Constructing the Other News Media Representations of a Predominantly ‘Brown’ Community in New Zealand
CLIMATE CHANGE IN ASIA-PACIFIC Constructing the Other News media representations of a predominantly ‘brown’ community in New Zealand Abstract: Research worldwide finds that indigenous, non-white, immigrant and other marginalised communities are subjected to media coverage that negatively and narrowly stereotypes them in comparison to dominant racial groups. In this article, we explore media representations of a predominantly Pacific and lower socio-economic community in New Zealand. The results contribute to the literature regarding media coverage of minority communities through an analysis of 388 news articles, drawing on Freire’s (1996/1970) theory of antidialogical action to consider how power is used to marginalise the predominantly Pacific community of South Auckland. The results dem- onstrate that South Aucklanders are subjected to stereotypes and negative labelling that reinforce their marginalisation and exclusion from mainstream New Zealand culture. Keywords: ethnicity, marginalisation, news media, New Zealand, Pacific peoples, Pākehā, representation JEAN M ALLEN and TONI BRUCE University of Auckland Introduction N THIS article, we explore media representations of a predominantly Pacific1 and lower socio-economic community in New Zealand, through the lens of IPaulo Freire’s theory of antidialogical action. For Freire (1970/1996), the pow- er imbalance between what he describes as the haves and have-nots is a form of oppressive action that permits domination over, or prejudicial treatment of, one group or individual by another. In Freire’s (1970/1996) conceptualisation of power as primarily oppressive, power imbalances are maintained through antidialogical action, which limits dialogue between the empowered and the marginalised and hinders the ability of marginalised groups to recognise or gain consciousness of their oppression.
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