From Classrooms to the Capitol
From Classrooms To the Capitol Sooner Magazine's official staff photographer stepped into O. W. Davison, superintendent, Durant ; Frank Hess, Drum- the Senate Dining Room at the nation's capitol early in March to right; Frank Pauly, Tulsa. take action shots of a number of prominent O.U. alums-officers George Hooper, Tulsa; Ferman Phillips, manager of the City ; Elmer in the field of public school administration in Oklahoma, Okla- Oklahoma Educational Association, Oklahoma Rinsland, Univer- homa congressional delegates, and officers of the Washington Cecil, superintendent, Weatherford ; Henry superintendent, O.U. Alumni Club. sity of Oklahoma, Norman ; C. E. Crooks, D. Edna The occasion for the big Sooner assembly in Washington was Guthrie; Dion C. Wood, superintendent, Duncan ; the national convention of the National Association of State Jones, superintendent, Seminole. Hann, School Administrators held in Atlantic City. The special lunch- Harold Toas, Limestone Gap School, Kiowa; George G . eon in the Senate Dining Room was sponsored jointly by the superintendent, Ardmore; Mrs. D. D. Kirkland, McAlester; Okmul- congressional delegation and the O .U. Alumni Club for some A. Godfrey, superintendent, Pryor ; W. Max Chambers, 62 Oklahoma school administrators . gee; R. R. Russell, superintendent, Stillwater; E. E . Sowers, Principal speakers at the luncheon were Congressman W. G . Drumright. "Bill" Stigler, chairman of the Oklahoma delegation, and Okla- H. W. Morris, Tulsa ; R. L. McLean, Anadarko ; C. M. How- School, Okla- homa's Senior Senator Elmer Thomas . ell, Oklahoma City ; F. R. Born, Central High School, Okla- Following the luncheon, an organized tour of the entire capi- homa City ; Gilbert Robinson, Taft Junior High City ; tal city and surrounding territory was conducted prior to the 6 homa City ; W.
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