m r AtarMta Mly Ktt PrtH Roa , ..w'-t., > a g s 7 W S l ;v i 'sfdlb'' 'W-'-—'—a — ... TUESDAY^ 7 EBSUASY RilNI MMk iU m tm u t tha AMIt . gtmrtag laU tartght. .OUmnalleee biff TW ntM y. '~ ~.~^ : -'.V Mr. uMl Mra., l« w r « io « Scraa* .y Manehest^r-^A City otV^Uage Charm ten e ( MT Beuldt^ ><w4 nnneunee I Report Ma< 'g ' AiwntTiKHm^ ■v-’+tte-bfrtii ot -'tM r Mieemi—nte; PUumiiig for USO JDrive - - .. e. ^ ^ -----------------;----- VOL. Steven Chriatopher, on Jan. M at nditi » n iCIeesifled AdVeHIOM faf> -MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1952 DelU CiMter Jfo. 51, Royal the Hartford Hoepital. i I g G c M r ^ G E S ) ' - PRICE FIVE GSH^ Arch Mhanha. will confer the R ^ - GAUDET’S al Arch Defree at lU regular c^> The Willing Worker* of the lUon of . the Manches- vocation towrarrow evenug at 7:50 South Methodlat WBCS will meet 'ho received first and at the Maaonic Temple. The meet* in the Ladlea parlor tomorrow burns in. an explo- t^ers all lag will be Mlowad by the uaual afternoon. Member* ar* redueated tion/fn his falhw'e gasoline ita- / aoclal hour and raneahinenta. to meet at on* o'dock. The buai* Uoit in Harttoi^Saturday night tteaa meeting will be held at , 3 was deacribML tms morning as . The Caatac^Church Senior Choir- o'cloek. Hoataaaea will be Mra. Ana / 'very good by (nXMiobs^at Hartford will hold it* regular rahearaal to*. Bronkie and Mr*. Bnuna Dowd, Hospital where' Uken fnl. these features / '•‘mDrw arjdght at T;50r--------------- lowing the-bhMt. y ■ / ^ ----- A daughter wag bom Saturday According to F;^re r The DUVCW «rlll meet tonight V---. , at the St. FrancU Hoapltal in Thomas F. Le*.. who on nday of superior ■/ at S o'cteek at the heme of Mra. Hartford to Mr. and Mra. Joaeph Inspected the gasoline. y Hanry Sehwarm, 115 Cooper Hill Dawood, o f SSS lllddle tumpika Which Is on BuckinghsM sti atraat. A panny auction will be ' ■ ■■ ■ Donald Mdchla, 16, of 20 Di bald. A, was cleaning the floor of the WATC] The Wealey Group of the South buUdi^ with * mixture -of gaso­ Beauty ahop ownara are rernind* Methodist W8CS will meet to­ line and kerosene. The fire mgr- «d o f an important meeting of the morrow averting at 7:45. Member* shsl theorised that-fumes-eflcmplng -•-Fr-ee-fflectiraiik -watw^ ,*'.‘;.sarsroi?rrr;vii-'v Haiidreeaera' Oulld at the Hotel will work on article* for the ran- (PUL U *"-jL 3 h « cleaning flulS -tJUBVlBM'fViHnffg- - "(W'lnmre.~H««aaBrwtTr-hrMit=- cdul7 "liavs 'W n ig n ited liy a -O A d jn s t BidBtff fay e6lrtRi9A.watcIi:'(ffiker'^ ■=«----- .dred Stevenson, Edna Penny, Ruth spark striick by a nail In the Boy Scout Troop 27 of St. Wallace and Beverly Richardaoiu youth's shoe. >xLarge atogk of replMtaicBt Late King and Heir Apparent Lonit Live-the Queen r’a Church will •celebrate one The station, which was weak­ Reds Want Duke Tells I firat eventa of Scout Week Post 3046 wiU hold lU reg­ ened by the explocion. was con-^ • Ohfi year repair Boarantee 'when an expected lip peraoni ular meeting tonight at 5 o'clock. demned as a public danger on gather tomorrow evening at 0:30 Five new member* will be initiated Sunday by Asetstant Building In- Conference - 3 at the church for a potluCk. Local and a epaghettl supper and a ao- iTiootor C. Hhnry Hayea who or­ Va/cki Princess of Scout leader* will be gueeta. clal wtll follow. dered the walls and roof of the building braced with heavy beams After Truce - ------- ^Mias-Norma X.. StroM of Pit-' for the protection of passereby. kitt'etreet, a student at Westbrook ’is End Junior CoUega, Portland. Me., has !Muii8an. Korea, Feb, 6—(/P) been named to the dean's Hat. Mias s^ote 89th Birthday —-The communist* today pro­ Strong graduated from Manches­ E T ’S N*irobl, KenyA., Fob. 6— ter High School in June, 1951. posed K high level political (/P)-^Princo8* Elizffbeth wept IMPOSSIBLE Of Mrg. Peterson 891 MAIN ST. OPPOSn^ST. JAMES’ CHURCH conference within 90 da.y? ' London, Feb. 6—(A»)— Tired and spent, King George VI when teldj^ of her- father'* died today after 15 yeaTp on the throne. His daughter Eliza­ Hillatown Orange 'V o. ' 57 la after a Korean armistice to death today and made im­ planning to hold a pre-Lentan beth, 25, became Queen." A surprise birthday party off the negotiate withdrawal of for­ mediate plans to fly J^ack to card party iPriday, Peb. I, at 5 occasion of her 89th birthday was The word reached her in an African colony, one of the rem­ BUT TRUE! o'clock at the Grange Hall on Hill Pietmed hat* am asambata o f the plaiaaing committee far the t!M> drive which started yeetetday T- eign troops, settle the Korean London. held last gening for Mrs. Anna nant.* of the British Empire. ^ Z '" — - streat, East. Hartford. fUfreah- swd will eaathsae for tw e weeks. Heated, left to right, as* Mrs. WUHaaa Stoeh, Chalimaa Horace B. -------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- problem and resolve related News of the. death which made Learned, sad I m . Charlee S. Houee. Btaadlng, left U right, are Shenroed llehb, Henry BoekweU, Peterson at the home of her son George VI— the steady sort of Monarch the BritonaJovR— L'---na^.wi “■ meats will be served and d o o r *nd. daughter-iq-Uw, Mr. and Mr*. ssues in Xhe Orient..... the PrinceiM a ()ueen 'vss,Withheld rChedey had Oerdea -Peggi- ■ ■ - ■......■ -■ ....................... ........ — ' - Fer - U14inMt»- I>o«eliiiefl» . from Elizabeth until direct confir-P d1^ in_hl8 slte|) at Sandringham, the rb.val estate in Norfolk Wofeli for AnotlMr prises awarded'. .......... Harry Peterson.\28 Gardner street. "Thf ' thfse-point priipo.sal .wSs Make Your Next Permanent mstlon was obtained by telepHr^ Relatives and\ friends from ds St Pahmnnjom in ths first, where he was born 56 years ago. Ali;over Britain, the oeoule StoNi Ad DAV Auxiliary-will hold a the FanMtn fUlt. dress session of triice negoti/ from Buckingham palace. y said: “ He was a good man.” ----- — .....I— ***- ^ Glagfonbury, Witlimantic, Coven­ meeting tomorrow evening at 5 try, Andover, Hartford and Man­ atlnq teams in two months. / When she was finally toki the Laat September one nf the king'a at the VFW Home, JHancheater Zoii^rs Grant Allied delegsies made ncr com­ news, Elizabeth btoke d<x4-n and removed from hi* left luiig, waa chester attended the\partv. A lunga waa removed at ranceroua. atm preaent in hla right. Green. The auxiliary meets on the buffet supper with a beautiful Ltfe-Gfo ment. they took the propos^ un­ sobhed. No announcement waa made then/ firat and third Wednesdays of the List of Service Personnel der StudV and promised s/reply In s last minute rhqfige of plans of the sctusl malady. But su l^ - lemg. .4axlous Look / 8, Deny One birthday cake was served. Mrs. Elizabeth gatiia him a long, anx- month. (These names are being published la alphabetical orde3ln Peterson received many lovely later. \ Elisabeth and herx'hushand, the quently apecislistji closely atwo- Obse,rs-ers \xpressed dbubt the Dijke. of F.dlnbuWih, arranged to clateff with th* meri who p ^ orm - imia look last Thttraday when she ronjunrtloa with the I'SO drive In an effort to secure- a complt^ gifts. Including a purse of mon­ COLD WAVE left London by air nn her trip to Past matrons of Temple <5iap^ list of Manchester's active, servicemen and women. For addi­ ey. ■United Nstloffs comn^nd wriuld fly at once ^•'Entebbe,, Uganda, ed the operation aald it wg* a case Xer, No. 63, OE8, will meet in the Approve- Four Requests agree to., the t.hVd poiiit There they will hoard the four-en­ Africa, Ceylon. Austrffiia and New tions or rorrectlons, please noMfy Mrs. R. P. Lambeck, S3 Brace Besides her son Harry, with pere'a jroar chance to of c*ncer„Court aourcea-conflrmed Zealand- a trip from Vwhleh abe LECLERC Masonic Temple Thursday at 5 On Gjnditional Basis; road, tel. 7161.) . whom she makes her home, Mra. get tha loveliest Per­ The Red proposamdentificd ft gined Argonaut plane tonight thla. FUNERAL HOME p. m. Hostesses will be. Mrs. Eve­ Peterson has three other children, manent imaginable at only ss ''other qiiMtions relsted which hroiight them here on the The King's fcody ia expected to ""o • > lyn Swards and Miss Mary Miller Reject Used Car Lot Lawrence Petei*on of Hartfc^ a deflnlta saving! A to peace In'Korea/\ fir.at leg of the 30.000-mile round He In atste in Westminister Hall, f-u it 1. Members unable to be present are Robert p. Harrison. Warren O. Johnson^----- wave with plenty of th e^’orld totir .they had planned. the great hsH of the Hmise* of . **- ElizabethEH»beth Catl Peterson of Manchester^nd But In prcscmJng proposaL had. a premonition ah* might not FUNERAL requested to notify either of the Edmund' A. Hsuschild. Carmen Jones curls! Reg: 615 Returned From Hunt . Parliament, for several day* next Meeting in executive session sf- Frank E. Hayes. Hamilton M. Jones Mrs. Elsie Carlson, also o f^ a n - North Korean Gen. Nam'-Xl linked see her father alive again. hostesses. It to a stat^ en t by President Only a few houra before news of week. The fimeral will take place ter holding public hearings on 10 Rlyhard A. Heady. Kenneth W. Jones cheater. George VI wa* the fliat British SERVICE applications for exceptions to zon­ FREDERICS LOVE- No Appointmeht N tn is a iy Truman invMving U.' 5.
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