Beginning in 1995, all of the following June, 22, days will be considered as the "WORLD- WIDE DAY OF THE VW-BEETLE", a date in which to celebrate this dear, charming and useful .

Why June, 22nd? Naturally, for on this date, in 1934, a contract was signed between the German Automobilistic Industry National Association and Dr. Ferdinand . By this contract the Eng. h.c. Ferdinand Porsche GmbH ought to develop the , and submit for consideration the first prototype in 10 months from this day on. That was the day in which the successful saga of the VW-Beetle began, a day in which everything started. As it is meant to be a world-wide date, one has to take into consideration the climatic conditions of the Earth. The climate in June is convenient in the northern hemisphere, and it is agreeable in the most part of the southern hemisphere. This speaks in favor of June, 22.

What is intended by this date? It is aimed at having a fixed date to celebrate the best selling car of the world the car that was elected as the Car of the Century, and the car that was chosen by thousands of admirers to be their prized possession.

Why is this date being introduced at the 5th International Meeting of Vintage VW in Bad Camberg? Everyone that comes to this event, and those who even not going are familiar with it, know about its importance in the world-wide scene of the admirers of the VW- Beetle. The event is, without any doubt, one of the world-wide exponents as regards vintage and special . World-wide fans of the VW-Beetle take part in it. Magazines from all corners of the world publish articles about this event. All of the these factors indicate the Bad Camberg event as the ideal background for the launching of the "WORLD-WIDE DAY OF THE VW-BEETLE".

This will not be a formal date. It will not need the homologation of the authorities. Rather, it will be a remembrance day, to remind all of us of the car that is the very reason of our hobby. Your approval and support are enough to turn this date into a reality.

Dr. Bernd Wiersch Mr. H.W. Lottermann Alexander Gromow AutoMuseum Volkswagen Organizer of the Event President of the FUSCA Wolfsburg Bad Camberg CLUBE do BRASIL

Document ditributed in Bad Camberg, , on June 24th 1995. Alexander Gromow is no longer President of the Fusca Clube do Brasil.