
Patrick Reynolds, Chairman TOWN OF NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH Anne Lonzo, Vice-Chairman BOARD OF SELECTMEN John C. 43 South Washington Street Paul Belham North Attleborough MA 02760 Michael Lennox 508-699-0100



Chairman Reynolds called the meeting to order at 6:03 P.M. and invited the assembly to join him in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Members Present: Chairman Patrick Reynolds Vice-Chairman Anne Lonzo Selectman Paul Belham Selectman John Rhyno Selectman Michael Lennox


a. Tax Classification Hearing

Vice-Chair Lonzo moved to open the Tax Classification Public Hearing.

Selectman Belham seconded the motion

The motion passed 5-0

Chairman of the Business and Industrial Commission Lyle Pirnie read a letter into the record from Jack Lanc, President of the United Regional Chamber of Commerce, requesting that the board vote to keep the single tax rate.

John Bellissimo Chairman of the Board of Assessors approached the board to discuss setting the tax rate. Mr. Bellisimo informed the board that the rate set by the assessors is $13.20 as a single rate. Mr. Bellissimo also mentioned that the town is required to do a revaluation every 3 years, the valuation is complete for FY17 with final certification of new value and growth. The new value of the town has increased approximately 3.3%.

The board then discussed setting an individual or dual tax rate, and discussed the feasibility of commercial and residential exemptions including the adoption of a small business exemption.

Patrick Reynolds, Chairman TOWN OF NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH Anne Lonzo, Vice-Chairman BOARD OF SELECTMEN John C. Rhyno 43 South Washington Street Paul Belham North Attleborough MA 02760 Michael Lennox 508-699-0100

After discussion completed and there was no further testimony Vice-Chair Lonzo moved to close the public hearing for the tax classification.

Selectman Belham seconded the motion.

The motion passed 5-0.

Vice-Chair Lonzo moved to keep a single tax rate for FY2017.

Chairman Reynolds asked Mr. Belissimo if the board needed to vote on the small business exemption before setting the tax rate. It was determined that the exemption needs to be voted on before the tax rate is set.

Vice-Chair Lonzo withdrew the motion so the board could discuss the small business exemption.

Selectman Belham made a motion for discussion purposes to adopt a small business exemption for the Town of North Attleboro at 5%.

Selectman Lennox seconded the motion.

The board discussed whether or not the Town should adopt a small business exemption. Selectman Belham noted that he is in favor of it as it does not affect the residential rate and only slightly shifts the bourdon to lager commercial taxpayers. Vice-Chair Lonzo inquired what type of business will be allowed the exemption. Lyle Pirnie explained which type of businesses would be allowed. John Bellissimo read the qualifications of a small business from Information Guideline, from the Department of Revenue.

Selectmen Lennox stated that he would be in favor of anything that the board can do to attract more small businesses to town.

There being no further discussion Chairman Reynolds called for a vote on the matter.

The motion passed 4-1 with Selectman Rhyno abstaining.

After voting on the small business exemption the board voted on the tax rate.

Vice-Chair Lonzo moved to keep a single tax rate for FY2017.

Selectman Belham seconded the motion.

Patrick Reynolds, Chairman TOWN OF NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH Anne Lonzo, Vice-Chairman BOARD OF SELECTMEN John C. Rhyno 43 South Washington Street Paul Belham North Attleborough MA 02760 Michael Lennox 508-699-0100

Selectmen Rhyno noted that there are a lot of people in town who are living on a fixed income and the board should keep that in mind because at some point people will be driven out of town.

Chairman Reynolds noted that the small business exemption only effects commercial owners and does not have any effect on the residential tax payer. He also noted that there are programs out there that can help residents who are having a hard time paying their taxes. Lyle Pirnie stated that he and the Town Administrator met with Secretary Ash, and he feels that the biggest sign that you can show the business community that town is open to new businesses is a single tax rate, the dual tax rate is a disadvantage and the town can look into a dual tax rate at a later date.

There being no further discussion Chairman Reynolds called for a vote on the matter.

The motion passed 4-1 with Selectman Rhyno opposing.

b. Traffic Study Recommendations

Vice-Chair Lonzo moved to open the Traffic Study Recommendations Public Hearing.

Selectman Belham seconded the motion.

The motion passed 5-0.

The 3 recommendations from the Traffic Study Committee before the board consisted of the following:

Place a stop sign at John Westcott Drive at Hoppin Hill Ave. Place two (2) stop signs at the Cushman Road Bridge. Place a no turn on red between the hours of 7am-4pm at the intersection of Kelly Blvd. and Landry Ave.

Town Administrator Gallagher informed the board that all three of the requests were generated because of action needed reports that were filed with the Board of Selectmen’s Office.

Vice-Chair Lonzo questioned if the sign would cause a backup at 7am in the morning.

Selectman Belham stated he was in favor of the sign on Kelley Blvd, and more police presence is needed at that intersection. He asked that the Town Administrator reach out to the Chief of Police and request more police presence.

Patrick Reynolds, Chairman TOWN OF NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH Anne Lonzo, Vice-Chairman BOARD OF SELECTMEN John C. Rhyno 43 South Washington Street Paul Belham North Attleborough MA 02760 Michael Lennox 508-699-0100

Selectman Lennox stated that he drives the intersection every day and has noticed safety concerns, he also asked that the sign be placed right next to the light on the pole so it is more visible to motorists.

Vice-Chair Lonzo moved to place a stop sign on John Westcott Drive facing on the west side of the intersection of Hoppin Hill Ave, two stop signs on Cushman Rd, stop signs will be placed on the west side of Cushman Road along the property of 170 Cushman Road at Cushman Rd. bridge going south and on the east side of Cushman Rd. 120 south on the property line of 159 Cushman Rd, going north, and place a sign prohibiting right turns on red between the hours of 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM on Francis J. Kelley Blvd. The sign will be placed southbound on Francis J. Kelley Blvd at Landry Avenue.

Selectman Belham seconded the motion

The motion passed 5-0.

Vice-Chair Lonzo moved to close the public hearing.

Selectman Belham seconded the motion.

The motion passed 5-0.


a. Business & Industrial Commission

Chairman of the Business & Industrial Commission Lyle Pirnie was present to provide a yearly update of the Commission’s activities. Some of the topics discussed were; the Emerald Square Mall, the Commission met with managers of the mall to discuss what their concerns are with the town’s approach to helping them with business. Garlan Chain has moved from Attleboro and the TIF has been approved, which was one of 18 that the state granted. I –Automation was considering moving out of town but decided not to and is renting space at Garlan Chain.

The Commission is looking into a small company that is currently in Mansfield, to move into the Mason Box building. Two companies from Rhode Island are looking into buildings in town. J. Case is building a 50,000 sq. ft building for rental space, and another company to open a family restaurant.

In total the Commission is working with nine companies which were mostly referred by the state. The Commission continues to meet with state agencies to make loans and grants available. Four people from the state will be in town on November 14th to discuss the Curtois Property and on November 21st to discuss other properties in town to see if

Patrick Reynolds, Chairman TOWN OF NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH Anne Lonzo, Vice-Chairman BOARD OF SELECTMEN John C. Rhyno 43 South Washington Street Paul Belham North Attleborough MA 02760 Michael Lennox 508-699-0100

any of it can be made available for use. There has also been discussion with Secretary Ash regarding innovation centers for embryotic businesses to come to town.


No residents were present to make comments.


a. Goals and Objectives

b. Discussion RE: Codding Farmhouse and Other Town Owned Property

Vice-Chair Lonzo stated that she would like to discuss the Codding Farm property and other town owned properties and requested a list of town owned properties. She feels that the town needs to maintain the properties that we have, and she is disappointed that the Finance Committee did not approve the funding for the repairs to the Codding Farmhouse.

Vice-Chair Lonzo made a motion to take $3,900 dollars from the Lyons Fund for an emergency repair to the property that is under the auspice of the Board of Selectmen.

Selectman Belham seconded the motion.

The motion passed 5-0.


a. Appoint Kristina O’Keefe as Inspector of Animals effective November 14, 2016

Vice-Chair Lonzo moved to appoint Kristina O’Keefe as Inspector of Animals effective November 14, 2016. Her term to expire May 31, 2017.

Selectman Belham seconded the motion.

The motion passed 5-0.

b. Appoint Kristina O’ Keefe as Special Police Officer effective November 14, 2016

Vice-Chair Lonzo moved to appoint Kristina O’Keefe as a special police officer effective November 14, 2016. Her term to expire May 31, 2017.

Selectman Belham seconded the motion

Patrick Reynolds, Chairman TOWN OF NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH Anne Lonzo, Vice-Chairman BOARD OF SELECTMEN John C. Rhyno 43 South Washington Street Paul Belham North Attleborough MA 02760 Michael Lennox 508-699-0100

The motion passed 5-0.

c. Request to pay for damaged vehicle from Self Ins. Fund

Vice- Chair Lonzo moved to approve payment of repairs to the Conservation Department’s 2004 Ford Explorer from the Town’s Damage to Town Owned Property Revolving Account in the amount of $1,783.04.

Selectman Belham seconded the motion.

The motion passed 5-0.

d. Accept donations to the Misc. Animal Donations Account

Vice-Chair Lonzo moved to accept donations to the Miscellaneous Animal Donations Account in the amount of $1,420.00.

Selectman Belham seconded the motion.

The motion passed 5-0.


Town Administrator Gallagher reported:

According to the Municipal Modernization act the board can appoint a single member of the board to sign the warrant and then vote the dollar amounts. Based on the recommendation of the Town Accountant the board should vote on the warrant going forward.

a. Approval of the payroll warrant

Vice-Chair Lonzo moved to approve the payroll warrant number 19, dated 11/10/2016, in the amount of $1,057,677.86.

Selectman Belham seconded the motion.

The motion passed 5-0.

b. Approval of the expense warrant

Vice-Chair Lonzo moved to approve the accounts payable warrant number 161110, dated 11/10/2016 in the amount of $1,484,902.27.

Patrick Reynolds, Chairman TOWN OF NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH Anne Lonzo, Vice-Chairman BOARD OF SELECTMEN John C. Rhyno 43 South Washington Street Paul Belham North Attleborough MA 02760 Michael Lennox 508-699-0100

Selectman Belham seconded the motion.

The motion passed 5-0.


Selectman Lennox:

Thanked the Election Commissioners and staff for all of their hard work during the recent Election.

Thanked the other board members for their pick of Kristina O’Keefe as Animal Control Officer, and personally thanked Karen Fontneau for all of her years of service. Thanked Team , an under 12 girl’s soccer team from Rehoboth for their generous donation to the Animal Shelter.

Mentioned that he attended North TV’s 10th annual meeting, and thanked the board members and staff at North TV for their contribution to the community.

Selectman Rhyno:

Thanked Animal Control Officer Karen Fontneau for all of her hard work.

Would like to see the town have a program in place where when residents get to a point where they cannot live in their house the town can help them.

Selectman Belham:

Had nothing to report.

Vice-Chair Lonzo:

Thanked North TV for their 10 years of service to the town.

Recognized John Rhyno for his award from North TV for his 10 years of being the liaison.

Reminded residents that the high school band is holding a savers day where household items can be brought to the high school on November 11th.

Reminded residents that it is time for the church fairs to be starting up.

Patrick Reynolds, Chairman TOWN OF NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH Anne Lonzo, Vice-Chairman BOARD OF SELECTMEN John C. Rhyno 43 South Washington Street Paul Belham North Attleborough MA 02760 Michael Lennox 508-699-0100

Chairman Reynolds:

Thanked the Elections Department for their hard work during the election, and read an email from the Chairman of the Election Commission, Dave Torpey.

Commented on the high turnout for the election.

Congratulated North TV on their 10 year anniversary celebration and for being rated top government public access channel in the nation.

Recognized that on Monday there will be a ground breaking ceremony for Benchmark Senior Living.

Congratulated the re-elected officials Betty Poirier, Joe Kennedy, and Richard Ross. Reminded residents of the Veteran’s Day ceremonies going on tomorrow.


Vice-Chair Lonzo made a motion to adjourn at 8:09 pm.

Selectman Belham seconded the motion.

The motion passed 5-0.

SELECTMEN’S SCHEDULE: November 17, 2016 Regular Meeting November 24, 2016 Thanksgiving – No Meeting December 1, 2016 Regular Meeting December 8, 2016 Regular Meeting December 15, 2016 Regular Meeting