Back Issues of Peace Periodicals (Ital.* = Cont

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Back Issues of Peace Periodicals (Ital.* = Cont Back Issues of Peace Periodicals (ital.* = cont. with different title) GOOD LIBRARY in print 3RD Floor: From To microform Advocate of Peace 1898, 1904 1930 Breaking the War Habit 1932 1938 Catholic Worker 1975 2007 Christian Pacifist 1939 1946 Christian Peace Conference 1963 1973 Conscientious Objector 1939 1946 Current Issues with Disarmament News 1961 1967 Fellowship (U.S. Fellowship of Reconciliation) 1935 1967 film:’70-’78/ fiche:’79-’97 1997 current International Fellowship of Reconciliation (shelved under “IFoR”) The Newsletter 1926 1934 IFOR Monthly News Sheet 1927 1929 IFOR (Quarterly) Newsletter 1944 1956* Christus Victor 1957 1959* Reconciliation Quarterly 1960 1966 IFoR Report 1978 1985 Reconciliation International 1986 2001 National Catholic Reporter 1984 1984 1985-2000 National Council for Prevention of War Bulletin 1925 1934 National Peace Council Annual Report 1932 1960 New World 1930 1933 Newsletter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation (USA) 1926 1934 One World 1946 1956 PPU Journal (Peace Pledge Union) 1946 1950 Peace Action 1934 1968 Peace and Change (Peace&Justice Studies Ass’n journal) 1972 today The Peace Digest 1934 1946 Peace Section Newsletter* (MCC) 1970 1988* (in MHL) Peace Office Newsletter (MCC) 1988 current (Good Lib. & MHL) Peace Section Washington Memo* (in W’s) 1970 1994* Washington Memo 1994 today Peacemaker 1949 1964 Reconciliation (England Fellowship of Reconciliation) 1929 1967 (some years missing) Reconciliation Quarterly 1968 1999 ’76 film / ‘77-’81 fiche The Reporter* (Nat’l Interreligious Service Bd for COs) 1942 1969* The Reporter for Conscience' Sake 1970 1981* ’82-‘93* 1993 current War/Peace Report (Center for War/Peace Studies of NY Friends) 1961 1975 War Resistance 1962 1977 War Resister 1928 1962 War Resisters' International: Pamphlets. mostly 1940s WIN (Workshop in Nonviolence, affiliate of War Res. League) 1975 1983 WIN: Through Revolutionary Nonviolence 2006 current The Nonviolent Activist 1996 2006 MENNONITE HISTORICAL LIBRARY in print CPS Newsletters, 1941-47. Published by app. 90 different Civilian Public Service camps during World War 2 for CO’s (Mennonite, Brethren, Quaker…) 1-W Mirror, 1953-67. 1-W was the classification for noncombatants after WW2. Original in MdriveZ Anne’s old filesLibrary InstructionJunior Seminar .
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