Micromineral Society of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History Meeting Minutes, July 27, 2013

In attendance: Anne Cook, Paul and Janet Clifford, Dick Green, Arthur President Greene, Pete Richards Paul Clifford [email protected] 5-Minute Talk: Anne gave the five-minute talk on babingtonite, a member of +2 +3 the group, with the formula Ca2(Fe,Mn) Fe Si5O14(OH). Named by Lévy in 1824 after William Babington, Irish physician and mineralogist. Forms a series with manganbabingtonite, in which Mn++ is greater than Fe++. Vice President Hardness 5.5-6, black or very dark brown in color, slightly translucent in thin slivers. Occurs in cavities in granitic rocks but more commonly in basalts in Dick Green association with and . Often hosts epitactic hedenbergite. The [email protected] Lane Quarry, Westfield, MA is perhaps the best locality for large, well-

formed crystals.

Main Talk: The main talk was a DVD lecture from the Dallas Treasurer Symposium by Rock Currier on the development of mineral supplies from the Dal’Negorsk region in eastern Russia. While there were some nice Janet Clifford photos of very impressive specimens that were not for sale, this was largely a [email protected] relatively old travel-log detailing the presenter’s adventures in trying to get a

foothold in this market. It was relatively light on sophisticated presentations

of unusual or mineralogenesis, and perhaps of more use to

budding dealers in international than to collectors of other than Secretary trophy minerals. The editor may be sanctioned for expressing his opinions Pete Richards too freely…. [email protected] Business Meeting: called to order at 2:01

Old Business: The minutes for the June meeting were accepted as received. The treasurer reported a fiscal year end balance of $1219.05; dues received

Museum Liaison since then will increase this total.

David Saja We are still looking for a few short (20-minute or so) talks for the [email protected]! Symposium. We encourage members who are coming but are not able to be here monthly to consider offering a talk, and sending us (any email at left) a topic soon! Vanadinite Macy Mine Hillsboro, New Mexico Future meetings Date 5-min. talk Main speaker Comments Aug. 24 Workshop; location and topic to be determined Sept. 28 Pete Cliffords, Cooks Denver report Oct. 26 Paul Janet DVD,Herb Obodda Nov. 23 Dick Dick Topic to be determined

CMMS web site www.cmnh.org/site/GetInvolved/ClubsandSocieties/MicromineralSociety.aspx! Micromineral Society of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History Meeting Minutes, July 27, 2013

New Business: Paul and Janet visited with Phil Evanoff, who is approaching a century old. He is doing very well considering his age, is mentally sharp, and is still pondering what to do with his substantial mineral collection. We wish Phil well and wish for ourselves his longevity and relatively good health!

Former local member Jim Prentiss is now in Manchester, NH. We hope there are some good minerals around there for him, but, regardless, we’re sure he will find some rocks to bang on.

Our main speaker for the Symposium, Martin Jensen, has had a bout with pneumonia, but seems to be recovering well, so we still anticipate that he will be our speaker.

Janet continues working on the micromineral collection at the Museum, a big and important task.

There being no other business, the business meeting was adjourned at 2:31.

Respectfully submitted,

R. Peter Richards August 7, 2013