NHBB C-Set Bee 2018-2019 Bee Round 2 Bee Round 2 Regulation Questions

(1) This battle occurred after one side ignored the advice of Mikhail Kutuzov to retreat into Carpathia, after being defeated during the Ulm Campaign. The winning commander here strategically deployed below the Pratzen Heights, only to retake them later in a daring charge. Its aftermath led to the creation of the Confederation of the Rhine and the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire. For the point, name this 1805 victory by Napoleon over the forces of Austria and Russia. ANSWER: Battle of Austerlitz (accept Battle of the Three Emperors)

(2) In 1948, a politician from this state caused a split in the Democratic Party with a pro-Civil Rights speech at the Democratic National Convention. Another politician from this state ran an antiwar campaign for president in 1968; that senator from this state served as Lyndon Johnson’s Vice President. The Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party is active in, for the point, what home state of Eugene McCarthy and Hubert Humphrey, where Mark Dayton serves as Governor from Saint Paul? ANSWER: Minnesota

(3) After this leader was defeated by an invading army led by Rodolfo Graziani in 1935, he protested the use of chemical weapons in that war in a speech at the League of Nations. After this leader’s death, the Derg military junta took power. Eritrea was annexed under the leadership of this man, whose 1966 arrival in Jamaica is celebrated on Grounation Day. For the point, name this long-reigning Emperor of Ethiopia and messiah of the Rastafari movement. ANSWER: Haile Selassie I

(4) Ukerewe [YOO-kay-ray-way] Island is within this body of water and is home to an unusually high number of people with albinism. The Kagera River may have brought invasive water hyacinth to this body of water. This lake was home to Ripon Falls until the Owen Falls Dam was built. John Hanning Speke named this lake after a monarch in 1858 while searching for the Nile River. Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania share, for the point, what Great African Lake named after an English queen? ANSWER: Lake Victoria (accept Nalubaale; accept Nam Lolwe; accept Nyanza)

(5) In this country, the practice of speaking in tongues was revived in the 1906 Azusa Street Revival. A religious movement founded in this country publishes a magazine called The Watchtower, and another religious movement in this country believes that all matter is illusory. One man in this country founded a religion after he claimed to translate golden plates shown to him by the angel Moroni. For the point, name this country where Joseph Smith founded the Latter Day Saint movement. ANSWER: United States of America (accept America)

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(6) Note: two answers required. These two nations guaranteed the neutrality of a waterway in the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, and they signed the Rush-Bagot Treaty for mutual naval disarmament. These countries settled the location of “Fort Blunder” and the Aroostook War with the Webster-Ashburton Treaty. A 1795 treaty ordered one of these countries to vacate forts on Lake Champlain and the Great Lakes. For the point, name these two nations that signed Jay’s Treaty, a little over a decade after fighting each other in the Revolutionary War. ANSWER: United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (accept in either order; accept United States or America or USA for the first part; accept Great Britain for the second part)

(7) This author alluded to the corruption of Trujillo’s [tro-HEE-yo’s] dictatorship in the Dominican Republic in The Autumn of The Patriarch. This author wrote about Simon Bolivar journeying to Santa Maria, where he died, in The General in His Labyrinth. In another novel, this author described the Vicario twins’ plot to assassinate Santiago Nasar. This author’s most famous novel follows Ursula, Jose Arcadio Buendia, and the generations to follow in the town of Macondo. For the point, name this Colombian author of One Hundred Years of Solitude. ANSWER: Gabriel Garcia Marquez (prompt on Garcia or Marquez alone)

(8) This event’s perpetrators were eventually brought before the Lower Mount Street Trial. This event’s victims had been known to meet at a caf´eon Grafton Street and included Hugh Montgomery. A coordinated raid to assassinate spies from the Cairo Gang was planned by Michael Collins at the start of this event. In a reprisal during this event, government troops fired on civilians at a football match in Croke Park as they attempted to find members of the IRA. For the point, name this November 21st, 1920 event, a day of bloodshed in the city of Dublin. ANSWER: Bloody Sunday (accept Domhnach na Fola)

(9) Tahir ibn Husayn laid siege to this city after his victory at the Battle of Rayy, which was fought during a civil war for the control of this city between the brothers Al-Amin and Al-Ma’mun. The mathematician al-Khwarizmi worked in this city’s House of Wisdom. Al-Mustasim failed to defend this city from invaders in 1258, after which he was trampled in a carpet on the orders of Hulagu Khan, who led the Mongol sack of this city. For the point, name this former seat of the Abbasid Caliphate and modern capital of Iraq. ANSWER: Baghdad

(10) This ruler’s predecessor, Abu Bakr II, disappeared after exploring a “river with a powerful current,” the Atlantic Ocean. The lower level of this man’s “Hall of Audience” was plated in gold. The Sankore Madrasah was built during this man’s rule and had the largest collection of books in Africa after the Library of Alexandria. This man brought 23 camels laden with gold dust on his 1324 hajj to Mecca, devaluing gold throughout North Africa. For the point, name this wealthy Mansa of the Mali Empire. ANSWER: Mansa Musa I

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(11) This country underwent two School Wars regarding the role of religion in education. A king of this country employed Henry Morton Stanley and a group which cut off the hands of those who didn’t meet rubber quotas, the Force Publique. This country was ruled by kings like Albert II and another who was criticized by Roger Casement, Leopold II. The headquarters of the European Union is located in, for the point, what country whose capital is Brussels? ANSWER: Belgium

(12) One man with this last name successfully argued the case Sweatt v. Painter while leading the Legal Defense Fund. A judge with this surname sustained the sanctity of contracts in Dartmouth College v. Woodward and struck down state taxation of the Second Bank of the U.S. in McCulloch v. Maryland. This was the last name of the first African-American justice on the Supreme Court. For the point, give this shared last name of Supreme Court Justices John and Thurgood. ANSWER: (Thurgood and/or John) Marshall

(13) During this regime’s rule, the Ako Incident, in which a group of 47 people killed a government official who had provoked their master into assaulting him, took place. This regime instituted a policy of alternate attendance at court for its nobility. This government followed the Sakoku, or closed country, policy, until it signed the Treaty of Kanagawa with the United States following a visit from Commodore Matthew Perry. For the point, name this government founded by Ieyasu, Japan’s last shogunate. ANSWER: Tokugawa Shogunate (prompt on Japan)

(14) Chief Justice Taft’s opinion in Myers v. United States cites the fact that this man was acquitted. This Democrat shouted “Why don’t you hang Thad Stevens and Wendell Phillips” at a heckler during the debacle that was his “Swing Around the Circle” speaking tour. During his term as military governor of Tennessee, this man attempted to eliminate rebel influence, although he supported slavery. The Radical Republicans impeached, for the point, what President who succeeded Abraham Lincoln? ANSWER: Andrew Johnson (prompt on Johnson)

(15) In 1968, oil was discovered in this state’s Prudhoe Bay. The majority of this state’s population lives in a region known as the Railbelt, as it is centered on a railroad that passes through Deadhorse and Gold Creek. This state’s largest cargo port lies on the Knik Arm of the Cook Inlet and suffered greatly during the 1964 Good Friday earthquake. Former senator Ted Stevens names the largest airport in this state, where an annual race extends over 1,000 miles to Nome. For the point, name this state where the Iditarod sled dog race begins in Anchorage. ANSWER: Alaska

(16) This ruler signed the Eternal Peace, which lasted only eight years after fighting resumed in the Lazic War over parts of Georgia. This man’s wars against Khosrau I of the Sassanid Empire were temporarily halted due to a plague historically named for him. This ruler employed Belisarius to retake Carthage and Rome. This emperor managed to put down the Nika riots at the urging of his wife Theodora. For the point, name this Byzantine emperor whose law code became the basis of Western law. ANSWER: Justinian the Great (or Justinian I; prompt on Justinian)

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(17) In one painting by this artist, Apollo holds a flute, contrasting with a sword held by Mars. This artist, whose only signed painting is The Mystical Nativity, depicts Zephyrus’ rape of Cloris along the right edge and is set in an orange grove where the Three Graces do a circular dance. This artist’s most famous painting is set off the coast of Cyprus and depicts putti rushing to cover the title goddess, who stands in a clamshell. For the point, name this Italian renaissance artist of La Primavera and The Birth of Venus. ANSWER: Sandro Botticelli

(18) Fugitives often entered this country through Fort Malden. During the Revolutionary War, Henry Clinton issued the Phillipsburg Proclamation, leading to settlement in this country. A group of settlers who were descended from Black Loyalists from this country settled in Sierra Leone. In the 1960s, this country destroyed the community of Africville to build a bridge connecting Dartmouth and Halifax. For the point, name this country, a common final stop for the Underground Railroad for escaped slaves who settled in towns like Windsor and Toronto. ANSWER: Canada

(19) A leader of this group later became Governor of Upper Louisiana and died a mysterious death along the Natchez Trace trail. The only casualty among this group was Charles Floyd, whose appendix ruptured. This group constructed Fort Clatsop to winter in Oregon, and established relations with tribes like the Mandan. The slave York and the Shoshone [sho-SHO-nee] woman Sacajawea were companions of, for the point, what early 19th century expedition to explore the Louisiana Purchase and reach the Pacific Ocean? ANSWER: Lewis and Clark expedition (accept Corps of Discovery)

(20) This leader’s predecessor was fond of tapping this man’s head with a pipe to show that it was hollow. This leader, the recipient of the “Apocalypse” letter, sent tanks to depose Imre Nagy [nahj]. One of this leader’s speeches was mistranslated as saying “we will bury you,” and this leader removed Soviet missiles from Cuba after an agreement with John F. Kennedy. For the point, name this Soviet Premier, the predecessor of Leonid Brezhnev and successor of Joseph Stalin. ANSWER: Nikita Khrushchev

(21) This thinker noted “you may rob the [...] armies of their commander, but you cannot deprive the humblest peasant of his opinion.” This thinker considered the figure of the junzi, or the “ideal person,” as an ethical standard. This thinker theorized the Five Relationships, and he formulated the Silver Rule as an inverse to his Golden Rule. This teacher of Mencius advocated the moral ideal of filial piety. For the point, name this ancient Chinese philosopher whose sayings were collected in the Analects. ANSWER: Confucius (or Kong Fuzi)

(22) This man married the princess shortly after capturing a fortress known as the Sogdian Rock. This man constructed a causeway to attack an island fortress and end the Siege of Tyre. This man named a city for his horse, Bucephalus, following the [hi-dass-peez], and he defeated a force twice his size outside the city of Issus. Darius III was repeatedly beaten by, for the point, what Macedonian ruler who conquered Persia and was the son of Philip II? ANSWER: (or Alexander III of Macedon; prompt on Alexander)

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(23) After this commander’s men led a successful campaign through Kernstown and Winchester in the Shenandoah Valley, they were exhausted and generally ineffective during the Seven Days’ Battles. At First Bull Run, this man’s troops stood their ground on Henry House Hill, a key turning point in the Confederate victory. At the Battle of Chancellorsville, this subordinate of Robert E. Lee was mortally wounded by friendly fire. For the point, name this Confederate Lieutenant General nicknamed “Stonewall.” ANSWER: Stonewall Jackson (or Thomas (Jonathan) Jackson)

(24) Mines in this modern country supplied most of the uranium for the Manhattan Project; that mining industry was centered on this country’s city of Elisabethville, now known as Lubumbashi, the capital of its Katanga Province. This modern-day country suffered two decades of personal rule under King Leopold II, after which it was transfered to the Belgian parliament’s control. For the point, name this modern-day African country whose capital is Kinshasa. ANSWER: Democratic Republic of the Congo (prompt on Congo; do not accept or prompt on “Republic of (the) Congo”)

(25) Howard Hawks directed a 1932 film about this man subtitled “The Shame of a Nation.” Robert De Niro played this man in a 1987 Brian de Palma film in which he is the target of the Kevin Costner-played Eliot Ness, The Untouchables. This man deteriorated from syphilis during the seven years he spent in prison for tax evasion. This man’s operatives killed seven members of Bugs Moran’s rival gang in the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre. For the point, name this prohibition-era gangster who led the Chicago Outfit. ANSWER: Alphonse “Al” Capone

(26) This country’s New Academy sought public voting, and its founder Alexandra Pascalidou advocated for “open and inclusive” ideals, in the wake of a 2018 scandal. Sara Danius stepped down as the first female head of a group in this nation in response to scandals involving its self-proclaimed “19th member” and Katarina Frostenson. Accusations that Jean-Claude Arnault sexually assaulted women led to a committee cancelling the awarding of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature in, for the point, what Scandinavian country? ANSWER: Sweden

(27) Two people arrested during this scandal, Virgilio Gonzalez and Eugenio Martinez, were initially labelled as extremist Cuban freedom fighters. G. Gordon Liddy served over four years in prison for his role in this scandal. Investigations into this scandal were fueled by the testimony of a man nicknamed “Deep Throat,” and included the revelation of a “smoking gun” tape illustrating White House involvement into the burglary of the DNC headquarters. For the point, name this scandal that caused Richard Nixon’s resignation. ANSWER: Watergate scandal

(28) In this Asian country, Kermit Roosevelt oversaw the CIA’s Operation Ajax, which orchestrated the overthrow of prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh. The White Revolution brought land reform and modernization to this country, but ended in 1979 in an Islamic revolution. During the 1980s, the U.S. government sold arms to factions in this country to send money to the Nicaraguan Contras. For the point, name this country where a hostage crisis erupted after the capture of the U.S. embassy in Tehran. ANSWER: Iran

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(29) A song about this man derived its tune from “Say, Brothers, Will You Meet Us;” that song about this man was later used by Julia Ward Howe as the melody for “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” Harriet Tubman helped this man recruit soldiers for an attack on an armory that was put down by forces under Robert E. Lee. For the point, name this abolitionist who was hanged after failing to capture Harper’s Ferry. ANSWER: John Brown

(30) This leader was advised by Seneca the Younger, who he ordered to commit suicide after being implicated in the Pisonian Conspiracy. Agrippina the Younger may have been assassinated by this man, her son, who wished to consolidate power. This Emperor was accused of planning a disaster in his capital to make room for his Domus Aurea, a lavish palace. For the point, name this Roman Emperor who legendarily fiddled while Rome burned. ANSWER: Nero (accept Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus)

Extra Question

Only read if moderator botches a question. (1) The general Cao Qin [sow chin] rebelled against this dynasty following the Tumu Crisis. This dynasty waged the Imjin War against Japan under the Wanli emperor. One emperor reorganized this dynasty’s government to consist of a single Grand Secretariat and Six Ministries; that ruler, the Yongle Emperor, also dispatched the expeditions of Zheng He [huh]. For the point, name this Chinese dynasty that collapsed in 1644 and is famous today for its porcelain pottery. ANSWER: Ming Dynasty

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