En En Joint Meeting of the Committees on Foreign
EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ««« « « « « 1999 « « 2004 ««« Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy PE/I/PV/02-12 MINUTES of the meeting of 3 June 2002, 15.00 - 18.30 and 4 June 2002, 09.00 - 12.30 BRUSSELS The meeting opened at 15.00 on Wednesday, 3 June 2002, with Elmar Brok, chairman, in the chair. He welcomed colleagues from the foreign and defence committees of the Member State parliaments to the joint meeting. He then made an introductory statement on the repercussions of 11 September on the common foreign and security policy. The Commissioner responsible for external relations, Chris Patten, spoke on the Commission’s role in EU crisis management, focusing in particular on the trouble spots of Afghanistan, India/Pakistan, the Middle East and Southeast Europe. Speakers: Janssen van Raay (NL), Tana De Zulueta (It), Jannis Sakellariou (EP), Mariella Giannokou-Koutsikou (GR), Elizabeth Lynne (EP), Fiorello Provera (It), Jürgen Schröder (EP), Peter Pitz (Aut.), Fabian Hamilton (UK), Pedro Marset Campos (EP), Arthur Paecht (F), Karl von Wogau (EP), Baroness Sarah Ludford (EP), Michel Caldagues (F), John Walls Cushnahan, Cecilia Malmström, José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Elisabeth Schroedter (all EP). General Gustav Hägglund, chairman of the EU Military Committee, spoke about the military aspect of crisis management in the EU. Speakers: Jaakko Laakso (FIN), Geoffrey Van Orden (EP), Bert Koenders (NL), Karl von Wogau (EP), Arthur Paecht (F), Marietta Giannakou (GR), Maj Britt Theorin (EP), Miranda Calha (P), Elisabeth Schroedter (EP), Tino Bedin (It.). The chairman, Elmar Brok, closed the meeting at 18.30 and thanked the PV\471633DE.doc PE 320.188 EN EN colleagues from the national parliaments for their participation.
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