POETRY. WANTS. MEDICAL REAL ESTATE, RAILROADS. STEAMERS steamers Daniel in Search of a Dog. Wanted. with fPill th: fliteen bank! tbe names of as as Grand Trunk R. R. of many SITUATION filer, by a young man who Canada. Baltimore & varieties of dogs ] FOR SALE != Norfolk, Washington A understands and thoroughly filing running alteration in steamboat. There was a man whose name was Daniel. all kinds of circular saws and other mill machinery trains. STEAMSHIP LINE 1. He had a very handsome —. “READER, J. P. Adll«‘S* MORRISON, WINTER AREA N He thought he’d change it for a better, mal3d2w West Me. GEMENT WINTER AND SPRING Four times a week. Have risen from bed after a short to Cumberland, desirable 3 Wooden 88 ARRANGEMENT 2. So bought instead a splendid —-; you your sleep Story DwelliDg, No. State or wilhont the Though soon lie sold it to a farrier, find yourself nearly suffocated with Catarrhal matter THE Street (with furniture), is UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. First on Class Steamship 3. And tried to a Wanted. ottered for Balo at a bargain and reasonable tenns buy well-trained-; in nose, and throat? Have noticed — FOE TI1E — JOHNS your head, you SITUATION in a of payment. Possession May 1st. For HOPKINS. WM. CRANE. But found the salesman a deceiver, Grocery Store, by a young given partic- Express train 7.00 a. m. for Auburn and Lewipton WM. And what a influence it exercises on the mind, man who has had over ulars, to JOHN C. Mail train LAWRENCE. GEORGE APPOLD. 4. took instead a black-; depressing A two y ars experience; apply PROCTER, or Gorham and inteimediate stations at as mhlldlw 03 St. MT. From Bostoa And, then to make him all tbe merrier, blunting its faculties, besides enervating the bod£ reference. Address or apply to Exchange 7.10 a. m. PENOBSCOT, DESERT AND direct every TUESDAY 5. He a most •CLERK, Central Tea 486 tram at 1,40 m for and SATURDAY. purchased lively-; well? How difficult to rid the head of this foul mat- Store, Congress Street, Express p. Auburn and Lew- M iHt Good Farm for Sale or Ei- — — Then stepped aside and bought an eagle. Portland, malldif 4 iston. MACH1AS. AND ter all can who are afflicted with Catarrh, for —Located WM. KENNEDY. 6. Yet faucied he should like a- testify Jmwchangc City Properly Mail train for Island Pond, (stopping at all sta- BLACKSTONK. Which its further Deering, three miles Irom Portland; tions to island and undesirable he found, How difficult to protect the system against hjMJjfjjQrin Pond,)* connecting with night mail ONE TRIP McClellan. 7. So it for a LOST AND Plenty of wood and water; Good orchard train for Montreal and the PER WEEK. From Pro videace changed young-; towards and bronchial tubes, all FOUND] Quebec, West at 1.50 every WEDNESDAY Then progress the lungs in nice order. Price to m. and saw upon a crimson rug Buildings 83,500. Apply p. NATCROAV can It Is a terrible disease, and WM. H. Real Estate forwarded from 8. What he declared “a lovely- physicians testify. JERR1S, Agent. Express train for Auburn and Lewiston at 5 10 Tbo Steamer Freight Norfolk to Washington and from the of Lost. March 7, ma7d3w» m. P LEWISTON, He wished to own it, when his eye cries out for relief. To be freed danger 1876._ p. Captain 1 Jeering, will leave ^ amerLady°ftl,e Lake aad JaD« 9. Kell on a little from-: to breathe or Streets, a small Trains will arrive as follows: Railroad Mo£Td dog suffocation while lying down; freely, sleep Congress Exchange Locket, For BHB&KSBi Wharf, Portland, every forwarded But as he whistled “Yankee one The fiDder will be Sale. Mall train from Gorham and Intermediate 1 liurNduv at lO o’clock. Freight from Norfolk to Doodle,” no ON containing picture. Stations evening, Petersburg and I and undisturbed; to know that poison- 8.30 a. in. and Va. and Tenn. 19. Up sprang a very clever-; soundly rewarded by leaving it at Stockbridge’s Music Store. bouse occupied by me, No. 327 at For Rockland, Camden, Belfast, Bucks- Richmond, R. R. to all flare? In breath and (formerly 153) Searsport, ** While close beside him there did stand ous, putrid matter defiles the undermines fe4 THESpring Street, Portland Express from Lewiston and Auburn at 8.45 a. m. port, Castine, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, Southwest Har- <"''ark’ Agent, 210 Washington St„ _dtf_ Mail from Montreal Boston****’ CAMPAIGN 11. A black that the does feb24dtfNATHAN Quebec, and West at 2.45 bor. Alt. and Alachlas- huge coated-; the system; to know body not, through CLEAVES. p.m. Desert, Millbrklge, Jonesport To all of And to it was from Lewiston and Auburn at points North and South Carolina yet purchase folly; the Lost Dog. Express 2.50 and poit. hr Sea- Us veins and arteries, carry poison that is sure to 5.45 in. board and Roanoke Railroad and 12. He’d rather have a faithful-; p. Returning, will leave Machiasport every Hon« Atlantic Coast Line a To SMALL KING CHARLES SPANIEL. The G. H. Keith Agent 222 Or, though to get one might be hard, destroy, is indeed blessing. purchase immunity dny inoruiug at 5 00 o’clock, touching at Washington street,“ ost™ A finder will be suitably rewarded bv leaving above And to all points in the West 13. He’d like to have a-. a Cite should be the named in by Baltimore A Ohio from such object of all afflicted. any information from him at THIS OFFICE. A Valuable landings (except Bucksport) arriving R. 0. A. Just then a man like an Albanian Offices Portland same R., Chipley, Agent, 219 Washington street, But those who have tried remedies and janl7 dtf Passenger night. DOStOn. 14. Led a snowy-. many physi- Property CYRUS by STURDIVANT, bills of But how the little creature snarls! cians despair of relief or cure. They become incred- Gen*l Agent, Through lading given by the above named *Tis as a 74 ^Dov2<dtt Agents. 15. snappish small-. ulous. With such the long array of testimonials EXCHANGE ST., « So many dogs did BOARD. Passage *15.00. Excursion Tickets *25. quite contuse, — — from our best citizens, and in AFD For t or And Daniel found it bard to choose, physicians druggisls We would invite the attention of the enterprising freigh passage to Noriolk, Baltimore, Wash- And auite favor of ington, or other information impossible to find Capitalists ot the State to the following list of prop- DEPOT AT apply to One was Boarders Wait ted. FOOT OF INDIA ST, Toston^steamersT E. that suited to bis in our hands tor mind; erty placed sale, The Superior Sea _ SAMPSON, Agent, OF Some were too large and some too small, SANFORD’S wishing board in a private Going Steamers, Wharf, Boston, RADICAL CURE family E. £entrai And so he’d have no dog at all. up town will please address, Press Office, with H. ROCKWELL. Agent, Must GENTLEMEN Situated on Cumberland Tickets sold at Reduced Ratesl no2dti ___—Harper's Bazar. convince them that it possesses great merit, references, L. D. mar6d2w* River, Providence. K. while the new and method of its original preparation Clinton To Canada, Detroit, Milwau- when studied with the disease satisfies tne miud ot County, Kentucky, Chicago, kee, Cincinnati. Nt. Louis. — Omaha, HOTELS. any reasonable that its method of cure is the — person YIZ: St. Noli HOTELS. true one. TO LET. Saginaw, Paul, Lake City, Nan ACRES Denver, Francisco, UNITED STATES HOTEL, SANFORD’S RADICAL CURE 19,600 and all points in the HOTEL TO LET. — OF — North west, West and ^Southwest. DIRECTORY, Instantly relieves and permanently cures every form leadi°g Hotels In the PHILADELPHIA, J. O. .Ev.mb^,tn?.the State, at whioh. of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to the ulcerative FURNIVAL, Agt. the Daily Pbess may always be found. stage, together with all its sympathetic diseases, On 42d Columbia No. 110 6 THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY is in Street, Avenue, Viola Newbury street, rooms; $12.50 IIEHILV TIMBERED LAND! splendid FOREST €IT¥ AND JOHN BROOKS AUBURN 1876. HOUSEper month; Sebago water included. Enquire condition, is well equipped with first-class Avenue and Elm SANFORD’S RADICAL CURE on which may be found in and rolling Avenue, 108 Street. paying quantities, stock, is making the best connections and until further run Elm House, Court. 81. W, 8. A- Newbury quick- will, notice, alternately as follows: A. Young,"* Relieves in a short time the worst forms of Ner- Also Store or Shop in basement corner of est time of any route from Portland to the West. Lciving Proprietors. Main Exhibition very Congress Directly opposite Building, vous Headache, Neuralgia, Tightness across the and iDdia streets. Inquire as above. PINE, (BSP’PULLMAN PAi ACE DRAWING ROOM Temples, Ringing Noises in the Head, and Wakeful- mchl5-tf AND SLEEPING CARS are attached to the trains FRANKLIN WHARF, Portland, AUGUSTA. CENTENNIAL GROUNDS. ness. CEDAR, leaving Portland at 1.50 p. m. Dnily. hi 7 o’clock P. M.. and *t,Ue «.k checked from Portland to Detroit and INDIA ROOMS TO LET. Baggage WIIARV. nl 3 P. A“r“n.’'“o"?","’. This elegant fire-proof structure was and not to Custom House examina- BONTON, daily m. SANFORD’S RADICAL CURE Chicago, subject (Sundays ® kI 0 H built by Richard J. Dobbins expuessly to or unfurnished. nt tion. excepted). «• A. At H. Apply lor a Cony. Proprie accommodate Centennial visitors at reason- Cleanses the nasal passages in a single application FURNISHEDNo. 4 Uaaco St.
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