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RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Wichita Tribal News PERMIT NO 44 ka:si:h ke?etara: kwa:ri “I’m Going to Tell You Something” Anadarko, OK November 2018 SW Oklahoma Tribes Work Together for Domestic Violence Awareness and Services Wichita Tribal News P.O. Box 729 Anadarko, OK 73005 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2-3: A combined group of representatives from the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes, Kiowa Tribe, Apache Tribe of Department Reports Oklahoma and City of Anadarko were present during the Domestic Violence Awareness Month proclamation by Anadarko Mayor Kyle Eastwood on October 19, 2018. Pages 4: Wichita Social Services—along ties of the program are “to make Social Services fourth quarter re- sic necessities—such as hygiene Commission Reports with its Victims Advocacy sure that any person who comes ports, 64 people [29 adults and 35 products—have to be purchased. (VOCA: Victims of Crime Act) to us, first and foremost, is safe,” children] were assisted with the Page 5: program—has a difficult respon- she said. “After that, to make sure program (see Page 13). In some “Sometimes, if we have women sibility. Essentially, they offer as- that they’re permanently safe and cases, previous clients do return who are leaving their situation, Wichita Veterans sistance to those women and men to offer them services that they to the program. “A woman leaves they’re leaving with nothing,” Page 6: who need help in removing them- might need immediately. They her abuser on an average of 7-to- Hammonds said. “We might be selves and their young children may leave home without any gro- 10 times before she leaves him or taking them to the shelter with Job Openings from life-threatening dangers of ceries or clothing or anything. We her permanently,” said Social Ser- absolutely nothing. They might Page 7: domestic, family and intimate help provide them the basic needs vices Director Penny Hammonds. leave with their purse and that’s partner violence. to get by until they’re able to get it. They might not have clothes. Corrected Children’s permanent help.” While one of the immediate We put them in a hotel, and they According to Victims’ Advocate needs is to find shelter for clients might not have a toothbrush or Clothing Notice E’Dena Craig-Romero, the du- According to FY 2018 Wichita that is safe and confidential, ba- CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 Pages 8-9: Dept. Reports Continued Page 10: Wichita Athletes Page 11: Birthdays Page 12: Casino Report Page 14: Communities in Schools Opening Page 15: City of Anadarko Domestic Violence Awareness Proclamation CHR Celebrates 50 Years of Nationwide Health Service Wichita Executive For many Native people through- Much of With du- port through the “Family Spirit Committee: out Indian Country, their tribe’s the pro- ties rang- Program.” Community Health Representa- g r a m ’ s ing from Terri Parton President tive—or CHR as more commonly e a r l y trans- “Community health representa- known—has been, for the past 50 trainees p o r t i n g tives are a critical part of our Indi- Jesse E. Jones years, the first point of contact in helped to patients, an health system,” said Rear Adm. Vice-President meeting their healthcare needs. meet the picking Michael D. Weahkee, IHS princi- needs of up and pal deputy director and Zuni trib- Myles Stephenson, Jr. According to the Indian Health Alaskan refilling al member, in an email to Wichita Secretary Service’s Oklahoma City area tribes in medica- Tribal News. webpage on CHRs, the program r e m o t e tions and Vanessa Vance was originally created out of the a r e a s . home vis- “They provide essential services Treasurer Office of Economic Opportunity N o w , its, train- to our remote and rural com- Shirley Davilla in 1967, where they were known over 95 CHR/EMS Director Fran Harrison has served as ing for the munities,” Weahkee continued. Commitee Member as “Community Health Aides.” percent of the Wichita Community Health Respresentative program “Their work is especially import- By 1968, stated IHS public affairs the CHR for over 33 years. includes ant because they are front-line Nahuseah Mandujano specialist Marshall Cohen, the programs CPR and public health workers who are Committee Member CHR program was then estab- are directly operated specifically first aid training; mental health trusted members of the commu- Matt Roberson lished under the 1921 Snyder Act. by the tribes. first aid; and young parent sup- CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 Committee Member Marland Toyekoyah, Jr. Tribal Administrator Tribal offices will be closed Wednesday, Nov. Brian Daffron Editor 21-Friday Nov. 23 for the Thanksgiving holiday. PAGE 2 Wic Department Reports The following department and CCDF developed and contin- funding for FY 2018. Plans for book Live. as panhandle. Arrangements for program reports are from the FY ues to provide oversight to the the increase in funding include Events Attended the reburial were nearly com- 2018 Fourth Quarter. Commis- Wichita Child Development the following: • Cross-Deputization Signing: plete when the Tribe received sion and Board reports begin on Center (WCDC) located in Is- • CCDF has an approved list July 16, 2018 (interviews notification from NPS that some Page 4.--Editor cani, at 101 E. Coronado Cir- for future plans but listed be- with City of Anadarko and mistakes were discovered in the cle, Anadarko, Okla., and the low are priority. BIA Chief of Police occurred inventory of Associated Funer- AOA/CAREGIVER Wichita School Readiness Pro- • Program expansion for the on days following event). ary Objects that would require gram located at 1516 S. Mission, school age children. The cur- • Wichita Annual Meeting: correction and a revised Feder- The Administration on Aging Anadarko, Okla. rent facility will serve four- July 21, 2018 al Register notice. Subsequently, program, also known as the year-old children who are • Education Services College the reburial will not occur until AOA, serves meals to Native Quality child care is provided to enrolled in Pre-K or Head Freshman Orientation 101: sometime in FY 2019. American elders 55 and over. In- 85 percent low-to-moderate in- Start up to the age of seven. July 27, 2018 come is not a basis for eligibility. come, and up to 15 percent are • A new facility will be built • TFSS Youth Paint: July 31, In other repatriation activities, a accepted as private pay at both for children 7-13. This facil- 2018 request for transfer of control of On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we programs. ity is tentatively scheduled to • Children’s Clothing Check human remains at the Sam No- have Bingo from 1:00 to 2:00 • The WCDC building was be completed by winter 2019. Distribution: August 2, 2018 ble Oklahoma Museum of Natu- p.m. All the elders are asked to completed in September • CPR training will begin for • Wichita Annual Dance: Au- ral History has been submitted, bring a small bingo prize to be 2009. children age 8 to under 13 at gust 9-12, 2018 and planning for the reburial of eligible to play; there is one big • Services at the Wichita Child the WSRP. • WCEP Elders Roundtable these remains will be initiated in prize for the blackout. The elders Development Center are • A storm shelter will be in- and Guest Lecture: August FY 2019. In related matters, the also play the card game Skip-Bo. provided to all members of stalled at the WSRP. The 10, 2018 program has consulted on in- the community. Wichita Child Development • American Indian Expo: Pa- advertent discoveries of human On Wednesdays, there is an El- • Ages accepted are 0-4 years Center has a safe room built rade on August 15, 2018; remains in Frio County, Texas, ders exercise class and games. old. into the structure. Wichita Night on August 16, with the Texas Department of Elders attended two garage sales. • All services are “fee” based. • Shade for the Tribal Com- 2018. Transportation and at Lakes Tex- The first Friday of each month is We accept OKDHS, tribal plex will cover the play- oma, Oologah, Eufaula and Fort an Elders flea market and bake subsidy and private pay. ground equipment that was Gibson with the Tulsa Corps of sale. Brian Daffron • Operating hours are 6:00 purchased by CCDF in 2014. Communications Manager Engineers. a.m.-6:00 p.m. Monday-Fri- • All staff were encouraged to The elders attended the Oklaho- day. submit a “wish” list for their Also, consultation services that ma State Fair on September 19. COMPLIANCE OFFICER/ • The WCDC is licensed by classrooms and facilities. have carried over to the fourth We were invited and attended the State of Oklahoma for • There will be a stronger focus INTERNAL AUDITOR quarter include: the Peace Circle the Kiowa Elder’s fun day at the capacity of 75 children. on staff training and provid- The Compliance Officer/Internal Public Art Project in Grapevine, Kiowa AOA in Carnegie, Okla. • WCDC has a storm shelter ing educational enrichment Auditor began working on Au- Texas; Commemorative Plaque and generator. activities for the children en- gust 06, 2018. Shortly after hire, at Texas Christian University; Congregated Meals rolled in our programs. the Compliance Officer/Inter- Wichita Falls Arts Alliance Proj- (meals eaten in the AOA dining CCDF has developed a second nal Auditor went right to work ect; Wichita exhibit at the Bull- room) educational program, the Wich- “Together we are better!” conducting an internal audit for ock Museum in Austin, Texas; • July: 517 ita School Readiness Program the following programs: Trib- and facilitation of an arbor con- • August: 494 (WSRP).