Ulica kralja Milana 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro Phone: (+381 11) 3613–118, 3612–407, 2688–255 Fax: (+381 11) 3613–467 E–mail:
[email protected] Internet site: http://www.ecinst.org.yu The Measures of Phase I of the Accession Of Serbia and Montenegro to the European Union within the Stabilization and Association Process Thematic Area: EU Accession Including Euro Adoption Authors Prof. Jurij Bajec, Prof. Nebojsa Savic, PhD Nikola Fabris, MSc Jelena Galic, Dragana Petrakovic, Milan Kovac This research was supported by a grant from the CERGE-EI Foundation under a program of the Global Development Network. Additional funds for grantees in the Balkan countries have been provided by the Austrian Government through WIIW, Vienna. All opinions expressed are those of the authors(s) and have not been endorsed by CERGE-EI, WIIW, or the GDN. BELGRADE, August 2004 (revised on January and May 2005) THE MEASURES OF PHASE I OF THE ACCESSION OF SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO TO THE EUROPEAN UNION WITHIN THE STABILIZATION AND ASSOCIATION PROCESS Thematic Area: EU Accession Including Euro Adoption C O N T E N T S INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................3 I STRATEGIC SIGNIFICANCE OF SM'S ACCESSION TO THE EUROPEAN UNION...........................6 1. SWOT Analysis of Accession to the EU .............................................................................................6 2. The Strategic Objectives of the Forthcoming Economic Development ............................................14 2.1. The Acceleration of Reforms and Transition Processes ............................................................14 2.2. Development through European Integration and Development Processes ...............................17 II THE FIRST PHASE OF ACCESSION TO THE EU .............................................................................23 1. The Process of Harmonization and Measures within the First Phase of Accession to the EU ........23 1.1.