Vol. 17, No. 2, 2008, ISSN 1854-8466. Perspectives Vol. 17, No. 2, 2008 TheWrite Stuff EMWA Executive Committee Journal insights President: TheWrite Stuff is the official publication of the European Medical Julia Forjanic Klapproth Writers Association. It is issued 4 times a year and aims to provide Trilogy Writing & Consulting GmbH EMWA members with relevant, informative and interesting articles and Falkensteiner Strasse 77 news addressing issues relating to the broad arena of medical writing. 60322 Frankfurt am Main, Germany We are open to contributions from anyone whose ideas can complement Tel.: (+49) 69 255 39511, Fax.: (+49) 69 255 39499 these aims, but opinions expressed in individual articles are those of the
[email protected] authors and are not necessarily those held by EMWA as an association. Articles or ideas should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief (see below) Vice President: or another member of the Editorial Board. Helen Baldwin SciNopsis 16 rue Candolle, Subscriptions 83600 Fréjus, France Subscriptions are included in EMWA membership fees. By writing to Tel: (+33) 494 83 90 20, Mobile: (+33) 662 37 91 36
[email protected] non-members can subscribe at an annual
[email protected] rate of: • €35 within Europe Treasurer: • €50 outside Europe Wendy Kingdom 1 Red House Road Instructions for contributors East Brent, Highbridge • TheWrite Stuff typically publishes articles of 800–2800 words Somerset, TA9 4RX, UK although longer pieces or those with tables or graphics will be considered. Tel: (+44) 1278 769 214, Fax: (+44) 1278 769 214
[email protected] • All articles are subject to editing and revision by the Editorial Board.