
P.O. Box 119 kNK5 wmoEps vtmp5



Refer to the Guide to the Approval for the Use of Water or Deposit of Waste Without a Licence (Guide) in completing this Application.

APPLICATION NO (for NWB use onlv) ,l APPLIGANT CONTACT INFORMATION 2 APPLICANT REPRESENTATIVE (name, address) CONTACT INFORMATION if different from Block I (name, address) Colonel Stephen Lacroix Commander 3'd Canadian Division Support Group Captain Andrew Ngo P.O. Box 10500 Station Forces Northern Coordinator Edmonton, Alberta TsJ 4J5 P.O Box 10500 Station Forces Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4J5 andrew. nqo@forces. gc. ca


Crown Land, Resolute Bay Municipal Land, Municipal Land, lnuit Owned Land

4. NAME OF PROJECT (consistent with the name of the project issued by other regulatory agencies)



Project Extents ecimal ree Extreme Maximum Lat: DD Long: DD NW N 82.607340 w 105.789271 SW N 74.641666 w 105.789271 NE N 82.607340 w 61.528930 SE N 74.641666 w 61.528930

Note: The above coordinates encompasses the four operational boxes (Op Box) proposed for Operation Nunalivut 16. Each Op Box coordinates are detailed below: Op Box: Alert Lat: DD Long: DD NW N 82.60734 w 63.02856 SW N 82.36748 w 63.02856 NE N 82.60734 w 61.52893 SE N 82.36748 w 61.52893

Op Box: Grise Fiord Lat: DD Long: DD NW N 76.468150 w 83.524632 SW N 76.375003 w 83.524632 NE N 76.468150 w 83.13574r SE N 76.375003 w 83.r35741

Op Box: Resolute Bay Lat: DD Long: DD NW N 74.8333333 w 95.0875 SW N 74.641666 w 95.0875 NE N 74.8333333 w 94.241666 SE N 74.641666 w 94.241666

Op Box: Bathurst lsland Lat: DD Long: DD NW N 76.821638 w 105.789271 SW N 74.834406 w 105.525599 NE N 76.896569 w 95.819178 SE N 74.977449 w 95.725794

Camp Location(s) (decimal degree format)

Bivouac Site Degrees N 76.41978 Op Box Grise Fiord w 83.1404 N 75.408127 w 96.666536

Name of the Water Management Area in which the Undertaking is located. (Please see Appendix D of the Guide):

55 - Bathurst and Cornwallis lslands Watershed 61 - Arctic Ocean and Lincoln Sea Watershed 64 - Southern Ellesmere lsland Watershed 6. CLASSIFICATION OF UNDERTAKING - lndicate the classification of undertaking by checking one of the following boxes.

I lndustrial I Agricultural I Mining ! Recreational I Conservation ! Power ! Municipal X Other: (describe) Militarv Exercise - Establishment of tem rv field camos

See Appendix C of the Guide for descriptions of classifications of undertakings

7 DESGRIPT¡ON OF UNDERTAKING AND EQUIPMENT USED - Provide a brief description of the undertaking including a description of any equipment that will be used in using water or depositing waste. OPERATION NUNALIVUT 2016 NON.TECHNICAL PROJECT SUMMARY

Joint Task Force (North) (JTFN) willconduct Operation NUNALIVUT 16 from 03 April to 22 April, 2016 in the Arctic, based out of the Arctic Training Centre (CAFATC) at Resolute Bay, and Canadian Forces Station (CFS) Alert, Nunavut. The overall aim is to further enhance the Canadian Armed Forces' (CAF) knowledge and capacity to operate in austere locations and challenging environments, while allowing the CAF to demonstrate their ability to effectively respond to safety and security issues in the North.

Op NUNALIVUT 16 will be conducted with patrols on the land, on the sea ice, underwater, and in the air. lt will consist of approximately 225 CAF personnel, and may feature participation by international partners. To facilitate the conduct of the Operation, JTFN will establish a Task Force Headquarters in Resolute Bay consisting of approximately 15 members with an additional 50 support personnel.

A Company supported by members of 1 Canadian Ranger Patrol Group (1 CRPG) for a total of approximately 120 personnel will execute patrols on the sea ice to the northwest from Resolute Bay and near Grise Fiord, conducting training in Arctic survival skills and patrol Canadian Territory. A live fire exercise is planned to be conducted on the sea ice.

A Dive Team consisting of 20 personnel from the 's Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic) will be conducting both manned dive operations in CFS Alert. This activity will have a support team of approximately 20 personnel. ln addition, the Dive Team will evaluate its cold weather diving ensembles and ice diving tactics, techniques and procedures.

A combination of commercial, CC-177 Globemaster, CC138 Twin Otter, CC-130 and LC-130 Hercules aircraft, along with contracted or military helicopters based in Resolute Bay and Alert, NU, and Yellowknife, NT, will provide transportation, resupply and if required, casualty evacuation services. Ground patrols will be snowmobile mounted, complete with qamutiks in tow.

No permanent structures will be erected. Military tent structures will be erected at temporary field camps for each of the patrol groups and dive team. As a part of winter survival training, shelters will be constructed using existing snow by patrolgroups.

Allwaste and refuse will be returned to CAFATC for proper disposal.

Protected and sensitive areas within the patrols' operational boxes will be avoided and a minimal distance of 100 meters shall be observed when in proximity of these areas. dÞr CÞrr9c où-9c 2016

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I SCHEDULE - Applicants are advised that approvals without a license are issued for a one year term.

ProposedstartDate:*@on**"ritooo."ocompletionDate Aor/2016 (Monthl/ear)

9 TYPE OF USE OF WATER WITHOUT A LICENCE PROPOSED - Check the box that applies to the type pf water use proposed. lf none of the water uses listed below applies to the proposed water use, an applicat¡on for a water licence w¡ll be required. See the NWB's Guide 4 - Completinq and Submittinq a Water Licence Application for a New Licence.

For an undertaking other than a Power undertaking and for a use of water related to the construction of a structure across a watercourse that is less than 5 metres wide at the ordinary high water mark at the point of construction.

For an undertaking other than a Power undertaking and for a use of water related to the training of an intermittent watercourse.

For an undertaking other than a Power undertaking and for a use of water related to the l training of a watercourse that involves the infilling of the watercourse, if the watercourse has no inflow or outflow and a surface area of less than 0.5 hectares.

For an undertakinq other than a Power undertakinq and for a use of water related to the training of a watercourse that involves removal or placement of less than 100 m' of material

For an undertaking other than a Power undertaking and for a use of water related to the construction of a temporary structure in a watercourse for the purpose of flood control.

For an undertaking other than a Power undertaking and for any use of water related to the storage of 2,500 m3 or less.

X For an undertaking other than a Power undertaking and for any use of water less than 50 m" per day.

10. QUANTITY AND QUAL¡TY OF WATER INVOLVED - For each type of water use indicated in Block 9, provide the source of water, the estimated quantity to be used in cubic metreSfet¡Lay, and the periods during which water will be extracted.

Type of Water Estimated quantity of Periods during Use indicated in Name of water source water to be used in cubic which waterwill be Block 9 metres per day extracted Canadian Armed Forces Less than 50 Arctic Training Centre, m3 maximum m3 I Daily Resolute infrastructure Less than 50 Grise Fiord municipal water 0.01 m3 maximum m3 supply system Daily Less than 50 Canadian Forces Station 0.04 m3 m' Alert infrastructure maximum Daily

11. TYPE OF DEPOSIT OF WASTE PROPOSED - Check the box that applies to the type of deposit of waste proposed. lf none of the deposits of waste listed below apply to the proposed deposit of waste, an application for a water licence will be required. See the NWB's GuiAe ¿ - Completinq and Submittinq a Water Licence Application for a New Licence.

For an lndustrial undertaking, for an activity related to hydrostatic testing or cleaning of n storage tanks and pipelines, and for any deposit of wasie resulting frorn-hydrostatiC testing or cleaning of unused storage tanks or pipelines.

For an lndustrial undertaking, for an activity related to quarrying and gravel washing, and for any deposit of waste that is not deposited to surface water and that results from quarrying or gravel washing above the ordinary high water mark.

For a Mining undertaking, for an activity related to exploratory work, any deposit of sewage to a sump.

n For a Power undertaking, any deposit of sewage to a sump.

For an Agricultural undertaking, any deposit of sewage to a sump n For a Conservation undertaking, any deposit of sewage to a sump

For a Recreation undertaking, any deposit of sewage to a sump

For any Other type of undertaking not listed above, other than Municipal, any deposit of X sewage to a sump.

12. QUANTITY AND QUAL¡TY OF WASTE INVOLVED - For each type of waste indicated in Block 11, describe the quantity in cubic metres/day, measures to avoid or mitigate adverse impacts, and periods of deposition.

Quantity to be Periods during Type of Waste Measures to avoid or mitigate deposited in cubic which waste will indicated in Block 1l any adverse impacts metres rd be Waste bags will be used to Human 1m3 collect and transported to 3to22Apr,2016 CAFATC for dis Hazardous (petroleum To be collected and transported product containers, 1m3 3to22 Apr,2016 to CAFATC for proper disposal. etc. General refuse (rations To be collected and transported packaging, water 1m3 3to22Apr,2016 to CAFATC for proper disposal. ca etc. I3. SIGNATURE |,@(printname)certifythattheinformationgivenonthisformis,tothebestofmy knowledge, correct and complete. !Yes nNo


(print name), as an authorized representative of the Applicant, , certify that the information given on this form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and complete.

I Yes nNo

I certify that the Nunavut Planning Commission's land use planning requirements under Article 11 of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement have been met. lYes nNo

I certify that the Nunavut lmpact Review Board's development impact review requirements under Article 12 of the NLCA have been met. lYes XNo

I certify that the proposed water use is of a type set out in column 2 of Schedule 2 of the Regulations that is further specified by column 3, in respect of an undertaking set out in column 1. See list in Blóck 9. lYes nNA nNo

I certify that the proposed deposit of waste is an activity that is set out and then further specified in columns 2 and 3 of Schedule 3 of the Regulations, in respect of an undertaking that is set out in column 1 of Schedule 3. See list in Block 11. lYes XNA nNo

I certify that the proposed water use or deposit of waste will not substantially affect the quality, quantity or flow of the watercourse whose waters are used. lYes nNo

I certify that the proposed water use or deposit of waste will not substantially affect the quatity, quantity or flow of waters flowing through lnuit Owned Lands. lYes nNo

I certify that the proposed water use or deposit of waste will not affect the use of waters by a person who would be entitled to compensation under sections 58 or 60 of the Nunavut Waters Nunavut Siurface Riqhts Tribunal Act (Act) if their use of these waters were to be adversely affected by an ap¡icant for a licence.

lYes n No

I certify that a licence is not required for another use of water, or deposit of waste in respect of the proposed undertaking.

lYes n No

!.haye read and agree to comply with the following conditions outlined in sections 4(3), S(4), 5(5) and 6 of the Nunavut Waters Reoulations:

1. ln the case of an applicant who has a mineral right and who intends to use waters or deposit waste in relation to that right, the applicant shall respect the priority conferred on lnuit by section 62 of the Act as if that applicant had a licence for the use or deposit.

2. Measures must be taken prior to using water to minimize any alteration to the bed or banks of a watercourse whose waters are to be used, and the measures shall be maintained during the operation of the undertaking.

3. No waste is to be deposited to surface water or within 31 metres of the ordinary high water mark of any body of water.

4' The waste shall not contain more than 15 milligrams per litre of petroleum or petroleum product and must not have a visible hydrocarbon sheen.

5. Prior to the closure or abandonment of the undertaking or end of the period authorized for the use of water or deposit of waste without a licence, whichever occurs first, the site shall be restored to the - extent - to the state in which it was before the water was used or the waste was deposited

6. An applicant who is authorized under the Regulations to use waters or deposit waste without a licence shall: a. maintain accurate and detailed books and records of: i. the quantity of water, in cubic metres, used each day, ii. the quantity, in cubic metres, of waste deposited each day, iii. the type of waste deposited each day, iv. where the waste is deposited, v. the concentration of the substance, or substances, in the deposited solid or liquid that has the effect of making the deposit waste, vi. the methodology used to calculate or determine the information referred to in items (i) to (iv), and vii. the measures that were taken to avoid or mitigate any adverse impacts of the deposit of waste. b. keep the books and records on the site of the undertaking during the period of its operation and make them available during that period to an inspector on request; c. submit to the Board a report containing a summary description and supporting photographs of the restoration of the site of the undertaking within 30 days after the earliest of (i) the day on which the undertaking is closed or abandoned, and (ii) the last day of the period authorized for the use or deposit without a licence;o and d. keep the books and records for two years after submitting the report describing the restoration of the site of the undertaking.


a) A site need not be restored prior to the end of the period authorized for the water use or deposit of waste without a licence, as required by ltem 5, if the Board issues a licence for the use of water or deposit of waste on that site prior to the end of that period.

b) An applicant need not submit the report referred to in ltem 6 (c), to the Board if the applicant obtains the Board's approval for a use of water or deposit of waste without a licence, or a licence for a use of water or deposit of waste, on the same site within thirty (30) days after the last day of the period authorized for the use or deposit. lYes nNo

I understand that any approval granted by the Board for the use of water or deposit of waste without a licence will be authorized for a period of one year after the day on which the Board approves the Application. The use or deposit is not authorized untilthe Board approves the Application and it is only valid as long as the applicant is in compliance with the conditions set out in the declaration above. lYes nNo

I understand that if I have answered "No" to any of the above statements a water licence is required from the Nunavut Water Board prior to the use of water or deposit of waste. !Yes

Commander,3rd Colonel Stephen Lacroix Canadian Division Support Group âåJ",. Name Pri Title Date