ENERGA SA Management Board Report on the Activity of the Group for the Year Ended 31 December 2016

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ENERGA SA Management Board Report on the Activity of the Group for the Year Ended 31 December 2016 ENERGA SA Management Board report on the activity of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2016 Gdańsk, Publication date: 30 March 2017 ENERGA SA Management Board report on the activity of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SUMMARY OF 2016 ....................................................................................................................................... 3 2. KEY INFORMATION ABOUT THE GROUP ................................................................................................... 9 2.1. Key events and achievements of the ENERGA Group ........................................................................... 9 2.2. Activities of the ENERGA Group .......................................................................................................... 13 2.3. ENERGA Group's management model ................................................................................................ 19 2.4. ENERGA Group's Strategy for 2016–2025 ........................................................................................... 20 2.5. Research and development .................................................................................................................. 23 2.6. Risk management in the ENERGA Group ............................................................................................ 28 2.7. Information on material agreements and transactions .......................................................................... 34 2.8. Proceedings pending before the court, arbitration bodies or public administration bodies ................... 38 2.9. HR and payroll situation ........................................................................................................................ 42 2.10. Corporate social responsibility of the ENERGA Group ......................................................................... 44 2.11. Awards and recognitions for the ENERGA Group ................................................................................ 45 3. ANALYSIS OF THE FINANCIAL STANDING AND ASSETS ....................................................................... 48 3.1. Rules for preparing the annual consolidated financial statements ........................................................ 48 3.2. Explanation of the economic and financial data disclosed in the annual consolidated financial statements ............................................................................................................................................ 48 3.3. Structure of assets and liabilities in the consolidated statement of financial position ........................... 55 3.4. Description of significant off-balance sheet items ................................................................................. 56 3.5. Key operational data of the ENERGA Group ........................................................................................ 56 3.6. Financial results by operating segments ............................................................................................... 62 3.7. Projected financial results ..................................................................................................................... 71 3.8. Ratings ................................................................................................................................................. 72 3.9. Dividend ................................................................................................................................................ 72 3.10. Information about the audit firm auditing the financial statements ........................................................ 72 4. ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................................................................ 74 4.1. Macroeconomic situation ...................................................................................................................... 74 4.2. Electricity market in Poland .................................................................................................................. 75 4.3. Regulatory environment ........................................................................................................................ 82 4.4. ENERGA vs. the industry ..................................................................................................................... 84 5. SHARES AND SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE .......................................................................................... 88 5.1. ENERGA's shareholding structure ........................................................................................................ 88 5.2. Other information on shares and shareholding structure of ENERGA SA ............................................ 89 5.3. Company stock prices on the Warsaw Stock Exchange ....................................................................... 90 5.4. Investor relations in ENERGA SA ......................................................................................................... 92 5.5. Recommendations for the Company’s stock ........................................................................................ 92 6. REPRESENTATION ON THE APPLICATION OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PRINCIPLES ............... 94 6.1. Corporate governance principles not applied in the Company ............................................................. 94 6.2. Major shareholders ............................................................................................................................... 94 6.3. Holders of securities giving special rights of control and description of these rights ............................. 94 6.4. Restrictions regarding the exercise of voting rights .............................................................................. 95 6.5. Restrictions on the transfer of ownership title to securities ................................................................... 95 6.6. Rules for amending the Company’s Articles of Association .................................................................. 95 6.7. Company's corporate bodies ................................................................................................................ 96 6.8. Compensation of persons in management and supervisory bodies ................................................... 111 6.9. Diversity policy .................................................................................................................................... 114 6.10. Primary attributes of the internal control and risk management systems in reference to preparing financial statements ............................................................................................................................ 115 7. MANAGEMENT BOARD'S REPRESENTATION ....................................................................................... 118 List of figures ................................................................................................................................................... 119 List of tables .................................................................................................................................................... 120 Glossary of terms and abbreviations ............................................................................................................... 121 2 ENERGA SA Management Board report on the activity of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2016 1. SUMMARY OF 2016 ENERGA GROUP AFTER 2016 THIRD LARGEST INTEGRATED DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OPERATOR IN TERMS OF THE VOLUME OF ENERGY SUPPLY, WITH THE HIGHEST NUMBER OF INSTALLED SMART METERS AND ONE OF THE MARKET LEADERS IN TERMS OF RELIABILITY OF ELECTRICITY SUPPLY FIRST PLACE IN THE POLISH MARKET IN TERMS OF CONNECTION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES AND LEADING POSITION IN OWN RES PRODUCTION THIRD BIGGEST SELLER OF ELECTRICITY TO END CUSTOMERS PLN 2,027 m PLN 147 m EBITDA of net profit Distribution network with the length of over 184 thous. km Installed capacity 1.34 GWe of which 38% are RES 8.7 thousand employees Structure of RES installed capacity in the Group PV 1% Biomass Installed capacity 16% Wind 505 MWe 42% Run-of- of gross the-river 31% plants electricity production 41% comes from RES 3 ENERGA SA Management Board report on the activity of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2016 Q4 2015 Q4 2016 2015 2016 Volume of electricity 5,452 5,442 21,486 21,727 supplied (GWh) Gross electricity 964 1,231 4,136 3,945 produced (GWh) - incl. RES (GWh) 426 382 1,743 1,218 Electricity sold (GWh) 6,848 7,156 25,658 24,602 - incl. retail sales 4,423 5,262 16,767 19,628 (GWh) Revenues (PLN m) Net profit (PLN m) 10 804 10 181 840 2 847 2 808 137 147 73 4Q 2015 4Q 2016 2015 2016 4Q 2015 4Q 2016 2015 2016 EBITDA (PLN m) Profitability ratios 2 216 2 027 173 40 392 315 20.5% 19.9% 9.5% 1 688 1 720 490 498 57 86 120 1.7% 410 350 (3) (9) (23) (37) (48) 4Q 2015 4Q 2016 ROE EBITDA margin Distribution Generation Sales Other and 2015 2016 adjustments Investment projects in the ENERGA Group In 2016 ENERGA completed investment projects in the Distribution Segment for PLN 1.3 bn, with the total Group expenditures in the amount of PLN 1.6 bn. The projects in the Distribution Segment included expansion of the grid to connect new clients and producers as well as modernization, which is aimed at improving the reliability of electricity supply. Expenditures were also made for innovative
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