Case No. Zoog-Tg6 Pharmacy Technician Registration of ) JODI
BEFORE THE IOWA BOARD OF PHARMACY Re: ) CaseNo. zoog-tg6 PharmacyTechnician Registration of ) JODI LYNN NEEDIIAM ) STATEMENT OF CHARGES Registration No. roor7, ) Respondent ) COMES NOW, the Complainant,Lloyd K. Jessen,and states: t. He is the Executive Director of the Iowa Board of Pharmacyand files this Statement of Chargessolely in his official capacity. 2. The Board hasjurisdiction in this matter pursuant to Iowa Code Chapters L47,ISSA and zTzC (zoo9). 3. ' The Board issuedJodi Lynn Needham,hereinafter "Respondent," pharmacy technician registration number roor7, registering her as a pharmacy technician subject to the laws of the State of Iowa and the rules of the Board. Respondent'sregistration was last renewed on August 6, 2OO7. 4. Respondent'sregistration expired on June 30, 2o1o. S. At all times material to this Statement of Charges,Respondent was employed as a pharmacy technician at GenesisMedical Center Pharmacy, tzzT E. RusholmeStreet, Davenport, Iowa 528o3. A. CTIARGES COUNTI _ INABILITY TO PRACTTCEDUE TO CHEMICALABUSE Respondentis chargedpursuant to IowaCode $ l55,4'.6,4'(5)(2009), and 657 Iowa AdministrativeCode $ 36.1(a)(m)with theinability to practiceas a pharmacytechnician, with reasonableskill andsafetv. due to chemicalabuse. COUNTII _ I.]NLAWFULPOSSESSIONAND DISTRIBUTIONOF DRUGS Respondentis chargedpursuant to IowaCode $$ 126.308and 1554.64(5) (2009), and 657lowa AdministrativeCode $$ 36.1(4Xh)and 36.1(4Xi), with possessionand distribution of prescriptiondrugs, including controlled substances, for otherthan lawful purposes. COUNTIII _ VIOLATINGLAWS RELATEDTO PHARMACY Respondentis chargedpursuant to IowaCode $ 1554.64(5)(2009) and 657 Iowa Administrative Code$ 36.1(4Xi)with violatingstate laws related to thepractice of pharmacy;specifically, laws relatingto possessionand distribution of controlledsubstances found at IowaCode $ 124.403.
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