The Tusker Tribune The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School

Issue Number 37 Summer 2019 Important Tips for Dear Evan Summer Reading Hansen: A

By Natalia Tellez Great Show Tusker Tribune Staff Summer is almost By Anthony Fusco here! Summer vacation is Tusker Tribune Staff really important for stu- The Broadway dents. After all their show, Dear Evan Han- handwork; studying for exams, do- sen, was spectacular. I, ing all the homework and exams along with the rest of the 7th given, and overall staying on top of schools and getting good Grade ALP class went to see the grades, kids deserve a break. musical after reading the book, And what better time to relax and have fun than during on June 12th, and really enjoyed some of the hottest months, SUMMMER. So yes, summer is it. the time where students usually don’t know have to know Dear Evan Hansen tells what day of the week it is or whether it’s an A or C day, but it the story of a young man with doesn’t hurt to do some summer reading. social anxiety disorder who so Continued on Page 2 yearns to make a con- nection with his peers Environmental Club that he fab- ricates a re- Cleans Up SMS! lationship with a de- By Jason Pinto ceased stu- Tusker Tribune Staff dent to be- Hello, I am Jason Pinto, the Environmental Of- come closer ficer/ Chief Environmental Officer, and President of the to the boy’s Environmental Club. family. And talking about that, I am glad to say that the The club has recently opened. And so far the group has been going show itself great!. Recycling has been much more progressive. We are al- was amaz- ways looking for more people to help out! ing and the cast was really If you’re interested, talk to me about joining. good; all great singers. Also this can be done in team time, or recess. As Michael Lee Brown, Evan Han- protectors of the Environmental Club, we keep sen’s understudy, performed at SMS safe, and clean. For example when we are the show we saw, and he gave a doing recycling, we see trash always on the floor, great portrayal of the high from pencils to papers, and to hydro Flasks and schooler, Evan Hansen. it’s all wasted. Brown is an incredible Also, Locker Clean up week is just around the singer, along with the rest of corner! We are starting 6/20/19 What locker clean up is, is that the cast, and they all gave a if you have anything you had from this school year that you breathtaking performance. don’t want or don’t want to use, like a box of pencils, a note- If you are thinking about book, folders, put it in the bin, and it’s great that we have all of seeing a play, you should defi- this stuff to supply for new SMS kids as well as anyone who nitely consider seeing Dear needs school supplies. Evan Hansen. I’ve personally These are some of the things we do here at the SMS En- seen at least 15 shows, and this vironmental Club, and we can’t wait to have people to join, like ranks at the number 1 spot. you! If you wish to join once again, contact Jason Pinto or Sen- ior Environmental Officer Peter Shay. Thank you, and KEEP SMS CLEAN! The Tusker Tribune Page 2 The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School Ten Ways to Keep Cool During the Summer

By Alexa Chimes stay cool. Tusker Tribune Staff Make green tea and put it in a It gets very hot spray bottle to make a cooling spray during the summer so that will help you stay cooler than you might need some ad- just using water . vice on how to cool off. Here are Freeze a Capri Sun, then let it some ways to keep cool. thaw for about 20-30 minutes. After Place a bowl of ice under- doing this, cut open the Capri Sun to neath your fan so that your fan’s make an instant slushie. air will be even cooler. Don’t wear any dark colors If you’re very hot, put because they attract heat and will some ice in four plastic bags, make you even hotter. Wear lighter wrap it with a paper towel, then take a rubber colored clothes instead. band or hair ties and tie them around your wrists Eat spicy food! Spicy food will make you and the back of your knees. This helps because sweat more and lowers the temperature of the the ice should be on your pulse points and having outside of your body. something cool on your pulse points helps your Freeze fruit and water in an ice cube tray body cool down a lot faster. to make fruity ice cubes! You can put these in Fill a sponge with water until it cannot your drink to make your drink even colder and hold any more, then put it in a plastic bag and delicious place it in your freezer to make an ice pack. If you don’t have any ice pops, take a Dixie Instead of reading your book on a paper- cup and pour any type of juice in it. Then place a back book, download it online and listen to it so Popsicle stick in the juice, and place this in your that way your hands don’t always have to be hold- freezer for anywhere from 2-4 hours to make a ing a book and you can use them to help yourself Popsicle using a juice flavor you like!

to spend more time looking for books then read- Summer Reading ing them. You can find amazing books by either From Page 1 searching up recommendations and reviews on I agree with most students that teachers the internet or asking your friends or family for shouldn’t put a minimum number of books, a spe- books they liked. cific book list, or even make reading a require- Another challenging part to summer read- ment because when they do, reading becomes a ing is knowing good locations and times to read. chore and something they have to do. Like many other hobbies there is always a time I think students should be able to choose and place for reading. One of the good times in the books and genres they read and how much, the day to pick up a book is in the morning when but students should read over the summer at you wake up or right before you go to sleep. These least a little bit. In this article, I will tell you all times are both helpful because you will either about reading over the summer break and im- start or end your summer day in a good way. Fur- portant tips to help you! thermore, there are multiple places near your One of the most difficult things about house where you can enjoy reading. The best loca- summer reading is picking books that you will tions for you is where you try something new and want to read and won’t make reading seem as an different. This can include sitting by a pool in the order given by teachers. First of all, pick a new warm sun or just lying on the grass on a towel. genre that you don’t really know or have never Wherever you will look forward to going and take read. This is helpful to do because you never out your book. know what genres you might like. Overall, reading during the summer has This way, you can try new books and pos- always been seen as something horrible and bor- sibly find a genre you might turn out to love. In ing. It definitely makes sense, who wants to trade addition, to further your enjoyment of reading, a night with friends just to read a book, but I pick books that are your reading level and length. want you to take a deep consideration and try to Don’t pick a book that has too many pages read and finish at least one book. Find a fun loca- because then you are going to force yourself to tion at a reasonable time and make sure to have a keep going and soon you will start skipping over good book you can read. Summer reading doesn't some of the book’s parts in hopes of finishing it have to be a chore or requirement assigned by quickly. teachers but can be enjoyable too! Moreover, one last thing you can do, is to get good book recommendations so you don’t have The Tusker Tribune Page 3 The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School Should Extra Is Splashdown Credit Worth It?

Be Allowed? By Isaac Like Tusker Tribune Staff By Isaac Like This year looks like its supposed to rain Tusker Tribune Staff on both the days we have scheduled the trip it is A lot of teachers despise supposed to rain so the question is, Is It worth extra credit, Why? Teachers It? don’t like extra credit because Let’s think who wants to go to a water park on a sometimes teachers feel like students rainy day especially also because it’s not really supposed can just make up their to be warm. bad grades with one I wouldn’t go and not a lot of people would either, single thing even if but what happens if you pay about $70 dollars for it? Is they have been doing it still not worth it? bad the whole quarter. There are no refunds so we all will be wasting our I think they money if we don’t go but I know shouldn’t hate extra a lot of people would rather just credit because the peo- stay home if there was bad ple who really do it are weather, so let’s think of the good students who are pros/cons of going just trying to do better Pros: by doing the option  Money wasn’t wasted work.  Enjoyment Plenty of kids would just say ‘’no  Free day off from school way’’ and would rather just take the bad grades, so the people who do it are the Cons people who are striving to do better.  Less enjoyment than a normal trip if weather’s bad. The teachers who give extra cred-  Boredom if rides are closed. it are smart because they can see who is really a good student and who isn’t and I would say they are about even, so it really comes usually extra credit doesn’t completely down to your preference. I would go because there is no change your grade so I think it’s a fair point in wasting $70 for something you don’t even do and deal. who knows, you might have fun, or the rain might clear up!

Co-Editors Honza Jares Noah Volkman Jason Pinto The Patriot’s Pen Joseph Melillo Michael Abrams By Josh Burkhart Charlotte Carroll Feature Editor Mason Kaufman Tusker Tribune Staff Samuel Sanz John Spatola In the Fall of Kavya Dave 2018, the 7th grade Sports Editor Ellie Sheridan was invited to write Jesse Manginelli Phil Gurney an essay as part of the Som- Kevin Grant ers Veterans of Foreign Photography Editor Harrison Mellor Wars (Somers VFW) annual Allison O’Connor Arya Frye Christopher Lux “Patriot’s Pen”. This year Copy Editors Bridget Kossow the topic was “Why I Honor William Underkoffler Jackson Forsberg the Flag”. Michael Aiello Joshua Burkhart When completed, the Sofia Palazzetti essays were reviewed and Reporters Ryan Paucar judged by veterans of the Vince Mooren Kaeleigh Picco Anthony Fusco VFW. Eight participates Peyton Linares were declared winners. The Noah Volkman winners got to shake hands Natalia Tellez with Tim McArdle, a mem- Alexa Chimes ber of the Somers VFW, and Isaac Like received a certificate and a cash prize. Congratulations to Farah Cicogna all the winners: Christopher Gardner, Eric Amante, Con- Peyton Linares Jack Lucchese ner Baran, Hannah Noreika, Lindsay McCullough, Farah Chiara Ginty Cicogna, Khyla Cohen, and myself, Joshua Burkart. I am Bella Del Duco honored to be one of them. The Tusker Tribune Page 4 The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School New Pool Was Well Worth the Wait!

By Peyton Linares huge hole, they put up the walls of the pool. Then Tusker Tribune Staff they fenced it in with a temporary fence and left This summer I am very excited to for the winter. They couldn't do anything during say that I will have a pool in my back yard the winter because of the frozen ground. Over the and I plan on swimming in it as much as I winter, my backyard looked like a war zone, as the possibly can. big dirt tracks left behind by the backhoe and the My three sib- absence of grass were all that re- lings and I were extremely mained...oh and the huge hole. Aside excited and felt very lucky from sledding down the dirty tracks that our parents finally during some snow days, we didn’t get agreed to build a pool in our much use of the yard. back yard. It took several Then spring arrived and my excitement years from all of us to finally started to grow once again. I thought to persuade them...well we real- myself, I can’t believe I’m going to be ly just had to persuade my swimming in MY pool soon. But, those dad, as mom was on-board feelings were a bit too soon. Because with the idea for a while. there was so much rain in April and Anyway, the pool is May that the hole and surrounding dirt finally done and we’ve been areas were like a pond and forever last- swimming for about a week. ing mud pit. There was SO much rain, We love it! However, this article isn’t about how that there were even ducks swimming in the pool great the pool will’s about the long road before me! As far as the mud, well it swallowed from when the first shovel hit the ground to my one of my flip flops, it caked my new sneakers, it first cannonball...and all the mud in between. found its way into the house on the bottom of eve- It all started in October when we started to ryone’s feet, and seemed like it would never go plan out where the pool was going to go, what the away. shape of it would be, how deep we wanted it, and But eventually the sun made enough guest so on so forth. When they started digging the hole, appearances that the pool company and patio com- I was getting excited already. pany could get back to work. It didn’t take long The hole digging process was quite inter- once they were back at it to finish up the pool. esting as their gigantic backhoe moved earth and I was so amazed how quick it actually came boulders like they were nothing. They dug up together. Before I knew it, and three trucks full of some interesting wires, and poles, and other bits water later, I was about to jump in my own pool. and pieces of what seemed like old farm equip- My siblings and I stood on the edge of the pool, ment. while my mom and dad filmed us jumping in for When they finally finished digging the the first time. One, two, three...Splash! Was the Live Action Aladdin Better Than the Original? (WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD!!!)

By Farah Cicogna prince and she usually would Tusker Tribune Staff wear a head scarf, too. I went to go see What I did not like is the new live action that the press said that Aladdin Aladdin and it was was Naomi Scott's first Disney great. It was the same plot as role when she was in a British the cartoon but with a twist. It Disney channel show and in was very interesting how in the Lemonade Mouth. Helloooo!! I beginning of the movie they had mean does no one remember the genie and the princesses that? I did really like that they head maid telling a story, but added a couple things about the you don’t know it’s them yet movie like the dancing scene and then for them to tie it back together at the and Jasmine’s song at the end which I thought end which was interesting. was really empowering for her. Overall when I I also liked that Jasmine did not only stick went to go see it, I thought that it would not be to the blue crop top and pants but that she good or as good as the cartoon but I was very changed it up a little, like when she would meet a pleasantly surprised and would go see it again. The Tusker Tribune Page 5 The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School Is Team Five Easy Study Tips to Tuskers For You? Make Your Life Easier By Jessica Masterson By Chris Lux Tusker Tribune Staff Tusker With all the stress and studying of Finals, here are some helpful Tribune Staff hints to know! Team Tuskers mentor- 1) Make a Time and Place for Studying ing is a Somers Try to designate a certain time, place, or day to study. This will help you middle school club that to stay organized, and make sure you are studying when you need to. pairs you up with a men- This also helps to ensure you are not cramming in information at the tor from a test of things last minute. you liked compared to the same test took by a 2) Ask for Help when you Need It mentor. It also considers When studying, don’t be afraid to ask for help your preference for cer- when you need it! The person you ask may be tain interests. able to help you understand a lesson much bet- When you get a ter. There’s no shame in admitting you don’t un- mentor, you can choose derstand a subject or unit. to meet on Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday 3) Discover which Learning Style works best for YOU at lunch or in the morn- Try studying in the way you learn information best—whether that be by ing or after school. reading, listening, or by creating something hands-on. This helps people When you are understand a lesson much better. meeting, you can go outside play catch or 4) Divide your Time Based on Need play basketball. You can A crucial thing to remember while studying is that it’s not the amount of play foosball, watch vide- time that matters when studying, but how well you understand the les- os on your tablet, and/or son. Knowing this try to divide your time based on this. you can talk to your mentor and keep things 5) Take Breaks between you and them. While studying, it will be very helpful to you to take a break when you There are also need it! Since you shouldn’t be trying to cram all of the information in two after school parties, your head, taking a break every now and then can help clear your mind one breakfast and one and make your studying more beneficial! trip, not to mention free snacks provided. Overall, Team Tuskers is a fun program that has a lot to offer. If you are XXXTENTACION’s Close Friend Shot 1 Year stressed, this is a great club for you, if you are After Rapper’s Death hyper this is a great club By Noah Volkman for you and if you are Tusker Tribune Staff looking to have a great Just one year after we lost the legend XXXTENTACION, time this is for you. So, his close friend, a rapper who goes by the name of C Glizzy, was this is why Team Tusk- shot in the head on June 18. ers is a great program Glizzy is recovering in the hospital. that might be good for This is tragic because this event happened you. exactly one year after XXXTENTACION, a rapper/singer who was on the rise, was fatal- ly shot in an armed robbery in Florida. C Glizzy, whose real name is Chris- tian Moore, was shot on Saturday while out- side a convenience store in Pompano Beach, Florida. While being rushed to Broward Health North, his brother and his friend lost control of the vehicle they were driving and crashed into a highway exit ramp. Moore spent hours in the hospital undergoing surgery to remove the bullet from his head. The Tusker Tribune Page 6 The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School 8th Grade D.C. Trip Was Truly Memorable

By Kaeleigh Picco The first stop the 8th Tusker Tribune Staff Graders made on the In late May, the 8th Grade Som- trip was to Arlington ers Middle School Class of 2019 re- Cemetery, a national turned home from their trip to Washing- military cemetery in ton D.C. It is an event carefully planned by the Arlington County, Vir- school staff and administration, and happily ginia. Its 624 acres of anticipated by the students since the time they land are the resting enter the middle school. Below is just a taste of place of more than what the grade visited and saw in D.C. 400,000 Americans who lost their lives in the nation’s conflicts.

Later that evening, the class visited the White House on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the home of the President of the United States. It was built on October 13th, 1792, and burned down by the British on August 24th, 1814 in the midst of the War of 1812. It was rebuilt soon after and fin- ished for the second time in 1817.

On the second day, the 8th Graders started by taking a class picture in front of the Capitol building, and proceed- ed inside for a tour. While there, they learned that the very dome of the capitol was built twice, the second built right on top of the first and made of cast iron.

On the third and final day of the trip, the students went to the Lincoln Memorial, and overlooked the Reflection Pool and the Washington Monument, pic- tured below. The Lincoln Memorial is a tribute to Abraham Lincoln and his incredible ability to keep the country united. Above the pillars of this monu- ment are the 48 continental states with Roman Nu- merals to represent when they became apart of the Union.

From the Lincoln Memorial, the class got a great view of the Wash- ington Monument and the Reflection Pool. They discovered that the Washington Monument is actually made of two different kinds of stone; white marble from Maryland and granite from quarries in New England.

The Tusker Tribune Page 7 The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School NBA Awards Predictions

By Michael Abrams Tusker Tribune Staff With the NBA Season over and the Awards Ceremony coming on June 24th there is a lot of discussion on who will be the MVP (Most Valuable Player), Defensive Player of the y ear, and rookie of the year. Rookie of the Year Here are my picks: 3. DeAndre Ayton 5. Stephen Curry He averaged 16.3 points, 10.3 re- He led the Warriors to the fi- bounds, and 1.8 assists. nals and averaged 27.3 points, 5.3 rebounds and 5.2 assists.

4. Paul George 2. Trae Young He averaged 28.1 points, 8.2 re- He averaged 19.1 points, 3.7 bounds, and 4.1 assists leading rebounds, the Thunder to the first round of and 8.1 the playoffs before getting elimi- assists. nated by the Portland Trail Blazers. 1. Luka Doncic 3. Giannis Antetokounmpo He averaged 21.2 points, 7.8 rebounds, and 6.1 assists. He averaged 27.7 points, 12.6 rebounds, and 5.8 as- sists and led the Bucks to the Conference Semifinals. 6th Man of the year

2. Kawhi Leonard 3. Dennis Schroder He led the Toronto Raptors to an He averaged 15.5 points, 3.6 re- NBA championship and aver- bounds, and 4.1 assists off the aged 26.6 points, 7.3 rebounds, bench for the Oklahoma and 3.3 assists. City Thunder.

1. James Harden He averaged an insane 36.1 points, 6.6 rebounds, and 7.5 assists to lead 2. Lou Williams Houston to the Western Conference He averaged 20.1 points, Semifinals. 3.0 rebounds, and 5.4 as- sists off the bench for Defensive Player of the year the Clippers.

3. Paul George 1. Derrick Rose He averaged 18.1 points, 2.7 rebounds, and 4.3 assists off the bench for the Timberwolves. 2. Giannis Antetokounmpo

1.Kawhi Leonard Those are my predictions for the 2019 NBA Awards Ceremony on June 24th, 2019.

The Tusker Tribune Page 8 The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School College Softball World Series Wrapup

By Bella Del Duco game, they beat them Tusker Tribune 16-1. UCLA was the Staff number 2 seed and Ok- The College Soft- lahoma was the num- ball World Series is a ber1 seed. So, most huge event for softball and people thought that the colleges. It is almost like Oklahoma should have March Madness. There are a won the world series. lot of teams in a tournament The 1 seed usu- trying to make it to the cham- ally has the home field pionship and win it. advantage. So, that This year, UCLA won was good for Oklaho- it. Their softball academy is ma. very good, and they have real- Another good ly good players. They de- team was Washington stroyed Oklahoma in the finals and UCLA was I thought they were going to the finals, but UCLA considered the underdog team. In the first beat them. They were the number 3 seed. They game, they beat Oklahoma 5-4 and in the second made it to bracket 1 and then lost.

Big Brook, A Possible Destination This Summer

By Vince Mooren strainer and squat in the brook sift- Tusker Tribune Staff ing through the mud. Our school year is My family and I usually don’t almost over and summer go any farther than a mile into the is on its way. Some of us brook and we come away with some will go on vacation, some amazing discoveries. The last time to camp and some of us lucky my family and I went to the Big ones get to spend the whole Brook, we found 15 shark teeth, summer at home. what we believe to be a dinosaur Many people wonder tooth, a dinosaur toe bone, a bunch what they can do all summer of invertebrates and skates. that will keep you busy. I want The best part is, if you have to share one of my favorite plac- no idea what you are looking at, es I like to go to as a day trip they have a guide at the opening to and maybe give you a new idea the brook with pictures and descrip- for a summer day. tions. There is no need to My number go to the Museum of Natu- one day trip during ral History, when you can the summer is Big go digging for your own Brook, in New Jer- history. sey. Yes, it is a This brook is only about an brook, but what you hour and a half away from can find there brings Somers and there is a it to a whole other great ice cream shop right level. Here you will nearby. My only sugges- not just be knee tion is for you to bring a deep in water and change of clothes. If you watching all kinds of are not all covered in mud creatures swim past by the time you are done, you. Here you have you will be definitely the possibility of making history. drenched. This brook is a well-known place for finding The only trick is you have to change in your fossils. Yes, fossils. Here you can find anything car, because the entrance is just right off a main from a mosasaur tooth to shark teeth. All you road. Even with the mud, water, and no bath- need is a strainer. Any kind will do, along with the rooms it is a great place to be outdoors with na- love for an adventure. I use a simple beach sand ture and discover new things, I hope you stop by. The Tusker Tribune Page 9 The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School How Can the New York Yankees Get Better?

By Jack Lucchese been hitting well but their main problem is Tusker Tribune Staff pitching. They have walked 213 batters The New York Yankees and only strikeout 652. They are also miss- have been doing pretty well so ing players from the pitching side of the far in the 2019 season. They team including Luis Severino, Domingo lead the American League East with a German, Dellin Betances, Jordan Mont- record of 43-27, a .614 win percentage. gomery, Ben Heller, Jonathon Loaisiga, Barely being ahead of their divi- and Jake Barrett. sion rival Tampa Bay Rays by half a The Yankees have to get more relief game, they still have the Boston Red pitchers so they can put them in when the Sox to worry about. They have recently added a starting pitchers get tired or start to look like top player in the league named Edwin Encar- they’re getting beat up by the hitters. On the oth- nacion who leads the American League in home er side of the injured list, the Yankee offense has runs. This is great because he’s a good hitter Giancarlo Stanton (coming back), Troy Tulow- right? That’s partially true. The Yankees have itzki, Jacoby Ellsbury, Didi Gregorius (playing been dropping like flies with about a team and a but still recovering), Miguel Andujar, Aaron half worth of injured players. With their top out- Judge, Greg Bird, and Clint Frazier who got sent fielders and hitters Giancarlo Stanton and Aaron down to the minor leagues because of being re- Judge coming back soon, the team just doesn’t placed by Encarnacion. have room because of all of these replacement Overall, the Yankees need to get more and players. Edwin Encarnacion is joining the team better pitchers, get better at hitting with runners Monday with Giancarlo Stanton coming back in scoring position, let up less runs while pitching, Tuesday. Any article you read says it is great and start making room for offensive players. news which is not really true. The Yankees have SlashDown Has Something For Everyone

By Chiara Ginty Pirate’s Revenge. Tusker Tribune Staff Splashdown also has a Have you heard very cool “Lazy River” ride. I of Splashdown? If not, would recommend trying it if you you should get to know are there! Splashdown also about it. has a delicious food court. They It’s a cool waterpark that have a Nathans, and a great my grade and I will be taking a place to grab some ice cream, field trip to to tomorrow. when you have a sweet tooth! Splashdown’s biggest waterslide is called If you have never been to Splashdown, I “the Magellen” and is often referred to as “The recommend spending a day with your friends or Meg”. Splashdown also has many other family at this amazing waterpark, as it will be a waterslides, including “The Bullet Bowl”, The Hu- very entertaining activity for the day! munga Halfpipe”, “The Pirate’s Plunge” and “The

Team Tuskers Mentoring Was Very Rewarding

By Honza Jares for free, too! All you have to do is sign Tusker Tribune Staff up and meet with your mentor on a Last week the Team week before school, lunch or after Tusker Mentoring Club end- school and that is all you have to do ed by a good breakfast. to be a part of Team Tusker mentor- We had fun at the ing and get this awesome trip and breakfast. We got free food and we breakfast. got a gift card for King Kone, which I hope a lot of you join next was nice from the school to give us. year because it is really fun to do A week before the breakfast, mentoring. And I hope you have a we went on a Boundless Adventure awesome time like me and all the trip, which was awesome and guess what? It was other kids. The Tusker Tribune Page 10 The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School Minnesota Gophers Had a Great Season

this season. Their last By Kavya Dave game this year against Tusker Tribune Staff Washington could have been a win. They had The Minnesota Gophers Softball only lost by 2 runs. team had its most successful season in Their biggest win this school history. Despite losing against UCLA in the season was on March College Softball World Series, they are recognized 23 against University for the successful season. of Maryland. The score Gophers pitcher Amber Fisher was nomi- was 19-5, and they had won by 14 runs. nated for the Honda Sport Award for softball. This The Minnesota Gophers are ranked #7 in was her best season ever, with 346 strikeouts. The college softball. They are one of the best teams. team won 46 games this season. They only lost 14 Two Cool Activities For Your Summer Vacation

By Charlotte Carroll family friendly activity that is great if you want to Tusker Tribune Staff grab a quick bite, a scoop of ice cream, or play School is coming to an end and the some mini golf. summer time is rolling around quickly. The second local activity you can do this Now just to make sure you aren’t sitting at summer is you can stop by Rockin’ Jump located home bored this summer, I want to give you two in Mount Kisco, NY. Although Rockin’ Jump is an fun local activities to do this summer. indoor trampoline park, it is something to do on a The first lo- rainy sum- cal activity mer day. you can do They have a this summer few different is you can go sections in to the Red the trampo- Rooster line park Drive-In lo- which in- cated in clude a foam Brewster, pit that you NY. The Red can jump in- Rooster to, an ongoing trampoline basketball game, an on- Drive-In is an ice cream shop that also provides going trampoline dodgeball game, as well as a free fresh food and drinks. The Red Rooster Drive-In jumping zone. They also feature a rock-climbing also features a mini golf course with more than 10 wall that costs an extra fee. mini golf holes. The Red Rooster Drive-In is a very Those are two fun things you can do this

Should Schools Go to Four Day Weeks?

By Mason Kauffman off for the students and a preparation day for Tusker Tribune Staff the teachers. The results of doing this have What many schools have been mixed. Teachers and students seem to been wondering lately is whether think it a good set up while some parents they should switch to four day think it is bad. weeks or stay with five day weeks. Four Some of the reasons this is a good idea are day weeks is slowly gaining popularity. because sometimes students have late sports Hundreds of schools in America practices or games on Friday nights and hav- have made the switch to four day weeks ing Mondays off gives them time to catch up by extending the amount of time the stu- and do homework. dents are at school the remaining days. Continued on Page 10 They basically turn Mondays into a day The Tusker Tribune Page 11 The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School China Revealed

By Conor Maher like they may prepare to start a world war. Tusker Tribune Staff China has had a long history of ter- China has the biggest ritorially battles, mostly with Mongolia population and has one of the and Korea. Which then had not had the highest birth rate at15.23 mil- Korean war which separated the country lion births in 2018. China is a Unitary in to North the Dictatorship of the Peoples one-party socialist republic also known Democracy, a fancy way of saying Strict as communism. Dictatorship. Then the South very similar to our China had a history similar to Japan. This democracy with three branches or houses of pow- was a Dynastic Rule; this means that the rulers er. starting in 2100 BCE were part of a very rich and In China from 1912–1949 they were a Re- powerful. Japan was separated into different king- public and that was favored as the people could doms with strict rulers and Warriors or Samurai vote on government officials but it only lasted 37 to protect the rule. years. Today the government is a Peoples Repub- China went Imperial in 231 BCE. This lic that was formed by the Communist Party means that they focus on militarism and diplo- Chairman Mao Zedong. So, it may not be your reg- matic relations this may weaken international re- ular communist country but it's still a way of rul- lationships because it may involve funding more ing the citizens haven't had a civil war. military operations and to other countries looks

Various Trades Could Really Help These Teams

By Tristan Hamilton Second is Antonio Brown getting Tusker Tribune Staff traded to the Oakland Raiders. After his There have been a lot of big relationship with the Pittsburgh Steelers changes coming into this new NFL rapidly deteriorated (and by rapidly deterio- season and I would like to share the rated, I mean completely fell apart), the bigger game changing signings and trades. Steelers finally got rid of disgruntled wide My first one I'm going to talk about is receiver Antonio Brown. They shipped him Odell Beckham Jr getting traded to the Cleveland cross-country to the Raiders for a third-round pick Browns. The Browns gave up to get him the 17th and a fifth-round pick. overall pick (which would up being Third huge move is by Clemson defensive tackle Dexter the New York Jets. In March, Lawrence), a third-round pick (Old the Jets signed Le'Veon Bell to Dominion edge-rusher Oshane Xi- a four-year, $52.5 million deal mines) and safety Jabrill Peppers, a with $27 million guaranteed. first-round pick in 2016 who hasn't Nick Foles Signed a four- lived up to that draft pedigree. This year, $88 million deal with is a very good pick up for the the Jacksonville Jaguars (with a max value of Browns because their other Wide $102 million), according to Rapoport and Garafolo. Receiver, Jarvis Landry has great chemistry with Lastly, Jordan Howard was traded by the Odell since college days at LSU. Bears to the Eagles in exchange for a 2020 condi- tional sixth-round pick. Dino Knowledge and Ark Survival Evolved By Kevin Grant saurus Rex. Tusker Tribune Staff However, there are over 750 different The average person species of dinosaurs that have been discovered knows very little about dino- and named. In fact, scientists think that there saurs. Most people can only are a lot more species to be discovered. name T.Rex, and most people don’t Here are a few more dinosaurs for you: even know what the “T” stands for! Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus, Carnotaurus, Ar- Some people (Most that have seen the Jurassic gentinosaurus, which is the largest dinosaur and movies) know triceratops, stegosaurus, brachio- animal to ever be discovered (212 feet)! saurus and maybe Velociraptor and Tyranno- Continued on Page 11 The Tusker Tribune Page 12 The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School

Sea Turtles Dying The ‘Head’ Incident

From Artificial Light By Harrison Mellor By Phil Gurney Tusker Tribune Staff Tusker Tribune Staff I see the beautiful Oasis Club. I go through There is a threat to Sea Tur- the huge building, and walk outside. I see a lot of tles. They are dying from artifi- pools and many waterparks. I go down the stairs cial lighting. and run to the baby waterpark. I was jumping up Turtles need a quiet and dark and down 100 times, running around in circles. Mouth beach to nest. open and jaw drop. Now there are Crash! many tourists 100 gallons of water in the bucket fall on the and seaside ground. houses and ho- Splash! tels and lights It goes again. I from these hous- go up the stairs for the es discourage females from nesting. little baby slide. The female turtles are losing ''On your stom- places to nest and sometimes they de- ach H'', my cousin was posit their eggs saying. My hands were in the ocean. shaking, I had butter- Not a lot of the flies in my stomach. I baby turtles was biting my bottom survive. The lip. It was swollen. lights also diso- I get on my rient the tur- stomach, arms like Superman, I push of and go down, get- tles so the wan- ting a face full of water. I got back up and went up the der inland in- stairs again and back at the top of the mini baby slide. I go stead of out at se. They often die from over the metal bar that keeps babies from running down dehydration and predation. the slide. I feel bad for one of those babies. Emmett said, ''Run down the slide!'' Ways to Prevent This So I run down the slide, feeling sick and nauseous. My feet came out from under me and I hit my head. When  Don’t build lights near turtle nest- I hit my head everyone said it sounded like a truck going ing grounds. by.  Turn off the lights near beaches or Ouch. use turtle safe lighting.

Dino est dinosaur name, Micropachycephalosaurus, From Page 10 Eustreptospondylus, parasaurolophus. Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus is a There are three periods in which dino- genus of carnivorous spinosaurid the- saurs existed. The first one was the Triassic ropod that lived in the late cretaceous period, the next is the Jurassic period and the period. Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus was last dinosaur period was the cretaceous peri- od. the first ever semi-aquatic dinosaur to The top dinosaur themed videogame is ever be discovered! It is also the larg- Ark Survival Evolved. In this game, you can est carnivore to ever walk the Earth. find over 50 different species of dinosaurs. It was mostly piscivorous (Eats fish) You can tame dinosaurs and even ride dino- but it may have also eaten small dino- saurs! You can play multiplayer with your saurs and dinosaur eggs. friends and build buildings. You can explore Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus did- treacherous oceans filled with megalodons n’t have a very strong bite, but in- and mosasaurus. stead had huge claws that is used in combat and There are different maps with different di- acquiring food that could easily kill a tyranno- nosaurs, biomes and resources. There are also hol- saurus rex! Its main food source was the prehis- iday events where dinosaurs can be awesome col- toric (Dinosaur times) sawfish known as the ors! I highly recommend that people should learn Onchopristis. Here are a few more dinosaurs with more about dinosaurs. The more we know, the long and complex, but fun to say names: the long- more we can discover! The Tusker Tribune Page 13 The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School Should There Be More Field Trips?

By Khyla Cohen into the world at large. There are so many Tusker Tribune Staff interesting places to visit! June brings the final and Another point I think is very valuable to long-awaited field trips of the bring up was brought to my attention by a school year. It is a well-deserved commenter on who stated the break after a year full of relentless fact that our generation is consumed by elec- hard work. Yet, in all the chaos caused by tronics. Field trips allow students to socialize finals, I am questioning, should schools with friends and unload energy which has have more field trips? been building up from sitting in a classroom In the article, “Should Schools for hours upon end. Schedule More Field Trips for Students?” More school field trips do seem like a valu- by Bambi Majumdar, it explains studies able approach to immerse ourselves as stu- conducted where participants who have dents and heighten our understanding of the taken numerous educational field-trips topics we have learned in the classroom. We have overall done better in school than com- have been fortunate at SMS to have the oppor- pared to those who didn't have many field trips as tunity of many field trips during the school year, part of their school curriculum. giving us all the ability to step out of the class- Personally, I prefer learning not just in a room. classroom but by stepping out of the classroom St. Louis Blues Take Home Stanley Cup By John Spatola not have won a Stanley cup. Tusker Tribune Staff The Boston Bruins were fa- The Saint Louis vored and expected to win the Blues won the Stanley Cup Stanley Cup. Almost 50 for the first time. They beat years ago they had both played against each other in the Stan- ley Cup Finals, but Boston had End of Year Calendar! won. This time, in the first match, the Bruins won 4-2. In the second, the Blues won 3-2 the Boston Bruins four games to and lasted in an overtime. In three games in a seven-game series. the third game the Bruins abolished the Blues 7-2. The final score of the last game was In game four the Blues won 4-2 again. In the fifth 4 -1. The St. Louis Blues are the oldest team to match, the Blues won 2-1. In the sixth match the

Four Day School Week year. Parents argue that they would be forced to From Page 9 find daycare for younger kids if they switch to a Teachers also benefit from this set up be- four day week. Another negative some say is that cause they get an entire day without students to the students are in class the 4 days for an extra prepare for classes, learn new technology, grade 20-40 minutes per day and that they may get homework and do staff development stuff. Four tired. Finally another disadvantage is that some day school weeks also saves the district a lot of children rely on cheaper school meals and a four money since it is one day less of transportation day week makes them have to feed the child on costs, breakfast and lunch and heating. Students their own an extra day. benefit by having more rest and a less stressful I think the advantages of a four day week environment. Some superintendents say that be- far outweigh the disadvantages. Schools should cause of this, children are better behaved and less switch because it will make the teachers better disruptive in class. It has been shown also that prepared for teaching class and the students will attendance for teachers and for students im- have more willingness to work because they get a proves with four day weeks. Academic improve- three day weekend to catch up on homework and ment has also been shown to be better with this projects. I understand the extra cost to some par- set up. ents because of daycare and meals but maybe the Some argue that having a four day week is school with all the money they are saving on oth- bad because the students end up in class approxi- er things like transportation and heating can fig- mately 14 hours less over the course of the entire ure out a way to help these parents financially. The Tusker Tribune Page 14 The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Storms Onto World Stage By Bridget Kossow Cup match. That was a huge accomplishment for Tusker Tribune them as a team. Staff On June 16, 2019 The U.S. The United States made a Women’s National second appearance in the Soccer Team has world cup, in their second been training with all the match against Chile, where other teams to go to the they won 3-0. Carli Lloyd World Cup. had two goals and Julie This year the World Ertz had one goal. cup is in Paris, France and A third victory came all eyes are on the US to see on June 20, 2019 against if they can get the trophy. Sweden, which eliminated Well the US is certainly on the U.S. in the previous their way there. On June World Cup. This year, the 11,2019, the United States pulled off a 13-0 victo- score was 2-0 . The U.S. won with goals from Lind- ry over Thailand. Alex Morgan with 5 goals, Rose say Horan and Tobin Health. Lavelle with 2 goals, Sam Lewis with 2 goals as Who knows how far the United States will well, Lindsay Horan, Carli Lloyd, Mallory Pugh, go, but everyone's expecting them to bring home and Megan Rapinoe all with one goal. It was the the trophy. highest number of goals scored ever in a World

Lake Compounce Scenes from a Poetry Slam

A Great Students in Mr. Pappas’ ELA Summer Classes recently participated in an End-Of-Year Destination Poetry Slam. Pic- tured here are By Jackson Forsberg some of the kids Tusker Tribune Staff and their “funky” This summer may be poet costumes. boring if you have nothing to do. One idea would be going to Lake Compounce. They have thrilling rides that are fun for kids and the whole family. They also have a lake and water park to swim in. The water park is very fun. You could also go on the Phobia Phear coaster. If you get hungry, they have great snacks, drinks, and food. Don’t eat too much before going on the Boulder Dash roller coaster, which is a very fast wooden roller coaster. There is also a Human Sling Shot. I hope you can visit Lake Com- pounce this summer. The Tusker Tribune Page 15 The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School Middle School Presents a Host of Challenges

By Sofia Palazzetti your locker clean. Other times, all Tusker Tribune Staff your stuff that has to fit in your locker Middle School has like your backpack, lunchbox, sweat- three different annoying chal- shirt or jacket, and all your books lenges that every student has don’t always fit. And that leads to to face every day of school. your locker getting jammed. Also, it The first challenge is having to makes you late for class because your memorize your schedule and where class could be all the way downstairs your classes are and what your clas- and you have to go all the way up- ses are. The second challenge is hav- stairs just to get your books and go ing a locker and having to memorize back down. It is way easier to just the combo and having to memorize take your books for the classes that where it is. The third challenge is are on the same floor so you aren’t having a tablet. THEY DON’T AL- late but kids struggle with that be- WAYS WORK. cause they have to carry like 10 The first challenge: your books, and they weigh like 100 schedule. You have to memorize pounds. WHERE all your classes are, WHAT The third challenge is having a classes they are so you know what tablet. Kids struggle with this one a books to bring to that class, and what lot because they don’t always work. PERIOD the class is. If you walk in When your tablet isn’t working your the wrong class at the wrong time or get lost and teacher usually sends you to the gear shack to get ask for help, it’s extremely embarrassing. It’s hap- it fixed. Sometimes when you get to the gear pened to me before and it’s not fun. On the first shack, your tablet just magically starts working day of school, it’s okay because teachers under- and your problem is solve. So when the people stand the reason for being late and walking in the there ask you, “what is wrong with your tablet?” wrong class. Sometimes even at the end of the you say nothing. And then it looks like you went year, kids still make the mistake. there just to get out of class. Even when you leave The second challenge: your locker. One of the gear shack after your problem is magically the most common challenges. You have to memo- fixed, it stops working again. It’s like when you rize where it is, what number locker it is and what really need your tablet it decides to not work. But your combo is to get in. It’s the same thing with when you don’t need your tablet it works perfectly your gym locker. Sometimes your locker gets fine. jammed and you can’t get in. That makes you late Middle School has 3 different annoying for class and that makes your teachers mad when challenges that every student has to face every day it’s not your fault. This is why you have to keep of school.

T Series vs PewDiePie Review

By Ryan Paucar Jacksepticeye, and Lo- Tusker Tribune gan Paul. Also, Staff PewDiePie’s fans have T Series is made efforts to gain sub- an Indian music scribers for him like do- record and film produc- ing marches and making tion company. PewDiePie YouTube videos saying is a 29-year-old Swedish to subscribe to man. His real name is PewDiePie. Felix Kjellberg and he PewDiePie sup- has over 90 million sub- porters often use the slo- scribers on YouTube. gan “Subscribe to T Series and PewDiePie”. On April PewDiePie were racing to 28, 2019 PewDiePie re- see who could get the leased a video telling all most subscribers. T Series quickly established a his supporters to stop trying to make him the lead. most subscribed channel on YouTube. Now that T Many other have tried to sup- series has such a significant lead, the competition port PewDiePie like MrBeast, , has ended. The Tusker Tribune Page 16 The Student Newspaper of Somers Middle School So Why Are We Getting Out So Late This Year?

By Arya Frye Well, to most people, Tusker Tribune private schools do a better Staff job educating their students Schools with “superior standardized around the world are test scores and outcomes”. coming to an end, and stu- So, one reason they could dents can’t wait for summer end earlier is because stu- vacation. But do you ever dents have already learned ask yourself, why do some every they were required to schools end earlier than oth- for that year, if private ers? schools live up to doing a For example, private schools in New York better job educating students. end the week of June 10, while public schools in But according to an article by Valerie NY are stuck in school until June 26. Now usually Strauss titled “No, private schools aren’t better at people would think that private schools start ear- educating kids than public schools”, it states that lier in the year, so it’s fair. But, private schools in “a new study confirmed that there is no evidence NY start anywhere between September 4-6, found the suggests that children benefit more which is the same starting time as a public from private school enrollment”. So why can’t we school. So why do they have a shorter school year? get an early summer vacation, too? And why do private schools end earlier? SMS Students Thanks to all our writers this Ready for Summer year! Have a Great Summer!

By Ellie Sheridan See you in the Fall! Tusker Tribune Staff As the school year comes to an end, —The Tusker Tribune Staff and many students are wishing that it is already summer. Many students are looking forward to Editorial Board. lounging around the house or going to summer camps. Very few people are sad that the school year is over. “I am going on vacation as soon as school gets out,” one student said, looking forward to their summer. This student is only one of many that is looking forward to trav- eling this summer. Some people go to day camps or sleepaway camps during the sum- mer. I, personally, am looking forward to going to both sleepaway camp and day camps. I also know some people who don’t go to camp at all. Instead they lounge around their houses or go to the pool. Regardless of their plans for the summer of 2019, many students are wishing that school is over and it’s summer.

The Tusker Tribune is the online Somers Middle School Student Newspaper. It is published weekly (except dur- ing school vacations) on the Somers Middle School Website. It is entirely student-written by 6th, 7th and 8th grade students from: Somers Middle School, 250 Route 202, Somers, NY, USA. Any SMS student is eligible to write stories. If interested, please e-mail Advisor Dean Pappas at [email protected]