The Alumnus, V31n4, October 1947
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University of Northern Iowa UNI ScholarWorks The Alumnus UNI Alumni Association 10-1947 The Alumnus, v31n4, October 1947 Iowa State Teachers College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy Copyright ©1947 Iowa State Teachers College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Iowa State Teachers College, "The Alumnus, v31n4, October 1947" (1947). The Alumnus. 141. This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the UNI Alumni Association at UNI ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Alumnus by an authorized administrator of UNI ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. October 4- Conferences for Teachers of Speech and Home Economi.:s October I I -Football. Panthers vs. Kansas State Teachers of Emporia, 2 p. m. October 12 and 13- Conference of Iowa Music Teachers Association October 23 and 24-Homecoming Ploy, Auditorium October 2S-Homecoming. Football. Panthers vs. Morningside, 2 p. m. October 2S-Homecoming Dance, 8 p. m. to 12 :30 a . m. November 7-Des Moi nes Convention Dinner, 5 to 7 p. m., Groce Ransom Tea Room Novemb er 8-Footboll . Panthers vs. Augustono, 2 p. m. Novemb er 9- College Symphony Orchestra Concert, 8 p. m., Audi - torium Novemb er 9 through 12- Religious Emphasis Week November 1 4 a n::I 1 S-Di scussion C onference fo r Iowa High Schoo:s November 1 S-Chicogo Area Alumni Dinner, 6 :30 p. m., Chicago Novembe r 17-Jerome Davis, Lecturer, l 0 a . m. and 8 p. m. November 26-Foll Quarter ends Decembe r I-Regi stration for the Winter Quarte r Decemb er 2-Anno Ko skos, Contralto, 8 p. m., Auditorium December I 0-College Bond Concert, 8 p. m., Auditorium December 12-Christmos Formal Dance, 8 :30 p. m. , Commons December 12 and 13-lnterco ll egiote In vitational Di scussion and De- bate Meet December 14-Orotorio Messiah, 4 p. m ., Auditorium December 19-Holidoy Recess begins, 5 p. m. IOWA STATE TEACH E RS COLLEGE CEDAR FALLS , IOWA Dr. Malcolm Price, president of T eachers Coll eg e, presented awards and degrees. A ~l,,e CAMPUS TODAY total of 102 students received Bachelor of Arts degrees, with th e remainder graduating The Tempo Is Terrific from two-year and rural teaching courses. CHEERLEADER ROLAND "RED" ELLERTSON, Donald Phillips of Cedar Falls was awarded photographed in action on the cover by Ralph the Purple and Old Gold award for meri Salisbury, symbolizes the opening of a new torious scholarship in music, and Nick Ave l and busy year at Teachers College. chas of Waterloo received a similar award The largest fall quarter enrollment in the for conspicuous achievement in athletics. The history of Teachers College-2,804 students Alice 0 . Gordon award for outstanding has set the tempo for 1947-48. Enrollment scholarship in kindergarten-primary education of men students also reached a new peak- went to Jane Childs of Manchester, Iowa. 1,405. The Rev. James E. Waery, pastor of the This fall's enrollment exceeds last year's by Congregational Church in Iowa City, deliv 354 and represents a 60 per cent increase over ered the sermon at Baccalaureate, August 17. the pre-war average of 1,800. Attesting to the increasing popularity of profession, some 90 per cent of the teaching The ALUMNUS _enrollees are on teaching curricula. Volu me 31 October, 194 7 Number 4 Dr. Voigt Addresses* Grads AMERICANS MusT G ET O FF the " material'' THE ALUMNUS is entered as second class matter standard and back on the "moral standard" at the past office in Cedar Fal ls, Iowa, under the if civilization is to survive, Dr. Edwin E. act of August 24, 191 2. Authority granted 0. It is published and di stributed Voigt, president of Simpson College, told 188 January 27, 193 quartely in January, April, July, and October, by ege summer graduates at the Teachers Coll the Iowa State Teachers College. Commencement, August 21. The Alumnus is mailed without charge to 18,600 "In the tumult and thunder of battle, our alumni. As second class matter it is not forward l minds tend to forget the importance of deeper oble without extro cost. Editorial and technica duties are handled by the Bureau of Pub I icatio ns . things," he said. George H. Holmes ____ _ ________ ___ ____ Editor we now need a reconversion, and "Here Director of Bureau of Publications standard it is time to get off of the material A. C. Fuller _________________ Alumni Affairs and back on the moral standard if we are Director of Bureau of Alumni Affairs to have any hope that the coming years will Mi ldred McGra nahan _________ Managing Ed itor produce a way of life that will have a measur<'. Bob McGranahan _________ _________ __ Sports of civilized liviI)g .<1-nd ordinary decency and Ra lph Salisbury ________ _______ Photographer pe<1-c~ o.f mind..'~ - Ph ilip J ennings _ _ __ __ _____ __ Business Manager }947 JOWA STATE T EACHERS COLLEGE Page One • Highlighting musical activities at Teachers College this year will be a concert by the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, Dimitri Mitropoulos conducting, March 30, 1 948, in the Men's Gymnasium. Dr . Leland L. Sage is chairman of the lecture-concert committee spon soring the program. The New Stadium Dorm The Iowa Music Teachers Association will AT LEAST 160 men will be on hand early hold its state convention on the Cedar Falls for every football game this fall. Even if they campus October 12 and 13. Robert Gold. don't go to the games, these College Joes are sand, famed pianist and member of the Cin bound to hear them from their dormitory cinnati Conservatory of Music faculty, will rooms in Stadium Hall, the new mezzanine appear on the program. floor dormitory for men in 0. R. Latham The fall convention schedule will conclude stadium. with the Conference for Teachers of Stadium Hall includes 24 rooms, 20 of Art and Industrial Arts at the Elementary them with four double deck beds, and four and Secondary Level, October 17 and 18. designed as study halls. In addition there is a recreation room and study hall at the north end of the stadium balcony. Each room is Religious Speakers *Named 24 x 12 ½ feet and has individual steam heat. "Re•thinking Christianity" will be the theme of the Religious Emphasis Week at Teachers Conference Time On* Campus College November 9 through 12, Dr. Vernon , director of religious activities, has T EACHERS COLLEGE WILL be conference P. Bodein announced. headquarters this fall, with five conferences scheduled on the campus within a period of Among the speakers to appear at the four three weeks. day round of seminars and · discussions will be First meeting is the conference Dr. Gerald Kennedy, minister of St. Paul's of Administrators, Principals and Supervisors Methodist Church, Lincoln, Neb., and Dr. on the T eaching of Arithmetic, September Arthur Cushman McGiffert, president of the 26 and 27. Dr. W. A. Brownell of Duke Chicago Theological Seminary. University is to be the principal speaker. Seminar leaders will include Dr. Neal W . Two groups will meet the following week Klausner, professor of philosophy at Grinnell end. Teachers of Speech in Elementary and College, Mrs. Arnold Nash of Chapel Hill, Secondary Schools will hold a confer• N . Car., a practicing psychologist, and Rev. ence, October 4, as will the Teachers of Home Robert Hammill, minister of the Grace Metho• Economic in Secondary Schools. dist Church, Burlington. Page T wo THE ALUMNUS O ctober • The band strikes up far the Hnm ecoming game. Homecoming Set for October 25 THE GREEN LIGHT is on as far as plans fee or a coke, and talking with current TC-ers. for the 1947 Homecoming are concerned. The Early in the afternoon they'll head for the big day will be October 25. 0 . R. Latham field to see Coach C. L. "Buck" Although plans are still in the preliminary Starbeck's mighty Panthers in action. The stages as The Alumnus goes to press, the Panthers will be on the prowl for another Homecoming Committee expects to see all conference victory-this time over one of their you "alums" on the campus Homecoming eve, perennial rivals, Morningside College. Game October 24. As a starter, there'll be an out time will be 2 p. m. You can get your door pep rally and plenty of cheers for the tickets the day of the game. Panthers. Half-time ceremonies will include the presen The pep festivities will be over in ample tation of the Homecoming Queen, a comely time for you to take a tour of the campus coed selected by "I" Club members to reign dorms to view the Homecoming decorations, over fall sports. The Teachers College band, and to get to the Homecoming play. directed by Karl Hoivik, will present snap py maneuvers as part of the program also. This year the play will be "The Late George Members of the 1927 football squad will Apley," by John P. Marquand and George S. be at the game, with bells on, for they're Kaufman. Directors Hazel B. Strayer and planning a special reunion that day. Louis Stanley Wood have indicated that this spark Orr, a guard on the undefeated 1927 eleven ling comedy, so popular as a book and as a and now a commercial instructor at McHenry, movie, should be a hit.