Tours for Adults DEC 2017 – MAY 2019

TOUR TOUR Sacred Jerusalem of Stone

People of faith have venerated Jerusalem as a sa- Jerusalem‘s Meleke stone is a distinctive part of the cred place for more than 2,000 years. Adherents to city‘s image. The white limestone gleams golden in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam erected monumental the sun. Many walls in Jerusalem are built out of this sacred structures in the city, which have been used stone, including the Wailing Wall, which was formerly and revered for millennia. To this day, these sites are the of the second Jewish Temple. Taking of central significance to people of religious faith. Time Jerusalem as a center of three major world religions, after time, conflicts have erupted over sites and build- we trace the cultural history of its walls. We examine ings in Jerusalem. The tour focuses on the historic and the Wailing Wall and the cemetery walls as well as the religious significance of the Temple, the Church of the wall, the newer Israeli security barriers, and Holy Sepulcher, the Dome of the Rock, and the metaphorical walls. Walls are powerful rulers, for they Al-Aqsa Mosque. The guide will demonstrate and affect people’s lives and are highly ambiguous – one explain many aspects of these buildings. person’s protection is another person‘s menace.


Price: 60 € + admissions for up to fifteen ppl. Price: 60 € + admissions for up to fifteen ppl.

TOUR TOUR Historic Jerusalem Jerusalem in Conflict

Jerusalem, the world’s bellybutton? Indeed, Medieval This tour explores political and sometimes violent maps represent Jerusalem as the midpoint of the conflicts in and around the city of Jerusalem since the known world. This tour gives an historical overview of era of the British Mandate. We will look at demographic the developments and epochs of one of the world’s changes resulting from increased Jewish immigration oldest inhabited cities, from its central role in the to in the late nineteenth and early twentieth Kingdom of Judea to the Jerusalem of today, which is centuries as well as the ideological influences of Zion- claimed as a capital by both and Palestine. ism and Palestinian nationalism. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine is highly complex and has DURATION MAX geopolitical, economic, and religious dimensions. The 1 h 15 tour considers both Israeli and Palestinian perspectives Price: 60 € + admissions for up to fifteen ppl. on the conflict and also discusses the significance of the conflict in Germany.


Price: 60 € + admissions for up to fifteen ppl.

1 TOUR TOUR German Jews during the National Socialist Era Through Architectural Eyes

The tour explores both exhibits from the Jewish Muse- The postmodern architecture of Daniel Libeskind, with um collection and the architecture of Daniel Libeskind. its references to German-Jewish history, creates a The three axes of the Libeskind building stand for distinctive experience of space at the Jewish Muse- continuity of Jewish life in Germany, the attempt to um Berlin. The walls are tilted, the floor on an incline. begin anew in exile, and the systematic murder of The building looks different from other museums. The European Jews. We are showing the wedding rings of buildings shape and use of materials are poignant and the parents of Nobel laureate Nelly Sachs who emigrat- evocative. We discuss your perceptions of the architec- ed to Stockholm, and the photo album of the Kozower ture and decode Daniel Libeskind’s underlying concept. family, which was deported to Theresienstadt. These Take part in a playful and sensory interpretation of the and other exhibits allow insights into biographies of museum’s angles, inclines, and voids. German Jews between 1933 and 1945. DURATION MAX DURATION MAX 1 h 15 1 h 15 Price: 60 € + admissions for up to fifteen ppl. Price: 60 € + admissions for up to fifteen ppl.

2 Information on Reservations + Contact Details

Contact and group reservations Education department Tel.: +49 (30) - 25993 305 (Monday–Friday, 10am–4pm) Fax: +49 (30) 2599-3412

E-Mail: [email protected]

In what languages are programs offered? All information at the exhibition of the Jewish Museum Berlin is available in German and English. Tours are offered in German, English, French, Italian, and Hebrew. If you are interested in tours in other languages, please contact us directly.

How far in advance should I reserve? Four to six weeks before the desired date.

How many people may participate in a tour? Please also let us know if you would like to Up to 15 people per tour. visit the museum with a group but without For a given topic, two tours can be given in parallel. reserving a tour. If the visitor traffic in the museum is very high, unannounced groups What should I keep in mind for arrival at the museum? may not be admitted. Plan to arrive twenty to thirty minutes in advance for the security check. Jewish Museum Berlin Lindenstraße 9 – 14 How and when should I pay? 10969 Berlin You can pay the fees by cash or card in person (German debit or Visa).

What should I do in the event of a delay or cancellation? Opening Hours If there is a delay of more than 15 minutes after the Daily 10am–8pm, scheduled start of the tour, you lose your entitlement visitors may be admitted starting 9:30am to the reserved tour. After paying the regular admission fee, you can visit the museum individually. Getting Here If a cancellation is made up to five working days before U1 Hallesches Tor the reservation, no fees are charged. Later cancella- U6 Kochstraße, Hallesches Tor tions are subject to fees. Buslinien M41, M29, 248