guerre énergiestratégienégociation énergiecriseénergie avenirgouvernancegouvernance stratégie guerre 2005 annual report négociationsstratégienégociation ; guerreénergie gouvernance! stratégieénergiecrise gouvernancenégociationcrisestratégieavenir guerreguerre 27 rue de la Procession - 75740 Cedex 15 gouvernanceavenir avenir Tél. : 33 (0) 1 40 61 60 00 - Fax : 33 (0) 1 40 61 60 60 négociation gouvernancestratégie


page 2 Message from the President page 5 ’s Pioneer Foreign Policy “think tank” page 6 2005: The world according to Ifri page 10 In2005, Ifri was notably host to… page 12 Ifri and its partners page 17 Research page 37 Publications page 41 Public discussion meetings page 44 Staff page 46 Financial Annex t r o p e r l

a Message from u n n a 5 0 0

2 the President

Throughout 2005, Ifri continued its evolution toward the achievement of two key objectives: becoming more of a European institution while preserving its French identity, and growing in size to compare with its American counterparts. Ifri’s mission is to provide expert analysis of international affairs . Currently, the Institute’s main fields of research are:

- Globalization (its governance, the corporate response, etc.) and r e l l o

energy issues; R r e i v i - Classic security issues based on the rivalry between states and the l O : o proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; t o h - New security issues like international terrorism, the possibility of p global pandemics, and the risk of climate change; - The European continent (including — the evolution of which will have major ramifications for the international system — and the new independent states created after the breakup of the Soviet Union), the on-going construction of the (both its institutional and social dimensions), and transatlantic relations; - East Asia and the Indian subcontinent; 2 - The Greater Middle East (including Afghanistan). Ifri strives to both feed the democratic debate by informing the public on international issues and to assist decision-makers in both the private and public sectors. In pursuing our forward- looking and policy-oriented research, we rely on a network of experts around the world. We are committed to finding better ways to combine research and public debate. Ifri’s growing stature in France over the years is reflected by the list of conferences and round tables held during 2005 along with the preeminence of our guest speakers. Launched in in the spring of 2005, Eur-Ifri has rapidly established itself as an important center of debate, representing a new perspective in the landscape of ideas in “this European capital.” Most of the subjects mentioned above are, by nature, “transversal” or “interdisciplinary.” For example, understanding the problem of energy requires economic and political expertise. Transatlantic relations involve, to a considerable extent, all the major international issues. In this sense, we are continually faced with the challenge of how to balance the autonomy legitimately sought for by our various research units with a capacity to combine approaches in order to satisfy the demands of the public. In order to ensure the quality of its activities as a whole, Ifri has created an advisory board composed primarily of respected figures in the world of international relations. t r o p e r l a u n n a 5 0 0 2

In 2005, Ifri’s staff grew to 70 people, including a total of 34 researchers and associate researchers (7 of whom are foreign). This substantial process of renewal has meant that half of the staff is currently under the age of 40. Many of them have already attained or are in the process of acquiring international reputations. The 2005 budget was 3 5.3 million of which a little less than 40% was provided by public subsidies and a little more than 60% was made up of our own resources. Such a degree of independence from the state for an institution devoted primarily to research is unique in France. Our independence is due to a large extent to the support of corporate sponsors who contribute directly to the funding of research programs and other partners. One essential aspect of achieving the two key objectives mentioned above is to develop these partnerships further. The concept of the think tank has recently become fashionable in France. However, most of these public policy institutions are small, do no research, and are almost always dependent on an identifiable source of political power or lobbying organization. There is nothing wrong with this tendency, but, nevertheless, it indicates a lack of complete independence. Ifri, both due to its history and its ambition, is therefore unique in France. Thanks to our staff and our partners, to whom I would like to extend my gratitude, we are leading the way. Let me conclude by encouraging readers to consult our web site where they 3 can find detailed information on our activities as well as a list of our publications.

Thierry de Montbrial President Member of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques Knowledge for Action t The French Institute of International Relations r o p e r l a u n n a 5

France’s Pioneer 0 0 Foreign Policy “think tank” 2

The French Institute of International Since 1979, Ifri has organized 1050 and economic leaders as well as policy- Relations is France’s main center for debates, 90 international conferences, and oriented analysts and academics. independent research and debate 350 meetings with top French or foreign Distinguished by its experience and an concerning international affairs. personalities. It has also welcomed several increasingly international staff, Ifri stands heads of state, like President Mohammad Based on the Anglo-Saxon model, Ifri was more than ever as the French and European Khatami of Iran, President Hamed Karzai France’s first institution of its kind at the foreign policy institution resolutely turned of Afghanistan, and President Viktor time of its founding in 1979 by Thierry de toward the future. Yushchenko of in 2005. Montbrial. Today, Ifri belongs to a network of world’s most influential international think Publications: providing the tools to tanks. Its mission is to bring together actors understanding world events and analysts to engage in free and probing discussion of major international issues Research and debate at Ifri are published with the goal of in a variety of collections including the oldest • developing applied research in interna- French journal of international relations, the tional public policy quarterly Politique étrangère , and the annual 5 • fostering dialogue and constructive journal, RAMSES, which is celebrating its interaction between researchers, opinion 25 th year of publication. With a circulation leaders, and officials of 10,000, RAMSES combines a factual Thanks to the diversity of its sources of and a critical evaluation of each previous funding, Ifri enjoys a degree of inde- year with a prospective analysis of major pendence that makes it a unique research international trends for the coming years. institution in France. Ifri is not affiliated with The key means of diffusing Ifri studies and any political party or any other administrative debates is now our web site . or financial body. Our large database includes abstracts of the latest publications and policy papers, Policy-oriented research as well as transcripts from recent seminars Ifri’s staff of 34 fellows conducts multi- and colloquia. In 2005, Ifri fellows published disciplinary research. Research teams are 9 books and 36 articles online. organized into 8 areas that deal with regional Ifri is also very present in both the French or global issues and evolve according to and international media, with over 650 international events. Thanks to Ifri’s links articles, interviews and citations in the with equivalent institutions around the globe, course of 2005. Ifri researchers are in constant interaction with their international counterparts. A European ambition

Debate: the advantages of diversity In a world where ideas easily cross borders, 2005 stands as the year when Ifri expanded The institute provides an informal and non- its activities toward a more European-wide partisan forum for prominent guest- dimension. In March 2005, Ifri opened Eur- speakers and fosters in-depth discussions Ifri in Brussels. Eur-Ifri’s mission is to enrich that allows its members, researchers and interdisciplinary debate at the European leaders in the private and public sectors level, together joining the efforts of political to interact. t r A woman becomes chancellor o p

e of r l

a “The amount of media coverage in France

u 2005: The world n

n of the German legislative elections in the a

5 fall of 2005 was surprising. […] To 0 0 2 conclude, however, that a Franco-German according to Ifri public sphere has emerged, is going perhaps a step too far. First of all, such an assertion cannot be made without a certain amount of distance on the events in question […]. Furthermore, the differences between the two countries are often Unpredictable Russia underestimated […] leading to “Energy rich yet bogged down by inertia, misunderstandings when events in Russia is progressing as its power Germany are looked at through French regresses. This contradictory movement eyes. One cannot stress enough that a has given rise to some profoundly ‘grand coalition’ in Germany cannot be paradoxical situations: on the one hand, a compared with cohabitation à la française , country that is run by informal processes nor does it necessarily mean political and which is changing visibly; on the other, logjam. Nor can one conclude that the a hyper-presidential regime, noted for its success of the Left Party in Germany and extreme unpredictability, which is visibly the alliance of its two leaders is tightening its grip on the country. At the comparable to an alliance between the left beginning of his first term in March 2000, wing of the and the various the energetic and pragmatic far left parties in France.” appeared committed to steering the country toward modernization by balancing Claire Demesmay authoritarianism with a reform agenda. One and Hans Stark year after winning a second term in March 6 in Qui sont les 2004, the increasingly inflexible and out- Allemands ? dated Mr. Putin has disrupted that balance, having abandoned all veneer of reformism. Europe in crisis However, though his policy agenda has “How the crisis will ultimately end is totally lost its former clarity, he remains, because up in the air. It could lead, according to one of the way power is organized, in full extreme scenario, to the breakup of the control and capable of decisive action—for European Union, or, at the other extreme, better and for worse.” to jumpstarting a process of consolidation based on more politically solid structures. Thomas Gomart Between these two extremes, all kinds of in RAMSES 2006, possible futures exist, ranging from September 2005. stagnation to a partial re-launch of the negotiations for the European Constitution The American exception project. […] One thing is perfectly clear: if “The United States is a global power that Europe does not overcome this current both dominates all the major registers of crisis with a dynamic project, it will be power — economic, cultural, and military — pushed aside by the forces of history. The and is engaged with all major regional world no longer belongs to Europe. systems in the world. The exceptional status Everything that Europe disseminated of American ‘hyperpower’ is nowhere more during the ages of discovery and evident than in the military domain, as colonization has undergone a long and reflected by its deployments overseas. Only painful process of assimilation by the other the United States has the world divided into continents and other cultures. As the 21 st a series of ‘Combatant Commands’. Only century begins, these other continents and the United States has 700 military cultures have made their full entry upon the installations overseas at its disposal. Only world stage.” the United States is capable of coordinating its considerable military means at such great Philippe Moreau Defarges, distances. U.S. military deployments Où va l’Europe ?, influence regional equilibriums and therefore Eyrolles, 2006. pertain to more than a mere capacity to t intervene: they concern the very framework fact, more the object of this crisis than its r o p of global security as well as U.S. foreign cause. The so-called ‘problem of Islam’ e r l policy. The global repositioning of U.S. relative to secular society today, is no longer a u n

forces therefore involves much more than simply a matter of accommodating religious n a simply their ‘footprint’.” pluralism with the principles of the liberal 5 0 0

state. It is more a question of the crisis of 2 Étienne de Durand national identity at a time when the concept in Politique étrangère, of national sovereignty is being refashioned n° 4/2005. by the European project. In short, Europe has destabilized the previous reference China’s Hunger points of identity.” “In 2025, the increase in Asia’s energy needs will represent 40% of the overall Christophe Bertossi, growth in world demand. Since 1980 Confluences Méditerranée, Chinese energy consumption has June 2006. increased at an average annual rate of 5% with a remarkable acceleration during the Rethinking war last few years. The fundamental question “The last two centuries saw the birth and today is whether or not this growth in universal dissemination, through exercise of energy demand—along with all the other power and foreign interventions, of a form of natural resources feeding the Chinese violence that has become paradigmatic: war economy—will lead to greater cooperation between states, as practiced by Napoleon, and integration or to a radicalization of the theorized by Clausewitz and brought to its balance of power within the region. […] greatest paroxysm during the 20 th century by The energy issue is becoming […] a new two world wars. […] This paradigm, with its source of tension for Sino-Japanese quasi-universal concepts, its similar military relations. […] The constitution of synergies structures, its law exerting an important conducive to energy cooperation, based influence on the organization and execution on material and investment of operations, has permitted the successful 7 complementarities, is perceived as a thinking through of the essential forms of means to veil Beijing’s attempts at international violence […]. The notion that domination.” the majority of conflicts could be understood in light of a single model has crumbled Valérie Niquet before our eyes in the last 15 years.” in Politique étrangère, n° 4/2005. Dominique David in La Violence et ses causes: North-South: the cultural divide où en sommes-nous?, “Today, the primary conflict stems from a Unesco, 2005. growing divide between the northern and southern coasts of the Mediterranean, a The Conflicts of Future ‘rupture’ based not on political or “More than ever, war reveals itself to be a economic differences but on cultural ones, complex phenomenon, even if it remains, leading to the establishment of an ‘Us’ and at heart, the violent confrontation of wills ‘Them’ mentality in which mutual fear that continually seeks to reinvent and determines what is Other and incapable of reconfigure certain familiar elements or integration, an Other demonized at will in exploit some of their previously order to avoid mutual association and underestimated features.[…] One of the consideration.” keys to the equations governing conflict today (one which allows for better Khadija Mohsen-Finan, comprehension and anticipation of the in Paix et guerres entre les logic of conflict) is the notion of fluidity, cultures. Entre Europe et defined as ‘a capacity for rapid and Méditerranée, Actes Sud, 2005. permanent transformation.’ Fluidity has always been a characteristic of conflict but Islam/Secular Society: A False Debate it has rendered certain today conflicts “If the debate about secularism in France startling; hence the illusion of chaos, of the since 2003 has crystallized around the idea passage from a world marked by the that Islam poses a ‘problem,’ Islam is, in simple East-West divide to a new ‘Middle t r Ages’ of violence. This fluidity will be more and worldwide social struggle has called o p

e and more central to the conflicts of the into question the mechanisms of r l

a future.” international regulation that were created u n

n after the Second World War. The new a

5 Aline Lebœuf global economy requires a complete 0 0

2 in Politique étrangère, overhaul of existing structures of n° 3/2005. governance.”

NATO’s uncertain Future Françoise Nicolas “The American refusal to use NATO as an et Jean-Marie instrument of defense […] can be explained Paugam by a change of approach that is not only a in RAMSES 2006, matter of present circumstances but also September 2005. fundamental and profound. Traumatized by the violation of its soil and persuaded of its Europe less attractive for R&D military superiority, Americans judged that “Europe seems to be in a difficult position they were in position to respond to the when it comes to coping with increasingly attacks without needing to justify their international R&D. This trend […] translates actions to their European allies. However into the creation of global networks of […] it was not simply the reaction of a innovation in which corporate R&D has bruised power. The difficulties of multilateral become more and more mobile. intervention revealed in drove the Multinationals no longer centralize their Americans to bypass the Atlantic forum. R&D in their home countries and manage American strategic thinking about how to the units of their foreign R&D according to respond to new threats had been evolving the characteristics of local markets and the since 1999. Shortly after 9/11, Donald availability of local scientific and Rumsfeld made his vision of alliances clear. technological expertise. Thus, China has […] ‘The mission determines the coalition been able to attract 700 R&D centers, the 8 rather than the coalition determining the majority of which are linked to the mission.’ Henceforth, the United States development of multinationals’ production. would construct ad hoc alliances, ones India has attracted activities that contribute that could adapt easily to the missions to the overall innovation process for determined.” companies like Intel, General Electric and Alcatel. This has also been the case for a Guillaume Parmentier in small country like Israel […]. The United Annuaire français de relations States is particularly attractive for R&D internationales, 2005 . because it combines a dynamic market with exceptional scientific and The world economy in search of technological resources.” governance “The world economy at the beginning of Frédérique Sachwald the 21 st century presents markedly different in Politique étrangère, traits than during the previous century. n° 4/2006. The integration of the former Soviet bloc nations and the rising powers of India and China into the western capitalist system have engendered global imbalances in terms of the supply and demand for labor resulting in major tensions in all the countries of the world. Technological progress changes both the division of labor and the organization of production. The growth of trade and wealth coexists with the persistence of poverty, rising inequalities, continuing weaknesses in social development as well as the relocation of work affecting countries in the North and the South. The concomitant emergence of new economic conditions t Democratic breakthroughs in the Middle the process of détente that occurred r o p

East? between the United States and the Soviet e r l

“Democracy is the fruit of a long period of Union. Year after year, we are brought to a u n

acquisition. Middle Eastern societies the same conclusion. For this to happen, n a

remain, for the most part, structured along the United States would have to renounce 5 0 0

traditional even feudal lines. However, the idea of overthrowing the regime of the 2 those societies are in the process of mullahs. In any case, this regime is bound changing and, in some cases, are in full to change and eventually disappear. On the effervescence. Imposing a Western other hand, the Islamic Republic would democratic model is a risky undertaking. have to end its ambiguity relative to Israel. Egypt, and even more obviously, Saudi Once this is done, other concessions can Arabia are not post-war Germany or follow. Iran would like to join the World Japan. Democracy, in the larger sense of Trade Organization for example. the term, meaning the possibility to pick Paradoxically, the current regime does not one’s government and to speak freely, can appear strong enough to make major only take root and develop with the decisions. […] What is certain is that the support of receptive social and cultural nuclear question cannot be solved as long structures. There are a few fragile glimmers as it is not situated within a larger context.” of hope; they must be preserved. However, building a stable, prosperous, and peaceful Thierry de Montbrial Middle East remains a long and painful in RAMSES 2006, process.” September 2005.

Denis Bauchard The new axis of oil in RAMSES 2006, “While Washington is preoccupied with September 2005. curbing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, avoiding policy failure in Guerillas and jihadists Iraq and cheering the ‘forward march of “The notion that there are certain similarities freedom,’ the political consequences of 9 between guerillas and jihadists in terms of recent structural shifts in global energy strategy can be grounded in the nature of markets are posing the most profound their adversaries. […] A common feature of challenge to American hegemony since the their strategic bearings consists in the end of the Cold War. […] While each of awareness of their relative weakness […] these developments is a challenge to U.S. The awareness of a fundamental asymmetry interests, the various threads of of power forces both guerillas and jihadists petropolitics are now coming together in an to pursue tactical innovation in order to emerging ‘axis of oil’ that is acting as a avoid premature defeat. While, in the short counterweight to American hegemony on a term, tactical and operational innovation widening range of issues. At the center of allows guerillas and jihadists to eschew this undeclared but increasingly assertive defeat and to carry out periodic attacks axis is a growing geopolitical partnership against their adversaries, both kinds of between Russia (a major energy producer) fighters are well aware of the fact that such a and China (the paradigmatic rising strategy cannot assure victory in the long consumer).” term. To achieve this, they must obtain the support of the masses. […] To rally the Flynt Everett and Pierre Nöel, people behind them, they must do all they The National Interest, can to show that the cause they defend is a 2006. just one, and, in contrast, that the adversary they are fighting is fundamentally corrupt.”

Marc Hecker, Politique étrangère, n° 2/2006.

Wrestling with Iran “In theory, the first step toward resolving the crisis would be real detente between the United States and Iran, in the image of t r o p e r l a

u In 2005, n n a 5 0 0 2 Ifri was notably host to:

Lakhdar Brahimi , 1 4 Special Adviser to the Secretary-General of the Dominique Bussereau , Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries


Benita Ferrero-Waldner , member of the in charge of External relations and Mohammed Ismaïl Alshekh , European Neighbourhood policy Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Paris Gianfranco Fini , Édouard Balladur , Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italia former Prime Minister, Chairman of the Jean-François Poncet , 10 Foreign Affairs Committee of the former Minister of Foreign affairs, National Assembly (France) Senator, France Frank Belfrage , Karl-Theodor Freiherr zu Guttenberg , Ambassador of to Paris Hervé de Charette , member of the Jean Bizet , former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vice- member of the French Chairman of the Foreign Affairs 5 Jean-Louis Bourlanges , committee of the National Assembly member of the European Parliament (France) Robert Cooper , Director General for External and 2 Political Affairs, CFSP Council of the European Union Daniel Cohn-Bendit , member of the European Parliament Kemal Dervis , former Minister of Economy of Turkey, UNDP Administrator designate Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, Alexander Downer , former President of the French Republic Minister of Foreign Affairs of Anatoly Grystenko , Gareth Evans , Minister of Defense of Ukraine President, International Crisis Group Jean-Marie Guéhenno , U.N. Under Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations

1 - Mohammed Khatami, President of the 3 - Jean-Claude Trichet, Governor of the 5 - Jiri Paroubek, Prime Minister of the Czech Islamic Republic of Iran Republic 2 - Craig Stapleton, Ambassador of the 4 - Traian Basescu, President of Roumania United States to Paris 11 t Hubert Védrine , r 6 8 o p

former Minister of Foreign Affairs e r of France

9 l a u

Serge Vinçon , n n

Chairman of the French Senate a 5 0

Committee of Foreign Affairs, Defense 0 and Armed Forces 2 Élisabeth Guigou , Miguel Angel Moratinos , Miodrag Vlahovic , former Minister, member of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain Minister of Foreign Affairs of National Assembly Klaus Neubert , Tarja Halonen , Ambassador of Germany to Paris President of Finland Tassos Papadopoulos , President of the Republic of Cyprus 7 Loyola De Palacio , 10 former Minister of Agriculture of Spain, former member of the European Commission Jerzy Plewa , former Vice-Minister of Agriculture of Jérôme Rivière , member of the French National Assembly Dimitrij Rupel , Pascal Lamy , Chairman of OSCE and Minister of 11 Director General designated of the WTO Foreign Affairs of Slovenia Christine Lagarde , Wolfgang Schäuble , Delegate Minister for Trade, France member of the Bundestag Jo Leinen , Christian Schmidt , member of the European Parliament member of the Bundestag Jean-David Levitte , , Ambassador of France to Washington member of the Bundestag Reinhard Lyhs , Piotr Switalski , Chairman and CEO, DaimlerChrysler Under State-Secretary for Foreign Affairs Pierre Méhaignerie , of Poland former Minister of Agriculture, Chairman Boris Tadic , of the French Senate Finances and President of Economy Committee Magdalena Vasaryova , Ilinka Mitreva , Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia Slovakia

6 - President of Ukraine 8 - Thierry de Montbrial and Hamid Karzaï, 10 - Richard J. Durbin, U.S. Senator (Illinois) 7 - Thierry de Montbrial and Alexei Mordachov, President of the Islamic Republic of 11 - Mario Monti, former member of the President and CEO of the Severstal Group Afghanistan European Commission, Milan University 9 - Hans Blix, former Executive Chairman of UNSCOM, Chairman of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission t r o p e r l a u n

n and its a Ifri partners 5 0 0 2

12 t For its individual and institutional Ifri would also like to thank the r o p members, Ifri provides a vast French and international e r l program of debates, foundations and institutions that a u n

conferences, seminars, and provided support during 2005. n a

meetings that allow members to 5 0 0

better understand major The new Director of 2 international events and issues Development, responsible for and to meet actors that shape overseeing relations with Ifri our world. The regular members, is Brynhild Dumas participation and interaction of who succeeded Corinne our members creates a dynamic Degoutte in April 2006. that is essential to the life of Ifri.

In addition, Ifri has a special program for corporate members senior executives which addresses companies’ concerns, and provides guidance for their overseas strategies. The corporate program is featuring breakfasts, lunch and dinner debates as well as seminars with research fellows and major actors on the international stage. Since its launching in 1979, Ifri has cultivated numerous synergies with its corporate partners. This partnership has once again proven fruitful with 13 the opening of Eur-Ifri in Brussels in 2005. Ifri expresses its gratitude to its longtime partners and warmly welcomes those companies that have joined in the course of 2005. t r o p e

r Special Corporate Partners Program l a u n n a 5

0 Dinner and Lunch Discussions 0 2 Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial

January 12 with Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, former President of the French Republic February 28 with Lakhdar Brahimi, Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General March 29 with Jean-David Lévitte, Ambassador of France to Washington April 4 Working Lunches with Ifri research with Mohamed Khatami, President of the fellows Islamic Republic of Iran Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial May 9 with Miguel Anguel Moratinos, Minister of April 19 Foreign Affairs of Spain “France 30 years ahead: Which Conflicts? Which insecurity?” June 21 with Dominique David with Mohammed Ismaïl Alshekh, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Paris May 10 July 1st “The European Constitution: An Inescapable Debate for Europe” with Pascal Lamy, Director-General of the 14 WTO with Pierre Defraigne, Director, Eur-Ifri, and Philippe Moreau Defarges September 14 June 8 with Alexei Mordashov, President and CEO, Severstal Group “Oil at Fifty : Economy and Geopolitics” October 4 with Pierre Noël with Craig Stapleton, Ambassador of the United States to Paris October 11 October 17 “Middle-East: A Threat for Europe?” with Jiri Paroubek, Prime Minister of the with Denis Bauchard November 8 October 21 “Region Building or Fragmentation? The with Jean-Claude Trichet, Governor of the China-Japan Relations Case” European Central Bank with Valérie Niquet and Françoise Nicolas November 3 with Tassos Papadopoulos, President of the Cyprus Republic December 8 with Benita Ferrero-Waldneri, European Commissioner in charge of External Relations

(Corporate members may attend to all open conferences and debates organized at the Institute.) t r o p

Corporate members as at December 31, 2005 e r l a u n n Ifri’s corporate members number about MOODY’S FRANCE a 5



p as at December 31, 2005 e Member embassies and institutions r l a u n n a , EMBASSY OF MALTA, EMBASSY OF 5 0 0

































LUXEMBOURG, EMBASSY OF Relations internationales identitésTransatlantiqueCERFA Regional Programs Transversal Programs

Annual Europe Security - The research center on Franco-German World Economy Europe Relations, Cerfa The Trade Policy and Globalization report - The Franco-Austrian Center for Governance Program Convergence in Europe CFA The Agriculture Program - Eur-Ifri The Energy and International Relations Program 2005 The French Center on the United States, CFE The Transatlantic Program Russia/NIS The Migration, Identity and Citizenship Program The Centre Asie Ifri Research Northagricult Africa/Middle East ure CFAagriculturePolitiqueLa recherche CFEcommerciale sécuritéRussie/NEI migrationsEconomieeur-ifri internationale h

c Traditionally, research at Cerfa, in keeping between the different parties. Through a


e with its mission to promote greater mutual series of publications and public s

e understanding between France and gatherings, Cerfa tried to add some clarity R

• Germany, has been conducted according to the unfolding situation. t

r Europe

o to three themes: contemporary German

p Its first contribution was an assessment e

r domestic and foreign policy, Franco-

l of the Schroeder government. Several a

u German relations, and European

n editions of “Notes du Cerfa” were

n integration. In 2005, current events a dedicated to analyzing the major actions

5 Research Center on determined two main topics of research: 0 of the “red-green” government, particularly 0 2 with regards to the labor market, Franco-German immigration, and Russo-German relations. France, Germany, and the European Constitution Several conferences were then devoted to the policies of the grand coalition, Relations (Cerfa) Cerfa seeks to foster dialogue on matters focusing on the formation of the of common interest and to identify the government (27 September), the German points of convergence and divergence economy (27 October), and German Cerfa’s mission is to contribute to a between the two nations. The French foreign policy (21 November) as well as the greater mutual understanding of political rejection of the European Constitution in future orientation of foreign and security and socioeconomic policy in France 2005 provided a special context within policy (15-16 November). The new and Germany. The center is which to analyze bilateral relations and the coalition was also one of the major administered jointly by Ifri and the question of . Deutsche Gesellschat für Auswärtige subjects of the 2006 annual Cerfa Politik (DGAP). Funding for Cerfa is Cerfa’s research focused on comparative conference held on 30 January 2006, provided by the French Ministry of visions of Europe and an analysis of the “Towards a European Public Sphere? Foreign Affairs and the Auswärtige Amt role of the Franco-German couple after the Franco-German perspectives on the first on an equal basis. Cerfa is one of the failure of the referendum in France. These 100 days of the Merkel government.” main centers of research and debate on studies were published in a collection of Franco-German relations in France. regular papers, “Franco-German Visions” (available on ). Two Finally, in order to cast some light on the conferences were organized around the background of German domestic politics, Researchers same issues: one with Daniel Cohn-Bendit Cerfa published one work dealing with the 18 (May 18) and the other devoted to the role mechanisms of power in the FRG ( Qui Hans Stark, Secretary-General of civil society in the rapprochement dirige l’Allemagne? , January 2005) and (German domestic and foreign policy, between the two countries after the French another on German political and cultural Franco-German relations, European “no” (June 14). identity ( Qui sont les Allemands? , January integration) 2006). German politics was also featured in In addition, in January 2005, Cerfa Claire Demesmay (contemporary German several editions of its electronic publication, organized its annual conference focusing political culture, Franco-German ( ). on the major issues of 2004 affecting “Note du Cerfa” relations, identity and citizenship Germany and France from a European in Europe) perspective and likely to influence 2005: Janine Ziegler, Research Assistant EU integration, transatlantic relations, Emmanuelle Saunier, Research Assistant bilateral industrial cooperation, and reconciliation 60 years after D-Day. Another essential subject was the future of the European budget, which led to the publication of a book as part of Cerfa’s “France, Germany, Europe” collection. A conference on the European budget was also held in February.

A new German government The September 18 legislative election in Germany raised a considerable number of questions. In the absence of a Bundestag majority for either of the traditional coalitions (CDU/CSU-FDP and SPD- Greens), the composition of the eventual governing coalition as well as the name of the future chancellor remained unknown until the conclusion of long negotiations Conferences and Debates Seminars June 14 s m a

September 12-13 The Franco-German Couple after the r

January 24 g

Referendum: the Role of Civil Society o Citizenship and the Challenges of Diversity r

50 Years of Franco-German Relations-50 Years P Max Claudet, Secretary-General of the Franco- Organized in conjunction with the Federal Center l

of Cerfa – Assessment and Future Perspectives a

for Civic Education (BpB) German Youth Office (OFAJ), Jérôme Clément, n

Cerfa’s annual conference—organized with the o President of ARTE France, Claire Demesmay, i support of the French and German ministries of The current EU crisis as well as the parallel g research fellow at Cerfa, and Till Meyer, director of e Foreign Affairs and the Robert Schuman and Robert problems of integration in several European R countries call into question the notion of citizenship the German Cultural Center in Dijon • Bosch Foundations—was devoted to a celebration h c

th throughout Europe. The goal of this Franco-German Chairperson: Hans Stark r

of the 50 anniversary of the Saint-Cloud Accords. a

th e It was also the occasion to celebrate the 50 seminar was to compare concepts and practices of September 27 s e anniversary of Cerfa’s creation. Key figures in integration in France, Germany, and other European R

After the German Legislative Elections: Who will •

states, to consider new forms of civic education, t Franco-German reconciliation over the years, Govern Germany? r and to propose new initiatives. o political and economic leaders, and researchers p

Debate organized in partnership with the Konrad e r assessed the process of cooperation between the November 15-16 l Adenauer Foundation and the Friedrich Ebert a u two nations and considered the new role for the Foundation. n

Franco-German Strategic Forum n

Franco-German couple in the context of the major a

Organized in conjunction with the Konrad Adenauer With Wolfgang Börnsen, member of the Bundestag 5 evolutions in Europe and around the world. 0 Foundation and the Strategic Affairs Delegation of (CDU), Michael Roth, member of the Bundestag 0 2 the French Ministry of Defense, this closed seminar (SPD), Ulrich Eith, Freiberg University, Andreas was the opportunity to compare views concerning Kießling, University of Munich, and Sylvie Goulard, NATO, the European Security and Defense Policy Institut d’études politiques (IEP-Paris). (ESDP), and the economic and financial stakes Chairperson: Hans Stark involved in defense policy, as well as their impact on Franco-German relations. Key French and German October 27 government officials as well as members of both Economic Prospects after the German Elections Parliaments attended. With René Lasserre, director of the Center for Research and Information on Contemporary Breakfast Conferences Germany (CIRAC), professor at the University of Cergy-Pontoise, and Isabelle Bourgeois, Editor-in- February 24 Chief of Regards sur l’économie allemande. France, Germany and the Future of the Chairperson: Hans Stark European Budget Friedrich Heinemann, researcher at the Center for November 21 19 European Economic Research in Mannheim, Head Foreign Policy after the German Elections of the European integration working group and With Christian Hacke, professor at the University of Maxime Lefebvre, former Head of European Affairs Bonn and Georges-Henri Soutou, professor at the at Ifri. -IV. Chairperson: Claire Demesmay Chairperson: Hans Stark April 7 Germany’s Future Elites « Vision franco- « Note du Cerfa » Michael Kretschmer, member of the Bundestag allemandes » (CDU) and member of the Committee on Education, Research, and Technology. Chairperson: Claire Demesmay May 12 The Future of the New Länder in an Enlarged Europe , Minister of Agriculture and the Environment of the state of , and Michel-Eric Dufeil, Head of Unit at the Regional Policy Directorate, European Commission. « Radioscopies « Qui dirige Chairperson: Claire Demesmay de l’Allemagne » l’Allemagne ? » May 18 French and German Visions of Europe Daniel Cohn-Bendit, member of the European Parliament (Greens) and co-President of the European Greens. Chairperson: Hans Stark s The CFA provides opportunities for Round Tables and Seminars m

a Europe representatives from the political, r March 4 g

o economic, and financial sectors in old, r Ukraine, between Russia and an Enlarged EU P new, and aspiring member states to meet l Round table with Yuriy Sergeyev, Ukrainian a and discuss issues of common concern, n Ambassador to France, Anne de Tinguy, researcher at o i The Franco-Austrian such as budgetary, monetary, agricultural, g the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)/ e security, and healthcare issues as well as

R Center for the Study of International Relations (CERI),

• the question of the evolution of EU

h Vasily Astrov, economist at the Institute for

c institutions. CFA conferences and seminars

r Center for International Economics (WIIW) Vienna. a

e take place in Paris and in each of the s e member states. Chairperson: Peter Jankowitsch R

• Convergence in June 13 t

r In 2005, the CFA continued its work

o Oil at $ 50 a Barrel… What Next? p toward facilitating the ongoing economic e r Seminar with Emmanuel Bergasse, the administrator l convergence between old and new a

u Europe (CFA) for central and southeastern Europe at the

n member states. It sponsored a conference n International Energy Agency (IEA), Catherine Locatelli, a in Budapest on “The Management of Rural 5 researcher, CNRS, University of Grenoble, and Pierre 0 The Franco-Austrian Center is an

0 Space in an Enlarged Europe”. It also held 2 intergovernmental organization created in Noël, researcher at Ifri, French Center on the United a bilateral conference in Salzburg that States (CFE). 1978 by then Prime Minister Jacques examined the social welfare models in Chairperson: Peter Jankowitsch Chirac and then Federal chancellor France and Austria. In Paris, the CFA Bruno Kreisky, in order to foster organized three round tables: one on “The December 1 economic cooperation between Western Consequences of the Energy Crisis on The EU on the Eve of the Austrian Presidency and Eastern Europe. It was initially New EU Members, one on “The Goals of Round Table discussion with Elisabeth Tichy- comprised of Austria, France and the the Austrian EU Presidency,” and one on Fisslberger, adjunct Director General, Austrian Ministry eastern bloc nations of , Poland, “The Aftermath of the Polish Elections.” of Foreign Affairs, Jacques Rupnik, research director, and Czechoslovakia. With the fall of the CERI/FNSP, Philippe Moreau Defarges, researcher at Ifri The EU 2004 enlargement has provided a Wall in 1989, the center’s mission and co-director of RAMSES. new focus for the CFA: the question of shifted to providing information for EU relations between the enlarged EU and its Chairperson: Peter Jankowitsch candidate countries in order to facilitate “new neighbors”. In 2005, the CFA held a their integration into the Union. series of meetings exploring this subject. International Conferences 20 Since the 2004 enlargement, the CFA has been developing links with the Orientation for 2006 April 18-19 Rural Development Alternatives in an Enlarged Western Balkans. In 2006 CFA focuses on the following Europe, Budapest, Hungary developments: Organized in close partnership with the Austrian Staff – The economic and geopolitical evolution EcoSocial Forum, the Austrian, French, and Hungarian of the Balkans region. 2006 stands to be Ministries of Agriculture, and the National Institute of The CFA is based in Vienna. Thierry de a turning point in the history of the Agronomic Research (INRA), this conference brought Montbrial serves as Chairman of the Balkans with the revision of the status of together representatives from the new member states Center; its Secretary-General is Kosovo, the opening of negotiations and candidate states in order to discuss the Common Ambassador Peter Jankowitsch . toward Macedonian membership to the Agricultural Policy and the prospects for European- At Ifri, Éliane Mossé organizes the EU, the referendum on independence in wide sustainable rural development. center’s activities with the assistance of Montenegro, etc.; July 4-5 Martine Breux. – European Competitiveness (review of the The Western Balkans: a New Challenge for the EU, first results of the “Lisbon strategy”); Opatija, Ten years after the Dayton Accords, the western – Future of Enlargement of the EU to Balkans region has regained a relative stability. This include Romania and and conference, attended by representatives of civil relations with new neighboring states. society throughout the region, provided the opportunity to evaluate regional initiatives and explore the possibilities for greater cooperation with the EU. October 10 Franco-Austrian conference, Salzbourg, Austria This first Franco-Austria day, organized with the support of the state of Salzburg, was devoted to reflection on how, within the context of a Europe faced with a widening set of challenges, to achieve greater economic, social, technological, cultural, and political cooperation between Austria and France. Domestic Policy and Decision-Making s m

Europe a

Guillaume Parmentier, François Vergniolle r The French Center g o

de Chantal . r P l

One of the CFE’s main priorities is to provide a n

on the United States o the keys to understanding the complex Eur-Ifri i g

modes of decision-making in the United e States. The center publishes a guide to the R •

Established in March 2005 as the (CFE) h U.S. Congress that highlights the members c r

Brussels-based branch of Ifri, Eur-Ifri’s and staffers who have a particular influence a e mission is to contribute to the diversity of s The French Center on the United States on international affairs. James Lindsay of the e debate in the nerve center of the R

(CFE) was created in September 1999, Council on Foreign Relations compiles this • t

European community and to promote th r

simultaneously with the launching of the guide. The 2005 edition, presenting the 109 o French conceptions of further EU p e

Center for the U.S. and France (that later Congress is available to all CFE partners. r l construction. Its aim is also to keep became the Center for the U.S. and a In 2005, the CFE focused on the future of u French civil society abreast of EU issues n Europe) at the Brookings Institution in n and its decision making mechanisms. the Democratic Party in light of the 2004 a Washington. The CFE is dedicated to 5 presidential election. 0 Eur-Ifri will carry out its own research 0

promoting the understanding of the 2 and debates program drawing on Ifri’s political system and public policy of the resources and interdisciplinary expertise United States and thereby to better as well as other research centers understanding between France and the in Europe. United States. Eur-Ifri established a weekly series of The CFE focuses on analyzing the impact meetings known as “Eur-Ifri’s Tuesdays” of political, economic, and social which bring together EU officials, developments within the United States as academics, experts, corporate leaders, well as the conduct of U.S. foreign policy, trade-unions representatives and with a particular interest on transatlantic journalists to discuss a variety of and Franco-American relations. European themes. In addition, Eur-Ifri sponsored two international conferences The CFE regularly organizes meetings Foreign Policy and Security Policy and numerous debates. that bring together public and private sector decision-makers and publishes Guillaume Parmentier, Ruth Lambertz. 21 policy papers and books. This program’s focus was on transatlantic Staff Guillaume Parmentier is the Director of relations, including the publication of “The Pierre Defraigne, Director the CFE. The annual CFE conference is End of the Transatlantic Partnership?” Nicolas de Boisgrollier, in T. de Montbrial Sophie Lenoble, Research Assistant an occasion for distinguished French and American speakers to share insights into and P. Moreau Defarges, RAMSES 2006, Chloé Debay-Cornish, Assistant the evolution of policy both within the Paris, Dunod, 2005. U.S. and around the world. International Conferences The German Marshall Fund of the United Energy and Climate Change States supports the CFE. June 17 Pierre Noël , David Reiner , Judge Institute of Enlargement and Globalization: Impact on the Management, Cambridge University. Location and Competitiveness of Firms Staff This program seeks to develop expertise in Europe Guillaume Parmentier, Director relative to the international debate A conference organized in close conjunction with the concerning energy policy and climate “World Economy Program” at Ifri. Laurence Nardon, Researcher (space change, with a particular emphasis on the issues) July 4 energy security policy of the United States. The EU, China, and the Search for a Multilateral Pierre Noël, Researcher (energy issues, The program’s research will be the subject of World climate changes) an upcoming publication by Pierre Noël and A conference organized with the Centre Asie Ifri in François Vergniolle de Chantal, Associate a study by David M. Reiner . celebration of the 30 years of relations between Researcher (U.S. domestic policy) Associated publication: Technology Policy China and the EU. Maïté Jauréguy, Visiting Fellow, Center for Energy and Climate Change Debates for Strategic and International Studies Robert C. Marlay and Burton H. Koske, See Public discussion meetings /CSIS, (U.S. scientific policy) CFE Policy Papers Series, November. Nicolas de Boisgrollier, Visiting Fellow, the Brookings Institution (politico- administrative issues) Ruth Lambertz, Research Assistant s Space Conferences and Debates Foreign and Security Policy m a r Laurence Nardon , Maïté Jauréguy . April 19 g Annual CFE Conference o

r The Crisis in German-American Relations

P The United States remains the world’s leader December 8-9

l Round Table discussion with Stephen F. Szabo, a in space exploration. The militarization of n Sixth Annual Conference: The United States professor at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced o i space has been the object of considerable in 2005 International Studies, The John Hopkins University, g e research in the last few years and George This conference featured American participants of Washington, Guillaume Parmentier, Hans Stark, and R

• Bush has given a new impetus to NASA’s diverse perspectives in order to better reflect the CERFA/Ifri. h

c activities. diversity of opinions that shape American policy. r Ties between the United States and Germany have a

e Among the guest speakers were Richard J. Durbin,

s The Space Program follows the undergone a transformation since the end of the e senator from Illinois (D), Clyde V. Prestowitz, R development of U.S. space policy. It aims to Cold War as Germany has attempted to forge a new

• Economic Strategy Institute, Washington, Marc E.

t European identity. After a rapprochement in the r facilitate dialogue between American,

o Leland, German Marshall Fund of the United States p French, and European projects leaders and aftermath of September 11 2001, relations between e

r (GMF), Washington, David Gompert, RAND l experts active in the domain of space the two allies have suffered new tensions based on a Corporation, Santa Monica, , Robert Kagan, u disagreement over war in Iraq and an increasingly n innovation in order to promote greater

n Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a transatlantic cooperation. skeptical view of the United States on the part of the

5 Washington, and Stephen Walt, Harvard University.

0 German public. Speakers focused on the future of 0 French participants included among others Hubert 2 (See Publications). relations between Germany and the United States, Védrine, former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Benoît and made the case for a new relationship based on d’Aboville, former Ambassador to NATO, Antoine Homeland Security Program a more equal footing between the EU and the U.S. Garapon, Secretary General of the Institut des Guillaume Parmentier, Maïté Jauréguy, Hautes Études sur la Justice. Discussion centered The CFE co-organized two other meetings: Nicolas de Boisgrollier. on the influence religious and cultural divisions in – with the Foundation for Political Innovation (FIP), the U.S. will have on the second Bush term. A Paris, on public opinion in the United States CFE is in the process of establishing a second topic was the economic repercussion of the – with the Aspen Institute France, Lyon, on Homeland Security program. war in Iraq. The conference was made possible with transatlantic relations, “Toward a new balance in U.S.-European relations” The American concept of “Homeland the support of GMF, Citibank, and Sodexho. Security” has no French or European Additional support came from the Policy Planning Staff (Centre d’analyse et de prévision) of the French Space Exploration Policy equivalent, despite Europe’s long standing Ministry of Foreign Affairs and from the U.S. field experience in such security issues. May 19 Embassy in Paris Since September 2001, cooperation Can Space Exploration reinforce the EU 22 between France and the United States on Building Process? this issue has provided an excellent forum Domestic Policy and Decision Making organized in conjunction with the European Space for improving mutual understanding between June 16 Agency (ESA) the two nations. For this reason it is essential War on Terror, War on Iraq, In 2005, The CFE joined the ESA in its efforts to that French decision-makers in both the and Presidential Power determine the political framework for future public and private sectors follow the A seminar organized around the participation of European space exploration. This one-day seminar evolution of the concept of “homeland Louis Fisher, senior analyst and specialist on the focused on the capacity of European space security” as reflected in the policies and separation of powers at the Congressional Research exploration to contribute to the emergence of a practices of the Department of Homeland Service (CRS), Washington. The Bush sentiment of European citizenship. Among Security. Administration’s “War on Terror” has modified the contributors were Jakub Ryzenko, Polish Space balance of powers within the institutional framework Office, Géraldine Naja, ESA, Astrid Bonté, EUTELSAT CFE will focus on the institutional in the United States since September 2001. This along with a presentation of the ITER project by Minh dimensions of the U.S. concept and its seminar examined the destabilization of system of Quang Tran, EFDA. Elisabeth Sourgens, European bearings for transatlantic relations. checks and balances that traditionally has been the Space Policy Institute (ESPI), made the case for a hallmark of American political institutions. strong and independent European space program. The CFE’s work in this domain will be in cooperation with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the October 25 « Homeland Security » Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. The Crisis of the Democratic Party September 19 This seminar analyzed the weakening of the Homeland Security, Biosecurity and Democratic Party in light of the defeat of John Kerry Transatlantic Cooperation in the U.S. presidential elections of 2004. Several Breakfast meeting with David Heyman, Director of noted speakers from the United States participated, the Homeland Security Program at the Center for including Dan Balz, the Washington Post, Stanley Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Greenberg, Democracy Corps, Thomas E. Mann, Big changes have been announced with the the Brookings Institution, Charles E. Cook, Cook Homeland Security Department (HSD). Three years Political Report, Will Marshall, the Progressive after the creation of the HSD, the most extensive Policy Institute, Walter Oleszek, Congressional reorganization of the United States government since Research Service. the creation of the Department of Defense in 1947, the CFE assessed the accomplishments and perspectives of this restructuring. Research projects Seminars s m

The research program focuses on four a February 2-3 r Russia/NIS g

main issues: tracking the formation of elite o Culture and Security r in the region, promoting greater mutual P This seminar, held in Moscow in partnership with the l understand the EU and Russia, following a Moscow State Institute of International Relations, n Program o

the evolution of Russian energy and foreign i

(MGIMO-University) and with the support of the g policies, and monitoring scientific and e NATO Public Diplomacy Division, brought together R

Launched in July 2004, the Russia/NIS technological research. •

25 experts from the EU, the United States, and the h

Program aims at providing policy- c The program produces an electronic New Independent States (NIS) to discuss the concept r a

oriented expertise on Russia and the e

collection of policy papers — of “strategic culture.” s Newly Independent Sates, anticipating e Russie.Nei.Vision — that are published in R evolutions in and contributing to global November 30 • t

French, English, and Russian. r debate concerning the region. Russia, Ukraine and the Near Abroad o p e

Elites and Decision-Making Process Debate with Mark Medish, former special advisor to r l

This research project aims at improving the a President Clinton and former director for Russian, u n

Staff understanding of the formation of business, Ukrainian, and Eurasian Affairs at the White House. n a

political, and military elites in the countries 5 Thomas Gomart, Head of the program December 2 0 0

of the region. Identifying the influence of 2 Workshop on EU/Russian Relations Tatiana Kastueva-Jean, different groups and the various modes of Research Assistant This first meeting of the task force on EU-Russian access to power helps to shed light on relations, chaired by Thierry de Montbrial, provided Catherine Meniane, Assistant decision-making processes. Of particular an occasion for the presentation of four papers: interest are the ties between military and “Russian, NATO, and the EU: A European Security political elites. Triangle or Shades of a New Entente?” by Andrew “Strategic Partnership” between the EU Monaghan; and Russia “Representing Private Interests to Increase Trust Despite its key importance for the future of in Russia-EU Relations” by Timofeï Bordatchev the European continent as well as for trade “The EU and Russia: the Needed Balance Between relations between EU and Russia, the EU- Geopolitics and Regionalism” by Thomas Gomart; Russia Partnership is currently witnessing “Multiplying Sources as the Best Strategy for EU- a crisis of confidence. The program is Russia Energy Relations” by Michael Thumann. devoted to promoting dialogue to foster 23 greater mutual understanding between the Xavier De Villepin, Louis Gautier, Dov Lynch, two parties. A joint task force will make Dominique David and Thierry de Montbrial discussed concrete recommendations. the four papers. Working with other groups within the EU and in Russia, this task force seeks to Interaction between Russia’s Energy and develop policy thinking in relation to the Partnership Foreign Policy and Cooperation Agreement (PAC) which is due to Russia’s control over oil revenue plays a be renewed in 2007. crucial role in determining the country’s December 19-20 political and economic organization as well The 11 th Ifri/ /MGIMO (Moscow) Seminar as in shaping its foreign policy. The on Security Russia/NIS program deals with Russian This seminar brought together experts from Russia energy policy and its implications for and France to discuss the strategic agendas of both Russia’s neighbors. It also focuses on the nations in light of the ongoing changes in India, use of energy various supplies. China, the former Soviet Republics, and in Technological innovation and Scientific transatlantic relations. Research Anticipating Russia’s economic future Publications requires focusing on the course of its Study technological innovation. This research Civil-Military Relations and Military Reform in program attempts to identify the poles of Russia by Thomas Gomart. scientific and technological excellence within Russia that will allow the country to Russie.Nei.Visions (online collection of policy papers available also in French and Russian compete internationally. at .) See ‘Publications’. The 10 policy papers published in 2005 have been Russie.Nei.Visions 2006 collected in the work Russie.Nei.Visions 2006 – Understanding Russia and the New Independent Understanding Russia and the New Independent States Th. Gomart and T. Kastueva-Jean (dir.). States , Th. Gomart and T. Kastueva-Jean (eds.), Ifri, Travaux et Recherches, 2006. s Program of Research Research projects for 2006 m a

r The units’ research and public agenda is The degradation of the political situation in g North Africa/ o

r determined by the following three priorities: the Middle East and the continuing threat P of terrorism will be closely watched. The l

a The evolution and political recomposition

n emphasis will be put on:

o Middle East of the Arab world and more specifically of i

g – the process of reform in the Arab world;

e the Middle East in the wake of the Iraqi R traumatism. In addition to the various – the terrorist threat (see the joint project • The North Africa/Middle East unit focuses

h scenarios of evolution for Iraq itself, the with the Security unit, “Radical Islam and c on the geographic zone extending from r

a consequences for Iraq’s neighbors — terrorism: EU perspectives”);

e to Iran, as well as on relations s

e between the entire Mediterranean world Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia — – the political, economic, and strategic R

• and the EU in the context of the have been a key subject of research. evolution of five Middle Eastern states: t r Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt; o Barcelona Process. Islam’s evolution in Other major topics of consideration are p e

r the EU and in France, in particular, is a Iran’s influence in the region and the – the Israeli-Palestinian issue in the l

a Palestinian issue. u second focus of the unit’s research, aftermath of Israeli and Palestinian n

n which, in this light, extends to the issue elections. a Reform and democratization in the

5 of the challenges facing immigrant 0 region: promoting democratic reforms in 0 2 communities from Muslim countries. the region remains a major source of Studies Studies deal with local and regional questions and concerns. The unit’s “Arabic language TV news,” by issues and are policy-oriented. They research is centered on reforms proposed Mohammed El Oifi; consider evolution scenarios. by the United States and the perception of those proposals within the region. “Relations between Algeria and It also considers the question of a possible Morocco,” by Khadija Mohsen-Finan (work Staff European contribution to implementing in progress); Denis Bauchard, former diplomat, changes. Regular reviews of reform “The role of the media in the construction Advisor in charge if the unit projects adopted are an additional part of of collective identity,” by Khadija Mohsen- the research program. Khadija Mohsen-Finan, Researcher Finan (work in progress); (North Africa, immigration, Islam in Islam in the West: this research program “Public opinion and the public realm in Europe) focuses on immigrant populations in the Arab world,” by Mohammed El Oifi. Europe, France in particular, which share Judith Cahen, Research Assistant (Syria, 24 an Islamic culture. The aim is to study how France’s Middle Eastern policy) integration into European societies affects Clément Therme, doctoral candidate at religious concepts. the EHESS/CADIS (Iran) The North Africa/Middle East unit is a Mohammed El Oifi, Associate Researcher member of the Ramses II network as part (public opinion and the media in the Arab of the European Commission’s 6 th world) Framework Program. It also represents Ifri Dorothée Schmid, Associate Researcher within the -Mediterranean Study (Mediterranean world) Commission (EuroMeSco) that brings together 48 foreign policy institutes Jeanne Frey, Assistant throughout the Mediterranean basin. In March 2005, Rémy Leveau, a scientific advisor of the unit since 1999, passed away suddenly. His dedication to the work of the unit was instrumental to a variety of initiatives and publications, including Musulmans de France et d’Europe , R. Leveau and Khadija Mohsen-Finan (eds.) and Démocraties dans le monde arabe (to be published). Seminars November 7 s m a

Good Governance in the Arab World: r

May 30-31 g

the Case of Dubai o r

Democracy: Muslim and Western References Organized in partnership with the Strategic P l

(In partnership with the University of Princeton) Communications Group in Dubai, this seminar was a n o

Organized by Denis Bauchard and Abdellah part of the North Africa/Middle East unit’s program i g

Hammoudi, director of the Institute for the of reform in the Arab world. Can the transformation e R

Transregional Study of the Contemporary Middle of wealth into growth in Dubai serve as a model for • h

East, North Africa and Central Asia, at the Center of the entire region? Or is Dubai rather a counter c r

model, a purely local experiment? This seminar a International Studies of the Princeton University, this e s seminar explored the theme of democracy in the initiated an in-depth reflection on the advantages e R

Arab world. Three half days were devoted to a and limits of Dubai’s transformation and on its • t possible reproduction throughout the region. It was r reflection on the secular and religious conceptions of o p the state in Muslim societies, the relationship also the occasion to explore partnership e r l between civil society and the state, and the internal opportunities that might be considered with the a u n

and external pressures toward greater openness to Emirate. (Publication in progress). n a

democratic reform. The seminar was opened by 5 0

Thierry de Montbrial and by HH Prince Moulay 0

On-line Policy Papers 2 Hicham Ben Abdallah of Morocco (Publication in Religion and Politics in North Africa: progress). the examples of Tunisia and Morocco, June 1 Franck Fregosi and Malika Zeghal, with an The Integration Clauses of Islamism in the North introduction by Khadija Mohsen-Finan, African and Middle Eastern Political Process Policy Paper 11, March. (Seminar organized in partnership with the French Iran, Iraq, and the United States: towards a new Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the British Foreign regional axis in the Middle East?, and Commonwealth Office). Rémy Leveau (ed.), Policy Paper 14. The goal of this off-the-record seminar was to A new collection called “Current events in North explore the opportunities for dialogue with Islamist Africa/Middle East” provides timely analysis of political movements throughout North Africa and the major developments in the region. Middle East. Diplomats and experts also tried to determine possible modes for such dialogue taking into account the diversity of political Islam. Based on 25 qualified experiments, a stimulating and constructive discussion took place. September 5 Europe and the United States and the Crises of the Middle East Organized in partnership with EuroMeSco, this conference brought together European, Arab and Israeli analysts to compare the Western powers’ policies toward the Middle East. This region of the world has generated an array of crises that concern both the United States and the EU, making their resolution a test of transatlantic relations. (Publication in progress). 10 octobre Radical Islam This seminar, organized in partnership with the Ministry of Interior Policy Planning Staff, focused on the possible shifting for some Muslims — very few of them — from a pietistic and ritualistic attitude toward a more radical commitment. Two models of integration have been analyzed: the one proposed by the preachers or institutions close to Anglo-Saxon multiculturalism; and the Salafists' and Tablighis' model advocating the establishment of a sectarian- minded based community. s In 2005, the emphasis was put on three 30 years of Sino-EU relations m

a areas of research: r China and the EU share a series of g The Centre o

r Regional Integration in East Asia: the common strategic preoccupations that P

l Case of South Korea require a broadening and reinforcement of a

n the multilateral system. Such issues as

o Asie Ifri China’s rising power has transformed the i

g climate change, opening markets, and

e political, economic, and strategic

R control of weapons of mass destruction fall landscape in Southeast Asia with • The Centre Asie Ifri is committed to into this category. China’s growing power h repercussions on the drive toward c providing better understanding of the r and the EU’s potential as a global power as a regional integration.

e main political, strategic and economic

s well provide a clear impetus for promoting e transformations at work in East Asia and R South Korea, the subject of F. Nicolas’ multilateralism, but success in that effort • the Indian subcontinent. It is part of a

t book, Korea and the Dual Chinese

r will require a strengthening of the bilateral

o network of academic expertise in Asia, p Challenge (KIEP, Seoul, 2005), is relations. e

r the U.S., and throughout Europe. In

l particularly affected by the modifications in a The 30 years of relations between the EU u association with its partners, the Asia the regional balance of power that have n

n Center regularly sponsors seminars and and China were celebrated by a a forced a redefinition of its policy toward 5 workshops. Research works are conference organized by Eur-Ifri and the 0 North Korea and its other neighbors. With 0

2 China Institute of International Studies. published in Les cahiers d’asie . the support of the Korea Foundation, French and Chinese personalities and The Centre Asie Ifri was headed by Sophie Boisseau du Rocher and Françoise experts — among which F. Nicolas — François Godement until April 2005. Nicolas co-directed a research program presented a review of Sino-EU relations Since November 2005, its new director throughout 2004 and 2005 that brought and thoughts on their future evolution. has been Valérie Niquet . together a multidisciplinary team of French (See Eur-Ifri). and Korean researchers and resulted in the colloquium “The Rise of China and Publication : The EU, China and the Quest Staff Korea’s Regional Policy” with a collective for a Multilateral World, (directed by Pierre Valérie Niquet, Director work to be published by Routledge in 2006. Defraigne ). Françoise Nicolas, Researcher, senior economist specializing in emerging EU-ASEAN Economic Relations Debates economies, associate professor at the Towards a Free Trade Agreement Bilateral Dialogues University of Marne-la-Vallée. between the EU and ASEAN: 26 Franco-Korean Dialogue Régine Serra, Associate Researcher, a Qualitative Analysis The Centre Asie Ifri maintains an ongoing (Japan and security issues in the Asia Given the stalemate on multilateral trade relationship with the Korea Foundation. The Pacific), lecturer at the National Institute negotiations conducted within the World two organizations sponsor a conference for Oriental Languages and Civilizations Trade Organization, regional free trade that alternates between Paris and Seoul (INALCO) agreements continue to multiply. The EU every two years and provide an opportunity Yang Baoyun, Associate Researcher, has played a key role in this development for French and Korean experts to meet. In adjunct director of the Center for Asian- and has negotiated or is in the process of 2005, the conference took place in Paris Pacific Studies, Beijing University negotiating several agreements with on 27-28 June. different regions of the world—the Cécile Campagne, Assistant Sino-French Dialogue Mediterranean region, Africa, Latin The Centre Asie Ifri works regularly with the America. Surprisingly, Asia so far has been China Reform Forum, an organization that absent from the list of EU partners. At the brings together experts from diverse same time, many Asian nations, particularly research institutes in China. During the visit the members of ASEAN, are in the process of Prime Minister Wen Jiabao to Paris in of negotiating with the United States and December 2005, a seminar was organized Japan. Thus, the opening of free trade at Ifri on December 6. talks between the EU and ASEAN appears more and more likely. At the end of 2005, together with the Study Groups University of Limerick in Ireland, the Centre Two study groups met regularly to foster Asie Ifri was commissioned by the informal discussions on strategic, political, European Commission’s Directorate and economic issues. One, led by François General Trade to conduct a qualitative Godement, focused on current events in analysis of a future free trade agreement China. The second, led by F. Nicolas, between the EU and ASEAN. This project, focused on economic developments directed by F. Nicolas and Bernadette in Asia. Andreosso-O’Callaghan of the University of Limerick, involves researchers from the University of Chulalongkorn in Bangkok and the National University of Singapore. The findings are scheduled to be published in 2006. Two on-line publications became Study Groups meetings Seminars s m available during the first semester a June 24 r

Discussion group on Chinese current events g

of 2005: o

The Rise of China and Korea’s Regional Policy r January 13 P Les Nouvelles de Chine The closing seminar of the study on regional l a

A monthly review of the analyses and Challenges and Threats in Central Asia in the integration in East Asia brought together numerous n o Korean and French academics and researchers. i points of view from the Chinese press Post-September 11 Context g e under the direction of Michal Meidan and with Ilias Sarsembaev , Research Assistant to the chair June 27-28 R • François Godement . of Russian history at People’s Friendship University th 6 Franco-Korean Dialogue h c

in Moscow, doctoral candidate at the IEP. r La Lettre du Japon in partnership with the Korea Foundation, Seoul a e

February 10 s Bi-monthly publication edited by Guibourg Opened by Thierry de Montbrial and Kwon In Hyuk , e R

Delamotte providing an analysis of events The Chinese Vision of the Post-Electoral President of the Korea Foundation, this meeting was • t Situation in the U.S. and Taiwan and the r and debates in Japan. the occasion for an extensive exchange of points of o p

Implications for the EU e

view on perspectives concerning events in the r l

with Anne-Charlotte Leclerc , IEP, Paris. Korean peninsula, EU policy toward Korea, and the a Research projects for 2006 u n

March 31 state of relations between France and South Korea. n a

China’s rise as a major power and its December 6 5 The Strategic Implications of Sino-EU relations 0 integration into the international community 0 with François Godement . 2 is a pivotal element of research programs China’s Peaceful Rise and at the Centre Asie Ifri. China’s 25-year Sino-European Relations Study Group on Asian Economies strategy of “Pacific rise,” i.e. economic in partnership with the China Reform Forum, February 4 reform resulting in rapid growth and the Beijing globalization of China’s interests, has Financial Integration in East Asia This meeting, presided over by Valérie Niquet and aroused much questioning among with Kim Heungchong, director of the Europe unit, Xavier de Villepin, member of the board of Ifri, was observers worldwide. Research at the Center for Regional Economic Studies, Korean the occasion for discussion with a Chinese Centre Asie Ifri will focus on: Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), delegation led by Zheng Bijian, President of the Seoul. China Reform Forum, and Li Junru, Vice-President of – the future evolution of Chinese power March 11 the China Reform Forum and Vice-President of the – energy issues and the role of major The Rivalry between China and Japan Chinese Communist Party Central School. Asian powers with Denis Terse n, Treasury and Economic Policy December 13 – the regional architecture and the General Directorate (DGTPE) of the Ministry of Security Questions in Asia: emergence of a multipolar Asia (China, Economy, Finance, and Industry, former advisor for Taiwan’s Defense Policy 27 India Japan) economic and trade affairs at the French Embassy Closed-door seminar with Andrew Nien-Dzu Yang , in Tokyo. secretary general, Chinese Council of Advanced In addition to a bi-monthly newsletter April 22 Policy Studies, Taiwan. tracking the development of events in Asia, the Centre Asie Ifri plans on launching a Asia’s Emerging Economies and Chinese quarterly newsletter devoted to military Competition issues in China. with F. Nicolas . June 3 The Rise of Free Trade Agreements in Asia with Christian Milelli, researcher at the National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS.) s The focus is on four areas of research : This year, Ifri hosted the seminar (6-7 Octo-


a ber), which is held alternately at each of the r Armed conflicts: a prospective approach g

o four institutions. r

P The program’s current research attempts to

l • Franco-Russian dialogue a Department Of anticipate the evolution of geopolitical s r issues and the modes of conflict that they Organized in partnership with the Moscow e

v State Institute for International Relations

s will engender. n (MGIMO), the bilateral Franco-Russian a Security Studies r

T Continuing a study conducted in 2004 on seminar on security issues has met

• “a topology of conflicts,” exploratory alternately in Paris and Moscow for the last h The approach adopted by the c reflection is underway in conjunction with r 11 years. In 2005 the meeting took place in a department of security studies takes into e Thalès to identify the possible indicators of

s Moscow (see Russia/NIS). e account the recent mutations in the conflict prevention (to be completed in R

• notion of security: the new relation 2006). • Franco-Polish dialogue t r

o between military and civilian factors that Inaugurating a partnership between Ifri and p e

r are believed to produce security, the now the Polish Institute of International Affairs l a evident interrelation between the internal (PISM), a bilateral Franco-Polish seminar u Evolution of strategic concepts and n

n and external dimensions to the security was held in Warsaw in December 2005.

a military forces

5 of political societies; the expansion of the The meetings will henceforth occur on 0

0 Research focuses on confronting politico-

2 concept of security itself human and a regular basis. global security. strategic options in the face of evolutions in the security environment. - Creation of a program on Terrorism Three programs are currently ongoing. This program is being constructed around Staff two defining projects to be completed in - Major U.S. strategic and military options Dominique David, Head of the 2006: on the one hand, a crisis simulation This program’s focus stems from the new department based on Ifri-devised specific hypotheses context created by two major evolutions: for the Policy Planning Staff (Centre Research fellows: the end of the Cold War and the impact of d’études et de prévision, CEP) of the Jean Klein, arms control, proliferation; several important technological changes. French Ministry of Interior; on the other Germany The American model serves as the key hand, a series of research seminars point of reference. (organized in cooperation with the North Étienne de Durand, strategic and military Africa/Middle East program) around the issues, U.S. strategy, crisis management Following a study written in 2004 on 28 American redeployments, a new study theme of Radical Islam and Terrorism: Aline Leboeuf, crisis management, post- conducted by Étienne de Durand for the European perspectives. This series of conflict situations, human security, Center for the Study of the Social Sciences seminars will be privately funded. African issues of Defense (Centre d’études en sciences Marc Hecker, terrorism, crisis sociales de la défense, (C2SD) of the Proliferation of weapons of management, Middle-East (Israel) French Ministry of Defense was devoted to mass destruction Françoise Thomas, assistant “The Development of an air doctrine in the U.S., the U.K. and France.” This program, supported in part by the Research Associates: French Atomic Energy Commission In 2006, the department of security studies Jolyon Howorth, professor at Yale (Commissariat à l’énergie atomique, CEA), will assume the management of an University: European security, ESDP organizes a series of seminars with experts American Strategy Monitoring Group. Its in the field, as well as a special daylong Alain Antil, University of Rennes: work will be devoted particularly to an debate on a question stemming from African crises in-depth analysis of the Quadrennial current affairs (in 2005, the Conference on Kryzstof Soloch, Poland, EU new Defense Review , as well as the study of the the revision of the Non-Proliferation Treaty). member states, Central Europe possible “militarization” of space, to civilian and military relations in the U.S.; and to In 2006 the focus will be on North Korea, American strategy in the former the buildup of the Chinese military, and the Soviet world. proliferation of cruise missiles. - Strategic Dialogues Contributions are published in an electronic The department maintains a permanent collection created for this purpose, dialogue concerning security issues with Proliferation Papers (with more than 1500 several foreign counterparts. readers in France and abroad) and in Politique étrangère. • Transatlantic dialogue: “Quadripartite” seminar Each year representatives from Ifri, Chatham House (UK), The German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), and the RAND Corporation (U.S.) meet to discuss security issues linked to current international affairs. Four Proliferation Papers have been Studies May 24 s m published. The authors have been: a Everything You Wanted to Know About Nuclear r

• The management of crises and g

William C. Potter, Yuri E. Fedorov, Dimitri Terrorism but Were Afraid to Ask o complex stabilization operations r Trenin, and George Perkovich. with Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for P This study, directed by Étienne de Durand l Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy a s

(See Publications). for the Policy Planning Staff (Centre r

School of Government, Harvard University. e d’analyse et de prévision, CAP) of the v s

French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, led to a June 20 n a r

seminar of experts on the Afghan situation NPT Review Conference: An Appraisal T

(January 4). This daylong seminar, chaired by Thérèse Delpech, • h c

French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), provided r

• Management of African Crises a the occasion for considering future perspectives e s

A study of Franco-German collaboration in relative to the issue of non-proliferation through an e R

the management of African crises evaluation of the main issues behind the conference • t r

conducted by Aline Leboeuf in cooperation on the revision of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (2- o p e

with the Institute for African Affairs (IAK) in 17 May), the key debates linked to the conference r l for the Delegation for Strategic and the position of non-aligned countries. The a u n

Affairs (DAS) of the French Ministry of debates benefited in particular from the participation n a

Defense. In the context of this study, of François Rivasseau, ambassador, permanent 5 0

French representative to the Conference on 0 Andrea Mehler , director of the IAK, 2 presented his research at a seminar Disarmament, Patricia Lewis, Director of the United Post-conflict stabilization and (September 12). Nations Institute for Disarmament Research reconstruction (UNIDIR), Alaa Issa, permanent Egyptian • Post-conflict recovery representative to the United Nations, George More and more, Western states are The case of Sierra Leone is the object of Perkovich, Vice President for Studies, Carnegie participating in complex interventions doctoral research by A. Leboeuf. Endowment for International Peace, and Sverre aimed at post-conflict stabilization and Lodgaard, Director of the Norwegian Institute of reconstruction. The foundations and • Human Security: healthcare issues International Affairs (NUPI). modalities of such efforts suffer from a lack As a prolongation of a seminar organized June 21 of critical and operational reflection. Current at the end of 2004 on AIDS and security crisis situations — in particular their risks (which produced a report for the Joint Iran : Beyond the Nuclear Threshold asymmetrical dimension — call for a new United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS with George Perkovich, Vice President for Studies, concept of operations that can lead and the United Nations), the department of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 29 successfully to the long-term security studies plans to establish a long- Washington. reconstruction of viable states term program of research on Security and societies as well as the exit of and healthcare systems (the risk of Strategic Dialogues intervening powers. epidemics, the specific vulnerabilities of October 6-7 healthcare systems, the particular problem Using specific examples, this program of fragile states, the management of “Quadripartite” Meeting 2005 attempts to take into consideration the bioterrorism, etc.) This transatlantic seminar, organized with the material and political constraints that support of the European Aeronautic Defense and weight on intervening forces as well as the By nature, these programs are transversal. Space Company (EADS), was devoted to exchanging specific logic of each conflict. The goal is to The department regularly collaborates with perspectives on the evolution of the Middle East, the improve efficiency in the use of force by most of the other research units at Ifri European Union and its future enlargement, security keeping in mind the connections between (North Africa/Middle East, Asia Center, questions in East Asia and the implications of India’s political, military, and humanitarian Russia/NIS, etc.) In 2006, attempts to growing power, and the future of non-proliferation in considerations. The work directed by stabilize and expand the funding of light of the challenges posed by North Korea and Étienne de Durand and Aline Leboeuf programs and to systemize the Iran. The delegation from the RAND Corporation focuses on the phase of stabilization. It has corresponding publications will be a (California), led by its president, James Thomson, lead them to devise the concept of “fluid top priority. included Robert Blackwill, Ambassador Robert Hunter and Steve Larrabee . conflict.” ( Aline Leboeuf ). Volker Perthes, Director of the German Institute for International and Seminars and debates Security Affairs (SWP, Berlin) and Victor Bulmer- Thomas, Director of Chatham House, led expert “Proliferation” program delegations from their own organizations. (in cooperation with the French Atomic December 12-13 Energy Commission) Franco-Polish Seminar: Key Security Issues March 15 (in partnership with the Polish Institute of International Affairs), Warsaw Which Nuclear Posture Review for Washington and Moscow This meeting provided the occasion to review French with Willliam C. Potter , director, Center for Non and Polish strategic thinking and security agendas, Proliferation Studies and Center for Russian and French and Polish cooperation in the context of the Eurasian Studies, Monterey Institute of International European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP) and Studies, Monterey, and Dmitri V. Trenin , Deputy bilateral military cooperation. Director, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Moscow Center. s December 19-20 Globalization exerts tremendous pressure m

a on local production systems through the r Franco-Russian Seminar/MGIMO

g World Economy

o See Russia/NIS. increase in both opportunities and r

P competition. The World Economy program l

a Staff studies interactions between multinational s

r Africa Seminars and Crisis management

e Frédérique Sachwald, Head of the corporations’ activities, the growth in world v

s January 4 economic studies trade and the evolution of national n a r Afghanistan, Laboratory of Complex Luis Miotti, Associate Researcher production systems. T Stabilization Operations • Vincent Vasques, Research Assistant h In light of the military and political operations in c

r Globalization and National

a Afghanistan, this daylong seminar attempted to Catherine Meniane, Assistant e production systems s determine the elements of a stabilization strategy. e

R Like many other EU members, France • February 28 t

r currently fails to achieve high levels of o Peacekeeping Operations p growth. All industrialized countries are now e r Meeting with Lakhdar Brahimi, representative of the l

a faced with an unprecedented level of

u United Nations Secretary-General in Afghanistan. n competition from emerging nations in n a September 12 various industrial activities and services 5 0

0 Actors and Modes and Violence in West Africa This has generated extensive debate 2 with Andreas Mehler, Director of the Institute for around the issues of relocation, African Affairs (IAK, Hamburg). deindustrialization, and, in France, decline. September 28 Since 1993 and the establishment of the Strategic and Regional Implications of the Coup “European Single Market”, European d’Etat in Mauritania companies have been better able to exploit with Alain Antil, University of Rennes economies of scale within Europe. But the acceleration of globalization and innovation Other since 2000 has intensified competitive pressure and modified competitive factors. October 17 China and other emerging countries, as UN and the New Challenges of well as the new members of the EU, now International Security participate in the production networks of 30 A seminar organized in conjunction with the Swedish multinational corporations, a key factor embassy on the 100 th anniversary of Dag allowing these countries to achieve a Hammarskjöld’s birth and the 60 th anniversary of the certain level of industrial specialization in founding of the United Nations. With Frank Belfrage, the manufacture of medium and high the Swedish ambassador to France, Hans Blix, Chairman of the weapons of Mass Destruction technology products. Commission (WMDC) and former Executive In this new context, many EU countries chairman of the United Nations Monitoring lack the attractiveness of emerging Verification and Inspection Commission (“The UN countries for the production of and Arms Control”), Michel Camdessus, former standardized goods or that of the United Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), States for high technology, R&D, and honorary Governor of the Banque de France (“The sophisticated services. France, in UN and Development”), Gareth Evans, President of particular, has had difficulties in achieving the International Crisis Group (ICG) (“The UN and innovation-driven growth that would allow it Crisis Management”), Jean-Marie Guéhenno, United to assume a more favorable position in the Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, and Thierry de Montbrial division of international labor that is (“The UN and its New Challenges”). currently undergoing rapid evolution. November 24 In 2005, The World Economy program The Great North: Key Geopolitical and examined these issues through two Security Issues research projects: Colloquium organized with the Norwegian embassy, chaired by Jonas Gahr Store, Norwegian minister of Foreign Affairs. The future of the French productive Internationalization of R&D and the global Seminars and Conferences s m system in the world economy network of innovation a r

Program: “The Future of the French g o This program analyzes the conditions Since the 1990s, R&D has become productive system within the world r P under which EU countries, particularly increasingly mobile and internationalized. l

economy” a s

France, can reinvigorate their productive R&D has entered the era of globalization, r e performances and sustain growth. The slightly behind other aspects of corporate May 11 v s world economy program’s research activity, but now following a similar dynamic n

Recent Globalization Trends: the Growing Role of a r focused on the organization and location in which offer and demand play their own Emerging Nations T of production around the world in order to role. Until recently, R&D was considered Organized in collaboration with A.T. Kearney • h c identify the preferable orientation for difficult to decentralize since it is funda- Paul Laudicina, Vice-President and managing r a countries like France. mentally related to the firm’s business e director, A.T. Kearney’s Global Business Council, s e

strategy and derives from tacit presented the recent findings of the A.T. R

The question of relocation was at the •

knowledge exchange. Kearney/Foreign Policy Globalization Index 2005. t r

center of the program’s research agenda in o

He focused on emerging economies and compared p e

2005. A focus on relocation, however, Progress in information technology and r

current trends with the A.T. Kearney FDI Confidence l should not obscure the fact there are a communication and developments in firms a Index. Frédérique Sachwald discussed current u n myriad of changes that are restructuring and markets organization however, have n

trends in FDI, international trade, and their impact a the productive systems of high wage stimulated a fragmentation and 5

on the localization of economic activity. 0 0

countries. Relocation is just one of the externalization of certain R&D activities. In 2 channels of change affecting highly the last few years, the phenomenon has “Lisbon Agenda” Program industrialized countries. Thus, one major accelerated with the integration of challenge for these countries is to emerging countries global networks of June 1 anticipate relocations, to enhance the innovation forged by multinationals. The Impact of Enlargement on Localization and resilience and capacity for innovation of Competitiveness EU Businesses In this context, Ifri has worked towards their economies. A joint effort by Ifri and its Brussels branch, Eur-Ifri, situating the French system of innovation with the participation of the European Economic and In 2005, The World Economy program’s within the global map of R&D. This Social Committee (EESC), this one-day conference research produced several publications, research program has resulted in a joint examined the impact of enlargement on the including Growth in France 1950-2030: the publication with the Institut de l’Entreprise: competitiveness of European firms in a globalized Innovation Challenge, by L. Miotti and F. Le Système français d’innovation dans context where production capacities have become Sachwald, in coll. with Françoise Nicolas . l’économie mondiale: enjeux et priorités, increasingly mobile. Travaux et recherches de l’Ifri, 2004, 2 nd ed. by R. Larédo and F. Sachwald (eds.). Speakers included representatives from the 31 2005 and diverse studies presented at April 2005. European Commission, corporate leaders, conferences. economists, and researchers. They came to the Growth and innovation in EU conclusion that if EU firms take advantage of the economies: the Lisbon agenda dynamism of new EU members economies, enlargement may contribute to improving corporate The EU economy was studied in terms of competitiveness. two major issues: the integration of new The conference led to the subsequent publication of member states into the EU system of Does Enlargement Conceal Globalization? production, particularly through Relocation Trends in Europe, S. Radosevic and F. multinational networks developed during Sachwald , Note de l’Ifri n. 58, La Documentation the 1990s; and the Lisbon strategy, a française, October 2005. commitment to transforming the EU into June 15 the world’s leading knowledge-based economy. Developing the European Transport Network In 1993, an EU white paper on growth, This research produced The Impact of EU competitiveness and employment proposed the Enlargement on the Location of construction of trans-European networks for Production in Europe, by F. Sachwald, transportation, energy and telecommunications to be Étude de l’Ifri, February 2005, as well as completed by 2010. The importance of such an two conferences and their subsequent effort has been reaffirmed repeatedly since then. publications. However, the construction of such networks has been hindered by problems of funding and a lack of coordination of national and European priorities. This conference focused on determining ways to speed up the completion of these trans-European networks, with a special emphasis on the problem of funding. s Along with figures from the world of finance, the The program’s main objectives are m

a conference brought together specialists from the r – to identify the trends structuring the g The Trade Policy European Commission and the European Investment o

r system of international trade in order to

P Bank, and members of the European Parliament.

l contribute to the formulation of public a It led to the subsequent publication of Développer s

r and Globalization policies and private strategies.

e les réseaux transeuropéens de transport: quels

v – to influence public debate through the s financements pour une politique ambitieuse?, n contribution of objective information on a

r L. Miotti, V. Vasques and F. Sachwald, Policy Paper

T Governance major economic and social arguments n. 16, August 2005. • shaping the debate on trade policy and h June 30 c

r international economic policy. a

e Future Prospects of the American Debt Program – to promote new ideas within the s e

R With Anton Brender and Florence Pisani, economists European and international context by •

t at Dexia Asset Management, and Jacques Mistral, facilitating interaction between

r France produces little independent o

p financial counselor to the French embassy applied research and debate on trade researchers and a variety of actors in the e r

l in Washington. and globalization. France’s ability to economic and social sectors. a u

n Chairperson: Frédérique Sachwald influence economic strategies both within n The program thrives on the fact that it is a The speakers examined the strengths and the EU and internationally suffers from 5 equidistant from the interests of 0

0 weaknesses of growth in the United States and this fact. The Trade Policy and

2 companies, government, and NGOs and is responded to questions concerning the U.S. trade Globalization Governance Program was oriented toward public interest. In 2005, and budget deficits as well as the structural and established in order to try and overcome the program entered into a partnership with conjectural causes of the debt burden of individual this deficit. the Center for Prospective Studies and American households. International Information (CEPII) in Paris. November 30 The main areas of research Global innovation networks and the role of Staff in 2005 were: emerging countries Jean-Marie Paugam, Program Director – the Doha round of multilateral trade This first Global innovation networks conference, Anne-Sophie Novel, Research Assistant organized in partnership with ANRT (National negotiations, with an emphasis on Association for Technical Research) was the development issues: new economic occasion, in the light of the latest studies, to take challenges and norms, the negotiations stock of the situation relative to R&D internatio- political economy, the international 32 nalisation. It confirmed the dynamism of balance of power, North-South dialogue, internationalization of R&D and the increasing role of and the overall architecture with its some emerging countries in the multinational’s institutional challenges. global innovation networks. This dimension has been – EU regional and bilateral trade addressed by Kalman Kalotay, from the investment agreements, focusing on transatlantic department at the UNCTAD (United Nations economic and trade relations and the Conference on Trade and Development); Jerry Euro-Mediterranean economic Sheehan, from the Sciences and Technology Policy partnership. Division at the OECD, dealt with the implications of – trade and sustainable development, such trends for advanced countries (threat or with a contribution to the series of opportunity?); Fabrice Hatem, head of the debates “France/BIT,” organized by the Observatory of international investments at the Ministry of Employment, Social Cohesion, Invest in France Agency (IFA/AFII), presented latest and Housing on the social repercussions trends of R&D location in Europe. Andrew Dearing, of the internationalization of employment. Secretary-General of the European Industrial – French and EU decision-making Research Management Association (EIRMA), Arnould processes related to trade policy. de Meyer (INSEAD) and F. Sachwald, commented upon the presentations. The program produced several publications, including the Policy Brief Paper, The Future of Special and Differential Treatment: The Twin Challenges of Preference Erosion and Developing Countries Differentiation , by Jean-Marie Paugam, Serge Perrin and Anne-Sophie Novel, Ifri-AFD, December 2005. Seminars and conferences Seminars and debates s m a Seminars r Agricultural March 29 g o

Two breakfast meetings were organized on the r

The Future of Biofuels P road map for WTO negotiations. l

Interest in developing alternative, renewable sources a s

Policy of energy is growing rapidly because of the prospect r March 11 e of durably high oil prices coupled with increasing v s

Hong Kong 2005: French Objectives and the n

concern about climate change. a Road Map for WTO Negotiations r Program The development of biofuels, because they allow for T

This seminar brought together French negotiators to the reduction of greenhouse gas emission, is • h

discuss two themes: the current state of WTO talks c

particularly gaining in credibility. r and the French and EU objectives for the Hong Kong Agricultural policy is in a state of a This seminar explored the future use of biofuels e perpetual change due to the pressure of s ministerial meeting. The debate was opened by e

from a variety of angles, including their agronomic R diverse factors: international trade talks, Pierre Moraillon, chief negotiator for France, director characteristics, the existing and potential techniques • t of international relations, general director of the European enlargement, consumer r of their transformation, and incentive policies o p

Treasury and Economic Policy, Ministry of the environmental concerns, as well as health e promoting their development in various regions. r l

Economy, Finance, and Industry; Emmanuelle and ethical considerations. a u

Butaud, international director, Union des Industries May 7 n n

Through objective analysis, this program a Textiles (UIT); Jean Rodesch, director of European Food and Water from Today in 2025 5

seeks to foster the conditions that can 0 affairs, Pernod Ricard; Henri Rouillé d’Orfeuil, Seminar with Mark Rosegrant , International Food 0 lead to effective compromise on 2 President of the board of Coordination Sud, (umbrella Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Michel Griffon , group of French international solidarity NGOs). agricultural regulations among the the French Agricultural Research Center for various international actors. The program Chairperson: Jean-Marie Paugam International Development (CIRAD). seeks a comprehensive view of Sometime between now and 2025, the world’s June 24 agricultural policy, which necessitates farmers will need to be able to produce food to feed Hong Kong 2005: the Objectives of taking into consideration the varying 8 billion people. While the demand for water from all Developing Countries importance of the agricultural sector in users (industry, domestic users, and all other This second breakfast meeting, organized in the major exporting nations, in emerging species) is in full expansion, the actual resources partnership with the Center for Prospective Studies nations like Brazil, Argentina, India, or available are being exhausted. Will there be enough and International Information (CEPII), focused on the China, as well as in the less- and least- fresh water to produce the food of tomorrow? What economic interests and objectives of the developing developed nations. measures must be taken to prevent water shortages world relative to the negotiations, and the strategies from aggravating the problem of hunger in the of the G20 and G90 countries during the world? These questions were at the heart of the 33 negotiations. Several negotiators and development Staff day’s expert discussion. economists participated, including José Alfredo Pierre Rainelli, Director of Research, October 6 Graça Lima, Brazilian Ambassador to the EU; National Institute of Agronomic 4TH “Agriculture and Globalization” conference Eloi Laourou, counselor to Benin’s permanent European Agriculture on the Eve of Hong Kong mission to the WTO and the UN; Alfredo Tovias, Research (INRA), Rennes, Program Hebrew University of Jerusalem, guest researcher at Director, Associate Researcher Held on the eve of the WTO’s 6 th ministerial meeting in Hong Kong, this international conference sought CEPII and the OECD Center for Development, Guy Legras, Scientific Counselor Pierre Defraigne, Director, Eur-Ifri. to generate propositions on agricultural policy that could be acceptable to all European parties. Among Chairperson: Jean-Marie Paugam Anne-Claire Thomas, Research Assistant the topics of discussion were the conditions by which agricultural products from developing Public International Conference In 2005, the Agricultural Policy Program countries have access to European markets and the October 28 received the generous support of the issue of export subsidies. Along with the French Sologne Group, Crédit Agricole, Trade and Development: the Future of Special Minister of Agriculture and Fishing, Dominique Groupama, Unigrains, the Federation of and Differential Treatment Bussereau, who opened the conference, several Organized in collaboration with the French Agency Producers of Oleaginous and Proteaginous eminent officials participated in the gathering, for Development in anticipation of the ministerial Goods, the General Confederation of Beet including Loyola de Palacio, the former Spanish meeting of the WTO in Hong Kong, this conference Planters, Invivo, and Henri Nallet. Minister of Agriculture and former European focused on two important dimensions of the Commissioner, Marion Guillou, President of the question of development relative to multilateral trade National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA), negotiations: the future of the system of special Jean Bizet, Senator, Pierre Méhaignerie, President of treatment for countries that are the most vulnerable the National Assembly’s Finance, General Economy, in the process of international liberalization; and the and Planning Commission, Jerzy Plewa, Professor, future of differential treatment for developing Warsaw Agricultural University, and former Polish countries, in particular the emerging economies, deputy Minister of Agriculture and given the rules and commitments of the WTO. Rural Development. The conference provided an occasion for experts on This conference led to the publication of Agriculture: these questions from around the world to share their l’enjeu du cycle du développement? insights with a large audience of actors from both 4th “Agriculture and Globalization” Conference, Ifri, the public and private sectors. The main conclusions and Les Politiques agricoles sont-elles of the meeting were collected in a Policy Brief condamnées par la mondialisation? Pierre Rainelli published before the Hong Kong ministerial meeting. (ed.), Brussels, Academia Bruylant, 2005. The totality of the papers is now published. This project was supported by the General Directorate for Trade of the European Commission. s November 14 Research Agenda m a r Brazilian Agriculture: Strengths and Weaknesses The research agenda is divided into three g The Energy and

o with Hervé Théry, director of research at the French r main topics: P National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), l • Energy security and foreign policies of the a guest professor at the University of São Paulo. s

r International United States, China, and the EU; e

v • the major hydrocarbon production zones s

n in the post-September 11 world and the a r

T Relations Program new geopolitics of energy (the Middle

• East and North Africa, Sub-Saharan h c

r Africa, Latin America, Russia, and the

a The Energy and International Relations e post-Soviet states); s

e Program conducts research on the

R • the implications of climate change

• interaction of world energy systems

t policies on international energy markets, r

o (markets, industries, technologies) and

p in particular on the economies of the e r international relations. The program l major hydrocarbon exporters. a

u regularly organizes international n n

a seminars featuring high-level officials Report 5

0 from both the private and public sectors. 0

2 Climate change policies and long-term geostrategies of energy markets, study for Researcher: the Climate Change Management and Pierre Noël, also the head of the Impact Program (GICC) of the French “Energy and climate change” program Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable at the French Center on the United Development, intermediate report, October States (CFE). The two programs Working document coordinate their activities and share “The Implication of Energy Sanctions their resources. against Iran,” P. Noël (see also “publications”).

Seminars and conferences 34 June 13 Oil at $ 50 a Barrel… What Next? Seminar with Emmanuel Bergasse, administrator for central and , International Energy Agency (IEA), Catherine Locatelli, associate researcher, CNRS, University of Grenoble, and Pierre Noël. The price of oil has quadrupled in the last five years. After an analysis of the economic and geopolitical aspects of this evolution, the participants discussed the implications for the new EU members, all of which are highly dependent on Russian oil. Created at the end of 2005, the This program has been launched with the s m

transatlantic program is organized around support of Daimler-Chrysler and France a r

Transatlantic g

three themes that are crucial to the Telecom as well as CSIS financial partners. o r

evolution of the transatlantic dialogue. Each P

The transatlantic dimension, which is a key l theme will be the basis of an international a s

Program aspect to the work of most of the research r

seminar as well as a publication. e

units at Ifri, is particularly central to the v s

work of the French Center on the United n a

Scientific Coordinator: The three themes are: r

States (CFE) and its annual conference. T Dominique Moïsi, special advisor, Ifri • The comparison between European • h

and American approaches to Russia. c Steering Committee : r a

The growing divergences between the e

Thierry de Montbrial, Dominique Moïsi, s two approaches toward Russia as well as e Robin Niblett (CSIS), Jolyon Howorth R the current dynamic of the Russian • t

(Yale University), Ethan Kapstein r government and the future of the EU- o p

(Insead), Michael Inacker (Daimler- e Russia Partnership (particularly r l

Chrysler), Pierre-Antoine Badoz a concerning energy issues) are the u n

(France Telecom). n

subjects of lively debate in Europe. This a 5

project will be run in conjunction with the 0 0

Center for Strategic International Studies 2 (CSIS), Washington. Head of the program: Thomas Gomart, Head of the Russia/NEI program. • The implications of EU enlargement for transatlantic relations. The goal of this project is to compare “social models;” to evaluate the consequences of EU enlargement on NATO and the European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP); to compare European and American strategies 35 towards the Middle East and the Mediterranean world. This project will be run in conjunction with the Institute for European Politics (IEP) in Berlin. Head of the program: Hans Stark, Secretary-General of CERFA, Ifri. • Adaptation to the current phase of globalization: a transatlantic perspective. The goal of this project is to explore the various ways European countries and the United States are adjusting to economic globalization. Identifying the different strategies is a necessary pre-requisite to establishing greater cooperation in transatlantic economic governance. Head of the program: Frédérique Sachwald, Head of economic studies, Ifri. s The program’s research is organized Conferences m

a around three topics: r

g The Migration, January 27 o

r What migration policies for the EU:

P Turkey European Transformations

l the goal is to analyze the challenges and

a With Michael Emerson, Senem Aydin and Sinan s

r Identity, and constraints stemming from an effort to Ulgen , Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels. e

v define EU migration policies: the decision- See also the Cerfa seminar “Citizenship and the s

n making mechanisms, political constraints,

a Challenges of Diversity”, September 12. r

T Citizenship Program demographic trends and the shortages in March 17 • certain sectors of the labor market. h

c Which Citizenship for Which Europe?

r Research will also evaluate the scale of the a The Migration, Identity, and Citizenship With Christophe Bertossi. e movement of people from the eastern to s Program, launched in September 2005, e Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial.

R the western parts of the enlarged EU. studies the phenomenon of human • t r

o migrations and policies affecting them. How to adapt borders to the On-line publications p e

r The program’s main focus is on Europe, globalization of human migration:

l La Turquie dans l’UE ? a the movement of people across borders u a destination for many migrants, many

n Samim Akgönül, Ifri, Policy Papers, n. 18, Paris,

n has become one of the structural a of whom eventually become citizens of September 2005 (foreword by Christophe Bertossi).

5 characteristics of international relations,

0 the countries they settle in, and a testing

0 Are the Canadian immigration policies exportable

2 both quantitatively and qualitatively place for immigration policies. The (involving the diversification of migration to France and the EU? research program is intended to help Denise Helly , Ifri, Policy Papers, n. 15 bis, Paris, routes and populations along with August 2005 (foreword by Christophe Bertossi). policy makers adapt to the realities of globalization of flows). The program human migration and achieve coherent examines the relationship between EU co-development and “neighborhood” countries and countries of emigration and Projects policies in line with migration pressure. It transit in the South and to the East in terms - A joint Franco-Spanish project on a possible EU also addresses the need for the of migration as well as co-development policy concerning immigration inspired by the emergence of a new concept of a EU and neighborhood projects. Mediterranean zone will be undertaken. citizenship resulting from the presence What kind of citizenship for a diverse EU: - A project on a EU neighborhood policy that seeks of large numbers of immigrant groups with the settlement of previous waves of to adjust EU borders to the realities of the phenomenon of human migration. in member states. immigration, Islam has become the EU’s 36 second religion. The question of discrimination based on ethnic, cultural, Staff and religion criteria has become of central Christophe Bertossi, researcher, importance in the debate on the future of associate researcher at the Center for citizenship in the EU. The ability of EU Research in Ethnic Relations, nations to balance the guaranteeing of University of Warwick, and at the equality for all citizens with cementing the Comparative Center for Immigration allegiance of all citizens to fundamental Studies, University of California, institutions in a context of cultural and religious diversity stands as a key topic San Diego. of research.

Studies Les Militaires français issus de l’immigration , by Christophe Bertossi and Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, The Reports of the C2SD, November 2005 (to be published as well by Robert Laffont). Les Migrations clandestines à destination de l’espace Schengen en provenance de l’Afrique subsaharienne, by Christophe Bertossi (work in progress for the Strategic affairs department of the Ministry of Defense). s n o Europe i t a c i l b

Books u P • t

L’Identité de la France et l’Europe r o

Publications p THIERRY DE MONTBRIAL and SABINE JANSEN (eds.), e r

Ifri publishes a quarterly journal Politique étrangère , and an annual publication, Bruxelles, Bruylant. l a

RAMSES. In addition the institute makes its research available to outside u Constitution européenne. n n publications and diverse internal collections and in on-line format (“Note de l’Ifri”, Voter en connaissance de cause a 5

“Policy Papers” and “Working Papers”) . 0 PHILIPPE MOREAU DEFARGES (dir.), 0 Paris, Éditions d’Organisation. 2 Où va l’Europe ? PHILIPPE MOREAU DEFARGES , Paris, Eyrolles.

Publications of the Cerfa Radioscopies de l’Allemagne 2005 CLAIRE DEMESMAY and HANS STARK (eds.), Paris, La Documentation française (this book contains all the texts published in 2004 by the Cerfa in the “Note du Cerfa” and “Visions franco-allemandes”). Qui dirige l’Allemagne ? CLAIRE DEMESMAY and HANS STARK (eds.), Lille, Presses universitaires du Septentrion. La France, l’Allemagne, l’Europe. Politique étrangère RAMSES Perspectives (3). La France et l’Allemagne The quarterly journal, Politique étrangère, (Annual Global Report on the Economic face au budget européen provides readers with the keys to get a grip System and Strategies) MAXIME LEFEBVRE and FRIEDRICH HEINEMANN , « Notes de l’Ifri », n° 57. on current events through the words of a Published annually under the direction of variety of actors of diverse outlooks. In Thierry de Montbrial and Philippe Moreau Electronic publications 37 2005, Politique étrangère devoted articles Defarges, RAMSES combines an to the multiplicity of Islam, the EU evaluation of key developments during (available on ) constitution, instability in Africa, each previous year with a prospective Visions franco-allemandes democratization in the Middle East, the role analysis of major trends shaping the future. of the UN in nation-building, ten years of RAMSES includes comprehensive tables Y a-t-il une politique industrielle commune Euro-Mediterranean partnership, biological with key data, maps and a chronology of pour la France et l’Allemagne ? weapons, Russia’s evolution, the Ukraine, the year. It is an essential resource for HENRIK UTERWEDDE , n° 4, April. and, of course, Iran and Iraq. those involved in policy making, but also France-Allemagne : pour une initiative The journal featured, to a large extent, the for researchers, watchers and students. qui aille au-delà des apparences SYLVIE GOULARD , n° 5, June. work of Ifri researchers but also opened its RAMSES 2006 explored the question of pages to some of the best international global economic and political governance Constitution et construction européennes : analysts (Malika Zeghal, Thérèse Delpech, and the parts of the world in search of a regards français et allemands Brad Roberts, Chandré Gould, Charles new equilibrium: Japan, Russia, and the SABINE VON OPPELN and CARINA SPRUNGK , Wyplosz, Gilles Dorronsoro, Jean-Louis zone that extends from Iran to Morocco; n° 6, October. two chapters analyzed the evolution of Quermonne, Samim Akgönul) as well as “Note du Cerfa” transatlantic and EU relations. the authoritative voices of figures like Le Marché du travail allemand à l’épreuve The second part of the publication Robert Badinter, Lakhdar Brahimi, and du chômage de masse - Une analyse des provided short overviews of developments Miguel Ángel Moratinos. problèmes structurels around the world. Editor-in-chief: Dominique David WERNER EICHHORST and ULRICH WALWEI , n° 19, February. Editorial assistants: Delphine Renard, Le Marché du travail allemand à l’épreuve Marielle Roubach. du chômage de masse - Quelles perspectives d’avenir ? WERNER EICHHORST and ULRICH WALWEI , n° 20, March. La Nouvelle Politique de l’immigration de l’Allemagne STEFFEN ANGENENDT , n° 21, April. L’Extrémisme de droite en Allemagne BERND WAGNER , n° 22, May. s

n L’Allemagne, ses nouveaux Länder et le « L’Allemagne à la recherche de « États-Unis : vers une révolution mondiale » o i

t financement régional de l’Union européenne la majorité perdue » GUILLAUME PARMENTIER , Politique Internationale, a c

i MICHEL -É RIC DUFEIL , n° 23, June. HANS STARK , Regards sur l’économie allemande, n° 107, Spring. l b

u La Fin d’une ère. Le SPD à l’automne n° 73, October. « Les États-Unis et l’OTAN, P

• du gouvernement Schröder « Quel bilan pour la politique étrangère et de De l’Alliance à la Coalition » t r

o FRANZ WALTER , n° 24, July. sécurité de l’Allemagne de Schröder ? » GUILLAUME PARMENTIER , in Annuaire français p e

r HANS STARK , Géopolitique, n° 91, de relations internationales.

l Le Rôle des syndicats et du patronat a September-November. u en Allemagne n n

a ALAIN LATTARD , n° 25, August. « Quelle politique étrangère et de sécurité Russia/NIS 5

0 Germany’s Policy on Russia: pour la grande coalition ? » 0 2 End of the Honeymoon? HANS STARK , Allemagne d’aujourd’hui, « Russie.Nei.Visions » n° 174, October-December. HANNES ADOMEIT , n° 26(a), September (electronic collections of policy papers. Russia and Germany: continuity and changes Also available in French and in Russian on ANDREÏ ZAGORSKI , n° 26(b), September. United States (CFE) ) Victoire à la Pyrrhus : la CDU/CSU dans les élections législatives de 2005 Books A Fine Balance: the Strange Case of Sino- ANDREAS KIEßLING , n° 27, October. Russian Relations BOBO LO, n° 1, April. The International Leadership of Crise et renouveau en Allemagne de l’Est Shared Beighbourhood or New Frontline? The the 109 th Congress RÜDIGER POHL , n° 28, November . Crossroads in Moldova JAMES M. L INDSAY , Ifri-CFE, April. Le Nouveau Discours sur DOV LYNCH , n° 2, April. Fédéralisme et antifédéralisme la justice internationale en Allemagne FRANÇOIS VERGNIOLLE DE CHANTAL , Paris, PUF, « Que Re-writing Russia’s Subsoil Law: From PETER SILLER , n° 29, December. sais-je ? ». Sovereignty to Cicil Law? WILLIAM TOMPSON n° 3, May. Articles Russian Scientists: Where are they? Where are “Working papers” and “Policy Papers” they going? Human Resources and Research « La France qui fronde : l’adhésion (electronic publications available on Policy in Russia de la Turquie en débat » ) IRINA DEZHINA , n° 4, June. CLAIRE DEMESMAY (with E. F OUGIER ), Le Débat, N° 133, From Plans to Substance: EU-Russia Relations Space Program January-February. During the British Presidency 38 « Die französische Malaise im Spiegel Les coopérations spatiales ANDREW MONAGHAN , n° 5, August. der Türkei-Debatte » entre l’Inde et les États-Unis The Relations between Germany and Russia CLAIRE DEMESMAY (with E. F OUGIER ), in LAURENCE NARDON , « Working Paper », April. (double issue in partnership with the Cerfa) A. G IANNAKOPOULOS and K. M ARAS (eds. ), The Evolution of the Euro/Dollar Exchange Rate Die Türkei-Debatte in Europa - Ein Vergleich, “Russie and Germany: Continuity and Changes”, LAURENCE NARDON , « Working Paper », July. Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. ANDREÏ ZAGORSKI , n° 6(a), September; The Still Untrodden Heights: Global Imperative « Frankreich in der Welt: Weltpolitik zwischen “Germany’s policy on Russia: End of the for Space Exploration in the 21 st Century Anspruch und Wirklichkeit » Honeymoon?”, MAÏTÉ JAURÉGUY and CHRISTIAN BECKNER (final report of HANNES ADOMEIT , n° 6(b), September. HANS STARK (with I. K OLBOOM ), in A. K IMMEL the CFE-CSIS-ISU project), August. and H. U TERWEDDE (eds. ), Länderbericht Frankreich , UE Crisis: What Opportunities for Russia? Bonn, Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung. Europeans in Space TIMOFEÏ BORDATCHEV , n° 7, October. LAURENCE NARDON and MAÏTÉ JAURÉGUY (final report of « Un siège permanent pour l’Allemagne the ESA-CFE project), September. au Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU ? » Articles Lunar Missions and Market Perspectives: HANS STARK , Allemagne d’aujourd’hui, the Outlook for Launchers, Fall 2005 n° 172, April-June. « D’une étrange Russie » LAURENCE NARDON , « Working Paper », October. « Allemagne – PECO. Une relation fluctuante » DOMINIQUE DAVID , Études, n° 4021, January. Space Export Control Update, HANS STARK , Courrier des pays de l’Est, n° 1049, June-July. September 2004-November 2005 etyre prostranstva: koncepciâ prošlogo, LAURENCE NARDON and JOHN CARSLON , nas« Čtoâ ego ili budu ego » « Comment gérer l’après-18 septembre ? » « Working Paper », November. (The foŝur spheres: yŝesterday, today or SONIA MARCOUX and EMMANUELLE SAUNIER , Documents, tomorrow concepts?) n° 3, September. Energy and Climate Change THOMAS GOMART , Evropa, n° 5, May. « Le concept d’identié » « Russie : trop-plein d’énergie ou d’inerties ? » Technology Policy for Energy THIERRY DE MONTBRIAL , in L’Identité de la France et THOMAS GOMART , RAMSES 2006. and Climate Change ROBERT C. M ARLAY and BURTON l’Europe, TH. DE MONTBRIAL and S. J ANSEN (eds.), « L’Union européenne et la mer Noire : franchir Bruylant, Brussels. H. K OSKE , « Policy Paper », August. un nouveau cap avec les moyens du bord » « Les autres relations franco-allemandes : THOMAS GOMART , NATO Defense College, Occasional le rôle de la société civile dans le Articles Paper, n° 11, December. rapprochement entre Français et Allemands » CLAIRE DEMESMAY , Transnational Associations, « Est-ce la fin du partenariat transatlantique ? » July-September. NICOLAS DE BOISGROLLIER , RAMSES 2006. « États-Unis/Politique intérieure » FRANÇOIS DE CHANTAL , RAMSES 2006. « L’Allemagne, la France et le conflit s n o

ASIA Economy i

israélo-palestinien » t a

Trade and agriculture programs c


Politique étrangère, n° 2/2005. b Book u Books P « Le partenariat, une méthode européenne • t Korea and the Dual Chinese Challenge r de démocratisation en Méditerranée ? » o p

FRANÇOISE NICOLAS , Korea Institute for International OROTHÉE CHMID Growth in France, 1950-2030: e D S , Politique étrangère, n° 3/2005. r l

Economic Policy (KIEP). The Innovation Challenge a

« La société israélienne : u n

contradictions et divisions » LUIS MIOTTI and FRÉDÉRIQUE SACHWALD , n nd a MARC HECKER , Études , November. « Travaux et recherches de l’Ifri », 2 edition. 5 Articles 0 0

« Maghreb » The Impact of EU Enlargement the 2 « Doit-on craindre le réveil de la Chine ? » KHADIJA MOHSEN -F INAN , in Atlas du Location of Production in Europe FRANÇOISE NICOLAS , Positions et médias, Monde diplomatique . FRÉDÉRIQUE SACHWALD , « Étude de l’ifri », n° 4, February. vol. 51, n° 30, June. « Entre Europe et Méditerranée, Does Enlargement conceal Globalization? « La Chine, pivot de l’intégration quelles fractures ? » Relocation Trends in Europe économique en Asie de l’Est ? » KHADIJA MOHSEN -F INAN ,in EMILIO LA PARRA and THIERRY SLAVO RADOSEVIC and FRÉDÉRIQUE SACHWALD , nd FRANÇOISE NICOLAS , Sociétal, n° 48, 2 trimester. FABRE (eds .), Paix et guerres entre les cultures, « Note de l’Ifri », n° 58, October. « La Corée face à l’émergence Arles, Actes Sud. Le Système français d’innovation dans de l’économie chinoise » « Le pourrissement de la situation l’économie mondiale : enjeux et priorités FRANÇOISE NICOLAS , in S. B OISSEAU DU ROCHER au Sahara occidental » PHILIPPE LARÉDO and FRÉDÉRIQUE SACHWALD (eds .), and F. G ODEMENT (eds .), Asie orientale 2005-2006, KHADIJA MOHSEN -F INAN , in Annuaire Institut de l’entreprise/Ifri, April. Paris, La Documentation française. Méditerranéen 2005, Barcelona. Les Politiques agricoles sont-elles « La géopolitique de l’énergie en Extrême- « Maghreb, stabilité ou sclérose ? » condamnées par la mondialisation ? Orient : nouvel enjeu des relations sino- KHADIJA MOHSEN -F INAN , AFKAR, Institut européen PIERRE RAINELLI (ed.), Brusels, Academia Bruylant. japonaises » de la Méditerranée (IEMED), n° 6. Développer les réseaux transeuropéens VALÉRIE NIQUET , Politique étrangère, n° 4/2005. de transport : quels financements pour « La stratégie de puissance de la Chine » une politique ambitieuse ? Security VALÉRIE NIQUET , in « Guerres et menaces de guerre », LUIS MIOTTI , V INCENT VASQUES and FRÉDÉRIQUE SACHWALD , Cités n° 24, December. « Policy Paper » n°16, August (available on Proliferation papers (electronic publications, ), also published in Bulletin available on ) européen du Moniteur, October. North Africa/Middle East 39 Trends in US Nuclear Policy Books WILLIAM C. P OTTER , n° 11, Spring. Articles Russia’s strategic Forces: Policy, Evolution Musulmans de France et d’Europe « Délocalisations : un danger pour le système and Prospects RÉMY LEVEAU and KHADIJA MOHSEN -F INAN (dir .), productif français ? » YURI E. F EDOROV , n° 12, Summer. Paris, CNRS Éditions. FRÉDÉRIQUE SACHWALD , Encyclopedia Universalis. Russia’s Nuclear Policy in the 21 st Century La défense des intérêts de l’État d’Israël « Délocalisations : promouvoir l’évolution Environment en France MARC HECKER , Paris, L’Harmattan. du système productif français » DMITRI TRENIN , n° 13, Autumn. FRÉDÉRIQUE SACHWALD , dans Demain l’emploi si… Toward Transatlantic Cooperation in Meeting the Paris, Rexecode/Economica. Policy Papers (electronic publications, available Iranian Nuclear Challenge « From Maastricht to Lisbon: EU Strategy in the on ) GEORGE PERKOVICH , n° 14, Winter. Global Knowledge Economy » Religion et politique au Maghreb : FRÉDÉRIQUE SACHWALD , (available on ). les exemples tunisien et marocain Articles « Impact of changing production location FRANCK FREGOSI and MALIKA ZEGHAL , introduced by on Foreign Direct Investment » KHADIJA MOHSEN -F INAN , n° 11, March. « Les vicissitudes du régime de FRÉDÉRIQUE SACHWALD , Tokyo Club Foundation for non-prolifération des armes nucléaires » Iran, Irak, États-Unis : vers un nouvel Global Studies, December (available on JEAN KLEIN , RAMSES 2006. axe régional au Moyen-Orient ? ). RÉMY LEVEAU (ed.), n° 14, March. « Des Balkans à l’Afghanistan : « L’OMC au défi du GATT : bilan les opérations de stabilisation complexes » du système commercial multilatéral » ÉTIENNE DE DURAND , Politique étrangère, n° 2/2005. JEAN -M ARIE PAUGAM , Les Cahiers français, n° 325. Articles « Les conflits fluides : concepts et scénarios » « Une nouvelle donne économique mondiale » ALINE LEBŒUF , Politique étrangère, n° 3/2005. « Le Moyen-Orient entre peurs et espoirs » FRANÇOISE NICOLAS and JEAN -M ARIE PAUGAM , DENIS BAUCHARD , RAMSES 2006. « Le redéploiement global RAMSES 2006. des forces américaines » « Le Maghreb entre ouvertures nécessaires « La politique commerciale de l’Union ÉTIENNE DE DURAND , Politique étrangère, n° 4/2005. et autoritarismes possibles » européenne : le fédéralisme clandestin » KHADIJA MOHSEN -F INAN , RAMSES 2006. RAPHAËL DELPECH and JEAN -M ARIE PAUGAM , Politique étrangère, n° 4/2005. « Maroc : l’émergence de l’islamisme sur la scène politique » KHADIJA MOHSEN -F INAN , RAMSES 2006. s « Impact de l’élargissement sur n o

i International issues

t la localisation de la production en Europe » a c

i FRÉDÉRIQUE SACHWALD , Industrie en France l b

u et mondialisation, Paris, SESSI/Ministère de Book P l’Économie, des Finances et de l’Industrie, January. • t

r Droits d’ingérence o

p PHILIPPE MOREAU DEFARGES , e r Energy l Paris, Presses de Sciences-Po, 2005 a u n n

a Articles published in reviews, books and

5 Articles

0 working papers. 0 2 « L’ONU a soixante ans » « Dépendance pétrolière et politique étrangère PHILIPPE MOREAU DEFARGES , RAMSES 2006. américaine : au-delà des mythes » PIERRE NOËL , in G. C HALLIAND and A. J AFALIAN (eds.) , La Dépendance pétrolière. Mythes et réalités d’un enjeu stratégique, Paris, Encyclopaedia Universalis, 2005. « Approvisionnement énergétique de la Chine : marchés et politiques » PIERRE NOËL and MICHAL MEIDAN , in S. B OISSEAU DU ROCHER and F. G ODEMENT (eds .), Asie – 2005-2006, Paris, La Documentation Française. « L’Afrique dans la nouvelle géopolitique de l’énergie » PIERRE NOËL and PHILIPPE COPINSCHI , Afrique contemporaine, n° 216, 4/2005. « Les États-Unis et le pétrole du Moyen-Orient » PIERRE NOËL , (available on ).

Immigration, identity, citizenship 40 Book

Les militaires français issus de l’immigration CHRISTOPHE BERTOSSI and CATHERINE WIHTOL DE WENDEN , Paris, Centre d’études en sciences sociales de la Défense (C2SD) (to be published by Robert Laffont).

Policy Papers (available on )

La Turquie dans l’Union européenne ? SAMIM AKGÖNÜL , « Policy Paper », n° 18, August (foreword by CHRISTOPHE BERTOSSI ). Les politiques canadiennes d’immigration sont-elles exportables en France et en Europe ? DENISE HELLY , « Policy Paper », n° 15, August (foreword by CHRISTOPHE BERTOSSI ).


« Immigrés (vote des) » et « Turquie (débats sur) » CHRISTOPHE BERTOSSI , in YVES DÉLOYE (ed .), Le Dictionnaire des élections européennes, Paris, Economica. « Introduction » CHRISTOPHE BERTOSSI , in JOHN REX (ed .), Ethnicité et citoyenneté: la sociologie des sociétés multiculturelles, Paris, L’Harmattan. s g n i t e e m n o i s s u c

Public discussion meetings s i d c i l b u P

February 7 24 mars • t January r “Montenegro and the Euro-Atlantic community” “How China is changing the world” o p e With Miodrag Vlahovic, Montenegrin Minister of With Erik Izraelewicz, Assistant Director of the r l

January 11 a Foreign Affairs editorial department, Les Échos. u n n

“How the Arab world sees the war” Chairperson: Dominique David. Chairperson: Frédérique Sachwald. a 5

With Jean-Paul Charnay, Chairman of the Centre of 0

February 10 March 30 0 philosophy of strategy, author of Principes de 2 stratégie arabe and Regards sur l'islam, Freud, “Saudi Arabia between reforms and challenges” “Arab world, Immigration, Islam: ‘new tools’, Marx, Ibn Khaldun (Éditions de l'Herne, 2003). With Madawi Al-Rasheed, Professor of Social new approach” Chairperson: Dominique Moïsi. Anthropology at King's College, London University, In Rémy Leveau’s memoriam. and Stéphane Lacroix , Doctoral Student in Political Chairperson: Denis Bauchard. January 13 Sciences, IEP, Paris. March 31 “Space politics: the stakes and the actors” Chairperson: Denis Bauchard. With Laurence Nardon, Fellow, French Center on the “The European constitution as seen by the United States at Ifri, in the series “Observation and February 17 United States” Theory of International Relations” chaired by Thierry “Coercion and stabilization: from the Balkans to With Esther Brimmer, Senior Research Fellow, de Montbrial. Iraq and Afghanistan” Centre for Transatlantic Relations, Paul H. Nitze January 17 With Étienne de Durand, Fellow at Ifri, Round: School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), “Observation and Theory of International Relations”, Johns Hopkins University, Washington. “The development of the European construction chaired by Thierry de Montbrial and co-organized by Chairperson: Pierre Defraigne. and the relations with the United States” CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers), With Gianfranco Fini, Italian Minister of Foreign Paris. Affairs. April February 24 41 Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial. “France, Germany, and the future of the April 7 January 19 European budget” “Making Europe with the Balkans” With Friedrich Heinemann, senior researcher at the “Syria/Lebanon: the beginning of a new era?” With Fatos Nano, Prime Minister of . Center for European Economic Research (ZEW), in With Elisabeth Picard, Senior Research Fellow, CNRS/IREMAM, and Agnès Favier, Research Fellow, Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial. charge of the task group on European integration, and Maxime Lefebvre , former researcher at Ifri on Collège de France. January 27 European Affairs. Chairperson: Judith Cahen. “The European transformation of Turkey” Chairperson: Hans Stark. April 20 With Senem Aydin, Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels, “Algero-Moroccan relations” Michael Emerson, Senior Research Fellow at CEPS, March With Ali Amar, journalist, Journal hebdomadaire , and Sinan Ulgen, Board Member of the Economics Casablanca, Akram Belkaïd , journalist, La Tribune , Paris, and Benjamin Stora, historian. and Foreign Policy Forum in Istanbul. March 1 st Chairperson: Khadija Mohsen-Finan. Chairperson: Christophe Bertossi. “The future of Europe: Finnish perspectives” With Tarja Halonen, President of Finland. April 28 February Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial. “OSCE – 15 years after the Charter of Paris” With Dimitrij Rupel, President of the Organization for March 14 Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and February 1 st “Putin II: one year after” Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs. “Australian responses to global challenges” With Dmitri Trenin, Deputy Director, Carnegie Chairperson: Thomas Gomart. With Alexander Downer, Australian Minister of Moscow Center. Foreign Affairs Chairperson: Thomas Gomart. Chairperson: Dominique Moïsi. March 17 February 3 “Which citizenship for which Europe” “India and its foreign policy” With Christophe Bertossi, Fellow, Ifri. Series With Xavier de Villepin, Former President of the “Observation and Theory of International Relations” Foreign Affairs Commission of Defense and the chaired by Thierry de Montbrial at the CNAM. Armed Forces of the French Senate. Chairperson: Dominique Moïsi. s November 22 g n

i June October t “European security: the Romanian point of e e view” m

n June 8 October 4 With Traian Basescu, President of Romania. o i

s “Stakes of the presidential elections in Iran” Special guest of honor : President Hamid Karzai s Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial. u

c With Mohammad Sadegh Kharazi, Ambassador of of Afghanistan s

i November 23

d the Islamic Republic of Iran. Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial.

c “What future for the Euro-Mediterranean i l Chairperson: Denis Bauchard. b October 12 Relations?” u P June 9 “French secularism and Islam” Ten years after the launching of the Barcelona • t

r “What sorts of geopolitics between EU and With Olivier Roy, Senior Research fellow, CNRS, for Process, with the participation of: Ali Bensaâd, o

p Russia” the presentation of his book La laïcité face à l'islam Senior Lecturer, University of Provence; Christian e r

l With Thomas Gomart, head of Russia/NIS program (Paris, Stock, 2005). Bromberger, Professor, University of Provence; a u

n at Ifri, Series “Observation and Theory of Thierry Fabre, in charge of the Euromed Unit,

n Chairperson: Khadija Mohsen-Finan. a International Relations” chaired by Thierry de Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme, 5 October 18 0 Montbrial at the CNAM. Aix-en-Provence; Khadija Mohsen-Finan, Research 0

2 “The terrorist ideology explained” June 14 Fellow, Ifri; Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, Senior With Gilles Kepel, Senior Research Fellow, Middle Research Fellow, CNRS/CERI; Dimitri Nicolaïdis, “Ukraine: Reshaping the security policy” East/Mediterranean, IEP Paris, and Jean-Pierre Historian, Paris VIII. In the framework of a closed seminar, Anatoly Milelli, Professor, IEP Paris, co-directors of Al-Qaida Chairperson: Denis Bauchard. Grytsenko, Minister of Defence of Ukraine, gave a dans le texte (PUF, 2005), and Omar Saghi, brief presentation on the Ukrainian orientations in Stéphane Lacroix and Thomas Hegghammer, co- November 28 the security field. authors of the book, doctoral students. “Poland after the Elections” Chairperson: Dominique David. Chairperson: Khadija Mohsen-Finan. With Olivier Louis, Chief of the economic mission for central Europe and Baltic Countries, DREE-Trésor, June 15 October 19 French Embassy in Warsaw, and Georges Mink, “Which Europe after May 19” “The Slovak Republic and the European and research Fellow, LASP, CNRS. With Jolyon Howorth, Professor, Yale University, International stakes” Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial. Senior Associate at Ifri, European Security With Magdalena Vasaryova, State Minister, Ministry Department, Dominique Moïsi, Special Advisor, Ifri, of Foreign Affairs, Slovak Republic. Philippe Moreau Defarges, Senior Fellow, Ifri, co- Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial. December director of RAMSES, Hans Stark, Director of the Research Center on Franco German Relations October 20 42 December 13 (Cerfa), Ifri. “Palestinian and Israeli societies between “Iraq between political uncertainties and oil Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial. confrontation and reconciliation” With Sylvain Cypel, journalist, Le Monde , author of stakes” June 30 Les emmurés . La société israélienne dans l’impasse With Dunia Chalabi, Expert, Middle East/North “How far can the American debt grow?” (Paris, La Découverte, 2005). Africa, International Energy Agency (IEA), and Pierre- With Anton Brender and Florence Pisani, economists Jean Luizard, Senior Research Fellow, CNRS. Chairperson: Denis Bauchard. at Dexia Asset Management, and Jacques Mistral, Chairperson: Judith Cahen. Secretary, financial consultant for the French 20 décembre Embassy in Washington. November Chairperson: Frédérique Sachwald. “Serbia on its way to Europe” With Boris Tadic, President of Serbia. November 15 Chairperson: Xavier de Villepin, honorary senator, “What is the future for Ukraine, one year after September member of the Ifri Board of Directors. orange revolution” With Viktor Iouchtchenko, President of Ukraine. September 22 Chairperson: Thierry de Montbrial. “Muslims in France and Europe” With Valérie Amiraux, Research Fellow CNRS; November 17 Sophie Body-Gendrot, Professor, University Paris- “The Macedonian way toward Europe” Sorbonne and Research Fellow, CESDIP/CNRS; With Ilinka Mitreva, Macedonian Minister of Foreign Khadija Mohsen-Finan, Research Fellow, Ifri and Affairs. Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, Senior Research Chairperson: Éliane Mossé. Fellow, CNRS; for the presentation of Musulmans de France et d'Europe , edited by Rémy Leveau and Khadija Mohsen-Finan (CNRS Éditions, 2005). June 7 October 6 s g n i Eur-Ifri (Brussels) Europe, two no’s after After the German elections, which coalition and t e With Thomas Ferenczi, journalist, Chief of the which consequences for the EU? e m

Conferences Brussels office, Le Monde . With Hans Stark, General Secretary of the Research n o i

Center on Franco-German Relations (Cerfa). s May 20 June 21 s u

October 10 c s

The EU between the “Yes” and French “No” Trade diplomacy: how do big negotiations work i in practice? The Case of Mercosur. What's the Cost of an Uncoordinated Position of d With Philipe Herzog, President of Confrontations c i l

Europe, Charles Jenkins, Director of Western With Karl Falkenberg, Director, DG Trade, European the UE at the World Bank? b u

Europe, The Economist , Diego López Garrido, Commission. With Hervé Carré, General Director for Economic and P •

Financial Affairs at the European Commission and t member of the Spanish parliament (PSOE), former July 5 r o member of the European Convention, Kalypso Bernard Snoy , Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and p e

How to improve the transition of COREPER to 25? r

Nicolaïdis, Vincent Wright Professor at the IEP, Paris, Environmental Activities. l With Jan De Bock, Ambassador Permanent a u

Étienne de Poncins, Chief of staff of the French Chairperson: Jean-Paul Mingasson, Unice . n

Representative of . n Minister delegate for European Affairs, Jan a

October 18 5

Tombinski, Ambassador of Poland to France. July 12 0 0

European Union, Five months after the French 2 Chairperson: Pierre Defraigne. Preventing and managing financial instability in and Dutch reject the Euro area July 11 With Jean-Louis Bourlanges, Member of European With Alexander Lamfalussy, Former President EMI. Germany: the Weaknesses of a Competitive Parliament (UDF-ADLE). Economy September 6 October 25 With Hans-Helmut Kotz, member of the Board of European economic governance Governors of the Bundesbank. With Jean Pisani-Ferry, Director of Bruegel. Eurogoup: towards a strengthened European economic governance? Chairperson: Gerhard Stahl, Secretary General of the September 20 With Grégoire Brouhns, Director General, Social and Committee on Regions and Pierre Defraigne . The four workshops of Euro Economic Affairs, Secretariat General of the With Pervenche Beres, Member of European European Council. Lunch discussions: “Eur-Ifri’s Tuesdays” Parliament, Socialist Group. November 15 April 19 September 27 The 25 Members Commission at work The EU’s Constitution: Would United Kingdom Global and European environmental challenges With Sabine Weyand, Head of cabinet of say No? With Catherine Day, Director General, DG Commissioner Louis Michel, European Commission. With Matthew Baldwin, Head of Unit for Market environment, European Commission. November 22 Access, DG Trade, European Commission. 43 October 4 Recent Developments of the Council over Six April 26 What’s at stake with regard to the social model Years The EU’s Constitution: France between ‘yes’ in the upcoming European council of end October With Jean-Claude Piris, Director General of the and ‘no’ With John Monks , General Secretary, European Legal Service of the Council of the European Union. With Philippe Ries, journalist, chief of the Agence Trade Union Confederation. December 8 France Presse Office in Brussels. Why the needs a political dimension? May 3 With Wolfgang Munchau, Associate Editor, Financial Fiscality: a European perspective Times . With Robert Verrue, Director General, DG Taxation December 13 and Customs Union, European Commission. , globalization and adaptation May 17 strategies Growth and inequalities in EU: trade-off With Eric Le Boucher, Editor, Le Monde. or win-win? With André Sapir, Professor at the Université Libre In 2006, Eur-Ifri projects notably to organize de Bruxelles. two conferences: May 31 1) on the European social model; Trade diplomacy: how are big negotiations led? 2) on the geopolitical dimensions of The case of the WTO. environmental governance. With Hervé Jouanjean, Deputy Director General, DG External Relations, European Commission. t r o p e r Staff (as at April 30, 2006) l a u n n a Thierry de Montbrial, 5 0

0 Member of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques, President • Thérèse Vigne, Assistant 2 Dominique David, Executive Vice President • Marie-France Feigenbaum, Assistant Dominique Moïsi, Special Advisor Marie-Claude de Saint-Hilaire, Special Assistant to the President

Research Development

Europe International Economy Development direction Research Center on Franco-German Frédérique Sachwald Brynhild Dumas, vice-President Relations (Cerfa) Julien Raffo for Development Hans Stark Luis Miotti Dominique Desgranges, Claire Demesmay Vincent Vasques, Prospects Researcher Janine Ziegler • Emmanuelle Saunier, Research Assistant Marie-Josèphe Turpault, Membership Research Assistants Catherine Meniane, Assistant Relations Assistant

Franco-Austrian Center (CFA) Transatlantic Program Communication Dominique Moïsi, Éliane Mossé, Advisor Natacha Crance, Scientific Coordination Communication Assistant Eur-Ifri Thomas Gomart, Édouard Laniesse, Webmaster Pierre Defraigne (Brussels) Frédérique Sachwald Chloé Debay-Cornish, Assistant Hans Stark

44 French Center on the United States (CFE) Migrations, Identities, Administrative Staff Guillaume Parmentier Citizenships Program Florent Baran, Vice President for Finance Laurence Nardon Christophe Bertossi and Administration Pierre Noël Martine Breux, Assistant Corinne Bureau, François Vergniolle de Chantal Assistant of the Vice President for Maïté Jaureguy-Naudin Energy and international Finance and Administration Marie Techer, Assistant relations Program Alexandre Houdayer, Pierre Noël Adviser to the Vice President for Finance Centre Asie Ifri and Administration Senior Reseach Associates Valérie Niquet Bernadette Chartrin, Accountant Ethan Kapstein Françoise Nicolas Françoise Henry, Assistant Frédéric Bozo Cécile Campagne, Assistant Valentina Frate, Dayra Gastine, Receptionists Russia/NIS RAMSES Alex Maleau, Service Engineer Thomas Gomart Thierry de Montbrial and Tatiana Jean, Research Assistant Philippe Moreau Defarges, Library and Resource Center Catherine Meniane, Assistant co-directors Olivier Javay, Head of the center Marie-Claire Bani-Amer, Assistant Daniel Marier North Africa/Middle East Azra Isakovich Denis Bauchard Politique étrangère Khadija Mohsen-Finan Dominique David, Editor-in-chief General Services Judith Cahen Nathalie Hartmann, Dorothée Schmid Publications Head of Facilities Jeanne Frey, Assistant Delphine Renard, Marielle Roubach, Editorial Assistant Selim Bouabsa • Mustapha Zitouni Security Studies Étienne de Durand Researchers’ biographies are available Information System Jean Klein on the Ifri website (). Daniel Safon, Information System Aline Lebœuf Supervisor Jolyon Howorth Françoise Thomas, Assistant t r o p e Board of directors r l a u

(as at December 31, 2005) n n a 5 0 0

Chairman Philippe Marini , 2 Bertrand Collomb , General Rapporteur of the Finances Committee French Senate Member of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques, Jean Peyrelevade , Chairman of Lafarge Partner, Toulouse et Associés Deputy Chairman and Secretary Jean Rannou , René Galy-Dejean , Senior Advisor of the Court of Accounts, Former Air Force Chief of Staff Member of Parliament and Mayor of the 15 th district in Paris Louis Schweitzer , Deputy Chairman and Treasurer Chairman of the board of Renault Pierre Joxe , Yves-Thibault de Silguy , Former Minister, Member of the Conseil Constitutionnel Senior Executive Vice-President in charge of international affairs of Suez Members: Jean-François Trogrlic , Robert Badinter , Advisor for Social Affairs, permanent mission of France to the United Former Minister, Senator Nations Office, Geneva François Bujon de L’Estang , Ambassador of France, Chairman of Citigroup France Hubert Védrine , Former French Foreign Affairs Minister Michel Camdessus , Honorary Governor of the Banque de France, former Managing Simone Veil , Director of the IMF Former State Minister, former President of the European Parliament Jean-Claude Casanova , André Villeneuve , Member of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques, Director of Chairman of Euronext. LIFFE the Journal Commentaire Xavier de Villepin , Bertrand Dufourcq , Honorary Senator Ambassador of France, Chairman of the Fondation de France Prosper Weil , Alain Dupont , Member of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques Chairman and CEO of Colas 45 Anne-Marie Idrac , Chairman and CEO of RATP

Members of the advisory board (as at December 31, 2005)

Chairman Pierre Jacquet, Thierry de Montbrial, Executive Director (Strategy), Chief Economist President, Ifri French Development Agency (Agence Francaise de Développement - AFD) Membres : Dr Karl Kaiser, Jean d’Amecourt, Ralph I. Strauss Visiting Professor, Harvard University Director of Strategic Affairs, French Ministry of Defense Bassma Kodmani, François Bujon de L’Estang, Research Associate, Collège de France, Director, Arab Reform Initiative Chairman, CITIGROUP France Pierre Levy, Jean-Claude Casanova, Director, Policy Planning Staff (Centre d’analyse et de prévision) Member of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques, Director French Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Journal Commentaire Dominique Moïsi, Bertrand Collomb, Special Advisor, Ifri President, Lafarge Jean-Christophe Romer, Marta Dassu, Director, Center for the Study of Defense History (Centre d'études Director, Aspen Institute Italia d'histoire de la défense) Thérèse Delpech, Olivier Roy, Director of Strategic Studies, Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) Research Director at the CNRS (French National Center Nicole Gnesotto, for Scientific Research) Director, European Union-Institute for Security Studies x e n n

a Financial annex l a i c n a n i F • t r o p e r l a u n n a 5 0 0 2

Consolidated balance sheet (euros)

2004 2005

Assets Net value Cost Deprecation Net value Liabilities 2004 2005 Provisions

Fixed assets Funds

Intangible assets 7 037 289 393 279 579 9 814 General fund 8 470 553 8 470 553 Reserve 1 015 373 1 203 251 Tangible assets 8 042 346 10 994 128 3 028 034 7 966 094 Restricted fund 47 47 Deferred grant income 224 702 41 702 Financial assets 19 239 54 808 10 061 44 747 Net income for the year 184 910 -211 800

Fixed assets 8 068 622 11 338 329 3 317 674 8 020 655 Funds 9 895 585 9 503 753 46

Current assets Provisions 258 849 296 830

Inventories 2 515 2 514 2 514 Creditors Prepayement and accrued income 73 983 75980 75 980 Bank overdrafts 250 250 Account receivable 438 096 600 663 600 663 Others debtors 34 749 40 788 40 788 Account payable 377 951 236 624 and other liabilities Portfolio (fixed interests) 2 819 976 1 883 626 1 883 626 Bank balances 189 030 81 670 81 670 Taxes and social securitiy 528 421 516 917

Accruals and deferred income 565 915 151 522 Current assets 3 558 349 2 685 241 2 685 241 Current liabilities 1 731 386 1 202 143

TOTAL ASSETS 11 626 971 14 023 570 3 317 674 10 705 896 TOTAL LIABILITIES 11 626 971 10 705 896 x e n n a l a i c n a n i F • t r o p e r l a u n n a 5 0 0 2

Consolidated accounts (euros)

Expenditure 2004 2005 Income 2004 2005

Expenditure 61 252 74 013 Public grants 2 035 276 1 893 497 Stationary 35 381 32 579 Power and water 15 769 13 955 Books 3 540 27 479 Donations and members suscriptions 1 261 401 980 794 Paper for Ifri’s journal 6 562

Other expenditures 1 452 926 1 616 810 Printing 105 113 39 961 Research funding 1 713 740 1 840 787 Rental for machinery 50 412 141 807 Maintenance 92 464 101 275 Subscriptions to Ifri’s Journal 135 973 Insurance 13 693 14 382 Documentation 66 658 67 496 Honoraria and professional services 504 459 660 933 Other income 177 187 240 229 Donations, membership subscription 15 775 12 468 General travel and meetings 501 345 474 544 47 Postage and telephone 103 007 103 944 Sundry expenses

Taxes 384 154 370 108

Staff costs 2 798 784 2 757 983

Deprecation and provisions 326 392 307 802

Deferred grant income 175 598 1 700

Operational activities expenditure 5 199 106 5 128 416 Operational activities expenditure 5 323 577 4 955 307

Financial costs 7 063 12 371 Financial income 49 178 56 599

Exceptionnal costs 164 000 Exceptionnal income 18 324 81 081

Net income for the year 184 910 Net expenditure for the year 211 800

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 5 391 079 5 304 787 TOTAL INCOME 5 391 079 5 304 787

© Photothèque Ifri Christophe Peus

Réalisation : Trocadéro

Imprimé en France – juillet 2006 x e n n a l a i c n a n i F • t r o p e r l a u n n a 5 0 0 2

Consolidated accounts (euros)

Expenditure 2004 2005 Income 2004 2005

Expenditure 61 252 74 013 Public grants 2 035 276 1 893 497 Stationary 35 381 32 579 Power and water 15 769 13 955 Books 3 540 27 479 Donations and members suscriptions 1 261 401 980 794 Paper for Ifri’s journal 6 562

Other expenditures 1 452 926 1 616 810 Printing 105 113 39 961 Research funding 1 713 740 1 840 787 Rental for machinery 50 412 141 807 Maintenance 92 464 101 275 Subscriptions to Ifri’s Journal 135 973 Insurance 13 693 14 382 Documentation 66 658 67 496 Honoraria and professional services 504 459 660 933 Other income 177 187 240 229 Donations, membership subscription 15 775 12 468 General travel and meetings 501 345 474 544 47 Postage and telephone 103 007 103 944 Sundry expenses

Taxes 384 154 370 108

Staff costs 2 798 784 2 757 983

Deprecation and provisions 326 392 307 802

Deferred grant income 175 598 1 700

Operational activities expenditure 5 199 106 5 128 416 Operational activities expenditure 5 323 577 4 955 307

Financial costs 7 063 12 371 Financial income 49 178 56 599

Exceptionnal costs 164 000 Exceptionnal income 18 324 81 081

Net income for the year 184 910 Net expenditure for the year 211 800

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 5 391 079 5 304 787 TOTAL INCOME 5 391 079 5 304 787

© Photothèque Ifri Christophe Peus

Réalisation : Trocadéro

Imprimé en France – juillet 2006 guerre énergiestratégienégociation énergiecriseénergie avenirgouvernancegouvernance stratégie guerre 2005 annual report négociationsstratégienégociation ; guerreénergie gouvernance! stratégieénergiecrise gouvernancenégociationcrisestratégieavenir guerreguerre 27 rue de la Procession - 75740 Paris Cedex 15 gouvernanceavenir avenir Tél. : 33 (0) 1 40 61 60 00 - Fax : 33 (0) 1 40 61 60 60 négociation gouvernancestratégie