SECOND EDITION A Swift, Elusive Sword WHAT IF SUN TZU AND JOHN BOYD DID A NATIONAL DEFENSE REVIEW? ch’i cheng CHESTER W. RICHARDS This study is a product of the Center for Defense Information’s new Military Reform Project. The project’s goal is to regenerate vigorous debate over the uses, strategy, doctrine, and forces of the U.S. military, and to address the deep institutional problems currently vexing the military. The project intends to serve as a home for military reformers, and its products are being designed as tools for expression of a wide range of analysis and views. Interested parties are invited to contact the project for further information:, Marcus Corbin,
[email protected], 202-797-5282. A draft of this study was discussed at a seminar held at the Center for Defense Information on March 28, 2001. The author and CDI would like to thank the attendees for their invaluable contributions and input. The study represents the views of the author alone, not of the attendees nor the Department of Defense or other organizations the attendees are affiliated with. Participants included General Pat Garvey, NYNM, Charles A. Leader, Franklin C. Spinney, Major Don Vandergriff, U.S.A., Colonel Michael Wyly, U.S.M.C. (Ret.), and Major Chris Yunker, U.S.M.C. (Ret.). Thanks also go to Gen. Charles Krulak, U.S.M.C. (Ret.), former Commandant of the Marine Corps, for reviewing the manuscript and providing helpful comments. Again, the views in the final product are those of the author.