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January 7, 2011:Page 1 Jan 4, 2008.Qxd.Qxd “Delivering news and information. At home and around the world.” · “Des nouvelles d'ici et de partout ailleurs.” THANK YOU For Choosing Us for All Your Real Estate Needs! Happy 2011! DAVID WEIR BA, CD #1 Office Broker, 2001-2010 Top 1% in Canada 2005-2010 www.davidweir.com 613-394-4837 Royal LePage ProAlliance Realty, www.thecontactnewspaper.cfbtrenton.com Brokerage January 7, 2011 Serving 8 Wing/CFB Trenton • 8e escadre/BFC Trenton • Volume 46 Issue Number 1 • New year brings new era in Canadian air mobility by Holly Bridges Air Force News Now that the Canadian Forces have welcomed their first CC- 130J Hercules tactical aircraft into service in Afghanistan, many of those involved with the mission describe it as historic. This marks the first time the new J-model Hercules has flown in Afghanistan and the last tour of duty for older H-model that has been sustaining the CF in theatre since the fall of 2001. While the H models are maintained by 8 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron at 8 Wing Trenton, Ont. the CC- 130J marks a return to squadron maintenance. As a result, the H-model air- crew as well as the CC-130J air- crew and maintainers are all members of 436 (Transport) Squadron, also based at 8 Wing Photos: MCpl Lori Geneau, 8 Wing Imaging Trenton, Ont. This marks their Colonel Dave Cochrane, Commander, 8 Wing/CFB Trenton (fourth from left), and Lieutenant-Colonel Colin Keiver, 436 Squadron CO first deployment as a complete (third from left), along with many members of 436 Squadron bid their comrades a farewell as they deploy the first CC-130J model to squadron. Afghanistan on December 28, 2010. “It is historic,” says com- manding officer Lieutenant- “The J-model was developed Colonel Colin Keiver. “This for just this type of theatre of mission isn’t just about introduc- operation. The legacy aircraft ing the J. This is also about rec- was great; I’ve deployed on the ognizing 50 years of service by H-model and it was an excellent the legacy crews and maintain- aircraft as well, but the J-model ers. has upgraded avionics, engines “For the next four months and other state-of-the-art capa- there will be a J and an H on the bilities so I’m looking forward to ground working together. And seeing how it performs in the- when that final legacy aircraft atre. It’ll be just fantastic.” comes home and the J takes over, Corporal Christopher we will be parking the Air Ricard, an aviation technician Force’s legacy tactical airlift with nine years experience on the operations. The service they H-model Hercules, is looking have given this country is excep- forward to applying all of his tional.” expertise in theatre. Captain Chad Gehl, who “I’m very honoured to be able flew the H-model Hercules for to serve my country and it’s very three years before being upgrad- exciting to be on a new aircraft ed to aircraft commander on the and usher a new aircraft into a J-model, is excited about the new era,” Cpl Ricard said before Afghanistan mission. leaving for Afghanistan. “With all the time we’ve Cpl Ricard will also be work- spent training over the past year ing as a technical crewman on and a half it’ll be nice to take this board the J-model Hercules, fly- brand new aircraft into ing with the aircraft whenever it Afghanistan,” Capt Gehl said is planned to land at a destina- Members of 436 (T) Squadron, including first officer, Captain Jason Danyluk, wave goodbye aboard prior to his departure. See “CC-130J Hercules,” Page 2 their CC-130J Hercules as they taxi towards the runway before leaving for Afghanistan. Choose wisely. #1 Brand searched on the web.* RE/MAX dominates organic search in Canada. *Comcast 2008 Choose 447 Dundas St. W., Trenton www.trentvalleyrealty.com 41 Main St., Brighton 613-392-6594 1-800-567-0776 613-475-6594 remax.ca The Contact 2 January 7, 2011 News CC-130J Hercules in Afghanistan, Continued from Page 1 tion away from its operating base. probably be CC-130s doing adapted to the specific character- “I’m a technician first, but this something on behalf of this nation istics of this aircraft, while ensur- is a new position on the J-model. over the next 50 years and to be a ing an efficient and effective Since there is no flight engineer part of that is awesome.” implementation schedule that will on the J-model, I am more or less facilitate safe, effective, and sus- an advisor or a quick reference ABOUT THE CC-130J HERCULES tained operations. until we land. I don’t have any set The new CC-130J Hercules in-flight duties but I definitely The CC-130J provides additional aircraft will belong to the Tactical pull my weight.” capability and reliability, and will Aviation Unit (Task Force The flight into Afghanistan help ensure our continued success Canuck), which is part of the Joint carried both the first J-model in operations thereby helping the Task Force Afghanistan Air crew and last H-model crew. Air Force to meet its goal of being Wing. Four months from now, the the “best in class” for its size, while This tactical aircraft will be first J-model crew will return remaining highly interoperable used for missions such as intra- home to Canada and be replaced with our allies. theatre transport of troops and by another crew, while the H- The first CC-130J Hercules cargo, battlefield illumination, and model crew will return home from tactical aircraft arrived in Canada drops of combat packages. A sec- Afghanistan permanently. on June 4, 2010, six months ahead ond CC-130J Hercules aircraft “I’m so proud of all them – the of the original scheduled delivery will deploy to Afghanistan in late legacy and J-model crews,” said date. spring 2011. LCol Keiver. “All of them have The Air Force team demon- All 17 CC-130Js will be based continually stepped up to the strated its agility, flexibility and at 8 Wing Trenton, Ont. along plate, the legacy folks having professional capabilities by ready- with the future Air Mobility served in Afghanistan for almost ing the aircraft and its crews for Training Centre that will house 10 years. deployment to Afghanistan in less the equipment and personnel “Who knows how long we’ll than seven months. required to train the operators and be there or what we’ll do next, but Training, maintenance and maintainers of the CC-130J somewhere sometime there will operation procedures needed to be Hercules aircraft. Drs John and Sue Marinovich and staff have been serving the dental community of Quinte since 1994. Skate with the Belleville Bulls at the RCAF Arena We offer complete dental care for all ages. Once again the Belleville Bulls are scheduled to drop Your health comes first. by the RCAF Arena. New Patients and same day emergencies Come out to meet and skate with a few of the play- always welcome! ers and the mascot this Sunday, January 9, 2011 from 1:00 to 2:30pm. Regular drop in fees will apply. 613-392-3939 257 Dundas St. E., Patiner avec les Bulls! Trenton Les Bulls de Belleville seront encore une fois à K8V 1M1 l'aréna de l'ARC le dimanche, 9 janvier, de 13h00 à 14h30. Venez faire leur rencontre et patiner avec quelques-uns des joueurs et leur mascotte. Les frais réguliers d'accès s’appliquent. WING LOGISTICS & ENGINEERING PICTURE OF THE WEEK Best Best Quality nly P lace To Price he O SMITTY’S Go “T WAREHOUSE OPERATION ” For NEW or GOOD USED Appliances Smitty’s has been keeping customers happy for 28 years in the appliance business. This proves Smitty has the Best Price, Selection, Guarantee, Quality & Price plus Same Day delivery, seven days a week. Smitty plans to be around for another 28 years. Now he has in-house financing at NO INTEREST. These are just a few of the many reasons to visit Smitty’s for your new or used appliance purchase. Wing Supply has supported both Domestic and Overseas Operations Best Best Best from the 2010 Vancouver Olympics to Haiti and our ongoing commit- Selection Guarantee Service ment to our forces in Afghanistan. It is at this time of year for us to reflect on the year past and prepare for what the future may bring. Major Lefebvre and all of us at Wing Supply wish everyone a bright and SMITTY’S prosperous New Year and look forward to supporting 8 Wing with serv- KING OF APPLIANCES ice second to none. Welcome 2011! Servitium Nulli Secundus 613-9969-00287 Open Evenings & Seven Days A Week River Road-Corbyville (just N. of Corby’s) January 7, 2011 The Contact 3 News Thanks, from the bottom of our hearts by Captain the Reverend banishing the everyday drabness. Search & Rescue Update Jean-François Noël, JTF-Afg/ We are doing all we can to reply to National Support Element as many of our correspondents as possible, not just individuals, but also Here we are in Afghanistan at churches, schools and organizations. Christmas, and I have to tell you that In token of acknowledgement, a card it’s wonderful to see how generous of thanks is on its way, signed in per- the people of Canada are to us. son by Lieutenant-Colonel Sébastien Cards, drawings, letters with per- Bouchard, the commander of the sonal messages, gifts, delicacies, toi- National Support Element (NSE), letries, books and other things too and by Chief Warrant Officer Gilles numerous to mention — pour in by Godbout, the NSE Regimental the thousands.
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