
General information about the region……………………………3 Legal status……….………………………………………………....3 Region (Kuzbass) symbols ………..…………………. 3 Kemerovo Region (Kuzbass) governmental authorities …….…… 4 Administrative-territorial division ……………...…………………. 4 Population………………………………………………………... 4 Territory environmental conditions ……………………………... 5 General climate resources ……………………………….………... 5 Natural resources …..…………………………………………….. 5 Economy ….…………………………………………………...... 8 Industry ………………………………………………………….. 8 Construction industry ..……………………………………...... 11 Agriculture ……….……………………………………………... 12 Consumer market ………………………………………………... 12 Entrepreneurship ……..………..………..…………………...... 13 International activity …………………………………………….. 14 Transport infrastructure ……….………..…………………...... 14 Communications………………………………………………….. 16 Investments ..…………………………………………………...... 17 Finances and taxes ..…………………………………………….. 17 Regional banking sector ………….……………………………... 18 Social complex…………….……………………………………... 18 Education ….……………………………..………………………. 18 Professional education and science ……....……………………... 19 Healthcare system………………………………………………… 19 Population social welfare …….…………………………………. 20 Physical training and sport …..…………………………………... 21 State youth policy ………………………..……………………….... 21 Culture…………………….………..……………..…………….….. 21 National policy ……………..……………………..……………….. 22 Travel industry. ……………………………………………….…….23 Media………………………………...…………………..………….25 Social and religious organizations ………………….…..……….. 25 Main aspects of Kemerovo Region (Kuzbass) social and economic development in 2018-2019 ……………..……………... 27


General information about the region

Legal status

According to Decree No 5 adopted by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on 26 January, 1943, Kemerovo region was formed out of the territory belonging to Novosibirsk Region. Under the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) is an equal federative unit of the Russian Federation. It has all state powers (legislative, executive, judicial) on all territory except the powers, which following the Constitution of the Russian Federation belong to the federal state governmental authorities. The status of the regione is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation ans the Charter of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass).

Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) symbols

Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) symbols were adopted by the Law of Kemerovo region on 7 June, 2002 (No 42-OZ «On the symbols of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass)» (the Law of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) as revised on 10 March, 2020, No 23-OZ).

Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) coat-of-arms Kemerovo Region (Kuzbass) flag


Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) governmental authorities

As of 31 December, 2019 - Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) Legislative Assembly is the representative agency of State power in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). - the elections date of the fourth session deputies is 9 September, 2018. - the deputies term in office is 5 years. - Petrov Vyacheslav Anatolievich is the Chairman of the Council of People's Deputies in Kemerovo region (since 1 December, 2019 - Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) Legislative Assembly). He was elected on 14 September, 2018. Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) Legislative Assembly zip-code: 58, Sevetsky Avenue, Kemerovo, 650064. Telephones: 45-04-50, 58-09-45 , fax 58-54-51. Senior public official of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) is the govenor of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass), Sergey Evgenievich Tsivilev. The date of empowerment – 17,September, 2018. Term of office – 5 years. The supreme executive agency of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) is the Government of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). The Government of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) is headed by the governor of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). Postal address: 62, Sevetsky Avenue, Kemerovo, 650064. Telephone/fax 36-34-09. Governmental executive agencies of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass): Election Committee of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) Human-rights ombudsman in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) Children's rights ombudsman in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) Business Rights Commissioner in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) Accounts Chamber of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass)

Administrative-territorial division

As of 31 December, 2019 there were: 84 municipal units : 16 urban districts; 5 municipal areas; 13 municipal districts; 10 municipal settlements; 40 rural settlements. The city of Kemerovo is the administrative center of the region. Population is 556,4 thousand people.


As of 31 December, 2019 the population of the region was 2657,9 thousand people (15,5 % of Siberian Federal District, 1,8% of the Russian Federation). The share in total population: urban population – 86,1 %; rural population – 13,9 %;


men – 46 %; women – 54 %.

Territory environmental conditions Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) is located in southeastern part of Western . The area of the region is 95,700 km2, which makes up 4% of the territory of Western Siberia and 0,6% of the territory of the Russian Federation. Kemerovo region has only land administrative borders. In the North it borders on Region, in the East — on Krasnoyarsky region and the Republic of Khakasiya, in the South — on the Republic of Altay and Altay region (the borders stretch along the main mountain ranges of the Mountain Shoriya and Mountain Range), in the West — on Novosibirsk region. The main peculiarity of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) geographical position is that it is located near the center of Eurasia, on the border of Western and Eastern Siberia. It is situated quite far from the seas. Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) is located in southeastern part of Western Siberia. The North of the region is represented by the southeastern part of Western Siberia Lowlands, the East and Northeast — by the mountains of Kuznetsky Alatau, Southwest — by Salair mountain range, the South — by Mountain Shoriya ranges, the central part — by Kuznetsky basin. Kuznetsky Alatau is the greatest mountain system in the region. The total length of the main range is more than 500 km. The highest peak is Amzas-Taskyl (Verkhniy Zub), which is 2178 meters above sea level. Along the main mountain range and some arms there are perennial snow patchs on the northern mountain slopes, areas of mountain tundra, and alpine plants. Deciduous and dark coniferous forest have also been preserved in the area. Salair Mountain Range is ancient mountains. Their length form the south to the north is about 300 km, width — 15-40 km. The range is intensely flattened. Its average hight is about 400 meters above sea level. Mountain Shoriya is often called Siberian Switzerland because of its mountain ski resorts, alpine meadows, and remarkably clear air. Mountain Shoriya is located in the area, where the ranges of Northeastern Altay, Kuznetsky Alatau, and Salair Mountain Range join together. Mountain taiga, forest-steppe, and steppe landscapes are present on the territory of the region. The relief of Kuznetsky basin is mainly plain.

General climate resources

The climate of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) is harsh continental. Winter is cold and long, summer is short and warm. Mean air temperature in January is form – 18 0С to – 22 0С, in July - from + 17 0С to + 22 0С. In Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) temperature reaches its peak values in summer (+ 38 0С). The lowest temperature is in winter. In southern parts of Kemerovo Region temperature can reach –54 0С, in the North — down to –57 0С. The amount of precipitation varies from 300 to 500 mm per year, in mountain areas – up to 900 mm per year.


Natural resources Mineral resources

Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) has considerable natural resources. About 500 deposits of various mineral resources have been thoroughly studied and registered be the State Register of Mineral Reserves of the Russian Federation on the territory of the region. Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) is a unique coal field, which has deposits of different coal grades: coking coal and high-quality power generating coal. According to the latest data, total coal resource potential is estimated at 370,82 bln tons in Kuzbass coal basin down to 1800 meter depth. They comply with the parameters for seam thickness and ash content, requirements for deposits, taken for commercial development. According to the results of prospecting, in the beginning of 2020 the State Register of Reserves had 69,26 bln tons of coal, explored for commercial categories (А+В+С1+С2) down to 600 meter depth, including 32,7 bln tons of coking coal (among them deficit grades account for 15,36 bln tons. In addition, methane reserves, kept in coal beds account for 15 bln m3. In southeastern part of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) there is western segment of Kansko- Achinskiy lignite basin, which is represented by five deposits: Itatskoye and Uryupskoe, which are located on the territory of Tyazhinskiy municipal district of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass); Barandatskoye is located in Tisulsky municipal district; Tisulskoye and Dudetskoye coal fields are not large and are of local significance. The main field reserves are estimated at 52,65 bln tons. Though coal is quite a wide-spread mineral resource in the Russian Federation, there is a great number of both explored and developed coal fields, and considerable investments have been made in the technology development in large coal deposits (Elegestskoye coal deposit in Tyva, Yakutiya, coal deposits near the cities of Chita, Irkutsk, in Buryat republic, in Krasnoyarsk part of Kansko-Achinskiy fuel and energy complex), the competition with Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) in coal supply is not intense. It emerges mainly due to the supply of bituminous power station coal, which is often used inside the country. Besides, it is a relative competition, because as a rule, power facilities use some certain type of coal. Consequently, they are connected with the supplier. The capacity of iron ore deposits in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) accounts for 4,61 bln tons, including the commercial categories (А+В+С1+С2) – 1,37 bln tons, in which the content of pure iron varies from 34% to 48%. The main districts with iron ore deposits are Mountain Shoriya (3,95 bln tons, which geological reserves comprise 987 mln tons) and Kuznetskiy Alatau (geological reserves comprise 370,1 mln tons). Moreover, not far from Kemerovo Region (Kuzbass) there are large raw materials deposits in Khakasiya and in southern part of Krasnoyarsk region. In Tomsk Region total predicted resources of iron ore are estimated at 393 bln tons with mean iron content higher than 40% in the ore of the largest Bakcharskoye coal deposit. There are reserve explored deposits within 500 kilometers from metallurgical complexes of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). They are Inskoye, Beloretskoye (Altay Region), Kholzunskoye (Altay Republic). In Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) there is a source of raw materials (main non-metallic mineral resources for metallurgy). They are 6 deposits of fluxing limestone (Tisulskiy, Belovskiy, and Novokuznetskiy municipal areas, Tyazhinskiy and Gurievskiy municipal districts of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass)); 3 deposits of quartz rock (Mountain Shoriya and Yayskiy municipal district of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass); 2 deposits of magnesian lime (Mountain Shoriya), 7 deposits of refractory clay (Kemerovskiy and Gurievskiy municipal districts, Novokuznetskiy municipal area of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass); 3 deposits of moulding sand (Chebulinskiy and Izhmorskiy municipal districts of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass).


Consequently, metallurgical complex of the region has a good resource base for development. On the territory of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) there is about a half of all explored manganese ore deposits in . Most of them are concentrated in the Usinskoye deposit, which is located in 85-90 km from the city of Mezhdurechensk. Commercial resources of manganese ore in Ysinskoye ore deposit account for 106,4 mln tons, whereas total Russian manganese ore commercial resources amount to 230,2 mln tons. In Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) there are 12 gold ore deposits and 142 gold placer accumulations. Besides, there are 8 complex gold-bearing deposits. In placer accumulations gold commercial resources account for 32,5 tons, in gold ore deposits – 31,1 tons. In complex gold deposits the reserves of gold account for 62,4 tons. In 2019 cumulative gold production from the deposits (depletion of the ore reserves in the deposits) was 1,2 thousand kg (for gold placer). Hardrock gold and gold in complex deposits was not mined. On the territory of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass), first of all in Mountain Shoriya and Kuznetsky Alatau, more than 90 deposits have been discovered as well as 20 ore occurrences of different metals (gold, silver, iron, manganese, zinc, lead, copper, titanium, chromium, tungsten, molybdenum, mercury, antimony, uranium, thorium). Also there are aluminum ore deposits (7 nephelites and 17 beauxites), including Kiya-Shaltyrskoye urtite deposit, which is being mined now in the north of Kuznetsky Alatau. Non-metallic mineral resources have a considerable potential for mining. There are 264 deposits of different types of building materials (109 of them are being developed), mineral water, as well as peat. There are 230 peat deposits with total reserves and resources amounting to 199,9 mln tons. 163 of them are listed in the reserve balance, including 14 large deposits having the capacity over 1 mln tons, and 67 off-balance deposits). Also there are considerable deposits of steatite, and phosphorites.

Land resources

The total area of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) land resources accounts for 9,6 mln ha. 2,6 mln ha of agricultural designation land is used in agriculture. This makes up 27% of the total area of the region land resources.

Forest resources The total area of forest-covered land accounts for 5,4 mln ha (56,3% of the total area of land resources in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). The overall reserves of timber (the main forest forming tree species) is 752,3 mln m3 (1% of Russian timber reserves). Rated wood cut is 9,05 mln m3. The following wood species prevail in the region: deciduous (birch and aspen, of which low-quality aspen forests occupy more than a third); conifer (common silver fir, nut pine, pine tree, and spruce, of which low-quality common silver fir prevails and amounts to 47%). Such wood species as nut pine and pine tree have the highest quality. Their portion in total reserves equals about 14%.

Natural areas under special protection At present moment on the territory of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) there are 27 natural areas under special protection: 3 of federal significance (state wildlife preservation area “Kuznetsky Alatau”, Shorskiy national park, and a natural monument “Lypoviy Ostrov” (“Lime Tree Island”); 20 natural areas under special protection of regional significance (16 state natural wildlife reserves and 4 natural monuments; 4 natural areas under special

8 protection of local significance. The total area, occupied by the natural areas under special protection, is over 15% of the region area. This is one of the highest values in Siberia. There is a plan to organize 12 natural areas under special protection of regional importance, including two natural parks, before 2030 on the territory of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). This will make it possible to increase the total area of the natural areas under special protection of regional importance from 482 thousand ha to 605 thousand ha.


It is estimated that in 2019 the volume of gross regional product (comparable prices) increased by 0,3% to the total value of the previous year and accounted for 1055,8 bln rubles (396 thousand rubles per capita). Its structure directly reflects that regional economy and is mainly based on raw materials, as coal mining has the biggest portion (27,2%).


Industrial complex forms the basis of the regional economy, which is diversified and represented by both heavy industry (coal mining, metallurgy and production of chemicals) and the industry sectors, which specialize in finished goods production (production of machines and equipment, food products, textile and garment manufacture, etc). In relation to shipping volume of the industrial goods, Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) occupies the tenth place in the country and the second place in Siberian Federal District after Krasnoyark Region. In 2019 the industrial production index was equal to 102,8% to the level of 2018, including the manufacturing index which was 109%.

Coal mining and processing

Coal mining is the leading type of economic activity in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). Its share in the total volume of the gross regional product was 27,2% at the end of 2019. 40 mines and 54 open-pit mines develop and mine coal deposits. 106 thousand people work in the industry (9% of people employed in the legal entities). About 250 mln tons of coal is mined in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) every year. 56 coal-preparation plants and units are operating on the territory of the region. Each year they process up to 200 mln tons of coal. 226,8 mln tons of coal has been shipped to the consignees using railway transport. Average daily shipment was 8771 open railroad freight cars. 134,8 mln tons of coal has been shipped for export (according to figures provided by the Federal Customs Service), which makes up more than a half of the extracted coal volume. Hence Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) provided 65,5% of the total volume of Russian bituminous coal shipped for export to 61 neighboring and far-abroad countries. Thanks to Kemerovo region (Kuzbass), Russia occupies the third place in the world in respect to the volume of the exported coal (after Australia and Indonesia). Average monthly manpower productivity of the mining coal staff is 285 tons per person. On average the salary in the coal-mining industry was 62,2 thousand rubles. 120,2 bln rubles has been invested into the development of coal-mining industry in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). Overall about 4,4 thousand specialized jobs have been created in 2019 in coal-mining industry. The leading coal-mining companies are JSC Managing Company


“Kuzbassrazrezugol” (42,6 mln tons of coal was extracted by the company in 2019), JSC “SUEK-Kuzbass” (31,4 mln tons), Public JSC “Raspadskaya Coal-mining Company” (24,5 mln tons), Joint Stock Holding Company “SDS-Ugol” (24,3 mln tons).


The second basic sector of economy in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) is metallurgy. Its share in gross regional product was 4,81% at the end of 2019. Besides, metallurgical production has the biggest share (37,3%) in the structure of the manufacturing in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) as of 2019. 27,1 thousand people work in the sector (2,3% of the people employed in the legal entities). Average monthly salary in the metallurgical industry was 52,2 thousand rubles. In combination with coal-mining metallurgy has the biggest share in the total volume of industrial production in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). It accounts for 68,5% of the whole products shipped. Today Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) provides for the production of 11,8% of the whole volume of steel made in Russia, 11,7% of rolled ferrous metal products, 64% of silicious iron, 65% of mainline and 100% of tram rails. 4,4 bln rubles has been invested in the development of companies working in metallurgical sector. JSC “EVRAZ ZMSK”, JSC “Kuznetskie Ferrosplavy”, and JSC “RUSAL ” form Siberian metallurgical ground of the Russian Federation. JSC “EVRAZ ZMSK” is the biggest steel-production company in Siberia and the east- most one in the Russian Federation. In relation to the production output, it is among five biggest steel-production companies in Russia, 30 biggest steel-production companies in the world, and one of 5 biggest railroad rails producers in the world. JSC “EVRAZ ZMSK” sells its products as in Russia, as in other CIS states. It exports metal to 30 countries located far abroad. It is the general rail supplier to JSC “Russian Railways”.

Chemical industry

Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) chemical industry is a powerful industrial system. It includes such types of economic activity as production of chemical substances and chemical products, production of pharmaceutical products and materials, used for medical purposes, production of plastic and rubber goods. Their aggregate share in the total volume of gross regional product was about 2,3% at the end of 2019. The main types of produced goods are fertilizers, synthetic ammonia, sulphuric acid monohydrate, caustic soda, synthetic resins and plastic materials, caprolactam and explosives, pharmaceutical products, rubber and plastic goods. 14 thousand people (1,2% of people working in legal entities) are employed in the industry. Average monthly salary of the employed in the chemical industry varied from 30 to 50,6 thousand rubles. The share of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) in Russian nitrogen fertilizer output was 7%, ammonia – 6,2%, plastic materials in primary forms – 0,4%. The biggest company in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) chemical industry is Kemerovo Joint Stock Company “Azot” (JSC “SDS-Azot”, Kemerovo). The plant produces a wide range of chemical products (mineral nitrogen fertilizers, ammonia, ammonium sulfate, and ammonium nitrate, urea, caprolactam). JSC “SDS-Azot” is one of five biggest producers of

10 nitrogen fertilizers in CIS countries. It is the main supplier of ammonium nitrate to the domestic market and an important Russian exporter of urea. Production of pharmaceutical goods is an important sector of chemical industry in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). The output increased at the end of 2019. The leading companies in the sector are JSC “Avexima Siberia” (the town of Anzhero- Sudzhensk) and JSC “Organika” (Novokuznetsk). They produce a wide range of modern healthcare products substituting imported ones such as analgin, drotaverine avexima, pancreatine, andipal, acetosalicylic acid, benzopal, paracetamol as well as antibiotics, cardiovascular medications, sleeping pills, anesthetic agents, vitamins, infusion solution, etc. All of them comply with the requirements of the international standard GMP. In total 5,7 bln rubles was invested in pharmaceutical production development by types of economic activity in 2019.

Petroleum refining industry

In Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) there are four oil processing plants: in the town of Anzhero-Sudzhensk (Yaya Refinery – the branch of JSC “Neftechemservice”, “Nothern Kuzbass, Ltd.”), Tyazhinskiy (“Itatskiy oil refinery plant, Ltd.”) and Kemerovskiy municipal districts (“YuBk NPZ” LLС) of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). 4,5 thousand people work in the industry. It amounts to 0,4% of people working in legal entities. The average salary was 55,8 thousand rubles in oil refining industry. Annual output of primary crude oil processing was 4,7 – 4,9 mln tons. In the Russian Federation the share of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) in total output of primary crude oil processing was 1,7%. The share of petroleum refinery in total volume of gross regional product was 1,1% at the end of 2019. The leading companies in the industry are Yaya Refinery (the branch of JSC “Neftechemservice”) and “Anzherskaya oil and gas company”. 10,2 bln rubles was invested in the development of petroleum refining industry and coke production.

Machine-building industry

In Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) machine-building industry complex is represented by such types of economic activity as production of PCs, electronic and optic products, electrical equipment, machinery and appliances, which do not belong to other groups, production of vehicles, trailers and semitrailers as well as other means of transportation and equipment, renovation and installation of machines and equipment. Aggregated share of machine-building industry in total volume of gross regional product was 3,3% at the end of 2019. 28,2 thousand people work in the industry (which amounts to 2,4% of the employed working in legal entities). Monthly salary varied from 24,9 to 52,0 thousand rubles in the industry. Total volume of machinery production, considering the types of economic activity mentioned above, was 69,8 bln rubles. The share of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) in the total machine-building industry production market is 0,7% of the Russian Federation market in general. In general 2,2 bln rubles was invested into the development of machinery production for the whole types of economic activity, considered together, in 2019 .


A complex of collective service centers has been created in the region. They maintain technical devices: Komatsu (the town of Polysayevo and Prokopievskiy municipal district of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass), Liebherr (the settlement of Gramoteino, the city of Belovo), MAZ (the town of Prokopievsk), Cummins (Novokuznetskiy municipal district). Since 2019 a project has been carried out in the town of Belovo. Its aim is to set up “BELAZ” service center.

Food and processing industry

Food and processing industry includes more than 10 branches in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). The share of food and processing industry in total volume of gross regional product was 2,03% at the end of 2019. In 2019 food production index was 107,9%; for drink production it was 114,1 %. The share of the region in food and drink production amounted to about 1% of their output in the Russian Federation. 26,8 thousand people work in all branches of this industry (it is 2,3% of the number of people working in legal entities). Average monthly salary for the branches was 29,3 thousand rubles. The main food production companies are “KDV Yashkino, Ltd”, “KDV Yashkinskaya melnitsa, Ltd”, JSC “Kemerovskiy Cold Storage Plant”, JSC “Novokuznetskiy cold storage plant”, “Chistaya voda, Ltd”, JSC “Novokuznetskiy Distillery”, “Siberian Vodka Company, Ltd”, “Distillery “KUZBASS, Ltd”, Trading Company “Zolotaya Sova, Ltd”, “Zapsib Pivo, Ltd”, JSC “ Distillery”, JSC “Slavyanka” (“Mezhdurechenskiy Brewery”), JSC “Gurievskiy Food Production Facility”, Closed Joint Stock Company “Kuzbasskiy Food Production Facility”, JSC “Leninsk-Kuznetskiy Bakery Complex”, “Khleb, Ltd”, “Kuzbasskhleb, Ltd”, “Novosafonovskiy Bakery Complex”, “Milk Production Plant “Kemerovskiy” (branch of JSC “Danon Russia”), “Village milk production plant, Ltd”, “Kuzbasskonservmoloko, Ltd”, “Molochniy kray, Ltd”, “Belovskoye Milk, Ltd”, “Natural Milk Products Plant, Ltd” (trade mark “Rodnaya Zemlya”), “Anzherskiye Kolbasy, Ltd”, “Astronotus, Ltd”, “Temp, Ltd”. About 1,4 bln rubles was invested in the development of this industry.

Construction industry

In Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) construction industry is represented by such types of economic activity as “Production of other non-metal mineral goods” (production of construction materials) and “Construction”. It is mainly based on local resources. The share of construction in total volume of gross regional product was 5,6% at the end of 2019. 17,6 thousand people are working in the industry (1,4% of workers employed by the legal entities). The average monthly salary in “Construction” type of activity was 43,5 thousand rubles. The main types of the produced goods are building bricks, cement, reinforced concrete structures, insulating glass unit, heat-insulation materials. The scope of work performed within the “Construction” type of economic activity reached 161,7 bln rubles in 2019. The structure of construction works depending on the form of property: state – 0%; municipal – 0,1%; private – 93,5 %;


mixed Russian – 0,2%; other – 6,2%. At the end of 2019 the region occupied the 16th place among all regions of the Russian Federation in relation to the total scope of construction work and the 2nd place in the Siberian Federal District. 3141 construction companies were operating in the region in 2019 (3132 of them were private companies) 765,8 thousand square meters of residential buildings (including the area of the houses built on the land plots, intended for gardening) was brought into use. The share of private houses in the total number of the built residential houses was 57,9%. The population of the region built houses using its own money and mortgages. The total area of the built houses was 443,2 thousand square meters. Average price of 1 m2 of a total area in a block of flats was 50,070 rubles on the primary market and 41,907 rubles on the secondary market at the end of 2019. 2,99 bln rubles was invested in construction industry development in 2019. The biggest construction companies in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) are “Kuzbass House Construction Development Fund” and a company “Specialized Developer “House Construction Development Fund, Ltd” created on its basis, Specialized Developer “Progrand, Ltd”, JSC “Trest Kemerovopromstroy”, “SDS-Story, Ltd”, “Novokuznetskaya House Building Company named after A.V. Kosilov, Ltd”, “Mazurovskiy Brick Plant, Ltd”, “Kemerovskiy House Building Plant, Ltd”.


Total share of forest management, agriculture, hunting, and fishing in the aggregated volume of gross regional product was 2,3% at the end of 2019. 545 agricultural goods producers operated on the territory of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) in 2019. 29 thousand people work in agricultural sector (this amounts to 2,4% of the number of the employed in the legal entities). Average monthly salary for “Forest management, agriculture, hunting, fishing, and fish farming” type of activity was 26,2 thousand rubles. Households produce 31,8% of gross agricultural product. The share of agricultural companies in the total volume of agricultural goods production was 52,9%, farming enterprises account for 15,3%. In Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) the most important sectors of agriculture are plant cultivation and livestock farming. The main types of activity in plant cultivation are production of grain, seed oil, potato, and vegetable production. In 2019 crop production areas used for growing agricultural plants were 885,3 thousand ha. 551,7 ha of crop production areas was used to grow grain and leguminous crops. Crop production areas used for growing oil plants were 96,7 thousand ha, potato and vegetables – 30,5 thousand ha. Livestock farming specializes in cattle, sheep, pig, and poultry breeding. Production output was 25,6 bln rubles. The share of the region in total volume of animal product output was about 1% of total livestock production in Russia in 2019. The share of agricultural products produced in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) in total volume of agricultural products produced in Russia for meat was 0,86%, for milk – 0,97%, and for eggs – 2,4%. About 1,9 bln rubles was invested in the development of the industry.


The biggest agricultural goods producers are “Inskaya Poultry Farm, Ltd”, agricultural goods producers’ cooperation “Beregovoy”, “Kuzbasskiy Broiler, Ltd”, JSC “Kuzbasskaya Paultry Farm”, JSC “Vaganovo, “Belovskoye Fishery, Ltd”.

Consumer market At present moment consumer environment is diverse in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass), starting with public catering facilities and up to retail sector (vending kiosks, super-, hypermarkets, and malls. There are more than 18 thousand facilities belonging to consumer market. The total number of the employed in the sector is over 210 thousand people. Regional, local, and federal chain stores which sell food items and non-food goods are developing fast in the region. There are such chain stores as “Self-service supermarkets “Begemag, Ltd”, farm household “Volkov A.P.”, “Roznitsa-K1, Ltd” (Maria-Ra), JSC “Tander” (Magnit), “Agrotorg, Ltd” (Pyaterochka), “Kamelot-A, Ltd” (Yarche), “Element- Trade, Ltd” (Monetka), “Lenta, Ltd” (super- and hypermarkets), “Leroy Merlin”, etc. The share of such retail networks in the total number of shopping facilities is 21%. The number of the employed is more than 20 thousand people. According to the results of the monitoring, which was to identify the share of the goods produced by the local producers and placed on the shelves in the chain stores of the region, in 2019 the share of local goods in the retail outlets was 20% for the product range of goods under consideration. In 2019 there were 3228 temporary retail facilities, including 1524 places selling food, 411 public catering facilities, 318 places for selling printed materials, 160 places selling bread and baked goods, 126 facilities selling milk and dairy products, 66 retail outlets selling meat and meat products, 33 stores selling fish, fish products and sea products, and 8 stores selling national handicraft goods in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). In 2019 the retail sales volume was 402,5 bln rubles in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). The region occupies the third place in respect to the population retail volume in Siberian Federal District and the 23d place in the Russian Federation. The structure of regional retail market organization: trading organizations and self-employed entrepreneurs outside the market – 99,1%; sale of goods on retail markets and trade fairs – 0,9%. The structure of retail turnover according to forms of property: private – 89,6%; state and municipal – 0,3%; other forms of property – 10,1%. The share of food (including drinks) and tobacco products in the total volume of the retail sales volume was 48% in 2019. In 2019 the catering turnover reached 22,1 bln rubles. The total cost of the paid services provided was 126 bln rubles. The share of utilities, telecommunications, transportation, and domestic services still prevails in the structure of the paid services volume. Their aggregate value amounts to 64,2%.


In 2019 in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) there were 70,3 thousand small and medium- sized businesses, including 42,1 thousand self-employed businessmen. Average number of the employed in the sector was 197,9 thousand people, including self-employed businessmen. In 2019 the turnover of small and medium-sized businesses, including micro businesses amounted to 535,8 bln rubles. Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) occupied the 66th place in the


Russian Federation and the 8th place in Siberian Federal District in relation to small businesses turnover (including micro businesses) per capita. In 2019 the volume of investments in the sphere of small businesses reached 74,3 bln rubles. Their portion in the total volume of investments into fixed assets in general was 24,9% in the region. An extensive infrastructure for small and medium-sized businesses support was created in the region. Its aim is to create favorable conditions for business development and follow the projects on different stages of their implementation: microlender (provides low-interest loan to small and medium-sized businesses); warranty fund (provides loan guarantees); center “Moy Biznes” (“My Business”) opened in December 2019. It became a universal point where citizens and entrepreneurs can get the services provided by the organizations belonging to the infrastructure for small and medium-sized businesses support. It also provides access to the representative offices of the federal executive agencies (local branches), which regulate small and medium-sized businesses activity and provide them with a support (Federal Tax Service, Federal Agency for State Registration, Cadastre, and Cartography, Federal Property Management Agency).

International activity

Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) is an export-oriented region. Its share in Siberian Federal District export activity accounts for 41%. The companies of the region exported more than 80 types of goods into 100 countries in 2019 (in 2018 – 99 countries), which amounted to 56% of the total industrial output. In 2019 foreign trade turnover was 15,7 bln US dollars, including export (14,9 bln US dollars) and import (0,9 bln US dollars). The leading trading partners which accounted for 69,5% of external trade total value are Taiwan (China), the Republic of Korea, Japan, Germany, Netherlands, China, Turkey, Poland, Kazakhstan, India, and Ukraine. Commodity turnover with CIS countries was 9,4% of the total region commodity turnover. The main share (97,5%) of the export operations accounts for coal-mining, oil processing, metallurgical, and chemical companies. The region exports more than 50% of the extracted coal as well as metallurgical and chemical goods. Machines, equipment, vehicles (63,7%), chemicals, rubber resin (17,9%) metals and metal goods (8,5%), mineral commodities (3,2%) had the main share in the total volume of the products, imported into Kemerovo region (Kuzbass).

Transport infrastructure

Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) has a well-developed transportation network, which includes all types of transport (except sea transport) and satisfies the needs of the region (passenger and cargo transportation)

Railway transport

Railways are the main part of transportation complex in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). The following parts of main railway lines of international importance cross the territory of the region in latitudinal direction: Trans-Siberian Railway in the north and South-Siberian Railway – in the south. The biggest railway junctions are Mariinsk, Taiga, , Topki,


Belovo-Artyshta, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo, and Prokopievsk. The region has direct railroad routes to all regions of the country. The length of the general-use railroad tracks is 1678 km. The density of the general-use railroad tracks is 175 km per 10 thousand km2 of the territory (in Russia the figure is 50 km, in Siberian Federal District it amounts to – 25 km). The region occupies the first place in Siberian Federal District concerning the density of the railroad lines. Within the borders of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) West-Siberian railroad is a powerful transportation system, which is unsurpassed in Russia in relation to the volume of the shipped cargoes. It gives 20,8% of the total network-wide shipment of the whole Russian Federation. A specific peculiarity of the railroad transport in the region is that mainline transport works not only with industrial railway companies, but also with coal-mining industry, energy providers, ferrous and non-ferrous metal industries, machine-building companies, construction and chemical industries. The increase in industrial production has a positive effect on railroad transport operation. In 2019 it transported 266 mln tons of cargoes, which is 0,1% more than in 2018. The share of bituminous coal was 226,8 mln tons. 11 bln rubles was invested in railroad development in 2019 in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). The investments were directed into the implementation of high-scale investment projects focusing on infrastructure development on the railroad directions Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) – Northwest, Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) – Far-East transportation junction, and Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) – Azovo-Chernomorskiy transportation junction.

Highway transport

Highway transport is the second most important type of transport, which guarantees stable operation of Kuzbass companies. In 2019 its share was 13,1% of the total volume of cargoes transported in the region. In Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) highway transport includes more than 300 transport operators, which transport passengers using regular routes. They comprise 17 state (including 2 vehicle operating companies), 3 municipal transportation companies, 5 joint stock companies, 3 limited liability companies, which satisfy the needs of the citizens in traveling as inside as outside the region. 961 routes are used to transport passengers. State-owned companies provide services on 535 of these routes. 107 of them are intertown ones, 258 – suburban, 170 – city routes. Municipal companies provide services on 232 routes, sole proprietors – 194 routes (in Kemerovo there are 23 routes, in Novokuznetsk – 33 routes). There are 42 interregional routes. 36 of them operate permanently and 6 are seasonal. This allows the inhabitants of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) to get to such cities as Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Biysk, Tomsk, Abakan, Belokurikha, Krasnoyarsk, Zarinsk, etc. Also there are 4 international bus routes: Kemerovo-Karagandy (Republic of Kazakhstan), Novokuznetsk-Karagandy (Republic of Kazakhstan); Mezhdurechensk- Temirtau (Republic of Kazakhstan); Kemerovo-Pavlodar (Republic of Kazakhstan). Besides, two transit international routes cross the territory of the region: Krasnoyarsk – Temirtau (Republic of Kazakhstan) and Krasnoyarsk-Ust-Kamenogorsk (Republic of Kazakhstan). Every day about 25 thousand passengers take busses on bus terminals and bus stations. The network of bus terminals and bus stations is one of the most developed ones in Siberian Federal District: there are 9 bus terminals, 17 bus stations and 3 pay desks. 20 cities and towns, 36 settlements and about 600 rural settlements (which is 71,2% of the total number of populated areas) have a bus service.


In the cities of Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk, as well as in towns of Leninsk- Kuznetskiy, Osinniky, and Prokopievsk there is a city electric transport. In 2019 city electric transport carried 147,2 mln passengers. 28,4 mln people went by suburban means of transport, and 4,5 mln passengers traveled by intercity transport. Motor vehicles lead in passenger transfer, first of all, in the form of bus service (59% of all passenger transfer). The share of trams was 25%, and trolleybuses – 16%.

Air transport

Air transport system is represented by three airports in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass): International airport named after A.A. Leonov in Kemerovo (“International airport Kemerovo named after Aleksey Arkhipovich Leonov, Ltd” – airport of federal importance; International airport named after B.V. Volynov in Novokuznetsk (“Aerokuzbass, Ltd”) – airport of federal importance; Airport of local airlines in tourist recreation area in the town of (“Aerokuzbass, Ltd”) – airport of local importance, which functions as a heliport. Helicopter Mi-8 grounds on the airfield. It carries out flights due to government contracts to transport the inhabitants of the remote mountain settlements, to administer first aid, to search and rescue injured people, take flood prevention measures, and sometimes to transport tourists to the mountain ski resort. In 2019 Kemerovo airport provided regular flights to Moscow, Abakan, Kazan, Novosibirsk, and Krasnoyarsk; Novokuznetsk airport provided flights to Moscow, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Ekaterinburg, Tomsk, and Omsk. In summer Kuzbass airports provid flights to Simferopol, Sochi, and Anapa. Flights to Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam, India, and China have also been reopened. In 2019 the total number of passengers who went by planes was 769,1 thousand people.


On the territory of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) the communication providers offer a wide range of modern communications services using the latest telecommunications technologies. More than 440 thousand people use the services of local telephone communications. The total installed capacity is more than 840 thousand telephone numbers. The number of mobile telephone users in general-use network is over 4,8 mln people. Mobile communication providers have introduced 4G technology (high-speed wide- band internet with speed above 100 Mbit/s) in all cities of the region. They use modern communication technologies (3G, 4G, WI-FI, WI-MAX). the number of stations used to provide data transfer is over 16 thousand. 93% of populated areas in the region have mobile services. To cover remote populated areas where there is no communication networks, belonging to Public JSC “Rostelekom” and mobile network providers, according to Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) state program “Optimization of transport and communications development in Kuzbass” in 2014-2015 an access was provided to information and telecommunication network “Internet” (further on – “Internet” network) and telephone communication services. Furthermore, twenty-four-hour transmission of telemetered data from seismic stations was organized as a part of this program. The stations are located in settlements Pecherkink and Luzhba (the signal is transmitted to the monitoring center in the city of Novosibirsk). Seismic stations also have twenty-four-hour phone line, connecting them with the State public agency “Agency for Kuzbass Population and Territory Protection”.


In 2019 TV broadcasting was fully digitalized in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). According to the federal project “Elimination of Digital Inequality” 163 out of 167 remote settlements had been connected to the Internet by 31.12.2019. Besides, 228 socially significant facilities (including 56 comprehensive institutions, 1 fire fighting unit, 24 local administrations, and 147 rural health posts) were connected to the Internet in 2019.


To develop economy and social sphere of the region (including assessment of small businesses and shadow economy) 297,9 bln rubles was invested in fixed assets in 2019, which was 8,8% more than in 2018. The main share of investments (53,8%) was directed to develop coal-mining industry. 11,3% was invested in processing industries development, and 10,4% - into transportation and storage. Internal funds of big and medium-sized companies have the main share in investments, directed in the fixed assets (71,3%). The ratio of investment volume to the volume of gross regional product of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) was about 23%. Investment potential is considerably determined by the orientation of economy on raw materials. According to the results of 2019, Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) occupied the 18th place among the regions of the Russian Federation and the 3d place in Siberian Federal District as for the absolute value of fixed assets investment volume. A complex system for investor support is currently rolling out in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). Since 2008 a special council on investment and innovative activity has been working under the governor of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). The council considers investment and innovative projects to make a decision if they will be provided with a state support. A state public agency “Agency for Raising and Protecting Investments in Kuzbass” has been opened. It operates on the principle of one contact and gives consultations and provides investors with legal support free of charge. Also it helps to get permissions and approvals.

Finances and taxes

According to the results of 2019, balanced financial result of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) companies (excluding small businesses, state (municipal) facilities, banks and non- banking credit institutions, having banking licenses, insurance companies, and non-state pension funds) was 120,2 bln rubles. Gross amount of profit, which the companies got, was 176,5 bln rubles. More than a half of this sum (56,5%) was provided by coal-mining companies. According to the results of 2019 the biggest portion of companies, which got the profit, perform the following types of activity: activities in the sphere of information and communications (76,5%), construction (75,6%), processing companies (73,4%), activity connected with real estate (67,4%), electricity, gas and steam supply (66,7%). The share of coal-mining companies which gained profit according to the results of 2019, was 57,8%. Tax revenue of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) consolidated budget was 146,4 bln rubles in 2019. Tax revenue of the regional budget was 121,5 bln rubles. The main tax sources forming the revenue of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) budget are organization profits tax (its share is 34% of the aggregated revenue of the region consolidated budget), personal income tax (37,3%), excise taxes (7,4%), corporate property tax (7%), minerals extraction tax (5%).


The most important tax payers, which transferred 20,3% of total tax revenue into the regional budges are: JSC Coal-mining company “Kuzbassrazrezugol”, JSC EVRAZ ZMSK, JSC “SUEK-Kuzbass”, JSC “Mezhdurechie”, JSC “Russian Railways”, JSC “Neftechemservice”, Sberbank of Russia, JSC “Managing Company YUZHNAYA”Public JSC “Raspadskaya”, JSC “Raspadskaya-Koksovaya”.

Regional banking sector

At the end of 2019 on the territory of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) there were 5 regional banking institutions, 6 bank branches (with head-offices in other regions), 454 internal departments of the banking institutions were performing banking activity. On the territory of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) there were 2 banking institutions having registered capital less than 100 mln rubles and 4 banking institutions with registered capital higher than 100 mln rubles. Borrowings of banking institutions had risen by 5,9% and amounted to 423,2 bln rubles including personal savings (deposits) reached 304,3 bln rubles.

Social complex Education Pre-school facilities

In 2019 there were 889 pre-school facilities in the region. The number of children there was 143,9 thousand people. 62,6% of children (from the number of children of corresponding age) were provided with full day places in pre-school facilities. 100% of children aged 3-7 years old were provided with all forms of pre-school education. In 30 out of 34 Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) municipal districts the waiting lists have been fully eliminated. The availability of pre-school education for children aged from 2 months up to 3 years was 90% in 2019.

Facilities for orphaned children and children left without parental care

There were 45 organizations for orphanated children and children left without parental care in 2019, including: 8 infant orphanages where 207 orphaned children and children left without parental care live; 3 residential care facilities for mentally-retarded children where 304 orphaned children and children left without parental care live; 30 child care homes. 1054 orphanated children live there; 3 orphan boarding schools for orphaned children and children left without parental care. 151 children study there; 1 children's home (school). 166 orphaned children and children left without parental care study there.

State and municipal comprehensive educational facilities

In 2019 there were 667 comprehensive educational facilities, among them 417 in cities, towns and settlements and 250 in rural areas. The number of students in comprehensive educational facilities was 317 thousand people, including 247,5 thousand children studying first shift (82,5%).


The number of teachers was 18,4 thousand people. There are 5 governor comprehensive educational facilities in the region. The total number of students is 950 children. Presidential cadet school has been working since 2019. The number of students is 360 cadets.

Extracurricular education organization

In 2019 there were 298 extracurricular education facilities in the region. They have different departmental affiliation, including 115 organizations in the educational system. Extracurricular education facilities were attended by about 320 thousand children (76% of the total number of children aged 5-18), including the facilities within educational system attended by 218,1 thousand children. 5234 teaches worked in these organizations, including 2740 teachers working within the educational system.

Professional education and science

In 2019 on the territory of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) there were 5 professional educational facilities. They trained personnel following 180 educational programs of secondary vocational education including 41 colleges and vocational schools, which give 24 professions (specialties) which are mentioned in the list of 50 most sought-after, new, and perspective professions on the labor market, that was confirmed by decree No 831 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation on 02.11.2015. The number of students studying at colleges and vocational schools on the programs of secondary vocational education was 60,2 thousand people including 49,5 thousand people on the programs for middle-rank specialist training; 9,85 thousand people in programs for qualified worker/specialist training; 867 people in professional education programs. 52,2 thousand people studied full-time (86,6%), 1,7 thousand people had a mixed form of studies (2,9%), 6,4 thousand people studied by correspondence (10,5%). Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) professional educational facilities trained 7573 young specialists and 3678 qualified workers/servants in 2019. In 2019 the number of students in higher education facilities was 47,9 thousand people, including 54% of students studying full-time, 9% - having mixed form, and 37% - studying by correspondence. 9640 students graduated from higher education facilities in 2019/2020 academic year. In 2019/2020 academic year the higher-education teaching personnel consisted of 2082 including, 334 PhDs and 1333 candidates of sciences. According to the deсree of the Government of the Russian Federation No 537 dated 30.04.2019 “On state support measures for scientific and educational centers of international level on the basis of higher education facilities integration with scientific organizations and their cooperation with companies working in real economy” a scientific educational center of international importance “Kuzbass” has been working in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) since 2019.

Healthcare system

In 2019 on the territory of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) there were 102 healthcare facilities, 553 outpatient clinics (including their branches). The number of emergency medical settings (units) was 28. There were 21 residential social service institutions providing senior citizens and disabled adults with medical aid.


There were 90,6 in-patient hospital places for 10 thousand people. There were 78,2 thousand visits to outpatient clinics per shift. In 2019 there were 11,7 thousand doctors of all specialties and 27,5 thousand people of nursing staff. Per 10 thousand people there were 43,8 doctors and 103,3 nursing staff workers. In Kemerovo there is the largest European-level medical facility - Budgetary Public Health Facility “Kuzbass Cardiology Center named after academician L.S. Barbarash”. Total Kuzbass Cardiology Center hospital stock consists of 540 therapeutic and 125 surgical places. The patient capacity of its outpatient-polyclinic unit is more than 300 thousand appointments per year. Every year more than 18 thousand patients get institutional care free of charge in Kuzbass Cardiology Center, including 4 thousand patients (children and adults) who get hi- tech surgical treatment of vascular heart diseases. About 100 thousand people get medical care in the outpatient department. Unique artificial bioprostheses of heart valves and vessels, which do not have any counterparts both in Russia and abroad, were developed here. Paediatric cardiology centers, heart rhythm abnormalities center, center for endovascular X-ray surgery, neurovascular center, vascular surgery center, and vascular surgery outpatient center were opened here. Kemerovo is the only city in Russia with population less than 1 million people, where heart transplantations are made. In 2019 Kuzbass cardiologists had 10 heart transplantations. In 2019 there were 11 liver transplantations and 67 kidney transplantations, including patients from other regions. A state autonomous health care institution “Kuzbass Scientific Clinical Center of Miners’ Health Protection” was created to save lives and preserve health of coal-mining companies’ workers and their family members in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) Every year more than 20 thousand miners and about 9 thousand children get medical aid here. More than 19 thousand patients get treatment in the hospital. Thanks to this programs, 10 thousand children and more than 4 thousand veterans and senior citizens had got medical aid. There are 19 clinical units with 512 in-patient hospital places, 5 diagnostic departments, adult polyclinics, children's polyclinics for 1 thousand appointments, professional pathology center, outpatient surgery center, casevac operations groups of the regional center for disaster medicine, anatomic pathology department, first medical aid department.

Population social welfare

In 2019 there were the following care-giving institutions in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass): 24 permanent state facilities providing social services; 48 social service centers (46 municipal and 2 state centers); 3 social service facilities of semistationary type for people who have lost homes; 42 care-giving institutions for families and children (41 municipal and 1 state facilities); There were 5784 in-patient hospital places in nursing homes, including 1439 places in special care units. More than 360 thousand senior citizens and disabled people got social services in social service centers. Family and children social service facilities provided 196,4 thousand people with social services. In 2019 Kuzbass people got targeted aid for free (10,4 thousand people got coal, 7,2 thousand people got vegetable sets, and 170 people got technical means for rehabilitation. According to the current legislation, 256,3 thousand federal aided persons, 258,1 thousand regional aided persons, 83 thousand people receiving child allowance, military

21 personnel child allowance (if the parent is on a draft service), got social support in 2019, including payments due to giving birth / adopting the first child.

Physical training and sport

At the end of 2019 on the territory of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) there were 1,15 mln people who trained on the regular basis and went in for sport, which is 46,1% of the population in the region. 7995 sports facilities with simultaneous capacity of 203,3 thousand people functioned in the region. Among them there were 27 stadiums for 1,5 and more thousand places and more, 1073 gyms, 119 swimming pools, and 4174 flat sports facilities. 107 physical culture and sports organizations were functioning in the municipal units of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass), including 32 children's and youth sports schools; 44 sports schools; 27 Olympic reserve schools; 2 Olympic reserve training schools, and 1 sports training center. In 2019 on the territory of the region there were about 600 competitions of regional, multi-regional, nationwide, and international levels. 193 Kuzbass sportsmen are members of national sports teams of the Russian Federation for different sports. In 2019 Kuzbass sportsmen won more than 500 medals in national and international level competitions. Voleyball club “Kuzbass” had become the champion of the Russian Federation for the first time in 2018–2019 season. It won Russian Super Bowl and got the right to play in the Champions League.

State youth policy

In Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) there are 17 youth policy organizations, including 3 state facilities (State facility “Kuzbass youth and students’ center”, State Public Government Autonomous Agency “Kuzbass Public Projects and Initiatives Development Agency”, State Public Government Autonomous Agency “Kuzbass Children and Youth Center”, and 14 municipal centers (7 city and 7 rural organizations). The events of the regional level, held in 2019, due to the implementation of the youth policy, got almost 268 thousand Kuzbass people aged 14-30 involved into the activities. 1166 people were employed as a result of measures taken to get citizens younger than 18, being in difficult situation, employed. 802 Kuzbass schoolchildren, including active members of child non-profit organizations, honor students, members of children creative teams, were sent to participate in the specialized sessions of Russian national child centers “Orlenok”, “Okean”, “Smena”, and International child center “Artek” in 2019. The activity aimed to prevent delinquency and antisocial actions is carried out together with the teams of volunteers, educational facilities student boards, youth non-governmental organizations, working youth teams on regular basis in the region.


There are 7 theaters in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) (“Kemerovo Drama Theater named after A.V. Lunacharskiy”, “Novokuznetskiy Drama Theater”, “Prokopievskiy Drama Theater named in honour of Leninskiy Komsomol”, Kemerovo region “Kemerovo State Music Theater named after the honored artist of the Russian Federation A.K. Bobrov”, “Kemerovo Regional Puppet Theater named after Arkadiy Gaydar”, “Novokuznetskiy Puppet Theater


Skaz”, “Children and Youth Theater”, “Kuzbass Philharmonic Hall named after B.T. Shtokolov”). In 2019 theaters and entertaining facilities of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) held 3725 performances and concerts, including 45 new presentations. The number of viewers was 773,2 thousand people. 161,9 thousand items were demonstrated in 43 museums on exhibitions and expositions (28,7% of the total number of items in the funds of these museums). 1,76 mln people visited the events held in the museums of the region. Local history project “Kuzbass – glance at history” began to develop in Kemerovo regional local history museum. Is consists of a number of public lectures on the history of the region. It is devoted to the 300th anniversary of Kuzbass. Library network of the region is represented by 616 public libraries. 896,9 thousand people use the services provided by the library network. Most municipal libraries (429 libraries, which amounts to 70%) are located in rural areas. Within a year 6 model libraries opened in the region. Non-stationary library network provides services for the inhabitants of the remote areas and accounts for 517 library points. 33,5% of population was covered by the library services. In 2019 there were 108 cinemas (including 20 private cinemas). 35 municipal Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) cultural facilities present films in modern digital 2D and 3D formats. There are 573 clubs, including 452 in rural areas. 9041 clubs lead creative and educational activities in the region in 2019. 4160 of them are amateur folk culture associations of different genres and styles. 315 creative teams of the region have honorary titles “Amateur folk culture association”, “Exemplary amateur association”. In 2019 education in the sphere of culture in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) was represented by one higher education facility “Kemerovo State Institute of Culture” working under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, 5 professional educational facilities, and 1 further vocational education facility, working under the Ministry of Culture and National Policy of Kuzbass. also there are 106 municipal arts schools for children. There were 36996 students in the beginning of 2019/2020 academic year who studied at Children's arts schools. The number of graduates from such schools was 6831 people in the region. On 1 October, 2019 there were 1353 students in the professional educational organizations working in the sphere of arts and culture. The number of graduates from the professional educational organizations working in the sphere of arts and culture was 267 people in 2019. The following facilities opened in 2019: “Sibirskiy” branch of Central Music School under Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Chaykovskiy”, branch of Moscow State Academy of Choreography, branch of Russian State Institute of Performing Arts, branch of State Russian Museum. In 2019 “Sibirskiy” branch of Central Music School under Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Chaykovskiy” called the students for the first time.

National policy

On the territory of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) there are representatives of 150 nations and nationalities. Russians account for the majority of population of the region (about 93,7% from the number of all people living in the region). Other most numerous ethnic groups are the Tatars (1,5%), Germans (0,9 процента), Ukrainians (0,8%), Armenians (0,4%), Chuvashes (0,3%).


In Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) there are also nationalities, listed according to the Decree of the Russian Federation Government No 255 dated 24.03.2000 № 255 in the unified index of the native minorities of the Russian Federation. They are the Shors (10,7 thousand people) and Teleuts (2,5 thousand people). Different forms of ethnocultural development and self-management are expanding in the region: national unions, national and cultural centers, self-regulated bodies, associations, meeting centers, creative national associations. According to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation Division in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) at the end of 2019 there were 41 registered non-profit organizations (38 national public associations, 3 indigenous communities of the ethnic minorities). More than 70 events, which involved 30 thousand people, were held in 2019 to secure peace and conciliation between the nations.

Travel industry

At present day the region has a tourist infrastructure, which can accept hundreds of thousands visitors. Diverse tourism and recreation potential allows the region to develop different types of tourism. Tourist activity is a full-scale service industry in the general structure of the regional economy. Its share in the total volume of gross regional product was 1,83% (the estimated value at the end of 2019). At present day Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) tourist industry is represented by 330 accommodations, including hotels, holiday centers, tourist recreation facilities, health centers, and health camps for children. In 2019 tourist flow had increased by 1,3 times up to 2 mln visitors from 2018. Besides, the number of foreign tourists has increased up to 4,1 thousand people.

Mountain skiing. “” cluster

Winter tourism, first of all, mountain skiing and snowboarding, is represented in 13 municipal districts of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass): in Kemerovo; Mezhdurechenskiy, Myskovskiy, Novokuznetskiy, Prokopievskiy urban districts; Gurievskiy, Krapivinskiy, Prokopievskiy, Promyshlennovskiy municipal districts; Belovskiy, Novokuznetskiy, Tashtagolskiy, Tisulskiy municipal areas). There are 23 ski resorts. In total volume of all tourist flow mountain skiing in the region accounts for 70%. Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) is one of the leaders in skiing infrastructure quality and aggregated length of snow skiing runs in Russia. The region has a unique natural setting favorable for mountain skiing and oversnow travelling types of tourism development. The humidity is low, soft middle altitude climate, early and heavy snowfalls, which guarantees the longest season with genuine snow in the country (from November till May). Sports tourism complex “Sheregesh” is the biggest one in Siberia. In is located in Mountain Shoriya. It is one of the most popular resorts in Russia. There are 80 hotels on the territory of the complex. They can accommodate about 3 thousand people simultaneously. There are 17 ski-lifts of different types: draglift, chair lift, and gondola lift. The resort has 25 ski trails with elevation from 120 to 800 meters and the length of more than 50 km. There are 77 restaurants and coffee-rooms, 2 entertainment centers, covered ice rink, 2 climbing walls, a tennis court, and 23 equipment rental centers.


Active tourism. “Podnebesnye Zubia” cluster

Hiking is the most popular and wide-spread kind of active tourism. Tour circuits develop almost in all municipal units of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). Podnebesnye Zubia area, located in Kuznetskiy Alatu is especially popular. Both in summer and in winter there are sport tours of any difficulty arouns this territory. On the territory of Kuznetskiy Alatau there are more than 40 accommodations which are at a one-day walk from each other. The mountains of eastern and northeastern high peaks of Kuznetskiy Alatau are suitable for mountain climbing, as there is a slight glacier covering. Every year regional and national mountain climbing competitions are held in Kuznetskiy Alatau. In case of water tourism people travel by river boats and boats of any type, including sports vessels (kayaks, twin-hulled vessels, rafts, and paddle boats). Water and coastal tourism develop on the territories of the urban and suburban recreation areas almost in all municipal units of the region. Every year Russian national water tourism competitions are held on the Kazyr river, which has a violent flow in June. Sportsmen from different regions of the Russian Federation take part in the competition. On the territory of the region there are 11 oversnow walking paths, included in the list of Kuzbass Ministry for tourism and youth policy. They comply with all safety requirements according to the current legislation in the sphere of tourism. The paths go through Kuznetskiy Alatau, Mountain Shoriya, Yachkinskiy, Kemerovskiy, and Promyshlennovskiy municipal districts of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass).

“Northern Kuzbass” cluster

The town of Mariinsk was founded in 1720. It is the embodiment of the merchants’ lifestyle in XIX century. More than 60 cultural and natural heritage sites are located nearby. One of the outstanding places, attracting tourists, in Tisulskiy municipal area is a ski resort “Gornaya Salanga” (“Mountain Salanga”), which offers 7 tracks of different complexity levels. They are up to 1090 meters long. The elevation difference is up to 225 m. In Chebulinskiy municipal district of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) there is a site with dinosaur remains. The age of geological formations is about 125 mln years. More than 25 species of Cretaceous period vertebrates have been found here. Also a new type of a dinosaur (Siberian Psittacosaurus) has also been found here. “Northern Kuzbass” cluster has the conditions to develop a competitive tourist recreational branch: There is cultural and historic heritage, which can be used as a ground for cultural and educational tourism development; Natural-resources potential, which can be used as a ground for active and health tourism (clean environment, plenty of lakes and rivers); Unique natural monument, designated conservation area “State botanic wildlife reserve “Archekasskiy Kryazh”. Two features make the territory outstanding. First, in “Archekasskiy Kryazh” there are 7 historical and archaeological sites. These are ancient hills and settlements, which date back to the Bronze and early Iron Ages (III – II thousand years B.C.). Second, numerous species, representing meadow flora, grow in the reserve, which are protected by the Bern Convention on the Conservation of Wildlife; Specific industry development can become the base for ecological (rural) tourism development.


Event tourism

There are several places in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass), which have their events and are fully ready to host guests during the festivals: open-air museum «Tomskaya Pisanitsa» (Yashkinskiy municipal district of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) Кwith traditional Easter, Christmas, Maslenitsa, and Ivan Kupala celebrations; ski-resort «Sheregesh» (Tashtagolskiy municipal area) holds festivals and holidays devoted to mountain skiing. Also they hold gastronomic contest there; open-air museum «Kuznetskaya Krepost» («Kuznetskaya Fortress») (the city of Novokuznetsk) conducts international festival of modern jazz art «Kuznya Jazz». Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) submitted 11 event projectsto VII open fair RUSSIA OPEN EVENT EXPO within the project of IX Tourist Forum «Open Crimea» in 2019. The city of Kemerovo was awarded with the title «1st Degree Winner» and became the best capotal of event .


In 2019 on the territory of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) there were 225 registered mass media, including 97 newspapers, 20 magazines, 2 almanacs, 2 bulletins, 3 TV programs, 37 TV channels, 5 radioprograms, 57 radio channels, and 2 news agencies.

Social and religious organizations

According to the Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) there were 2113 registered non-profit organizations at the end of 2019 including 932 non-governmental associations, 355 religious organizations, 22 regional offices of political parties, and 804 non-profit organizations of other types of legal forms. Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) non-profit organizations not only provide Kuzbass people with services, but also represent the interests and protect the rights of different social groups. Moreover, they involve community into solving social issues using the mechanisms of public evaluation and public control. Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) public authorities are constantly interacting with specialized non-profit organizations on the issues arising in their sphere. Social councils were created from the members of these non-profit organizations of the region to exercise social control in 31 agency of the representative and executive branches of power in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) The main directions of social councils work are getting citizens, representatives of non-profit organizations to the implementation of state policy in the spehere of activity, determined for the given governing institution; conducting public duscussion of the issues, relating to the corresponding branch; announcing and discussion of social initiatives, connected with the branch operation efficiency increase. The main forms of interaction between Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) executive government agencies and non-profit organizations are joint activities, information support and information exchange; participation of non-profit organizations in the implementation of social policy, carried out on the territory of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass);


state support of socially-oriented non-profit organizations. Joint events are held in the form of forums, meetings, and conferences. The main places for discussions where government agencies interact with public and religious organizations in the region are Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) Public Chamber, Kuzbass Youth Parlament, and Kuzbass Interreligious Council. Also in the region there are advisory boards with authority figures, opinion leaders, representing different social groups (Council of Elders under the govenor of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass), coordination board for national public associations of Kemerovo region, council of minor indigenous community representatives in Kemerovo region, Kuzbass council for the disabled, public advisory board on supporting fellow countrymen (living abroad) voluntary migration into Kemerovo region (Kuzbass), Public Environment Council under the govenor ofKemerovo region (Kuzbass). State support of socially-oriented non-profit organizations is one of the key areas of public authorities activities in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass). Socially-oriented non-profit organizations get state support in the following forms: tax and levy privileges; providing benefits in case of leasing property which belongs to Kemerovo region (Kuzbass); providing state-owned property being at Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) disposal. The use is free of charge during the goods are being delivered, the work is carried out, and services are provided to satisfy the state needs during the implementation of the state programs in Kemerovo region (Kuzbass), which were approved in the sphere of socially important issues of Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) population or during the implementation of programs (projects) important for society and carried out by non-profit organizations out of regional budget resources (for non- profit organizations providing services useful for society for not less than 2 years); providing subsidies (for non-profit organizations providing services useful for society for not less than 2 years); providing support in the sphere of training, further training, and professional skills upgrading of workers and volunteers; other forms of state support, mentioned in articles 9, 10, and 11 of Kemerovo region law No 30-OZ dated 05.04.2011 «On Interaction of Kemerovo Region State Governments with Non-profit Organizations». Russian Orthodox Church is the biggest relogious organization in the region. There are 3 eparchies in Kuzbass metropole (Kemerovskaya, Novokuznetskaya, and Mariinskaya). Kemerovo Region (Kuzbass) Muslim Spiritual Authority includes 22 organizations. All in all, 16 religions are represented in Kuzbass.



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