Bulletin 27 November 30, 2009 Plain Pots: A Study of Late Woodland Pottery in Central Alabama By Jason Mann and Richard Krause Discovery and Excavation of the Moundville Earth Lodge By Vernon James Knight Analysis of Daub from Mound V, Moundville: Its Role as an Architectural Indicator By Jeffery L. Sherard Analysis of Wood Charcoal from an Earth Lodge on Mound V at Moundville By Amanda Tickner BULLETIN ALABAMA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY The scientific publication of the Alabama Museum of Natural History. Dr. Phil- lip Harris, Editor. BULLETIN ALABAMA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY is published by the Alalabama Museum of Natural History, a unit of The University of Alabama. The BULLETIN succeeds its predecessor, the MUSEUM PAPERS, which was ter- minated in 1961 upon the transfer of the Museum to the University from its parent organization, the Geological Survey of Alabama. The BULLETIN is devoted primarily to scholarship and research concerning the natural history of Alabama and the Southeast. It appears twice yearly in conse- cucutively numbered issues. Communication concerning manuscripts, style, and editorial policy should be addressed to: Editor, BULLETIN ALABAMA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, The University of Alabama, Box 870345, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0345; tele- phone (205) 348-1831 or emailed to
[email protected]. Prospective authors should examine the Notice to Authors inside the back cover. Orders and requests for general information should be addressed to BULLE- TIN ALABAMA MUSEUM OF NATUTURAL HISTORY, at the above address or emailed to
[email protected]. Yearly subscriptions (two issues) are $30.00 for individuals, $50.00 for corporations and institutions.