POETRY. WANTS. MEDICAL REAL ESTATE, RAILROADS. STEAMERS steamers Daniel in Search of a Dog. Wanted. with fPill th: fliteen bank! tbe names of as as Grand Trunk R. R. of many SITUATION filer, by a young man who Canada. Baltimore & varieties of dogs ] FOR SALE != Norfolk, Washington A understands and thoroughly filing running alteration in steamboat. There was a man whose name was Daniel. all kinds of circular saws and other mill machinery . STEAMSHIP LINE 1. He had a very handsome —. “READER, J. P. Adll«‘S* MORRISON, WINTER AREA N He thought he’d change it for a better, mal3d2w West Me. GEMENT WINTER AND SPRING Four times a week. Have risen from bed after a short to Cumberland, desirable 3 Wooden 88 ARRANGEMENT 2. So bought instead a splendid —-; you your sleep Story DwelliDg, No. State or wilhont the Though soon lie sold it to a farrier, find yourself nearly suffocated with Catarrhal matter THE Street (with furniture), is UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. First on Class Steamship 3. And tried to a Wanted. ottered for Balo at a bargain and reasonable tenns buy well-trained-; in nose, and throat? Have noticed — FOE TI1E — JOHNS your , you SITUATION in a of payment. Possession May 1st. For HOPKINS. WM. CRANE. But found the salesman a deceiver, Grocery Store, by a young given partic- Express 7.00 a. m. for Auburn and Lewipton WM. And what a influence it exercises on the mind, man who has had over ulars, to JOHN C. Mail train LAWRENCE. GEORGE APPOLD. 4. took instead a black-; depressing A two y ars experience; apply PROCTER, or Gorham and inteimediate stations at as mhlldlw 03 St. MT. From Bostoa And, then to make him all tbe merrier, blunting its faculties, besides enervating the bod£ reference. Address or apply to Exchange 7.10 a. m. PENOBSCOT, DESERT AND direct every TUESDAY 5. He a most •CLERK, Central Tea 486 tram at 1,40 m for and SATURDAY. purchased lively-; well? How difficult to rid the head of this foul mat- Store, Congress Street, Express p. Auburn and Lew- M iHt Good Farm for Sale or Ei- — — Then stepped aside and bought an eagle. Portland, malldif 4 iston. MACH1AS. AND ter all can who are afflicted with Catarrh, for —Located WM. KENNEDY. 6. Yet faucied he should like a- testify Jmwchangc City Properly Mail train for Island Pond, (stopping at all sta- BLACKSTONK. Which its further Deering, three miles Irom Portland; tions to island and undesirable he found, How difficult to protect the system against hjMJjfjjQrin Pond,)* connecting with night mail ONE TRIP McClellan. 7. So it for a LOST AND Plenty of wood and water; Good orchard train for Montreal and the PER WEEK. From Pro videace changed young-; towards and bronchial tubes, all FOUND] Quebec, West at 1.50 every WEDNESDAY Then progress the lungs in nice order. Price to m. and saw upon a crimson rug Buildings 83,500. Apply p. NATCROAV can It Is a terrible disease, and WM. H. Real Estate forwarded from 8. What he declared “a lovely- physicians testify. JERR1S, Agent. Express train for Auburn and Lewiston at 5 10 Tbo Steamer Freight Norfolk to Washington and from the of Lost. March 7, ma7d3w» m. P LEWISTON, He wished to own it, when his eye cries out for relief. To be freed danger 1876._ p. Captain 1 Jeering, will leave ^ amerLady°ftl,e Lake aad JaD« 9. Kell on a little from-: to breathe or Streets, a small Trains will arrive as follows: Railroad Mo£Td dog suffocation while lying down; freely, sleep Congress Exchange Locket, For BHB&KSBi Wharf, Portland, every forwarded But as he whistled “Yankee one The fiDder will be Sale. Mall train from Gorham and Intermediate 1 liurNduv at lO o’clock. Freight from Norfolk to Doodle,” no ON containing picture. Stations evening, Petersburg and I and undisturbed; to know that poison- 8.30 a. in. and Va. and Tenn. 19. Up sprang a very clever-; soundly rewarded by leaving it at Stockbridge’s Music Store. bouse occupied by me, No. 327 at For Rockland, Camden, Belfast, Bucks- Richmond, R. R. to all flare? In breath and (formerly 153) Searsport, ** While close beside him there did stand ous, putrid matter defiles the undermines fe4 THESpring Street, Portland Express from Lewiston and Auburn at 8.45 a. m. port, Castine, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, Southwest Har- <"''ark’ Agent, 210 Washington St„ _dtf_ Mail from Montreal Boston****’ CAMPAIGN 11. A black that the does feb24dtfNATHAN Quebec, and West at 2.45 bor. Alt. and Alachlas- huge coated-; the system; to know body not, through CLEAVES. p.m. Desert, Millbrklge, Jonesport To all of And to it was from Lewiston and Auburn at points North and South Carolina yet purchase folly; the Lost Dog. Express 2.50 and poit. hr Sea- Us veins and arteries, carry poison that is sure to 5.45 in. board and Roanoke Railroad and 12. He’d rather have a faithful-; p. Returning, will leave Machiasport every Hon« Atlantic Coast Line a To SMALL KING CHARLES SPANIEL. The G. H. Keith Agent 222 Or, though to get one might be hard, destroy, is indeed blessing. purchase immunity dny inoruiug at 5 00 o’clock, touching at Washington street,“ ost™ A finder will be suitably rewarded bv leaving above And to all points in the West 13. He’d like to have a-. a Cite should be the named in by Baltimore A Ohio from such object of all afflicted. any information from him at THIS OFFICE. A Valuable landings (except Bucksport) arriving R. 0. A. Just then a man like an Albanian Offices Portland same R., Chipley, Agent, 219 Washington street, But those who have tried remedies and janl7 dtf Passenger night. DOStOn. 14. Led a snowy-. many physi- Property CYRUS by STURDIVANT, bills of But how the little creature snarls! cians despair of relief or cure. They become incred- Gen*l Agent, Through lading given by the above named *Tis as a 74 ^Dov225dtf63 Spring St. motives and Rolling Slock, CAPE always present in Catarrh, it afiects the whole con- NEW booked to ELIZABETH. and the utensils to on this CONNECTIONS. Passengers London stitution. necessary carry extensive and Ocean House-*. P. ROSSMORE To Let. business. There is also a On and after derry Liverpool, Chamberlain, Proprl- HOTEL, WEDTfENDAIT, 92d, in.t. Return ’Tickets nt 6 1-3 and until further notice. Junction of Broadway, 7th Aye. nnd SANFORD’S RADICAL CURE Dow Street. Inquire STEAM SAW AND GRIST MILL AND granted at reduced rates. 4’id Street, HOUSEen the premises. 8HIVGI.E MACHINE, DWELI.1IVG The Steam shin CALAIS. WILL Thus becomes a powerful in overcom- deci5 dtf HOUSES. W AKEHOUsES, WORK TRAINS RIJN AS FOLLOWS: NEW YORK CITY, purifying agent ”°,rA’ w D For several years the Portland Daily ing the poisonous action of the rotten matter that SHOPS, SHEDS, At. MORAVIAN, Capt, Graham, '¥235? Press Three blocks west of Grand neai GOING WEST. has been the and Central Depot, tbe '**•*“'» *•<»« vuf luiuai rtiiu min- largest fullest This is ottered for less than the coat Will daily paper published Elevated and but minutes from or property 8.15 A. train trom a leave this pert for Liverpool on Railroad, twenty gled with the contents the stomach, to be absorbed TO JLET of M.—Passenger Portland for COBNISH. In Maine; and its Publishers announce their deter- Wall Street. A new and furnished 1 Improvemrats. Titles perfect and terms lib- elegantly Hotel- into the system. etauuun, luuiuiig tiuuugu nuu-jui cuuu^t) U) oi, March nar eral The owners invite SATURDAY, Cornish mination to make their ail imnvnvpmnnts Dnfoo Ci dav investigation. Danville. Hardwick. Morrisville, 18lb, !8»6, House, M. B. Daria, Proprietor paper beyond question the For further call upon Jobnsbury, Hyde Liberal terms to families. Free omnibus from Grand Room in the Second ol the particulars Park and after the SANFORD’S RiDICAL CURE Story Johnson, Vermont. Connects with B. Immediately arrival of the Train of the pre- Central Depot. Printers’ Exchange, with power it C. & M. R. R. for Lancaster, Wbitefield. Littleton, vious day from Montreal. To lie followed by the DANVILLE JUNCTION. CHAS. E. Is a local and constitutional It UPflAM & Well’s LELAND, Proprietor remedy. strengthens required. Apply to PRESS OFFICE GARDINER, River, Montpelier, Burlington, St. Albans, Steamship Circassian, Capt. Smith. Clarh’a Dining Brand Trunk Of Delev an N. ana Claren- the internal while &c. to Hall, Bail. House, Albany, Y., system by use, endeavoring to or to B. &c., Passage Londonderry and Liverpool, Cabin (ac- way Depot, M. NV. Clark, don and THURSTON Ac CO., Ill Proprietor. Hotel, Saratoga. feb21d&wly9 throw off the disease, soothes and heals the in- At No* 7 Exchange Street. 2.40 P. M.—Passenger train from Portland for cording to accommodations). $70 to $80 flamed nasal surfaces by direct application. Exchange Street. feb8 d3m Upper Bartlett and intermediate stations. Intermediate passage. 40 0C12 dtf ELLSWORTH. GOING EAST. Payable in Gold or its equivalent. For Freight or Cabin Passage, to City Hotel.—N. H. Higgins A SANFORD’S RADICAL CURE 8.00 A. M train from apply Sona, Props. To Let. F. G, Patterson’s Beal .—Passenger Upper Bartlett H. & A. ALLAN, So. 1 India St. Estate and intermediate in Portland at United States Is a great and reliable medicine, and when every stations, arriving For Steerage Passage inward and and for FOXCROFT. Hotel, is tried DESIRABLE house to let on Congress No. 11.15 a. m. outward, other remedy and found wanting, this, by its St., Sight Dratts on England for small to Foicroft 613, in fur- 1.15 P. tiain from amounts, apply P. NI. immediate beneficial effect, passes at once into favor, A good repair. Sebago water, gas, BULLETIN. HI.—Passenger Fabyan’s in JAMES L. Exchange, Jeffords, Pro- nace. Inquire at No. 641 St. dec3tf connection with train from FARMER, prietor. PORTLAND, ME. which it retains forever afterwards. Congress through Johnson, Vt., No. 3 India Street. arriving in Portland at 5.45 p. m. MONEY TO LOAN Portland, Nov. 23, 1875. nov21dtf HIRAM. BEST NEWSPAPER IN Hotel during the past year has been Each contains a Treatise on and STAGE enthely package Catarrh To Let. first class Estate in CONNECTIONS. MAINE, remodeled and the Beal security, THIS enlarged by addition of 24 Dr. Portland, Easton, Pro Sanford’s Improved Inhaling Tube. Price $1.00. BRICK HOUSE No. 74 Danforth ONor vicinity—Bents collected, taies on At White Rock for North Windham. INTERNATIONAL new rooms, also new dining room, reading room, Street, paid, etc., STEAMSHIP CO. "priSS?" containing all the modem Commission. Houses and sold. to F. At Sebago Lake for Standish Corner. sample rooms and billiard hall, giving it a For sale by Druggists everywhere. WEEKS & THE improvements. In- bought Apply capacity at No. 10 Central Wharf. G. PATTERSON-dealer in Real Estate. Office At Baldwin for Cornish, Porter, Kezar Falls and Calais and of 300 it now, with quire 379J Eastport, 8t. John, Dishy, LEWISTON. accommodating guests, making POTTER, Boston, General Agents. williams’ Fieedom. one exception, the Hotel in the It has Jnel6 dtf Congress street, Block, between Myrtle Windsor and Balifaz. DeWitt Hon H. largest city. At Brownfield for Denmark and we, B. Wing, Proprietor been painteo and and Pearl streets. au28tt Bridgton. newly frescoed, refurnished, (many I^Use SANFORD’S JAMAICA GINGER after At for Stowe and Chatham. of the rooms with black walnut furniture) and Fryeburg Lovell, WINTER. newly exposure to cold, wet weather. ARRANGEMENT. LITTLETON, N H. and is in all respects a new hotel, clean carpeted, TO ! (^“Freight trains leave Portland at Thayers Hotel, H, L. and bright, and will be kept in all respects as a first jan26 mar7W&Slm _LET AGENCIES* daily 9.20 TWO TRIPS PER WEEK ! Thayer, Proprietor. class hotel. Most centrally located in the business sn. No. 55 on tbo easterly side of J. of the it offers com- Exchange HAMILTON, Superintendent. MACHIAS. part city, superior advantages to STOREStreet, five doors below Middle Street. Also On and alter Decem- mercial men and pleasure parties. T. Fortland. Dec. 21, 1875. oct25dtf Monday, Eastern front and rear offices in same to C. EVANS, ber 20th, the Steamer New Bruns- Hotel.—E. E. Stoddard. all its more Its table will at all times be building. Apply Prop. making departments complete and by supplied with the FRANCIS FESSENDEN. wick, Capt. D. S. Hall, will leave choicest that the market affords, sparing no eflort or expense at their command to And all Difficulties of tbe Feet skillfully 172 Middle, corner of Exchange St., ADVERTISING AGENCY A PRINT- ■Railroad Wharf, foot of State St., NAPLES* TIMOTHY make the Press more valuable and desirable. WOLCOTT,Proprietor. treated. or HENRY DEERING, -'every Monday at 6.00 p. m., for Nb,I,“ ERS’ and Church A Sons, Pro- auglO eodtf nov2dtf 39 Exchange St. WAREHOUSE, Eastport St. John. The Press has a larger editorial corps than MR* & MRS. DK. Boston & Maine will ^priMors**’ any WELCH, Chiropodists, Returning leave St. John and Eastport every In and 106 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. Thursday. paper Maine, has unexcelled facilities for col- Price, Twenty-five Cents. SO] 1-3 COIVORESS STREET, HOTEL TO LEASE. Until further notice the Steamer Chase will leave NOBRIDBEWOCK. ectlng news in all parts of the state. The business, Dealer in Wood and Metal and all kinds ol Daaiorth Corner of Brown, St., Portland, Me. Dr. Welch’. Type for St. John direct every Thursday at 1 p. m. House, D. Danforth. Proprieto agricultural and manufacturing interest of Maine Printers’ Materials. Advertisements inserted in Connections made at Bunion Ointment by mail 50 cents and stamp. THE NEW ENGLAND any Eastport tor Robblnston, will receive tbe continued HOUSE, paper in tbe United States or Canadas at publishers' St. Andrews and Calais. attention of the Press. feb21 RAILROAD. STRATFORD N. H. _d3w» PORTLAND, MAINE. owest prices. Send for estimates. Connections made at St. John WII..1?5TH The growing importance ot Portland as a distribu- Newspaper for Digby, Annap Willard House, C S. Bailey & Co. P oils, Windsor, Kentville, Halifax, N. S., Shediao, prietor*. ting center lor Maine, and its fast Increasing whole- House contains 40 rooms and two is DODD’S SPRING ARRANGEMENT, Amherst, Picton, Frederickton, Charlottetown and Homoeopathic Stores; sale trade, make a dally paper at this point of special Dispensary. THEsituated opposite the pissenger station of the Summerside, P. E. I. PEAK’S ISLAND. Grand Trunk and in the immediate ADVERTISING AGENCY, Commencing March 6,1876. ^“Freight received on cf until 4 Importance to every merchant and business man in CHANGE OF TIME. Railway, vicinity, days sailing Cnion House-W. T. Jones. and nearer than any other Hotel to the point of ar- o’clock, p.m. Proprietor. the state. Advertising. 121 rival and of the WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. Trains will leave Portland A. R. the Homoeopathic in departure European, Halifax, New Passenger for STUBBS, Agent, NINETY-NINTH EDITION. Dispensary York and Boston and the Boston at 9.00 a. 3.10 PARIS HILL. HEREAFTERCahoon Block, Cor. of Congress and Steamers, terminus of the 6.15, in., p. m., arriving mar21_ 3tf a list of Myrtle Horse Railway to the western of the Advertisements receined for every in the at Boston at 10.50 a. 7.55 m. Hubbard H. Containing complete all the towns in the Streets, will be open every day (Sunday part city and Paper m., 1.45, p. Hotel, Hubbard, Proprietor United the excepted) suburbs. Address United States and British Provinces at the lowest leave Boston at 8.30 a. States, Territories and the Dominion of from 4 to 5 o’clock F. ME* Advice and medi- Reinrniug, m., 12,30 FOE a AUG. P. contract prices. Any information 3.30 p. at Portland at 5. HARPSWELL, Canada, having population greater than 5,000 ac- cine will be cheerfully those who at tbe FULLER. cheerfully given m., arriving 1.15, PITTSFIELD. given apply im24deodtf and estimates promptly fuumished. 8.15 m. On to the last Foriland. Me. p. _ and after October cording census, together with the names ot rooms at the above time. 8th, 1875, Lancy Houte-Fletcher A Bale, the HORACE DODD. Por Lowell at 6.15, 9.00 a. m. Steamer tor*. Proprie- newspapers having the largest local circulation in ftb25dlm* S. E. M. Sec. m., 3,10, p. Henrietta, Capt. Q. each of the SYLVESTER, D., Por Manchester and Concord and will places named. Also a catalogue of news- ORTUNE TELLER. —Madame N. Coper LOWELL, leave Harns- XI C. J. Railroad New Market at " " 1 nfirrr tiia wcn papers which are recommended to advertisers as Maddox, the celebrated Clairvoyant, Fortune WHEELED, (via Junction) 6.15 a. Mondays and Saturdays at PHILLIPS. value in m., and 3.10 p m.; (via at 9.00 a. m. 8 a. in., at Little giving greatest proportion to prices charged. Teller and Doctress, can be consulted at No. 3 Lawrence) touching Chebeaigae, Che- Barden House, Samuel all in CLAIRVOYANT. Quin- For Great Falls at 6.15, 9.00 a. 3.10, p.m. benkiip and Lons Island. Farmer, Propri. Also, newspapers the United States and Cana- cy St. Madame vl. has had large experience In tell- NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGENT m., Returning, will leave evor# As a Political Journal da over each issue. For Rochester, Farmington and Alton Commercial Wharf; at 3 p. m. at the printing 5,000 copies Also, all the ing fortunes, searching out lost, hidden or stolen touching above KBS. L. T. B. KING, Bay at 6.15, 9.00 a. m., 3.10 p. m. landings. Will touch at Cousens’ Island Religious, Agricultural, Scientific and Mechanical, treasures, Ac., aud was never known to be at fault. No. 5 Washington each way. PORTLAND. Building, For Scarborough Beach, Blue Old Kor particulars inquire ot Captain on board or Medical, Masonic, Juvenile, Educational, Commer- BLE Clairvoyant can be found at the Do not miss tills opportunity of consulting the great- Point, Adams cial. Insurance, Real est Orchard Beach, Saco, Biddeford and STEPHEN RICKER, Agent, 131 Commercial St. House, Temple St. Charles Adam Estate, Law, Sporting, Musical, ARELIArear of 30 Dantorth St., where she will exam- fortuneteller of the age. Persons entering intoany PROVIDENCE, R. X. proprietor. aud other class com- Kennebank at 6.15, 9.00, a. m., 3-10 5.30 p. m. my8 Fashion, special journals; very ine the and advise or as each case de- new business or profession, the of which dtf lists. with sick, prescribe conducting Morning Trains will leave Kenuebnnk ,tT Fed*rBl »*• J. B plete Together a complete list of over mands. Terms She will visit those who they do not understand, will find it to their advan- Perry 300 German in $1,00. BATES & for Portland at 7.20 a. m. papers printed the United States. are unable to come to her residence if desired. Mrs. 1 tage to pay her a visit. She can foretell the LOCKE, Ap?opr“?or**!’ an destiny ®oa**’ India 8t. E. Pro- Also, essay upon advertising; many tables of King, in addition to her mce and ol friends in any part of the world and describe them FORTI^NINI) Bray, the cost clairvoy remedies, Trains on *OTi"w" rates, showing of advertising In various a She also describes all manner oi Netvspnpe.r Advertising Agents, Boston & Maine road connect with all possesses remarkable power which makes perfectly. disease — and kealiDg steamers between AJSD CitTHotc!, Cor. Congress and Breen newspapers, everything which a beginner in ad- her successful. febl7dtf that flesh is heir to, and gives medicine for the same. running Portland and Bangor St. very 34 PA..K J.K. Martin, vertising would like to know. She has given universal satisfaction to all who have ROW, NEW YORK. Rockland, Mt. Desert, Machias, Eastport, Calais, St. Proprietor. John and Halifax. Also connect C*n*r*** **• Hibson tri Address GEO. I». consulted her in her constant travels since she was with Grand Trunk o., the HOWELL At CO., Proprietors’ Press will be devoted as In the past toa descrlm- seven years old. Good testimonials given if desired. J. H. Bates, late ol D. R. Locke, o Locke & trains at Grand Trunk Station, and Maine Central PHILADELPHIA. 41 Park Bow, New York. S. M. & Oo. Toledo Blade. trains at Transfer Station. and Plum minating support of the se7 Terms, Gents SI 00; Ladies 50 cents. (Mice hours Pettengiil Jones, “titeV,or‘ Republican Party. During d 134iii All trains at Exeter 10 the trom 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. no9dtt Send for list of 100 choice newspapers. stop minutes for refresh- Clyders Iron Line of wr■Jo mS: F; 'yard’.Proprietor. pending important campaign, the Press wl» ments at first-class rooms. Steamers, Hotel, Junction ofCongreitaid Fed- dining Running between Providence Sti. give special attention to the obtained in the Uuited States Parlor Cars on 3.10 P. M. from TlBotfcy Wolcott, publication of politic* KA WHITE AND TIINTER BRISTOL GEORGE P. ROWELL & trim Portland nd every WED- r*Pa Proprietor. Canada, and Europe; terms as CO., and 8.30 A. M. tiain from Boston. Philadelphia WBBt— * news. CARDS, with name. 2Dc. or 50 Snow NESDAY and SATURDAY gives «•-. low as those ol any other relia- J. T. Gen’l pT.“S..‘o,,~-1-w As an Fluke. Marble. Damask, Plaid and Scotch FURBER, Sup direct communication to and from advertising medium, the Press stands flrsl ble house. Correspondence in- Rep, gran- ADVERTISING AGENTS S. H. SJL Gen’l Portland. ite, 40c. Address, WM. H. 34 Lisbon EVENS, Ag’t, Portland and all other in the of vited in the English and WEEKS, points KU!NfA(VK ISLAND. among journals Maine. foreign Street, Lewiston. state what saw au5dt Maine, with Philadelphia and with At- (Please paper you beyond. Through A. languages, Inventors, this in. an3d2w*tf FOR ALL THE LEADING rates are given to Philadelphia and all points renphAd Cxldrrwood, torneys at Law, and other Solicitors, with NEWSPAPERS. M A T\TB riPPIPD i 1 ii especially oy tne renn. central ana the Phil. & R. lPrdop,1”.°r.*• those who have had their cases in the MA VJU11 XAI/AJU JLI * Reading R.’s rejected hands Tim Won/lnsful T.AAIT Dealers hi Materials of and to all the principal cities in the South and South- of other attorneys. In rejected cases our fees are Printing every description Labors of MOODY & *YPe, Presses, etc. west. No No commission for SKOWHKGAN. and no is made unless we are suc- G* SANKEY in Europe Wharfage. forwarding. reasonable, eharge Full information W- ® Uriel cessful. and America. Best book and chance for men or Office No. 41 Park Bow, New York. Monday, October 25tb, 1875. given by D. D. C. MINK, Agent, Ian, Propn. women a business and 29 Devonshire St., Boston, or J, B. Te«o"?r If you want a Patent, ^ wanting good do good COYLE, Jr.! M ottered this Also new Portland. send us a modeler sketch year. maps of U. S. A., ESTABLISHED IN 1849. Trains leave Portland for Bangor, Watervill LiJ World and all Bible lands and WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Gen’l WII.TOW. and a full description ot Centennial Belfast and Dexter at $12.35 a. m., 1.40 p. m. Managers, 3La J9L 3ME & O at once Janll ly 12 So. Delaware Avenue. W. Creep. your invention. We will SiT , ^Combination. Apply to D. b. 8. IU. PETTENGILL & CO.’S Skowkegan 1.40 p. m. Philadelphia. W*lt»n^Hon»e.H Pwpritlw make an examination at ^ GUERNSEY, Pub., Concord, N. II. Augusta, Hallowell, Gardiner, Brunswick Patunt nn.l if febl6dlwt ADVERTISING AGENT* $7.00 a. m., 1.40. 5.20 p. m. we think it patentable, will send you papers and ad- PHOTOGRAPHER, Rockland $7.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m. MAINE Redaction of Price to 1.000 Bath $7.00 a. m. vice, and prosecute your case, Our fee will be in or- 244 AGENTS, Teachers, Students. Men and No. 10 State St., BostoD, and 37 Park Row, New York, m., 1.40, 5.20 p. / cases, $25. Middle Street, Women, wanted to sell CENTENNIAL Lewiston $7.00 a. m., 1.35,5.15 p. m. T or written in all mat- GAZETTEER oT the C, 8. shows Estimates furnished gratis for in ai Farmington 1.40 p. m. Mail n riOral The JBcsl Work at moderate Prices. grand Advertising STEAMSHIP CO. Subscribers. results of lOO Year* Progress A whole Libra- Newspapers in the Uniied States and British Prov- The $12.35 a. m. train for Bangor makes close con- inces. AIM.-TO PLEASE. ry. Boston Globe.—Not a luxury, bnta necr*ity. nection with E. & N, A. Railway foi St. John and Inter-Ocean.—Best Book Pub. Good Halifax. jan8 dtf selling Pay. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE Want Gen. Agt. in every city oi 10,000. Address, S. it. NILES, $Pullman Sleeping Car attached. A, C. McCURDY & CO., Phila., Pn. $Mixed. PAYSON TUCKER, Sup t. * TO 1SEW and inventions. Now Ready. feblO <11 w ADVERTISING AGENT. Portland, October 25,1875. oc25dtf YORK. References:—Hon. M. D. Leggett, Ex-Commis- sioner of Patents, Cleveland, Ohio; O. H. Kelley. VCR. II. CENTENARY EDITION. Contracts for Advertisements in all Newspapers ot National ana OATMEAL. Portland & Rochester R. Esq., Sec’y Orange, Louisville, Ky., SOAP. all cities and towns of the United States, Canada R. the Danish and Swedish mlnisteis at Wasmugton, BANCROFT’S Oatmeal is known world wide as Robin- geuine Soap nd British Provinces. D. C. son’s Oatmeal Glycebine. It is the cheapest fine Arrangement of Trains, commencing B3F“Send Stamp for our “Guide fob obtaining soap in the world, and the only perfect winter Office No. 6 Tremont Street, Boston. HISTORY OF Nor. 1875. tlie fact Patents,” a book of 50 pages. THE UNITED STATES, soap. Ask ior ROBINSON’S OATMEAL SOA P. 8, Despite that the Publishers are obliged to Address:—LOUIS BAGGER & CO., So- Thoroughly revised edition. To be completed in 6 febl8 ti4wt pay the postage, the Daily Pbess is ottered fo* licitors of Patents. D. O 12mo. PASSENGER TRAINS FROM PORTLAND Portland Washington, C.,P. monthly volumes. Cloth. Price $2.25 per vol. Press |7.00 annum In Box 444.dec28dtf WO FI $10. to leads to fortune. Daily per advance; $3.50 for six months; $50()7 L50 A. M. for Nashua It does such justice to its noble subject as to super- 72 page Book, entitled. Hen and Idiom* of Rochester, and $1.75 for three months. Worcester connects at Rochester with down Get the Genuine! Beware or Imitations! sede the necessity of any future work of the same COUGHS, COLBS, HOARSENESS, Wall Street, explaining everything. kind.11—Edward Everett. trains on Eastern aDd Boston & Maine Roads AND ALL THROAT DISEASE!!!, at Nashua with Express Train for Lowel THOMSON’S SENT FREE. i?S? and arriving in Boston at 1.30 P. LITTLE, USE! Bankers and 7& S'SS; Boston, M.; BROWN-*” CO., Publishers, Brokers, Broadway, New at Junction with WORLD-RENOWNED PATENT Vork.inel9end*wlv. connecting Ayer Express Steamers Eleanora and Franconia 154 Washington Street, Boston Wells’ Carbolic Train for Fitchburg and floosac Tun. mal5 d2t Tablets, nel and at Worcester at 2.10 P Notice. Line, arriving Will until further notice leave Franklin Corsets ! PUT UP ONLY IN BLUB BOXES. M.. connecting with trains South and West. Wharf, Glove-Fitting Portland, every MONDAY and at 6 EACH EIOI1T REVOKE BUIING A A TRIED AND SURE requiring work done please apply to 'J.OO P„ Iff. Train connects at Rochester THURSDAY, REMEDY. P. M., and leave Pier 38 Fast New ev- .gassffiejgsggBafc' PERSONS“Home” of W. C. A., No. 16 with B. & M. trains for Dover, Boston, Ac. River, York, For sale and Spring St., plsta ery MON DA Y and THURSDAY at 4 P. M. CORSE SEWING by Druggists generally, and family sewing, dress-making, embrold- 4.00 P. ML New Work Express BARES MACHINE, GEO. C GOODWIN & Mass. copying, Drawing The Eieanora is a new built for Tfe';Yj|gp«.y^-:1, VTf(: be sure and see the , CO.,Boston, erng and fancv-work in wools. &c.. etc.. oagstf Broom Car to Worcester and car from steamer, just this Sleeping and both she and the are fel9d4wt WVoreester to New York via all route, Franconia titled up Stamped \sS\y( 1 OF NEW Springfield with line accommodations for yjl/yS PHILADELPHIA or TRIUNE, Per rail connecting at Grand Trunk Junction passengers making 910 Day this the most convenient and comfortable route for Which sells at 40 per cent, less than other first class (Portland) with Trains from Montreal and way WATERS’ be made .by energelic salesmen with oor travellers between New York and Maine. Shuttle Machine. or sent for Circulars and PIANOS, Lewiston and and at West- These 'THOMSON” I Call, and UPRIGHT ARP THE REST CANgoods. Call at 42J Street, between stations, Auburn, steamers will touch at Haven Samples ol at Exchange brook Junction with trains of Maine Cent- Vineyard during the f,a™h’ Work, the Touch, 9 and 10 A. M., or enclose $1.00 fox summer months on their to and from MADE; Tone, Workmanship^ sample, directions. ral R. R. trom and all inter- passage New and &c„ to Box 1932, Portland. Maine. la 20deodtf Bangor, Rockland, York. J|| jjJT No. 3 Casco St. Durability UuMurpag»cd. mediate at Nashua fir Lowell and Stations, EACn A Passage in State Room meals extra. mal5 AGENTS WANTED. d3m WATERS' ORGANS, Concerto, and at Worcester with S3, TRADE.II Pasture Boston, (Union Depot) Goods forwarded to ana from MW NE«V ORCHESTRAL, VE»P»K, Boston A Albany Railroad for Springfield,Albany Philadelphia, Mon- Eerfect NEWLY fenced Pasture within one mile treal, Quebec, St. and all of Maine. MARK A W&r CHAPEL, VIALESTE, and CWMBEL- ol tho New Haven and New York, arriving at John, parts Tie Hartford, Maine State IS HEREBY Press GIVEN, that the subscri- cannot be excelled in toue or A City to let for a term of years. Hr'Freights taken at the lowest rates. Job LA, beauty. New York about 5.00 a. m. A car is CROWN. FIT. NOTICEber has been appointed and taken sleeping Shippers are to send their to duly upon The CONCERTO STOP is a ... J- B. requested freight the fine IMITA- , THORNTON. reserved at Worcester for this train. Printing himself the trust of Administrator of the estate of TION feb21eodtf Steamers as early as 4 P. on the give entire satisfaction. who has of the HUMAN VOICE. Warranted Oak Hill. m. train for Gorham. M., days they leave They Every lady fi.SO p. Portland. For further worn them recommends them. Be sure to the JOHN B. WOODBURY, late of for SIX YEARS. information applv to get Cape Elizabeth, Tickets sold and baggage checked to all importan HENRY General genuine, A novelty, Thomson’s patient fastening in the of PRICES EXTREMELY LOW for cn*h FOX, Agent, Portland. County Cumberland, deceased, and given points. J. F. corset steels are and during this Month. Install- AMES, Ag’t, Pier 38, E. R., New York. capped They unbreakable, bonds as the law directs. All persons de- Monthly Express Train leaves Worcester nt4.35 P. their do not abraid the sale having ment* received. Tickets and State Rooms can also be obtained at 22 fastenings dress. For by mands upon the estate of said are connecting with Express trains deceased, required A Liberal JT1., leaving Exchange Street. ocldtf first class dealers everywhere. THOlflsOfV, to exhibit the and all Discount to Teachers, Ministers, GRASS at 10 A. and New York at 10.00 same; indebted to said SEED persons f Albany M., LANGDON & CO.. IV. Sole etc. If., Importers estate are called upon to make payment to AGENTS A. M. arriving in Portland at 11.15 P. M. and Patentees for the (7. W. WANTE f^cl,00ls’ feb29t!2w FREDERICK HATCH, Adm’r. (^■“Tickets can be found at BARNES BROS., No, &TOYIYGTOJS LINE Special inducement* to Ihe trade. Illus- Cape Elizabeth, March 7,1876. xnhl5d1aw3wW 28 Exchange Street, and at the Depot. basteen trated Catalogue Sent. HORACE J. M. LUNT, enlarged |and greatly Improved the part WATERS & have now on hand an Supt. FOR NEW A Farm of Your Own TIT OTICE is hereby given that the subscriber has SONS, 4SI Broadway, extensive Stock ot my?utf YORK, year, and la now one of the largest, fullest and beat J.1 been New York. 3567. WEPrime Herd* Gras*, Red Clover. duly appointed Executor of the will of Box, mal4d4wf Top weekly paper in Maine. Terme A Isike Clover, Orchard Grass, Blue AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS. $2.00 per year la MARTHA G. late of CAHOON, Portland, Grass and Hlllet Seed, Florida and the advance; ala montha for three montlia for WANTED g\ f an Hungarian South $1.00; THE BEST REMEDYFOR HARD TIMES! in the County of Cumberland, deceased, and has tak- which we otter at the Cowest Cash Prices. We Tills is Hie Only Inside Route 90 centa. en upon himself that trust as the law directs. also have a assortment of — — large Vegetable and "VIA. Point All persons having demands upon the estate ot Flower Seeds. Avoiding Judith. FREE said AiS Centennial HOMESTEADS deceased, are required to exhibit the same: — — Steamboat trains an u n r, and all persons indebted to said estate are called Atlantic Coast Line of Express leave Boston from Bos- UNIVERSAL Railways. ton & Providence R. R. upon iu lmiKt; payment to HISTORY Depot daily, except Sunday, Best and Cheapest Railroad Land at 5.30 CHARLES W. CAHOON, Executor. to the close of the first 100 years ot our National In- Kendall & Leave New York 3 and 9 P. M., all rail via Wash- p. m., connecting at Stoniugton with the en- new and OFF IC are on the Line of the Portland, Jan. 4th, 1876. mhl5dlaw3w\V dependence, including an account ot the coming Whitney, ington, Richmond, Wilmington, Charleston, or Col- tirely superb Steamer Rhode Island, every E (irand Centennial Exhibition, 700 pages, fine engrav- umbia, Augusta, Savannah, Jacksonville, etc.; 8,40 Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and with the ele- low and steamer UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, ings, price, quick sales. Extra terms. Send for ana y.au a. j>i. ^nouea express; via eay Line irom gant popular Stonington every Tues- PORTLAND, ME. ,. — — “It work* like a charm.” Circular. P. and IN W. ZIEGLER & CO.. 518 Arch Street. Baltimore and Portsmouth, via. Wilmington, thence day, Thursday Saturday, arriving in New York EF* Special ratcsjto'.campaign clubs. i-mia., ra. _mhllt4w as above; and 3.00 P. M. Tuesday, Thursday, and always in advance of all other lines. Bag- NEBRASKA. Rennet Oil Saturday via Old Dominion Steamship to Ports- ffasre checked through. magic ! 0) mouth, Va., and as above. Tickets procured at depots of Boston & Maine and PI Eastern Railroads and at Rollins & SECURE A HOME NOW. This is a purely vegetable, general family remedy Parlor Cars by day; Sleeping Cars at night over Adams’, 22 Ex- ut-e < entire line change St..anil W. L>. Little & Full Information sent FREE to all of the Keep it in the house to in case of emergency. the Co.’s,49$ Exchange St. parts PI checked L. W. F1LKINS, D. S. world. Address O. F. DAVIS, THY IT INTERNALLY. Baggage through. BABCOCK, It cures z Information and tickets to J. H. Gen. Passenger Ag’.t, New York. President, fe29d4wf Land Com’r U,P.R.R.. Omaha, Nebraska. Colic, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Cramp, apply WHITE, &nd Pains in the Stomach, Sore Passenger A gent,General Office, 229 Broad Tway, N ocll ’73 dtf Indigestion, Throat, Long Range Breech Loading 2 lAT'CT'EllT We are Coughs, Colds, &c. Y., 222 Washington St., Boston, and Ticket Office giviug$65 Sewing Machines, Wholesale MAIL LINE TO VlA T JJIA Hunting Case Watches, Velvet Vests, LHE IT EXTERNALLY. Practice Pistol & Connecting Lines. Targets, Store, dec31d3m Genl. and black Silk free with our It cures Neuralgia. Catarrh, Rheumatism, Sprains, g A. POPE, Pass. Agent. Dresses, Carries a }£ inch ball with accu- Greenback Packages. Send to In- Cuts, Bruises, Old Sores, Headache, Toothache, and m local agent is wanted in t*wr. Tjlll'Iji'Ei racy fifty leet, without powder or 0) Nova Posters, Hand Rills, Bill every I- AirJj u ventors 173 Greenwich Street, in fact almost all the aches and pains human flesh is the Thompson Block, Non. 17 & Halifax, Heads, Union, percussion. Brass barrel, hair triggeV. For sale |$ EASTERN Scotia, New York. fcb29t4w heir to. Sold by all dealers in medicines. IN Middle Street. Good location below the Post RAILROAD? by dealers. By mail, free for 75 cents, with per- With connections to Prince WM. RENNE & SONS, Proprietors, Pittsfield, Mass Office where all the wholesale dry goods and Edward Is. manent ammunition for target practico indoors, other land, Cape Krclonand Hi classes of trade are located. The finest in and after Oct. Johns, N.ff. The Greatest Selling Centennial Book Is and for sporting out of doors. store the On Monday, 11th, 1875, J. W. PEKKIffS* * CO,. city, with light and airy basement, two entrances The new iron two counting brick safe, and ITINTII, FIjBTHER J ^ splendid steamship <*eueraS Agent)*, I'orilaud. J?Ve. ACENTS WANTED. rooms, elegant show notice, A. windows, tables, counters and otner fixtures. ‘BERMUl>A,”Capt.Cleaver, wifi aul7 febl7eod&w3m A. GRAHAM, G7 Liberty Strcot, Now York. Will m leave Grand Trunk be let very reasonably if applied for soon. to WILL LEAVE PORTLAND Railway Apply TRAINS FOR Wharf, every SATURDAY at H. —_--—- 4 00 p. m. for Ha LI As it WAS and 1(9, of our Wauled. PUFF! PUFF!! PUFF!!! E. THOMPSON, ESotiton 2.00 (except Mondays),9.00 a. in., 3.10 p. m. FAX, direct, treating history and making connections with the varied soil and vast Puzzle arriving at 0.15 a. m., 1.45, 7.55 p. m,. in Intercolonial Railway, government, climate, mountains, SIT [TATI ON as Book keeper a lady Magical Box. No. 32J Emery St., on the Spring St. Horse Car ample ior New sent free. lakes, and by compe- Bonie time to connect whh New York and Western Windsor, Truro, Glasgow and Pictou, and Hyspccimen copies Address, rivers, great cities, manufactures, wealth A tent to take of a set of books Thousands ot out of mlll« trains, steamers for charge kept by Magical Rings _ (Hi Prince Edward also at New in minerals, internal free double or • lLynn, Nnlem, Nrwbnryport and Ports- Island; improvements, schools, single entry. Address this wonderlul Box. N. with for wonderful achievements, agriculture, inouth at 2.00 (except Mondays),9.00 a. m., 3.10 Glasgow, S., Lindsey’s Stages Cape commerce, mlil5dlw* BOOK-KEEPER, Press Office. Endless amusement foi tlie children. p. Breton, and at Halifax with lor curiosities, etc. A NPhENOlD JUST m. steamers St. Johns. finances, Sent to any address, with full directions, on receipt of RECEIVED N. F. VIEW of t bid. MIGHTY YANKEE LOTRIDGE fSEoucester and Rockport at 9 a. in., 3.10 p. m 25c. & CO., 23 Dey Street, New — AT — RETURNING will on NATION, RICHEY ILMNl'KATED, Custom Rover at 9 a. m., 3.10 p. m. leave Halifax TUES- Cards, Tags, &c., printed at short Boys’ Clothing ! York* at 4.00 m. Nothing like it extaDt. Large size, low price. Wolfboro Rochester and threat lull* at 9 DAYS, p. No received after 10 a. m. on cf sailing. Agents wanted quickly. Terms easy. Address AGE NTH a. m., 3.10 p. m. freight day JUKS. F. c7 CHASE WANTED. For further information to J. B. HUBBARD BROS Springfield, Maes. ina2t4w Kittery, Eliot. Nonth Berwick Junction, apply COYLE, Jr., Franklin or would iuform her old customers and friends that she CENTENNIAL Worth Berwick, Well* and Kenuebunk Wharf, Cold or MEDALLIONS, a. 3.10 m. oct28dtt JOHN PORTEOUS, Agent. ftfnnn For a case of Cough, Asthma that has reopened the Btore Corner Portland nod at 9 m., p. B. C. BALSAM will Struck in solid Albata Plate, equal in OrinHawkes&Co.’s, Went u)jUUU ADAMSON’S not cure. lYIrchnnic NtrceiM, where she is to appearance, Biddeford, Nace, Ncnrborough, Ncar- at 35 cts. Circular prepared wear and color to and PfUTl Sold by Druggists free. cut and make Boys’ Clothing in the latest styles. borough dope Elizabeth at 9 a. m. On* F W Maine. HOLID HILVER OR 482 & 484 5.20 m. B O ST O 1ST liULU KINSMAN, Augusta, Trimmings constantly on hand. Old Maxim—‘‘First GOLD. CONGRESS ST., 3.10, p. P0RTL1II PUBLISHING — UO. mart d4wt come first served.” mchldtf Presenting a large variety of beautiful Design* in AND Relief. TRAINS FOR PORTLAND LEAVE OXYGEN TREATMENT. These Medallions are larger than a Silver Trade Boston at 8-30 a m., 8.00 PHILADELPHIA $1250 Profit on investment of being inch, in SUITING*, 12.30, I>. m., arriving in the dollar, 1$ diameter, handsomely put Portland at 1.15, 5.00 p. m., 12.15 many predictions, up ana sell readily at sight. The mo»t valuable (except Mondays Notwithstandingthat the benefi's derived from the Oxygen $206. Steamship Line. Houvenirsan Mem»*i»toe* ever issued. A at 8.59 a. Treatment would l»e I am Lynn m., 12.58, 8.27 p. m. only temporary, happy of our customers a oil outfit of for to that m purchased spread ICO complete magnificent samples agents, in OVERCOATINGS, Male 111 at 9.12 a. notice. say my case ibe cure is radical. I cannot shares of N Y m., 110, 8.40 p m. each & ONE Central, the put @106 call @'08, velvet-lined Morocco case—mc’uding the Bust of at 11 LeaTO port every Wed’s’y SatM’y. of treatment than to it Portsmouth a. in., 2.57,10.14 p ni t8^JS?!® i*5lha,1 “I*1® that buying 100 shares against the which were Washington.'* Grand Entrance Interna- 1 put @107, •‘George Dover at 10.40 a. m., 4.45 in. I a4r,Be a,l Sufferers to try it before sold 14. at the same Memoiial Hall TRIMMINGS l p. “ @) Selling price the other 100 tional Exhibition. (Art Gallery). Fall, at 10.22 a. u.v so most of them will <«reat m„ 4.19 p m &7© Wharfage. la!c,\ (icing, shares called @108 Netting profit of$1250; this opera- Horticultural Hall. Main Building, and the grand at fave of ,ime aud — — ELeunebunk 4.03 h"n