta Drive-In ...... 5 3 .714 Teuia...... m aA Ml iMO Chart Dinara. Tha Dlnan hava y*t ReeJR THERE 1 Ifeafuc. The bi* ConiMcUeut «r* othsr dubs visited the Manchsker RevllU ...... M s ratoiAU tdppini toa wMBd Curt Gowdy hmd Red Autrlwcb, I biter la ona of tha. moat «olorful Ndwee C. pnaalbla soMe, 200. bast toraa out of flva. sat for the First Natioital Bank 1 9 .142 Mancinl {4 H aton and mutt movt into toa first Datrolt Feb. 6—.(/PI—Robert VU- Efoupa. Thara was a total of 43 Game on th^Road Charlaa Ponticelll___ 0 7 .000 eokch of the Boaton Oaltlca. aa hla 'trika aiw b^ l canara. W bM let Beth Law's COUle “litajor" C New Fork, Feb. 6—<41—-Tear by crown. PraUmiiinry matehas win Morrow ...... X...... g 1^ division in ordar to gain a spot la Poqnonock Trinmplis rf ...... i 1-1 OW.U V.4 « Frank calU a atrika, avary fan la lemaln, the rugged French nllddle* sntrlsa s, -. s> D„ 199^ 2nd Floreaee Har- ba as abaat two out of thraa game West Sides ...... 0 ' 1 .000 SarpotS; r 4 year tha major leagues are mov­ Tetali tha IiMgua playeffa taavea (ueat on Ganaatt time laat park nnowa It la over tha weight, is expected to go Ihto hie Tha dog bed, offered.by the Man- warth’a IQigUah Sdtter "JSiry" By BAEL TOCT ' bans wbUo tot s4nd-ftnaU will bo Ml. IM It* IMS . StoBdlnga I i “..\ & i ing closer to converting; bsMbsll MALE HELP Totala ... MT (M 1 M4 In toa ascend gama. White D. SasepofppDO* 8 8 idjlit over CHannU Si* In: New ; plate for DaaeoU ballowa out tha 10-round bout with Etvenh Hair- ehester -Ksmiel Snpply 8b for R e ^ o n in the M u iehao^H Igh haat out of.llY4>7. ^ Norm Hohentfial'a 33 poInU set CewklaM II» . W. L, Pet. aton o i New York hero tonight a the hlgtute acoring dog in novica C.D.,"i99,^X ^ ' ■ ' to striptly an after-dark, Sunday Ollari ‘ .. ‘ iaa. U>. CUaas wui tak* an W appi^. White Haven . . . Rudy Knight,' Weaver^eallkad flaahaa out hla right arm 3rd JamliiT^ sen^aaon’a Cocker football achadula/lor toa 19S3 sta- Daadlina for antrtas will ba Fri­ a new league Bcormg~riKoM and ...... IM C n tM i ...... American Legion > ,.^ 8 1 6-S underdog. providing it'belongsd to the Man­ Mereninn ...... n Campanale .... Glass nearly gat oaa last weak •Hith'a great baaketbaU alar. I t a' Uke a boxer throwing a punch. "Lightning^ O, 194. and holiday opori. son now fimtofthe Indiaiia with WAHnO day ntgbK^OorraiiU raporU that paced Brown-Beaupre to their S4v.. Armatrnnz and art looking for iu first win Frankioia Baiglaa . .V, 7 2 L om than "a week ago Hairaton chester group, went to Phyllis *u44MI ...... a ii-.-.V. ;',V.V * f 1 » I - o o u ^ .of--Bobby-Knight,,local, pro-;’ ...... , ...-, . Roleayo o f. .th,a official . playing four home oMatm ta. including ba baMbeoivedi antrtas from 33 of anth atraight''win aa they defeated i?*'"'"" ...... £1r, ^ v ln g dreppiNl nine in a row. Pequonock Oollagitiw. 9 4 had been-favored among th e -w ^ « AteswerthTa .H e s t o n - T e rr 1 « r msvar «Rir§flHqrtfoM. F n ^ to * First NatlohM Sank, 69>tb-««. - • -*'• f * Herm’B -Oamora Shop. 8 - 4r ■ n - t t m - m atar. Rudy, in the Brlatol game.. Rpd Wallace haa hooked on with “BooU" With a score o f 197H. Ro­ oChodUloo of. too American aM XliA jum tt* laaiUng cbuckaira lb W a n in g la ciUTMtly in too third drove the Bell Ton-nera erday With the Wilkea-Barra Barona In tha Ing sentry here by as much aa 9 "Aese'7'6. D.. 1 9 7 7 ^ ^ James National Ltaguea ahow t h a t ‘ a Manager/Dwight T h m prevtoualy r A m Any bowler who roatdaa in The Beea 69 pothn fell ihrke short Touia /.t,...... « a «a Wetheraflold Warrtera 9 4 ima^V'Bfive^ia “ to 6. • berta Halloek’e "Golden Rathever Teiali ...... «M III IM : spot In tha league standing. Iba -2' bia' aroimd'the-back dribble ala Amertcan. League . . . Herb Shar* Mathidaon’s Cocksr \ Spaniel, rooord number of night games will id that tha^gama with laatar ia allgibla to compete. o f toe league mark of 72 held by BMJIst BeUea III 'Map MsMra 4I) first gnmt will gat underway at Big Suck's ...... 4 Jt Just why Hairaton ehould be "C%ler' C.D.X. took the honere of Thao. Heherfy, S«pt. Sarlno , 344 f a 4 Bobby. Rudy la a Junior at Wea- ar. 6-9 former New York Univar- "Ughtnihg” C. £>.. 190; S ii R. M. bo playod in tho majoro thia sea- Weaver would be p la y ^ in Hart-. First round pairings will ba anr Manchester Plumbing. In the sec­ Derenrh !2 *■ HIMtanl • M 7* 7:18 with toa night cap Mailing M oriar^s Laurels . . . 9, 9 Weaaa. tf ...... 8 M o lity atar. waa a buiy man laat favored wasn't clear from the highest scoring dog i i ths matdi BiachofTs Golden Retriever Hock- adn. to tp on Nov.-l. A clwnfS wa* neunesd Saturday in Tbs Hsrald. ond game of the evening. N auiff Gretbr . 3 Bmch Pontiacs ...... 6 9 |*\D .•oia^eispeaeea S - '6 'X var,; Charlie Horvath, former Twl Richer . CersMar . At'BrBO. week-end. He played with tha New rival records. The Frenchman’s with a aoera o f 199H. ey."* 141. ight with Weaver High offletala Arms decisioned Ponticelli's 47 to Scholaky League haaeball player, eoacbea Ths elaaa results are aa follows: With the St. L^ttia Cardinals Barton .. fie Big Green. Weaver playa Man- York KniCka Saturday afternoon opponents in three years of cam­ Open X —poaaible sedre, 300. leading tha way, the rngjora will :o shift tha game t o . Manoaiiter PaaHatan Slugged Far Sainto 32. Each team in the West Side Minder . i<* Avlraga , One. of toa surprtaaq of tot B*c paigning in. thia country have been Pre-Noylce, posstble score 15S>. ORlNial 1 1 3 cheater High a\ the armory on at the Garden agalnat the BOaton Roberto Hailoek’s Golden Retrlet^ .play 438 of theiivl,132 ^ m e s uh- and the move was mat with tlie Midget Basketball League’ haa Totala ., 404 tM M4 IMI Telals .. Senior Longue baSkbtbmi saaaen if y T o t iit ...... i i Celtica. Saturday night he waa gmdrally, of higher caliber tban IsL David Blake’a German Shep­ er "C h ler C. D. X, 19914. approval of the Hartford schoelX -four remaining games left to play. IM MO 411 IJM took pinch laat night wh*n tha s-u » Feb. lath. . . - herd ^"8h^', 143: 2nd W. L. x|w the are-Ughto, Just under 89 411 P « ^ StTMt 8 t Paul, Minn. —on—Jim I^n- Slftrea*. TOat-Anerta Chico V ^ar' w ill\ ^ ’ap punchei with Bridgeport againat Schenec­ thoee token on by Hairston itace UtiUty—possible score 200. 1st. IMH^ qent. Allowing 36 per cent fpr Manchester High now has ftwr^ dlcton, 36-yaar-old shortstop for It took the red clad Bees a full CrsTSt (31 llj^ r * i kaSla * ». V. Local Sport aevainto pines Big Biiek's entry tady in Schenectady. Sunday aft­ he emerged from the preliminary Holsten'a ODIUe. 189; 3H R u th Roberto Hallock'a Golden Retriev­ gained lined up for Mt. Nabo and eight mlnutea to get roiling but Oourinakl ,...... IT smetoarod FranMa’a Baglas of V-1lh Red ueFaelo Ih the Gardei) Foatar'e Poll "RoUte” 137; 4th, the'-^3 Sundays and three holiday tha 8L Paul Batoits, wap a batting Nelllfan . headline boxing bout Friday night. ernoon Sherer played \ with the ranks in 1949. er "C h ier C. D. X.. 103: 2nd. R. three on foreign fields. Parry is once they found their snooting Bast Hartford by a dS to M cOunL Janette Pitkfh'e COtUe Shepherd, dates: stoat leaves only SS per cent tarror fon toa Amarlcan Aaaoela- SkoneakI ,.. Via Cardell of Hartford will nreat Knicka in Boaton. .\ . Pltchara The bettors may have taken into M. Blachofrs Golden Rftriever for toe\wackday gamea anxious to fe t another road game thm ehib/last season. Pandleton eyes the baskets came with the Lenttnt .... Chatter Tbo hoot crowd Of to* * 0*000 c S . Dave Koalo and hfontie Kennedy Gonstderatioih however, that Vine- “Nifty", 139. i'Rockey," 134. . speed of lightning. Hohenthal with Mann ...... carmine Fiore in the aeml-flnal The National League has sched­ for next fall but to data haa baen lad tha .bMza in runs seorad with ymtehod to* eoBteaL m * Eagles iDRi -JL .*q#.*.••»•' 1 . . . Spring meeting at Yonkera of the Oianta have aignad their main had only four bouts in 1981 33 and Buas Keeney’s 11 paced the antarad toa gnm*. on*'bnlt game If eVeeae...... uled. 332 an; light eonteota to 216 unsucceasful. L l l l l l 111, MU (17*1. total baaaa (377). Total! ...... Tetals IM iM ManchaaUr Chapur of toa Raceway- will get underway on contracta for the 19.13 National and hasn't fought since late. No- Home, .foes include - Middletown t r i j ^ (1S>, homa ruiia (31) and winners. Vlnnle Knhen and Red 8Uto Board of BaaobaU Un bahlnd toa Amarieta Lagian. U m inu. rt ...... the ahope to have a league, conse- for. the American. The National's Wright ..... JakasM Balm Hay 32. Thirty-five-nighta of rae-' League aeaaon.^ . Tha Eehenae- Ywnbep.,...... ______■ i(uentlF- the Intereeted factories High, only.ncbool to dafaabtha In-^ nmtf'battad In <79k Tbs 116 runs Adams led the Baiik five...... Kiiekson will hold iU grat meating o f too loaa now givoo too U i |1m n full GARDf tS awwwww lady Yankeei, one of the powara Both fighters will be risking SporU Forum prevloUB high wraa 3Q9 last year X' NSMiir Arms kept pace with the N'aaesmbenl •31 BaauDrt S e « a ee s a a a SO a* • 1-9 6 Ing are planned in the aprltig aea- played ball in the New Brtlaln diana last fall, Eaat Hartford, Hall aAorad waa good aneugh to top the Maznuaon.. Ararats ' I ' I ’ '8 S yoar Monday night at 1:80 at gamnndvmtsgo in one of toe baot in tha American Baakathall Uism middleweight title ambitions 'While the American staged 204 league readers with a convincing McCauzhey aion . . .-Wedneaday night on tea- loop, evening tilta in 194O. High of West Hartford and 'iaagua. too. Hla batting avarage PalsMr , Murphy's raataurant. Naw appll- pennant racOo in ycarai t TotUB 9-it i i vee. Gene Halbaton facea Robert League and declaive winn^a over ti^ h s bout thst promises to be .'Ptoyor Favara Oval Weaver. Road games are aidieduled waa J61. 47 to 32 win over wtnless Pontl- Tomllnaon . FMSsr .. eanU wiU ba given tha written In . to* other games the 146) the Mancheiter Brltlah Anwrlcana All of which goes to show that There will be no sp^ial openers eclU's. Newcomer Dick Jenkins II Si M.soo*i?^;^?r.’rff Vlllemalne In »h a t could be the ^amnething of a pier brawl at the Dear Earl; Manchester remains alone aa a with Windham High of W lUlnM- Totala ..... *H 441 426 12tt Totals .. axamlnatlon prior to -too businoaa Poqtlonock OjJlegiaaa enjoyad a yiHto. If e.eoeoeeoooa t 6-8 H iMt -Susday. Am oiie^ ''Dlympia.-3Both.-ate .hopeful «f-.get> thia year, marking the first time 434 M l 4*1 IMt -'light o f Ah* .yaaoVt.. Puring- the- ’ ’-Y' would "Mke"'fo“entor-'hrt«r-4h» oeirtiiMi 'fa r Tii#«»h ir lii - -tier-Briatol •and- -Me*tde«w-->=-55>^=^'. • -. --- rte'.Deeeeaasr" ie.R. yvitii« to* mooUng.'iv . Any loom- wuui wtsh- /■hot 3ilght'.'.jl».wnUeplag Kartnrto ■ '•ffyUWe'"- IE '"9^ a a a b~b oTb ’* 1950-M academic year at Yale, rooking for a hew homh. Png a crack at champion Bugar wrinnera aa he hoo|wd 18 potnU lUnRa e aasesseeoase controversy which has arisen over northern Otmnectlcut. To ll*t all have a preview in the American Rockville High And Hapiden asADY TO t in Wewes'a Lsazae Cksaay Maa ing to Join tho hoard mav writo Brother*’ Laurals, 99 tb 98. athietea averaged 70.7 In the clau- Arthur Joaepha of the Yahka Ray Robinson. the proposal of ssritchlng ths baae- High were 1981 oppon a^ who are ahd controlled both boards. Bruce _ Hawsrd LssSacapIst 43i Btsaisf to to Socroury JirnfUurray. 79 Wal- Importations from Hartford. nounced laat night that o f the teams and leagues that have League. 'Tuesday, April 18. will be Marty KHngte Denver—Olaon, Rafts Oot^- stv* tonaat for" 'toa losers.' ' League achoola . . . ” kl light Leagvs from tha West Side Captain Marty Klingle of dto ia no longer member of the laga baakatball coach and one Loomia ...... lOO H MagntMen Orabek, Jo* Bores and Denny Me>. 6-1* M Jumping championthipa ^^11 be becauae of lack of g n ^ ia l sup­ nationally televised and broadcast ManchhS^ league .would take 'The campaign will close on Sunr Brsws a Besspre. iW> Morins ...... 1 4 - tT Sunes .... Refsrees, yUiert»-Ta*L Oval to Mt. Nisbb SeUI. Without several' oOhimaa. Frankie's Eagles left yesterday OOUo being replaced by Windham time Northweatam football pfay- „ . h F. Pt«. Crandall ...... ;. M N Eric "PUiky" Hohonthal has earthy Korad 84 Of Buck’s UlUf* held -in Raliabury on Marcn^ 1 -and port. The team _ a U r ^ Jhe sea (CBS) starting at. 1.0. p. m. ( sjLt.).. day. Sept. 29. ^ HOBBY SHOPPE lehiiDirt . aiAi|Mt to* Eagle*..Surdykn waa going any further, 1 have played Batoball ^-t| ;e West Side Oval The home ofN^ng round wpr be morning fo r saiirtee In the 'Army: High. RockviUe and Manchester ari -- -Ha And M rs.' Olson - hava KMUf.v., V,.. .. S . .1 .. 11 TourteUot-.u..*...„.. — (2 3 aeorad la double dguraa in I I 4>f 3. Laat year'a event wad held at aon at Saratoga Springs as ita Hairston and Vltlemain each will officials were unable to get to­ OMf. Onatar naX OHmraMI gfa. Tnt'sll .. toe big gun vriUi 8l talliaa, 12 th on both fields and realise that the has a real home>10^ touch. The aa follows: ' / Marty played varaitv baaketbidl opened a course in heme decorat­ Ttszsrt. rf n o n Mnnehaito- High’s flrat 14 gamaa Bratllebbro. Vt. . , , Art McGIn- home base but tn M w to Schenec­ receive 2» per cent of the gate, gether oh an agreeable date and OFEN 9 A. M. to T P. 3L Tottli ...... 4SR IM 443 UM WMvIat if) the first half and 11 in to* Inst 16 tady when attendance waa poor at latter is one of ths Sneat playing neighborhood fana a^^imck to ac­ . National League—Fliila^phia at Eaat High fhr three ing at tha Jesuit school. L. C\T, l( .... J 1 N. K. neU a 4t> Hsbertm tola peaaen. Hohenthal haa ebl- ley aaya Frank' Daicnii of Daniel- plus 91,800 apiece from the tele- surfaces In ths sntire state. Hoiv- the eerles appears to be tem­ DsIzIp. If ..... n 0 n .ftcobp ...... 7l ...... H M mlnuta*. Orabak had 16 and Boras Saratoga.. . .,-Moe Goldman, offi- quaint themselves with the.outalde at New York, Brooklyn at Boston, years and haa been a standout Hohenthil. t _____ is 1 33 M 14 asi Morsn ...... M IU lact«d 90a poinU—drat player hi CUSTOMEI aon19:the No. 1 umpire In Nation- vision sponsor. ever, baseball and, the West Side porarily ended. ■ Slorrow ...... It n TT 2 U L ^ llr .. 31 in 9. h(al In laat Sunday's game at the ■ ■ '| I I players and though the "woivee” Chiesgo St (Ttncinnstl'snd Pltts- with' Frankie's In the Rec League (>l.t«nn. f ...... n n n Goodin ...... 71 — II 110 Mldsr ... Mancheater High history to score armory, was a aUndout with the Oval have been synonymous for from that aector have quite a thia season. T h e schedule follows: SepL 13 GrtUs, r* ...... 1 0 2 Jarvia ...... n Lew Mss ■too or more in one season—for a TrnU At Tha Quarter B#e yaars. ^ r g h 's t St. L o u la X Open; 20, Middletown, here; 37. Gljletly. Is ...... '. — 3 o s Evanlaki ...... Ill Philadelphia Sphto In the AmeH- enarl. th ey have not yet been Cushinz. Iz ...... a ,2 S a “ 14.4 point par game atraraga. The Buck's - trailed nt the quarter, SOLICITATION ' Amertesn Lcaguy^New York st W'indham, there; Ort. 4, Bristol, Humphrlea -.... « m Teuis .... 15 to 14, but moved ahead In too Can League for a number of years. OIIM'i tt> Our great National pastims, due known to bit* anyone, and 'kll in Phuadelphia, B^ton st WsShing- W oH ayg - 4M.*M-'ui|t Indiana hava toraa games ramain- . a. k s Job tWYsr flakiMA. Moe la how a teaeWer fn the New Vowiclil .. \ ...... M 112 137 34S to the ihSated d.rrt. Punning Bill 8|ienear o f OUia't came up had i l and Uttl* Bamla MoQuaB' kok for Fo«-2JrODATI used, and the awarding of two fi of selecting an AllrStor team and field, but take all-this from Man­ Reeders Dl$elt . II i M Hsrrlngtee -. with a 4M triple laat night in LINCOLN throws every lime a player on will play. 71 per cent of their home D M tL Y HOUBS: PlrkFv . I ll 1104 Laklng ...... 5eyi4. narttord Eeed t il walloping the ears off the cream chester baseball, and all thdt is'’- >'taalB Ai;na (41i Petronp . — 73 lU Hlllnskl .... tha Weat\ 8tda Rec B a lin g fenae was fouled, whether or ; Ft Oenrge ...... SI >11 103 MS games at nighL Washington .tops li96 to 6 r. MU . ■ . B. r. Bt». iS m no lb * Eaglta aoraly mtaead toa szitmiDim “ nr-TW i«.ft;i«.a,.aijeU..------— ______Kv-Baysoldi,.- rf- , v;-.-:-. d— ■v-t—;■ -S' -Jass--S^uUgt- i r W ’dcr~of-lH0bClng7'^ ■ ■7»" The fact that the StoU semt-pro the'AiHirfcan iinffi'W m gb t^ ^ Hrvalt. rf ...... n ToWii :;r. '.T:T:';"T5r"« T -'4m H g ' Teanr'T.':?:: Mmetr~Br;iayiiainr~aiid~tiuiai: '^Vinter ...... s* 1(13 111 331 Evanlaga by Appatmtaant' »u T ot Io4 collected' a $94 three string total captain, Marty KUngal v i^ left i^«aE .. 107 iin m 3^ League played'before the ^poorest touimcy haa been staged at the Following is a list o i night w iS H Uckall. If ...... 2 for hla night's^ work.aa tha laagua NEW YORK gamap achijuled jeach, jcluh;-—,, Falkowaki. If ■ ...... | Prtseeas BeilsaiaM'141 l i i M w oom. ■AwMidiilhJKiiiit:.,; M.Sf.l! C«50VdS,:. .i0yM'-'bB;.'.%iB9J'lag.-li*«la-f.or~.'tlwe6> ■ I I I JXirettio - 7; ;i- aa-'-rti.vifor ^ . : l f ■ anA-the-Mai'tforA-Jndustriar- w BpPBJC Tor ItWn. — ^..-PimiliaUL-j: j-.a . Btdas,-84«-l. — Ban-Fr*nrmrnrFeb.“8“--TgX^rKe ^ladlaa-<1> wai'sucK a w*air"cireairii«t th* " T O Add ah "outsfde¥’'s” ' view­ ■St7" Louis ■r.''.TrTV.~.'. “. '.v .t ;X t 3S -IK'irdorn^ rg_.. .'1 Xloler ...... • 107 IM IS 2M r*c#nt„g!)|B**...._W**_- m e u it A iH i thr|ce postponed chsmplonship Koch\n ...... F7 11JI ‘ lao ToJamt ..... "(1 <1 0 Be»l>i>'~. r-v.-.-.-” — lit — i i T i o - n i t*W«n ;..t from too lineup, having tef*- for the second division of the Man­ point. many of the Greater Hart- Philadelphia ...... 43 Squatrltu, Mrinloeh ...... M — 111 211 Hsu ...... S S -i? isr middleweight fight between title Ftlroi . loa M 101 THO$. QUISH -CO7 Iz ...... 0. 1 1 Norm Hohanthil ia following In ochoel in Ohio yestordny. - Lufm 92 — • M chester League copped the top ^ r d ballplayers would find it dif­ Boston ...... 28 APT. N a 3 Orlanry. Iz ...... 0 0 0 Pazlahna .... - 71 T» Fords...... tha foetstapa of hi* "big brothar”, holder Sugar Ray Robinaon-and honors. Brooklyn .. ./^...... 28 / 3 3i318 Fight Bock t a XYte lt» 90 101 ficult to play at Mt. Nepo. The 9 Charter Oak Straat PhoM 4121 T^ala 437 4M Eric, ■pooes tit Monday night Nenrk toaaod in 88 Haa been rescheduled for March reputed industrial center could Cincinnati ...... 25 Smith, rf ...... 3 '^ e ti ..... M 110 13 171 Lockwood hitting on Just .about ovoryUiing 13. .^ d ^ lo w g the plftycrt who work oeints. for Brown anti Boaupro In TMala . 602 493 MS 1611 not muster enough interest among until S ^ ’clock or even later ample New Y o r k ..... 1,1 Engllah: If ...... 3 Coope ___ 77 103 IT 117 Ntlsen ___ tboy threw up after a alow first II D.., RtlJlclde. .If...... 1 M. Cowlea n m Bsrzren .. too West Side JunloA League. time to Suit up and be oii the field Chtcagb ...... --. X . ' - -0 Johnaon. c ...... 1 Holmea ... Va 3 UM 273 Fsat(tr» ... period. OaOeb Johnny' Welch’s at startlnir time. If these players \ ZInaarr. c ...... 3 S Low Man . U 71 IS lU Wllkis .... craw moA down by 11 pbints ooriy Gaznon.- rz ...... 0 ,, 0 MeCermlek The Britiah AmariesM have net _ m at period but fought book 9P6RTSEMUI Across town, their 232 Sweai: 'ft : .'.XTiT.T.'.T'.' '27^ n Totala ..... 415-441 *SI tn t as yet bean aMe to seeura'any ad­ XJghk git plight would be a tough one. Amertcon League' don't miss th« Ponticelll. Iz ...... y 0 Totals . .. . bold ii 96 to 19 edge at to* 410 MS 4M 1417 ditional strength for to* coming lod. dm o» lew Being a lovCr of the game, 1 Washington ...... Geer, Iz ...... y-o 0 %. Ciollega wook-and games wNh NElmirm; hate to aee the* ^ l y re^l competl*. Bill Zabol, loaguo’s leading aoet- St.. LpmIs ...... ToUIa ---- 13 •«.-32 Princeton 59. Temple 66. The teams play la Elml __ tiva loop in tha state-jeopardized. Philadelphia ...... 7... nGHTS Tala 76, Sprlngflidd 7l; er, puohod’ia 11 potnta to oot too Score al htir lime: ^-2J Pontlcelll'a, La$tNigM*§ Fights day night and at the armei pace In too aoeond ported. Znbol If In ray capacity as sports editor Cleveland ...... day aftamoon. at the East Hartford Gazette, and (Chicago...... Hod 27 toUioa for his night’s work, A l V«kMs A d aa field representative Xsf the St TONITI four more than - taam.nato Adam Detroit ...... ; B j THE AggoeXAFED FKB 8dl Tworkins. Boh Mackey ond BUly SAFETY TESTED U)ulz Browns of the American Boeton ...... TbMBtoWamaa C n r ta f, 189, League In thlit area, I can be of Renaud also' hit double figurso USED CARS and New York ...... New York, outpointed Allan Mc- \ Sports 'S^he&uw\ Mto 14 mid 16 peiata rs^aetivaly. any asatztance in keeping Yfan- WNHC-TV Fatar, 14l,:Teroato, 9 (Non-mua). cheatef baseball at its "hoihe", Bob Willis stood out for too ''Yoar Oiteaebik Dtalig^ 216 CHANNEL 4 m p i f U i r o m A r a g o n . 'Lseal BaaketbaU ^Laurels wtto 26 pototo udUla Tom pieake oall on me; ' — ^ ~ \ 14Sip. Loo Angolto, otoraod Man- Looking forward to seeing tha 10 P. M. W fdnaaday, Fab. 6 'ason chipped in with 16 mere. loop enjoy another red hot acSSoh Gollagiataa. Ys. .CkaCa, .7U&—Y. FItttburgk—Lao kala. ti4, Dw^T White Glass vs. Wapping, 9:80 ,;Ffo BaakatbaX at a Olaaos •1 997 MAIN STRUT at the Oval, t remain, a former Sports Mirror :f y o u * nera. Pa. kneekod out Jeo Arthur, player In the loop, now an ardSnt Sf f TNI M 4 7 THtlM i$$T ON 199, Chicago, 8. TILIPHONi 2.3904 Friday. Fab. 9 NBA - follower. White Plalna. N. T.—Junlua Today A Year Ago—( rlea West Hartford vs. High, t;30— Indianapolis 94 Philadalphia 98. Joe Owena Woods, 167, Buffalo, N. T.. knock­ Armory. TAAISA Sports Editor. (Gabby K Street, former m ager / ed out Tony MaaeiaroIX, 191, New Milwouka* 78 Fort Wayn* 94. -•SWEATERS of the,St.i^uis C^rda and Towna.., Saturday. JFtb._9 WoBtCMrtgrst East HartfMrd Gaaetto YEitoaraSMd v ir ^ ir m ’aV' T^'— PRciiMrir Ervail BlackwaU ailM • GABARDINE / dfed "at thexage of 68. Newark, N. J.—Ckarlia Wli- FiytL_3Le&t»_Ago=i^uL...Bi8Jfer. Keimy Roffansbargor lad th* Cln- if. R e f . $8 .$%~ vaa 'appointed-tiead f^tball coach -Pontlaczr»r3<>^ltoe7 "biirtarrnr^elUKrtor Oar PHuakg !■ Y s f -^ A KE fflS MONTHS TO PAY Wilson, I49K, Eaglawood. N. J. at Colgate, succeed!^ Andy Kerr. Sondoy. Feb. 19 most vletortaa in 1961. Each wen Hartford, Conn. — (4i — Ray S bnS* 12. BA’a V*. Elmir* 4—Armoiy.- 16 gamaa^ Sstkfaetka • RUBBERS Dotting. Trinity College'z Director Ten Tears AgoVM el Ott signed # ixm m ft eummum tmnu 19$1 MSRCORY 4.DOOR $e d a n Si4e9^5 ' • 9 a • • • of AthleUcz now in hit 2»th year 3-tone green. 3.999 miles. aa a faculty member, hi^ been its ■ \... > fiouHWMi rmomuMm One ewner bnr. Bndto, nent eovers. Meroo- C A % / C ^ A A A KHEE M Tjffl • OVERSHOES |M, tOBlUC*’ .basketball coach for 28 yaara. To­ fUlfMNO mnite driv*. Stock Ne.' NT-171. ...7 r ... W gether with Dead Joseph Clarke, i t INSTANT lA im t r * • JA C K ET S swimming coach, and Dan Jeasee. nLMS4AI|ERAS 1941 DODGE 2 M O R SEDAN T9NKE9 JACKET football and baseball coach, this FLASH BITUM, CASES. S iiiA ElfilrMiit laktriterlRE Orecn. Badlo nnd beater. Law mllengo. . • BLANKET LINED trio has a combined coaching ten­ MOVIES. P A R -n Stock Ne. C-StS...... /. $1195 • PANTS/^ B-15 JACKETS ure of three quarters of a cenWry. • WATER REPELLENT .lesse James and his brother Frank sie\ i4.t$ I Artkar Drus Stem 481 MMdte Turnpik* Bmt T cL 8-US 4 1947 lUICK SEDANETTE • SHIRTS Omy. lUdle nnd henter. Good condidon. ,^Siroopcd down upon the neareat Stock Nn. V-84a. .... $995 R e f. $8 .95 ..i.... BALCH is Your j • TIES 1 9 3 7 D O D G E 4.D 6 OI SEDAN 1-95 ,„d $12-95 Henter. Mnny milea of good lapMtntien le ft r Stock N s,.V -4 S t.'.... $95 FUNNEL SHIRT UNIONSUITS 1 9 4 1 O L D S M O R U 4 -DOOR SEDAN- ' — REO. 2.9S ' BOYS’ jackets Bbrnk. Endte and These A re Stock Ne. tl-6S7. ■ e e a 9 9 9 • • $ 1 9 i F o r M en. $ 1 - 9 5 1944 HUDSj 2-DOOR SEDAN FuaniMPs •ONDID 9KAI1 S W N tn $ |.9 5 S $ 2.4 5 and. $ ' 5 . 9 5 BETTER DEAL Orny. ■IIUILT IV IXrtSTt |Th$y snstefaBd the gold and speeded it Stock Na. r-999...... BVAIANTIW IQUAl TO BRAKE SHOES NIW. Mrt H'A AND NO livin. NO MOfll CYUNDOS MOli SCOMO bluwt. Alt NANO To thoee poor folk who needed Ht PONTIAC DEALER 19S0 MERCURY CLUR COUPE CAM MOM W O R K S O C K ^ Erected and ______/ : SET O f o ie M s s r i SHEETS $ T I E S 2 F n r FiiUahed 1.50 N.vlon Heel and Toe. NOTK . 'N e. r-8#7. ____ $1845 Sccondn ^Including T Wi^.a.wilJam’i'IhMtswx’ssIswi^J?” 2 Side Windowa tS9 FORD CUSTOM 2-DOOR iSjUAN ■t------^-iiip«a)ctWt«astins«swP*P‘ .. ALLWOOLUAPS 5-.1.Jv'-r.fcv PRE-FAR r " 1-Side Door ■ ay.'ltodlei. -'i^ te ri 'blnny -ntker 'yrttan.- pt- sEseesaer, r,Aad-.0»ee .lLaad:« m m S m i e Jui3ld..ba^.lJGML, JJw c •ye'.'ui*' ft A« • = I jol^Any niM' ga. . *X-r - itiD mKReuRr « o o o r g i d a n 'll R d f. $ M 9 N O W 3«Tenn groan. Badtn, knatnr. Onn namnr ana rage you wish. ' V- T j For winter wear. SWEATERS Lnw nHlenge. Stack -Ne; NT-199. $1895 *» IfibMag BottsrI UmTYPE '' E stim ates On SAVINGS. Concrete 1949 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN BMek. Heater. 19499 miles. Oaa ewner «nr> OVERSHOES 3 YEARS Foundations Uailent^ for Rewor. house suppers JP E R « 0 R _ - snd Amesite Stnek Nn. NT-196...... $W 95 25%'.: 40% For v^erfc. For dreaa. TO MY Drives Also 1949 UNCOLN COSMOPOLITAN CLUR COUPE R e t- $ 5.95 .'J l» - t.» ? .9 5 $1.95 . $4.95 Furnished OBiGfs Btedte BaAIg. teMlir. Gv»rBiter>. lOYS’ 4 GAAmwMGv oAfn Itock NOe 0 "S68e $1795 APPRENTIOE INCLUDES STANLEY OVERHEAD DOOR 1949 MERCURY CONY. COUPE ■ DRESS SHIRTS FLANNEL SHIRTS PILLOW CASES TO LEARN ^ D E Blnek. Kndio and kenter. Onn nwaor ear. CARBUHTOIIS TMHiXSTAmMIt iaaiit tan ^ . izcM. One Iota V ^u ONE CAR GARAGES Stock N a V-996...... v...xj...... $1595 NIAVT Sanforized. TWO CAR GARAGE$ ftO"! M7TM Rcf. I2.9S NOW ^ ON TMI 9STY lATTElY R e t. $ 1 .9 8 ----- NOW epIeS III Secondo 3 F o r $1.00 1 0 x 2 0 ..•»•••• .-T,'« « . • $ 4 0 0 2 0 x » ...... $ 1 1 3 5 19U CHEVROLn CLUR COUPS. . WAIZIT Exealaaf Opportimity, BgI MbHi , HmSmto Low MBcAg*. 1 2 x 2 0 $ 4 9 $ fO K O 9 3 0 2 0 x 2 4 ...... $ 1 1 1 5 BEodi NAi NT*lBte $1495 $ 4 -4 1 4 Oaml W«rWa« C aacH- 1 2 x2 2 $ 7 7 0 Fotlcm Tha Crowds To Greater Savings A t A3x 2 2 • , , i , 5 1 2 2 0 . A U AlOVE CARS HAVE THE FAMOWL'IEO*' CHIVa C E O 1 2 x 2 4 ...... $ 7 0 0 * 2 * 2 9 ...... $ 1 2 4 0 SULLIVAN SAFE lUY USED CAR WARRANTY $ $ - 4 i 9 KYMa #15 S f - 4 t O ARMy.nd Apply, la Parma ORIARTY- . Ako At 681 MAIN ST. 315 Tnuaball 8L HERALD OPnCE FrtdoF M gkri TV tortU NAVY usias sia Hartford •YOBBION OrnaOCE.” stantog J thor, la 997 MAIN STREET CONSTRUCTION ond APPLIANCE CO. MANCHESTER MOMOiCOB lllOO p. tow WMIKkTV, tU S k TELEPHONE 2.3904 13 littaR St. 249 RROAD $T.. MANCHESTER PHONE ^9^19

• : k ■iaNCHESTRR JV B yiN G HEBAO), MANCHESTER. 6oNy.. WEDNESDAY, ^B|IUARY 8.1952 ■ f . •W h I t A K C H E S m C (^ » WfiOKHSUAY/VEmUABT 8rl9S^ .O U T O U R W A V -X- BT 3; It W1LUAMS OURBOABBlWgr HOU8B MAIOR HOOPtE j j t m x : l A ^ A H iiiw jff-SsI# = LX m Ib *- I'rt U M M rieir A' liittiMM IMO OLMMOBIUB 8»> r h««t«rr ilCMt aiding. HtghaatXQuaUty ma- and boustwerk: Good pay. On bua EXCELLENT Opportunity to aO- you ' can purchaar depandable threa room rent. Pbope 1-1810, or TSbiCeOOMU, LST ALOkil BALCH BETTER RUY «a ero F w ■traags Slaetlag >"llKhU. Very low ntilcMe. See Bol> teriala. WoriMMaawp g u g m - Hn*. can 14T8S. quire used Reynolds PrtnUaiga quaUty uaed tractors aad equip- 198 Summit street •;;0B. C E. Hfwiae and Bon. For Sals 70 S S t""" TVirtH fttUy equlp^d. Muet be eeen BOLTON — Building etona and M-WIT. But flobofly hail found' why or ' “ - ^ 1 1950 Packard 4-Dr. 5alrlag. GuUan aad eonduo- • Itodaflflpsset *C «v«s6 8:15 A . BL t0 4:S0 P . M. eppi>ciated. Phone T»1T flagstone. Bolton,^otch (inacqr. whether to bO .. owner, low mileage. 'tora Coughlin T70T.. IM T'—Make fHenda ~ T liOCAtr—Well esUbliahed /HMick llFireeelilww'' 22See . enytlnate/efter 4/ • RepreaenVAvon Prwhicta In' your Phone 2-0617. Stanley Patnode. A foOl and bta menay get togeUisr. Voice on Wlra-maUo,. la ttfla Mdsfeal JfaiitnuBtBto 53 bar. Idfally suited tor - married UDwialaw —Mrs. M. H. HaU the FideU^ Inaunuicd cam pgayr I ! / C O P Y C l « O T I I I B 1950 Buick Sedanette- R o s fin c l i ^ nrtfkfimlMMd. Write for inter- ROT AL AND Smlth-Uorona pOrt* couple. Reply only If really inter­ 1 4 U m ____ WBbF •• LOW iX)ST SPECIALS Low mneage. ’\V X X»iew to Mr*. XFrank Frawley, abla and aundard; typawriters. O p in m r — r m au)4aat * F O R CL/ lE D A O V T . NEW USED, Rentala Rceda ested. lyriU Box J, Herald. MWoeOjr PBCtugtf Votoe—'Wen, i w iflt to artaafla i 1942 BUIck Shper Convertible ROOFING. SpeclaUadng^^ North Branford, (Soon. AH makes o f aAling machines striiiga, mutes, stands, aeegt* Soon mother won't he - ibis to 1947 Poptiae Se ' < MON.THRU. ..Radio And heatec^^^PJL___ _ Ipg roofs of all klnda AUo saw sold or rented. Repuro on all „ aoriea. Bepnlrtng. cartHton in- ITQtiM MDlwSto* errtwo-to^iraua and grayi '■r BOta Glitter 'Wurk, Chihraeys wear Ms mbbars ^ track aluah Wtofl- { 1980 Chevrolet Sedan Pleetlln* Dc' malted H glonPa . rtructlon. Muate for all oceae- Hd ^orSilFTTT* ItltMia ...... MWedito"'--/; SiD icM aa. 1 0 ;S0 A.IL, ' cleened, repalreo. 28 yeerit ex- through U|c heusa 'with them on. ''lUOT==fl495. V- 1947 MemuiV^-^nvertlbla Coupe , OFFICE CLERK atohs. JNard Kfnuae, 87 Walnut . to It SlUattd 40Wiie men Robber— Stick ’em up, er alae.! . SATURDAY t A. 1941 Dodge Sedan—|8@r~^ ' ' —Exceltem condition. pertiinea. Free estUastea. ' Otll P to aroiidg' 'j iW B t d id i- - 5386. A N D O V E R • SI Uni tad StatM’ IS RtreditSfF 45 Individual letl Vietkn—Or. else What? . , / Howley. MaachciUr'hSdl. ' fnto the doctor's office sprang M2.HudMn Sedan—139^ ______, I m m j r ___ -,_.._48- 1- I ag MM emblams tmlta 46 G irl’s same 7 Robbep— DorT eenfoae ato — ' 1942 CHdendbhne SedChetcr—R ^ -Mhjar^henr TirCheoeeTFraii— SMALL OFnCE R E N T A NEW spinet now 1 Buy R 2 ^ACRE BUILDING PLOTS a happy. healUiy-leoMhg youi^- TOCS COOPEBATiON WUX COUGHLIN RQGFS stay on la iim S S O w d w e f SSRattef -4Tritrr ~ y ' " man. this la my fln t job. ' | heater and hydramatlc—1498 LEONARD W. t o s t : geweler, re- thia spring. Only $10 monthly hMffth-ftra . (aculptuft) SB APPSECIATEO -<^p4n Evenlnge Until 10" any k ln d h f'^ to m ! For guaran- MBoMtediiUe Young Man—Doc. I -w$nt to 1941 Plymouth Station Wagon— ppirs, adjusts watehc*v*xpertly.' , plus cartaga dSUvera a' beautiful M O ^ r b . SIDivtog ^ 36IYm Too many penpta don’t eato! taad rm iitng- call Coughlin, Man- G O O b H O U R S Choice wooded building lots (ab.) thank you. I ’Ve benefited ImipiMas- .8295. /• Raaaonatto prices. Opdn. daily. full keyboard Latter Betsy Roes. What happens as lotto aa It < on h a rd surface road, fSOO, SllU p u b U l^ ' ST Views (fr.) SIMBtaa ttUeadew ly from your trsatmanta. DIAL 5121 19'47. Kaieer Sedan—- Radio >4(hd BALCH PONTIAC chaslarn07. ------Thursday evenlnga 129 Bpniee ■Full credit if''purehaaedi Also floeen’t happen to them.—PWOtaas * heater—$495. '155 Center Street 8500. $700. ____ : ______Doctor—But I defCt uhderaunA Pl^S A N T WORKING street Phone T-4MT. - basgaiaa ha used splneU nitd P" 1 r 1“ r - r - Howard Taft. 1942 Packaid Cllpper_Sedan—Ra. Phone 2-4545 grands. Open Thursday rvcninga. You've never been a patlent.^'W RcatlB|^ 1 A^ regular physician being ataT Lost and Found . 19.39 Naeh Sedan-^50. Fiwl Mid Feed' ARTHUR A. KNOFLA ■ Mem \ B ■ "Young man—That's tfue. How- PLUMBING. Nrw work. alK> al- (west.) Goes Plano Obmpnny, Sin acM for■ by , a ouaek, axprOeied hia tu r-' 1942 St'idebakeB^hamolon Sedan .1941..DpDaE.*edan.. ya,t -.V taraUona- .24 hdur . aairvlct,.. CaU- , ... R e a lto r...... wtpr, m y. uncle wasr-and x in his "priee - ______■sU-./'i t p 8T -^ «e e k d o f ‘irtth eurty UH? SEASONpO Haydwood for fuNt* . * 1 T: A ^ I hiMt street: .—-fO ppo^ "SS VUBdSr' fV ; heir. M At Mhto celled m OR cn dk* -1 3 9 5 ...... ■ Full price |225. Pricpd ' low C. O. Lorentzen. Manchester 3686. ORFORD S^AP CO. Hotel Bond) Hartford 5-6696. 875 Main Strwtr—Est t§21 a-fc erattoh" " apperantiy----- trifling.■ '* "Jtot;___ enewereMo DOity. Vicinity of 1941 OM C^anel Truck—8145. ace and fireplace. OlgUo Broth­ r t n ih m . ' *■ caiiee It neede (ojce retouching. ers. Tel. 5801 evenings. Atitiforisad Balden A Laater, Phone Office 6440 RIPCR'B CRAMP or-R-wn-UAMS IT" 4 •o trifling, neither.” replied tito' Weet side. Child'* pet. Phone 2- Terme^or A e Little A* 85.00 K FFIC fE N T PlumMng and heat- ______^______.%1t ...... 41 Ailmialt • A motorist drove his car to worlc' Big barnain. ^Xiougla* Motora, < X i “ Plane DiatributoiW. Evenings 5938 o^-4278 J a a x j faHiIYllT’gM ^ quack; for, to toll you the truth; S242. \ / jyi-n and 85.00 a Week 333 Main. thg. Plugged d r a l^ machina 1 one day and parked It in 'front of WAITRESS Wanted^ Steady MICKEY FINN Protection! M P I have, by mistake. Ukeit seme cleanedl Phone 6497. Garden— Farm— Dairy Hpihe Listings Wanted BY L A ^ LEONARD his offlea. Coming out seme hours of my own Rllla.”' / LpST—Pell* of citUd'* alaiwe* with [cCLURE AUTO COMPANY work, good pay. Apply to parson. R BEFORE YOU Buy a uaed car Tea Room, 883 Main CONN Trombone. Good condition. 'IT P later hS perealved'that It vvas cov­ pink plaitic frame*. In llfht'tr^ Hudenn Sale* aod Service *ee Gorman Motor Sale*. Buick PLUMBING and heating. Fum- Prodocta 50 MANCHESTER 7 / Nine room EUHMlIOUSt wsfli^ni? ered with a numtor of pellea caie. Call 89t7. Phone 2-0570 after Wp. m. . home, two bath^large bam, ap­ SUTWtgrufF i Televlaien Jokaater <—Folks, eNr 373 MAIN STREift Sale* and. Service, 285 Main ' ates, oil burners and' botlar*.. APPLES: McIntosh, Rome Beau- i«H k fM R l,l00R, ■ tickets for an aaaortmqnt of of­ have all nawr Jekee to n M C Open Evenlnga—Telephone 2-9442 *treet, J^ont 2-4571. Open eve-, Earl VanCahap. Tel 5244. proximately three agree of land, TOMVCNTTIC NOCKA-MytMtlg - i r fenses and violation of parldhg ties, Wagners and Wlnesapt. Po­ fine location.,-Threa tooma and •AM'THWfl? veurmiMiie- IdHuge ” B B . H" Everythlflg’a new.. Tas a^i/liie prhge. ' Y O U N G L A D Y tatoes. Bunco Farm, 529 Wert W earifr Apparel—Fon 57 and traffic rulaa. Calling the po­ com la green. • . \ ’ AnnonnM m t 1947 PLYMOtTTH .deluxe: Excel- p l u m b i n g and heating, apacial- bath may bb rented aa^aeparate SOUTTKITHg 46Choeaae A lice 'from his home, he reported lent condition. Pric.ed at only Center. Phone 8116. apartment. Shown by appoint- THMOfUgMTMMIV.L 81 itsiMi—I IT 1951 . MERCURY. Automatic tzing in repair*. ramodeUng, cop­ married or single, short­ \ MISSES SKI. Suit, like naw, size If" S' w hia car was lost. With Intereat. A ' novelist who writes storieB DAY NlT^ER^P'^fare for pre- 8795. See Bob Oliver, Center tranamlaaion. Four .door aport per water piping, new construe^ hand and tj-ping. ^m e mrtit only. Madeline Smith, Real­ S3 Dedicate as time,went by, he passed In and Motorr, Main atreet. 9-11. $10. Lady’a black aipper II that arc perhaps too good to he school cMMfen. Llcenaed by child ■edan. Radio, heate#,' saat rot'cra tloh. Time pa.vhienta arranged. \ HoosahoM Gootja 81 tor. 2.-1642 or 4679. ___ M D epuMee — out of hia office watchlng.the alOw ,/ efelfare jlepartment. Tel, 2-9M9. --- . . - I .. a. _ ~ ■ knowledge of brokkeep- bootx ata# 8. $?; boy's akatea. "best aeilire” was asked by n Itf- 1937 BUICK seven paaaenger H- and extra*. 9.000 mile*. Original Edward Johnson. Phons' 6979 or rtaa 8, $2 :.girri whit* skat'ea, size ssWadImtUrda i accumulation of additional panel- tle girt the meaning of the w nri mileage. 82.39.V Private owner. 5044. ing preferred. Reply in MANOIjjE^TMR —813.000. Vacant! MRsade r ties piling upon the forlera aute- to drive a ■ eafely, m'oualne. Reaaonable. Cglt 2-3104 7. $2.50. Phona 8076. penury. ‘'Renury, my cMld," Can' be aren at Tony'* AtlantH; ■...... — ---■ ------—--- — hand Writing, stating ex­ 6 roomr. gangs. Not I9 defValop- mobllr, - It took- the poltes flv# days and' efficiently. You after B p. m. CHAJiBERS FURNITURE ment RadaContad Floora and T ttT IC A Ir li v r was the answer; "iH Uiii the.'tMtid ' Station, 489" O nter atreet. QUALITY Plumbing and saves perience to BOY!8 COVERT top coat,' with 1 to find'the car. ■ - . - - of the pen.” ’ ^ 'Otky set an Immediate., appoint- At The Green atair* caflnishad. Staam'tol hea.t, \ 194! PONTIAC eedan. , Heater, trough work. Call for frea esti­ Upper lining, site 20. Excellent n Oient by ralllns Mancheeter Auto screens, new Venetian blinda. F. / 0 mate. Thomas DawklHs 2-9969. condlUon. Call 2-1839. \ Grocer— An’d has your new He used to walk In tke moon­ Drlvlns Academy. Phone J-4087. radio. Excellent ■ condltloh. Good H. A. mortgage $8,800, Near bus . \ Mrei. Good paiilt, $6 weekly. Call Auto Accessories—Tires 5 BOXO tRortiea data u baby learned to talk yet? . light with one arm full. Now he ...■; ■* >Kir»ad«a n- Teleyisione, Radios, Ranges r.anii new. fchool...Xaoott,. - ■ Man---- ' ‘ ...... ■ ■■ SBiMF^^asMS' -- -J \ Customae-:-*-4fy - yea!. . w«;ra walka- the-bedMom->—wttb.- batk-- YEAR'S IXIWEST sale price* on Movinir—TraniiiiK^ cV HERAlS*™“' Rcfrlieralors, Tronefs and " R o d iis M ^ ik o a t B m td cheater 3683. m teaching him to keep quiet now. Personals arma full. NO MONEY do,wn on , pre-war drtim lot vitalized oil. Now at S toraxe 2 0 Small, Appliances. Chrome SEVEN ROOM iingla, now vacant. f car* at-^aekC : Motor- Sale*) . 301< AV.ajrda, .yoji,.,e*n. g e t . .this... ..year:* breakfas^aets. Quality fumi> rV K fn S H B tr RObM fdi> relit. „.Fi|at..Ronr baa .ilvihjg-ioom, .4>ia-.. BOOTS AND HER BitoolSS Now, Whnt ? t^ A R N IV A la BT DICK TU1U6SR W A N ^ r o •-m di'fi ■ i» Hemntort: lowest sale pticex on Premium BV^EDG AB lEARTIN SIDEGLAkCEK BY GALBRAITH Broad'atreet. MANCHESTER PACKAGE Deliv­ TYPIST—Some knowledge of gen­ ture for the entire home. can 2-8061. ing room and kitchen with lava­ llrit »hlft, 7:30 to 4 p. m. Phone Grade Vitalized oil. And.'you can eral office work. Qood salary, tory. .Second floor has 4 bedrooms Vanche*ter 7987, 1941 PLYMOUTH 4-door aedan. ery. Local ll|rht trucking and U V HIM M9’ WW contract for future free delivery rteady position., discount prlvl- LARGE ROOM, near bath for 'and full', bath. 8t4am heat. Two- YVK. VROC QO Overhauled motor. Inquire 22 -package delivery. Refrigerators, HMR 6IOX-»OXI«b- flCY V.t (any time up to March Slat I at legea. See Mr. Reese, Silbros Opeii 9 :.10 id 5 couple or two gentlemen. . Call car garage. Lot ' 118’ X , 150*. VOt$ «U F 7 0 «L Sllaa Road anytime. washera and stove moving a W ANTED Ride to Hertford, theae aame low price*. Buy all specialty. Phoijp 2-0752. Clothing Cb.', 881 Main atreet. Evenings 7:30 to '8:30 3217. Inquire 238 Charter Oak Abttut 26 years old. Price 815,800. YBW "UtoCVl .vour oil' need* for the mnntha atreet. ' James J. Rohan and Son, Real­ LOOK! hour* 8 to 5:30. Phone 4723, - SAVE AT BARLOW MOTORS .MMIb’'tkOCRlKNi ahead now. Reg 84c Gal. Vital­ THE. AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS tor*.'517 Hartford Road. Phone IN WAPPING Help Wanted— Male 36 MOOIO W r - W ANTED — Ride to Airrraft. ized (Fed, Tax Inrl.l In one 55 . Co., I.ocal and long distance mov- WESTINGHOUSE Refrigerator, PLEASANT, heated room on West 7433. ? r — T hours 7 to 3:30, from vicinity of Three Beautiful 1950 Plymouth or two 30 gallon drum* now only ' Ing. packing, crating and storage aide. Gentleman preferred. Pri­ W ANTED — Bookkeeper with very good condition. Price 150, ELDRIDOE Street— 8 rooini, new South Hawthorn* atreet. Phone Sedani .59c». •Plua amalt refundable Service to all parts of the U. S. vate family. Will be available knowledge of t.vplng for small Tel. 2-2712. oil heating' system, dowftrtalra, 2-8687. drum depoalt. Moptgoniery Ward, and.Canada. Call 5187. Hartford February 10. Phone 5252. office. Call 2-2206. excellent, upatkira needs redecor­ 1950 Dodge Coronet 4-Dr. ■ Like 824-828 Main ^ re e t. Tel. 5161 6-1428. LEAVING STATE. Westinghouaa W ANTED—Ride to Pratt and new. Manrheater,.'' DEPENDABLE Man with car to 7 ft. refrigerator, $125; Uni­ ating. Bargain if taken quickly. tVhltney. 8 to 5:30 shift. Vicinity 1949 Dodge Coronet Sedan— Very aell and service our fuel for home versal wringer washer, $70; HEATED Room, $7 a week. In­ Suburban Realty Co.. Realtors, Middle Turnpike West,' Phone 2 clean, ^ .Painting—Papering 21 -large, gray tapestry sofa* ■with quire 99 Oak street. 541 Main street. Phona 8215. \ 8594. . Use, In eatabliahed prominent 1948 Plymouth <.nuh Coupe-'-Ra­ FIV^d/iO-17 Urea and four 5.50- Manchester territory. Salary and custom made slip cover. 1100 . 1^'ftibea, 825. Phone 6389. PAI.NTING AND Paperhanging FRONT ROOM, heated. Continu- SEVERAL New Six room, two- OPEN House at new dio, heater. A swell little car. \ done by Godin and Son. Call 3059 commission. Car allowance and complete, unpaInted dretsing oui hot water, Centrally located. rtory alnglea, living room, dining . sales and aervleS headquarters. 1947 Dodge Custom 4-Dr.- Radi<^- — after 5, excellent emplo.vee beneflta. Per­ table and skirt. |7; metal couch Gentleman preferred. Phone 3129. , room, kitcheii and lavatory 1 st ' See the ftbulou* new ' Hudson heater. A fine car at a low Business Services O ffered 1.1 sonal Interview 9 to 4. Conn Coke, bed, $10. Phone 8076. floors three apaciova bedrooma Hornet and, the new apectaculer 1947 Studehakcr Ch.a)nplon ^-Dr.-j INTERIOR A.ND Exterior paint­ 171 Walnut rtreet. Hartford. PLEASANT. Furnished, room with and tile-bath- on -2nd-floor.-Eire*—- zm.M YOUR K N APP shoe*, available ing. paperhanging, ceilings re­ 17 " T. V. CONSOLETTE with *eml-private kitchen privileges. A L L E Y O P P Hudson 8e* Radio, heater. Very, v e j^ nice. place, hot water heat, picture win­ >. PowhAtan's DsuKhter BY V. T. HAMLIN partment la now under aupcr- In all size*. Contact Wm. F. Sul- flniahed. Fully Insured- Expert FOUNTAIN BOY. full or part doors,-mahogany flniah, rectangu­ Working girl* preferred. Phone 1947 Oldsmoblle. "6" Radio time. Good salary. Apply Arthur lar picture tube. Past acting dow. Nice location. 815,500, S. A. • viaion. of Joaeph Then, former heater, hydramatlc. Very nice 'livan, caleaman, 60 .Mountain work. Wall paper hooka. Edward 2-4428. . Berchler, Realtor, Phone 6969. [MOOflVE NEVERYOH.NOfUriS 'oopTAuaiM \oaum/% ua/MCNOOOUAWf . atr*«t,,RockvHle. 6-59^;...... Drug..,.,,...... - automatic gain control,.Ji’-’ JieAvy LHEARD-OF. tn/DoJjN0IAN3MJ(_ l^HMflllOUKNOW/ BOWHAraN. ■“ owner" nf-JoeW-OxTxgK-Wr'cxT- ihdf priced Tdwr R. Price. Phone 2-:l0fl8: V40U4NOAN MEi^oMiaroFirvou •WiAPIBWCeag-.' f-IEHfUktoi;.! duty P. M. speaker. Regular price Furnished for gentleman MANCHESTER—New seven room THATMEANf y6NtL--6l------nf a full line of Hudson part* and 1942 i;hryalerChrysler Sedan—A for 1 TALK WITH ^ {^6QUAVK.,L0nr» B e APE, NOW V O L ^ I NOM rt OAUBUTEROF IirvENEVER ssACCiSeOrteaeAteitautorjAUto.—4 ^ : Slid.. BArklng eOTMC DOMG IT/ POWMA1AN.CHIEP\^ HEARD PAINTING, PaperhangWg. No Job gomery Ward. 8M-828 Main ■»iwe* dining room, kitchen', 2 baths. .XEEilHEJUfflOmiite. ------87$ Main, atreet.______‘ -ThUml^.--- - Jar..rlgM-maiw-.Salary-«nd--eofn* 494(>7fthe VI nlef--4-Drr "MsatfC'De^ :ido'#mairrcanr2;0t26::'™.r™^^^ ■jrt1T*t^T*hpne:-5i6t::''-;--~ -Breeaeway - and- -ga'rage. -Downr - WEDDING INVITATIONS, an- luxe 829.V Hahe.v, 30 Bolton atreet. tftraaloh*.' New ' Bysf e"m Laundry,' Harrison atreet. Aparitoents— FInto— payment, 88.000. Howard R^ nouncementa, reception cards, 1038 Chevrolet Tudor — Depend­ paperhanging and painting. Hastings 2-1107. CANING CHAIRS, reflniahed and Phone. Walter B. COokaon. Man­ .BILT-WTE baby carriage. Good Tenem ents 63 napkins, cake boxep. Raised or able tranaportatlon. . / YOUNG MAN to learn luncheoh- ren ter printing. Campreas Fine repairing, Edward E.. Fiah. 104 chester 2-1614. condition. Tel. 35621 S IX ROOM /Tingle. 4 and 2, all Bn - 19.17 Pontiac at 87.V Chestnut atreet. Tel. 3688. ■ ette busineaa Good future, good SM ALL "niREE room apartmenf. Printing, 5 South Main. Phone starting salary. Full or part time. FLOOR SAM PLE' Blackstone Heat, light, hot water, 865 pef iahed, fireplace, oil heat, bMement 2-224,0. Many, Many More r KAY CORPORATION, Kitchen Write Box S, H erald .■.. . eutpmatlc waslier. aUghUy dent­ month.. MMdle-aged couple. Pbrnr garage, ameslte. drlvewaj’., Jn.. R epairin g 23 good condition, nice location. .The. .High Rent District painting jind decorating Speclal- ed. Big reduction. A.b ;c . Appli­ 7194. ,,TH|E.PROSPECT- am. Schopl for M ATTRESS.' Your old mattfeaaea W ANTED—Man to work in gas Quick occupancy, 812,800. 8 . A. . young children. Pre-KIhdergarten, lata. Call Manchester 2-0968. ance, 21 Maple street. Phone 2- BARIX1W MOTOR SALES Hterillzed and remade like new. station and gSrage. Must be ag- 1575. FOR RENT—3 room apartment, BeecUer,. Realtor. 'Phone 6969. Klndergartrn. Monday through Wspplng, Conn. Phone 5404 TELEVISION Service Call 7.191. Cfll Jones Furniture and Floor greasive and a worker. Refer­ bath, heat, light, hot water. Re­ \ ■ . MANCHESTER—New three bed- Friday, Transportation fumlah- Open tfntll 0 Moller'a Radio T. V. Service, 312 Coverlng,/56 Oak. Tel. 2-1041. ence* required. Good working 40" STANDARD ga* range, four frigerator and gaa range; newly ed. Mrs Lala IVbur, director. Main atreet. conditions. Good pay' for right non-clog burners, lights auto­ decorated. References required. room ranch, attached garage, full 1951 CHEVROLET Bel-Air. Rsdin. cellar, hot water heat, $16,900. . Phone 4267. man. See Van for Interview. matically, Timer can be set from heiter. rest rovefs."Only 5;000' Phone 5646. after 5, week days.' Down payment, $6,000. Howard . M. ftif. Q. 1. Fit N REFRIOJURa TION Serrtoe, com­ Bonds— Stoekfl Van’* Service Station, 427 Hart­ 3 to 60 minutes. Pull out broiler CHRIS W ^ IN , PianeteeT T it a * w a ejaeat'V BALLARD’S Driving School, Man­ mile* Like s brsnd new rsr See R. Hastings. 2-1.107. H n f N u m ber AM Ciy. 18M »f WM Im: mercial and domeatlc. See our M ortgages 31 ford Road. drawer, has adjustable pan. Two chester's oldest, rhcuisanda of ac­ Bob Oliver. Center Motor*. Msin display oi guaranteed uaed refrlg- Business Locations street. drawers provide ample storage LOOK* rr^ A double * n c r k v M cident free Instruction hour*. atora George H Wllllama Aaao- WANTED--Rellable person to W ANTED—Man for- polishing MANCHESTER — ;42 acres. 10- “ Oh, yts, I h iiM ^ ehtngB K, mothtr! M irt eoming hem* •a what, Elmo! f won 10 roema of fumiturB.on th«t •pace, r'egular 8139.95, sale price F o r Rent 64 room house, barn, gacage. Suit­ BLIrtSED WB'KS KVNWN6 INTO A Hundreds of satlsBed students; clatea, 260 Polland Turnpike, take first mortgage of 810.000 at cars. Good wage, steady work. See TOME. BINAKV BTAK . from KeroB $umI ho novor know I woo anythfiif but radio quit!” For appointment telephone 2- 1P.M CHEVROLET tudor. Rsdio. 8119.88. Montgomery Ward, 824-^ able for development. Howard R. heater, 7.000 miles. Only 11.695. .Manrhestei Phone 2-3585, nights 6 o{i on business property valued Emert Richards, at Brunner's, / a bhmd*'” / 2245. at $25,000. Write Box H. Herald. 828 Main street. Phone 5161. Haatinga. 2-1107. B U G S B U N N Y l!ncondltionally guar a n t e e d . 7691. ' East Center atreet. Modern two bay service sta­ FUNNY B^INBSS BY HERSHBERGER Poalllvely a* good as new, Doug­ FLORENCE ParJor heater with Ea s t Ha r t f o r d — caps cod c o m p l e t e Kepatrt by Stuart R FIRST—AND Second mortgage* APPLIAN C E Salesman to man- Automobnes for Sale 4 9" burner. Practically \pew. Rea- tion ready for occupancy on with full shed dormer, large lot. las Motora. 333 Mtm. bought for oiir own account. Fast, age^new^G.E. aalearTOm. Aggres- ^Wolcott un .^nnuhing. machlneg,, sonahle...Calj,3a58. . . * ■FiH:A:- mortgage $9,400. cash re- -- confliiedtlii - rtKlce.' Mg=«v>tiliiga,- -Katy sales by- Mndcal invaatmenfc! - ulceLCSlL Qeqyfe^ L, --copt«*l--^'vaeuum^-eieane^~troha’ chcrte,r 63B4T y " a "T', these hand-picked road-beau BELOW— ALT. RECENT guns,—ati..,...repaired - Sheara. appointment: . High advanced Large oven, double seal door. -.Uea.,-feath fully,, guatantecd—rack lion. In good location on main Ma.i'' be leased reasonably. TRADKS-4W-KKW-THWtrR -kntvaa;-mow«rs.-«rTrarTift6"coiir , ihormighfare. Rea.vonahle rent. -commission. Thorough'-tratntng: -Three-chromalox top unlta~anii superbly conditioned to give you Car necessary. Box C. Herald. six quart deep well cooker. 7 TO BE s o t mile after mile of 'pure drlrtng and Pl.YMOl’TH CARS dition' for coming needa Braith- , Small investment required. Crown waite 52 Pearl atreet heat position awUchn*. Speedy ^hone Hartford 7-7221 or pleasure. 1948 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Gray. Ra­ Petroleum Oorp.', 92 Walnut atreet-Hartford. Phone 5-2105. broiler at convenient working H alford 8-8914 After 5 P. M. dio and heater *$995. RANGE Burner* and .pot burners Situations Wantetl— height. Regular price 8169.95. The Statesman BY Al, VERMEER 3950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 8 cleaned, aervlcei’ and repaired. PACKAGE Store—doing day- by Fem ate 38 sale price $154.88. Montgomery \ or Write ER STREET 1047 Oldamohde Model "66" (Tub Joseph Senna. Phone 2-0147. . .peppy cylinder*. 4-door sedan. day increased busineaa. ' Low Ward, 824-828 Main street. Phone Here la eight year old Cape ^ D O J T s p e a k ^ WENT -r6 \^(?K Radio and heater. A long laater. Coupe Radio, healer, two tone 5161. TIDE\WATER ASSOCIATED t o m e , W A LD O TH15 MORNiXia AND gray and blue' $89.1. FLOOR PROBLEMS solved with rent. Very good opportunity. No Cod home of 4 room* with open —$1,995. Information over phone. Appoint­ LAD Y DESIRES housework. Call \ O IL CO. n u t c h e l l T .FOROm TO KISS linoieum. asphalt tile counter. htlaa Anna 2k>I*ka. 7094. SACSIIFICE, 'beautiful Duncan stairway leading to expandable at* M ra O O D B V E ! 1946 I>odge Clilh Coupe Light ment only. Howard R. Hastings. Ice Ifvel lot. 75’ x 200’. Fire- / Expert workmanship, free eatl- Phyfe mahngan.v dining room 509, H a rtford 1949 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER green, r*dio_heater—$875 Phone 2-1107. plaef. oak floors, insulation, anij / mate*. Open evenings. Jonea Fur­ W IL L CARE for children over 3 table. 1 3-4" crotched banding. —4“donr aedan. black, two tone imblnatkm screen and storm win- / 1941 Dodge 4-Dr. Blue $385. niture Oak atreet. Phone 2-1041. .Years' of age, dava. Phone 2- Nearly new. Manchester 7987. blue upholatery. 8 power-packed 'clows. Ideal location Just off Blast Help Wanleti— Femxle 13 3674. FLOOR SPACT 18' x 40’, Main cylinders. FluldmStlc tranamia- 1941 D#8oto 4-Dr. — Blue gray ASHES AND Rubblah rethoved.- FAULTLESS Washing machine Center street. Prop^t.v available/ alon. radio and heater. A pres­ atreet location, suitable for bpal- $195. Ctli Norman E. Pierce o f .. the with wringer. 4 year* old. Good for immediate occupancy. Balp tige builder—81.838. W^ILL CARE for chtldreh dajrs in neas. State bqstneaa and kbura price 812,200. / / / Sanitary Refuse Company In condition,_'Tel. 5314,:______nee^d. Write Box X, Hepdld. J938 Plymouth 2-Dr:- Green, Mancheateir.' Td.r 2F8a52rr=rc ' ■ "v. :-%rtTr^rr-r-'~-rT ---r ^-'r.v.amorrtirr—:-,t W/trblark ------$150. ----- ■ ''""'T'r w a n t e d ^"' 1647 DOTCE—2 door sedan, lux­ "SALE— USED washers, and vac­ SMALL STORE for relit. Call urious green...new.aeat, cavers, ■1936 PbHiouthr-I-Dr. - ■ Black, ra­ ANTIQUES Reflniahed^ei^JrSg uum cleaners. Reconditioned.. ^.6493 or inqiiira SPj^Homertead radio and. heater, o\-erhauIed for done on-any htimit'ufe/YlemBrtn, Dogs—BIrdB~-Pcis 41 guaranteed. low coal. We repair PROSPECT STREET dio, heater $50. atreet. * • • a .. • IrpubJe-free driving. Top' notch 189 S.vuth kiBln-street. Phone Woman with t.vping ex­ all makes of electric clocks: lrpn*i 564.1, . TEN SbfALL Fox Terriers, OiKk- I f you are seeking the charm of buy- 8990...... — ^ ------, T O t'cK RPECIAI.^ toasters, lamps,. wringer wash., COMBINATION bflica and living an older home with plenty of land. '— '' perience for teinporary ef Sp'ahrels. ' Zimmerman'* Keh-- era, varum cleaner*, etc. A. B. C. quarters for, rent. Six rooms lo^ 1945 Dodge. 1 'j Ton Platform — LINOLEUM Reipnsbta.SOc square, nrl*. Lake street, Bolton. Phone Jthla property may well be -the Body. 12'. Checked hy our service Ajipliance-. 21 Maple. - Phone $: rated on Main rtreet. near Poat ItSfr-PLYMOUTH ~ Deluxe " Hub yard. A.aphait tile, wail" covering fiill time *work in insur­ ■ 62S7.' " ‘ ■ - ...... answer. On the ■flrat'fiber; co*l' coupe. Rich dark blue, radio and dept. Buy It vvith a drive $595, 1575. Office. Inquire 470 Main street. Done by reliable, well-t rained living room with fireplace and CAPTAIN EASY Janet Rencmbeni heater. Snappy! Claaay! A real FIVE AND one-half months old porch, dining .loom, kitchen and BY LESLIE TURNER men Ali Job* guaranteed. Hall ance office. Experienced ENJOY THE Convenience and “8emo of tho mqtfwra on my boat aro holding a bridaa ' fnopay sai-er! A real buy .11.495 . 1940 Ford Pariel Healer, all new Scotty dog. Black male. House- breakfast nook. Three bedrooms rrenped tiiea tneluding spare. t-inoleum Co. ,16 i'ottage atreet. economy of a 15 cu. ft. freezer. Wanted to Rent 68 i i S ? ? ?***''' ^ 7 NMM,»I6B MCE '\VBii. wltV MB VIOIATBO m6 lAW T NB^tlUbl rTflibrijKcnir#.,______/ party agalnr ^ Phone 2-4022, eveniag* -6168 or woman piWerred. Apply broken. Pl^one 8734. and bath oh 2 nd floor. I-arge level k»pN'T h a d ( BEEMB VAOUBLV JDIDMT WU BY MIRILY l«U O N B ^ \ TnS ^ 1 - V-8. Price $19,1. Hold* 525 pounds of frozen food, lot of jalmnat an acre. Tw'o car ga­ DRIVE ON„.nit HOT ]w i 6*M THAT )8AI| BIPOM! FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS BY M. C RLOSSER Look at these.and other selected, 8109.S -, '*■ \ ■ ■ two baskets, two dividers ■ for URGENTLY Needed, 4 or 5 room [ HWBRY ANY JW 0*16 INOTW TOONERVILL^OLKS ^ BY FONTAINE FOX 2L112L_LiZ."'------in |x*rson to \ BEAUTIFUL Beige femate Cock­ rage and beautiful trees. Property RILL, hipf- oujT 55iii' ^ pojoo 10-Wiw/lDV KNCM * handpicked used car* at -your easy sorting, counter balanced lid rent by young couple with 3 >4 r o THAT CAR fOKIVBRt — , « « AT-niAT MJJMB I ,9^tMrANO HKDA UAVCm t» V*M)YKr S O L IM E N E , Iny. POWER BURNERS and Range er Spaniel. 5 mnntha old. 140 In excellent condition: 60 day oc- EA*V$ AUYONI ON THW TRIF^RNgblwui' A AND A m HOU30A6- A OaOtCATON downtmvn • Chrysler - Plym'otdh stays open at any angle.. Light je e r old daughter. Phone 2-2196. ^BIATIOM B) lAONTgRRia C o l .M b m R V C l a y M e p p e r s , H o ^ P i s t o l e x p e r t QtoF headquarters. You'll alwava find a Dodge-Plymoiilh Car* Burner* expertly cleaned and Benton atreet. or call 2-9887. . CAjpanry. Quir> sale price of $l7j- n tB id W r ! goea on' automatically. Regular WANTfcD—Four Or 5 room house, OOO. Inspection by appointment O n e o p t ^ o s b t o u q h s f r o m BETTER BUY at Joh Rated Tnick* aerviced. Ijet iia service and re- %T0HN H. LAPPEN, Inc, 8357.95. sale 8319. Only, one at unfuriijl^d. ,Aubjtri^ ponrtdqr- , 1 ^ about A Ptciuar i!0« ft«W Jffmr--\vAshl9 g wch.lne or. re- .a-.-...... - —T-'f.?.'!!!-' •HB-«HAoysio»"BOai*f -' " ' -'/j Center Sli-' siWcAiWhMtmBW ‘ A N ^ S T B L R o n e 0 p M Y .-S entry-T-TSto -V- y 9 » Bla*att'gtevi>t. ''--i M a n e h e n I^ *Au Motor*. 338 Poultry and Supplies 41 and curtain rod.-*. 24 hour service. person. Jon-DT* Snack Bar. 844 ONLY apartment with kitchenette, by Call S-3909. Main. Main atreet. /' ( k y o u OUGHTA^ ^ E ASMAMBP ! Eatlmate.* gladly given. Fagan BROAD BREASTED Broruie tur­ $341 two elderly'ladlaB. Write Box. K. FOUR-P^AMILY house In excellent Low. Friendly Terms. Free Storage Q I M M E T H A T 1648 PLYMOUTH Tudor ftillv PERSONALLY INDORSED Window Shade Co.,- Route 44 at WANTED Woman or girl. 7 to 8 keys Fresh froien. ready any­ Herald. location, aituafed on a large lot. Until Wanted Regardless of Time equipped. Original owner. Call U S E D C A R S Bolton Notch. Phone 2-4473. a. m . in viclnit.v of McKee street, time. a to' 22 pounds. Schaub'a One apartment Vacant upon sale. J SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT W ANTED to rent—garage.' Vicin­ 8805 after 6 p. m. 1949 Hudann 2-Dr. Sedan—A one to make breakfast and help two ■Turkey Farm. 188 HtUatown Excellent Income. T. J. Crockett, V IC F U N T Madam Torao On Job - Road. ONLY DURING DAY OR EVE. ity of West Center and Waddell Broker. Phone 5416. BY; MICHAEL O’M ALLEY ' owner 'car.- 4 new tire*, carries a HousehoM Senrices girl* to get ready for school. FOR APPOINTMENT road, call 5250 or 4900. v ' < TOP QUALITY AT new car guarantee. Owner'* Phone 2-2986. Offered' 11-A PHONE HARTFORD 6-0.358 NEW ! TWO or three bedroom LOW, LOW PRICES name upon request, Artidea for Sale 45 AFTER 7 R M. 46-4690 WANTED—4 or 5 room unfurn­ 1949 Ford Custom. 4-Dr Stedan — GIRLS FOR liinrhronette and homes. Hallin Brothers. Phone 2- Written Guarantees o r g a n d y Curtaihaclaundered .by A -I^-B -E —R—T—•—S ished apartnnent by young couple 9221. Radio, heater. Jet Mark. A one hand. Will call for and deliver. counter work, full er part time. REASONABLE— All in good con­ with Infant *on. Write Box P. 1947 Chevrolet Deluxe 2 -Dr. Ptirasant working condition*. Ap­ dition. Blonde crib, maple bed. 43 ALLYN STREET. HARTFORD owner car. Phone 2-0643. Herald. SUBURBAN—Brand new two bed­ — Heater, radio—$7 9 5 .. ■ i- ply Arthur Drv'g. Chlneae plaques, bedspieadt. size Open Thura. Eve*. T il 9 P. M., 1946 Buick Super- Sedan-Radio, room ranch. Knotty pina kitchen, heater, new seat cover*. Idoks WEAVING of bums, moth holes 14 coats, fur Jacket, suita. sever­ AIRCRAFT Bkigineer, wife and 1946 Plymouth Deluxe 2 -Dr. DENTAL Acslatant wanted. Ex­ tile bath, oil heat, large lo t Ilk* a new car. and tom clothing, hosiery ruiit, al drestea two evening boiero'a well behaved rtx weeks old son, — Heater, radio—$695. perience preferred but not necea- BABY STROLLER. ,Very good Only 89.400. Barbara Woods 3702. 1947 DeSoto. Custom Sedan—Ra­ ' handbag* repaltad. aippar' ra- $nd girl's size 9 summer coat, condition. Call 5375 before: 6. urgently .peed 3-4 room unfufin- •ary. Phone 2-9779. man's overcoat, aize 38. Phone 2- UATTERY SCOOP dio, heater, fluid drive."A one’ placement, umbrellas repair^. IMied, reasonable rent. Call 6374. MANCHESTER—Zoned for busi* owner car, name on request. ' men’s shirt collars reversed and 8866. MODERN WHITE enamel com­ Famous Make 1 2 Month INCREASE Income. Show friends »*»•. 4-famlly end's room single. 1947 Studebaker Champion Sedan replaced. .Marlow's Little Mending lovely Jewelry. Have Jewelry bination gas range. Reasonable. 825 REWARD for urgently need­ Income 82.649.S0~pef year. How­ Guaritntee— $6.95 4.000 PAPER bags for potatoes —Radio, heater, white wall tirex Shop. I party at your home. Easy sales. Call 8968. ed foyr or live room unfumiahi ard R. HasUngs. 2-1107. SO pound capacity. Amelia Jar- ed reaaoaahle rant by ^ young- A good running car. Experience unnecesaarv’.i Liberal w ear WOK M46 Pontiic Sedanette— Black, F LA T FINISH Holland window yiar^JJIJ Parker atreet. Phone W i: .BUir and aell good used furni­ coupla anfl aon. W rit* Box F, COLE; MOTO:IRS percentage. No risk offer, exclu­ ODVENTRT—Main highway, new M M O A / rO F u B radio and heater.’ Only $898. •hades mads to measure. AU 7026. .. ture, comblnauon ranges, gaa Herald. 4-room single, bath, oU heat Lot 4Jm , sive opportunity. Tel. Manches­ dBEA«ETDHAA« Tenna To Meet Your'Budget metal venetlXn blinds at a naw ranges and naaters. Jonea Furni­ 75 X 200. Artesian water. $7,500. TW» ter 2-9953 for appointment, or HAVE YOUR old Style aeming ma­ low pnee Keya mada whUk you ture Store. 36 Oak. Phona 2-1041. W a n t e d — Apartmaat by aala* down payment $2,500. Howard R. UPBSC IM l CHEVBOLBTS, one club McCLURE AUTO COMPANY write for illustrated folder and chine made intoi a modem elec­ coupe, one fordbr ■edaji'. Good w ait Marlow'A exacu'Uva and adult daughter. Haatinga 2-1107. L&JSL Hudson Bates and Service price hats. Write Superior Sales. tric portable or console model. Threa or four room. fumlahM er •olid cars throughout Douglas 373 MAIN STREET 96 Maple street. Manchester. Motors, 133 $Cain. CMl SenkblelA Carter streeL COFFEE Ta b l e , mahogany glaaa' uafnmiahad. Both amployad. TeL Open Evenlnga — Telephone 2-9442 Rrad Herald Advs. Conn. Phone 7519. top. good condition. Call 2 -1 ^ . 2-9640. OTHER ADVS. ON PAGE 13 1

•N' WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY S. 1981 J||m p s \ JL Lakota ObuiibU N o. tl, PagiiM goonaf"Win . " F w ih o iitu ,’-wfll- -meet O O i a r - Ptanning „ 'B iAc»t»e t - f " lain Mrest In tlie rau of ^ Parker strut. ■ jah 98. Friday riaariM , BM i Ho m and Hale block, and thr< \ I f A C T S — w— r - A - C H O R U S ' s s r r A £ S L ' Dorru Soeiaty members ar* re­ Olliees Are Entered 6 ittdingPetinil A Town Charter proviaton thiat: minded .of' the meeting this eve-' pfaHtRSH Beauty Salon in the Ru- - ' \ . FEAtVUHO - Mdmbcr* M Kinf Darid Lode* binow/lBSneiiSat 84S Main, atreet. no building may be eonatruetad on ymuk,a^cu;,/raut,CM im Ko. U i lOOr, wtH attend thh du< nincitvB'nanuei Lutheran'Church, ^ A derle's of> btuks^ fn to -M i^ All unacesptad s tr u t held np (he When they will hear M lu Alyot B. "/B ^rry tft eafeh case w u made- A ^ p ^ a l street i m At. CAPS TONYOIRIONr trict mutlnf to b* hald at itreet ' buslneu' eatabilshinants permit. The property involved TOL. LXXL MOl 109 e» P m * U ) ertuck UMtc* In WUliinanttq to- Salisbury, conkingynpert of the Monday night netted . tdO to burj-. through the main office, door. runnlnV^p77 iii the does' not front on Parker strut HARMONY COUSINS CORMIER SISTERS .X CONN., THURSDAY^ PEBftUARY 7,1981 (EIGH^N PAGES) incyrow tvwilny. Anynwa wUtlnf Manchester Gaa Ompany;'* tn a gtars who apparently 'were_^^lnler- Chief Herman'O. Schendel indicat­ y it^ ty . A N wju(^ given and ia' raachad by a right oif way.' PMCB n v i CENTS lecture on rooMlg, illustrated 1^ ed i» evt^enea af- ft»a*,--7niid -the- — PAUt PAlW transportation aMi^d hi it the estsd fn qhly nwftey..tn BuirtJ of IHreel at it* ..'V 'th a striidt.' la Aeca^tad,'~tM lode* hall at 7 o'clock. The reru- colored slldesy/A social .time' will the offices were Ihorouglny rsn- Jobs were 'apparently done ty Setanttfle prbparty, .property be­ lar mMtlnr of Klnif David Lodae follow, priseswrill be awarded, and secked. but nothing w u missing. picking'the lock. meeting last mgHt ih the longing to Jem w A. KUpetrick, THE PLACE—HOLLISTCR SCHOOL will be held Friday night at 7:M. members jpay Invite guests. Five' breaks wers kfibwn by police Other equipment In the offieu, pat' Building. \ and property belbnging to Grovor ..^T H B DATE^FRlDAY.i^Ea 8 IsstJ night and a^btth bhe w'aa re­ euch as iwluahle''machihaa.' flTaa. ....The proposal, whjeh' waa ivaaiyrEsyrwiii in ^ . Mother-Cabiinl Mothers Clrcl* Mr.^nd Mrs. .J. .F- Barstow, lo­ ported. today when the Hate Oon- derks and shelves were ranucked proved by the Tpwn Plamili Ho sidewalks or utilities will be THE TIME—8:00 P. M. will meet this eveninr *t * n'e^ '• cal ^inrude dealer, are attending etnietlon Company offica at bvit not damaged. CommUelon Friday; must ba re­ [Ulred becauM the propertlu THE DONATJON^NE DOLLAR 'With Mr*. Joseph L>-nch of/ 117 thySportsman Show in Boston tO' Main street notified police its of­ Lt. Raymond F. Griffin- is in­ viewed by the town .engineer, .and. b* ..used for indiiatrial pur-. u e e n Delmont ittreet. ly, , fice ^ s d been entered, although vestigating. then aubjected to a ^blie hearing BENEFIT ^ jR ID G ta SCHOOL .FUND

B)Wl6,vv*T- •, Three Queens and Monarch’s Mourners Funeral Is ■t; Scheduled Illllj i U U i Newsman Demonstrates How Poles Were Slain CIO ^or Feb. 15 /. . To Testify trot of London, Feb. 7— / ain’a youiiB Quaan EHsabath On Katyn returaed home from Africa today to lead the nation in moumine for her father and Wmshfhgton, F«b. 7—<>!>■*. N tw Y ork, F eb. 1— (4P) take the oath as the eountiy'a A former Poliah c o ita l testi­ The gtesl indastry today first woman ruler in 61 years. fied today there is reason to fought a'union a fftn tt to g ain and strtbied, __beljeve„, tl|,e present..JSovfait 4h" voke-iR —theoentrol'-^oif Ambassador to Lpndon com­ workmen’s joba-MSUch aa ..rou-i ■i.fk’nvi'.'ikuacn .te>jreUAV^;_wK'w«x*;.". manded a , Rdsaiim'^^^4)^ who will be dsAotad .or. pro­ dusk . and. .was home/ im­ prison camp in World Wat II. moted, retained or laid off. mediately , throuch aolemn Ocd. Georg* OroMeld, SO, told a The industry arguad'that the crowds of speetatora to h«r ... aroctal Moun InveaUgatlng. ixm- CIO SlMtworkcra union's propoaal m ittf* that a Brig. Gen^ Ciuiibtn to dodde thcM qUSariond aeloly on lionie; Clarence Houae. She a t the Soviet 'Secret PoHm com- a sdniority baala would place a w ai dressed in blAck. JEWELRY FOR mended Koulsk priaon camp, *Woooe” around management'a Tho four-enginim transport act where ha waa confined in 1840. functions. down at 4:18 p. m. after a 4,000- / GrObickI Mid ha once cetabUahed Spokeamen for the stMl com­ mile one-stop > flight It came to NAUTOUllY 6IF7-MII0 . . . Urn wM to u I •nentiN la tarn* from a photaSrapher that thlg panies presented their arguments rest at almost tho spot whoro sho man la the aam* Canibin who now before a Wag* SUbUiMUon panel had bid goodbye a week ago to TateMlm peie.i eeflH *t Wet, leeie ^ repreaenbi the Soviet government which is seeking to avert a atrika King George VI and atartod on \ l n London. ]Siit tesUf^ng under by 680,000 stMlworkars. what was to have bacn a flvo- monUia round-th* world toUr. fanieettm tse-kanh, i*swflat*i let aith Mkai* | h toda^ha Mid; ‘ Owen Fairweather, Chicago at­ nama la the Mme and the TTie King died yesterday ia kls torney, said the union proposal sleep, and th* news waa given to AvoiMf *1 O m m th t fkii ihai oB «ak* Never I ia a vary great one. But I would hamper the "IncenttvM aiid do for aure.*’ the new Queen in Kenya rolony. aspiraUons'' of workers and place Ahead of the new sovereign 00 The auMqmmIttee, inveaUgaUng a premium on the ''mediocre and lACN* the murder of thouaanda a t Po­ unambiUoua" were crowded events She must ap- lish officers iir-^tyn forost, near prov* plans for th* funeral, which SmfriMuOc, aarip b i World. Wgr_II, Ha said the usual management the Osbinet was repQ(tod.ia.baM~ m-WaiMm»gt si'~S W'Binst t a ''ieim'W''iai tT w n g d a i; praettoe -was- to bsM Job tranafet* teflteflvely set for Friday, Fsb. • hm ie%t«i , atw irtMged to h ^ tMtimiray 8 8 8 by an American naWfman thia osr* la the Kalyn Foreet massacre during Worid War O. ChorlM <» ability and physical fltneM, afternoon. BuHm. a aiwapapsnnaa. Marts the role of vtcthn. Intorpfoter Bo- wdth length of aervW the deter­ Must Tak* Oath He la Henry Caaeidy, former maa PnetneM M la feaekgroond. The Maaked wIfneM Mid he and mining factor among relatively She must take the oath to up- Girls^ Blouses ‘ na saw. MS .Pallah.. oSlMca putSo death. - Timi It.ttt .evuaoaiHlldatBa...... - ...... MULTICOLOR FLORAL -chief , .of' the ' Aeeooiated th is gave assurance, he Mid, iia Kngiait Mw,'Bk«y idmiteriMf _ Ship and ahore cottons—white and pastel colors bureau In Moscow and now 'iy-'ytaaoradi'-”Pa!tav?Paw:'ar ''oiauto'Aidtonw^l^iUdKuauort,^: 'WHaPrtWWtvu y » . baf-'b ' 4 S i t e * - ^-■etf--rotors:'-ahort--sieen-ca:-Ciiirh Mwfu esr lgts~triinr~ - Ih g '— ‘ prodaimstt Quota uf ih*' ______-froM left Uirttrt-KiHfdi»r‘*nd tiw'Dom^^ ---- cottons and"rt>'Bna;~rtw>rr aiwr toHjrilI«dV«if;'BI£irT~ your orttCT^ wttitmiui hrvu irib | j FairwMthor said the reasons for to 14. th* offleara wer* killed by the Rua- . . . tho 81 year eW One** ions Ove'raaas. V a l e r i t r n ^ the uhloh*s propoeal “can only bo (■: flor»l pelterni belh met end lid rover aete. mony. Tr-id^ethe Chancellor, who put fbrsfard length of sorrieo toot to peUUcaBy Only the Duka and' DudMM of 'Priced from...... |l,98 fe $4.08 medf h'y Morgen Jbnee. |.98 to $5-98 OiaBcaller Konrad A d^uer told. ‘"‘the West German govermant’s the 'easy w ^ out’.” Gloucester, th* <)u*en'a aunt and hta parliament today W M Get' propoMd to raiM 12 German divi­ "Tha UM of an Imparaonal aytr FoTr Envoy uncle, were pa hand to wpraaant OrobiCM. -walking on oiutdMS many had been promised ev^ual sion* for western defehM. Bsvsral toto,” ho said, ‘.'wiiieh dame* to the royal fawiUy, d k u c e ^ Head- CindsrsllfT Drsties: Size* 3-6x. from a w ar wound, toM th* eom- memMRMiip iii the North Af times Adensuer threatened' to ouet individual right o f advaneemsnt On T fo p p R o ta tion I *d -file gffMal dgl«gatlon. SEMI-TEEN DRESSES AND mlttoo ha had aocapad dMth fiv* Treaty OrganlMtion (NATO) leetiat hecklere from the chamber. on hU-.own merita may eonaeloua- CQLORFUL PRINTED timks whUa a Ruaatan priaonar be­ called fo> French cooperation To Mdicbw ; I t waa 14 mlnutM after the Priced from > .. ., $2.25 to $4.98 CHUBBIES $5.98-$7,98 X ravcfiauvr «pp«SIEa It ly or unconaeieusly be urg^ by plan* Jandad before th* diy-*y^ tween ISiM and 1S41. settling the new Franco-German French to head off a aerieus quar­ the unloh becauM it forcaa indi­ Once, ha Mid, he was too ill to quarrel over the industrial Saar. Munaan, Korea, Feb. 7—(/>P>—Reds and Allies each gave Quami appeared. She waa wear­ • to 14, 8' , to 141*. rel ^veloping between Germany vidual effarto, and hence result In Washington, Fab; 7—(/n—Presi­ ground today and narrowed the gap on troop rotation and ing a black hat and coat Har Table Cloths be taken from the prieon along The 7**yvx>‘-old ' -Chancellor and Fruce over the future of the tha strengthening of the union New Ruffled Penfie* in Reyen. Size* With a group of hia eempatrtota. dent Truman today nominated the future gf displaced ^vilians. But nggotiators remainSd consort, th* Duk* of Bdinbuigti, opened parllsmientary debate on coal-ricn..Saar. The Germans have power.” waartiig a dark ov«t»at and hat- the ieaue of arming 800,000 to accuaed the French of trying to George F. Kennan, author of the M ever on key Issues blocking a Korean armistice. 3-.8, priced af $1.00, m pink orwliife 52it52— 52x70 XObNUniaed on Pngo F b * ) lest, fqll*w*d her, looUng straight \ 400.000 German aoldiera to Join the annex the fqmer German terri­ (Osnltausd M Fag* Fear) policy a t "containment'' of Rus-' Alpad nagotiatora abandoSled d*->^------ahead. I* »*»»*■ J- -1 prajccted. Butopsan. .armyv.againat tory. .Under Agreement approved r.ki'.a>*;,-ri.4V' — -i; and Idl* hand* back to woik- they would talk about th* Oim- Ooaate. Th* PAD promised a de­ which 10 British aubjects were On th* other hand waa ah. angry be. the Ambassador to Moacow. 'muntsts* defination of coastal cision by June T on whether any kiliad and ethers injw^. ‘ \ ...... ,..,By,Thc.Aaaociat8d,.Preaa...... ,*jy from, th* South, ratoa# at the m te rs and coi^der dropping two, ehaiigM aliould be m a d e . ----- HUE H ot " The ''text ’ 'p fth e' hpte released ■ "'"^(OMtUiiad ■ *A' Pig* 'F a ir')' damands' relating to troop i*iieigeaeW*riJ-UaitoeiXi.«.eu*ii her* by UM-fbf4ign„dg* of Connectl-^ B-Bgxaiaeiuz 14'SMr'** 'O'S-a CRABHM — v"= and formal*! Rnhenced with 5 ''erzto*e’, help from labdr lajUtori ilk* Wal­ Blgfcteen paraeaa Tokyo, Friday, Fieh. t —(FV- Criekey hat the featuree you've^ among all decent people,” the note cut pubUcly came out for Biacn- A l - U l i r i y r U K 6 I H ter Rauthcr, head of the United Said "the. indifference .and niigli- howor and announced he to going r , abwird dtoabled ColemMaa achaan Aa Amerieaa B-8t rraabiS tatw $|.oo .«h elwe.ve w anted . Auto Werkera (CIO), who held a ar Gtorta near Panama, for * wash Tharaday alght five milM aotflL genoe'' of . the Bgyptian police on • speaking tour of Florida, i iff*#*J ^ _ ■pactol ”wh want Jobe” convention Bhed* ■wrlnkleiy e fitaye rrl»pe wlthniit-•farth­ Your Favorite nmust inevitably lead to the belief Mtostoslppi and Loutotana. 0 0 1 9 9 J i r a U C S raaeuad after Marching by U. S. Now Hear Thia! of Tokota afrbaae near Tokyo, J ' her* Jan. IS 'with SOO auto work- Force planes and N*v<' patrol tho Air Force annnahriij early ing. Reileta toil e Giiarenleed fa..| to washing.. that tha then BgypUan govern­ ' (Lodge will addraM the Commit-: ' era; in" X 14" Night Table Size—.19c boats.. Attorneys for Deni* W. today. Preahrunk. I !e»a than 'r residual ahrlnkagei .HOSIERY ment . . may aven have en­ tM of One Hundred at Miami, Fla., i __ _ « from New England cam* taxtil* 2 couraged the aeUyiUM _ of the on Feb. 18. “Two engagement* on' '^•*****’ft*"> Bab. 7—(P)—A 15- Delanej', convicted former 'collec­ . S**?i‘'.‘l9l..jpermafl*ni Onieli ro»ebud; pal- 0-^j * ' Criminal'orgahiaar*'and biMn'privy Fkb.' Sl-'talteTiliM'td m A asoriat^ hourly»p(*y iib6*t 'in d 'bdto'r' ./..lateif JtsA sn and tor of. internal revenue for lAaansi . tern hrgandie'in iVu*. blue »nd yellow Buv Barbizon city ceunenmen. Give Ua dafanae jMtiro of pppmiria exploded, deoteSylag 18 k*(MW8 ^PHlUMg- 4«tonr^Aild..-ah'l:t!biiifl^~tK.-.^dH^ ■ ' ' eOlrt*acte.i;.ta4y-a4UC-'' V-.-:;, —■fea--yeue-mwi“U*e-And-- nw"gift‘a:' “■■■ I ii■ ^l» “'ch-a'rger’1BBi- federal-wniftr""' -and -Mfllaf-oaa 'JapwaiwiriSfTka" from! exceptional quality . . ..'priced for , ; ■ ■Rre~$2: f r 7 ; 7 “ Th* order Mt up a surplus man- O ewe Ml Lewie B. .v a ^ .o f.-.K.s'airki, .■dt.aMMa.uwti^.. •rwr*’ flCn89|TXS-'38- .lbclifSi._wi,de-"5.'i>i-*.»e.!-.Muw'iidx-jiwC!>«u- ala said it "is at a Iom'! to t h t ^ ppwM aMumin**^' XTte-r'ittthfbtfii -i.First-MjaaUt>5'fillip fttehw '!'aC'''any b tiiw '''a B p U i^ ^ ' #’-: '^ ' o f thO'.kwte* a f Tokyo. . 'T k ^ . ' .. f>T . 0 haven't bam named, ito Job: To 'Aaalria in Hartford 'that it ia up woo-ao word oa the fate of tho. nylon with reinforced foot for extra wear.. ■' _ (The fonowin^ day he inVMtigat* unam pl^m ant arias 39” FINE QUALITY ' ■ ^ foSallauBd (hi Pagfo' Twelve) df«ia th* Sf. Peteiaburg, . Pla. duatry labor dispute. to _naUon’a . achooto and'.paranta Sal* $ 2.29 All new spring shades, The panel's finding* are only ad­ and defMM facflitiM tfcay liiv* to produce youths ''who under­ 7 9c yard Women's'Republican'club, and on and report to Wilson. . WSahlngten, Feb. 7--(gv—Prea-• Went recalled with a grin, be waa Feb. 22 he will speak at a rally a f visory to tIto' WSB. itself, which stand the meaning and value ef idant Trumkn ia getting pretty | bathing when th* tub in hU own MCKS GBEBjU . V will make the final rocommenda- Wilson then will tril the De­ America,” . .. Two Harvard aepho- Faria, Fak. 7— $ Printed Now you can have Barbizon'* tha FOrt Lauderdale Itepubllean Uon. fense Department that ”U to in the tired of delays In the rebuilding bathroom began to sink beneath h*. Om Alba Perfect Fit Nylon . .pair $1.20 to $1.50 4-Year-Old Dies Men'* club. An Btoenhower-for- meras break a 4Sdioar face ala*- of the Whits Houm. ' I him. -> MW funioii* patented classic, alylca The panel ruling. It waa learned, public interest t o give ptefarcnc* piag marathaw ireeerd reputedly F reaek m four color*. The 4-gore alter­ ■ ■ ■ - Prcfeldent group win hear the gov­ to such areas in the' placement of He wants to move madam .-xnd; If it had dropped, ht said, it Of Crash Injurieg ernor at West Palm Beach on Feb. substantially recommanda what held by two Russian atudante. the baby (that's.Mra Truman and ; would have fallen (with him in nating bias rut conforms to flt- the CIO Auto Workers' union had contracts in acchtdanea with the Bvaagellst Billy Oraliam-^uaed Norik Atlaatte IVait] Flaxen Lawns yoii beautifully, the shlrl stays J)ark Heel Nylon ...... pair $1.59 25, Slid on th* mhi* date he will fin(!lnga of th* committee.” ThcM Margaret) hack into the mansion it) fhto the room below where 36" Corduroy ■ f • apMk before tha Palm Beacli asked. The dispute covers about dMth ef Kin* George VI to Uhia- the Drat week in April. down, no matter' hovv you t«ist New Britain, Feb. 7 - i(* —Ann 50.000 workera in 18 plants oper- contracts would net nacaasary be trate that "We never know when Mrs. Truman. Often antartaliMd ■ad TUriwy. Tk* v*8a or turn in Barblzon'a smooth ♦ Round Table): ■— . made on-a low-bid basis. They Th* Presldent'a impatience waa guesta . WM 811 to 181. 6 9 c yard Singleton, four-year-old daughter 3.. Louisiana Eisenhower back­ atcd.by 13 companies in Michigan, we're going to meet our God.” .. reflected yesterday when he took rayon crepc. double stitched on Zig-Zag Self Colored Heel ...... pair $1.49 a t Policeman and Mrs Calvin in- Connecticut, MasMchuaetts, H- could be negotiated. He aidd he kidded the madam $ yard lop for extra long wear. Be 8 ers feuding with aponsbr* of Sen­ Army official sajra Bed-led iHhihs White - Houm newsmen on a 45- about what she would have done If 1.39 gleten, died at New Britain Gen­ ator Taft at Ohio are aeeking to linola and Alabama That's the nub of the order. ambuahed mUltary atation wagon FIVE CZECHS EXECUTED ' Buutiful floral and paialev' pattern* ft*r measured for your “body-con­ The chairman and public mem­ The Joint DafenM production minute tour of the residential sec­ ah* had been entertaining the L*ad*n, Flak. 7— ber of the panel was Harry Shul- committee yesterday called Arthur kinuif Mven persons. - UMM (^aek -i**-nili mittee to certify th* returns.of th* man. who also heads th* W B 8. Flemming, .Wilson’s top man­ moved ahortly after his 1848 alec- lution and he had suddenly ap­ a t spying ter Ik* UiMted ! day whan ah* was hit by a truck Jan. 15 party primary in which 8 Trinity College Tounr Demo- tian victonr. peared through th* caUlng in a t-= her*. ■■ ...... panel now ce«idu«;ting hearings In power advisor, to ask him about -eratlr Club tonight will hw r kav* kaea cxi x: BlMhhewer supporters won ' tha the order. j Mo cited two oxamplM of why bathtub. M*ea*w tadi* aaid taday, Her left lag was amputated majority of aeaU. the steal Industry dlapute tn New Mayor Thomas F. J. Gulglav of tha family had to take refuge in Tork. Serving with Bhulman on Mr*. Truman didn't think it too deatk* braagkt t o aMf* Oma 1S9 after the acHdent and aha. ra- ' WaAt Ik* In U. a. Southerners sec in it a "life or Stamford explain "Modern Poli­ tha Blair Houaei acroH th* atroet H'JtC Green Slampa Give* With Caah .Sales malnqd unconscious unUI dM th.' the brass-copper panel wer* Wil­ tics.” .'. ChurehlU'a ruling Oew- funny, he aaW. and told him he the aaaaaaaai tsB *8 1 4. In Washington, evidence liam Conover and Bruce Monw. In­ on Patmsylvanla avsimM.. wouldn’t have enjoyed th* experi­ ef aaek ckargaa Driver of th* tiUck, Henry Ward mountdir that th* ganaral'a aup- (Oaattaued Dii Fage Twelve) aervattve Fkrty. heaps Sni. grip Ha stamped hia foot sharply on Beecher, 28, waa the father of dustry member*, and Maywood on two parliamentary aMte ilB*d ence any mold than, ah* would. portera are building up pressure Boggs and Solomon Bar kin, labor the floor of tho'aitUng, room of It wmtld have ba«n a state en­ Margaret Baachtr, 5, who -waa for him to return home and help members. In spactol hy*-*l*ctlona nturna daughter Margarat'a suit*. trance, m commented. NEW COSTELLO TRIAL kiliad by an autemoMla Kara tost TraasBry Bakacc ahow. t Im -JWHALC m get th* bandwagon. . . ,.*<11 rolltng; a • To get the ISi-ctnt Increase, th* ^T hla will hold, ho m M. Ho ro- It waa an exciting, if aomawhat N*W YiMk, fbk. 7-^F) AIH8 June 12. ' a Btoenhgwer atiU has Washington, Fah. 7—(dV-Th* ..Howard W«wg Faafc, S3, of 310 callod that onei o f tho lags ef Mai< strenuous tour for th* reportara, Policeman WUUam Chute and 8 edge over •SrvX- ‘ 'Sfi______V® _ '•*P"** •" ll-c*nt boost position a t th* Treasury F*b. 8: Front atroet, Hartford, an cldtriy gant'a piano had broken through who had difficulty heaping up Lao GersM said that Ann waa Tari In Oklahom*^was warranted on a cdst-of-llving ChlnsM awwBteg trial rharg* but Taft picked up two mere dei^ basto, and a four-oant incrasM an "c iip U . 1248.884,• am th* Soar tn 1848, narrowly miss- with thd Praaidmt’B old army 888.30: budget ixpmidlturM. $281.. a t vIolaMng Mm atate nareidlM ing a drop into th* funOy dining pact of 195 atapa a minute. tObattmMc, an rag* Two) (CaaUwMd W Page Two) balancf, $4,111,- law*, (Um in hto ri*sp in a m U a t Bom'halow. 4 (OanUauaS on Pagu Two) 882,703.00. Hartford County Jail.. On anotlMr occasion. Uii iProa- ( t am Fag* Ttaa)

- j 3 a£Ta:‘C 3r.?-M.jv w.3 :^m