TOP dazu rock carvings

Dazu rock carvings Dazu’s UNESCO-protected rock carvings, located about a two-hour drive from the megacity of , are a stunning record of ’s Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian history. The oldest date back to AD 650, but most were carved sometime between the 800s and the 1200s. Stop at these five to make the most of your visit.

Text and photos by Johan Augustin

The Yuanjue Three Saints of Sect cave of Dafowan cave is considered the most Dafowan impressive section of Baodingshan in The largest Dazu. These three figures represent- cave in Dazu, ing enlightened beings stand seven measuring­ six metres tall on a ledge built during the 2metres in height, nine in width 4Southern Song Dynasty (1127–1279). In the middle and twelve in depth, was stands the central figure: Shakyamuni Buddha. On his man-made during the South- right stands Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and on his ern Song dynasty. The well- left Manjusri Bodhisattva holding up a pagoda preserved red and brown weighing­ 500 kilos. Behind them are 81 shrines colouring on the Buddhas, with miniature Buddhas. who appear to be made of wood, comes from local min- erals and plants.

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The ten aus- Teacher of designs terities of Dazu’s version of , Liu Benzun the celestial Buddha, differs This gold-faced from most depictions with a statue repre- face that has a distinctively sents Liu Ben- Chinese appearance; many 3zun – practitioner of 1earlier Buddhas had a more Western or Tantric during the Indian look. This sculpture is among the (618–907 BC). more than 10,000 rock formations in Liu Benzun is 5.2 metres high Baodingshan, the primary attraction at and surrounded by five Sleeping Buddha Dazu, where the carving work was led by apprentices holding up papers This 31-metre-long, reclining figure Buddhist monk Zhao Zhifeng between that describe the develop- with its eyes closed represents Buddha 1174 and 1252. ment and practice of asceti- after he has attained nirvana, an ulti- cism. This particular carving mate state of peace; this is the famous is valued among ­academics and most difficult stage to achieve in Finnair flies to Chongqing four studying esoteric Buddhism. the Buddhist faith. This image of the peaceful, times weekly. 5 ­reclining Buddha is commonly seen in religious art.