The Ingham County Ifews. The Ingham County If ei

rUllLIttUEU WEKKLY, AT AOVBRTtSIIMg RATES. Mason, Ingham County, MIoh. apAoa. 11 w.jl3 w.i8 w.f< wJ8m.lBm,i 1 llnoh...,||10(mt Ti!ii¥rt.—OiHiyear, $1.50; nixmoiilliK, "Seta.; a Inohea.l 1 50| a 001 a fldi 8^QUI e siacaii tbruu muiiUin,'lOcln.iulwayH liinilvaiicu. 8 incnei.i a on a ooi 8 toiTwi 8 ootia'uoi l\ rnHTAiiBtn nnbncrlliofB living outeldo of the i incbei.iuuui^uisoutauiiia00fi8DMi county IS ctH. jiur your, . ?ff^itr..i.i».Ti:ri:i.-:i.'i.'ii:i.'rTiTiFT.Trr^nriTi.'i ^^coinmpi 7 Pop 9 oouo fio|ia ooi ao OOIBO OOI' ^ JOB PBINTINGt Keolnmniij wi|i2 OOHSia^ts wjas^OOtM 0011 1 eolMmnllft UUIIB oom 00(85 WH 40 ooieooop BnalnesB Cards |l per line per year, , aloityprlooiiT Olveuaatrlal, Addt'CBsall lottcrBto •Sl?.^ft'i£'"ni'.S^'""'5«1?«'>t Insertion. I . i nwff.iSS.^'^?.'.'"' •""* Death notices frj ir. F. OOBNEI.Ii, VOL. XVIII.-NO. 31. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, AUGUST 3,1876. WHOLE NO. 917. Obituary notloes wva cents per line. X VAHON MioiiinAN. nuaok,awlndUng, or gift enterprise odvi tlaementB of any kind will be Inserteil, 1 OinoiriiA.TION 1,320 COPIK8. The First Regiment of State troops are en­ MiJsioAL CO'NVBNTION,—This enterprise BCrDBLIClni COHMEgglOMI. CONTGH- 2. Designation of place for holding the Alonzo Wright, of White Oak, ought to DUiolaUon RMlM. camped at Jackson this week. "Sid.'I'Cul- which Is now In session at tho Baptist church TfOiT, next congressional convention^ have his name changed. He is the wrongett 3, Nomination of candidate for congress The Arm of Ohopen & Putnam liereby sll in this place, to close with a (irand conceirtof Large and DelcrmlMd Delegallona—IIo- kind of a man. lie recently bought a tbreab- ver, of this city, his gone to join contpany 4, Miscellaneous businesa. notice tbat they have this day dissolvJ TOWN AND COUNTY, precedonlcd Ballallng—Bark 8. Brevcr A, from Ann Arbor, of whfch he Is s mem­ vocal and instrumental music on Monday, Aug. fi. Adjournment, ing machine of Henry Gordon, of Dausville, partnorslilp In tbo grocery business, by ml Elected on llie RInety-Sevenih Ballot 14,187C, seems to bo one of tho most successful by representing that he waa possessed of a tual consent. B.L,Chapen will collect J ber, TJie boys expect a glorious time, —Qnlcl IlarmoaW and <(niet Orlti On motion the report was accepted. acoountN and pay nil indebtedness of so] Iln warm nsalu; efforts of the kind ever attempted lo the The new wheat la' much dryer this year That part of the report referring to perma' greedy share of this world's goods, in fact, firm. All accounts must be settled within ( county. The course of instruction is happily Never before in the history of congression- that a camel could get through a needle's And fearfully dry, too. than Is usually the case, Last year It was nent organiitatlon was adopted, on motion, days, either by cash or note. chosen and .just adapted to ttie wants of all tal conventions in this State has there been eye much easier than he could reach a cer­ Bnalness In gotting livelier. not mised in the elevator with the old, until and after considerable discusalon, the re. H. rvOH-APiji*; classes of musical people, Besides the ordi­ displayed the quiet pertinacity on the part of *.P»rwA».. Why don't tlio llttlo rain drops come] mainder of the report was adopted after tain desirable locality, on account of the op­ tho first of September. This year tho mix­ delegates, in adhering to their first choicei Clinpen's, July 24,1876. nary work of such occasions, one hour of striking out the 2d order of business. ulence which held him back. Mr. Clordon Tlio IlnynH snil Wliocler club niiinliors 100 ing will take place AN early as the tenth of that was made manifest in the convention m\ each evening will be devoted to the study of Senator Curry thanked tho committee for subsequently found that two camels could Lost. mcmlior.s, August, held in this city yesterday for the nomination the higher classes of muslci, the honor they had conferred upon him in make the difllcult paaaage much easier than On Monday niornlng,apalrorgold-bowed Second Ltcutcuatit L, A. Holden was elect­ 'of a republican candl(|late for congress from Lon, Dunn wan in town- the fore part of Mr. Pixley Is too well' known to require giving him the position of permanent chair­ be could collect bis money of Wright, Ho pebbled Solomon's ispeotaolea, sofflewherl ed Captain of the.'light nuards, last Friday the sixth congressional district. Every man found that the affluent thresher was mticb within the olty of Mason, The finder will bl llie week. any comment here, having been before the man of the convention. He regretted that liberally rewarded by leaving them at thil evening, vice Alohiio Che'ency, resigned,— had his first choice with an emphasis, and he richer In debts than in anything else, and at Hynlt, nflor lii.i vacation, Is at work for people for moro than twenty years, Mr, they had not made a worthier choice, but be office. Mas, A, WitaBV, f Chas. Perry waa Uicn elected '2d Lieutenant quietly set about votlof for him with the full once arrested blm for obtaining goods under Blakesleo Is from Oberlin, and that Is a siifil- would endeavor to discharge bis duties with Now Is tlie time to buy boots and sliocj Tonnor again. to fill tho place! made vacant, by Iloldcn's clent guaranty that be can d« what comes in purpose of never yielding an atom from his Impartiality, The counties had come to­ false pretenses. He was captured by sberlfT' cheap ore. a.,HnDtlngton. N. A. Dunning lilii bauglit 10,87C pounds promotion, bis way. Ills experience is large in this position. But there was not thesllghtesl ill- gether to put in nomination a candidate who Neely, and lodged in Jail Monday night, On — • • I — ofwoiil thin season. The beat is the Cheapest. N, A, Dunning raises fi ninety fool pole to­ woik,' Mrs, B, Is a graddale of the Cincin­ feeling ongenilerod; ererything passed off would wrest from the democrats their power Tuesday he appeared before justice Ham­ I have a stock of the best farming imploJ ''Bijnii" accomponios tlio Detroit I<]owan,-',-nr.Coldwater. tTb* ' J, H, Tooker et al. to i;. O. Moody, undivided Tlou. Jolui W. Slowe, of Oramr Rapids, "•oiined, - "'. . - --^ • • —.; il-.j,^; blalind dia1oya(, ondTntolly hove placed in ForsAln or. exchange for olty property, n ballot stood 1" for Striker, 10 for Mo-- thlrdof llKauvuN oii MMtUiWMk quatwrof was nominaled ji^islerdHy as ilm republican .' Mr. Chapman lias for 41 years been an ex-' Doninalion for the |iresidency of tho United RVEKIHO SSSSIOW." .,' section 15, Lansing, 8:2,000. goodteitiife'iitidcalTlaBe, '^ flO« JNO,DAV, Oowan and 20 for O'Donnell. The 2fllh The delegates evidently did nol change li. M. Howe to It. II. IIowo, lot 13, block «, nixndidote lor •.•ongrcss from liie fif'ili district, emplary member of tho M. E. cimreh. He States, a man wlio clasps in one arm the ballot stood'8, 30 and 1", rcspocUvely, Mr. Leslie, 81,100. ' ' Wool. was a man of deep and undoubted iile'ty, rebel hordes of tho south, and in Iho other tlieir purpose much during their evening re­ I am piopared to liny wool at an nUvanned McGowan was elected to tlio Stale spiiaie in filch i^ Bunnell shipped lljo lirsi carload Whicli siiowed itnelf in a spotless life and tho corruptions of tlio Tammany ring. Tlie past, for the balloting coiilinued with but —^ ^^^-^ — prlco over other bnyer.s. Parties ImvluK of new wheal fioni this city last Friday, 1872 from Branch county, and is a man of cbarilalile works rather tliuii in great and «i- •Repression thai so often occurs in the marine slightly varying forluno for the respective Coumuii Couacll Proceedings. held their wool until now, will make money 'J'hey jinid for it rimn fO,!lu to $1,05 per rare quallllcatioiis and marked ability. Mason, July 81,187C, by calling on mo before soiling. tentatious professions. Tho silent iiilluence' reports of Now York city could be triillifuliy candidates. On tlio 73d ballot, D, L. Case, bushel, Council met in regular se.ssion, and was N, A, DUNNINO, The editor of Iho Mason Xcws compkini of: his life WON more powerful for good to applied to them. They are looking south of Lansing, suggested a new man, In the per­ called to order by President Dorrow. Mason, July 20,1,S70. 1)15 Chnpen & rnlnnni, of Clinpons' Crossing, of tho carelessness of some one who flre^.l^' around hini tlian volumes of verbalex- through Hell-Gate, and thither tends the son of S. D, Bingham. That gentleman re­ Present Aid, Eaton, Campbell, Lincoln and » * < . liullet very close to his head. No]i|iUCp Imvo (lis.solved parliiorsliip by niulual con­ hbrliitions. Ho left a wife and four sons to whole democratic fleet. Mr, Lord's remarks ceived Mr, Croasman's eight votes, hut did Densniore. For Sale, Rent or Exchange. should lie allowed to run at large wlio'jJiJin Minutes of lost nineting read, corrected sent. 11, h. Olinpen collccis the dobls and 'mourn his not help matters mucii, and Mr. Case witli- A llouso and Lot on Maplu street. Eii- lire al a Mason editor and—miss liiiii'.i-iX>»^ of which our space permits of but a frag­ and njiproved. qulro of (IIMwl) W. A, STKKI.K. piiys the hills. Irolt Jivcniii(/Xcws. '.'•'' The funeial .services were conducted by mentary mention, wore frequently interrupt­ drew his noma after tho close of the 7(!lh rRTrrioN's, If sonio one would lie I'lilerpiisiiig litiuugh ed by Iiuists of applniiso, A temporary or­ ballot. Tlie petlllon of H, J. Donnelly, J. A. • Tilt! (Iciiiocratic (Miinuy convention for the Rev, A. A. Kniiiipen, In liuntley's grove, Al- Tilden and Hayes Barnes and A, Sherman asking for grade on nnniinatioii of siMiatorinl, stain and eongres- to shoot aWKewa" edilors, we liiillev»~ we aiiiiUm. The i«.\l was Psalms, ,'i7lli cliapter, ganization was oirectiMl al tlm coiicUisloii of Alter tlio Olsl liallol had been taken the Aro nominated for President, and their nu­ Mill street from B at, to D St. was read and siiinal dcli'gnlcs mecls at Iho court housn al sliiiuUi bo)ialri(ilic eiionuli lo hare our il7lli verse: "iMuik tlic peri'i-cl nian, and b'e-' llie hriof addri'ss. The cliair iiained senator case look on a new aspect. The name of D. merous friends are notllledthat the Clark on motion ejected for want of signatures. lire.xst ami lie wnlteil away to our falliers, liolil the iipriglii, for llio end of that man Is J, L, Curry, ot Genesee as tomporoiy clioir- L. Crossman was witlidrawn. The 02d bal­ Houao keeps right on "just tho same," sell- I'J ir. to-morrow, NEW UOSI.VESS. pence." lot then stood. Brewer, 23; Trowbridge, 10; fug tho best meals In the city for 23ceiilH, Mrs. A. Wilsey hisl a pair of gold-bowed Mrs. N. 11. VatiA'iankon, of this clly, Mrs. tiiaii, and on motion Sehuyler S. Olds, of The following claims were presented and Spaulding, 10. Al llie end of tho 96lh bal­ Best and oheapest Peed Stable In tho county spectacles on our streets, Slonday. 'J'lie .ramcs Fuller and Miss Einnia,Iano Fuller, ot riigliani was elected temporary secretary. referred to the Finance Committee, viz : attached to the house, nil lot Brewer had reached 20, Trowbridge Peek (fc Sherwood, for lumber $23 75 llntlor will be liliernlly rewarded by leaving Vevay, started last Tuesday lor a trip to I'runi Onondaga. On taking llio chair senator Curry thanked stood at 10, and Spaulding hod gone S. H. Wordon, services as special po­ tlinni al this ollice. Mackinaw. Mrs. VanVranken and Mias Ful­ the convention for liie honor conferred upon Centennial Tickets!, 187C, down to 0. A recess of fifteen mluutes lice, July '1th 2 00 At the Depot, Round trip, 827,95; via Now ler havolongsullered from III health and it is hini, bill said lie would dispense witli any Geo. W, Huntly, ditto 2 00 J. D. Smilli of tho Howell nrjuihlteaii, W, En. NKWS;—Certain deinocratlc jomnois was thon token, after which a formal ballot York, 828.95; via New York, returning via hoped that in the fiesli, bracing ntmosiihere D, Wait, work on street 17 02 , a. George, of the Lansing Ittpulilicim and U. have seen fit to sponk so lightly of the extended remarks al thai lime, New Vork, 829.95, All Popular loute'a. was taken with tlio following result; On motion Council adjourned until Monday of Mackinaw they will (ind a better rostoia- republican convention, al Mason, on the 2ulli On motion n commilteo on credentials, con­ JAB. MoMicuAEr,, Agl, D. Lovwoll, of South Lyons, gave us a call Marie S, nrcwer, of Pontine...^ 'Mevenin g nixl, at 8 o'clock, livo than is contained hi any piiysician's nied- Inst,, that I Ihonghl it would bo samowiiat sisting of one member from each comity, was • yesterday morning. Itowlaud K, Trowbridge, of Cliuton Ill N, B. VANVRANKKS, City Clerk. 1776, 1876, cino chest. They expect lo stay for two or interesting for tlie readers of the NEWS to appointed, llie nominations being made by Uliver Jj. Hpuuldiug, oroiiutou..! 7 11. Hunt l')si|., of Onondaga, has leased the Those Sliver mounted Conleunlnl cook three weeks. know liow the democrats soiiietliiies do busi­ the delegates from the respective counties, Total 51 stoves, nt Uoll'inan's, Diiiisvl lie, are J ust O. K. Onimdaiia house al that place, taken po.sscs- Tho United StatoH Commissloncrof Educa. A gray headed man of tho towiishi|) of ness. Tlio following gentlemen wore named;— Tlio election of Mr, Brewer was mode tlon. In Ills Into report, says of tho Maybew 00!) sion of It, and is prepared to accommodate Business College, Detroit: "Young men de­ Onondaga by the name of Harvey Fry wants Tlie democrats of Onondaga lield a caucus, Charles Farmer, Clinton; D.aniel L. Case, unanimous omidst entliusiastic cheers. The travelers and their teams, siring a busiuess cduzntlou win And the ad­ Just Received. Ingham I E, M. Adams, Genesee; Geo. W. successful cundidato was sent for and was to .sell his vote this fall lo the highesl bidder. last Saturday niglit, for the purpose of elect­ vantages hero oll'ercd tho most porfeot possl- A largo stock of Itakes, Forks, Sylhes and A largo company from tho Presbyterian He owns a. farm near Kinneyville, where he ing delegates to the dcmoctatiu county con­ Loring, Shiawassee; E. M. Birduall, Oakland; greeted with a storm of applauso and three blo," Ceutcnnlnl pamphlets, giving full lu- Snaths, Steel Shovels and Spades, and every Sunday school went to Pino Lake yest'.'rday, dlscrlptloii of furmcrH' lioud tools, at T, iloll'- has resided for many years. His used to be vention to be iield at Mason on the fourth of Albert Tooley, Livingston. rousing cheers. lorinatlon, furnished on application at the Tlio Melliodisl school goes next Tuesday and college, personally or by lottor. man's Bottom PrIooStore, Dnnsvllle, liur, a practicing physicion we are informed, but August next; but tliey could not find enough On motion a committee on permanent or- Sir. Brewer expressed his gratitude to the Iho Bajiiisl a week from to-morrow. ganiiiation, •onsisling also of one member convention for the honor they hod conferred lias not followed liiat profession for the past to attend to warrant them in "proceeding lo MEitcitANTS—Are you willing to buy a, Sal- SULKEY HAY RAKES. 0. H. Waggoiior, Ksti,, of Onondaga town- few year.s. Ho takes no new.spapcr, but business." The meeting was called to order from each county, was appointed, the nom­ upon him, and proceeded to review the po­ oratUH roado out of tho ohoicost materials Before purchasing, call at tho Foundry lu sliil), lias presented us with an egg measur­ .someone lias told him tliat Tillon is corrupt "pursuant to notice," wilh/ow persons in at- inations being-made , as above, Tho follow­ litical situation in a short and forcible and absolutely pure? Buy D. B,DoLand ti Mason. Olltf. J. BKKOII. Co.'s Best Chemical Saloratus, and you will ing CJx8! inches, wliicli was laid by a lirah- as h—1, and ho bellves that Haynes is the tandence,—two ilcmoeralt, one repMtcnn and ing is the commilteo: W, J, Weir, Oakland ; speech which provoked frequent and hearty not got goods mado out of cheap material or C. G. Huntington ma hen belonging to A. J. H. Brewer. J, L. Simonson, Shiawassee; J, S, Grossman, applause from his audience. same, and ho will not vote for either without one minor. They waited until half-past six adulterated In Its manufaoturo. Sells acood Calf Boot for $3,25 At its conclusion. Gen, 0, L. Spaulding Henry Every has begun the erection of a pay. o'clock, but asthoir|numbersdid not, Increase Ingham; P. K, Perrin, Clinton; Henry 0. * 1 ^ I J. J, Tuttio, a pioiiiinent farmer and well- any, they felt obliged to adjourn until Wed­ Barnard, Livingston; Cos. D, Long, Genesee. was called for. Ho was welcomed with three Ohio has tho champion sagacious dog. At raiiilH and Oils of any desorlptiou cheap. dwelling house for Edward Swift, fivo miles all times very savaeo nt the approach of On motion it was made tho further duly of cheers, ntid in a singularly happy speech os- at lloli'mnn's, Dnnsvllle. Ml!) Ronlliwest of this city. II is a double up­ known auctioneer of Leslie, met with a nesday Aug. 2d, when they propose lo tiy strangers ho recently astonished the eom- right, one part 18x28, the other 18x20, serious injury Jlonday, July 21th. Ho was again. this committee to report llie order of busi­ prasscd his satisfaction at tho issue of the mnntty by Joyously welcoming a man In a Hear Ye! Hoar Yo! onde.iyorlng to lower his little grandson from Tliero ore some Tilden men here, but they ness for llio convention. balloting, and the heartiness with which he light wagon who tied up at tho hitching post I am scllhiK a good now Boot for the small John \a* Vclerah of Onondaga commenced a haystack, when the hay commenced to are about discouraged, Somoofour most On motion a recess was taken imtil half- slionld support Mr, Brewer, before the house. The dog had never seen sum of 82.50 G, ,S. liiiowN. on the 2Cth ult., to trot an 8i lb boy on his tho man before, but something In tho light slip, and the danger of his being impaled on honorable democrats sny that they cannot past one, Loud calls were then made for R, £, knee. Chas. Dwiglil of the same town gives wagon put him on his good behavior. It Just Received! tiio tines of the fork became imminent. In support tho so-called democracy of the AFTERKOOH BESBIOK. Trowbridge, but he was not present, D, L, was a "Light-Running Domc8tlo"aud the soothing syrup to a daughter weighing 8i Severn! caaes of IndlOH gaiters. Prleonocls, tills emergency he cast the fork away present time, and wonder how any honest, Owing to tho lateness of some of the dele­ Crosaman being called upon, accepted the man a " Domostio" agent, lbs. G. S. llUOWN. and fell to the ground, breaking his right thinking man con, J. S. gates in getting their dinners, the convention situation in a graceful speech, in which, No Sympathy Notice. Waiter Colton, formerly a resident of Ma­ arm below the elbow. Dr. Dowliiig repaired however, lie omitted to state what he has was not called to order until nearly two For those who go about suflcrlng with lame All persons Indebted to the into Arm of son, hut now engaged with AVni. Spears in ainco told us, that ho will gladly join heart tlio damages, and Mr, TuUlo is rapidly From FKcliburg. o'clock. back caused from nlfected kldnoys when one Wright it. Egglcatoii, pump manufacturers, liie sale of dry goods at Rochester, Mich., and soul In the support of Mr. Brewer, and July 31sl, 187C. The commltton on credentials reported the box of Teetzel'a Compound Extract of Bu- win ploitao call and settle tho same with 1ms been spending a week with his friends is llioroughly salisfied Willi tho action of the clio, Cuhobs and Copnlva will mnko a perma­ Blackwood Wright within ,10 days, otherwise ED NHWS:—Tho weather is cool and dry, following delegates from their respoctivo hero. convention, nent euro, and from throe to four doses will tho accounts and notes will ho loft in the and tho hum of the tlireshing machine is counties entitled lo soots in the convention: relieve tho severest caaes. Otiier speakers were then called for, and hands of a Justice for collection. Pixley and Blakcslce secured more than heard in every direction; but tlio hum and Clinton—Clias, Farmer, Chas. Kipp, J, N, Br.ACKWOOD WniQHT, John N, Ingersoll, in response to a call, in­ forty names for'their musical convention, hurrah for Hayes and Wheeler con bo hoard Smith, P. K. Perrin, P. Doty, 0. Whitlock, List of Letters. Doted Mason, A ug, 1st, 1870. 017-W'l troduced A, B. Clark, of Shiawassee, who I * » ^- last Tuesday night. Their popularity and ahote everything else, and this foil will show L. 0. Bnrch, R, B, Corns. The following la the list of advertised let­ Genessee—D, Hortoii, J, K, Perry, H, T, gave a clear and striking portrait of " Sam," For Sale. success in other places ought lo insure them that tho noise lias not been in vain. ters remaining in the postofhco at Mason, Brush, E. M. Adams, 0, W. Buckingham, C. A good Work Horso Honnd and Kontle, En­ a largo class here, Tilden. Ho discussed that gentleman Ingham Co,, Mich,, July 81, 1876, Wheal is not turning out as well as the D, Long, Ira H, Wilder, Dr. J, C. Wilson, J. quire of VANDKFiCooK AHANnensoN phrenologically to the intense edification of Borroughs, CluiM II Crossgrovo, Wllllnm U13 Peter Clork, long a dweller In our midst, farmers expected j corn, oats and potatoes A, Button, C, H. WIsner, J, L. Curry, M, S, . • ^ii i ilia hearers, winding up with this sentence : Burrell.NoraK Mason, Andlca is now the happy possessor of a fino farm, look well. Newell. Only 820.00 in Cash for a Ingliam—S. W, Turner, S. Stetlor, H, L. " Tlio Almighty never makes a mistake; He Cooper, Georgo Tohlon, J G situated about a mile from Oakley, Mich,, on Mr. Tliomos Lowriii is put'ing new siding Henderson, 0. Fletcher, D. L. Case, J, S, never put such a head aa 'Sam,' Tildeu'a on Colo, W M Walcott, JlrsHarrlo Pull Set of Teeth I the banks of the beautiful Shiawassee, where I nm now putting In Full Sets of Teeth and roof on his b,irn. Tooker, S. S. Olds, J, S, Crossman, the shoulders of a reformer." Per.sona calling for the above letters will ho is residing with his family. Livingston-L, C, Smith, Ira P. Bingiiam, (upper and lower) for 825.00. Hall SetH(uppoi- Ben. Poxsoii lias removed from Etchells' The meeting wos quiet and harnionions give the date of artvertl.sumenl and pay ono or lower) for 812,50. I cnntlnno to visit. building to the shop belonging to Frank C, M. Wood, Wm. Bail, A. Tooley, 11. A. Daiisvlllu tlio 111'st Wednesday of each nionllii Beech's Union Foundry Is gotting out the Barnard, L. S. Montague, Jno. Elliott, throughout. In splto of tlie strong preference cent for advertising. j Fitch, wiioro his custoniors will find him still A. P. VANDEIfSKIV. iron front for tMh Halsted block. It consists Oakland—W, J. Weir, T. F. Cossimer, C. of delegates for particular candidates, every F. T, Ar-nniaiiT, P, M. ready and able lo do all kinds of work in of three arches, two column and one pilas­ 0, Gage, E. M. Birdsall, I. 0. Hutchina, S. one went owoy salLslicd, and determined to MARRIED. ''• You have no Excuse. ter. It is a fine piece of workmanship and a tho lino of hlacksmithing, Mr, Etcliells lias S, Matthews, S. T. Fenn, J. B. Simonson, M. do his utmost to insure a aweeping repnbllcan Unyo you any exouao for autrorlng wftli rented his building to bo used ns a store. As D. Elliott, L. D. Lovell, A. G. Noble, T. F. Dyspepsia or Llvor complaint? Is there any credit to our foundry, Gorls. majority next foil. reason why you should go on from day to yet wo liavo not learned the name of tho A grand republican rally was held in Shiawassee—C. J. Gale, J, L. Simonson, J, day complaining with sour stomach, Sick party who rents it, N. Ingersoll, A. T. Nichols, 0, W. Loring, A, Win. Belknap, lato Secretory of War,'wns neadnclie, Unbllunl Costlveness, Pnlpltu- ' Lansing last night, In which a torch- Mr, Lawrence is getting along finely with A, liarpcr, ,T, Hath.iway, A. B, Clark. acquitted of tho charges preferred against tlon of tho Heart, Ueartbnrii, WatcrbrnsU^ light procession and addresses from Capt, Gnawing and burning palua nt the stoxnaoht, his storo, Tho building is lo be 22x!!C foot Tho report was accepted ond adopted. liim in tho articloa of impeachment, Aug. 1, J. C. Burrows and other eloquent speakers lollow skin, Coated tongue, and dlBaguoon- on the ground and IC feet in height, tho veto atanding i37 senators for conviction, formed prominent features. The committee on permanent organization bio taste In tho mouth, Coming np ofitho- Filchburg, like tho republican party, is i,p reported as permanent chairman, Hon, Jns. 25 for acquittal. The veto of "not guilty" food after oating, Low Spirits, •te?.-°M'al! 1U The republican Stale convention, to nom­ a flourishing condition. Tho whortleberry L, Curry, of Geneaec; permanent secreta­ was given by the 26 aenatora for lack of Ju< Is positively your own fault W:50«,da, Gatci inate candidates for Stato ofllcers, and olec A Team for Sale, ' your druggist and get a l>pttle or< GniWN^S •. season is about played out, and so are most ry, Schuyler S, Olds, Lansing. Order of ex­ rladlction. Twenty domocrata, fourteen re- tors for president and vice-president of the publicana and one liberal voted for convic­ I have n wagon, harness and span of horaoii AcotrsT Fi,owKR far7^ot.ianai your ottie. lo>. of the folks around here. Some of them ercises: certain, but lfyoi\ (Jo!^J^t| th(s, .get ,a.,»amplo,'. United States, woa called at tho opera house tion ; twenty-four republicans and one demo­ that I will Aell cheap lor cosh or barter, Ono have been berrying almost every day since 1. Appointment of congressional cotnmit- horao is eight ycarsold, and the othertwelvo. bottle for 10 con,U,nnd,try It,. TwQ.dflses yilHi^'i Lansing, at 12 o'clock to-day. tho berries began to got ripe. RUFF, leo, ' - crat for acquittal. OlOtf a, S, BttAKOUASD, Delhi. rolicvoyo(\^ •' ' '• 'TiiB Deftiocrntlc Btiito Convention of Illi­ inltteo of four Soinitom was appniuled to accom­ Population of tho Unttod Statos. Union Pacific, -wlien Tom cried out: ChliioHe Carvliiga. number of women who were acquainted pany the reinulua to hi" latu home In West Vir- " There's a squirrel or something on the nois was held at SprinKlluld on the 37th,' and ulufii. uut of respect to the meniory of the Ha- with Uio wifo Insisted that tho body should nominated tho following' ticket: For Gov­ ceased the Bunuto then ndjonriied... In tho House, In tlio columns of onr conteninnrnries track; let's run it down." A few rods Tho wood nnd Ivory carvings in tho be buried, and sending for an undertaker | ernor, Lewis Stowort, (Independent candi­ the Seuiite bill u|iprn|irintlni; SIOO.COO for the coiu- we regularly meet with the wiliiest and ahead of tho engine was some small Chinese sccHon of Hio main building win Hiey proceeded to lay it out. Selecting WUUS F. COB J!EI.t, Proprietor. plei ion of the WaBhiu^tou Monuiucut wus piisscd, animal jumping from tie to, tiu and:run­ duto for sumo olUeu)i l-ioutcnant-Govornor,. most uiircinioimble guesses rcjiiirdinj; tho the admiration of all \yho see them. In good underclothing for this purpose they with uiaeudments, one of wlilch increases iliu ning about lis fast as we •we're. 'Wo all had the corpse partially dressed, when tlio- A. A. Gleiiri; Secretary of Stiite, B. Y. Tliorii- uinount to gSO .C*'- Announcement was nindo present number of our populiition. It the amount of patient labor required for inOHIQAN. IS often stated iis lo\y as 40,000,000, commenced throwing'sticks of woodat it, their execution there are no carvings at wifo interfered and' pulled U\e giurments- MASON,* •-••""•" ton; Auditor, John Hise (also on tho ludo- of the of tjouutnr Uupurluu, the asiml reso- luUuiiu of rcsiiQCt were udoptud, und a comniltlee and never liigUcr tlian 45,000,000. The and succeeded in missing it. The engineer the Exhibition thut approach Hiera, and from the body, declaring them entirely too pondont ticket'for same dlllec); State Treus- was ainininlou to ucconipuuy the ruiiialiis to West former ligiu'cd amount to a lampoon laughed itt our ellbrts, and drew on a good to bo put under the ground, and sub­ Vlriilulu, some of them can scarcely be excelled in urvr,''Udorgo Gundlacli; Attorney-General, on tho truth, for tliey- indicate Hint couple more notches of steam, but tlie beauty by any in tho world. Th* ivory stituting old and worn ones in their places.. General News Summary. E. Lyneii, Tho resolutions adopted endorse IN the Seniito, on tlio 28tliv ii now tho increment of our people has little creature' crejit ahead. Sometimes carvings merit special attention, and they the platform and nominees of tiio St. Louis coiifcruuce was ufreed toon the Consiilur and wo seemed almost up to it, somcUmea it been leas than 1,1100,000 during six yours, receive it, for their location is more visit­ Tlio Oriilieii» Club. Convention, and call on the Legislature to DIploniatle Appropriiitloii bill, I'lie House or hardly so mucli as our numerical pro­ disappeared in Hie darkness ahead, but it , ' FRoin WASHINGTON. ninuiKliiients lo the lilll providing for the coniide. ed than any oHier spot in the section. They duvlse some plan to prevent convict lubor gress between 1820 and 1830, -when ten never left tho track; some fascination kept form part" of a collection of can-ings UKrrED,STATES SEKATOII AIXAN T., CA- tlon of the Wiishln|;;ton Muiuiineiitweru iigreeil to, it between Uic rails, running its wild race Nobody over knew precisely whoso- from coming in competition with tree labor. u»d tile hill was pussed. The River nnd lliirbor years guve us an iiugiuontiition of 8,237,- nnd jewelry exhibited by Lee Ohiiig, AVao I'EJiTON, of West Vi'rglniB,' died' In .WnshliiK- Appronrlatlnn liill was ruconiiuiited, wltli in- for life. Tlie driver, witli u keen eye fault it was, but it cnused a good deal of Frusldontlnl eieetors were also chosen. b07 iiilmbilant~s. Although IJie decade Ching and V'ut Oiling, of Canton. ' In u unpleasant feeling ut the time. The Or- 4 ton on tho 26th, of anslua poctorlB, brpUKUt strnctfiins ttiut the coininlttee ruiHirt the bill HO contained four years of war exceedingly abend, i;aye tho engine more and more on Ijy hot wentiier., .llo.'Wiis slxty-Blxiyfiars , ,IT was reported from Louisville on the thut the toliil ainonnt upproprlsted nhidl not ux- steam, till our pace became terrilic. Old glass slio>v,-ciise •will be noticed an ele­ pheuB Club had just been organized, and | , eeed ikri,UIM,O0O, The House hid for the destructive of life, us well as largely re- otKfiO. Hlsturm in tho Senate would have 28th that Col. AVharton, United States Dis­ No, 1 swayed to and fro like a sliip in the phant's tusk two and a half feet in length, it had mot lo havu its first rehearsal'. It sale of tUu Osage ceded btmls In KHiisas to uctnul jiressive of foreign immigration. Hie peo­ standing with the convex side of Hie taper­ cxplrudln 1881. • •• • trict Attorney for Kentucky, had been re settlers wuM tukoii up und iiiuended. Adjourned storm, the-boll rang out of its own accord liegaiv by trying to sing the IlallclujaU ple increiised 7,115,0.')0. liven nt the rate ing end embedded in a solid mass of ebony moved, and H. F. Flnley hud been uppolntud to the 31st....In the llonsu, In the VlrKinla con of between 18(10 mid 1870, which us wo rushed along tlirough tlie nigtit, Chorus. Now I know, of course, that THE position of Commissioner of Internal carv«d into a representation of a rocky us^his sueecBBOr. tested election cuse of Pliur. rM. Guode, the mi­ wiw 2.000815 per cent; luuumlly, our pop­ each of us clinging to soma object in some of tho members couldn't sinr; much, Kovohuo having been formally declined by nority repnrt that Ouode, the silting luemliur. Is whose stidiility we had nontldcncc. eminence rising out of a bamboo planta­ and when Hie crowd first started in on ConBrcBBman MncBounnll, of Now Yorlt, was, A OAi.L has been Issued for tho Democrat­ enlltluil lo tile sunt, was iiured to—105 to 07. Tliu ulation would have reached over 40,000,- Uoiiferencii lepnrt on the Uilllury Aciidemy bill 000 four years ago. At that percentage of tion, Hirough wliieh Chinese laborers arc tlie chorus maybe they really did luako on the SOth, offered to Gen. fircen B. Kaum, ic State Convention of Colorado to meet at wua adnpttd, And still that strange objectkcpt ahead of making their way, pushing aside, as well a kind of an uproarious noise; but no- Manltou on tho 2Uth of August. growth tlio procession of numbers would us. Some one suggested that it might of Illinois,'and accepted by him; have been as follows: ai),352,i)87 in 1871; lis they can, the tall and elastic canes. Be­ boiiy will make me believe Hint it sound­ A FKW diiyB ago a six-year-old daughter SKN.VTK not in session on tliia 20th,... have been a ghost luring us'on to destruc­ ginning at Hie ape.x of the tusk and ex­ ed like the shrieiis imd groans of the dy­ TUB majority report of the Uouao (Jom- In the lIoiiHe, the hill passud by bnlh houses ex 40,103,!)71) in 1873; 40,i)!)1.68't in 1873; of Mrs. AVUlium Hurgo, of Mason City, Iowa, tion, but the driver resolved, like Hamlet, tending u{) Hie concave side to Hie thicker ing. However, that was what the people mlltee on Naval ullairs is a very lengthy tending the time for llio redemption of bind sold 41,88(i,4.t(t ill 1871; 42,(11)8,(117 in 1875; and to follow it, and jirobably make four during the absence ut a nelgiibor's of her end is an ivory city on a mountain side, outside said; and it liappcned just about document, and concludes with a stutcment for olriict taxes WUH cuPed up nnd iitncnded so as 4!i,.')78,.W0 in 187(1. But tlnwo tlgures iiro gliosis wlicro one would have done just as mother, threw a quantity of kerosene oil to exclude the posHlliIllty of its being constrnod to certainly mucli too small. During Iho last wonderfully ^yell executed. There are tho time tiiiit Hio Club began to sing. Hint that, upon n full review of the fiicts asccr- uiructlhu National cemetery, and wiis pnssed as •»vell. So he threw on all Hie" steam Mrs. Dougherty, who lives on the ilrst into the stove, witli tho usual terrible re­ live calendar years 1,7-10,005 foreign im- tho joss-houses and Hie pidaees, shaded by talned by the committee In the administra­ nnuUKled. An evening session wus held for geu- tlio engine would lake, and Hien tall mulberry trees, military marching in floor of the building opened her windows sult, she being terribly and fatally tsurned. enil debute. migrimts came to the United States, we fairly flew over Hic track; oiiwiird, tion of the naval Bcrvlec durlntt tl'« '"s' against 803,327 during the first (lye yours the streets, pumpkin-head celestials, with to let out tho smoke tiitit was caused by Bcven yours, the law has been disrcKurdud AiiEi'OUT was published in the Chlcugo IN tlio Soiuilo, on tlic !!lst ult., llio reso with tlic speed of Hie liglitniiig and Hie lialf their bodies out Hirough Hie \vindows the chimney not drawing. Several pass­ of tlie lust deciidc, besides wliich we have roar of Uiundcr, scattering fire in our and violated in the lettlnR of contracts; In und St. Louis papers of.the 2!lth ult. that latlon prolilldilngtbe supply of special metallic had nil gfoat war to thin ,- boardiiig-house train,but induced us to per­ viuiiii !Museum of Art. Ivory carving is a . And the Club, all the time perfecHy un­ fcrroil to the Judiciary Conimlttco, who shall tired of the War and anxious to make a various depnrtnienta lo Aagusi 10. A mui'sai;o .T>5 in 1878; .50,70(),7!)il in 1870, and ,53,- form Hie most brilliant double somersault proininciit industry in China, but it is conscious of tile excilcment, kept right wii" received from ilio President pointing oul. 277,05!) in 1880. 'I'lic'se approximations examine and report whether the violations treaty. u'hsihe (lonsldcroit some ol'the defucis of the net ever seen outside of a circus, and also confined chiefly to Ctintoii. Tlie work­ on up-stairs Hiere, screeching the Ilailc- of law referred to In the report be Inipeiicha- .Sundry Civil Appropriation hill In making Inud- are bu.sctl upon deductive proluiliilitics knocked the lieiidlight from the toji of the men are paid fifteen cents a day and their liijali Chorus. SO that hy the time tho 'A SMAi.i.purty of men from the lilack Hills which lire iiotli rensonalile and strong; blo ofl'cnses, uiider tho Constlliiilon, and, It u([iititu provision for home, nnd none iiL all for cab, and as it lay on Hie ground we noticed food. Tliis explains Hie reason why an firemen got Hie hose screwed on Hie. plug, BO, then they, shall report articles , of Im­ arrived at Omuha on the 81st ult.,und ai'o' re­ otliiir liranch(B of tlie loihilc service, and slallnK tlioy steer clear of the mere guess-work of .solnc,^yet leaves sticking to tiie face of tho Hiere were about eiglit hundred people in that he did not loel warranted In vetoing the bill, tho day, wliieli is so slovenly iiusalisrac- article which, if made in America by peachment against, George M. llobeson, ported to have brought with them *3I)0,OUU hut deemed It, liisdiiiy to rhow whtu'e llie respon- liitnp, and after some minute's deep Anuu'iciuis could not be sold without sac­ .front of the liouse dcmiimliiig to know in gold dust. One uf them, It is said, had silillltj belonged for any oinlmrnisamenls cuiiaed l(n\v and misleading; and, in Ihe absence study we came to Hie conclusion Hint Uiis why somebody didn't get a ladder nnd Secrotury of tlio Navy. The minority of iui iietiial count of the jieople, they pos­ rifice at IcBs Hum .iiUjOOO, is otl'ered by *75,(K;O. by Us del'eclB. acgnuted for the gliost on Hie track that rescue Hiose wretched victims from an report alleges that the majority report Is un­ sess eiiougli of tlie likelihood of accuracy Cliinamcn at about one-lenlhof that sum. fair In Us staloments, fallacious In its eon- AT Salt Lake City on the 31st ult., Judge we found it impossible to overtake. As All these carvings—in fact, all tiiese arti­ awful deiiHi. And the foreman of the to answer' all practical purposes. For the we iHl stood around that (licliering lamp company at last got so perfectly frantic oUislon, and Is evidently promoted by a par­ SehueU'er rendered a deelslon in the suit uf Tho I'nislflont's McsHnsro on tlio Siiif comjnitatioii niperawiln. of currency, or cles in Hie Cliinese section—\vere executed Ann Eliza vs. lirlgham Young, to recover al­ dry Civil Aiiin-oprlntion Bill. we clasped hands and solemnly vowed by hand, there being little machinery in about the agonizing screams of those tisan spirit,' ignoring entirely testimony of imports, or of exports, or of taxalion, never lo let Hie outside world know of out" roasting people, Hint he smasiied in the imony, the decision redueing the amount and the like, our tlgures will prove'ful. Oliinii, except Huit u.sed by Kuropeims. favorable to the Navy Department, and pre- WAsnmr.To.v, ,TuIy 111, midnight ride, iind I would never have front door with an ax, and rushing in, Bcnllng other portions In such ways as to in- made payable by the order of Judge Me- Last year we sho'wed tlial our poinilulion The second great feature of the exliibit Tlic following is the im.'.ssiigo-wliicii ^Vll3 hinted about it were it not that I believe is a perfect pagoda, or Chinese to^wer, in carried Mrs. Dougiierly down the steps, lllet gross lujusllce upon the Secretary and Kcan from *500 to ilOO per month, thus iiuist then Imve reuclied aiiout fiu'ty-tive Rontto the liy the I'rosidiait lo-iluy wo boat the time of .larrett & Palmer's miniature, tour and a half, feet high. It she screaming ail Hie time with Hie im­ other oDlcers diminishing the amount from fl7,.'j(K) to millions; and the argument iiy which wo fast train.—Cor. Detroit i'Vi.'ti Prat.^. pression Hint tlic foreman was some kind Sii.GOO, and giving the defendant thirty duys giving ills obji^Ktioiis to tliu Sundry Civil supported our conclusion was regiirded in has ten stories, each story being cupped OiiDKKS were Issued from Washington on Appropriation bill; of 11 robber who liad come to snatcli her In •\vlilcii to jiay the amount, und providing the us settling tlie point, .so Hint our by one of tiiose peculiar projecting root's away from her home and fly •with lier to the 20th for two battalions of artillery, of 7'o l/ut irmiff of Kffirtufnl'ilIrM! Tho net so well known from teii-eadilic art. Pa- In default of such payment thut execution estimate was there widely adopted iiy the some damp cave in the inountaius, so tliat four companies each, from the First and niaklni; approprlallons lor the sandry civil e.x. jiress. But twelve months have elapsed Tlio Centennial. godas have no use in China except as or- shall issue against his property. peiisi's of the(ioverninent for the llsent year end' lie could marry her. .^ Second Kaglments, to be sent from the Di­ inK'liiiieilO, lfiV7. Is so dei'eotivu In whul. It omits since then. We have, been growing in namonts and ohserv-ntories for cities. They vision of the Atlantic to the Department of TuK Iiidlun version of the Custer light to provide for, that. I cannot annonnee ll.s ap­ numliers during Hint time. It is now TitE American Nation is a hundred are, as far tis possilile, located on emi­ And wlien the President of Hie Orpheus agrees In its muin features with the accounts proval without uttho Hnnie l.imi! pointing ont what necessary to put Hie (igures, dating-at years old this month. Tliere is, probably, Club came to the window to see wiiat wns the Jlissourl, to report to Gen. I'opc. seems to bo- to nm Us defects. It makes nences, and wlien suilalilo elevations are from otlicr sources. It was announced on bat Inadeipiatu pnivlslmi for tho service June 1, 1870, at 40,2H4,»-U. At Hie pros- smne man living to-day, within Hie ijor- not in a city; the pagodas are built on the matter, he had htirdly got his nose A WAsmN0TON''dlapnteh of the'iTth'says the 3lsl ult. thut all the cavalry on duty In lit best, and In some Inwtuii^ces rails lo ent moment, when we have passed .some ders of Hie country, who first .saw Hie hills outside Hie walls. The number of iigainst the before a fireman upon tho Socrclary of the Treasury had stopped makit liny provision wliatover. Noiubly iiinong forty days beyond that dale, it is probable light amid Hie Ihiuiders of the Declara­ Hie ladder smasiied Hie sash with a span­ Southern Kansas, Texas and the liullan tlie lirst class Is the rudiR'thui In the jiagodus in a cit^ depends upon the size of thoeolnngeof trade dollars at rhllade\pliia Territory had been ordered to join Gen. ordliiiirv itmiiial iippropiiatlon for the lievenno that Hieinereiise amounts to about 173,000 tion; so that the NiiUoii ha.s only lived, so Hie latter. Clitneso cities are of four ner and turned in atwo-ineli stream, which and Cnrson City, and ordered the San Fran­ Tony or Gen. Ciook. Cult(M'Servl('c! to tliH prejiidlee of the Onstoms U\ore.—Ohicar/o fnlcr-Ocaiii. far, to the exticiue limit of a irau's life cla.sses. In a city of Hie foiirlli class there washed Hie iiresident across the room and cisco Mint to coin only snlllelent to meet the Itevennii. The same may he sold (jf the Slf;iisl The man is old, to be sure, but the Niition caused Hie other members to bowl louder Service, lis also the lalliire to provide for Pie lii- are five pagodas; in one of the third class, actual export demand. The Mints will be JOHN Louoiinoicouair, a member of the is only in its cliiitlhood. It is hard for a than ever. So, for a while it was miglity eretiHed expenses devolved upon the minis and mam ten; in one of the second class, fifteen, run to the full ctipiicity on subsidiary coin Arkansas State Sennte from the Little Rook aticay olllccs hy re' cut lexlslatloii, nnd for the .u'o- people of more Hum forty millions to and in one of the first class, twenty. The exciting, and at last when Hie members and tho necessary gold eolmige. Dlatrlet, wua found deud In his house on the toillnn. iireservaiioii. nnd eoiiihletioii of pnbllc How a I{ftll(( Lost Il-jr Xds Overbonril. realize Hi is fact of youtli. We have iieiglit of these towers is generally from came crowding down the stairs wet ttfternooii of tlie Slst iilt:, shot through the liiiihilngs lor wlileli there Is no sdeiiuate npiiroprl- grown so fust, and done .so much, Hint we Hirough, but not a bit scorched, and mad OpriCTAi, returns made to the Iturcau of atlon The sum of .•flOd.DOO only Is iipnniprlali^d 1.50 to aOO feet. Tlie joss-houses are u.sed heart. Investlgallon developed tho fuettliut for repairs of dllVeroiit niivy-yaids anil siiitlons, Mr. Trowbridge's eoiiiicnl story'» in feel old, and naturally put on the airs of for ivorship, but Hie" custodians of Hie as fury, tiie news gradually spread through Statistics show that d\irliig the fiscal ;year iiyc: - WG'.hiVa'.liiid.tiu'.leiiiiilU nf ifii^iucl1 rs olt he had eoinmltted suicide. nml the prei-orvntldii of the Huiiie. thtMir.llnnry und poetic verse, in the July iiumlier of TIw- towers are jossmen, to whom ii small fee tlie crowd lliat there wasn't a lire after all. ended June 30, ISTll, there arrived In the cin-tomiiry iipiiroiirliiilons for 'vliieli are not le.-s experience wrought out for us ou nch Then after a bit Hiey siiut oil' steam on the IN Chicago, on the Sit, Spring wheat, No. Ihnii $I.!i@.>rt'.ia. els that must be scrutinized closely to be wiHi a club, and bent, as she informed tlio •was l(i,-lS7, of whom eighty-two were fe­ experience of a party wlio intended the Tlierc will be many editorials upon Hiis distinguished from Hie finest flowered Cash mess pork closed at $18.7.'> The pnivlsloo for the siirvoys of ptilille binds Is l)yaliuKlers,.upon killing the man who males. hii-s limn oiie-balf of the usual ap|iro|irlntlon lor yacht race on a steamiiont. The suOjrer topic, and we find ourselves m'oved i nly lace. "Wiliiin Hiis area is the portal, @lS.77iif. Lard, $10.!l.')@10.il7),;. Good to that service and wlnit iiro uiider.- to Hie swells of the avenue. Last week we should have cliosen Hint which.ex lires represent it or a delight in burlesquing mankind. He was an awkward Scotch » the Democratic members were present ut the piiruut dereliction on the purl of the United Suites, Willi Hiis monHi. Steam has revolu Ion­ Turks attacked tlie Montenegrins on the und rsnk injustice to ilio people here, who on tiie occasion of a yaclit race she was It after Hie most outlandish fashion. The professor, apparently choked with book» -^ • caucus. ized Hie world during this century. The tower is hexagonal and slightly pyiamidal. 20th, near I'odgorilza, nnd were repulsed bear the biii-dons; wlillo to reltiso or neglect to one of a private parly on board a small and absorbed in atistractions. He •was A WA.«irTN0T0N telegram of the 2!)th' ult. provide for the puf mont of Ihe solemn Judifinunts steamship on Hie .sea, Hie loeomotivi: on At each edge is a round support running never engaged in any sort of trade, and and driven buck. Hoth sides suffered heavily uf Its own conns is ap>)srently to repiidiiite. propeller chartered for the occasion, lind, Bays Geo. II. Cowell, Chief Clerk of: tho as tlie -wind was gusty, and the sea njado the land, and the stationary engine «« a from lop to bottom. These six sujipiirLs would probably never have made six­ In killed'and wounded. or adlll'erent charsctur, but us prejudiclHl to manufacturing po-wer, have taken the Postofllee Department, and a personal friend the 'I'reasurv, Is the omission to make provision lo sad work with Hie stomaciis of the pfirty brace Hie main portion of Hie structure, pence by any if he bud been. IIis absence of Mr. Jewell, had been requested to resign, Coi.. BAKUn, the British ofllcer who was unahle ihC'Sccretiiry of the Treasury to have the outside of Sandy Hook, Hiere was iiii ut- iHiice of nearly all Hie old forces em- which consists of slieets of carving, hav­ of mind was amazing. On one occasion, Imprisoned for an assault on a young lady rebel nrelilvcM and records of captured iiml nbiiii- ter almtidonment of all iiretensc of jierson. jiloyed in transportation and iiropuh ion. ing Hie same similarity lo elegant Belgian having to sign his name to an oflicial doc­ and had done so, the resignation to take of- doiied property examined, and in/oriiintinn fur­ Xect on the 31st. In a railway ear, has been released, and has nished lierefroi'n for the use of tlie (•overnmont. al appearance. Our belle sufl'ercd •lyith Our rapid development has only been ren­ lace as Hie panels of the I'enee. Kach ument, lie produced not his own signa­ accepted n commission In the Turkish army. Finally, without further speclflcailon In detail, Hie rest, when she smight relief liy remov­ dered possible by Hie multiplied app ica- stvords, intelligence cim be communicated has Hie four corners of each of the ten cap. more critical. An anti-war faction hud been mnount not more than siity-uve per cent, of its ing saluted him in military fashion, he as­ the charges made by ex-SoUcitor Wilson, ordinary demands. lier miLSs of blonde lic«d-rig;jing was been a'million times increased by Hie dis- pings arc susjiended as many bells. Tiiis tounded and oflended Hie man by ac­ sturted by Prince Karugeorgeovlteh, which and that he would certainly do so. Tliu Legislative Beparttncnt establishes nnd do- blown overboard, and Hie poor girl wii.s in coveryof the telegraph. AVe sit no\v'at pagoda does not, like Hie city on tlie hill­ knowledging it with a copy—a very clum­ wua dully Increasing und threatened to se­ lines the service, nnd d- Tolvus upon the Kxecullvu n rago of despair. Her lady friends Itepurt'iientstlieohligatlenor suhmlttlnunnnnn ly our breakfast tables, nnd read in loiir side, merely of tnie solid piece of sy copy, no doubt—of the same gestures. Tllli BA»)T. riously Impede the warlike operutlons the needrm estlmntea of the expenses of such .-oi-v- ruslied her into Hie cabin and tried to con- morning newspapers—themselves a prod- ivory, but of many pieces cunningly And J.,ord Brougham preserves other simi­ ugalnst . Ice. Cmureiis properly exncl.i Implicit ob- dlencxto sole her; hutiialtof Hiem were delighted uct of the century—the whole world's joined together by tho overlapping or lar traditions. " It is related," he says, THE bunking tlrm of Jay Cooke & Co., the reqnir"iaentB of the law In the admlnlKtration Willi her iiiiaiiap, and the oHier half said having gone through the bunkniptcy court, EX-QUEEN ISAUELLA has left Purls for of the public service, and u rigid uceonntnhlllty In doings of Ihe previous day. That winch dovetailing process, without nail, pin or " by old people in Edinburgh, thut while to liiemselves tliat it served her right. fifty years ago -would have seemed nn jni- have been discharged, their creditors muk- Spain. tlie oxpendltnro llioreof It Is snbnilttod thiit a cord, if Americana had the patirince, he moved Ihrmigh the flsh market in his corr(:s|)ondliiix resiionslbiliiy and olillgalloii rests However, they managed lo arrange lier piwsi'bility, or a miracle, is to-day a fact ing no olijeetioii. A LONDON dispatch of the 2Sth says the upon It to make adeipiute n|ipro|irlatloiij lo render and it may be added, the skill, to execute accustomed attitude—that is, with his remaining liair so liiat it looked piLssubly so faiiiiliar Hial it has cea.sed, in the Com­ a work lilvo Hiis, they could not .sell it groat powers had dellnltcly^decided to inter­ pui'slhlosuuh ndmimstruilnn. .^uylUini; short of well, and slie returned to Hie city, if j not hands beiiind his back and his head in the / JAMKS NOLAN'S shoddy mill, In Philadel­ un uiiiplo jH-ovislon foru iipecilled service Is iiecos- mon tiiougiit, lo ext^ite attention. Wq fly profitably for less limn iJO.'^OO. The Chi­ fere in Servo-Turkish ulfalra. crestfallen, at least bereft of her wenllli air—a female of the trade exclaimed, phia, was burned on the morning of tlie snrlly fi-uiiKht with disaster to public interests, and over land and sea more tirelessly Hum a nese, however, Imve marked it $000. taking him for an idiot broken loose, 2Btli. Three women In the upper part of A TKi.EOUAM from Galatz reports tliat70,flOO is n posHlhlo iiijustlce to those cUiiri;ed with its of hair, and her reputation as a blonde bird. AVe question Hie Antipodes, aiul a e.\ecuti(iii. To aoprnpriiite und to execute are cor- beauty forever destroyed.—iV. Y. Cur. But the most curious and to most peo­ 'Hecli, airs, lo see the like o'him to be the mill at the time of tlic lire were fright­ Tachenkesscns In Caneuasus have revolted res|iundlni{ ohlii^iitinns and duties, and the -.du- moiiscny-f lii'liiffl ii.s iiii iiit^u'cr in [less OlitMrjo Tn'huno. ple puzzling carvings of Hie lot are the abot'il. And yet he is weel enough put ugslnat the Russians. (piacy of the foi-nier is a necofsury measure fur liio than " forty minutes." Time nnd space fully burned, and two of them jumping to ellioiency of exuciitloii. ornamental ivory balls. One of these is on' (dres.sed). It was often .so, loo', in so­ the ground from the third story were In­ are hindrances no more. We have fore- five inciies in diameter, and has fourteen DKHVISM PASHA, the Turkish eommundcr In this eiKhtli month of tho present HCSHion of ciety. Once, during a dinner at Dal- " stantly killed. The third got hold of a rope, In Hosnlu, bus Issued u pi-oeiumatloii pro- Coll}:'e.-'S, nearly one moutli of the llscni year lo stiiUed Hie dechinilion of the angel in the circular perforations, each tliree fourths keitii, he broke out in a long lecture on by which she slid to the ground, but, she iilbltiiig quurter to l.hrlstians. Speelul tele- which this appropriation niiplles hiivlng passed, I Trccloiis Stones at tliu Cuntcnnialt Apocalyptic vision. Our Nation has be­ of an inch in diameter. Within a hollow some political matters of tiie day, and was do not feel warruntud In vetoiui; an nbfloluioly come !i family, our ivorid aneighiiorliood, was so badly burned that the sklu came off grums to a Purls paper of the ;!Otb ult, aay sphere are Iwenty-Hiree other smaller bestowing a variety of severe epithets on necessary a|ipropriutlon hill, hut in slKnliig it I tlirougli Hie ministry of steam and ligiit- from almost her entire body, und her recov­ ;iOOChrlstanshad been tortured und drowned deem it a duly to show where tho resiionsiiilliiy "Wandering northward Hirough the Ger- ones, each moving free of all Ihe oHiers. a statesman, wiien be suddenly perceived belongs for wliiitever emhiirniHsnieiits may arise nin.g. ery was doubtful. The mill, stock undmiu- In the villages of I'ervan and Teinar, twelve man department one comes ujion lui iiu- Superstitions people ask bow Hie liiUer'got Ids nearest relative silHng opposite, nnd In the uxecution of Uio Irnsts eontided to me. mn.Q. Hogs sold— unable to prevent a war wlih Turkey. A said that the signature urosefrom tliefactof the depends not on rarity in the the honor whicli soldier and civlliun alike ' • siglil fro'm tho foundation of Hie world, lo ivory lace of the most lloweryiind deliuKle Yorkers, [email protected]; Philadelphlus, $7.10(3 lierlin telegram of the same date says the there being a certain womnn who bud material but on delieucy luid ]ierfeclion of uwurd to the true liero. Hel eving Hint every given Ihe President iniieii trouble, and workmanship, this doubt and disgust do bo" uncovered for our benelit, and to give pntlern. It requires the labor of one man aoldier who bus fought under or wlHi him, 7.2.1. Sheep biought M.OOgiJ.i.'), ueeording Russian General Von Kaufman, the con­ us sucli a start in life as no existing Na­ lor over a year and a liiilf to carve this or.for the euuse in which he guiiied tho to quality. ; queror of Khlvu, had gone to the Servian 'whom .McDonald hud been rcijuestcd liy not ensue; one does not weary of acres of Bal)c«ck t(i gel invuy from Wusliitigtoii, be- ,Tapan(;se virtu, and Ihe folds of tion ever enjoyed.—Soribner'n Aruulhtj/for bull, and yet it is marked for sale at !f'200. lirlglit luster of his fume, •H'lll count It a camp nnd would assume tho oinmund of eauiie she lind been unnoylng the I'rcsident. J III 11. There are drngon-boiils, liower-iioats, and iirlvllegologlve some sulialuntlal tribute to WEST XSlt SOUTm. lirussals lace convey u sense of Hie redno- Ills memory, the Kxeeutive Commilteo of the Servian forces. Russia had decided to The Fiesideiit siibsei|uently denlud lo Wil­ meiit and excess of luxury whicli is hy ^ I m numerous oHier articles of Hie same ma­ IT was reported in Washington on the tile Custer S'atloiinl .Miuiiiinenl Assoelalion. withdraw licr Envoy from Constuntlnoiilc. son the s ory told by Porte'r. Wilson tcstl- 3omc recondile and complex proeosa iileas- All Ainhitloiis Cow« terial nnd wonderful execution iiossessed led by tiie aiiiigi-sMo'i of many of your old SOth that two eompunlcrt of the regular gar- .•\ Wlddin diepateli of the SIsl ult. siiys the llcd that when he llrsl heard tlils slory Irom urable, and ivliich the sight of ii yard does by those dcscribeil, and it is liardlj' possi- coiiirrid. s. have determined to 'Stubllsli a rison loft Columbia, S. C, for Aiken, oppo­ Turks entered Scrvlii ut Oramudu, on the I'orter lio believed it to be fnlso, and lie still not produce.—A itijUHt MUtntic. " TTu.MiMiuKV Siiliouui-;'s cow" bus be­ IJIC that Europeans and Ainencans ^y|lo fund auxiliary to the geui-ral fund of the Aa- site Hamburg, llie scene of the recent dis­ believed so. ,\Ir. Wilson was fiirllicr exntii- come notorious Intel)' for her iilmosl liii« aocintioii,lo be inude up of eoiilributions of 2!lfli, and were driving the enemy every­ liied on the 2Slh, uiul guve in dc- exiimiue llioac and Hie unexcelled wood- turbances between the whites and negroes, iiiiin attempts lo climb lo Hie top of curving of the slioweiiaesiiiid furniture ivill *1 OU' h from (II la to be l.-o])e :) every sol­ where before tlieui. tiiil his reasiitia for thinking the President Chasing a rhuutoni. on the 22d, und would remain tiiere all sum­ Powers & Bort's elevator oi) the levee by tiiri-j jii^^taymaiiiBifa^iiiy^pliini'l""" dier in tlie Union. These eo.iirlliutona may THE London Timn of the 31st tilt, says did not allow the auiiie sympathy n-illi tlie be sent liy mull lo T. E. AVIUL-, Cashier nf the mer. This was done in obedleneo to the whisky i)r(isecutl(iiis after us before the cvl- the means of the outside stairway Hi " Dr. lintclicr, Areliblsliop of Ircluiid, wluiae There were three others on the loco­ l''ir.->t Nai'lonul Hunk of .Monroe. .Mleh , Troas- orders of the War Department. Two com­ deneu'tendiiiir to Implicu'e Gen. Ibilicock ill leads 10 Hie upper storii.'S of the buildii uri-rofllie Asaoeluiioii, and n return for dentil wns reported on the 2'.)lli, committed motive, wliose names were 'llionus, panies hud also been ordered to Ilumliurg. tlie frauds. Tlio witness rend sevorui letters Yesterday she iiiid evideiiHy resolved such oontriliul on so sent, with the unuie of sulckle while delirious. and slated sevcrul coiivcrsutious hctween llicliard and Henry; I may iibhrevinte go to Hie top or die in tlie nttemjit, for l| TuK Louisiana Democratic State Coiiveii- donor, a eenldeute aigiud by l.lout. ticn. tile olllcliils and others, wliloli lotters uml Hiese appellations iis.I proceed with Hiia ell'orts proved fatal, somelhing Snerlilun, U. S A., I'resldent, will bo sent. tloii, in session at New Orleans, on the 2(itli, CONO K I•:^4SIWN AL. conv- rsullons had lid him to tlie cotieluslon sad niirralive. We jogged along' quietly this way: Aliout six o'clock in the al'tj I.el eveiy soldier retard htiiiself ns a ^pecln.l nominated Frank T. Nieholls for Governor IN tlic Seniilu, on the 25th, bills -wore stuted. He testllled thut the aniKiyiiiice to St. Tlioiiiiis, the only excitemeul lieing noon she bogiui to ascend, and succeec| iig. lit of tlie Assoeiutloii, ui-glU;; forward this running into a cow, und then Hie e.xcilc- and Wiltz for Lieutennnl-Govonun-. hilrodiiced nml referred—lo cstubllsli u coinpu- whieli it wus said the woman "Sylph" in reaciiingthe Inst step but one from noble enterprise. Gr.N. MEuniTT, under date of tlie2.^th, tel- teiitand iioii-ptirllsnii revenue corps; io iniieiifl gave the President wua by her ef­ iiieiit was monopolized mostly ijy Hie cow. THOMAS DOVI.E, the revised aint.atu-' In regard lo fonr^pir'CV. The forts to blaekmall him in (sf. Louis. It was dark when we left Sl.'Tliomas and lop, and was about to give a bellow of cgrapiied to mllUury headquarters ulCliiea- isl'action, wlien, alas! the steps on wli Chairman t'inuuce Coinmittee. llon:'eblll iiinendlng Iho l'n', had crlpnliid t(i liabcoclv'.- cuae. He further stated iliut apcctiitors lo expect every moment to V • lieu-ta-—the third, fourth and llfth—and ,he the roftolUei' Depurtnicnt, und nrunnily retpifst- Ills own Judgment wna that whatever dlll'er- lliero wus no Uirn-taiilo at St. Thomas. miles, ctLsling .*i4,0,58,S)8,030, or more inp Ciuu!ruyat»at oncn hO lei:lehuiuijLUAJM.iyldc eiiees uriise bctwe- n the Secrelury and him­ Besides, Hie ordinary headlight, Hiero was Hie stairway full and d.nsli tho vcutiil t'lliin twice the present National debt, and race in tho cxtraordlnury. time of 2:1( ^, one perched on Hie lop of Hie cab wliicb some bovine to pieces, but, to Hioir nsti^ 1(111 self on one side, and the President on tlio earning for Hie year Hie vastsum of ij;5tili,- 2:10% and 2:17^, Goldsmith Muld com (liner, were due on the President's purl to siioiie back-wards, and by tho light of Hiis ishment, slie, with a sudden movonv in second. 11(11 005,505. The net earnings were §185,- Inl niia. (inception of ilie motives and ])nrpoac8 on Hie glistening rails -wc now traveled. peculiar lo herself, freed her limbs 508,438, and the dividends paid amount­ THE Nebraska Rcpubllcnn Stal.e ConJ the wi icli netuuted the .•'ecretur> and wit­ •Wlien we struck into Hie forest primeval started down with a rush for safely, ed to !i»74,204,208. tion Is to beheld at Lincoln on tlio 2()t!i ness, lo nilslii ormallon as to facts, tlie woods were cleared away just enougli site readied Hie bollom of the sleiia, h epteraber. lo willful and deiinernto pcrvirslons to allow the track lo be built, and the wet ever, alic slipped, and, falling down, ca ^ . ^ (if facts to the President by scoun­ branches of Hie overluincing trees scraped near breaking one of her fore-legs, S.\.YS a statistician: AVe have 0,000,000- GEN. NATjrAN GOFP is tlie Rcpuhli, drels whom tlicy were endeavoring lo candiduto for Governor of West Virgin! along Hie engine, anil Hie hcadligiit tore away a considerable portion of farmers, 1,200,000 trades people, 2,700,000- bring to ptinisbment, and thoir friends, for mechanics, 2,000,000 professional men, THK llratProlilbltion Stnte Convention illuminated a long arcade ahead that slairwuy. AVhen she once more liindl the purpose of bringing about n dlaugrec- looked like a green tunnel, and once a 4!!,000 clergymen, 40,000 lawyers,. mcnt between the President nnd tho ijcere- on terra firma it was found, upon exai] Kentucky wag lield In Louisville on the 2J herd of Btartlcd deer jumped across the 120,822 teachers, 02,000 doctors, 2 000 Green Clay Smith, Prohibition cuiididut tury, to cicnte cinoarruasment to the prose- iniition Hiat slie was entirely uninjurt .nTids hi uie united StntCN Treasury. In lion uf In. track one after nnothor looking like Hie but it was a narrow escape.—Leaiioiiwo, actors, 5,200 journalists, 1,000,000 labor­ President, wna present nnd made a speech cntlon, and, it posaiblc, to defeat their imr- vestment, wns piiRHcd, Tlio VirKlnla contested pictures that follow ciich < ther in a magic Times. ers, and 73,000 domestic scr»-anta. A State Central Oommlttee nnd Eieetors election cnso ofl'luttrs. Gnode wns dlscni^sed. poac. lantern. Dick was just ccmmencing to tell m m m ^» » * ivero appointed, and the National platform THE ricath of: Scn.itor Cnporton was an- •• • » about how he chased a but alo once, ou tho THK best Hiing in a han'cst field is Itic ^• PAHISIAN druggists are sent to prisi shade of a big tree. of the party was read and adopted. nonnccd In the Senate, on the ii'ith, nnd a coin. ALL Indians are •\vcll red. for carelessncsB, LBBDLE YAWOOB arSAUSS. a regular physIciuQ would tell you to live "For mo," sold the starved student, CENTENMALITIES. Konigsbcrg, Germany, on tlio 0th of July. 'carried' It around' biick of tho'houso'aiiii well; but, tliiit'a a, mockery. Suppose I " say that I have received from Dr. Spe­ Mullor, or llegioinontanus, as ho wus Our Young Readers. sat down, and,- having brokeu in one end I baf von funny loodlo iioy were to give you n prescription, prandia cific kind attentions such osnootherphysi —The total cash receipt.? ot the Exposl- called after his birthplncc, wus born in of the sliolli'hoiMurcd tliecontonts over Vot couiua HobUHt (o my knee; eum beettteahibua, thuy; would not under ciuu over gave mo." Hon up to July 20 were |808,000, and the 14ao, and after studying in Leipsic wont HAM'S FOUtt BITS. his piece of money,. > Ucr qucurtiut acbsp, dur createtit rof[US to Vienna, where he hecumo a triend and .Aseferyondltpou; . stand tluit at the acininury. Gentlemen, " For mo," said the overfed toucher, total number of visitors 3,4U3,000, No " I'll lot It stay on dnr a littlo while," lis run*, and acbuutpa, uud acbmaabus dlnga there is it jrreat deal of humbug In this " writo that being of a sedentary and stu­ greutrush of visitors is expected until colleague of the renowned astronomer DouHTi.KBS nil of you enjoyed Christ­ thought he, " so's to let it git right cleiin," In all barta odder houae— world, This young man ought to, dine dious habit, I have suli'ered a grout deal about September 1, Purcell. lie died of tho plague in Rome, mas, hut I question %vliethor there was an- In the meantime he wont into' the kitch­ But vot off dot? he vua mine goo, whitlicr he hud been culled to revise the Hinu luodle Yawcub Strauaa, sumptuously every dii^; but I'll liot bo from disiiepsin, but consider the doctor's —About iJOO nowsniipor men have been otlior boy in the United States who was us en und got a gourdful,of water out of tlio guilty lnce of the Ro­ little darkey us ever " toted" a bucket of {lis horror and amazement to find tliat his J'oota acbnuir Into mine kraut; ^ man numerals tlien exclusively in use, and Se ttlla mine pipe rait Llniburtf cbeeso— moat. Meanwhile, here is a bottle of the "For mo," said the norvousclergynmn, —Iteferrlng to the base slundor that the water on lifs head, or whisked a (ly-briisli precious "four hiU" hud turned bhiok! Dot vaa der ruiigbeiit cbouHe; caused arithmetic to be taught in German over a dinncr-tuble. His mother cooks' I'd tiike dot vroiu no oder poy i Sovereign ;iSirup, which, if you can only " write that I believe Dr. Specific to he a woman's pavilion at the Centennial is Sum looketl nt it wofully. lie tried to get something to eat with it, will do you physician who not only thoroughly under­ schools. Aluller likewise prepared and for"Muhs'r George," and Sum, conse-' wash tho stain ofl", but he couldn't, AVlint Jlut leedle Yawcob Btrauaa. very dirty, the Rochester Jiemocrat asks issued the first German ulmanuc. —well, will do you no harm. And now, stands the ills which tlcsh is heir lo, hut in an angry tone If one can strike for quently is always to be found about tho was to Uo done ? Ho was. afraid to ask He dukua der milk bun for a dhrnm, sir," turning quickly to the ne.\t, a tliin, enters into the feelingsof his patients, und frcctlom and do housework ut the sumo " big" his mammy, hecauso she would certainly Und CUM mine cane In dwo. cadaverous man, "what's the mutter with treats them intelligently iiiion a beautiful On Christmas eve, Sum hung up hisi will]) him. Ho concluded to go'to Blalis'r To make der ahllcka to beat It mlt— time. IKCIDEM'S AN1>ACCI»ENTS. Mine craclonH dot vaa driier . your digestion?" scientific and moral theory," stocking by tho dining-room chimney, 1 George. —Cue of tho most interesting features looked up the flue to see " if dar was iiiiy- I dinka mine bead van acbpllt abart, " Bless you, sir, I have no digestion ut "For mo," .said the wine-bibbing mer­ of the Centennial Exhibition is the un­ —There fell on Mount Wiusliington, N. Thatgontloman was enjoying a pipe ale kicKa up aooch a touau— all." chant, "write that I have tried miiuy pliysi- H., a few days ago, over four inches of t'ing in dur to stoji Siiiila Glaus from coin- and a newspaper, when Sam ruslied in. Jlut noher mind, der pova vaa few I usual space given to showing metliods of in' down," then trotted iiwuy to the kitch-, Xilku dotyouui; Yawcub Strauaa. " Vou have j)lenty to cut?" said the doc­ cians, but ihoy never understood my cuso; education. Sevcrijl foreign countries, in­ snow. crying: "Oh, Mahs'r George, Mulis'r tor. that Dr. Specific understood it perfectly, —Five young ladies were drowned in on garret to bed. AVhether ho dreuined of George, my silber done turned into one ol' cluding Sweden and Japan, show renjiirk- Santa Clans,.und, if so, how his Imiiginii- Ho aaka roequoatloii a aoneb as doso: " Yes, but it seems to do me no good." and that his medidine does not interfere iible proficiency. Lake Contrary, near St. Josejih, Mo., a piece ob iron, sail!" Wbo balnta mine noae «o rcdf " I sec your wise at a glance," respond­ in the leiLstwith my diet or hiibils." sion pictured the little Dutch saint, it is "AVliy, how's this. Sum ?" said Mulis'r AVbo vaa it cut* dot acbmondt hincu ondt —" Oh," cries a Chicago girl, wrilmg few days ago, while gutheriiig jiond lilies. Vrum Ihu buir nhpou mine hod ? ed the doctor. "You're u teacher, per­ " For mo," said the forlorn wreck, Tho man who iic'coiupiinied them barely impossible to say; but one thing is certain, George, looking nt the coin, "what have Und vliure der piaiie i;oea vrom der lamp haps?" "write that I hud suH'crcd terribly from from tlie Centennial, " wliiita vari-colored escaped with his li/o. he got up unusually early the next morn­ you been doing to it?" Veue'er der gllin 1 douae— "Yes." dyspepsia, headache, particular debility circle of humanity is here! Dark men ing. Tlie-day hud sciircely begun to "I ain't done nullln' to it, siih," replied How Kiiu I all dese dluK" og(;»bIuln • from Italy, S|)iiin and the South; blonde —Richurd Jumes, u London (Ont.) ne­ hreiikwhen Sam's father. Uncle Henry, To dot acbmall Vawcob Strauaa. " Is your school in your house ?'' and blue-devils—every kind of uiiutterii- gro, fumous as a "biittlst," uccidentally Sam, "only jes' put some egg, on it to "Next door." blo torments—und never found anything men from Scotland, Sweden and the North; und old Aunt Phillis, his mother, were clean ofl' tho dirt, sah, and now, it's douo pink-fttced men from the rural rigions of loilged a bullet in his head while fooling aroused by a shout of "ChrLs'imis gif, I aomudimea dink I achall go vlld " AVhut are your umuscmcnts ?" or unylKidy to relieve mo until I cumo to with a revolver, the other day, und the got as black as 1 is!'! Mltb aoocb a Krazy poy. " 1 amuHc myself witli my books." Dr. Specific und procured a bottle of his Germany und Belgium; blue-veined men puppy! Chris'musgif, mummy! Cliris'- "Put egg on it?" XJnil vlab voucu more I ixould bar rcat from Austria and France; yellow men surgeon found it fiutteiied iiguiust the iiius git'! I done cotch you bofe!" Then Und boaceful dtmea uuaboy; "Doyou walky" Sirup," skall. "Y^es, sail, I seed • mammy clarin' de D'ut ven be wua aaliluop in ped, " Yes—to my school-room," "There," said the clergymnn; "now from tho Oriental countries, and red men Sum hurried on his clothes, nnd hiistonetl triisli oiit ob the cotl'ee wid egg." So quiet aa a inouau, " Then your only recreation is to ent and we've done our duty by tlio doctor and I from the plains of the! Truly, the —Tho "big tree," ns it wus called, over to the house to o.viimine his stocking. I praya der Lord* •' dako nuydlnga. which grow in Calaveras county, Cal., Sam considered the loud laughter which But leaf dot Yawcob Strauaa." drink?" dure say our certificates are quite as good Ccntcnuiiil liiis brought us a great ruin of There it was, just us he had left it, ex. followed as a deep personal insult; but ho as any lie has got, and yet we have nono the reigning beaux of ruinbow-liued hu­ contained half a million feetof inch lum­ cept thut It was full insteiid of empty. —Jlurtforil Times, " That's about all." ber, and wns recently felled by five men forgave Muster Qieorge, for he cleaned his " And no exercise but to whip tlie boys, of us said what isn't true enough. Doc­ manity!" Fullofwhut? "four bits" for him, Wlioii he'received tor," added he, " those certificates will be —At the Exposition grounds, in order working twenty-two and a, half days, "AVliHt a big iiwingo! What's disV ehj Now, isn't it odd that you should making 112^' diiys' labor. it it wus wet and Ham' ran out to tho im. SPECIFIC. have the same complaint as these friends published in the daily papers?" to reduce the expenses, some tliirty men 'nudder iiwinge, I 'spec'-no, dis yer's an kitchen to dry it.. He laid it ou e, chip here, and that you should need the same " Certainly." - have been discharged. Of tlieso, there —At Carrol Hon, Mo., a few diiys ago, an uppie.^ AVhoo! jes'too* at the candy 1 close to the fire, and Bat down to watdi it, .Dr. Specific ima nn oOicc on Broiidwiiy, medicine? Tliat's tlie fact. A regular " And you will put my iiiuiio in capi­ were three inspectors, nine money- a trial was made to see bow quick wheat AVIial else in dar?" Sam thought thut wus singing to himself, not loud enough to dis. New Yorli, u bnmcli in Wiisliingion physiciau would tell you that you eat too tals?" gatekeepers, nine lit the oxhibitiirs' standing in tho field could be harvested, all; but ho took tho stocking by the too turb his maminy; - Btreet, Boston, unci nnotlier in Cliestnut much and move iiboiit too little; you put " Certainly." gates, eight at tho wagon giile«, threshed, ground, baked and eaten. All and shook it, and out dropped a silver street, Pliiliitlelpliiii. AVhen lie wiinta ii "Jes' look, said Sam, when ho had fin­ out the lire with too much fuel and too " Thank you. I ulwiiys look for it in and four return pass uud check these operations were completed in eleven coin. ished ills song, " dar's dat nice little fo* little exciir.sion, he atlvertisea in Boston little stii'ring, Ctf coune your fooil dis­ such coses." men; and of lOS turnstiles around the in- minutes.—Chicago Journtil. "Money! AVonder how much dis is? bits 11 hiyii' in front o'. do fire u-winkin' or Pliiliulclpliia that lie is About to spend tresses you mid you may well say you So the seven men, bearing libvcn bottles closurc, forty-six have been closed. The —A very singular death has re«oi>tJij' 'Bout 'lebenleen-_dollars, may. be—I's at do ashes, jes' as happy as a terrapin a week tliere. Twice in tlio yeiir lie goes haven't any digestion. But I know it of Sovereign Sirup in one hand, and sev­ falling oft' in the attendance at tlic Exhibi­ occurred at Westficld, Muss. About 1^ givine to ux mammy." when you pours col' water ober him. West. His tj-nck may be traced all over would be only humbugging you to make en of Dr. Specific's Medical Almanacs in tion has caused the reduction of tlie force. fortnight before Mrs. Charles Noble, wife So Sum run to show his futlier nnd AVonder if it knows it'» Chrls'mus? the country by the sarsapiiriUii bottles lie you think you could change your InibiUs. the other, marched down-stairs and filed The number of visitors fell oil'muterially of a prominent citizen, uccidentnlly swal­ motlierwhutSautaClaiishad hrouglil him. Chris'mus is de bos' time dey is, Dey leaves. • That's what you don't wunt to do, and you into the street, while the doctor arranged during the heated term, und has not iii- lowed a cherry-stone, und it loilged in "Fo' bits in sillier!" said Aunt Phillis, oiiglit to hub il wuiist a 'week, instid ob The secret of \\U is simplicity. come for the Sovereign Sif up because you bis new certificates in u fiiiming advertise­ croaseil with the return of pleuwant Sunday. What's do reason water-millions weather. such a manner tiiiit it wus impossible to " Bress my soul! I ain't seed no silber His practice is as jilain as a piko-etatl. knowyou can't do better. 1 think it's the ment, which may bo found in most of the extract it, though tho best medicsl skill of befo' since war times! Gimmo diit money, is neber ripe Chrls'mus ? Hoy! do chip's Everybody can understand it. There is best thing you can do to pay me live dol- payers of the Auy.—JIurpar'H Weekly. —The great Kruiip gun at the Centen­ the region was called in. She gradually Sum, an' let mo put it awiiy'in tlie big on fire!" only one medicine; tliereforc there can be lara a month, and," whispered he, " I'll chist." J . b but one disease. The one medicine is take back the bottles at three dollars ii nial Exhibition and tho armor-iihites in failed in sU'ougth, and died on Uio 22d of Sam seized his money; it was hot, and dozen, if the labels are clean). If j'ou Amateur Sn'onlVidower. n'olyel dotormincd whetlior or not it was do. AVhat's the use of paying doctors' good lo eat, and was about lo begin a De ol' fo' bits was more trouble dan it " Perhaps you arc in the Sundiij'- dered to be shot. The soldier demiuulod PERSONAL AN1> LITEUAKY. was iviiir, nohow I"—Irwin, liussell, in St. scliool V" bills to be told to do wlial we iTon'l want Hull he might bo e.\ecuted musket In hand, Sir Waller Scott used to be fond of tell­ closer examination, when back came llio to do, or not to do what we are going to owner. At sight of his foe. Old Jack NichoUuHfor Aagimt. " Yes; I am Superintendent of our mis­ undliis request was gninted; ho walked —llcprescnlutivo Seclyc has iieoepted ing tJic following story of his cousin sion school." do? That's what I call swindling tlie quietly up to a large tree and leaneil his " Wutty." Watty aforesaid was a 3Ild- seized the coin iind ran, intending to carry public, lopractieoon that principle. What tlie Presidency of Amherst College. it oil'and inspect it ill his leisure. A rhyslehiu'.s Rules of Health.for the "Any bank or insurance company y" hack against il. The firing party took u)) —The real mime of SignorinuSpellerini, .slilpmnn In the British navy. On a eer- "Yes; I'm oil the board in our bank you want is soinething lo make you feel lis position al ten paces distant, and were lain occasion he and bis messmates had Sam set up a tremendous yell, nnd gave Ilciitcd Toi'iii. better, and steady your nerves in the who crns.sed Niagara on a.wiro recently, is chaser. Old Jack run first in one direction and one in Williamsburg loo, and I'm in about to level tlieir arms when the coii- .Sarah McGlnnls. gone on shore at Porlsmoiilli, and had two ov three insurance companies. But morning and quiet your stomach and deiniied stretched out his hand and cried : oviTrstayed their leave, besides .spending and then in another; but finding himself RLso early; the morning air is pare and what has all this lo do with it V I'll take brace youuiillll diuner-tinie, when you're "Michel Branicovaiiowltch, forget not —Mr. Vanderbllt says that he intends to all their money and runnlug up a bill al closely pursued, lie took refuge beneath cool. Take a hiind-buth, going over the care of my business if you'll cure my all right again. ]\ly medicine won't in­ that/ you promised my sister a silver give everyone walling to hear of his death a taveru at the Point. Their .ships made the smoke-house. This building, like whole person with wuterat Us natural dyspepsia." terfere with yinir diet. Tluit's what I call chain!" "I icmomlier, and will keep a good cluince to wait. signal for sailing, peremptorily callingall nearly all houses at the South, was raised temperature. Any one can do this who " E-xcuse mo," persisted the doctor. scientific practice. It's all one disease. my word," answered the man In the firing —On the first morning after his arrival bauds on board, bul when they would from the grouiid on small pillars about 11 can commund the use of a basin und ouo " Bui who is a good broker in AVall street'? AVhal's waiileil is somcl/ung to opcnite on |)iirti'. " Thank you. Bender me also in England, Doni Pediostcp])edout a few have started, tho laudhidy siild; foot high, and Old Jack had gone under or two quiirts of water. Use nothing but Y'ou go down there once in a wiiileV" the miiiil. another .service, and cut my throat before monicnts before breakl'astiind made a lour "No, gentlemen, yoii cannot escape it, witli Sum's money. He dropped it on the baud; onca or twice a week put a few " Yes; Smith 1 alwiivs deal through." With that the doctor ciune to the last I am burled." " It shall be done." The of the country. withoul paying your reckoning." And to the ground and crowed loudly, " adding drops of uinmonia in the wuter, to cleanse "And for gold who do yoi; employ'y" one, a pitiable object, who sal with eyes ollicer gave the command to fire, and —Ann Eliza Young, nolwithstnndlug confirm iier words she called li ballifi' iiiui insult to Injury." the skin, or use white ciistilc .soup—iivoitl " ,7ones." cast down und lingers nervously playing. .lobllnowltch fell, but only wminded. A she has made i)(00,000 on her book and lec­ his |)osse to take charge of them. Sum had'begun lo cry, but that triumph­ all others. Do this all the your round, no " AVoll, bow are Governments to-day?" Il was a wreck—a wreck deserted, vacant, man stepped forward to finish him, but he turing, will eimtlnne her war on tho Tlio Midsliipmen felt they were in a ant crow changed the current of his mutter what the temperatm-e of the weiitli- " An eighth lower." hopeless, but still (loating about, tossed on cried: "Not tJiiil one—Micliel." And prophet, and iiiiike il jiiiy, next winter, bad scniiie and begged to be released. lliouglil.s. He resolved upon meiisuros of er is. Beginning now, tho skin will be­ "Well, well," said the doctor, musing­ the waves of di.ssii)alioii, and drawn liith- jMlclicI Briinlcovanowilch approached and "No, no," said the resolute matron; " I war. come accustomed to it, and cold will not —The investigation of Daniel Drew's " I's gwine to git diil money, .some­ ly. "Slocks, gold, OovernmenUjichurch, er und iJiillier in the eddying curreuls of blew out the wounded man's brains. Then afl'airs nccessllates the examination of must be satisfied in some way. You must uU'ect, but tone up the system, -bringing lioard, committee, Sunday-school, bank, vice. Il was a phantom of a man. The came the turn of the zlngani, whom the be aware, gentlemen, that you will be to­ how, "said ho; "I'sies'gotto habit, shore, the blood to the surface, and preventing about fifteen tons of account books belong­ and dare's no usetalkin' 'bout it. 01' insurance compiiny, mill, counting-room only semblance of reality il po.ssossed was soldiers hung to the briuich of the tree. ing to sundry bankers and Wall street tally ruined and disgraced if you do not colds from sudden changes; besides, not —now it's odd, isn't it, that you should llio reality of She never uttered a word while the prej)- go on board in time." ,Iack's got to git out from under dar; you half llio elolhiug will bo needed. At this brokers. Daniel has made his creditors a lioercd mc! I uiiit a-fnollu' now." bave just the same complaint as our quiet " Good Heavens! " said Dr. Siiocific, in iiratlons were being made, and merely fol­ great deal of trouble. They groaned bitterly, for they knew seusoii do not discard flannel ultogcther, friend here who lias onl^' lost his teelhv a rcvereut lone, with jiity, " lo/int a mercy lowed the movements of the executioner she spoke the truth. So Sam got down on the ground and be­ but wear thin ones without sleeves; the' il is lolicii. wreclca go to the bottom!" —Rev. John Wesley Whitfield, of Green gan crawlliig under die smoke-house. Bui that's jnsl the fact. Your food dis­ with her glittering eyes.—I'uU Mall Ga­ Island, N. Y., is 11 " faithful preacher, a " Well," she continued, " I will give best iiromiide from wliito bunting, wliicli tresses you. Now a regular jjliysician "Doctor," said the wreck, "you're zette. you all a clianco. I am so circumstanced AVhether Old Jack dreaded a combat in is not healing, and yet absorbs the perspi­ skillful maker of malhemullciil in.slru- such close quarters, or whether ho hud would laugh lit you, and tell you to gel right. Yours is the scientific practice. ments, a careful aslroiiomor, 11 studious here that I cannot well carry on my busi­ ration, and will last forever, if properly out of Wall street and committees, get We don't want to know \vliiil is the matter liailroail Afclil(!nts nnd Finc.s< ness us a single woman, mull must con­ fully satisfied himself thai the half-dollar shrunk before being made up. On entomologist, 11 powerful painter, a pains- was too hard lo be digestible, or whether home lit four every da^', and npt leave till with us. W« want something to take. taking .sculptor, and an average pool." trive somehow to have a hnsbiuid, or, at rising, if fulnt feeling and loss of appelito, nine in the morning, and spend the even­ Don't iisk me any questions. Don't give The number of reported railroad nccl- all events, I must he able to proiluee a he was iiifiuenced by both considerations, take a leaspoonful of charcoal stirred in u ings with vour family, lilvC a Christian." me liny advice. I can't .stop. I must go dent.i in this country in .luiie wus fifty- —Tho rivalry in tlio mutter of venera­ marriage certificate. Now tho only terms is unknown; but when lie saw Sam, ho little wuter, and repeat the same at bed­ " Yes," intcrpo.sed the patient, "that's on, but I want somethingto oil thewheols. five, with twenty persons killed and sev­ ble twins has brought lo light Mr. Jona­ upon w''liicli I will selyou free are that one ruslied out from bis rctreiit, leaving the time; it must be tlie fine willow charcoal, just what our physician told me." Will your medicine do me any good ?" enty injured. This Is a smaller number than Wood, of Worcester, Mass., and his of you shall consent to marry me! I don't silver piece behind him. But Sam wiisloo nnd lo be found, (with tweuty-five cents) at " Now you and I know better than " Jly friend," said the doctor, " I won't of accidents tliiiii has been rejiorted for brother Ebonezer, of Acton, Mass., who care a snaj) which il is; but, by all thut is quick for him. Ho grasped Old Juck by all apothecaries. This absorbs tho- gas that," continued Br. Specific. " Hcmciint deceive you. I have never tried it in so many months, but Is still considerably lire in Uielr eighty-fifth your, and wlio are holy, one of you I will liiive for a hus­ the ll^g, and seoojied uj) his coin with the from undigested food, and sweetens the well, but thill is humbug. You won't take extreme a ciLSc as yours; but, you see, it's larger than it should be. In Spain they both remarkably vigorous for men of band, or else you nil go to jail and your other hand. stomach and preimrcs it for food, and any such advice as that. You cnn't do it. all one disease, and what is good for e - have just supplemented an unusuallj' ter­ their age. They have 11 brother and sister ship sails without you." 1 "Dar! dat's business. Dis oP rooster should be taken at any time when tlioro is It's sheer to c.vpect it. You crybody must be good for you. This I rible railway casualty by the enactment who are both more than eighty years old. The vi.veii was not to be coaxed or en- 'zarves lo hub his neck broke." I'll fix any unpleasant fullness in the stomach think it is a great deal better to worry can say, that if my Sirup don't save you, of a law providing that whenever an ac­ —While the Emperor of Brazil was Ircatcd. Tears and prayei's were of no avail. him 'fore long," said Sam, as he run to- before eating. Avoid ice-wnler, e.xeept Ibrougli, with a gentle stlnuiliint from the nothing will." cident results from carelessness ov bad within our borders tliere wus nothing for After a time the poor middles agreed to wiird the house with Old Juck In his hands. one or two swnUows; the habitual use Sovereign Sirup, and a little sedative a As the doctor look the liusl five-dollar management by rallwaj- men the compa­ him bul. commendation; bul now tliiil he draw lots. Watty tlrow the malrimouial But suddenly changing bis mind, lie lowers tho teraiieraturo of the stomach, night. You'd lose $i30,000 a year, per­ bill, he asked the gentlemen each lo give ny shall pay §1,1,000 to the family of ev­ has gone it is discovered tliiil he had faults slip of doom. No lime was to be lost. A dropped the rooster und pulled his liulf- and preveuls digestion. Soda water in haps, on his advice, and mine only costs him a little certificate of the success with ery person killed, iji7,000 to the family of like other men. It is seriously declared marriage license was speedily procured, doUar from his])ocket. immoderate cjuantitios should also bo j'ou five dollars a bottle. You think it is which he hud ti'cnled their ciues. The evorj' person Incapacitated for labor, and that he slept through the entire balcony and they went to theneiii'estchureh, where The inonej" bad got rather dirty under avoided, cerluinly not more than a single clergyman immediately arose. " 3Iy ^r> per day for the care of every person .scene in "Komoo nnd Juliet," at tlie the house. So had Sam; bul then he was glass per day. Lei the diet be a generous better to take mi/ remedy, and / do, too. Academy of JIusle, and thai nothing bul the knot was tied. The bride 011 her return But you must keej) it up. If you want friends," said he, addre.ssing them, "I injured until recovery. Such a law, if to the liivern gave them a good dinner, dirty iilroudy, so it did n't miiko any dif­ one, bul avoid mixtures; never more thim think it is due to Dr. Siieeifie thai wo enforced in this country for tlie last ceaseles.s nudging on the ]iart of his im­ ference. The " four bits," however, must two or llirec dishes at each ineal. Pastry tlic cure to be uAnaneiit, you must make twelve months, would have cost our rail­ perial spouse kept him awake the follow­ with plenty of wine, and then sent Ihem tbo medicine pcWiii.ent." should give him our certificate before we ofl" in her wherry. Of'her own accord be cleaned right away, Ihouglil Sum; so of all kinds should bo csijocially avoided go. It is true that we have not tried his road companies about if;i,7no,000 for per­ ing nighl at tlio concert given in his honor he went olf to the kitchen to wash it. in hot weather. Plain yeast bread a day The ne.\t gentleman was a. thin student. sons killed, and from !?a,000,000 to ij.t,. al Gllmorc's Garden. she hud projio.sed to her husband thai, as " You don't eat enough," said Uie doc­ medicine yel, Ijul ivc have taken his ad­ the iiiurriago cortillciilo was her chief Ileforc ho got Iherc, however, ho stopped old, ivitli good butter, sjiariugly, nnd in vice and understand his system; and il is 000,01)0 for those injured. It Is the popu­ and seemed to consider. A splendid Idea tor. lar thing to say, as some of our dally —" Gen. Custer's death," the Burling­ prize, he was at liberty lo live apart from hot woiither wllli milk—when fresh—well " AVell," replied the poor fellow, meek­ my practice to give a letter of .recom­ ton (Vt.) Free Press says, "will bo re­ her forever if ho so eUosu. had occurred lo him. Ho had seen his suited; nil kinds of fruit and vegetables in mendation whenever I get an ojipoitunity. papers do, thai If enormous fines like tlio ly, " I am in the seminary—" foregoing were Imjioscd we should have ceived with special sorrow by many of Tho .ship sailed, and the young gentle­ inolher use an egg lo clarify the coU'eo their season, well cooked nnd sailed—salt If tlie doctor will write now, we will each the veterans of the First Vermont cavalry. every morning, iiiul the thought cumo up allays thirst when taken fresh upon food. "I underaland," interposed the doctor. toll him what lo sivy." fewer accidents; but, after all, nobody is men religiously adhered to'the oalh of se- " Some benevolent institution is starving so foolish ns to assert Unit any railway They .served long under him, and ho re­ ci'ecy tli'ey had made previous to drawing lohiin, If an egg \vould clear coll'co of Go slow about your business or work. you into the ministiy. They lui^ht, at "Certainly," said the loolliless old oUicials and employes permit acoldcnls peatedly, when leadinga charge, put him­ lots. A year after, nt Jamulcn, n file of those black, miiddy grounds, would It not Never try lo do two men's work in ono least, see that you were fed well till lliey farmer. " I can .saj' thai the doctor's ad­ to occur which they would have in'cventcd self al the head of the First Verniont. English papers reached the midshipman's be just the thing to brighten up Ins" four day. There is nothing gained by it. Keep get you at work. I know what goes on vice lui.s saved I'ne a great deal of sull'ering if they had anticiimiod a heavier fine. This lie did so often, wlien troops of his berth, and AVatty, who wns carelessly bits'?" It was worth trying, anyway, he on tho shady side of Uio street if tlicrc is sometimes in those dormitories, whore and expense." Railroad comiianios need no grealer pe­ own State and others were at hand, that looking tliem over, was iittriicted by the .Iboughl. one; if not, carry an umbrella, if you cnn; proud and self-sacrificing young fellows "For me," said the over-worked man cuniary stimulus lo jirevenl accidents the distinction became marked. Our aecounl of a robbery and murder, und the " Dar's dat little Dominica hen a-cack- if not, your hnndkerchlef in the top of conceal their wants, and feed on mcnl of business, "write thai Dr. Specific has than they now have. The total loss is so boys iipprceiated il. They loved and lul- execution of tho culprits at PorlsniouUi. lln'now," said Sum, "she's jes' done your hut; if in the conntry, green loaves. enabled me to go on with my business as mircd Custer, nnd they were never beaten laid. AVonder if I kin git the egg out do FIniilly, make haste slowly to get rich; re­ stewed in water over their stove, and enormous now tlint a smash up is not es­ buck when be was in eommand." Suddenly leaping to liis feet and waving flavored with salt. Your food distresses usual, when other iihysicians had given teemed by any means a luxury, even with the paper above his head, forgetful of his ncs' 'dout mammy scoin' mc?" member that Without health riches arc of you, of Isn't it odd, "now, that mc up unless I stopped work, mid thai I the wealthiest corporations,—Railway —Tho four hundrodlh iinnivcrsiiry of tho oath in the excitement of ccstacy, he cried He ,.eepod into the kitchen. Tlicrcwns no account.—Boston. Transcript.. i . • you should hiut! the same complaint as consider ho has saved mo thousands of Aye. death of the astronomer Johannos JIuller out, "Thank Heaven! My wife is Aunt Phillis, fastuslcop in front of the our friend here, tlie bunk President';? Now dollars," was celebrated in his uiuivo towu of hanged!" fire. Then ho went and got the egg. He TuEiiMOJiETEKS must bo kopt do^vn. i-

The Ingliam County News. TUB domooratio pre^asoems thorough­ 3d. That ho reduced tho taxes of tho Carl Schura' l.citcr. TILUGK AND HAYES. "I've got another, my dear," said Mr. Legal Advcrtiseincnts. ly impregnated \.with tho idea that be- State of New York $8,000,000. UiNUKii date of July 22d, Carl Schurz Dorkins as ho hurried into the house. •—, .— War llccord of Ibcec'Tiru Canilidateu "If you were on top of Trinity Ohuroh oauso during Grant's adminbtration cer­ Tho governor of a State has no power wrote an, eloqsont letter to Oswald Ot- HDEH Olf PUBLIOATION. AIABONt BUOHit ADOVST St 1876. Contrasted, spire on tho back of agooso how would tain offioiaJB have shown themselves cor­ to increase or diminish taxation; such O tendorfcr, editor of tho New York you get down?" Mrk. I>orkins thought Malt pending iu tlio Circuit Court for tho No man can over be elected president' ooiiulyol Ingnum. In Fourtii Judleinl Clr- BinmNU ROnSATIOIIB. rupt and' untrustworthy, and because power is vested only in the legislature; Siaats Zcilung, in which he set forth in she'd jump down, slide down the light­ unlt in chancery, tiultpending In the Cir­ of these United States who was openly cuit Court for tho ^unty of Ingham, iu there is in the ropiiblican ranks an em­ tho governor can recommend, and veto, an able and conclusive argument, his ning-rod fly down on tho goose, fall hostile to tho national cause dtaring the chancery, at the city of MuNon, ou liio nrst phatic cry for reform, tho party in down, then gave it up. "Why, if you day of June, lK7(i. wliernln Miles Lowell is For PreilUfnt, but ho has np^ power to create or repeal reasons for supporting Hayes. Tho lot- great rebellion. Every candidate must compluinant vs. Charles.I.Olin.Kllu M.Olln, wanted to get down, you oould pick it EUTHERPOBT) B, HAYEB, power confesses its own weakness and a law of taxation. If the taxes have was provoked by tho statement in tho inako a decent showing at least of his Charles G. Alford und Charles G. Alford A: off" the gooso,"saidMr. Dorkius,,exultant- Co. aro dofcndunts. admits its inability to bring about this been reduced, tho people can thank tlio Staais Zcitung that in thus giving sup­ patriotism in that hour of peril. Ileneo ItEatlHfuotorlly appearing to tbiH court by of Ohio. the anidavlt ol Luclcn Uccd, on Ulu iu llila much needed reform. This idea ia er­ republican logislaturo for it. Tho Sen­ port to Hayes, Schurz was "treading wo SCO great efforts by the democratic court, that the defendants Charles G. Alford For Vice Prttident, press to qualify or cloak tho words and and Charles U. Alford .& Co ,aro notrusldents roneous and arises from a falso concep­ ate consists of ^0 republicans and 12 under foot his own convictions." The of this State but that tlioy reside Iu the Mtato WILLIAM A. WHEELER, actions of Samuel J. Tilden; and make "Are ;you going to make a flower bed of Now York. On motion of Lucien Itoed.HO- tion of the nature of a party. They democrats, tho House 72 republicans leading points in the argument aro here, Judkins?" asked a young lady of ilcltor for tlio complainant, it is ordered that ofNewyorki him appear to have been a good war tho said defendanlH, Charles G. Alford and speak of a party as a unit, an individu- and 56 democrats. these: democrat. But his history, as well as the gardener. Charles O. Alford A: Co., cause their appear­ "Yes miss, them's your pa's orders," ance to bo entered In this cause within tlireo Republican County Convention. tdity; they do not consider it in its true Sanford, don't publish such falsehoods 1. The democratic convention should that of lluthcrford B. Hayes, his oppo­ months from tho date of tills order, and that A BopnbUoaiiOonntir Convention will bo nent, is a matter of public record. Let answered tho gardener. In case of their appearance or eillier of them, light—a colleotiou of persons of inde­ any more. have given a strong guarantee that the tlieyor theono so appearing, cause his or y\ Uold at the Coort Honie, In the city of us see how the two look side by side. "Why, it will quite spoil our croquet their appearance iu this cause to be entered Miuon, on Wodneiday. Angoat 23d, 1876, at pendent thought, principles and views. hard money interests would bo safe in ground." "Can't help it, miss; them's within throe months from thu date of this 12 M., fortbopnrpoae of nomlnatlns bounty order, and that in case of their appearance, or It is no moro just to call tho republi­ What a Democrat Saya. democratic hands. It should at least I. your pa's orders. He says he'll have it eithorof them they or ho cause ids or their onioen and for thotraniMtlon of Buoh other laid out for horticulture, not for husband­ answer to the complainant's bill to bo hied, ijuHlneaB an may come before the oouventlon. can partyl as a party, corrupt, because HON. Geo. AV. Houck, an Ohio dele­ have adopted a hard money platform, Tilden refused lo sign a call for a and acopy thoreof lo be served upon Itie cnm- union meeting in New Yorh cily in ry. piainanl'ssolloltor, wltliiu twenty days after By order of the County Committee. Belknap has been shown dishonest, and gate to tho St. Louis domoeratio con­ and nominated hard money caudidales service upon them, orolthor of tiioin uppoar- 8. W.TURNBB. Chairman. April,l^(!il, or to attend that meeting ing, ofneopy of Hiilti bill and a notice oftblH certain features of Grant's administra­ vention, gives tho following as his rea­ both for the presidency and for tho vice order and that in default tliereof, tho bill bo O. E. .EAToir, \flA«riitflrieB just after the rebellion broke out. taken as confessed by the said Oliarles H. W. WAMOtB,/^**'*'""^' tion cannot merit approval, than it sons for refusing to support Samuel J. presidency. On tho contrary it propos ARrlciiltiii'ul Iiuplements. G. Alford and Charles G. Alford dc Hayes went to a union meeting in Cin­ Co. And it Is further ordered that tho would be to denominate all democrats Tilden for tho presidency: OS, as the only specific measure, tho rO' cinnati, acted as chairman of the com- complninantcause a copy of thlH order to ovE comrnr omcEBS. "rebels," simply because some of their J, A. linriics, ol' tlilH Ulty, wlalicH to«ny to be published In tiie Ingham county NEWS 1. Because by his ambition for the peal of tlie resumption bill of January, mitto on resolutions, and immediately af- tho I'annlug community ot thlH vlciully, a newspaper printed and published In said county 01 Ingiiam, andtbatvaid publication Now that tke time bas been desigiiat> number took up arms against tho union. presidency he defeated tlie Ohio democ- 1875, a measure that has been the bat aftorwards[aided in raising tho 23d Ohio Unit, liu IH now lUUni; lila Htoro wltli the be continued at least'once iu eaoh week (or raoy last fall. regiment of infantry volunteers, was elec­ llncHt Htock of AitricuUural Ini plementH, Nix successive weeks, or tliat said complain­ cd for the coDTeniDg of those who are That, of course, would bo manifestly tie cry of inflationists for the last two ant causoa copy of this order to be person­ ted major thereof, and engaged in active ToolH uudMnclilnea, 'Over ofl'cred lor sale In to put in nomination oandidatos for unjust, for many of tho democrats of tho 2. Because New York had no right ally served upon said defendants Charles G. to tho nomination, her leaders having years. It adopted a middle course fighting against tho confederates. Mason, una to convince yon of tlioluct, be Allord.and Charles O. Alford & Co., at least the county offices, the attention of the north shouldered their muskets and viillH your iittontlou to tho following list: twenty days before the expiration of tho . been three successive times unsuccessful which is distasteful alike to hard money Miu'Mh Ilarvcstor, the ortglnnl and most sue- abovu time limited for their appearance. II. GEO. W. BBIBTOI.. poopio is naturally tamed to the various marehed to tho front for tho express pur­ 3. Because his "packed convention' men and to inflationists. coKSful luirvctiter nmdo In tho world; the candidates themselves, and to discus­ pose of shooting those of their brethren violated parliamentary decorum by call­ JiJarly in 18G3 Tilden signed the cir­ ronowneil UnnscU combined Benpcr and Circuit Court Commissioner for Inglinm 2. In tho nomination of Hendricks, Slower; tlio .TohuSton one Wheel Ilcapor, county, MIeb. sion of the special fitness of each for the who were assailing tho national flag. So ing for "three cheers for Tilden" before cular calling logethh'thai band of vile LuciEN BKRD, solicitor for corapl't. the democratic convention furnished an copperheads, the "Society for the diffus­ WIIIRII cxcelH alliothor ono wheel rouperH; (Attest—11 true copy.) office to which he aspires. That this there is essentially just as much honesty the second call of States was complet­ NicliolH .&Bliopiird'u vllirator thrc»horH, niNO JojiN C. SauiKlis, Register, ed. This was unfair to the other can­ unheard of example of placing two can­ ion of useful political knowledge," which the nits and the BlrdHall threshers; .TnclcHon Dated. Mason. .Tune 20th, iS7(J. Oilwll discussion may ho full and intelligent, in tho republican party to-day, as though issued tracts shoioing the blessings of didates. didates together who, on the chief ques­ wngniiH, platform nprlng wagouH of lliu motit we have seen fit to procure a list of can­ every - official (as nearly all have) had 4. Because the finaneinl plank of human slavery and the xuickedness of I m proved sly Ics; noUl lollcrH, plaster sowers, TATE OP MICHIGAN- tion, represented exactly opposite ideas. Biiekcyu diills and cultivatoiK, tho Ithlca S' didates, so far as they have declared been found possessed of strict integrity; the platform is a miserable subterfuge. coercing the seceded slates. Tilden xuas i'"ourtli .Tudloial Circuit In Chancery: By this it stakes tho welfare of tho a vieviba- of the finance covimilteo of and Gale liorso rakes, thu Oliver m Qalo Suit pending in the OlrcultCourl for the thomsolTes such, and to publish it at and tho mistakes of tho past four years 5. Because tho convention, at tiie in­ chilled plows, which stand at the head of county of Ingham, in Olianoery, on tlie2Uth country on a card, as by tho death of this treasonable society and no doubt day of .luno, A. D. IS7G, wlioreln Joiin W. this early date. We hope tho people are no augury whatever of tho same stance of Mr. Tildcn's supporters and any thing yet on'ei'od to tho farmor, I have Holmes is compluinant and Bopiila Holmes ' in tho interest of the New York gold one man tho oirico of chief executive contribxded to its funds. also steel plows, carbon iron plows and com­ is defendant. IlHatls(actorll.v appearing'to will canvass the matter thoroughly, and mistakes under tho coming administra­ mon cast plol|-H, .Leau'H Improved zliszag mo by thonindavilof thesaid complainant, ring, repudiated tho resolution offered would pass to an inflationist, .and tho At precisely tho same period Hayes that the said defendant Hopliiii Holmes Is through the caucuses and convention se­ tion, should Hayes be elected.^ Tho only Iron harrow, common thirty tooth lianow ; not a resident of this State, but is a resident by Mr. Doolittlo to restore tho law pro­ hard money majority in tho Senate is was serving with his gallant volunteers ho. Hues I stock; of corn cnltivatoiH over of the United Stales, to wit: tho Stale nl cure tho nomination of tho lest man for sure index of an honest administration viding for the coinage of the silver dol­ bearing all tho hardships of the common, on'orodln this innrlcot; UioKent & AV)botl New York. On motion of Frank Hewlett, two precarious to allow such odds to solicitor for said complainant, it is ordered each position. ' is tho cicotion of honest men to fill tho lar and making it a legal tender for all soldier, suffering from dangerous wounds, planters, Itlathews' garden seed drills and arise against it, Unit said dol'cudunl ijophla Holmes, cause offices. In Butherford B. Hayes and amounts and all debts, ns it always had and exerting himself to tho utmost for cultivators combined. Bproufa horse hay her appearance to bo entered in this cause, siiEnirF. forks, fodder cutters, root cullers and corn and notice thereof served on tlio complain­ ant's solicitor within three mon tiis from tho ,William A. Wheeler wo have men emi­ been in the United States from tho 3. The election of Hayos would bo tho preservation of that tcnion which slicllcrs, well and drulii tile. Also seed corn, There nro in all sis candidates for foundation of the republic up to the Tilden xuus circulating tracts lo weaken ilale of Ihls orilcr, and that In case of lier nent for their sterling integrity and no more a continuance of Grantiam than peas, timothy and clover seed; ulso garden appearance, she causo lior answer to the this office. T. J, Godfrey, of Leslie, is time when that law was repealed bv and destroy. Thus while Tilden dis- seeds. complainant's bill to he flled,and acop.v there­ his letter of .aeucptanco is a glorifica­ of to bo served on complainant's solicitor sound principles, and for that they within twenty days after service of a copy now acting as deputy sheriff, and for stealth in February, 1873. lribuled\lhe seeds of treason and^wotccl- Ju presenting tho above list to his friends should and will bo elected. Samuel J. 0. Because the forced nomination of tion of Grant's administration. In that ed the abominable system of slavery, of said bill and notlcoof this order, and In the past two years, so far as wo. have and patrons, ho takes occasion to tlianic default thereof, said bill lo be taken as con­ Tilden has not pursued a spotless course Thomas A. Hendricks, a nian of pro­ letter of ' aocoptanco lie pre­ Hayes distributed bullets among slave­ tlicm lor their liearty support ez'.cnded lilm fessed by said delendautSopbhi Holmes; and learned, has served tho people very ac­ It is further ordered, that witliln twenty days , "- and appears before tho poopio neither as nounced views, in preference for a sented tho clearest and coniplotcst holders and did his bravest and best to in tlie piust, which has been done in many from tho date of this order, tho said com­ ceptably in that capacity. James R. greenback currency, and in opposition break down their accursed system. wav.s, particularly in tlioir relations as plainant causo a copy of tills order to bo a genuine reformer nor as an honest system of civil service reform over pub­ purchasers, and otherwise In their many published In the Ingliam County NKW.s, a Dart, of LeBoy, but formerly of Lan­ to tho resumption laws, on tho snino public newspaper published in tho county man. On the contrary he. is a sclfisli lished. In it he severely eriticii»cd tho III. evidences of faith in tho pcrfecliou ul his of Ingham, and Slaio or Michigan, and thai sing, is popular among hi? acquaintances ticket with Mr. Tilden, and on the plat­ existing niisrulo regardless of the fact Implements and machinery. Uy rol'orrlug said publication bo continued once In each schemer and a political trickster, and form adopted by tho convention, is an At the academy of music in I^cxv to Ills list It will bo seen that ho controls tho week for six succesnivo weeks,' or that lie and has displayed first-class buiness qual­ acopy of this order to bo personally furnishes no indications that an admin­ inconsistency so glaring as to amount by BO doing Iw was opposing tho York city, July 4,1863, a grand ova­ sale 111 our market of tho leading goods of served on llio defendant Sophia Holmes, ul ities. B. W. Stark has long been favor­ most powerful oilicial influonocs of his tion of coppcrhendism took j'lacc, at most classes In ills line. In the above list Icasttwenty diiys before the time proscriliwl istration under him would present tho to an insult to the intolligcnce of the lie bus only attempted to name and describe lor her appearance, ably known as a leading merchant of people of tho country. party. By this ho has shown himself which Tilden was present, JL'x-Oovemor first shadow of reform. Because of this brlollya lowol tlio loiuUug articles, but ho Dated; June 22,1B7U. ' 7. Because Mr. TUdon is not in char­ Seymour made a speech rankling with will be pleased to furnish on application des­ GKO. W. IJiiisTor., Aurclius centre. He was a very prom­ he will fall to receive tho votes of thou­ couragcou.s enough to work reform.— acter or qualifications what lie and his hostility lo the government, arulunqiccs- criptive circulars of any thing in ids list, Circuit Court CommlHsloiier lor Ingliaiii inent candidate for the oiBce of sheriff Civil service reform with democracy lie intends tomakotbengricultural business Counly Mich. sands of honest men in his own party. friends claim him to be. He lias resort­ tionably inciting the draft riots of ten FiiANK HKWI.E'IT. Solicitor for Compl'l, four years ago. Iloraoo AngoU served means filling tho places hold by repub­ Ills entire liuslness for the season, and trusts (A true copy of record,) ed to means to promote his own .aspira­ days later, in which union soldiers and lican oDiolals with democrats, whether to merit in future a continuance of tlio pat­ 0i;iw8 JOHN C. HHUIEUS, Ueglstor, tho people as sheriff for two years, tions to the prcsldeucy that aro unpre­ unoffending negroes were murdered, ronage so liberally accorded In tlio past, 1SG8-70, and hence is pretty generally cedented iu this country, ns they arc for better or for worse. Hayes proposes and Jloracc Greeley was chased to his OHEllIKF'.S SALE. TiiK "organs" can shower mud upon Koomson south side of Maple street, ono disreputable. His record as a reformer to select honest men and these only, from office andpnii inpa-il of his life. door west of Main street. Mason. By virtue of one writ of fieri I'aelns, Issued known. L. S. Jcnnison, of Lansing, has Sam. Tilden to their hearts' content; has been seriously impoaohcd by some whatever source they may come. In the same month lluthford B. out of and under Uio seal of llio Circuit long been a resident of that city, and they can coin lies and hurl at hiui so Court for tlio county of Ingham, and tested of his most ardent supporters, two years Hayes was chasing John Morgan on tho Sill day of May A. 1J.1S7(), and to mo lia.s quite an extended acquaintance. A. tho father of lies will disown his chil­ Travelers' Clulde. lUiecteil and delivered on the Olh day of ago. " His connection with railroad cor­ through Ohio and assisting in the capture May, A. D. 1S70, iigiiliist tho goods and olial- dren, and yet the great fact stands out 4. Mr, Tilden is, as Mr. Ottendorfer 0. Simons, of Lansing, is not personally porations and Credit Mobilicr swindlea- of that rebel raider. tels, lands and tonomeiits of Wllllnin J. in bold relief that Samuel J. Tilden truthfully said once "a demagogue and Warren and Hiram \V. Jolinson.defendanls, as counselor and advisor, is not such as* IC'UiaANCENTUAt, ItAILUOAU and In favor of Michael H. llowerman, plain- known by us, but wo have licard liiiu smashed tho Tweed ring, although it a grasper after popularity." Ho has IV. M till', I did on tho l.Mh day of Juno, A. D. IS7(). to reflect credit upon his character as a Saginaw Division, the short lino to]and luvy upon all ol'lho right, title, and Interest wall spoken of. was of his own party; that ho smashed laid himself open to the charge of dis­ Tililcn was a ddcgate lo t!ie (Umocraiic tialioiialfro m tlio aaglnaw Valley and Northern of llio defendants. In and to llio following lawyer, much less as a reformer; and as tiio canal ring which Governor Dlx, re­ coiwcnlioii in Atii/Kst ^S0^, iiiiU/iiid a, plnco onMichigan . described pfcleos or parcels of hind to-wll: OLGRK. a linrd-raoney man, tho issue of some honesty in both his private and public publican Governor of New York, did tho conmiUcii to 2>rej)are it plalfonit, anil cooked TIMK TABLK, May 'ASlli, iS7U, UoglnnliiK al a point 100 rods south of tlio Only three aspironts for this office §4,000,000 of individual currency, in life, and, surrounded by democrats whose up the resolution (leclarinij tho "war ufiiiliire," noi'tli line of Ingliam county, on line be- not touch ; and that he has roduccd the iween sectlonsit and •! of township No. four violation of law, subjecting him to heavy record is bad, there is very little reason anil tlomaniUnij an immediate and shiimrful peace. SOUTUWAnD. (1) north of range No. two (2) cast (Locke), have disclosed themselves ns yet. Alex. taxes of that State from ^10,000,000 to tlicnco south to centre of road and nortli penalties, proves him to bo a sham, and Hayes was then iu the field, periling Bush, of Mason, has for three yeors 88,000,000. Tho people know these to expect an honest government under «Miill •I'blciigo »Way lino of land of Win. W. Denlo, tlieuoo east , j will require much explanation. Ho is his life for the union cause, and making "Mall Express. I^'relglit, toeaslUnoot land of Wm.W.Uonlo, thence •« held the office of township treasurer, facts, and they know tliat Sam. Tilden his administration. north to within one hundred (100) rods ', 1st. That lie smashed the Tweed Hayes then staid on the battle-field re­ Kalamn/.oo,.., :t,li:l llier levied upon all of the right, litjA ^tl ~'^ • general's office. We are not acquainted republican party had tho good sonHO to would ho "trodden under foot" by any Clilcugo....Ar. S,(m fusing to go homo and run for congress, as Inlercst of Hiram W. Johnson, onopojalio ,..^ 0 with C. D. Cole, but we have heard him ring. noniliiato for tho presidency—Gov, one of the members of that conference said defendants, in and tnluo lollo\«tii|?(lo--.> •- he was invited to do, and declared that NOllTlIWAl'.D, scrPied pieces or parcels of land to vflt.'ji 'rii^r- ,' well spoken of in connection with the In 18G8, Tilden planned and Tweed Ilayos. who should support Tlkloii. (Mr. Scliurz west liiiir of tile nortli eighty (SQ)J.ajV'OS,.<>f. any man who would take such a step at I .Mall.l*E...pre,ss.l,,;Way^_ the noi'ili-eiisl IVacUonal quarteajof.%ec|,b)ii-' clerkship. eseeutod the groat ballot-box stuffing was a signer of an address drawn np at four(l)"f l,ijwnslilp No. four (-7) jSirttf-of such a time "ought to be scalped." range two I'-i east (Locke), Ingham coitut.v. fraud of New York city. In the same SoMU of our democratic friends aro that conforonoc,) Clilcago....IjV 11,00 a,in ,00 a,m Stall) ol .Mlclilgan, all of wliloli I shivTl ex­ KEGISTKU OV DEEDS. VI ICahiiiiazoo... •J,.'l(l a.Ill ,1111 p.m pose for sale at public auction or veiulno to year Tweed was stealing tho city funds, laboring hard to prove to the farmers liatlle Urcek. ,17 the lilgliost bklder, as the law dlLSOts, Mr. Soliui'z then sums up briefly his IfTddcn eeir delivered a speech,torolo a letter, Four candidates for register of deeds and dividing with Tilden, In 1809, of the country that Samuel J. Tilden is .I.tcksoii....Ar ,i')5 dlrW£ts, at relations to other political partes and or gave a cent of monitj in aid of the union cause .TacUsoii ..l.v 7.(«l ,0.') ll.,10 the front door of the court house 1hillioclt y are talked of. 0. F. Bliller, of Vevay, Horace Greeley wrote an open letter to tho best friend iu the world to the agri­ durimj tho rehiilion, tho evidence of it is ijct to he Mason.. s.or. ,10 of Mason, on .Saturday llio lOtli da.v oi An draws tho following stiivlling comparison Liitislnij; . ..Ar K,;i7 •15 10.10 gust, A. D. 1870,Ht ono o'clock In the aftor- and its present township clerk, posses­ Tilden, in which ho said : " On tho cultural community. An exchange in produced. ' •—— . Lansing .i.v ,05 lO.'IO iiooii. • A. It. liURU, between tho probable administration of But Hayos was often in the forefro,nt D. AM.Uross'g ,1;; 1.50 p.m .S.Mi'nr .t HMITII, Slicrlll'. ses fine qualifications for the ofiiec and principle that the receiver is as bad as a few words shows tho man Tilden in Owosso ,is :!.i5 I'lalnllll's Allonicy. Hayes and that of Tilden ; of battle, stuck to his regiment throug>!i- Haglnaw Oily. ,10 II M ()l!!w7 Daled,Ma.son, July lid A. D. 1S70. is looked upon by many with decided tho thief, you are as deeply implicated his real character, and tho picture is one out the war, and did not sheatii his sword K. Miigliiaw.ljV if ,is I will hazard a jjrophccy as to what Wenoiia p.m ,,';o OUTGAO I'l SALIS.—Default having boon favor. John Cannon, of Wheatfield, in tho frauds in Now York city to-day until tho last rebel had surrendered, His Uay City i!.;m to make a man grow knotty in the tists, • 00 M niiidcin tlio payment of four hundred the future has in store for us. I should services were so valuable that ho gained elglily-lwo dollars nnd eighty cents now has always run well in his own town­ as though your name were Tweed, as Holmes would say. Hero is the pic­ \l,l!, LKTIVAIU), claimed to bo duo upon a certain mortgage not dare to promise the people an ideal a brcvgf. as major general, and ho carries I Ass'l Oeii'l siip't, Itatrol t. hearing date tho twenly-nrst day of Februa­ ship. He was for a time a student in tho O'Brien, or Oakley Hall. ture, grangers, what do you think of it ? ry, 18,'JV, e.\cculed by Isaac H. •Vaiulcrcook, polltlcalsituationlf Mr. nayosbocloctcd; to-dayTiic scars of four wounds received H'riioNd, law department of thcUniversity of Mich­ , Gon'liSup't, Chicago. of iliuson, Michigan, to Comfort Gunn for As lato as 1871, when-tJio great in­ Tilden was the railway monopoly but as regards the thrco points whluli in his country's service. JlKNltV C. WKNTWOUTH, pui'chaso money, and recoideil in the otllco tlun'l i'liHS. and Ticket Agent. Chicago. of tlio Keglster ol Deeds for Ingham county. igan, but gave up the study of his profes­ vestigation meeting wa,s Bold at the Credit Mobilier-Chicago and North­ Which of these men has tho best war .Slicliigaii, upon the lotli day ol March, ]8.'>7, arc mentioned in this letter and which In liber nliieof mortgages on page IIKI, anil sion to enter tho army. Ho has many Cooper Institute, and the committee of western king who swindled the-original record V—Lansiiuf liepublicun. assigned by said Comfort Gunn to Jerome li, the address of the May conference 13TU0IT, LANSINO & LAKK WlOItl- Wheeler, June 17lb,ls.')7.and recorded in tho qualities that recommend him for tho po­ seventy was appointed, Tilden refused stockholders of tho Hock River, Union D UAN UAiLilOAD. lleglsler's olllce aforesaid upon the same day touched upon, the following appear to thiit It was executed. In Uoer ten of mort­ sition. Wm. J. Hill, was for a time en­ to take part in that meeting, was not Valley and Galena and Chicago Union mo as sure as anything one can over A Riivnusiui.E TiCKKT.—Hero we On and after Sunday. iJecomborfl,lS7.'J, trains gages on page '2.'l;i, and no suit or proceedings have a platform for millions! Hard win run as follows: at liiw or In chauceiy having been Instituled gaged in tho sale of dry goods in this present, and was undecided as to what railways, and then put up the freight on count upon in the future; (1.) The ap­ lo recover any part thereof, nnd the power city, but is now a farmer in the town­ money or soft money; greenbacks or gold; aOINQ WEST. ol sale therein eonlalned having become ab­ course he woald take with Tweed. Tll- wheat and corn scventy-tlirco poi*eont. plication of the whole constitutional resumption and auti-rosumptlon; freo solute by virtue of the statute In such ease ship of Onondaga. He is a man of en­ Mali A. Ionia made and provided, notice Is hereby given den's name appeared beside those of He made millions by the operation. Ho power of the Executive to secure a schools as you like them; the whole world lOxpross Acccm. that upon Saturday, the 2l)lh day of July, STATION.S. lS7(i, at ono o'clock iu the afternoon of said terprise and integrity and is universally Judge Cardozo, Andrew J, Garvey and wrung these millions from tho fanners prompt resumption of specie payments, invited to our shores, and good-will ex­ day, I shall sell at public auction lo the high­ Detroit .Lv. n.m •1.00 p.m est bidder al the front door of Iho Ingliam liked by those who know him. E. B, " Tom" Fields as a member of the com­ of the west, And now ho wants the and apparently a supporting majority in pressed for everybody, except the I'lymoutli (l.Sl " S.IO " county court house, In the city of Ma.son, Chinese. All in ono platform, and that ilowell il.lH " S.IO " said court house being tho place where tho Wood was formerly deputy clerk of the mittee of arrangements of tho 83d cele­ grangers to look upon him as a first- congress. (2,) A weeding out of bad Kowlcrvlllo II..'10 '• S.^ll " circuit court for said county is lield, tho Democratic. Tilden tho head and Lansing l.o.'ip.m •' promises contained In said niorlgago supremo court. It was through his ex­ bration of the " Tammany Society" on class reformer. The record shows that oilicers, and a consequent carrying I'oitlaiul •2.Vi " 12.00 n.m much tiieieofiwshall beueoe.s.sary to satisfy Hendricks the tall; the only reversible lonia , " 12.00 " theamolint duo on said mortgimo, and all ertions that this court was removed July 4th, 1871. And even when Tweed he is the inventor of tho Credit Mobil­ through of the programme of civil ser­ ticket that has been put iu the field. Greenville •1.11) " legal costs together with an attorney lee of Howard .Ar r,.'2i> " nileen dollars covenanted for therein. Tho from Detroit to Lansing, and for this escaped from jail, Tilden published an icr system of building railways. Land- vice reform on tho part of tho president, Both ends aro calculated to suit any and land contained In said mortgage Is described (iOlSd KAST. as the south half ot lot seven, in block thrco, the people of Ingham county certainly open letter to Sheriff Connor, threaten­ grant roads were his favorites. He bus as far as his constitutional powers will all tastes. Any thing to beat the repub­ In the Village (now city) of Jiiison, In the lican party! If this ' reversible ticket Jonla Mali &• county of Ingham, and State of Michigan. be grateful to him. ing his removal if the fugitive was not swindled Michigan, Illinois, Wis­ permit him; the employment in the fails, then, indeed, the star of democracy llxprcss Express found within twenty days, Has Tilden public service of not one moro party AAUON J. ItAYNEH and PROSEOUTINQ ATTOUNKV. consin, Minnesota and the government, goes down forever.— 27ic Jiepublic. Howard .Lv, EMJIA O. WHEELEllfnowEmma O. Hoed) agent; the abolition of tho spoils sys­ Greenville... tl.ila executors of the last will and testament of brought Conner to account for the es­ through tho Union Pacific railway, out 111.15 K. C Chapin is at present a circuit tem ; opposition to these reforms on the ion la 0.00 a.m Jerome L. Wiioelor, deceased. cape of Tweed ? Not at all. Ho has of many millions of acres of public Portland .••.. (1.12 " 11.21) LUOIEN IlKnn, Alt'y for said Executors, court commissioner and has been a very In speaking of Tilden, Parke Godwin Lanslrtg S.OI) " 1.05 p.m Daled May Ist,lS70. SDlwlJI part of the spoils politicians in congress; 11.10 " 2.20 done nothing about it. And no one can lands by his advice and counsel to W. says, "The man is the platform." and it Kowlorvllle. acceptable officer. Ho is a rising young the overthrow of this opposition at the MowcU ».!),'; " 2.17 BDKU OF PUBLICATION. point out a single act done by Tilden B. Ogdon, Oakes Amos, and others.— appears to bo so, since, while the plat­ I'lyiunntli... •I. I a lawyer of Lansing, having been in prac­ Dctroll 11.01) '• o towards breaking up tho Tweed ring, next congressional elections. (3.) An form says, "llepcal the llesumption 12.20 p.m 5.25 Statu oCMIchlgan—Fourtli Judicial Circuit tice there for about thrco years. S. F. Fivo or six millions of this plunder still In Chancery, before it became unpopular for a man to intelligent execution of tho laws, joined date," the man says don't do any such STANTON lUtANCTI. Suit pending In the Circuit Court for tho Smith is a young attorney of William- remains in his individual purse, and is counly.of Ingham iu chancery,on the eighth speak in Tweed's favcr. with a just, conciliatory and honorable thing, and that's just what congress is no INC! WUST. day of July, A. D. IS70, wherein Frank M. ston, of whose qualifications we cannot to be used to secure his election as pres­ Sherman Is complainant, and .Tames M. policy toward tho people of tho south. doing. Well, if the "man is the plat­ STATIONS. Sherman Is defendant; It (•atlsfactorily ap­ speak from a personal knowledge. Those 2d. That he smashed tho canal ring. ident. Will the grangers support such In tho event of a democratic victory : form," that's a good reason why honest pearing to me by the atlldnvit ol tho said Ionia, Lv. 11.00 p.m 0.00 a.m complainant that James M. Bhorman, tho who do know him speak of him in high Only three suits have been com­ a man? Ho would crush the entire (1.) A soft money majority in tho House men should denounce and spurn its du- ISlierltlan iO.Ki " delondant, is not a resident of this Htnte,liut of lleprosontativos; efforts on the part plloily.—Fomcroy's Democrat. 12.00 •' Is a resident of tho State of New York, on terms. Edward Cahill, of Lansing, has menced against tho canal thieves, one country. motion of Luclen Reed, solicitor for said of the president in behalf of a resump­ GOINO KAST. complainant, It is ordered that the said de­ also been talked of by very many. Ho criminal and two civil. One civil suit fendant James M. Slierman, cause his appear­ tion of specie payments, which aro ruined A physician was greatly annoyed by tho ance to bo entered within three months is a promising attorney and was men­ has been dismissed by the court. George THE statement that has been going by. tho majority in the House of llepre- STATIONS. from the date ofthls order, and that In case questions of an idle gossip concerning his of his appearance, ho causo his answer to tioned by us recently in connection with D. Lord, of Bochcstor, the defendant in the rounds of tho democratic press for sontativcs; a continuance of our uncer­ Stanton....' Lv. 7.(H) a.m tho bill of complaint to bo died and n patients. "How is Mr. U. this morning, .SberUlaii 7.20 " copy thereof served on complainant's solici­ tho attorney generalship. tho criminal suit, has been convicted, a few weeks past, that Bobert £. Lin­ tain financial position for an indefinite asked tho gossip, who had been on tho lonla Ar. ,S.;)0 " tor within twenty days after service upon length of time; in case of tho succession lilm of acopy of said bill of complalntand The republican candidate for judge but not sentenced, leaving now but one coln, son of tho murdered president, watch for tho physician. "He is sick," CoNNKOTioNS,—At Detroit wltli G. W„ notice of tills order, and In default thereof of Mr. Hendricks to the presidency, curtly answered tho doctor, "Docs he G.T., L.S. &M.S., .M.C., D.&U.C, C.S. R'y, that said bill bo taken ns confessed by tho of probate, according to usage, will prob­ suit pending. Not a dollar has been takes tho stump for Tilden and Hen­ universal confusion, and a revival of the all Sloainboat Lines;, at I'lymoutli witli.l'. said delendanl, keep his bed?" persisted tho questioner. .t 1". .M, IVy: at lonla with D. & M. U. K.; and recovered from the thieves; but Tilden dricks, is given the lie. He is an cn- inflationists' pl.ans. (2.) Tho weeding atlloward with G. U. A1.11.11. And it is further ordered that within ably bo M. D. Chatterton, who has filled " Of course he does," replied the doctor; twenty days tho said oomplalnnulcanso a out of tho bad officers, but also the good tho office so acceptably for tho last term. claims that ho has expended over $80,- tbusiastio supporter of Hayes and Wheel­ "you do»'t tliluk he'd be fool enough to W, A. CVKi-KNTKu, Gon'l rassongcr Ag't. copy ol tills order ^be published in tba . ones; a tremendous, irrcslstablo rush of InghamConnty Hii-^ a weekly nowspapejS- " 000 in commissions and counsel to assist er. Now tell us another, won't you ? sell his bed, do you, just because he's Detroit,Deccinbur 5, 1875. published In said county ot Ingham, and Wo suppose that the same thing can bo ofllcb seekers from south and north to that said publtcntlou be continnedat least tho Attorney General in prosecuting tho sick?" once In each -week for six successive weeks, said of Lemuel Woodhoifto, the present divide up tho booty; a substantial con­ or that complainant causo a copy of this canal ring. But ho has not prosecuted TUB Brooklyn Argus, which lias long tinuance of tho spoils system and the 13. 3P. STUOXTia, order to bo personally served on said de- incumbent of the office of county treas­ fondiin t at least twenty days before the time urer. Ho has been a faithful officer and tho"'ring" so hard but that some of its been a loading and influential organ of civil service as party machinery and all A book agent who started out to can- above prescribed for his appearance. the demoralization which would flow v-iss for "Tho Tribulations of tho Mar­ Keeps Ready-Made Coffins. Dated July 8, IliTO. can easily be elected for another two members attended tho St. Louis conven­ democracy, still refuses to support Til­ from that; sundry efforts in the right tyrs," was kicked out of five offices tho ' 'EDWARD C. CHAPIN, tion and swung their hats for Tilden. den. Speaking of his delay to issue his Circuit Court Commissioner, Inghara Co., years. direction,.borne down by the pressure first day, and nearly scalded to death by Shop on Maple 3t., 2 doors west of r.O. Michigan, LuoiKN RKED, Solicitor for Complainant. These aro tho names of tho candidates It is a strange coinoidonce that Tilden letter of acceptance, it recently said : of partisan interests from all sides. (3.) an irate woman whom ho interrupted in Attest—(A true copy.) for tho principal county offices, so far as should commenco the same number of " The feeling that governs him is not Tho rousing of falso liopcs among tho her culinary duties. Now ho swears t have very iloh and einborato LadiesJ JOHN O. SdUXEiis, Register. OUwO —What shall I do to bo right? but— lawless elements in the south by their that the tribulations of tho martyrs liurialKobcs. . , ., .,, , wo have been able to learn them. Now suits against tho canal ring that aro now ALSO,BomooftholateBt and moat beautiful What shall I do to bo president ? The party victory, and the increase of terri- amount to just nothing compared to his designs of Conin Plates, Trlmmluo stable dung. Here was^a total failure of provender lo bo wasted,but, on tlie contrary, lawes and Gilbert's theory—that superphos- lPoiijg;ee ^ilks. DENTISTRY. In taking care timl every ntoin of it bo usod phalo and nitrogo n are tho only substances mmmmm n. \V, H. mOIINEi RcKliloul nentlst. to tlio best adviintngo; and, likewise, In not really required In artificial fertilizers; and it D onico over Webb & AIoad'H clnlliing A BIO JOB OP Hloi'c, MuROu, Mich, niOwlS perinitling the plows, harness and other im­ follows that tho rules laid down in England m plements of liiisbandry, and tlio gears be­ for tho application of such manures are of SECRET SOCIETIES. longing to llieni, In be unnecessarily exposed, little benefit to American farmers. Indeed, w^-, mm -^^^•^ riNKiiAin oiiAP'rEK No. r,u u. A. trodden under fool, run over by carts, and the results of Prof. Storers's experiments are Dress Goods worth 25,30,35 and 40 J. ltl>—Ucgulnr Oonvocatlons arc held ou abused in other respects. More good is do- worth bntliltle, except to New England fann­ Fi'liluy evculngK, ou or before the lull of the ers, and perbajis that on the next farm to M 1IIOIIII. SoJburlngvoniimuiouHarecourteouH- rived from attending to tho minuliiu of n cents a Yard, all reduced to the ly liivllud to atluud. fmm, than strikes pooplo at view; and tho one where theso exporiinonts were made .T. JI. SAVEltS, H. P. Cilia. \V. HiirsTOL, Seu'y- examining the farm-yard fonces, and looking the same results would not occur. Now, I cUiin that every farmer who uses artillcial extraordinary low price of ASON I.OnnE NO. 70, V. ic A.m.— into the Holds to see that nothing is theie M 'J'liu noxt llegulnrOouiiiiunlcatlon will but what is allowed to bo there, and often­ fertilizers must experiment for himself; and »K t)(! held on Wodne.sday ovonlug, Aug. 2nd. he even may not find the same results in any VIslUiigbrotliren cordially Invited. times Is the means of producing iiiuch good, A. T. UKNDKKSON, W. M. oral of avoiding much evil." two Holds on his farm. But all may W. K.CoiiN-Kr.r., Sec'y. assured that whatever contains potusli is n MUMVi^ ASON KNOAMVnieNT No.or>,i. o. DLSRASES 01' rOUIiTBY, good fertilizer for any crop. dtiwm K/U> M O. F. Ho.sslon.s held In Odd FullowH PiaUES PROM 13 1-3 to 40 cents. ilalloM Hocoud and TliurHdayKof I am constantly bearing of great losses in e:i(!li mop;.., .TESSK Buiscil, O, P. fowls by roup, cliolora, and other contag­ Tayler has commenced laying brick on CuAU. II. tjAOicitioijK, Scribe. ious diseases, yet for 30 years I never had tho Ilnlstead block, MOWERS AND REAPERS COMBINED! WliioU wo gunTantoe to bo fully up to the times, and not oxcoUcd by any thing on tho JUSTICES. but one of contagions disease, (roup), AVe understand that "lleform" declines to Brown Sheeting from 6 1-3 to 10 cents. market for light draft dnrablUty, or quality of work In tho flold. and I at once disoovorod tho causo was a run on the democratic ticket, He gives ns AlHO tho Celobratcd HKCKENDOUN FLOWS, with and without rovoriilble point, O W. IIAirrniOMt, .rustlco and Convc,v- Bleached Sheetings from 7 1-3 to 13 1-3 cents. Riding and Walking CultlvatorB for corn or fallow ground, and all other goods of tho 0» aiii'.ur. Collections promptly attended luck of snUicient ventilation of tlio roosting liiii reanons tho democratic party don't Ann Arbor Agricultural Co. Also the Coats' andlthicaEay and drain Bakes, Boyraour lo. oiihuioii Mi!pl« .street, ,'1 door.s oust of house; and I claim that this is the cause of and Champion Grain Drills, Flaster Sowers, Threshing Mnclilnes, and all other goods in the i:iuunln|j;'M,cHy of Alasou, Ingham Co. Mich, pruclicu his |)rincli)les, and that ho finds Best Prints 6 cts. per yard. FARM IMPLEMENT LINE. Also tho Colebrateif Mllburn Wagon, Top Carriages, such di.sonscs in every case. Ten fowls hlmsolf as unable to come to any agreement Platform Spring, Throo Spring, and all other styles made by B. P. Ilix & Co., Avhoso work O. CAhli, .Tu.stlce or the Peuco and Good Prints 5 cts. per yard. stands at tho head In thla county, taking first promiuma at both County and Lansing H• Conveyancer, Ollloo over Pout Ollloo. devitalize as much air in a night as a horse, witli either Tilden or Hendricks as they are Fairs. I havo also tho agency of the I. X. Z, Wind Mill, tbo strongest, simplest and most All busliies.s promptly attouiled to. S52m0 and not one person in ten who keep poultry; to pull about and work in the same harness. durable mill now ou tho market. BOOTS &. SHOES. build their roosting houses so as to bo . ^ . We want every Man, Woman, and Child, I am Selling a Better Wagon for Less Idoney than any Han in Ingham Co. properly •ventilated in both summer and "BRICK" Pomcroy advises Illinois Tlianklnl for your patronage Ih tho past, I now olTor you tho best goods In tho market. I W, POI.AK, has the largostand finest winter. In llic summer season they should to come in and examine our Stock. Qlvo mo a call and seo for yourselves. CT« bootandshooHtorolu tlieSlato. Large JI3r Extras for tho Cayuga Chief and Korby machines, of all kinds, always on band. Hi o(;U—low prices, llapalrlng promptly done, be almost as airy as in the open air; and in not to ruu ii State ticket. Ho says: the winter their should admit aa " If tho Dnmocraoy persists in running A. S. BLLiSVirORTH. J. G. STEVESy Agent. «. IlUN'riN«'rON, dealer In Boots abundance of fresh air In fiom windows, a democratic ticket in this State, this . and .Shoes, Fine custom work a spe­ 3\X.^l.SOX«r, tT-uxLo Q, X870. C when tho wpather is niild to bo let down cialty, and repairing done lo order IIUO full, it will bo as well threshed as ever Sewing Machines. from the top; and at all times a largo lattice was a sheaf of wheat divided and run DRY GOODS, GROCERIES &c. cupola nt the ridge of tho roof,shouId allow into a steam tlircsher." Dnrrow & Co. .y ti, HUNT, dealer In Dry Goods, Gro the foul air below to escape, IrtTilo a fresh -J J L. _IU ! a I 11, ceries. Boots and Sliocu, Crockery, etc, current will come down through tlio srfino NEW" AMERICAN MaKon.Mloh, Cash for Farm Produce, ilOII Real Estate. passage-way. Forty years spent in keeping AU.SIIAI.I. ^t IIAHNAIIY, dealers M In Groceries and Provisions, Oroeker,v, poultry under various circumstances, enables (lie. Teas a specialty. Cash paid for Farm me to speak undcrslnndingly; and when I I'rciilnce tluu say that any person can konp fowls, and Real Estate M ColMoii kimi never have any contagious disease among DARROW & CO., MEAT MARKETS. them, if hewill properly ventilate their roost­ iJNr 3vc.^^soxunty J oiler my nervlces for MERCHANT TAILORING. chickens by tho hundred for 25 years, wilh- the sale of their property. out a single case of disease nmong them, in Ihavo opened an ofllco to facilitate the Resumption of Specie Payment, KU1>EI1II.INCJ, Merchant Tailor, exuliiiiige and sale ol all kinds of landed • keeps cunstantlconstanti y ou liantl a full lino all that lime. Occasiojially a chicken or pninerly, believing Ihatsuch an In.stltutlon A tins. will be a niutualbeiiollt both to the buyer and ol CasslMiores, Dooskfus, and Uroadoloths, two liave died in a season; hut I know that seller. ThesoUer by luavlnga lull descrip­ Siill.'i cut and mado to order In the latest tion of the property lio wishes to sell at a But may yet be found at their place of business styles, at reasonable prices. llOti-ly I have not lost over two in a liuniliod, and central point, thereby giving those who are never one by capes. I krep tho light Brah- wishlug to purchase reliable Information as to location,Improveinemsole, must neces­ ready to supply the trade with HARNESS SHOP. mas, whose chickens arc not suUJect to gapes, sarily become useful and lienellolal to those having property to disposoofas well as the SEWING MACHINE! OHN nitlSnoUY, Manufacturer of &.C, purchaser. J Harness and dealer In .Saddles, Whips, ivc. Hepalrlng promptly done on short rnoi'.voATixo FRUITS PROM snKn, I should therefore bo pleased lo have those STANDARD GOODS AT BOTTOM PRICES! notice at living prlc(,'S. .Shop on Maple street, who linvo properly to sell either Iii the city Self-Setting Needle, nearly opposite the JJonnclly House, !iU(i-ly All of our new varieties of tniits originate oraiiy where in the country lo bring In a from the seiid. If we take apple, iiear, cher­ doscrlpllon of their properly assnring them MASON, May 18, 1876. of my liesteHbrlstomalce Itlor their luter- TONSORIAL. ry, peach grape and any other seed of fruits osl lo Uu so. Self-Threading Needle, of that class and plant them, wo never get ICNUY ItliEn, Fashlonnhlo Harbor H and Hair Dresser. Sampooing, Ladles' the same varieties, though we should grow a Dyeing ami Curl lug done In the latest styles. million of seedlings, the tendency being lo (Juris, .Switches &c., made to order. Shop In Some Gooil Farms ai Iiimrovcd Laafls I'ratl's Building, inferior varieties. Nor does the best fruit produce any better varieties tlian the poorest, And City Property, Light Running and Durable! AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. except by more chance; and tho chances of THE NEW "DOMESTIC," r^ T, It.lVIS, dealer In all kinds of getting a choice variety from seed of very For .sale now, \X. h'armlng Implements, Wagons, etc, A DOUBLE THREAD LOCK-STITOH MACHINE. SUM-o Ml cheukered building, Mason. !ll)(l-ly poor sorts is as good as if the seed of the Ori^cro BiXo n, CM.11. OfEloe 221 Jeff. Ave., Detroit. best varielioB in existonce were sown. As Ofllocnn Main street, fourth door south of CARRIAGE SHOP. an instance, the Concord grape, tlio best for •Webb it Mead's clothing slurc. AGENTS WANTED for MASON and VICINITY. general cultivation in tho United States, ANUKllCOOK A: NANDEUNON, Bt®" Send for Circular. gOl V Munulacturers of Carriages, Kuggics. originated from seed of tho common forest Wagons, Cutlers, tto. Ordered work will receive prompt attention, AInson, Mich, 1)11 fox grape, sour ejiougli lo make a pig squeal. Bargains in Eeal Estate, Then wo may gel white varieties of grapes DONNELLY HOUSE, that rival in delicioiisness tho finest varieties lIANKJ.'UONNKLLlM'ropMelor, of foreign lands from tho seed of black niASON, . - ItllOHIOAN* grapes. It is claimed thai by hybridization The proprietor wishes to Inform thecltl wo can obtain good fruits with great r.oiisof Mason and Ingham Oount.v, and tlio LaEfl, Tax aM Loan Asency traveling public, thnl his now and commo- certainly—that is, by elTecting a cross be­ vllous hotel Is open fortUocomfortof travel­ ers undothors. tween two choico varieties, the good quali­ Kverything Is entirely now, ties of liotli can he blended in the new Thoproprletorlnlendsthallilshousoshall hybrid variety; but this system is difllcnlt to JOHN DUNSBACK. h 0 second lo none In Central Mlolilgaii, It IH eonvoulent to the Depot and business ofToct, and to-day Iboro exists no hybrid pprllon oftho village. The tables are snp- fruits, wliitjli the originators hav« shown SonioQood Farms to cxohango for City pllod wllliall the dellcaclesof thesoaHou. rroporly, and City I'roperly to oxcliauge Good accommodations lor liorKos. boyond doubt to bo anything but chance for Farms. seedlings, nnless I except a few varieties of 71 acres Improved Farm on Hcctlon 11 Township of AInledon, near the railroad, grapes, I onco sowed a quantity of grape n good farm. Prico ?15 per acre. ! HONEY TO LOAN! seed, had 2,000 vines, 1,500 boro fruit, 500 •Ill acres, three inlles from the CI ly of Slason woro male or barren vinei, and I had several uuUuproved, low price. hundred white varieties, although tho seed CITY OF MASON, Wo are prepared to furnish m on oy on u li sown wa.t from black grapes. But not one SforUi half of lots 7 and 8, and 1), 10,11 and Innnmbored Improved farm Bocnrlty. In 12, good house very low. Hums of Five ilundred Dollars and upwards, in the wholn 1,500 varieties resembled the on tlvoyoar,i' lime. Tho property mnst bo Uouse and lotou South street, SKK), worth tUreo times tho ninouut oftholonn parent vine. And fruit tree, bush or vine House and two lots, Pease ib Smith's add,, rorjulved, Apply to that grows from cuttings always produces its can bo got low GRANOPBrze xi;RNEn,sini'rii A:co., liko in all respects. 280 acres In north cast corucr of Onondaga, IGO acroH Improved, good buildings, well >^^'Sl LANBINO.MlOniaAN watered, a splendid farm. Will be sold In ARTIPIOIAI, MANDRES. parcels If desired. This properly Is very de­ sirable, and will be sold very low. Althongh tho application of commercial IflO acres, 20 Improved, and good timber m^^^m. fertilizers has hitherto been attended with land In the Township of Vevay, three miles Irom Mason, near tlio railroad, Tho wood much uncertainty, yet the time may come and timber will pay for tho land, I'ricp 810 • -,'• Boarding House WARRANTED FIVE YEARS! when farmers will hotter understand how, per aoro. —AND ll2nores, Improved farm near the City of It xonuitos no Xnstruotlo&a to rnn It. Zt can aot get out of oxdiv. and to what crops lo apply them; but so long Mason, good buildings, good fences, well as wo have sulllclenl stable manure wo need watered, one ot tho best farms In the County It wlU do cvorr olaaa aad Idad o« work. - .. ^ RESTAURANT, of Ingham, win make two splendid farms. "IT Tctains nil the virlues nf tlm IJKlU-Uunning '* DOMESTIC," including the Automatic not trouble ourselves about artificial fertiliz­ WlUoo sold at a bargain. ••• Tension, which was niul h the best in use. Zt vUl O0T7 from TUBUO Fapor to Sunoai Xieataot. la tho plnco to got a ers, Messrs. Lawes & Gilbert, of England, I havo other desirable property on my itiJ-Plcasc notice our PATIiNT HARULNliD (CONICA. L UEAUINGS OH both the Machine Zt la as far la, advonoo of other Sowing Uoehtnoa i& tho aacnltndo of books for sale lu all parts ol the County. And Stand. have experimented 30 years witli commercial Our nc\v,nnd old Idcns, worl:cd ont with brand new Machitwry and TnoLs at our own ncwwnrlcs, its superior impreTemeats, as a Steam Oar ozoolls la aeUovomeats Good Warm Meal for 26 cents. no acres of good land near Dansvlllc. 20 in the Uisy city i>f Newark, New jersey, have plvun us a standard of MECHANICAL EXCEL­ tho eld fashloaod Statte Ooaeh, fertilizers, and they say that the only two Improved, on good road. Price.$1,000, Also LENCE, Minimum of Friction, ^laximuln of Dur.ibility, and range uf work, never hcrctororo 210 acres, 120 Improved, good buildings, good reached in the Sewing Macliinc world. substances really required In such fertilizers orchard, well watered and fenced, good soil. are nitrogen and phonphaie of lime. Here then I'rlcoi 330 per acre. TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF Pvicos mado to suit tho TlmoBy iY,',i'T"Jm"f'""®'°''''0 o'ty ElV8 mo a call we havo tho 80 years of experience of the 210 acres of tho very best Improvements, We invite the attention of all, especially those havlnff high mechanical (kill or Either for Cash or Credit. and I will do you good. near tho city ofMason, ouo oftho best farms observation. N. II.—All M,icliincs fully w.-irmiitctl, ablest and most persistent experiments In In Ingham county. Mrat Door East of Cook's Block, England brought down to a single lino of In­ Some good farms In the township of Bun- DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., '^^'^^^^'^'I^^l'^'''] AGENTS WANTED, formation. They applied 300 lbs. of super­ korhlU, one, of 120 acres, 1)0 Improved, for S.'IO ]No-w Yorlc nntl Oltioag^o. • '".: MASOM; .. - MICH. per ncre,andono, 42 acres, hoiiso, and an Addre... WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. phosphate of lime and 275 lbs, of nitrate of acre Improved for $1,000, LADIES, USE "DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. OUSTSXtAXn), eSZO, OSZO^OO, ZXtU, HTBTT TOSSCJ ST. 7., "'*: "fe. DINOMAN. soda (this supplies nitrogen) for 20 years, V. , . , .TOIIN DUNSBACK, VSTT ORLSA»S. XJ^., 8T. X.OVZS, ISO. •}

GEN, dUSTBR'S LAST CHARQE. ting such nil Imprudonco as mnrrUgo wlUi matter a little. Some tliief has your dia­ ly iu love, nnd had made up his mind to the attitude of prayer. Potts now stopp kiiow that while Gov. Hayes wiis leudinS tlint pretty Nobody. Why do you want to mond." marry Sliss Clifton if slie would have nnd 8(X)n ncrceived Gen. Washington, t his column against tlie Confederate Dc> 'tBukitt IiUpbaiilblet He, Aeboldtider,/' .'i close up every puth by BUCII U murrlngo Tho color came hack to Mrs. Havers' him. So far he had not asked her to be­ Commanacr-in-Chiof of tho American luocracy of tho South, Qov, Tilden was CuBter, our hero, the flr8tlnth»flRht, ' • yourself? Ajiiimbltioiis " lips; her eyes flashed; her whole soul come Ills wife; he hesitated on account of my, returning from bending before refusing his name to.tlio groat Union CbumlDii Ite biiUotn of yoro to lly wider, SbaouMK our battle klnu'e riualet* of llgntl' "Wliat'sthuuso now, mother," he cried, liglited wltli a new idea. Slie directed ills sleuder means, biit of late his business God of hosts above. meeting of New York. They know that Seadt-our young chieftain, and iletd (11 fonukem rising on liis olliovr, "in going on this tlie coachman to drive to tho Central po­ prospects liad brightened, and lie deter­ Potts was a pious man, and no -Booij while Gov. Hayes was being wounded V No one to tell un the way of hia falll way.y>,I'm not ambitious. 1 don't wisii lice station, and from tliere she sent an mined to make tlie fatal plunge before liad he rcnclicd his home than he bro four times in tlio war for tho Union, Blain iu the deaert; i)ud never to waken, for any rise in life. I'm content as things order to her husband to deliver her dia­ leaving Newport. Sliss Clifton was, as Gov. Tilden was one of tho committee -Mover; not even to ylctory'B calif". forth to his wife: "All's well! All's wc are; they're bettor than tliey ever were be­ monds to the detective, who was lo bring the phrase goes, very fond of Burton; but 'Yes—George Washington is sure to that reported to tlie Convention that ComndSa, Uo'a gone, but ye need not ne erievins; fore. Wiiat I want is an allowunco from them to Sirs. King's. "Drive to the she had been educated in the SCIKKJI of tho British, mire!" passed the infuincus resolution dc- >. No, nmy my dealh be like bla when I diul King's!" she cried to tho coachman; and modern fashionable Hie, and looked upon No reiirot wuatud on worda I am leavluL', ' tlio , old man; onoiigh to let n>o marry " What's the matter with thee, Isaiicl daring tlio four years of war FalUnu with brave man, and face to tlio aky. Khoda Cliauncey antl live comfortably. If lost in triumphant tlinuglit, 'she did not marriage as tho stepping-stone to an estab- replied tlie startled Sarah, "Thcoseef for tho Union, a failure. They know Poaib'a but B Journey, the priuilui.1 muot take it; you'll liulp llie, nil right. If you wou'l utter a word to ihu jewuler till they ur- lishiiient of her own—house in town, to be beside thyself; about SOiiielhliig I tliat while Gov. Hayes was writing Kamoia eternal and better tliim all; ^. , help me, all right^I'll help myself." rivcd at tlic latter place. Then she s]>rnng villa at Newport, box at the opera, art much moved." home that any man who loft the army to Gold though the bowl be, 'tia fate that mnat break "Have you ever asked her"?" asked Mrs. from the carriage. "Come!" slio said; well-ap|ioiuted equiinigcs, expensive " AVell, what it I am moved? run for Congress should be scalped; Gov. # It, Havers, an anxious sjiot settling on each and she was in Sirs. King's drawing-room toilettes, etc. This she knew was utter­ Tilden was intriguing with the great''M^.:, aiory can hallow the fragmenta that fall. would not bo moved at such a sight asf cheek, for never before had slio quite before the astonished footman could read ly out of the oucstion with Barton; it was saw to-day." former, William M. Tweeii, for tho posl- Proud for bla fame that Ittut day that ho met them I her card. Slio was'walking up and down a great pity, for she really liked him, and tion he now fills, that of Governor of New All the night long ho had been on their track, dared to put the question. "Well, what hast thou seen, Isaac?" "Thill's not worth while till I can see the floor in a kind of glad fury when Sirs. took more pleasure in his society than Y'ork, and Uie one that he never will fill, y-1 Scorning their traps and the men that had act King came in; the loss of that diamond that of any other man. Sleaiitinie one of "Seen! I've scon a man at prayer them, ,, • 1 • my way clear. She knows what I—what the woods—George AVushington himsoli] that of President of the United States. ' ' feel, though." > was clear gain. "You have a thief in the eligible men at the cottage, who was Wild for a charge that ahould never give back. your Sirs. King!" .shecried. "The In a position to furnish the ruquisilc estab­ and now I say what I said before—Al They know tliat while Gov. Hayes has al­ "I shall toll her plainly what she may There on tlw hilltop ho nailed, and aaw them, person who gave me a bit of glass for my lishment with all its attendant luxuries, well! George Washington is sure to bd ready acted upon the principle of civil- expect if she accepts you. Your father • LodROH all looHonod and ready to lly; great diamond." paid veiy marked ntteiitiou to Sliss Clif­ the British, mini!" I service reform, which he has advocated in Hurrying scouts, with the tldlnga to awe them, and I discard you on that day." This is one of the incidents that tend I his letter. Gov. Tilden has acted upon Uio Told o? hla cumlug bofbro he waa nigh. ton, drove her out, talked to her in the All the wide valley was full of thoir forces. "Oh, psliaw! Wiat dashed nonsense!" "Sirs. Havers!" quiet nooks on the ): iazza, danced with establish the decided Christian cliaractj tiinc-lionored Democratic civil-service Qalborud to cover thuirlodgoa retreat; " Dashed nonsense or not, you will tlnd "I repeat it. Sirs. King. Where is her in the evenings—in a word, it looked of Washington. motto—"• o the victors belong the spoils." Warriors running In baste to iholrhorao;, to your cost, If you try. Wo have reached Sliss Cliauncey? 1 demand to see her! very much as if h(!y meant business, and •Washington was never known to into Tliey know that the present Democratic Thousands of enomlca close to his foetl our: position by bitter cllbrt. Wo cannot Sly Allen and that girl, indeed!" Her House of Koprcsentatlves signalized its Down In the valley the ages bad hollowed, his attentions wore generally conceded to tionally injure the feelings of anotlid llioro lay the SItllui? Buira camp for B prey (jivu our consent to being pulled down enraged face glowed with a strange, sud­ be of a " healthy character." All this whether he was a friend or an enemy, return to civil-,service reform by fliling all NumborsI What rooked he I What recked those Irom the height we have struggled .so to den .smile of exultation. "What an es­ nearlj' set Barton crazy, though in up. illustration of tliis trait, an incident is the ofllces under its jurisdiction wiUi Dem­ wliofolliiwodl 4 i.„, '' gain for tho mere whim of a love-sick boy. cape!" she cried. "To think of it—a pearaiice he was perfectly impassible, lated referring to the surrender of Y'or| ocrats ()f he most ullra-Confederatc type, Men who had fought ten to one ere that dttyl If I have a rival with my son," thief!" lie determined, then nnd there, to settle town. AVIiile the Continental army one of whom was expelled forunreformed Out Hwcnt the squadrons, the fated tliroo hundred, cried Mrs. Ilnvers, tlio fire of lier anger " Sirs. Havers!" cried Mrs. King, again; matters and decide his fate. lie f ray of light Interior. winking at tlio sins of his old partner ballot-box stutllng, in wliich he had for Shot througb that terrible black cloud without Tlinl was the way in which ilrs. Havers And she laughed a laiigli of vindibtivo heart, but accepted the jiosition, and con- Tweed.—0/tJ(!a//o Pont. malice. "Whatwill Allen say when I tinned to be on friendly terms with the allies Tweed, Connolly, Sweeny and .lolin tallted to her sou Xllen 6n oecusion, wlien J®'" The most signiflcant and to Re. Slorrisscy — "Keformers" all! They .^ Uroudlng'ln death over Custer's lust fight. chance and couragod sei-ved; and that was tell him?" she cried. " AVhy, if I had Clil'lons, where he.was invited more or Chliioso Foot Dorornilty. known she was to fio bought off, I would less during the ensuing winter. The publicans encouraging sign of this year's know that while Gov. Hayes has been Tiion, did ho hlttuchl' Did ho die like n craven, the meaning of the more stilled way in doing his duty with an integrity as silent Uoggingtiioso torliirlug llonds for his lifer liave paid bur the price of the diamond, eligible j)(icri.son gown on. Of all things, a tliief— and his aunt died in a fll of kindness, porting the ticket liominuted by Uie Cin­ side by side at the lire a few moments, quarlers long. Slaking inquiries of our cinnati Convention. Never before in Uie All Uiis being true, none but a malcon­ Figliting like tigers all buyed amid fousl after they bad left the table,- while lilioda the most loathy! prison worms themselves leaving him a couple of hundred tliousaud laundry boy. Ah Foy, as to where tho tent, incurably blind to the best interests are not so fhia J'rem. der Uio leadcrshij) of Kullicrford B. rSwIftly tho warriors round tlioui were ringing. air of the lovely room at any jiause. me when 1 tell you my' determination! when, in the latter part of .lunc of Sing Lee, jiroprietor of a wiish-houso in Hayes.—ChicAiqo Journal. Circling like bu7.itards awaiting their fall. of the present year, .substantially "Y'ou know, jny dear Mrs. King," she Sluch comfort on his way would such as town,and she was staying there. BS" III 1864 Samuel Tilden helped con­ ». • See tho wild steeds ot the mountain aud prairie, the same party were again assembled at said, the color burning on her cheek as yon bo! I wish Allen wore here; you duct a Democratic niass.meeting in Syra­ Address of the National Liberal Itepnh- Savage eyes gleaming from forests of mane. the cottage on the Newport CI ill". Tliougli Sing Lee courteously conducted us Quivering lances with pennons so airr. the flro-light burned upon tho purple lus­ would see love turn into scorn on his lace cuse, N. Y. On some of the banners flung Ilcuii Comiuittcc. during all these two long years Barton through the dark wash-house, where men War-painted warriors charging umalu. ter of her velvet robe, " that a young man like a transformation. If you robbed me out at that meeting were the following had been a regular, if not a constant, vis­ were beating clothes with banibno sticks, has heights to ascend, and must not over before you married my son, what In the mottoes: "Lincoln has murdered three NKW YoiiK, .Inly 98,1870. Backward again and again tlioy wore driven. itor at the Ciiftons, he bad never again scrubbing them in the suds with bamboo weight himself. It is not what his father world could I expect after!" while men lo free one negro." "Crush To the Liberal Remiblicans of the United States: Slirmking to close with tliu lost little bund; broached the subject of his rejecled love. brushes, and a China boy was cooking Never a cap tliat had worn the bright Seven . has made him, but what he makes him­ the tj'rant Lincoln beforehe crushes you." On the nth day of Muy lust » luveting of But Clifton knew his nature, and dinner in a big pot over a little furnace, to the " Nutiuiial (Jummittee of the Liberal Xic- Bowed till its wearer was dead on the strand. self, that counts. If he has ambitiims, he She paused, because just then Khoda "The jioople are ready to take vengeance fell that bo loved her as faithfully and as a range of berths like those of ocean pnlilieuns" having been duly called, wus Closer and closer tiie doalli circle growing. is foolish to marry at all till he can, as entered the room, and stood before her on tlie advocates of civil war." 'J'o-day Ever tho leader's voluo. clarion clear, devotedly as ever; that his pride and tim­ steamers, and, lifting the curtains of the held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, In the city dealers say, comiiiand the market; if he white and radiant, all her rosy blushes Shammy.I. Tilden is the Presidential qan- /Rang out his worda of encouragement glowing: idity alone prevented him from renewing bed, introduced us to the lady by sajdng; ot New York. At such meeting thlrly-ona._ "We can'die but once, boys, suti. Toun uvKs does marry, be must marry to help, not gone, but her face shining in wrathful dicale of the same Copperheads who flung the oll'er. She was now herself really in " Tliis is my cousin." The woman im- States were represented. After due discus­ nuAH." hinder. Tostart,on a race lijuidieapped," lire. She had come down just as she was, out those insulting banners twelve years sion, It wus ununlnioualy resolved to hold a love with the man. They found them­ medialely rose from the bed on which she said Jlrs. Havers, assuring I'lerself with her splendid hair flowing loose over her ago.—Chiaiyo I'ribuiui. Nutiunul Convention of Liberul Kepublittunu Doarlv they Bold thom. like Berserker's raging, long white dressing-gown like a veil—an selves ones again on the elill's alone to- was sittini; and extended her hand to each Facing the death that encircled tliera round; her white hand that her splendid diamond of us, saying, "How do." Her husband on the 'JliUi day of .July, 1870, la the city ot Doatirsftlttor pangs by tliuir vougoanco assuaging. stones were .still in their of lace on apparition of magniflceiit beauty and in­ gether, passing the very si)ot where Bar- t®*" This is an incident ot the late e.v- I'hihidelphla, uiid u "cull" for aneb conven­ dignation. ton had told bis love, Sliss Clifton asked was sitting by her side, holding a boy a aniination into the SIississipi)i election; tion was issued to the public, runfllriiilng Marking their truck l)ytliulrdead on the ground. her, " that explains the failure of j'ear'old; he was also very ])leased at our CuMiraiicB, our children shall yet toll their story, so many careers that looked so brilliant at Mrs. Havers looked her over from head did lie remember a walk they had on In Claiborne County a leading Democrat the plutfurni udtiplcd by the Liberal Cuuvuii- Custer's last charge on the Old Sitting Bull; those elill's two years ago? Y'es, be did. visit, and proud of the notice we took of tioii held in Oincliinnll in tST'i. Subsequent­ Aud ages shall swear that the cup of his glory the ouLset." lo foot with a horrid insolence, and burst was examined by Senator Boulwell; Did lie remember the subject of the con- his boy, who was already dressed in "How do you expect to carry this elec­ ly to tills action by the National Coinnilttuc, Needed but that dentil to render it full. into a shocking laugh. " It is innocence trousers 'and gown, and wore a red silk and without a dissenting voice, the follow­ —f'retlf.rick Wliittuker, In Army and Navy "Weslioidd .scarcely agree with j'ou itself!" she cried. How well dressed, versalion on llial occasion ? Very faintly, tion?" "In the same way wo did bust Journal, and looking toward the sea, Y'es, he did. turban cap on his head. The wife was ing pruunible and rcsululion wore adopted: here," said Mrs. King, smiling; "we how well jio.sed, how well acted! Aha, year," was the reply; "and you might as WiiuitKAs, Tlie hope is entertained by many pu- .Evidently Sir. Barton was embarrassed more elegantly dressed than any Chinese well understand tliiit we are going lo run think that a good wile is.the hesl start in miss, you will look as innocent in a I had yet seen. Her hair was elaborately triutlc citi/.ons tliut by their continual agitutiun THE THIEF. and much moved. Sliss Clifton deter­ that election just as we please in spite of ^witliiii jiurty lilies" one or both of the doiuinant life a young man can have." blue jean pri.son gown, with your hair'd, and fastened up in iiull's and coils parties may be led, in platfurni and nominees, to cropiied! You many my boy, with your mined lo come bravelv to his a.ssistance. all the Senatorial committees thai can bo But Mrs. Havers was already listening "Well, I have changed my mind on tluil by long dagger-shaped pins of gold. Her sent down here." "That will do, sir; grant ail the pn'lltlcai reformation renuired hy tho IT W11.S not beciiuso Klioilii Cliamicey to the remark of some others joining the ways and wiles!" gown or robe was loose, extended to tho Liberal Kopublicau orgnni/.ar!oii; and •v/ixa not cxcuL'tliiigly pfcitty Unit 3Ii'.s. subject." llialwill do," said Senator Bayard, and WiiKUKAH, 'I'liis Lilioral party, desiring only grou]). Il was a few minutes later thai "What is this, my dear'?" and Sir. knee, and had big, loose sleeves, distended the examination came to a pause. the palilic good, regardloRS of purties. does not Havors objected to liui' inarnagu with her she beckoned llio passing Ulioda lo her King came into the room, and a tall form by lioojis; her robe was of dark blue silk, favor caasuloss liuleiiendunt action, if Itsluili cor- .son Allen,'nor she wii.s not an u.v- side on llio deep lounge, where she liad followed behind him—tliat of young embroidered wilh yellow and red ES'"Domocracy is beginninf; to disci­ taiiilv appear that all wlilch it seeks in tiie way of •cootlingly nice anil ai:com|)lislieil i)er3o)i, Sir. Barton, a]>par(!ntly still more em­ political piirillcation can be as well socurod en.sconced herself hi.vuriously. Never Armisted. silk; her arms had several bnicolot pline South Carolina Itepublicans. The .tlirotigli other organi/atioiis; tlieruforu. anil iili thai ii inollier miglit wi.sli lier " Il is a crazy woman, William." barrassed and still more overcome, "So ornaineiit.s; her hands were small any Viody was more aptly mimed than this have I." Hamburg miLssacro is the lirsl step in that JlMotmU, Tiiat if, after the Uepubilcnn and .aon'.s wile to be, bwl simply Mie sweet girl, for she wiis always blushing "Crazy!" cried Sirs. Havers. "That and well-formed, and covered witli direction. Because a militia company re­ the J)eniocratic Coiiveutlous have been held in They walked home in si!enc«ynnd thus was wlial Mf.i. Itavei's called ii Nolioily, like a i'oso. But of C(mrse Jlrs. Havers girl may well wish I were! This is what rings; she wore big hoops of fused to surrender its arms lo a mob its ofli- .linie nu:ct, one or liotli of ttiesfi parties siiali seem and llml I'liinily pnlentate fell. Ilie neeeHsi- ended an idyl by the seaside. In the Judgment of our Cliaii'uiun, 3Ir. JiUian Al­ could only think il the guilty blush of the it is. Sir. King; I drop a diamond from gold in her ears; .she had a pretty face oersanil men were sholdown likodogs. Had len. 10 have responded to tlie principles and aims Clifton and Sir. Barton arc ficti­ ly of an alliance willi Somebody. one who hail oiitnipped her son, and could my pin in Ibis room. A person flnds it, oval-.shaped, largo eyes, small mouth and it been a white company, of Uie " Liberal ito|>iib1icuu organization," liotli tious names; but lliis I'airy tale is an open As for being pfelly, !Mi's. Havers liad not look his mother in Ihe eye. She was not keeps il, gives me in its place a cunningly dimpled cheeks. She smiled frequently in niuasures and men, iu iliat event our Cliuirman secret I'm' those who move in a certain black, the whole country would have been is luireby authorized, after further couierunce witli bad in her day all lliat boauly commands; the person lo appreciate the lovely, lofty cut bit of glass. AVhaldoes sucli a per.son as we conversed with Sing Lee, but took on (ire with indignation. But the militia tliiscuiiiiuittee, by a prociaiiiatlon to annul tiiu New Y'ork set.—If. Y. Sun. no part in the conversation. I think she hud liad enough for botli, and still liiul it, innocence of that snowy brow, that violet deserve? Tho State-iirLson. And here were black, and the outrage is applauded call for a National Convention tills day ordered; only could speak a very few sentences. biitafter said ConveiitionH, and tlieiraciIon be­ lor the mailer of tliat; but llio Jlaveises eye, tliat dewy lip. Klioda came oliedient- comes tlio ofllcer to see that she has her by ils Democratic authors, and flnds de­ were new people, with some money, but deserts." lUtinovIiig till! liark fi'oin liodics of When I said we wanletl lo see her foot, ing iiiifavoi able to reform, our Cludniinn is eui' ly, and sal by "Sirs. Havers, doing her best, she evidently understood, for she laughed, fenders in a Democriitic House of Kepre- powered to lake sueli action In fiirtlierliig the call not cpiite enough, and wislied to strenglli- as any member of a I'amily does, to enter­ It was llio delectivo whom .Tames won- Apiile Trees, sentalives. The savages under Sitting I'nr a Liberal Conveutiun tills day ordered as ho en llieir receiilly-actiuircd position by deringly admitted, and who, murmuring and i)ut 011^ her tiny, pointed slippers. 1 may deem necessary. tain a guest; and they talked of one in- got on my knee, and took her fool in Bull arc not a bit worse than the cut­ union with tlie old. And as for Ibis prolly dilleronl tiling and another, till, in a mo- a swift apology to Sir. King, stepped to Wn have frequently seen the entire hark Tlie Uepubilcnn and Denipcnitle Conyei:« my lap and examined il closely, and throats of HiimlHirg, S. 0.—liopublie Mag­ tlons have both been held, and, as comiiianit ' Klioda Clmuncey, she was simply llie menl of comparative quiet, Allen's laugh Sirs. Havers' side, and in a few words stripped from the bodies of apple trees, azine. * friend and companion of Jfrs. King; an gave bur lo understand that she was a lit- with advantage lo the trees. In a few in­ measured it. Tlie foot and leg were ed In tlie above resolution, I have since eoni was lieard ringing from anolher part of furred with the luoiiibers of the National adopted child, wiUioiil any of Ihe privi­ tie lu'enialiire, aud had iierhaps better stances we have done il witli our own bound tightly in white satin, apparently CSS'"Tilden and Hendricks are reform­ the drawing-room. .sewed neatly aroiuul tlie limb. There ers! Hendricks will doubtless artemptrio Liliurul Coniniilleu, and the response, which leges of adoi>lion, as you might say— "Poorbiiy!" said Sirs. Havers, look­ lirsl go home. hands. But it was iierformed at a sea.son is ill entire harmony with my own views, la thai is, eoniforlahle in Ihe present and were banns'of gold around her ankles; reform the Constitution upon the first fa­ ing in his direction—"poor boy! You "Preinaturo!" cried she. "When I lose of Ihe year when a new layer of wood was almost iinnniinous to annul the cull fur lliu provided for in the future. She was, her ankle mciisured ton inches in circum­ vorable occasion. His idea of whatwould can hardly tell how a mother feels. Miss a diamond, and lliat girl gives me a bit of being formed outside of die stem, consist­ Motional Convuiitlon above referred to, luul mofiiover, neither new nor old, so fur as ference at its smallest ])lace; her foot was constitute a reform in tlic organic law to approve. In the name of llic Lilioral Ho- Klioda," and .she iiansed M'itU emotion, glass, is it jirematirre I'or me to say so? ing of material fm' bolh wood and bark. family wont; nothing was Icnown general­ two and three-quarter inches long, two may be found in what he said li^boul Pres­ publieans of the United States, the nonilna-, " when I hear my boy laugh so gayly," No! Do your duly, otlicer, and arrest the This remains on the tree when the bark inches broad in the middle, and oiie inch ly alunit lier; slie iiUbi'ded nothing to ident Lincoln's Emancipation Proclama­ lions of KiiUicrford B. Hayes, of Ohio, for .she .said, " and think of tin! sad way lying thief at once! Have you lieeii at my leaves il. Tlie exposure to Ihe air and al Ihe toes; over Ihe white satin hand or •climl)" by, and would be merely a (lead tion; President, aud ot William A. Wheeler, ot before every aspiring youth; and Allen is house? Have you brought me the jiin?" light immediately liardcns the outside and stockings she wore blue satin slippers, New York, for Vice-President. Aveiglil. / Oo not know v^Jiether Ihut proclamation h so ambitious!" "Yes, Sirs, j'lavers." all Iho functions'go on as bel'oi'e, through embroidered in silver. Tlieslippers came il Is a luglcul result of the Liberal movc- "You know very well,. Allen," Mrs. goinq In U taken back or not; / am going to "Sad, Mrs. Havers'?" "You ought to have brought my son." the ag(!ncy of tliis thin, Iresh bark. Tliere al 1110.^1 to a |)oinlal the loo. She could 'tole. lo Imki: il back the first nnjiorliinily I ad. It nienl tliut Uiusu who still adiiere to ilslioiild Havers said, as her son Inv on ii lounge "Ah, yes; sad indeed, when as a rule, "That is true." is doiiblless one advantage now ])0.ssessed only walk by aid of her cane, wliicli was wos a wicked tiling lo liare ItHiieil. III this time support Hayes and Wheeler. in lier eeause he was an unsellisli ]ialriot iinil an Cliauncey?" upon il in my own marking; biil these are kind or variety. In a similar way tlie honest man, they inust now sustain Gen. morrow." Her baby, one year old, had feel live inch­ are di.ssatisfied with Gen. Grant's iidmin- " Not at all," answered Rlioda, calmly. not tlie .slones I sold you. Tln.'v also are fresh, new baric of the peeled Iree iissists Hayes for tlie nii'ino reason, and to do oliier- "Oil, pshaw!" es long, but- he'was a hoy and enlilled to Lstralion, there can be no doubt. Whether " I lliink if he loveil a girl, ho\<-ever pen­ glass—four pieces of glass. 'I'he stone llic functions of the leaves tind does sonie­ wisu would lie hicuiisistciit ucllon. The op-_^ "You would re])i'oach me verj" much if masculine freedom of limb.—Suiitii Bar- the rea.sons for their discontent be good, niless; be would be lu'lter to marry her, that you lost last night was undoubtedly lhing more than tlie leavesaloiie would do, puslliim of the " Liberals" bus never lieen I liad siioiled your digestion in thai way hunt (G(il.) O'or. Louisnille Courier Juarniil. had or indill'erent, we do not now propose ugainst the Uepubliean party, of which tlicy and liavi! her eomforl on his way." glass also, and that is it. Y'ou were and in tliis way a positive benelit is re­ whon you were a cliikl. "What is the dif­ to inquire. Nor do ivo propose to shut foniied purl, but rathxr uguiiiat those who, Sirs. Havers' face grew while, and then rolilied, not last night, but long ago, Sirs. ceived from liie operation. AYIielher it ference now':"' our eyes to the fact that lliey lU'e consid- unforluiiuteiy foril and tlie Nation, hud con­ grew purple, with her su]ipre.ssed vil,uper- Havers." would do to repeal il often il is quite "The dillerence is," said he, with a cu- crablo in number, resiieclable in influence trol of Us destiny lo Ils discredit. ation. " But il would be an outrage!" "I I is inipo.ssible!" gasped Sirs. Htivers, doubtful. The best time in the summer .rious Hush lliroiigh liis languor, "llial can be delermined only by experinienl, and disinterested in motive. They are Tlie good rcsulta whlcli liiive been gulned she exclaimed, uiialilc to keep silence her lace darkening" with her I'eeling. "1 Cul. lliggiiison on the Hniiibnrg Mn.s- accordingly entitled to the respect and the jiow I'm a man." but il should be doubtless when there is by the iaaugurallou ot the Liberul iiiove- wholly. " Il winilil bo his death-blow, was robbed last niglit, and I demand the consideration of the Kepublican party, niont in IST'J is a mutter of eoiigriituhitlon. " Xow, Allen, look at llie inalter ra- Hacre. his ruin in more ways llian one. For if il arrest here and now. No jiallering be­ most vigor of growth. It will be under- whellier they did or did not join in the ill- It wus then that the demand for reform ^,. •tionally," said his mother, pausing in her stood tiial the wliole success consists in were my son, I would never forgive him. cause it is in this and in this com­ Allow mo lo call your atlxiutiini to a re­ fated'"Liberal" .secession of four years against existing abuses wus lirsl made, by r I work. "This girl, williout money, wilh- not scraping or in|uriiig the new surface. My doors slioiild be shut upon him. Do pany. Here and now do your duty, or I markable circumstance in tho ri>cent ago. those v\'bo bud before acted within the Ite- •out relatives, williout name, would be on- —iV. y. J/milil. piibllcun lines. Subsequent events have you hear. Miss Chiiuncev'?" will .see to il that you are removed from Hamburg ina.ssacre, namely, thai, after Jy a millstone round j-our neck." Doubtless some Kepubli'-ans took stock more tliaii eonllrnied tliu wurnings of tliu your iiost." the captured mililiamen had been sliol " IJIiimed, niother, if you don't go oil' Cliauncey did not reply. The Siiignlar Meeting of nil Old Lover. in that departure witii ";reat expectations "Libeiuls" then given, and huvu vindlcnted down, Ihe colored Slagislrale before whom jnto the abstract on the least provocation yoiuig Governor was stooping lo sjieak " You force me to bo very cxjilicit, Sirs. as regards dividends and Ihalsorlof thing. their eH'orls then mude fur Nutloiiul reform. the had been brought was compelled Firmly nuiintulnlngthcirgroundfor the oust of iijiyoue 1 know. I'm nolanogre; I'm with her just then, and hiking liisarni,slie Havers,"exclaimed tlieoflieer, reddening. TiiR proprietor of a summer hotel near Visions of "spoils" for the "victors" to flee for his life, and his house was four years, they iiuvc seen the "Indcpenuunt jiol going to eal anybody; .so what has di­ rather iibruplly left Sirs. Havers, and Mrs. " And since you want an arrest, you shall this city had a very singular experience mixed in the dreams of some of l.hcm, re­ siieked. Yet :tll iiecounis agree in saying voter" ot uil purties adopt their views, and gestion to dowilliil'y And how you gel Havers presently rather abruptly left the have il—if y'ou still say so. Slarcli, recently. Among his guests were a mid­ garding a "reformed" civil service, just tlial bis only share in the affair bad con­ al llie eleventh hour thcv linve seen the Ke­ ;i millstone out of an animal body before house. when you were ill, your pin was taken dle-aged widow and her married daughter lis now they iigitjite the sluniTJcrs of the publican party, in eonvuiiUon assembled, in sisted in an endeavor to keep the peace, il undergoes petrifaction is a conundrum It was on the next morning that Sirs. from your house to a certain pawnbrok­ and husband. He was impressed witli Tilden "reformers." Others joined iu entire harmony with the domunds of the he having gone so far as to advise the col­ •vof your own asking." Havers appeared at Sirs. King's door, and er's, llie stones were rcmoveil and sold, the idea that be had somewhere seen the that alliance from sheer .sore-headedncss. "Lllierale," disregarding the inucblnc poll- ored militiamen to give up their arms to The supply ot plaster for that was tlcluns, so culled, pluceln noiiiinullon men "Animal bodies do iinder;;o potrifac- on meeting the lady of the house, declared the crystals were put in llieir jilace, the widow before, but he could not tell when' him. That he .should have been included quite oxiiausted in the Kepublican party, wliosegreutdlsllnetion la that they are thor­ lion somelinies, so far as their liearts are that she must her lor the early in­ ]>in was taken back and put in your jcwel- or where. Finally, making inquiries in tho general brutality shows the bitter so great had been the demand. Of courso oughly lioaual us well us capublc. The eon- concerned—and wliile they ai'eiilive,too," trusion, but slie was really in great dis­ lio.x—by the only per.son who linew where about her, il appeared that she was form­ hostility of race in which the wliole all'air there was no supply al all of the article in scieneo of tlio Nuliun wliich, rising aliovu -said she, significantly. tress, for she had lost night llio cen­ its kej-'was to be found. AVo have long erly a Sliss S , living on Ninth street purty, revolted against the Kepubilcun or- originated. the parly to which they seceded, for thai tral diamond from her brooch; and she been cognizant of all the facts, apd wail­ in this city, in n location formerly very guniziilion in 187°J, must now indorse tliis "AVell, it's a blamed vulgar compari- Sir. Kivers, the Slagistratc in question, \y.\ny never reached tlie point where par- begged that the rooms might be examined ing on your movements. The money was fashionable. It appears that the landlord ucllon. * -son, anyway; and you're greul on the vul­ is well known to me and to many others ties iiro able to minister lo heads diseased to see if hj" any chance il had been dropped spent in riotous living. The thief. Sirs. was an old beau of llie lady's, and that The "Llboriil nioveinenl" will bo remem­ gar, you Icnow. Sho wouldn't make il, I at the North, having been for more than as theirs were. In a word, Iliey went out there. Havers, wus nobody tiial you suspect. I they were once engaged to be married, bered as nn evidence that, wlien the liuur can tell you that." three yiiiirs tlie Color Sergeant of my reg­ from us because they were not of us, and Of course the household was instantly grieve to say, it wius your son." but she was a greiil llirt, and the genlle- demands It, the people arc capable of luuU- "Indeed! She's n person of taste, I iment during Ihe Civil. War. He is a man will stay out from us for the same reason. ing purty inunugcrs aubaorvientto their will. in commotion. Every body remembered " Sly son!" .she shrieked. man became olfended at some actions of presume';" with some irony. of uncoinnion mental and jihysical power, To tills number belong Koerner and Tho protest, in dellnncc ot party discipline, tliat diamond—you were not likely to for­ "Your son. It remains with you lo hers which ho regarded as indiscreet. He "'IMp-top." and a natural leader of his people. Ho Trumbull, of Illinois, and men ot their originully made at C'incbinuli in 187'i, is a. get it, once having seen it, especially on say whether or not tlie iirresl shall take went to Europe, and on liis return was in­ "And will inarri" you?" could read and ^vrite even bolore the war, in other States. proof tliut a citizen reniuins faithful to im Sirs. Havers' person—a very uncominoii place." formed that the young woman was dead. honest discharge of his political duties, " I've no reason lo'doubt it," said the was thoroughly upright, courageous and stone, worth, perhaps, a couple of thou­ " It. is false!" she cried. "It is false! Under this impression he forgot all about To such as tliese wo do not now allude. tliniigli purty leaders licconio corrupt. young man, lieeding no sarcasm, and en­ truthful; any stalemeiit of his was entitled sand dollars; ovei'y body was upon the it is false! I am in tlie midst of a eon- her. Strangely enoufjii, Uie woman, about They are joined to their idols—let them II only reniuins for me to deelnrc, by vir­ joying a coinplacenl look in the' clieval- to absolute contidenco. Since the war he search lor It, in all disinterested eager­ spiracj'! Take me borne, oli, take me the same time, married and removed to alone. 'I'liev could do liltio for us; they tue ot the authority given rac us above, that glass that rellecled his long nnd gracel'ul has been a local Slngistrato and a member the Liberul Kopublfciinsot the United Stutes, ness; and in than live minutes home! Oh, Allen, Allen, Allen!" And Cincinnati. During a subsequent visit lo will do liltle us. But wo refer .shape, his liandsome, pallid, rulher blase, of the Legislature, lie was not a man lo through IbelrNiitlonul Conimltteo, upprov- Chnuncoy bad espied il whore il liad been as .she cried the uanio her wonderful face Now York slic was likewise informed tliat now lo llie great body of those who, countenance. hide him.self or to leave his house unpro­ Ing of the nominees of the Kepublican party, Hung by Sirs, llavers in the sudden move- seemed to grow older by years, and she her former lover was deceased—a circum­ whether actuated by unfounded or well- " Nor I, either,"cried liis mother, melt­ tected, except for all-sulllcient reasons. the "cull" for "u Nntioiial Convention of ing from her brief anger with her one meiils of her anger on tlie night before, staggered and groped •w'ilfi ouslrulchcd stance quite natural, as the pa])ers report­ founded motives, arc as sincere in their Liberul Kepubllcuna," lo be held at Philadel­ Of all the Southern outrages since the return to the old camp as they were in tlarling; and, .sweeping her jewels aside, and had given it to Sirs. King, who placed bands as she walked. But as the jeweler ed the drowning of a man of the same phia on tlie 2UIL day ul July, 187ti, la un- war, there is no one more sure to have an their leaving it, or in their discontent with it in Sirs. Havers' delighted and grateful handed her out, .she turned her head name: Ho married and iiecamo a widow­ nnllcd. ETUAN AM.F.N. • .slio ran to him, ancl took the curly head in importanl inlluence than this Hamburg tho leadership of it. From these wo hand—a iiluniii, fair liaiid it was, but il as if for some malediction, and the last er. A fortnight a»o tho meeting occurred, Chairman of the Tfational Liberal Ilopublican her two hands, and ki.ssed il lus if il were atrocity. There is no conflict ot testi­ have the best of tidings. Our advices are C'omiultteu. closed over thai stone nevertheless, niueli thing she saw was Khoda, her lace hidden and when he had made himself known .still the baby's she remembered, till he mony about il. Il occurred in broad day, very satisfactory. Those who voted with as the crooked talons of some old Hin- in his breast, clasped in the arms of young the woman could hardly believe her own W.^aiifNOTON left an estate valued at rather impatiently freed himself, after was utterly unprovoked, was attended by llic Liberals in i873, for Greeley, will vote, dostiineo trader in diamonds would have Armisted.—Jlarpcr'n Banzar. seases. Each parly imagined the other over sfSOO.OOO; John Adams died moder­ having submitlcd'with wliat he considered iieculiar circumstances of barbarism, and abnost to a man, with the regular Kepub­ done. had risen from the ilead, but the acquaint­ ately well oil", leaving about *75,000; Jef­ u very good grace for a reasonable time. included the armed invasion ot a neigh­ lican iiarty in 1S70, for Hayes, and those "Sly dcarmadam," said the jeweler, as ance thus revived has been a happy one to ferson died .so poor tliat if Congress had " Hut that's the miseliiof of it," she re­ Sliu Glinngcd Her Mind. boring State. For one, I have been trying who might have bolted, if certain candi- Sirs. Havers took from her porte-monaie, liotli, and the boarders are remarking the not purchased liis library for $'.20,000 ho sumed, when she bad taken her seat and hard to convince myself that the Southern dales had been nominnted, or it certain in- on entering his shop shortly afterward, Two YK.VTis ago a very pleasant party singular fondness of tho widow for the would have been a pauper; Sladison was lier chamois leather again. " If she would whites had accepted the results of the lluoiices bad not been defeated, have the little roll of silver paper in which she was a.ssembled at a certain charming cot- landlord, The explanations wliicii fob frugal, and left about !i!l.'iO,O0Q; Sloiiroo- not I should be happier. Y'ou are very war, and that other questions might now avowed their entire satisfaction with the bad wrapped the loose stone, and then lage on the Newport Clitrs. It was in lowed only intensifled the new attach- died so poor that be was buried at llie ex­ bright, Alien; you can bo anything you come uppermost. So far from being a result of the Cincinnati Convention, 'llieir pa.ssed it over to him, " do you mean that early .luly, before the great rush, when meni, and it is sujiposed a wedding in pense of bis relatives; .lolin Quincy . choose. If you would go into polilics, bigoted Jtopublicnn, I took part in the grievances were all removed by the action you wisli me to take the diamond out of cottage life is much inoi'o onjovablo than September will be the result.—iV. Y. Cor. Adams left about !{;,'ii3,000; .lackson died you could as well be Governor as this " I'iftli Avenue Political Conference," ot thai Convention, wilh respect to both young Armisted." the brooch I sold you, and substitute this at the height of the season. 'I'he lady of Chicntjo Tribune. the iilalform and the candidates. Gov. worth about !i!80,000; Van Buren loft for it?" the house had invited four young girls, all and should certainly have refused to sup­ $•1(10,000. It is said lie did not draw his "He's always hnnging. around her,con­ . «~*-fr port the Kepublican nominoeiliad be not Hayes' splendid letter of acceptance im\- found him!" he said, liglitiug another "It is out already, and I wish you lo lovely, two of whom had been out for fliTiied tliem in their resolve to remain in, salary while in ol|||e, but at Uic expira­ '\'\'ashingtoii at I'rnyer. commanded my eonfldence. As il is, I cigarette alius old one. put il biick again," said Sirs. Havers. "I three winters, and were lu'etly well versed or retiu-n to, the parly that saved the tion of his term of prvice drew the wiioli!" am more than over grateful for the in- I?100,000; Polk left nn estate valued at '.'Y'ou c,- •fellow. Everybody kowtowing to him, great distance from tho headquarters. its easily send them across the Pennsyl- are ii guarantee of an upright and straight­ " Indeed!' 'J'lien some one has in'aelieed |iopuliir men at the clubs; but he was 000, and .Johnson ^rjO,WO.—Chicago Inter- owning ii railroad himself, Governor this Proceeding along ho thought he heard a Viinia ijorder next year if il secures the forward administration of all branches of n great knav'ery upon you. This is a very jioor—his fortune was yet lo make. Ho year, will be Senator no.M year—not a voice. He slopped a monionl and li.stcnod aid of a Democratic Nntionnl Adminis­ the Government. They know that while prettily eul piece of glass." had iioen invited to llie collage jiartly bo- Ocetin. wliil abler, not a whit belter looking tlian attentively. He did liear'a voice, hi some tration. Fin' (uie, I do not propose to ac Gov. Hayes is absolutely unassailable, "Gl'!" cause of his wit, cleverness and social lal- distance, and quite dislinctly, tliough not whether ho is " investigated " as an army * i • you, and just your age." quiesce in this.—Tlionwn Wenlworth Uiy^ Tun membership of tlio Trades Unioiw " where the rest of the pin euls, and piirlly because of his well-known catching tho words. As it was in the di­ f/iiison, in JV. Y. JTIHW. ofllcer or as a civil otlicer. Gov. Tilden "Oh, hung him, moUier! What's Arm- is?" admiration for Clifton, to whom ho rect courso he was pursuiiitj, be wont on, was opposed as a candidate for the nom­ in New York city has fallen from "18,000 islcd lo ino':"' " It is at home," whispered Sirs. Ha­ had devoted himself ever since she lirsl and with consideralile caution. At length ination by lendinjj Democratic papers on in 1873 to 18,000, and of the 7.''.,000 "His place, his opporlunities, liia fame, vers, with while lips. made her appearance in society, some THE population of Kentucky, as re. artisans, mechanics'and laborers in tho he came in sight of a man whose back ported by the Auditor of Slate, is 1,- the ground thai Ins political and railway might bo sonielhing to you, might bo " Lot mo drive home with you. Sirs. tlirce yoiirs before. Barton was desperate­ was turned toward liim, ou hia knees, in relations would be fatal lo him. They cily, about onc-Uiird are out of employ- j'ours. Y'ou wouldn't lim\ him commit. Havers. I should lilco to look into this (100,525. mcnl. K^

lent hu had ever scon in tlio courso of u Beantlfiil and Economical.FaBliloiis. her hand, and saying: " My darling. If I HOME, EARM AND GARDEN. beginning to" dravir In" from the shoul­ cimnot take you with me, I'll go withyou!" niatiatlbuHneKi. OTtaTuKiiiiaflftmulrsfrvo. long experience.' He flaw people die witli­ der or bulge of the stack, the slant should BUS' S.M.8i'ENOtH,IM7 Wutaofftoa bL*lkkloa. in thirty minutes of tlie inonientof itttack. -And there, beneath the salt waves of New Never witliin the memory of even " the —Tube rose is no rose, hut the tuberous gradually "increase until the top of the The village was filled witli lumeutiitious, York Bay, within a liundrcd yards of _ MONTH.—ARCnU wnnigil nnj- oldest inlial>ltant" have our fashions been imliantli (piilidnthea tiiberata). stuck is reached. Nor should it he for­ WILUS F. COHNKM., Propriator. and natives rushed wildly hither, and shore ancf help, lie "Ayent with her." wheit. niinliiiisg lioiiurable und lint- so beautiful, so becoming, so ex<|uisitoly —Biearboiiate of sotia, dissolved in gotten that the sheaves as they come from dau. rtrtlculiiru eciic free. AililrMt Uiithcr. Many people died in the streets; JOUH -WOII-ril & CO.. SC LouU.lla. dainty, as now. Even piiterfiiniiliaH, that Leander swum the ilellespoiit to greet water, used as u lotion, will remove prick­ shocks in the field have one side longest, S250I MASON, MICHIGAN. while running aAviiy they wore seined with contlrnied grumbler, finds little cause for Ills "ladie love," and his name has sur­ ly heat. i. e., from the bands to the butts, ana in Men to Mil our tooOi t* the pangs of the disease, and dropped on commencing to form the s\vell or bulge of complaint, for economy enters largely into vived the lapse of tine; but wliat was —To get a fish bone out of the throat— pKAliiSRN. No neililllng the spot and soon expired. the stack the longest side of each bundle irotn houiD ta tiouie. ANO fashion this year, and extrivvugance is a that devotion compared with this, before swallow an egg, raw... It will be almost -- — r.- .. .i » "lontti.'.H(J tr»vi;llii« «• should be kept upward; but m soon as the WAITED^ Terrible Trial of Two Ilcrry Pickers. mum matter simply of choice, not at nil of our very eyes almost? Every ill and ev­ certain to take the bone with it, ' ptUH'j volit MouiTua M4N'i>'i>Co.,ciiiunnkU. ohia. ery disaster has' its compehsatinnM, and " drawing in" begins the short sideshould Mark Twain oiiPostofitcc Maiiai^ciuent. necessity. Many of the elegant toilets —To clean ligbt-colorod kid gloves dip A Troy (N. Y,) piipcr siiys: On Tuesiliiy that challenge admiration are "made- this devoted love of a young millionaire be placed upward. One of the most difli­ them in campbene (which is made of two cult ]>arUs of building a stack is U> know BOOK r Ktc.?;!j;ii"Kpjri-^i: last two brotliers nmnuci Taylor, aged re- To tlio Kdltor of tliu N. Y. ICvenliig Po«t: over "ones, sometimes, but not uUvrys, stands out a sort of heavenly halo, to gild sjiEctivcly twtilvo unci fifteenj'cars, wlio ro- parts alcohol and one part turpentine), and how to form the swell or shoulder, il fi , Now when there is so mucli worrying with the udditioniil advantiigo of jiorttons one of the most heart-rending disasters of in tirciU Mti'illllH HHtl AMrfivu, ni? DtuscS. siile a few miles north of Lansiiigburg, the age. squeeze th«!iu lightly in the hand, then' where the roof of the stack is to join its •aaruM.M. A. I'AIUvliUi! CO., Chlaimi.ill. '^ ' and wail ing and legislating itbout economj' of new material. S prlcsn—LurKOst Company In Ainerlea— conuiulrmu touching that matter ? If j-ou polonaise of some light-colored summer watery grave this more than " plumed * "Boston Kaihoad tlioy trudged wearily, at —•Those who are likely to have a defi­ and thus not only affect Ihe symmetry, but •Uplo nrtlclc—pleuci everybody—'rrade eentlnuallr write to a i)erson in certain foreign coun­ silk, with a skirt, im inserted vest and Knight "—this magnificent, heroic sped- Increiulni;—Axenta »iint«il •vci-ywhcro—buji Iniluci!- times striking across fields, along the ciency of hay or fodder, caused by floods, the safely of the stack. To keep the mid­ uienu—don't wusta time—tend farclreuUrtoltoB-T tries, our Government will forward your front, jiockets, ciifTs, collars and trim­ men of manhood—this faithful husliand, WKLLS, «3 Vcey It.. W. V. V. O, Uox WIIT. fences and into llio ravines, wherever or any other cause, can now sow corn on dle fullest from where you begin increas­ letter without requiring you to iirejmy the ming of some delicate check or stripe in " oven unto death "—what may we think Ijuslies looked jiron>ising. Theirs was no two or more colors, one of which is the any idle land, mid raise a profiudile crop. ing the diameter until the top of the stack holiday excursion, no i)leasure trip under­ |)ostage i but M. you write to a i)crson in or say for herV She needs no epitaph is reached Is a direction which cannot be your own or a neighboring State, you must same as the polonaise. better than this: There are plenty of such places in the taken to while away the da3', but work lately flooded regions. too rigidly followed. rendered necessary to procure the necessi­ not only prejiay, but be sure you do not " Iler husband, failing to save her, died A handsome street toilet has n long —Icing for Cake,—Beat the whites of The slacker should, of course, always wdQhl/2^^&c/e^b ties of life for tliuniselves and the loved fall .short a single penny; for if you do the with hnr! " I-cctnniH lit Unyllcs' Great lliiRlnfiHH College, Kooktilc, Government will be afraid to risk collect­ plain skirt with smooth front and side- two eggs to a stiff froth; mix in gradually have some |iei-snn to hand him the bun­ Idwii. *tH> |)iiyK ttnurit, ttiltlon. etc. Pttnniniiiitilp, Bliort- ones at home.- The day wore on, the hour No " woman of the period " was she, I Imml, KtiKliHh Hrancliuii, Tulet;m[ililiiK again relumed to llie brolik and lieiiny stamp on il and the words " Collect they like, a large dish use two eggs, a i)iece of but­ painful dliiordura, rhciiiiiiillsin and i;out, llhlicil 111 l,,»Lli JCMCIUII 1.11 I1 4Met-ninii. Unal.rKe.BA eighl'een lience." 11 had been forwarded a full, sweeping train. The polonaise is prU'riil[tilylllui|ii'rouh. from Hartford wilhoul ever going lo llie elleel upon the kidneys and bladder eonstl- IliROr.ndeunloi.iiUlColeljrMlon.A.QEN'fS WANTED! the truth dawned upon his young mind around the bollom wiih a fringe of simi­ aa a reliitivi? when you die, leave a little wilier, and half a teacup of good vinegar. KimlKriiWltijIiilcrcitlcvr.-.vwli.irolri tiiu llinUinff FiUtnrjr uTour that this was no ordinary of faint' Uead-Leller Olllce. The conundrum I money behind you, Beat the eggs, whites and yelks together, tiile it a iiauful niedluino for ImiiuUing those .ounlo'Oivtice,,-iir/nlii,ii-or'-i' Acrnl',, Srtiil otancATorileienn- lar color, wilh which is mingled a profu- organs to n complete pei-forniiiucc of tliulr ing. He had heard of sunstroke and lis wish lo ask is this; If ii letter be under- very light, add the water, vinegar and tQu.uatoru.,iueCAMr/i2!.L&CO.,Clilcaiso.llU prepaid, would it not be well lo do it up sion of black, velvety tassels, The jiolo- —Lieut, Ciiineron says lliiit the whole of fiiiiullons when they are weak and inactive. fatal ell'ects, and he knew that his brother naise is closed down the front with square AI'Hca is one vast slave-Held, The tradojs butler, and put all in a tin on the fire, Til fact, tliei-e is'searculy any disease of which in a rag and send il along, taking Ihe risk stirring all the time until il is of 11 creamy had been pro.slniled by it. Almost wild bows of black velvet, each having in the increasing instead of diminishing. wcaUnuKs is an nccoinpiinlnicnt. In which with alarm, he knew not what to do. of collecting the deticil at the oilier end, as Ihickness. Pour it hot over the cabbage, center three little ta.ssels of cream and —The nineteenth century doesn't seem tills ufliniralile niedlebic cannot liu used with There was no help nigh, and lie dare not u.sed lo be llie custom before we learned slir up well wilh a fork, und leave to advantugc. black. Collar and deepculls, and a pocket lb climb along about its businiiss near b del.,rkd .ii'l uro ITnMu^-tfd hy uitne R, Jb T« f^'HC Btutr leave the sullerer to seek it. Xaturally so much V cool. of velvet, complete this very liand- us spriglitly since the fast mail hits ~\d lAqutd Jiftrtirt tlj Iti*/, rh.riloi.iii f«i.iirl m.n» "urt. I» self possessed and reasoning, he e.verled ioilllMiInn, ItlUoiiantii*. ConnhiAtloB, l).TiripiU. ril<* I.ti»g, some toilet. Some dainty morning- stopiied. —Ices.—The making of ices is not nt MAITV who are suflfcrlng from the effects LlTir. BU7 %\\ liidlBtr JniitM wid r*> King's College, London, aa an ellicieiil three times during the operation, and stir festation of life was liailed with gladness !.M.\nK TWAIN. beeiiiiiing broader again as it reaches the cup. Tlie uonrlnblu;^ imd tlie l!fe-Hiipportlii{^ {irop. liilUrt. OawartorimiuUoDiudltifrlar^ Kl.MIltA, N. Y.,,1 Illy 2:1, ISril. method of treating nervous disesises. up Ihe conteniK well, ilwill improve the ertles of nitiny vnluublo niitiiriil prodiiclloiis con­ rnanti, by the watcher. Later still, he did not shoulders. Anollier charming morning- result. 'For orange ice, take the juice of tained In it und well known to medical men biive aUNUrAOTDnKD BOLCI.T UT know how long, his ears were greeted [It was clianicleri.slic, of !Mr. Twain's dress is of sheer blue organdy wilh skirl —The dies this sea.son are equipped FOV AIXAUMON, six oranges and the grated rind of lliree, nmoNt Htruii^^thonln^ liuluence. A single bottle of Willi Ibe feeble ulteraiice. "Where am kind heart thai he prepaid the iioslagif on and saeqiie. Tlie skirl Inis adeep riillle with teeth, wliidi is interpreted to nieun New Ilavou. Ooim. und the juice of two lemons, wilh Ihe the Tonic, will deinonutriitc its valuiiblu qntilltleH. ly" When informed, lie altenipled lo the foreg(iiiig letter lo oiiivelves with of while Swiss surniountecl by two full, that, in the jiidgmeiiL of Nature, the same proportion of sii.giir and w-aler; pre­ Ij'or debility nrlttliiK I'rom wIcknci^H, over-esiertlon, rally and walk, but was unable, and he stamps amoimliiig to thirty-nine cents, wide pull's. The sacqiie lils closely lo llie American peop'le are a prelly lough sel. pare Mild freeze as lemon ice. Pineapple,, or from nay oiiuHe whatever, n wlnuKlascful of Sea rehiclantly made up his mind that they when tlin.'O eeiils would doulilless have figure in the b;ick and is short. Before, —Very inlelleeluul women are seldom ice requires for a similar amount of sugur Weed Tonic taken nfter incnid will strengthen the must spend the night there. Then the iinswered everv purpose.—Etiii. Jiniidiia il is long, reaching to a point al Ihe knees, hcaiitil'ul.—iVwo Jlnccn. Ki'i/iiitar. Now iind w-aler the expressed juice of one large Etoinach and create nu nppctlte for w'holcHomQ tlioiiglil arose in their minilsof the anxiety food. To nil who nvo about lenvlng their homei and is quite loose'. Swiss riillles similar add, if you dure, lliul very beautiful pineapple, and the juice and grated peel of the nuitlier and sister at home, but we dcHlro to say that the excellent effects of Dr. to the skirt, but much narrower, are the women are seldom intdlectual.—LouiaoiUe of one lemon. For strawberry or rasp­ there was no help for it, the elder was un­ Scheack's seaHnuable rumedlef*—Hea \Voed Toiilc Tlioic in Heath in Yoiii- Well. triimiiing. Gourir.r-JoiirKHl. berry ice the juice of one quiirtof berries, able to walk, and he dared not trust his and .Mandrake I'llls—are particularly evident when Some pretty novelties in the way of —If idle people only knew that the cn- added lo one jiint of sugar and a half a brother alone in the darkness for fear he taken by Hume who are Injiirlouuly iiil'ccled by a A few diij's since I was spending a little sacques, with or wiihout joyuienl of rest und pleusure iu lo be ut. pint of water, and the juice of a lemon, would lose his way. They were therefore chan;tc of water and diet. No person should leave short vacation at lliu connlry residence of sleeves, are of ])iill's of black net and tained only by real honorable labor, Wf, makes a most satisfactory delicacy. But obliged lo spend the night there. Lying lionie w-Iihout. takliii.' u KUIIIIIV OI' lhe«« safegunrdi a friend whose well usually yielded pure .stripes of velvet or ribbon. These are liii- should have fewer valeludiiiarians , und one of the most delicious made by along. For sale by all f)ruggUts. SPECIAL ADVANTACESf down, they slejit quietly until the tirst TtiQ bout and moHt- elRKiuit rooms In the Weet. and cold water. But his wife said thai islied around tile edge with a ruche or hypocoiulriaes in the world. imttiiig logelher the juice of one quart of graj- streaks of dawn were visible in the Over W. K. FJN- could see it. Don'l let the women know sleeves of black silk velvet, 'i'his is al­ LAVife Co., Proprietors, New Orleans, •wanderers. Their joy on meeting tlie develoimient, "gen'l'men, thar's iiitelleck foK SALis iiv AU. Uuu.geisrs. boys safe was unbounded. On the return what wc propose to do, or they'll all be most the only fabric used in combination for yer." Farmiu); vs. I'rofuHsion. home the storj' of the day's adventures sick fm- a month, It was Sunday. "We with this cream-colored net. A grenadine Tho Enemy of Diseaiso, the Foe ol was lold, and the mother there and then lold them we would wjilk leisurely dress of striped light and dark blue has a —An index of the increased number of The Maine-Vj'rro;-gives the testimony MAi.AUiA.or poisiinor.B nlr, ir-. the cause of Puia to Mail and Veust, resolved that, come what would, berry toward the church and tliey emild come lit trained skirt with Uiree pleated rutlles, banlwupts in the East this year miiy be of a New- Hampshire boy, now a resident X.AMuniKNN IT WIIiT.. oUiers were (loaling on the surface of the of blue silk with a fall of blue silk luce. An For ten years he has been farming, culli- I'uussixo's White Wiue Vincfrar Is cuaruu- NO'rOllltl-S.NOAVIIK. IVOl'Aim.TIIAT lows a calaniity which has fallen on a water. Well, wliiil could be done? We extremely stylish toilet. —A gentleman witli full forehead, who viitiiig about 200 acres of prairie luntl, teed oiirc. and free from siilohuric add AI<'Kf..ICTN''I'lIK IIIIJtIAIV IIOIVY, OH village in through llie ravages of I'lIK, HOItY Of A IIOnNK OH OTIIKH commenced pumping the water out, but Fichus uro quite "the rage," and the liHs givcK the subject much thought, says and, as he expressed it, making a good hOHKMTIV AIVIMATi. Til AT ItOKN NOT' cholera; One of the dark .sjiots in Indian .s. H, 11 AiiuiH.M'Prof Improved the well w.'is so deep and the water .so ingenuity of modistes is taxed to tlie ut­ there's no more .striking sight in the world living, und salting down somelhing every Kour-FluiiKP- SH'mn-4it!n(!riitlnp riKr.llTOITM MAIilC TOVCII. A liottlo- village life is the periodical visitation of B»atlnii9Kc.,noc<<>rSI.O«! r.-.t«re LAST SEASON peacefulness into terror and confusion. A and lake out those dead toads. I told sists of six folds so arranged lus lo form a sti'lcs of hut Iriminiug. as far as the w-ork is concerned in these eniluuvort'd lo nniko plain to tlioHo wliohiwoiiot ovou sad iiisl.ance of this fact lias occurred In thii nuUnu'ntH of u HisleutlUfi uduciillon WnBOni OKE FAILUBE CU BSJEOIIOM him thai I was not afraid to go down into poiiileil cape in the back, wliiu'e il is fasl- days of horse-power, a man needn't kill This la Iho famous TliroihinR mocblno that bai this presidency witliin the last few days. —It is diflicult to explain some .|f the AddrcHM Uullrond fiiuctte. Tfl.JuckHon SI;,. AlcftRO. a well twice us deep. ' So we searched the encd to the belt. Three of these folds are himself fanning any more than at uny oth­ "avept the Hold " and crcatod audi n rovolutionI n Ihs •\Vliere there was once a thriving pleastuit great problems of Nature. It is estimated ^OnaDar. BOWTOMAKE IT. liuntnej'fiIfeW A tnulo, by IU HAtcULEsa QiuiN-SAviNa AND XIUE-SAT- premises and found an old pulley and a of corn-colored silk. The other three, al- er business. Il is brains that win on a 1X0 princlpleo. village situated on the sea-shore, there is that it lakes eighteen ccnturiiw lo form a tP4Vj/oHora6/..AUirtifltJi,KI(!. with a rnpc so as lo form a all'air is fastened by a jabot of tulle and have my hearing again, but 1 wouldn't suihleii invasion of cholera, and llie sur­ —Some sanguine persons in Montreal • •\V(»elc Salary Raaraatned to inalo A fpiimle. Send tripod, to the top of which a single pulley silk, and liny tassels of black and yellow. leave my farm if 1 hud it." vivors have left everything in their Imls hiiTc (irgiinized a .society known as llie 20 lAinp fur ulruulai'H. K..M.lU)dlnu, Iii(lUnap'i,lnd. was securi.'d. A rope was then put over A simple fichu for morning is of dolled I* • 1 and lied lo the adjoining mounlaiiis. It is " North American Union," whose object the pulley, and al one end of the rope a while Swiss, Ihree-cornered in shape, iiiid VRRY dcBlmblo NKW AKTICI.>» for Aftent* one of the most alariningand we might al­ is .said to bo the "confederation of ibis Stacking Wheat. Mflr'd by O. J. CAMWML 100. CheihIm•••—••— , •Coan -. loop was maileof sulllcienl size for a man made over a blue silk piece of similar G most say awful visitalioiis which we know continent of North America in one grand lo sit ill. After lixing a small i>iece of shape. A gathered rutlle of Ihe, It win piytouM TVillnHWt 0IV; of in liic liistory of any village in this conslilulionnl whole from the Atlantic to Now that the wheat croj) bus been har­ ceHnu AdMHlvt Planur In dl board in Ihe loop I .siil astride of il and edged with narrow A''alencieinies and two ])ri,'sidency. Golwood, the jilace we are the Pacilie, and from the Arctic Circle to vested and jyatliered, the next thing to be Surgeons oporatlons. Bold U Drug Itutu. let myself down inlo the well by taking pretty bows of blue rilibon and referring to, is midway between IJonibay the Islliinus of Panama." considered is bow to protect it from the hold of the slack rope on Ihe other side of hack and front, complete a tasteful addi­ Itupture retained—ORsI- and Sural, and on llie Bombay, ]3aroda —The newest things in neck-woar are weather. In the absence of barns this is ELASTIC TRUSS- J. ly—perfoctly—day and the pulley. As .soon as my feel touched tion to a morning toilet. ) imln or naiHiyiince. SenMiymnll. GIreu- it Central India railway. Being close Ihe water I tied the slack rope to the loop the campaign neck-ties. Tliey arc while, done by slacking in the ojien air, and lo iilf^tit. Ko0 nul. Jn. oKEEUr naiiiiynnce, S35 Stat. e street. Clilcaso. III. The fancy for becoming liltlc breakfast- with the names of the Bepublican or Dem- 10R A. MONTH nnd trsTellnc expcniM ptld have hitherlo looked ujion it as a kind of a boy in a swing. Tlu'ii, with a long stick caps grows apace, as Ihey should, for ocnitie Presidential nominees on each end, amount of skill and judgment. ITIAU for SAIiKSMKN. NO pcdillcr. wanted. Ad- THE ENOnilOCS WASTAGE of Rinln, m inevilablt nothing makes a pretty I'lice still prettier, and are calculated to save a good deal of In picpiiring for this work tirst choose a dreii MON'ITIJli MANtJF'O CO., Cinclnnutl, Uhlo Willi otiicr ilijla of Tlircshi-rs, can ho SAVED by Ihlt sanilarium, as it jiosscssed many of the lied "10 the handle of alio dipper, Ihe dead Iinprori'il Mnclilne, •mlidcnl, on cm'i/ job, lo norc Uian advaiiliiges enjoyed by Tlieethiil and IJiil- toads were tislied np. By throwing Ihe or a plain one more atiraetive, than one time and trouble in linding out what u level piece of ground, on which lay u C9HA A Nnnth.—A(in» wiinud. M tMt pay alt apcmen of threshing. mail's political sentiincnts "are. If you 3>wOU •eniiif.rtlclen In tlm world. OnauimpI* HM, Ibe recognized sanatoria ()|i|,Guj'.eral. sunlight down lo the bollom with llurmir- of these lovely littleciips. A prelli'oncof foundutioii of mils some ten feet wide for treii. Addreu JAY BMUNNUN. Uctrult, Ulcb. FLAX, TIMOTnY, MILLET, HUNGAKUN »n& Here the guards of the goods trains used I'ors t could see distinctly wliulever was al while Swiss is giilbereil .so as lo lit snugly wish to know his iiolitics all you have to a largo sUick, and .so in proportion. In liko nowla am thn^flhed, fc-npnmtetl,cleane d and BaV6opulalion of Oiolwood could not be ruflle of .Swiss, borileix'd by narrow :>Iecli. act of Congress, has declared unmailable as if for a sli/ick in Ihe field, only placing whatever was dipjicd up could be jioiired IN TUE WRT CHAIN of lS7fi, Ihcao were Biibstan- more than 2110. ].,asl week cholera, 111! lace, falls over the hair, while a simi­ all letters aiid circulars relating to lotter­ the bundles more compactly together, and GAnrI I ftr» for fl'otogfnnhm frnm into il and drawn to the surface of Ihe Oenu I UC MAfti of irrii-j:.* «iirt tlally tho ONLY MAGUIN13S Ihatconld run with profit which is now preying around Ah- ground. Itrequireil iiljoiil half as much lar one stands up against the cap. In ies, und managers are given I* iindersliiiid .so conliuuiii.g iiiilll llie slack bollom is n IIKKl.KH, lienubllenn Candidal™. T.'ic. lirr or economy, ilolai; fiiat, Uiorough and perfect work. tr/(e;l ot/itrg ulUvly fiiiletl, nu'dalmd, suddenly, entered tln^ village, muscle to draw myself up out of Ihe well front, between the riiciies, is a. double bow tliiit the depositing of such letters and cir- sulticieiilly liirge, taking particular care tlozen. JC. l-OUIJlis, 38ClurK»lreet, ChlciiKO, 111. and blewvietinis right and left. On ihe'tth by Imuliiig on one" branch of the rojie as of scaiiel ribbon, the ends of wliicli puss ciihirs lo be sent by mail,is an pun­ not to' mufa- it too siuull. As the bulls of ALL GRAIN. TIJIi; mid HONEY ttaathig compile*, urouiul the ciiji, and lie at the back in tlu^ slu:;ivi-s will .giiiii faster tbau the heads, «="nairil«ll!?'>OTP111N'rsof Iho AOI'-.S. Our tlouo, such na "Eiulleai Api-ona," "Iladdlca," "Beaters," insl., the first day of its aiipenraiice, no it would lK'-'r.S FAKMEUS and QIIAIN nAISEItS who n-o nonlei. from Golwood there were eighteen new former, is even more lovely. A gulliered dfes there. Il" is called "the "chicken the eeiiler hiiiulles support the greatest 25 AVaiiieil. W. K.LA.NIMIKAH. TliiUiiiinre.Md. In tho largo Having nindo by It will not employ info, of such appliances for letting ii man down cases, of wliicli three-fourths were hope­ crown of white silk net is "surromuled by weight of the stack, and are kept firmly in rior and wBatofiil mocblnoa, but will larfsi on thla- inlo a deep well. A long rope and single step," and is only used wliilepa.ssingiiloiig 'luid .Mm'iihinr: llnljitntipolutolyand less. The few survivors and every pom' a pull"of the same. From this drops a their position by thesiirroimding pressure, ppefdilyr.mvci. I'mnll•>;H•Jlon^lullcl• iinprovcHl TUroflhor doing thoir v;otU. pulley are all that one' needs. Well', I the corridors or lliroiigh the parlor.s'of the Iy. St^nd Knuiin I'or partlctiinrit, Or wretch who could move have tied to the gulliered fall of Valenciennes one and one- their lirm condilion will |irevent the mid­ FOUIl SIZES mtuln for (1, 8, IU and le Hor«& bad .scarcely cliangcd my clothes when all hotels. It consists of vidy many rapid ev- opnj .{Jarlioii. 1S7 WuHhuiKto-.wi.Chicnk'O Powera. Abio a apocialty of SUI-AIIATOM, deaimcd. adjacent hills, where they are now, hud­ half indies wide. Driedgru.s,ses iind little dle of Uie slack from settling as much us the women came froiii church, panliiig olulions or slejis per miinile, very similar nnd rando nxPKESsi.Y ron STIIAM dled togedier and struggling to exisl on vivid barberries twine gruci'fully around Ihe outside, und conseqiieiitry prevent Ibe and thirsty. Of course we kept our own to a duplex sluifUe, the body elevated on >T 7VJ> ilVU .fi.-iohn mnulh m'llliiK our TWO STYLES OF nOBSE POWERS, vl7.: our Im- such food as they can lind in that' barren the crown, just above the puir. This is u toes und inclined III an angle of forty-live iidmission of wilier iiuo the body of the :i^rttvt'~CUittttiiift Jlitok. Any onu tlmt Ima a let* counsel, while Iliey went for water, which, rovod "TriplB Gear," and our " Speed" flVood.- locality. Such was the terror and help­ diurmii)" lillle iilViur, und, jifrched on the degre(!s. stuck. itir to wrliii will buy It, No PI-PHK or wntt-r nttcd, Eury Stylo), both " Mounted " on four wheels. Ihey all admitled, was never more agree­ Sinid t*iinup for fiiTiilur. liXlliCl.imut CO., lessness of the iieople when the outbreak lieiid of its even more c'lurming mistress, Now, get on the slack and eontimie tr TrlhHttf\ tittitiHttg, Vttlf^ttf/o, 111, IP INTEEESTED In Thrcahlng or Groin Hailing, able and luxurious. "Why, Ibis morn­ ' At the close of a concert, while a apply to our nearest Denier, or write to na for Illustia.' occurred that they did notliury their dead, ullracts iijiiuii auiuirulion.—JV. Y. Cur, Imildiiig in this way, only keeping the ing!;," said Ihey, " we could scarcely youn^j irenllemun wiis struiigliiig with his , f>arr. IIInilntU*iln)en,wiiiiicn,ni)il Pretlilcnliof whole days, during which the stench was of the stack, kneeling down rirnily every f^^^^-\.^.l a.1.1...... VI.ill., sive. What has caused such a change V" young lady's fan, all of which he was U.S. Klwrrtt Aii-i,Vliltiti|;, Ufiwurd, AlfiUd, Comic,ntiil Trfint-J SichoU, Shepard 6b Co., abominable. No reason for the outbreak and keeping the outside of ih'e Echo answered, "What has caused iI':"' Mr, (Jariicr's Heroic Devotion to His struggling lo retain on his lap, a sus­ '.0. II. UUKrOUlJ'S SUN.S. UUSTUN, MA:5S. llttaiblUliiitl ltl30.t BATTLE CHEEK. UIOB. has been lussigncd, and the fate of Gol­ stack as near perpendicular as possible, Bender, examine yourwells.—Aaricoln, in picious-looking black bottle fell on the wood furnishes one more in.stanco of the • Wile. until it has attained a height of about four N. Y. JJenild. Ihjor with n lliiid. "There," he exclaimed >liiyslerious movements of cholera. Tlie to his comiiunion, "I shall lose my cough feel, when begin increasing the diameter, 'misery of the pcoplj was aggravated by In an article on llio recent disustor in medicine." Tliere was presence of mind little by lillle, very carefully and uniform­ the fact that there was no doctor at hand. SoMK idea of the extent to wbieh base New Yorlc Bay to Uiu yacht Mohawk, a for you. ly, by adding on course after, until r.RininB h.Tlnit tntfmlnn. wlilcli tlri*y WIRI, \ct li.Tn ]'.l< from goods damaged by water Is more than lUASON in&ItKEVS. HIsccllaiicouH. New Advcrtlsciiicntfj. N. A. Diiniiiiig's Coliiiiiii. The Ingham Cortnty News. {60,000,' the moat of which was covered by Insurance. UUUUUUTIfU WKKKl.Y UY K, U, HUNT, UIiAI.BUtN I'UUOUCU, There was Intense excitement prevailing jslMOirt nuoH.t ADOVST Stisre. UNDERTAKING! PAI.ACXS while the aleiepera In the upper stories of the XliURMnAY, Ang, :i, 1870, hotel were being aroiised. Long ladders •••.•trk8.Bnwcr—BcpaUlMB Canai. were placed at tho windows on which the oc­ piiovisroNS, 4ate fiw fl«agm« flr«H ibc Mb Dlilrlct. J. A. IIIOIIAUDS, or DANSVIfiLi:, cupants escaped, and It required lively work Apples green per hu t (Q)i!5 MEAT MARKET! Hon. Mark 8. Brewer, the sentleman IloauH, white,!) bu m&au WlNlies to say to tho cltl/.ons of this vlcliilly to manipulate them last enough. Chas. H, that he Is prepared with n PALACE GROCERY whom the repoblican coDgtossionsl conven­ FotatocH / Mete Ontflt Of UiiMM Goods'! tobetbe standard bearer of the alxtb dis­ In safety, but went back to help his compan­ GhocHO fi lb &\"JA trict during the comlns campaign Is emphati­ ion and was burned »« death. Thompson Butter, now pnekod f) lb ailiK such ns " roll.lin) @ 1'2M cally a self-made man. Born in the township was found trying to break through a glass On Ash Htroot, south of the Court House, •, % OnlouH|4 bu d !tO Coffins, Robes, Hearses, of Addison, Oakland county, and from child­ parlltion, thinking It was a windojv. He was SKIKU FltUITH. hood Inured to the bard manual labor of a badly burned and bis recovery Is doubtful,— And overythinK pertaining to tho business, MASON, MICH. Better Goods and More of Th^iiiT farmer boy, be was not content until he had Apples fltb 0® 7 nnd that he Is able to furnish yon anything Nearly all of the lodgers, and the girls work­ CUorrios V lb.; ©20 lu this lino on the SIIDIITEMT NOTICK and devised ways and means of sIvioR to himself ing In tho hotel lost most of their clothing. Dried PoaohCH ^ lb. 15(2) 18 a course of mental discipline even more MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. The Are was tho largest that has visited HKATH AN» I>0UI,T]tY, rigid and severe than had been his physical Two Hearses couNtautly in readinoHS. Per­ Grands Uapids in years. Beef, livo^ cwt (»a!!0 sonal ntteiitioii given to the attending ol training. He applied himself faithfully and " drosBod,^owt @ r. funerals. diligently to books, and In the moments Pork, " " &i SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. FRAZELL & PETERS. snatched from his arduous labor lasted truths Poslcrlpls. ShouldorH, 9 Ik .^ & 10 @ 10 that bis mind bad plenty of leisure to digest I. ' Hama " SOIyl J. A. nrOHABDS, Dnnsvll'le Chickens, '! * @8 NESlTir CROP TEAS while his hands were busily employed. Tom Hendricks, ho <. TurkcyH, ^" loiai 10 From this method of self-drill he has a Did climb a tree To hold a retired and quiet consullation with FI,OHH. mind unusually matured, perceptive faculties . SOLID WEALTH! Wo wish to Inform the eltlzens of Mnson himself whether accepting the second place No.l whito, flcwl @:iso and vicinity that we are prupared to acute from long training, and a judgment on AT REDUCED PBIOES. on the ticket, after having tried to get the No.a " " (92 so lurnlsh them with all kliiilH of fresh and siiM. mcnts at ns whatever topic comes under his considera­ flrst place, would oompori wilh his politi­ Qraham, •' (i.'too tion, critical, comprehensive, and logically cal digniloe. Buckwheat, " (31100 $600,000 J mmi formed, - n. Corn meal, " 17232 25 ORAIN, IMOVH PRIGEIS lie subsequently gained a ffhe academic Wilh solemn face, "The second place," Wlilto Wheat, extra, old (910,'i Srandesl Sieme eyer_Presenteil lo tlie Pnlilic. education, and entered the law ofllce of M, He said to his grieving friends squatted he- " " No.l •' .... @1 CD A FORTUNE FOR ONLY 812.00. As nt any other Market In the Clly. E. Crowfoot, a prominent lawyer of Pontlac. low, "I don't think I oonld accept wilh any " " No.a " & no & 2fi COFFEES AND SPICES. IIo was admitted to the bar In 1804, and sort of grace." Corn, In tho oar, ^hu THE KENTUCKY. AVo buy none but tho very liesl. sloidc, since then has been known In Pontiac as one III. Oats, iftbn., & 27 nnd cut It up tosiiltoureusloinuis. " Boo-hoo I l)oo-hoo! Timothy Seed (!P2 75 of the very ablest lawyers of the city. He CASH DISTRIBUTION COMPANY "We think so, too: 8nH,Snglnaw,9 bbl 1 fkl^l 05 nutliorl7.od by a special act of tho Kenlueky 1ms held theofllceof circuitcourtcommission­ Tiand FInstor,

700 Ijogishitti re. for the bunulit of tho Public "But then if yon refuse," they replied, "where NchuulH or VrankfaM, will linvo the First of GIVE US A CALL. er, was city attorney of Pontiac for 3 years, the d—1 will the democratic parly go to 1!' nUII,I>tNOI(ATBKIAI,M, their series of Grand Drawlngsat MA,IOK IV. llALIj, 111 the City Ol' Frankfort, Ky„ FUA/.F.fJj ,t PETEItS. and has been chairman of the republican SliingloH,v:M,, 1 ™®,'l ,'iO But, while they wept, county committee of Oakland for the •12ri@l GO Mason,.Tilly i!0,lS7fi. 015 Down Thomas stepped; X^alh,A» M,ft„ THURSDAY, AUG. 31, 1876, ALL KINDS OF FISH. 1 -SMI If" past eight years. In 1872, ho was elected to. And reflecting that the second plnce,afterall, LImo, ^bbl on which occasion tlicy will dlstrlbulu to the State senate, from the eighteenth district, is better than no place, and really he must WttterLlmo, ^ bbl,, : 1 0002 00 the llclcet holders tho iniinuiiso sum nf which is largely democratic, by 1,000 have some sort of a place, for llio Hen­ Calcined Plaster, 'ilbill., 2 50 Plastering Hair, H bu 'lOC republican majority. dricks family is nearly out of meat, ho re­ $600,000! marked : " I accept,"—Detroit Tost. As a senator, allhougli one of (he youngest Thos. r. I'orler, Kx.Uov. Ky., «cn*l SIniniKcr. Marlle Works! in the senate, he so distinguished himself as New Advcrtlseiiiciits. FODRTH AMiL MEETM Positively no Postponomont. ID elicit from Gov. Bngley expressions of the LIST OF GIFT'S: OF THE One Grand Cash Gift SKKI.Ono heartiest praiao and admiration. Olio Grand CaNli Gift 50,0110 NEW ALASKA HERRING Olio Grand Cash O Ifl aS.iK^l Here is wliat the Pontiac Oa;eUe, the INCHAM COUNTY Ono Grand Cash Gift 20,IK)0 MONEY TO LDAN! Ono Grand Cash Gl ft «, 10,000 loading organ of his own city, says of him; HOnSE-BHSEDESS' ASSOCIATION Ono Grand Cash Gift :.... 5,000 ,'iO Cash of $1,000 caeh 50,000 "Tlio presentation of the name of Hon, M, AT MASON, 1(10 Cash Gins of ,'>INIeneh 50,0110 S, Brewer, by the republicans of Oaklaad Mono.v to Tjoan on nulnnnmliorod anil liWCnsh Gifts of KHIenoh 10,01)0 county, ns a candidate for congressional producMvo real cstnto liisums of S.00O luul lIMICnsli Girtsof ,'!(H)encli 110,000 upwards. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUGUST aiOC'ash (lifts of aiOeaeh 'lO.OOO lienors, meets the warm sympathy of repub­ JAUIKS M. TIJUNEIt, 18 and 19, 1876. (UNI Cash GlttHOt lIHIuneh 110,000 Why don't you get married and buy your licans throughout the district, Mr, Brewer lll,(i(KlCnsliGlltAof lliench li;o,000 is a native of Oakland county, has never H1T> 1 liANSiNO,MtoirinAi«, Total, 11,1.50 Gifts, nil Cash (iOO.OOO PKICE OF TJCKETH; sought but has filled with slcnal ability and CROCKERY of me ? ^1 OUTGAOE SALE.-nofanltlmvlUK liuou Wliole tickets,SI2; Halves, SO; Q,uartors, $,'!: BOGART BRO.^S eminent satisfaction to ail classes, several of mndo lu llio conditloiiH of a etirlaln PREMIUMS, $900. » Tickets, SIOO; li7><; TInUels, SllflO; -lOK Tlelc- the most Important ofllcos in the county. MIndcntnro of inortRnus oxocntcd b.v CliiiiieH ots, S500; 05|).-J Tickets, 81,000. iO.OOOTiekots at Pour years since ho accepted the notnlnation M, lugallH and Nolllo Ingalls, of X,CHlio, $l:ieacli. , Dealers 1 n luglinm county, MIelilRan, toRusHell Qnd- Hon. 15. H. Taylor, JInyor of Frnnkfort, ns State senator, was elected by the largest froy of the saiiio plnoo, anted tho fourtli day FIRST DAY. the oiitiro board of Clly Councllineii, Hon. GASH FOR AIL KINDS OF FROBUGE. majority ever received by any candidaljp in of June, A. D. IST.'l, and recorded In thu odlco No. 1-A PUILSK OF «2(10. Alvlii Duvall, late Chief .Tnstlee of Koiitueky, the county; ho was renominated in 74, and of tliG Register of Deeds for Inglinin county, and other distinguished personsas the thtket Foreign and American Mlcblgan, on the llttli day of.,Tuno, A. 1). Ojimi lu (ill homes that Uiive /K.'IVT Ivotlcil Imllcr although running iieveral hundred ahead of holders present may designate will snperln- 18711, ih liher 30of mortgnKCS on page im\ Hum 3:15. toiul the drawing. his ticket, was dcteated on that tidar wave wliloli said mortgage was nflcrwnrd, t.o-wlt., First Premium Sl"0 Kemitlaneos can bo made by Express, MARBLE! UST" Goods delivered free to any part of the yearonly by the most persistent elTorts of all on tho 8tli duy of Septoinbnr, A. ]). 187.'), duly Draft, Postollloo Money order or Reglslered asBlgncd by the snld IlUHsel Oodtruy to Hcuond •'JO the democratic leaders, who wore looking Helen £!, M, Unbooclc, which snld nSAign- Thlrii IIO Letter, made payable to KE.NTIICKY OANII Fourth 20 lllSTIIinilTDI.N COMPANY. tScolcli (JraiiUc, city. forward to tlio senatorial contest. During mont duly executed and acknowledged, and All conimunleatlons, orders for Tickets, afterward, to-wll., ou thoSSltiduy of Septem­ ,Vo. 2-A PURSK OP SSOO. liis term as State senator, although one of ber, A, U. 1873, was duly nfcordod In said and applications for Ageiielus should be ad­ the youncesl members of that body, no man otnoeof tho itOBlsterof DocdN aforesaid, In OiKH to Hit hnraes that liareui'ver /roflcd liellcr dressed lo Moiiiiiiiciit.<;, Iff. A. DUiyflVriN'G. in Michigan ever made a better record, and llbor 38 of mortgaues on page .110, upon wJiioh leasuslntu where they saw •rs, almost every day, for a Ibnc time, some the same. F.r.lZA IIAT-T,, of tluMii very iieavy ones; yet tlie harvest has Qunnllnu of said C'liarles II. and .\lbert been secured in good condition, nnd n few ,T. Hull. Dntoil .Tuly I7lli, IS7(I. Oluwll USE HARSONS' more days will flniali an excellent crop of RAT & ROACH EXTERMINATOR liny. "SILVER TONGUE" Fiirmer.s tlirosl; more from llio .shock in BEST IN THE WORLD. •Tolin F.lloiiry.Oiirran A Co., tlio InrKi'St tills legion tlian is usual in Michigan. I liavo PERFECTION Drills and MudlulnoUoiiso 111 till! V. H., Imv- been a liltlo surprised at tlio indiflbrenco to irKsoM Parsons' lixlitrniliinlor niiire tliun twenty years have never had II eoniplalned pt'obablo loss whicli many have manifo.slod in ATTAINED AT LAST 1 nl'. Jt Is an linnest and rcllnbhi artlele. A TRIAL Will INSURE ITS POPULARITV fKroin theTrlbuiio.J Furraiid, Wllllains & leaving tlieir grain in the flelds unlii Iho EVERYWHERE. Co., Wbolusalu Aguiils. .Sold liy nil drni;- (jlsUs. ORGAN thresher should reacli them. Wheat is of a good quality and yields well, whicii, with the A TEST OF THIRTY YEARS. prospects of a very heavy corn crop, would bring joy to faces tlmt have been long since SALVATOR BEER, B. TP. T*IX & OO., The cheapest because the best. Fully warranted. tlio Hoods of last year, were il not for the hog Js thu Host Laijnr Hrewcd In thu West. New Styles just ready. Send for Catalogue and Price cliolern, whicli in some sections prevails,— .Sold by fJnsks at MM.WAUKICI: llituwuitv, Oriinil Itiver Ave,, fJulrolt, Mich. MASOn, ... BIIGHIGAN, Lists., Examine our new method of lighting the music Notliing thus far lias been found to check its This beer is bottled by .Incnb lloller, II for evening performance. Constant improvement our ravages, and many have lost heavily, State slruut, .1. F, Maloncy A Uo.,lMlUiraiul Hivur Avenue, and WililaniK it Co., brewers, Are Prepared to Make now Wood's harvester witli Locke's self-binding IJuiican's Urewery. policy. Styles specially adapted for Parlors, Churches, allacliment is coming to be popular hero. A Lodges, Music Halls and Conservatories. Address the farmer owning fourteen hundred acres of ricli G LANS AM> I'AINT. OPEN AND TOP CARRIAGES, Manufacturers. Miami bottom lands told mo thai he had used WHOLESALK AND llErAlL. Wlmlow GliiHS, Plato OInss, Cnt, Sljilnod and the self-binders in ail kinds of grain for two E.P. NEEDHAM & SON, and Enainolcd Glass. Fruneli and Uerniau HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, seasons and would not ho without one, In liooklni: Class Plates, also lluymor, Mruinan & Co.'s and Fahnestock's Strictly I'lii" Nos. 143,145 & 147 East 93(1 St., New TorJc. reply to the question if the wire bands did White Lead. From 10 to 1!0 per eeut. saved TO ORDER! nut iiijuro the straw, he replied that the wire by buy Inn direct from us. Write lor prices. UEID & HII,1^, All Work made from the Best Materials that can be Obtained, UHod is of a very longli quality and is seldom 108 Woodward Ave., and 10 and lU Congress and in the Best possible manner. GEO. WOODS & CO.'S broken by tho threshing machine, That ho street E„ Lletrolt. Mich. had fed a largo nnnibor of cattle Willi the lATPNT*? ^^'^y. y"" '^"- Invention lor Blraw and bad noticed no diflicully. which you desire to (jet n m CMRANTi OUR WORK I1ST-CMS8! PARLOR ORGANS. Il is n liltlo amusing to hoar tho buckeyes When onoo used will retain Its Patent either In Iho U. H, or any forelun ploee forever. eoniitry? Then send to the Meohnnles' and SUPPORT A HOME INSTITUTION, AND GET of southern Ohio lalk of Michigan apples and** IiiveiiloiH' Association, the only reliable Iiotaloes, nnd some of llioni "reckon thai il Patent AReiiiiy In Mlclil(iaii. 117 w. Congress inrs EXOHAiraE UAOBHTSB. struut, Ueli'oll. must bo a right smart lillle Slate up there," Send yonr olil-fasli toned, oumbersome, heavy-runntnfCWomaa-kllllUK machine To-doy the grangers are having, just south to n«, and wo will allow you W8S for It. a* part payment for ono of oars. Better Work at Less Prices! of tlio city, a picnic nnd grand jolliflcalion IT IS CELEBRATED FOR ITS ADVANTAGES, Miscellaneous. over tiio in-aalhered imrvost. IN THAT IT IS ONE OF THE LARGEST SEWINQ AND SAVE TRASPORTATION. MACHINES MANUFACTURED,-ADAPTED ALIKE The campaign has not yot assumed an ac­ TO THE USE OF THE FAMILY OR THE WORK­ WE ARE ALSO AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED SHOP. IT HAS THE LARGEST SHUTTLE, WITH tive form, but Iloyos is very pojiulBr in hii A BOBBIN THAT HOLDS ALMOST A SPOOL OF own Slate and Ohio republicans arc perfectly '"fHE''"sHUTTLE TENSION IS ADJUSTABLE A GIFT ENTERPRISE! WITHOUT REMOVING THE SHUTTLE FROM THE conlldent of victory. MACHINE. There iii some complaint of hard limes, THIS MACHINE IS SO CONSTRUCTED I wish to state to tho I'nbllc and in the THAT THE POWER IS APPLIED DIRECTLY Farmers In parllciilar, tlmt lor every I'low but people are mostly cheerful, and the world OVER THE NEEDLE, THUS ENABLINQ IT TO bonght of inn this season and pnlil for, I SEW THE HEAVIEST MATERIAL WITH ON- will give tosoinocliarltabre object moves on. Hoping at no distant day to be EQUALED EASE. IT IS VERY SIMPLE IN ITS able to reply to another of your letters, I re- CONSTRUCTION, DURABLE AS IRON ANO STEEL CAN MAKE IT, ALL ITS WEARINQ imain, Yours truly, PARTS CASE-HARDENED OR STEEL, AND ONE DOLLAR! INGENIOUSLY PROVIDED WITH MEANS FOR n^ H, S. RiiBn. TAKING UP LOST MOTION, SO WE ARE JUS­ Tho person iiurelimiliiB namliiB theobjool. TIFIED IN Thu plows to bu sold lOtoDti percoiit. lower than any in the niarUet, For every Horse A. TRBSiiaa CoapiAonATiQN AT QBAND Warranting Every Machine fir 3 Years. llnko RAMOfi.—A litllo before day-brcok, lost Fri­ IT IS THE LIGHTEST AND EASIEST-RUNNING day morning, a (Ire was discovered gliding MACHINEIN THE MARKET. ITIS, ALSO,THE MILBUR W A C O N ! MOST ELABORATELY ORNAMENTED AND ONS DOLLAR! atcalthily toward the rear ot the Botsfotd PRETTIEST MACHINE EVER PRODUCED. Manufactured at Toledo, Ohio. WITH ALL THESE ADVANTAGES, IT IS SOLD The Hakes are the Tthleallnlie. For every block, Grand Uapids, from a shed connected FROM tt B TO tZS LESS THAN OTHER FIRST- Wheel Co III valor, 1 will glvo Before going to Lansing or Jackson, call and Examine our wilh it. Tho flames, which rapidly assumed CLASS MACHINES. EXCLUSIVE CONTROL OF TERRITORV GIVEN Ihreatoning proportions, were blown through TWO DOLLARS! Work and Prices. the open windows into the interior of this CXTRAORDINARV INDUCEMENTS OFFERU FOR CASH OR ON CREDIT. For every Mower HEFOSITOS 1st SOOB SOUTH OF MEAD'S FLOUEIN MILL. SEND FOR CIRCULARS AND TERMS TO The.M remarkalilc inslrumcnts possess capacities for musical cfTccts and expression never before attained. block, and of the large wooden hotel known f®- Wo hnvo purohnsod the right of Innhnin nnd Knton counties lor tho mnnu- Adapted for Amateur and Professional, and an in any parlor. QT SgintUg] iTev Stfltl HOW Xtiij, as the Rathbun House,, Tho fire department fneture of Pnrson's patent Kprliii? lazy hack for carrliiges. All infringmcntn npon our right will he prosecuted to the fullest extent of tho law. GEO. WOODS & CO., Cambridgeport, Mass. got to vTork as quickly as possible, and soon VliiteSDvingUaoliiosCo., FIVXS DOLLARS WABGBOOHSt 008 ITaililBStOll St., Boaton) 170 State St., Cblcaffo; 10 f^nilgiito Hill, London. flooded the building with water. The flames Come on nnd do n pood thing onco nnd get Respectfully, ipiip VnT UrTMAVi —A leading Music.l1 Journal of selected music nnd v.iluable reading matter. 3SS ISuetid Avenue, IUIJ rUA OUilUlilil.By mail for ti per year, or ten cents a number. Each number contains from were thus speedily quenched, but the loss tho worth of yonr money. ^«jj?lg.} CLEVELAND, 0. 'm\ • JRNNK: iiRRriif. B. F. RIX CO. |i lo $3 worth of the finest selected music, GEO. WOODS & CO,, Publlshors, Cambrldgoport, Mass,-