No. 31. Mason, Mich., Thursday, August 3,1876
The Ingham County Ifews. The Ingham County If ei rUllLIttUEU WEKKLY, AT AOVBRTtSIIMg RATES. Mason, Ingham County, MIoh. apAoa. 11 w.jl3 w.i8 w.f< wJ8m.lBm,i 1 llnoh...,||10(mt Ti!ii¥rt.—OiHiyear, $1.50; nixmoiilliK, "Seta.; a Inohea.l 1 50| a 001 a fldi 8^QUI e siacaii tbruu muiiUin,'lOcln.iulwayH liinilvaiicu. 8 incnei.i a on a ooi 8 toiTwi 8 ootia'uoi l\ rnHTAiiBtn nnbncrlliofB living outeldo of the i incbei.iuuui^uisoutauiiia00fi8DMi county IS ctH. jiur your, . ?ff^itr..i.i».Ti:ri:i.-:i.'i.'ii:i.'rTiTiFT.Trr^nriTi.'i ^^coinmpi 7 Pop 9 oouo fio|ia ooi ao OOIBO OOI' ^ JOB PBINTINGt Keolnmniij wi|i2 OOHSia^ts wjas^OOtM 0011 1 eolMmnllft UUIIB oom 00(85 WH 40 ooieooop BnalnesB Cards |l per line per year, , aloityprlooiiT Olveuaatrlal, Addt'CBsall lottcrBto •Sl?.^ft'i£'"ni'.S^'""'5«1?«'>t Insertion. I . i nwff.iSS.^'^?.'.'"' •""* Death notices frj ir. F. OOBNEI.Ii, VOL. XVIII.-NO. 31. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, AUGUST 3,1876. WHOLE NO. 917. Obituary notloes wva cents per line. X VAHON MioiiinAN. nuaok,awlndUng, or gift enterprise odvi tlaementB of any kind will be Inserteil, 1 OinoiriiA.TION 1,320 COPIK8. The First Regiment of State troops are en MiJsioAL CO'NVBNTION,—This enterprise BCrDBLIClni COHMEgglOMI. CONTGH- 2. Designation of place for holding the Alonzo Wright, of White Oak, ought to DUiolaUon RMlM. camped at Jackson this week. "Sid.'I'Cul- which Is now In session at tho Baptist church TfOiT, next congressional convention^ have his name changed.
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