Council and Commission Decision of 29 March 2010 on the Conclusion Of
29.4.2010 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 108/1 II (Non-legislative acts) INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS COUNCIL AND COMMISSION DECISION of 29 March 2010 on the conclusion of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Montenegro, of the other part (2010/224/EU, Euratom) THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE EUROPEAN (3) As a consequence of the entry into force of the Treaty of COMMISSION, Lisbon on 1 December 2009, the European Union has replaced and succeeded the European Community. Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 217 in conjunction with (4) The Agreement should be approved, Article 218(6)(a) and (8) thereof, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic HAVE ADOPTED THIS DECISION: Energy Community, and in particular the second paragraph of Article 101 thereof, Article 1 Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission, The Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the Euro Having regard to the consent of the European Parliament, pean Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Montenegro, of the other part, the Annexes and Protocols annexed thereto, as well as the joint declarations and Having regard to the approval of the Council granted pursuant to the declaration by the Community attached to the Final Act, are Article 101 of the Treaty establishing the European Atomic hereby approved on behalf of the European Union and the Euro Energy Community, pean Atomic Energy Community.
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