Pabini Gabriel-Petit Silicon Valley, CA Email: [email protected] Phone: 408-770-9575 | Mobile: 831-809-0992 Address: 3507 Palmilla Drive, #4084, San Jose CA 95134 Web site: Portfolio: portfolio.php

UX Leader Summary of At companies such as Google, Cisco, WebEx, Apple, and many startups, I have successfully led Qualifications user experience (UX) strategy, design, and research projects for Web, mobile, and desktop applications for consumers, small businesses, and enterprises, working in diverse product domains. The diversity of my experience enables me to recognize opportunities for innovation. As a UX leader, I have demonstrated my ability to think strategically and execute tactically to rapidly deliver superior business results and delightful user experiences. I have deep expertise in all aspects of UX design; have built, led, and mentored effective, cross-functional UX teams; persuasively advocated for user experience and user-centered design; established corporate UX design processes, standards, and guidelines; and defined and prioritized product and usability requirements. Working collaboratively with multidisciplinary product teams, I have envisioned innovative design solutions for award-winning products such as scanR and WebEx Meeting Center and Training Center. A leader in the UX community, I was a Co-Founder and Director of the Interaction Design Association and am Founder, Publisher, and Editor in Chief of UXmatters. Experience Independent UX Strategy and Design Consultant, 2003–present Providing UX strategy, UX design, expert review, and user research services to clients such as Nor1, TRIRIGA, GetJar, Google, scanR, Cisco, and others. Senior Director, User Experience & Design, Apttus Inc., April 2013–May 2014 Led the UX team, comprising an interaction designer/UX researcher and a front-end Web developer, plus a UX designer, a graphic designer, and a front-end Web developer working on a contract basis. Responsible for UX strategy, design, and user research for all Apttus applications. § Developed an in-depth strategy and plan for User Experience at Apttus. § Led a collaborative effort to devise an agile development process, integrating Lean UX. § Wrote job descriptions for roles on the UX team and began building the team. § Created a UX Customer Advisory Board—primarily to enable generative research and usability testing with actual users. § Devised a UX design strategy to bring maximal consistency to CPQ (Configure Price Quote) Visualforce pages on the desktop, iPad, and mobile devices—the latter on Salesforce1. § Created a responsive design and prototype for a new B2C ecommerce Web application for iPad and desktop in HTML5/CSS3/Bootstrap. § Designed, prototyped, and wrote detailed specifications for key components of a Web application framework for CPQ Visualforce and Salesforce1 pages, including navigation, menus, overlays providing summary information, product catalog navigation and search, button bars, status messages, and progress bars. § Over multiple releases, redesigned and prototyped key CPQ Visualforce and Salesforce1 pages—including product catalog, search results, pricing, and product/configuration options pages. Improved workflows and the display of complex data. § Consulted on the design of new CPQ features—such as approvals, purchased products, guided selling, deal management, and pricing agreements—and created Balsamiq sketches. Pabini Gabriel -Petit :: Page 2

Experience, § Consulted on design solutions for the CM (Contract Management) and X-Author products. continued § Established UX design standards for drop-down menus, Web forms, UI text, search, status messages, and progress bars. § Created an icon font and a repository of icons and widgets. § My team provided UX design and research services to Professional Services. § Art directed the design of a set of product logos for all Apttus product families. Principal UX Architect, BMC Software, January 2011–August 2012 Responsible for UX strategy, requirements definition, collaborative ideation, design innovation, and UX design for -generation user interfaces (NGUIs) for the AR Framework for Web applications and the Service Desk and Calendar applications. § Created a responsive design for desktop and iPad Web applications and designed workflows and key components of the NGUI Framework, including navigation, global search, summary and table views of results lists, workspaces, tabbed panels, toolbars, status bars, and overlay dialog boxes and messages boxes. Innovated a Work in Progress UI to support users’ multitasking needs and wrote usage scenarios to demonstrate its utility. § Designed the Dashboard, newsfeed, and incident management workflows and user interfaces for Next-Gen Service Desk, the first adopter of the NGUI Framework. Innovated Smart Search features that push information to users when and where they need it. § Created sketches and hi-fi mockups of designs, including widgets and icons, and wrote detailed UX design specifications. § Provided an expert review of the existing Calendar Web application. § Created template and guidelines for writing user stories, and wrote user stories for features of Next-Gen UI Framework and Service Desk, including Dashboard, gadgets, and newsfeed. § Developed and documented UX design standards and guidelines for NGUI Framework and Service Desk, including Web form guidelines. § Drove collaborative effort to embed wiki Help panel in NGUI Framework, enabling users to easily view both context-sensitive and reference Help in the context of their work. § Observed and interviewed users working with Service Desk to better understand their needs. § Evangelized UX and advocated for UX involvement throughout the product development cycle to focus product teams on user needs and ensure that designs got built. § Participated in portfolio planning. § Defined the roles and responsibilities of the various UX Design (UXD) team members. § Defined RACI charts for and led collaborations between UXD and documentation teams. § Defined requirements and created a phased plan for improving the UXD Web site to facilitate multidisciplinary teamwork. VP, User Experience, scanR, 2008 Led UX strategy and design for award-winning consumer mobile and Web applications that let users scan documents and whiteboards with their phone’s camera, then view and manage scans. § Completely redesigned the scanR mobile Web application and site, improving their workflows, usability, and appearance and devising an innovative interaction model for viewing actual document pages on a mobile phone. § Designed workflows, interaction models, visual elements, and user interface text for new mobile applications for BlackBerry and Windows Mobile. § Redesigned and wrote marketing copy for the scanR Web site home page and marketing pages; redesigned the site navigation and signup pages; and designed a new product tour. § Incrementally improved the scanR Web application, designing a new getting started wizard— to ensure a successful first-time user experience—photo uploader, and Help panel, using Ajax interaction models and interactive user assistance; redesigning its navigation; and refreshing the visual design of the gallery and page viewer. Pabini Gabriel -Petit :: Page 3

Experience, UX Design Consulting Engagement, Google, 2007–2008 continued Designed Google Orders 1.0, an Ajax Web application that lets employees process and approve AdWords orders more efficiently and effectively. The AdWords orders processed using Google Orders are the source of approximately 75% of Google’s revenues. § Interviewed stakeholders and observed users to understand the needs and tasks of specific user groups. Consequently, the application design very successfully satisfied their needs. § Developed innovative conceptual models for a proposed social Help application. UX Strategy & Design Consulting Engagement, Cisco Systems, 2004–2005 Contributed to the development of guidelines that brought consistency to commercial desktop and Web applications for SMBs, improving their user experience and reducing development costs. Developed workflows, interaction design patterns, and visual design standards for navigation, search, graphs, reports, menus, and toolbars. User Experience Manager, WebEx Communications, 2000–2002 Led UX strategy, design, usability testing, and documentation. Designed innovative user interfaces for Meeting Center and Training Center, setting the industry standard for online meeting software. Contributed to product definition and software architecture. § Transformed the user experiences for Meeting Center, OnStage/Event Center, and OnCall/Support Center over several revisions, dramatically improving their usability, consistency, and appearance. § Led user experience design for new products, including Training Center 1.0, WebEx Enterprise Edition, and Shopping Together, a social shopping experience. § Defined the feature set and designed the user experience for WebEx Recording Editor 1.0. § Managed and mentored a team comprising five UX designers, a graphic designer, a usability test facilitator, a documentation manager, and two contract technical writers. § Innovated a progressive and on-demand download solution to solve problem of slow starts to meetings and, in collaboration with Engineering, defined a software component architecture. § Guided the development of HTML/CSS templates, improving efficiency and reducing development costs. § Planned and established guidelines and procedures for usability testing. Wrote test scenarios, scripts, and questionnaires. Planned and led usability testing. Reviewed usability test reports and devised design solutions for identified usability problems. Independent UX Design Consultant, 1994–1999 Provided UX design and expert review services to clients such as WebEx, Chemdex, Whistle Communications, Kaleida Labs, and Apple Computer. Human Interface Engineer, Apple Computer, Enterprise Systems, 1992–1993 Designed AppleTalk networking applications, including Apple Internet Router 2.0, improving their usability and consistency. Designed an innovative object-oriented development environment with a dynamic layout grid. Facilitated and observed usability tests and identified and solved usability problems. Contributed to user interfaces for AppleSearch, OpenDoc, and Apple Guide. Professional § UXmatters—Founder, Publisher, Editor in Chief, and author of numerous articles Associations & § On Good Behavior, a UXmatters column on interaction design Leadership § Designing Search: UX Strategies for eCommerce Success—Contributing Editor § Global UX: Design and Research in a Connected World—Contributor § SIGCHI—Interactions Editorial Board Member (2005–2007) § SIGCHI—Interactions Guest Editor, May + June 2005 issue Pabini Gabriel -Petit :: Page 4

Speaking § Lean UX Versus UX Strategy—Panel Moderator, UX STRAT 2013—September 2013 Engagements § Welcome to Frontiers of Interaction III—Via video, June 2007 § The Shifting Role of Design—Panelist, IxDA, December 2006 § Getting from Concept to Realization: The Role of UX in Product Development—Keynote Speaker, Frontiers of Interaction, June 2006 § The Future of Digital Product Design—Panelist, BayDUX, December 2004 § UX: Why Do So Many Organizations Believe They Own It?—Panelist, BayCHI, October 2004 § Technical Writing for Engineers—Presented a 3-day workshop at Oracle, 1997 Skills & § Mastery of all aspects of UX strategy and design—including ideation, writing user stories, Knowledge defining usability requirements, devising cross-platform design strategies, interaction design, information architecture, visual interface design; icon, icon font, and widget design; user interface text, content strategy and development, information design; and user-centered design techniques such as conceptual modeling, task analysis, and user modeling § Clear communication of UX design solutions through HTML5/CSS3/Bootstrap prototypes, Photoshop mockups, OmniGraffle wireframes, Balsamiq sketches, detailed specifications, and usage scenarios § Detailed knowledge of design principles, patterns, standards, and guidelines for Web, mobile, and desktop user interfaces § Experience with leading collaboration and innovation; agile development, lean UX, AJAX, responsive Web design, Google Analytics, generative user research, usability evaluation, and iterative design § In-depth knowledge of the software business, product strategy, and product requirements definition through user stories Education & Conferences, Workshops, and Tutorials—UX STRAT 2013; IA Summit 2011— Professional Workshop: Creating an Agile UX Manifesto; CHI 2007; IA Summit 2007; UIE Web App Summit 2007—Tutorial: Deconstructing Web Applications; Future of Web Apps 2006; Conferences Frontiers of Interaction 2006; The Web and Beyond 2006; Strategy06; CHI 2006—Classes: Designing for the Scent of Information, The Goldilocks Content Framework, Repositioning User Experience As a Strategic Process, and The Art of Speaking; IA Summit 2006—IxD Symposium, Tutorial: Information Architecture and Findability; DUX2005; CHI 2005— Development Consortium; CHI 1992—Tutorials: Tools and Trade-Offs: Making Wise Choices for User-Centered Design and Product Usability Survival Techniques Edward Tufte—Presenting Data and Information, 2006 UCSC Extension, 1998—XML: The Universal Publishing Format Apple Computer, 1991–1993—Apple University Courses: Human Interface Design; Advanced Human Interface Design; Icon Design; Usability Testing University of California Extension, Santa Cruz, 1990—Certificate in Management of Publications & Documentation. Completed 12 courses. Santa Monica College—Earned a certificate in Interior Design and Space Planning, a 2-year program that included courses in ergonomics, color theory, drafting, and rendering. Completed 5 years of college, including courses in photography, theory and composition, and dance.