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Culturecovery CULTURECOVERY Protection and recovery of intangible cultural heritage in Central Europe CULTURECOVERY Cultural Heritage: A European Perspective Thomas Huemer1 its peoples. 1 Rural Development Agency of Styria European cultural heritage benefits from a range of EU policies, programmes and fun- Cultural Heritage Policy of the ding. The diverse field of cultural heritage European Union is primarily financed through the European Regional Development Fund, the European The cultural heritage of the European Union is Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, a diverse and rich mosaic of cultural and crea- and heritage research funded from the EU’s tive expressions. It is the inheritance from pre- Framework Programmes. Europe’s cultural vious generations of Europeans and the legacy heritage also benefits from synergies with all for those to come. Cultural heritage enriches other relevant EU programmes and funds, the individual lives of Europe’s citizens, is a especially in the fields of culture, education, driving force for the cultural and creative sec- research, digitalisation, and regional and ur- tors, and plays a defining role in creating and ban development.[1] enhancing Europe‘s social capital. It is also an important resource for economic growth, employment and social cohesion, offering the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE potential to revitalise urban and rural areas Programme and promote sustainable tourism. Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE is a funding programme by the European Union that en- While policy in this field is primarily the re- courages cooperation beyond borders bet- sponsibility of Member States as well as regio- ween public and private institutions. Financed nal and local authorities, the EU is committed through the European Regional Development to safeguarding and enhancing Europe‘s cul- Fund, it helps innovative, yet isolated ideas to tural heritage. The Commission has developed grow into jointly developed, tested and accep- a number of relevant policies and programmes ted solutions for a better central Europe. As targeting cultural activities, and also supports such, the programme has supported regional and promotes policy collaboration between cooperation among central European count- Member States and heritage stakeholders. ries in the programming period 2014-2020. As an institution, the European Union’s role Covering an area of over 1 million square is to assist and complement the actions of the km, the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Pro- Member States in preserving and promoting gramme is home to about 146 million people. Europe‘s cultural heritage. Protecting Euro- Nine European Union Member States coope- pe’s cultural and linguistic diversity, therefore, rate in the programme, including all regions constitutes a prime directive of the European from Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, institutions. At the same time, the European Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia, as Union also strives to bring the common cul- well as eight (southern and eastern) Länder tural heritage into the foreground. Recalling from Germany and nine (northern) regions Europe’s common heritage helps to promote from Italy. peace, its shared values, and the well-being of 2 In terms of culture, transnational cooperation cultural and creative industries helps trigger stimulated by the Interreg CENTRAL EURO- economic opportunities and employment, PE has improved the capacities of the public especially at a regional and local level.[2] and private sector dealing with the protection and sustainable use of cultural heritage and resources. This has allowed for an enhanced References preservation and management of cultural her- [1] European Commission, itage and resources with sustainable growth. European Parliament The development and implementation of stra- tegies and policies for valorising cultural her- [2] Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE itage and exploiting potentials of Programme 3 Contents European Context Cultural Heritage: A European Perspective 2 Introduction About Our Project 5 Output Section Analysis and Strategy 8 The Cultural Recovery Model for the Management of Ecomuseums 12 Pilot Actions: Improving the enjoyment of intangible cultural heritage 15 Pilot Actions Preservation and promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritage and parish map development Municipality of Cervia, Italy 20 Project partner DELTA2000 DELTA 2000 LAG and Local Development Agency, Italy 27 The Pilot Projects of the Balaton Ecomuseum Lake Balaton Development Coordination Agency, Hungary 31 The Pilot Actions of the Municipality of Pivka Municipality of Pivka, Slovenia 35 Ecomuseum House of Batana Association-Ecomuseum House of Batana, Croatia 39 Public-private cooperation in the service of the protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage Municipality of Mošćenička Draga, Croatia 44 The Styrian Cultural Heritage Network Rural Development Agency of Styria, Austria 46 Intangible cultural heritage utilization in Tőserdő ecomuseum in Hungary Lake Velencei Development Nonprofit Ltd., Hungary 52 Frogs, Fish and Fun International Project Department, Regional Development Agency in Bielsko-Biała, Poland 56 Lessons Learnt and Reccomendations 61 4 About Our Project Simona Melchiorri1 cally connected to a territory. Here, the terri- tory is not simply defined by geographical or 1 Municipality of Cervia, Italy administrative terms, but rather as any whole unit where the inhabitants share a common Intangible Cultural Heritage way of life, culture, occupation or traditional It is important to keep in mind that cultural custom. Run from a central headquarters, the heritage is more than just material culture ecomuseum has a series of ‘antennae’ within such as buildings, monuments and tools. Both the territory of the museum. These antennae tangible artefacts and intangible elements form a network through which activities of compose our cultural heritage. information-gathering, research, display and education can be performed. Intangible cultural heritage can be characteri- zed as the knowledge, skills and customs that have been passed on within communities and CULTURECOVERY from generation to generation. Intangible her- Nine partners from six central European itage, however, does not simply refer to frozen countries (Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, practices from the past but rather is constant- Poland and Slovenia) joined forces to recover ly recreated by the community in which it is and preserve their intangible cultural heritage. practiced. Through that, it provides commu- The outcome of this transnational cooperation nities with a sense of identity and continuity, is CULTURECOVERY, a project made pos- and promotes respect for cultural diversity and sible by the European Union through its IN- human creativity. TERREG Central Europe Programme. Many of the central European cultural pheno- Ecomuseums mena listed under the national or UNESCO The ecomuseum is an institution which mana- heritage lack a sustainable approach to their ges, studies and utilizes – by scientific, educa- preservation and management. Intangible cul- tional and generally speaking, cultural means tural heritage such as traditions, knowledge, – the entire heritage of a given community, and handicrafts are in danger to be irreversibly including the whole natural environment and lost if not carefully preserved. CULTURECO- cultural milieu. VERY focused on ecomuseums, which have a great potential for preserving the identity of Thus, the ecomuseum is a vehicle for public places and people. The overall aim of the pro- participation in community planning and de- ject was to improve capacities of ecomuseum velopment. To this end, the ecomuseum uses managers and operators by promoting strate- all means and methods at its disposal in order gies and action plans for the preservation and to allow the public to comprehend and master valorisation of immaterial cultural heritage. the problems it faces. Essentially, the ecomu- seum uses the language of the artefact, the rea- With CULTURECOVERY, the involved part- lity of everyday life and concrete situations in ners strived to encourage a close cooperation order to achieve desired changes. between the public and private sectors, especi- ally in terms of the development of new tools. Ecomuseums are usually rooted and intrinsi- By doing so, the partnership fostered the par- 5 ticipation of local communities, helped people Contacts - References pass on their knowledge to future generations [3] Simona Melchiorri: and enabled visitors to partake in the cultural [email protected] heritage of their hosts. The CULTURECOVERY Project Team 6 OUTPUT SECTION 7 Analysis and Strategy Aleksandra Chrystowska-O’Shea1 - The questionnaire on the system of manage- ment and mode of financing 1Regional Development Agency of Bielsko- Biała - Bielsko-Biała, Poland - The questionnaire to identify intangible cul- tural heritage elements and safeguarding pro- Analysis and Strategy grams. In line with the project agenda, the partners The results of the survey did not allow to prepared the analysis and the strategy of the identify the most effective and efficient ma- ecomuseums or areas included in the project nagement model but it delivered precious in- focused on safeguarding intangible heritage as formation regarding management tools and well as conditions to favour or hamper their the practices. The major core difference was maintenance. These activities involved nine the legal system. The survey results were used ecomuseums and ecomuseum-like initiatives as the background for planning the workshops from six countries
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