The Ingham County Ifews. The Ingham County If ei rUllLIttUEU WEKKLY, AT AOVBRTtSIIMg RATES. Mason, Ingham County, MIoh. apAoa. 11 w.jl3 w.i8 w.f< wJ8m.lBm,i 1 llnoh...,||10(mt Ti!ii¥rt.—OiHiyear, $1.50; nixmoiilliK, "Seta.; a Inohea.l 1 50| a 001 a fldi 8^QUI e siacaii tbruu muiiUin,'lOcln.iulwayH liinilvaiicu. 8 incnei.i a on a ooi 8 toiTwi 8 ootia'uoi l\ rnHTAiiBtn nnbncrlliofB living outeldo of the i incbei.iuuui^uisoutauiiia00fi8DMi county IS ctH. jiur your, . ?ff^itr..i.i».Ti:ri:i.-:i.'i.'ii:i.'rTiTiFT.Trr^nriTi.'i ^^coinmpi 7 Pop 9 oouo fio|ia ooi ao OOIBO OOI' ^ JOB PBINTINGt Keolnmniij wi|i2 OOHSia^ts wjas^OOtM 0011 1 eolMmnllft UUIIB oom 00(85 WH 40 ooieooop BnalnesB Cards |l per line per year, , aloityprlooiiT Olveuaatrlal, Addt'CBsall lottcrBto •Sl?.^ft'i£'"ni'.S^'""'5«1?«'>t Insertion. I . i nwff.iSS.^'^?.'.'"' •""* Death notices frj ir. F. OOBNEI.Ii, VOL. XVIII.-NO. 31. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, AUGUST 3,1876. WHOLE NO. 917. Obituary notloes wva cents per line. X VAHON MioiiinAN. nuaok,awlndUng, or gift enterprise odvi tlaementB of any kind will be Inserteil, 1 OinoiriiA.TION 1,320 COPIK8. The First Regiment of State troops are en­ MiJsioAL CO'NVBNTION,—This enterprise BCrDBLIClni COHMEgglOMI. CONTGH- 2. Designation of place for holding the Alonzo Wright, of White Oak, ought to DUiolaUon RMlM. camped at Jackson this week. "Sid.'I'Cul- which Is now In session at tho Baptist church TfOiT, next congressional convention^ have his name changed. He is the wrongett 3, Nomination of candidate for congress The Arm of Ohopen & Putnam liereby sll in this place, to close with a (irand conceirtof Large and DelcrmlMd Delegallona—IIo- kind of a man. lie recently bought a tbreab- ver, of this city, his gone to join contpany 4, Miscellaneous businesa. notice tbat they have this day dissolvJ TOWN AND COUNTY, precedonlcd Ballallng—Bark 8. Brevcr A, from Ann Arbor, of whfch he Is s mem­ vocal and instrumental music on Monday, Aug. fi. Adjournment, ing machine of Henry Gordon, of Dausville, partnorslilp In tbo grocery business, by ml Elected on llie RInety-Sevenih Ballot 14,187C, seems to bo one of tho most successful by representing that he waa possessed of a tual consent. B.L,Chapen will collect J ber, TJie boys expect a glorious time, —Qnlcl IlarmoaW and <(niet Orlti On motion the report was accepted. acoountN and pay nil indebtedness of so] Iln warm nsalu; efforts of the kind ever attempted lo the The new wheat la' much dryer this year That part of the report referring to perma' greedy share of this world's goods, in fact, firm. All accounts must be settled within ( county. The course of instruction is happily Never before in the history of congression- that a camel could get through a needle's And fearfully dry, too. than Is usually the case, Last year It was nent organiitatlon was adopted, on motion, days, either by cash or note. chosen and .just adapted to ttie wants of all tal conventions in this State has there been eye much easier than he could reach a cer­ Bnalness In gotting livelier. not mised in the elevator with the old, until and after considerable discusalon, the re. H. rvOH-APiji*; classes of musical people, Besides the ordi­ displayed the quiet pertinacity on the part of *.P»rwA».. Why don't tlio llttlo rain drops come] mainder of the report was adopted after tain desirable locality, on account of the op­ tho first of September. This year tho mix­ delegates, in adhering to their first choicei Clinpen's, July 24,1876. nary work of such occasions, one hour of striking out the 2d order of business. ulence which held him back. Mr. Clordon Tlio IlnynH snil Wliocler club niiinliors 100 ing will take place AN early as the tenth of that was made manifest in the convention m\ each evening will be devoted to the study of Senator Curry thanked tho committee for subsequently found that two camels could Lost. mcmlior.s, August, held in this city yesterday for the nomination the higher classes of muslci, the honor they had conferred upon him in make the difllcult paaaage much easier than On Monday niornlng,apalrorgold-bowed Second Ltcutcuatit L, A. Holden was elect­ 'of a republican candl(|late for congress from Lon, Dunn wan in town- the fore part of Mr. Pixley Is too well' known to require giving him the position of permanent chair­ be could collect bis money of Wright, Ho pebbled Solomon's ispeotaolea, sofflewherl ed Captain of the.'light nuards, last Friday the sixth congressional district. Every man found that the affluent thresher was mticb within the olty of Mason, The finder will bl llie week. any comment here, having been before the man of the convention. He regretted that liberally rewarded by leaving them at thil evening, vice Alohiio Che'ency, resigned,— had his first choice with an emphasis, and he richer In debts than in anything else, and at Hynlt, nflor lii.i vacation, Is at work for people for moro than twenty years, Mr, they had not made a worthier choice, but be office. Mas, A, WitaBV, f Chas. Perry waa Uicn elected '2d Lieutenant quietly set about votlof for him with the full once arrested blm for obtaining goods under Blakesleo Is from Oberlin, and that Is a siifil- would endeavor to discharge bis duties with Now Is tlie time to buy boots and sliocj Tonnor again. to fill tho place! made vacant, by Iloldcn's clent guaranty that be can d« what comes in purpose of never yielding an atom from his Impartiality, The counties had come to­ false pretenses. He was captured by sberlfT' cheap ore. a.,HnDtlngton. N. A. Dunning lilii bauglit 10,87C pounds promotion, bis way. Ills experience is large in this position. But there was not thesllghtesl ill- gether to put in nomination a candidate who Neely, and lodged in Jail Monday night, On — • • I — ofwoiil thin season. The beat is the Cheapest. N, A, Dunning raises fi ninety fool pole to­ woik,' Mrs, B, Is a graddale of the Cincin­ feeling ongenilerod; ererything passed off would wrest from the democrats their power Tuesday he appeared before justice Ham­ I have a stock of the best farming imploJ ''Bijnii" accomponios tlio Detroit I<ig1it night, not for political purposes, but to pro­ amoothly and harmoniously, Tho balloting mond, and finally effected a settlement by nati Musical school, and is one of the finest in the house of representatives. They must ments.and machines In the market, Pleisif Qunrd to Pliiladolpliia. claim on a lofty banner the fact that the pianists who has ever visltnl this State. A was done with porfeot fairness and when it lay aside personal differences and nominate a inducing bis step-father to toke the reiponsi- notice iny list on another page. All partleJ ' A. D. Rose lias our tlinnk.H for n basket of Produce store is (Ift grocery, and to place good time Is In store for tilt concert goers. was over every one fdt well satisfied. /oad man. By doing this they will be sure bllity of paying for the machine. There are wbo purchased Kent Corn planters of moj last season, will be entitled to another disk] iitiuaually lino eating apples. his name high ab'bve that.of.every other gro­ Remember it Is Aug. 14th.'' Pursuant to notice the convention was to win. He said he was a Oenesse man and several complications ond aggravating cir­ (no. l)by callingat my store. cer in tho county, ; ' called to order at 12 M. August 2d, by and that one word as their only good cumstances connected with the case which Our city mills have ground about 400 Qood four foot wood taken in ezehango foi| Henry P. Lord, chairman of the congression­ talker had gone to lltah, and there was may yet cause Mr, Wright to make an invol­ bualiols of new wlioitt already. The Mutuals of JacUson Have been moat This is the way Henry Obapen worked it, goods. oil J. A. BABxas. al committee. no one left In the county who would make a untary and protracted visit to Jackson, Why don't Tilden and the doubting Thom­ wofully "squelched" by the Aetna and Cass lie owns a building at Ohapen's Crossing, Mr. Lord procoedod'.to make some expla­ speech, it would he useless for blm to take G. W.'Polar clubs, of Detroit, within; the past few days. which has formerly been used as a store, and as agree upon a letter 6f acceptance 1 nation of the course of the committee in ap­ up the time of the convention any farther. Makes to order a Stoga Kip Boot for S-LGi At a match game played with the Aotnas, during his absence, last Thursday, a bill­ The receipts and discharges at the State A tip-top Calf Boot (eastern) 3,( A.T. Ingalla has sold "Sir Charles" to pointing tho meeting of the convention at His remarks were received with much laugh­ on Monday, tho score stood 0 to 1 In favor poster connected with Uowe's circus came prison, Jackson, for the month of July are 008 Mr. .Sanford of Jackson County for $1,000. Mason, as certain delegates had found it in­ ter and applause. of the Detroit club, . over from Eaton Rapids and decorated it as follows: » » » Qcorgo James is putting up a lino barn for convenient of access.
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