many stcamors were hns tolcgraphod to Alfonso thnt ho but oxcurslon that A TORNAD0'3 Klnc has AH OCEUI PiGEAM strangers in New Yorl: wntcrs wero FTJRY. Middlebury Kegister NEWS SUMMAEY. no iutentiou of trenclilng upon Snanish through Holl Galo nbout daybreak nnd rights, nml Germany will nbnniloit nll piloted tliat stcnmcd down tho bay without stnpplng, hav-in- g An OI1I0 Toivn Surpt Almoot Clut ol I.'nvlcrn nitil ?llildlo Slntc, desigus upon tbo Cnruliuo slauds. on boards crowds of men nnd women for I'xUtcncoi SEPTEMBEtt IS, 1S8S. Vllll.K tho Jlov. Mr. Clnrk, of tho East cliar-tcre- F1UDAY, Advices from South Africa Btnto thnt Tho Greal Iii(oi'iiulioii;il Yiicht whom tho vossels had been speclnlly A terrlblo tornado rocently struck Washing- Hnven lCoiin.) Congregatlonnl church was Congo camiibals havo nttacked sovernl sta-tio- ton Court House, a city ot 4,000 llnisbing tho opuiing prnyer 011 Sunday, n of tbo Africnn nssociation nnd roastod lliico at New York. Evory train that rollod into tbo Grand inhnbitants, dovo ilow Into tbo church nnd nlightod on tho forty-cigb- twenly.nve miles west of JEFFERSOI DAVIS. nnd devourcd n numbcr of whites. Contrat donot for t hours beloro the Bpringflold, nt 8 centro gnllery. Vben tbo pnstor rcad sentcnco ot addod' to tho living stream o'clock p. st., and almost tho chapter ot Kiei.'s nppeal from bis denth raco its tributo litcrally swept it from first John tbo clause, "I dlsmissotl, tho beliof is genernl of Vossel3 ilowed Now Hnglnnu s "rocK-boun- d saw thoSpirit def conding hcavcn llko n has been nnd A Magtiificsnt Display thnt from from tho oarth. It camo from tho northwest from in 'WlnnlpeR tho balt-breo- rebol coast." Boston, Tioweli, l'ortlnnd, Worcoster, that lcador and broko upon tho townvery g dovonnd it nbodoupon hiin,"thodovopcrchcd will bo haligod. in tho Harbor. Eawrcncc, Fnll Klvor, Provldonco, Newport, suddenly, cnrry-in- Inicrcsling Lottor From llio ut on tho open Hlblo. At tho closo of tho service. nnd tho big nnd littlo citio3 nll sont their overy thing beforo it. Tlio tornado whirlcd Mr. Clnrk said that this might be cmblematical The flshlng schooner Gunrdian Angcl cnp-slzc- d rcpresentntivcs. Tho eiglit cars of tho Boston up Court street, tho niain businoss thorough-far- o, pres-enc- oll tho coast ot Nowfoundlnnd dur- ot llio Conlcdcracy. of tho ot tho Divino SpiriU As he wero jatumod full when ing n squnll, nnd all 011 board except 0110 mnn oxnress that train and rulnod almost cvery busincss said this tho bird alightod upon hlsbcad. Tho rolled into tho Grand Centrnl dcpot nt 0:'S block wero drowned. 011 it, clergymnn took the winged viltor down A. M. They wero nearly nll sollil, substantlal at lenst forty or Iltty iu nll. Hnrdly a and lield it ngniust bis brenst. Mnny wero The expulslon ot forcigners from Gor-mn- businoss men, prlvato n sidenco in tho town escaped, fully 400 Ra-ga- s citi7ens. mercliniits, ctc. rd nml Ilundi-ed- Presby-teria- n, Donying Osrtain Statements in movcd to tenrs, and tbo wholo congrcgation Austriacontlnucs. cf At!3::).")r. t. both yachU stnrted on their buildingsgolngdown. Tln Baptist, wero visiblo oirected. destituto I'olos, oxpelled from Silesln, nro forty milo ocoan race. Tlio oxcursion nnd Cutholio churchesnll suirorcd the to His Oapture. Accord-in- g common fnto. Hnn-dl- o, IvAWHE.NXE HnAINEHD. tbo defnultliig ox- - llocklng into Vnrsaw and Cracow. sightod tho wa3 hovering Ihu Ohio Southern, Pnn boata tus thnt Nnrrow Gnuge, and Midland Eresident ot tho St Albans (Vt.) savings to tho Austrinn patwrs over thlrty flvo near tho d turnliig float at railroad nt 'W'iniilpeg, Mnnitoba, thousnnd moro l'oles will shortly be ejected inimodialely liendcd dopols were blown to pieces, nnd ovory build-in- g 4:S0 o'clock and for in tho vlciuity Tho following lcttcr from Je!rerson Davis by dctcctivcs, who forcibly convoycd bim by thol'ruvsian nullioritio?, niiiong them ao, it. Tho Yankoo was then fully n milo to was cnrried away, mnking ingress o. into tho Unitod Stntcs. 000 Austrinn subjects nnd 1,000 ot French windwnrd ot tlio , a dHTerenco or cgress almost impossi-bl- to tho Now York Jlcruld has been writteu by tlio panic-stiicke- The nnnunl parado ot tbo United Ijibor origin. oqual to n load of nearly n milo and a third. Tho peoplo wero tho ot the confcderney in dcnlnl taken completely unawares, ond iled from orgauizations of Now York city and vicinity The Spnnhh govcrnmont hns dispntched a Tho timo for mnking tho raco was llmlted tho tumbllng of certain rocont stntcnients regnrdlng his 1:2,000 lo.OOO working-me- n turning mark wns buildlngs in overy direction brought out from to special mesiene;er to Berlin with a noto to to seven hours, nnd tho at through tho dnrkncss. tho nnd women. cnr-rio- d nway from capturo nt tho closo of war: Mnny bamiers woio Germany. Tho noto requests Gelinnny to that timo nearly four milcs tho Another nccount states witli inscriptions rociting tho dcmands nll of tstablishing n yachts. Itwas plaln tooverybody tliat thoro-mnlnd- er that tho tornado Misa., Scpt. 1), 1SS5. rcnounco intontion miz. of last evenlng almost completely Beauvoih, nnd griovnnces of working iieople. Cnrolliios 1 l'clow islnnds. of the could not bocoverod in demollshed the erainty over tln nn coure this placo. Nnt a slnglo storo facing To the Editoh of the JIcralil:On my A young Without sucli gunrantce, Spiiu must declino tho llght wind until loug nfter 8:37 o'clock. Central week nftcr Mornn. n horse squaro, out of forty, is ma-jori- ty nbsonco to givo sntijfaction for tho recent insults to Sotheregattn coinmittoo nnnouncod to tho left intnct, and n roturn ntter n protractod from homo jockey, bad bcenklllcd nttho Brigliton Iioach of them nro loveled. About 200 rnce-cours- o tho embassy Malrid. surroundlng boats that thero would bo no I rocoived n slip from your jourii.i1, which I (Coney Island) by bcing tlirown Gormnn at nro destroyed, and tho stroets nro so accl-de- raco. cncloso for groater convonionce in noticing in n race aml trainplod upon, n slmilnr Count I'Afl. Festetics, ot Iluiigory, has illlod with dobris that it is nlmost impossiblo occurreil at tbo ndjncont Shoeiishoad killod M. l'echy, son of tbo prosident of its contcnts: the to pnss through them. bay track. Tho victim this timo was n jockoy Hungarian delogation, in n duel. Tlio Sccond I'nllnro. "All tho gas went out when tho storm camo Indianai'OMS, Iml., August 10, 1SS5. At nnmed Ford; nfter falling ho was tranipled An nttemnt was mndo to havo the race up. Bonares hnd to be built In tho streets to tbo recent rouujon of tliu voterans of tbo almost beyond recognition. UTERNEW& tako placo on tho following day, and n largo givo llght for tho tcarcheis. Tho total known Fourth Indiana cavalry, intbiscity, Licutcn-nn- t Two passenger trains co'lidcd ncar Mid- uumborof cratt again gathared in tho lower dead immber llvo, nnd nbout flfty aro Isgrigg, of tbo commniul, who wns dlesex, I'enii. , nnd both locomotivcs nnd A tSll AMOKt V (ronti.) dlspatcli alloges that iny to wltncss tho contest. At about 1 1 :!i0 Ono of tlio lattcr, manager of tbo provost marslml at Mncon, Ga., at severnt cars wero smashed to pieces. An " Molly Mnguirciiin is rampant in tho 10 boats wero lcss than iltty yards npart, telephono cxchange, was hurriod acro,s tho tbo timo of tbo capturo of Joll'crson cnginecr and llremon wero killed nnd scveu nain ud in the manouvering for plnco thej came btrcet, and had one nrm, one upper nnd lower I.tizerno districts. Nino leg and his Davis, relatod tho circumstanecs ot other 111011 injurcd, onoor two with probably tugotlier, tho strikitig tho bowsprit collar bono broken. Somo houes tho capturo. Ho dcscribcd bis fatal lesult. murdcrs havo reccntly occurrod in tho north-er- n of tbo English cutter nnd completely tcariug were lifted up nnd eni riod licxlily sovernl hun- in this nlrnir ns follows: "I went A.v o.tploslon of sulphur gas nt tho Otto coal (lelds, nnd mincsnro frequcntly flrod. it nway. Tho mainsnil oE tho American drod feet, and then dasln-- to tho ground with out to tbo line of my jurlsdiction to rocelvo collicry, ten milcs from l'ottsville, renn. , Coal was badly damaged. Tho excitement terriilc force. Tho shatlered f agments wero 1 Murderers and fircbugs go freo nud tho Davis. Two miles an a half from Macon instnntly killed 0110 boy, fntally injurcd throo was now greator than over, nnd then whirled in somo instancesa quarter of a Iron polico seom powerloss to nlTord n verl-tabl- o be becamo my prisoner nnd 1 brought lilm to meii niul ssvcroly burncd ten otbeis. nnd the scono of the accident soon becamo a milo. Itelief committeo is nt work and all tbo city in an old farm wngou. It wnsnvo-blcl- e At tbo Xcw ork rrohibitlon Stnto to lifo niul propcrty." pandemonium. As tho Furitnn was to tho houses not destroyed aro throwu open to witli a great dcal to condenm it in tbo tho de-p- ot blamo for tho accident tho judges docided to the homeless. rnnncrs ar3 coinlng 111 by held in Syracuse, Govornor Ht. John A coal train rnn into handsomo rnizE CLT. way of unsightllness. It bad weakness all wns tiie rulo tho American sloop out of tho race, doznn, bringing foo and bcdding.' JofTer-so- n prcsent nnd mndo nn nddress. A full of the IV'iinsylvauia railrond at Hunt- over it, but suincipnt strengtb to liold The big, ewer-shapc- solid-silve- r trophy which wasequlvalent to awarding tho victory Tlio loss ns near as can bocstiniated is fixed ticket headed by H. C. ltascom for govornor ington 1'eiiii., completely dcmolishing tho Davis, myself nnd sccictnry. Tho rebel was nominated, and resolutions deuouncing known as tbo Amcrica's cup, emblomatio of to tho British cutter; but thoownerof tho at cbief sat between us and over his head, western half of tho structuro and causlng Genesta said ho wanted a race, not n walk-ovc- r. At I'lain City, cighteen miles from Colum-bu- s, the liquor trnlllc adoptcd. tho ynchting suprcmacy of tho world, was from a pole flxod to tho seat, liung the hoop $'J0,00J damages. Tho nctlon was duo lo a It was then docided that tho damago OI1I0, n carriao fnctory and miil wero skirt, calico wrapper nnd nn old straw hooil, Gkohoe O. Jones has been nomlnntcd for originally olfered by tho Iloyal Yacht done to tho Genesta should bo ropairo.l at tho demolisheil. nnd other buildlngs unroofed. governor Xuw trnin hand's fullure to open n switcb. which formed hls disguiso whon captured.'' by the Yorklirecnback Labor squadron of England ns n prizo to bo sailed oxponso of (ha Puritan, nnd that tho raco This plnco is on a direct llno north of Wash- party at tho convention in Now York city. NuMEl'.ous of fourth-clas- s "So JelT vins dlsguisodi" nppointmonts ' should take placo ou a later day. ington Court Iiouse, nnd nll nlong south Tliero for by yachts of nll nntions over tho sqund- - to "Yes. It is no uso to question tbo fnct. was aNoa convention in tho t.aino hall, postmasters aro being made. thu Ohio river the trail of destructiou is re- c.'irlier in tho dny, ot tho Nntional ron'scourso nround the Islo of Wight. ha Tho articlcs of his costuma hung from thnt Fuhtheii nppointments by tho I'rosideut: It ported inliko inauner. polo. Davis boro himsolf with tho fortitudo party, but nocoalition wnsciroctcd. bccn frccjuently, but erroneously, called tho Ueports fniin various parts of Ohio and In- tho cniididnto for governor a full Henry W. ot New York, to be con-su- l of a bravo mnn in trouble. Ho wns courteous licido Gillert, Thirty-fou- r dinna show thnt tlie storm which devastated incon-formit- y Qucen's Cup. years ngo tho to mo nnd to tho gunrd; talke 1 freoly ou ticket wns nomiuaUd, nnd a platform ntTriesto; Jnmcs M. Hosso.of Now York, "Washington Couit IIouso was widespread. with tho principles of tho party American yaclit Amcrica crossed tlio ocean, overy question but that rclating to the rosult to bo cousui at Threo Ilivcrs, Cnnida; Moien In Miami county, Ohio, its courso was duo of tho war. adopted. and in n contest ngniust tlio bost yachts of At Colesvillo, county. A. Hopkins, ot North Carollna, to bo minis-tc-r east in that two "When wo stoppcd nt tbo Internntional A imo.NZE statuo of Commodoro Torry was Great Britain casily won tho prizo. Twico barns were blown down and tho dwelbng ot icsident nnd consul-gener- to Liberia. hotel.nnd were nbout togetout ot tho wagon, unveiled nt Newport, H. I., n fcw days ngo, English ynclits have como to this country for Mr. Wiuterstein wns cnrried nround and ono Captaln Thompson, of tho I''ourth Indinnn witli niiproprintc military nnd civie ccremo-nie- Tlio l!cv. Moso3 A. Hopklus was born a siilo and end blown nway, Threo momb.T.3 liis Davis, tne purpose ot regainmg tuo tropny, out ou of cavalry, drew rcvolvor to llre nt slavo in Montgomery county, Va., and aftcr eacli occasion havo been boatou by Mio the family are seriously hurt. I saw bis uiovomont, struck tho weapon with SCOTT I.OHI), Advices from Circlevillc, Ohio, stnto that n Iioted gaining hisfreedom pursuoil ncourso of study American contestauts. my arm, nnd tho bullet toro my coat anil lawyer, and once iiartner of ltos-co- o Sinco 1S71 tlio Americans havo not had tlio tornado passed through tho country a sliirt. At tho momnt Davis, seeing Thomp-son'- s Conkling nt Utica, N. Y., dled n fow nnd was graduatod at tho Lincoln uuiversity, to defond tho cup ngniust a "crack" English few miles south of that place, unrootlng purpose, God's sakc, - houses and blowing cried out, 'For days sinco at Morris l'lnins, N.J.,aged sixty-llv- o I'ennsylvania, in 1S74. Ho was nlso gradu- yacht. The seut Count-esso- f down fences and trees. my lifo!' I got prisoner Caiindians down tho A very heavy fell. News 'Wnsh. Lieutenant, tnvo tho years. (N. Theological sem. Duirerin in lSTOandtho sloop raiti from out of the wagon nnd into tho hotel with a nted at tho Auburn Y.) Atalanta ington Court Houo is difllcult to obtain, ns s iu 1SSI. Both wero easily defeatciL Now, good doalof alacrity. l'robibitionists nt their innry. In additiou to bis servicos ns n Fros- - tho telegraph wires wero blown Stato convention in Worcester nominated a howevor, thoyat btsmenof Amcrica havo had down in all "After tliat I met Davis nt tlio I.ouisvillo ticket headed by Thomos J. I.athro) for bytcrian clergymnn, he has bcon cngagod in a mattor of quito nnother sorton their hands. diroctions. botcl in 1S72, wheu he recogni7od mc, nnd nnd was tho principal of flush of her Dispatches from Adrian nnd Tecumseh, said: must tliauk ngain, governor. , cducational pursuits Thocutter Genesta, in tho full Mich., report a toinado as having visited 'I Franklin-ton- , Ijioutenant Isgrigg, for snving my life.' Wo the Stato Colored Normal sehoolat thoso localities, an 1 having doneeonsiderablo bad quito a cliat nbout the war tlien. Beforo Somli niul West N. C, for several years. dalnage to propcrty. A nuniLer ot buildlngs this I liad received u letter of thanks from . F. MiTCiih.Li., n ttreet-cn- r driver of 1' 1.00ns have destroyed tlio crops ln licngnl, wero Mrockcd, and wheat stai ks wero gener-all- y bim. Ho was my prisoner eight days, er Chattanooga. Tenn., cjoctcd Charles s, India. Tho Calcutta district for iltty miles deinornlizl. with liis wifo, daughter nnd disor-derl- y the a colored mnn, from bis car for arouml is submerged, and a famino is im- - of his guard. Theso three vo took conduct. AVilliams procured n MARINE piSASTER3. into Macon in nn old fnmily "carriagc. Jelf followed Mitchell niul him dead. pending. was not sulky ns a prisoner, but one could Tho murderer was captured aml lodged in A Fiik.vch transport was roturning from A nu sco tho breakingof Confodcraey lirltlnti aml Itallnn Slcamor that tho iail. At nicht an immcnse crowd forced its Tonquin when a ilght broko out betwecn tho Tlilrty-uu- 011 - Avltli l'crioiia l.ost. bore grievously his thoughts." ( way into tho jail. Whilo tho erowd vrns iu- sailors nnd soldiers 011 board. Aftonvard a mo compames oi coiored mcn. nrmea Information conies from Genoa, Itnly, to Though nccustomed to seo slanderous sie rcniTAK, a wuole-sai- l wnn musKeis, apiicareu ueioro 1110 jnn 10 pro mutiny broko out amoug somo of tho sailors Tnc ciok in tho oirect that tho steamer Vllla de Mahga, publications in regurd to BI'.EEZe, INI11CAT1NU IIKll 1IKKI.I.NU. myself I bavo read tect Williams. Shols were ilred nnd one white who hnd been ptmtshed, nnd they nllempted with sixty passengers and n crew of this with 110 little surprise, becauso of tho mnn was killed and a colored mnn fatnlly to scuttlu tho shlp. They were landed nt Al- - twcnty-oigh- t, wounded. was llually Tlio foundered near Savoua. total absence of nny foundation or pretext on Williams taken from 1 Tlilr.l I'allurr. coll by hnnged. glor uiidor guard, an will ln tried for mu two givon When the vessel, which was supposed whicb to build tho flction. I of bis the maddenod crowd nnd After days had been tho vachts nvail myself The nll'air created tremendous cxcitcment tiny, and probably shot or guillotinol in which to repnir tho damago dono "by tho to have struck upon a rock, was your courtcsy in nsking you to pubhsh this throughout tbo city. Civn, war still rages in Peru. colhsion n tlilrd attempt wnsmailo to a il tho found to bo sinking, a terrible panic nsued of raco. many vessels ot serintim refutation tbo sevcral statements TliEltov. Clni les W. l'rice, a I'resbyter-ia- n A at Paris did great damago to prop- - Again all kinds nmong tho passengers, nnd the crew, it is oai.e in the bay to viow tho contest, themselves of tbo confusion tlms of tho story. clergvmnn ot Cherokee, Kanas, hanged orty, mnny porsons said.availed himself tho other mornlng. liis mind is aml wro in'umd. tho uumber was not so great as 011 tho crentod to lower three boats witli which tho It is not true, as statod, that I was tumed oung, a. g thought tohave been unsottled by thodeathof TnnEE young men Charles r. iirt dny. Wind nnd wnvo in tho early morn-In- vessel was provided, and made goo l their over to the custody of one Lieutcnant Isgrigg n brotbcr nnd t.Ister. Curtis nnd Arthur V heelcr wero sailmg cnvo great iiroiniso of a livelv from the sinking slup. Forty-fou- r pas- contost, but tho brceze grndually subsided ns them- two nnd n half miles (or nny other distancc) safo in the county olllce at on n pond nt Rockland, Mass., when their sengers, liowever, manngeil to save The treasurer's THE VNDEU SAII the vossels got under w,iy, though a heavy selves, tho remaining sWteen being drowned. from Mncon. Tho troops by whom I was I.inn Creek, Mo., was blown open by burglnrs boat upset and nll wero drowned. runiTAN rt'LL English victories, n reprcsentntivo of the best swell provailed 011 tho sea. Tho two boats Tho cowardly nctlon of the crew has arouscd capturod remained my guard to Macon, and and robbed of $7,000. tho most promi- - t Emoky A. Stours, ono of ;ypo of English yacht nrchitecture, owned by ftn rt oil wol . tli a I uritm crossiiig thostarting much indiguation here. I'r.uuY AVhiti.ock, twenty-eigh- t old, s 11 a detachmcnt of them nccompanied mo to lawj-er- West, died suddenly a "10 at. a. m., and the Genesta seven Despatches from CopenhagVi bring news fntber-in-Inw- nsnt of tho Sir Bichard Sutton, a man who represents n went to the houso of his , E. tr. tho enesta lod. Fortress Monroo in charge of tlieir own olllrers. fow days sinco in Ottawa, 111. Ho Inmily that has been foremost in sports seconds later. At ilrst At of a disastrous collision betwoen the German Coe, near Danville, III., nnd shot his wifo England 5;.VJ f. M., It lwmg evidellt that ncither craft gunboat Blitz and the British steamer Auek-lan- Equnlly untrue is it that I rode with tho Emily, and her siiters (Mnggio nnd Tincbio was born in Cattaraugus county, N. Y., on Innd nud wnter in for generntion-'- nnd mannod by a crew of tho coulil go over tbo courso of fortv miles Tlio Auckland wns sunk nnd tlftecu of said Isgrigg and my secrctary (or with any-on- e aml theu killed himself. Tho thrco sisters in 1S:!4, and sinco lb.j9 bad practiccd law in iu tho seven hours prescribed, tho her crew of soventeen wero drowneiL wero mortally wounded. flower of English snilors, camo across tho else) in "nn old farm wagon." My pri-va- to Cliicngo. ocean to try nnd rogain tho world's yachting judges declared tho raco olf The rommi'-ione- rs of emigration of the until the noxt day. Tlio Puritan llfteon miu-uto- s secrctary, Hurton X. Harrison, Esq. Tiinnu lndios Mrs. Dr. Mnrsha 1, Mrs. chnmpionsnip. OREMATEDALIVE now n member of tbo bar of New York, was Stnte of New York havo reported to tho A sories of trial raccs nmong American beforo had rounded tlio stako twenty secrctary of tbo treasury that during lsst Paul and a fri.'inl wero drowned in captured witli 1110, nnd rodo 011 horsebnck to yachts resultcd in tlio seloction of tho Puri- A I'lrert hr n Mol Tivo Ilrolll-cr- t Macon. I had for several days occupied an tbere nrrivcd at tho port of Now York 3) Traversc, Minn., by tho upsetting of their tan, built in Boston specially for thLs contest, Jnil emigrnuts, all of whom wero examined Iliiriicd to Hentli. nmbulnnco with my wifo nnd cbildren, and bont during a storm. as 's representativo to race against , of sucli 1,14 1 Despatches from Washington, Ark state rodo into Macon in it. by tho board, and oxaminntions Hoss A. Fish, the GVp.esta. persons were found to bo oither convicts, Tlli: I'residcnt has nppointod tliat great excitcmont prevallcil at Murfrees-bor- o Thero was 110 such rownrdly atlempt to to bo Owing to a light wind the two yachts wore ofTer insult to ms as would bavo b.'en siiown lunatics, idiots or wr.ons unnblo to tako care otthe District of , unable to iinisli tho first of their series of over tho burning of tlio Polk boys by a h-- g of themselves without becoming publiu vicj W. P. Titcomb, by han;ingover my the articlcs of eloth-in- register of the treasury, threo rnces, nnd it had to bo postponod. But mob iu the Pike county jail at the att"r 1 cbnrges, nnd wero returned to tho countries clerk-sbi- ns mngnitl-cen- t which Isgrigg lulsely nvers had worn nt who has be.Mi rjducol to a fourth class tho occasion brought out tho most night. Tho mob, consist-in- g the timo of my capture. Nordid my captors whenco tlicy came. marino pagennt over witnessod in New placo on Sumlny of about seveiity-liv- men, broko into obtain at the timoof my capture tbo boop-skir- t, A heavy gnle has provailod on the great York harbor, wo givo a description of tlio oii a occasion, wbir-- mnny Withix twenty-cish- t dnys sltty postolllces tho jail, and, as provious ctc., Isgrigx; describes, unless lakcs, and marino diasters aro report- most notoworthy scenos nnd events. A vivid tho Polk brothers, who they wero found nmong tho nppnrel taken ed. The schooner Advance, of Chicago, wns havo been burncd or robbe l by burglnrs. idea of tho multitude of spcctntors may be tried to shoot , to death. Finding when tho trunks of my wifo on uu on obtained from tho following nccount: aro charged with murder, nnd ber femalo capsizM i.nue and uoanl Tho averago loss in cach caso was lcss than thnt tho location ot their cell was such that servant were pillaged. except a sailor wero drowned. government. The Nortii nnd East rivers nnd tho bay could kcep out of tlio rango On our arnval at tho hotel in Macon a $10J, which falls upon tlio wero fairly swnnuing with craft. Not the two prisoners Miss Ida Maxwei.t, a beautiful young IvKlLEYhas of tho bullets. tho mob hauled a lot ot wood smnll body of troops of Shel-to- Mll. A. M. formally tendorad Isinco tlto of came up satu-late- in front the intrauco lady of Atlantn, Ga., cloped with John Statuo in to tho jail, pilod it around the Iron coll. d were Mnx-wcll- to tho so sight nt ojen ranks, facing inward. When I aml tho two were marricd. MUs 's his resignation as Unitod States minister Isere has beautiful a boon coal od and litorally got out ot tho nmbu'anco to lookiug tho Battery the wood with enter tbo hotel fnther and brother, armed with pistols Austria. south from wall. ronsted boMi tho prisoners alive. they prcsenteil arms whilo I passed through, presentcd them-elv.- 's at Slieltnn'h hou-- e, aml fThe little vachts with their big spread of and Henrr, 1 Eiciht moro clerks havo just beon removod Tlio Polk brothers, Sylvoter nnd receivod tho saluto ns an expression of m tho allray which ensued alltbioa men wero rnnvas all set to catch tho light breoze, name.1 Wil- is were in jail for killlng a pfddler tho feeling bravo raen show to n fallon foo. fatnlly wounded. from tbo treasury dopartment It stated tho tucboats, the big white stcnmers, ugly provious attompts had been Tho story ot " forecouomi-ca- vessels liams, and threo Cnptain Thompson, ot tho The Eoe brothers. two ot tho most noted that their places will n jtbo illlod l l.ghters, merchnnt and craft made to lynch them. Fourth Indiana cavalry," attompting to s'noot desperndoes in of overy conceivablo description and i Texas,bnv been hunted down reasons. me as I enteroJ the Macon hotel wholly flc from overy country pnssed back and forth on dur-th- o nnu kllleil b' threo detectives. Itowards a: oxblbition to lllustrnte A white Soudnn cnrnel, captured titious, and I leave it to thnt regiment ltsclt gregating S7,t00 Ax intcrnitional tlie glassy water, &carcely stirrod by the faint repel had been olfered for their by seatcU on recent campnij'n by an English to the imputation tbatoiioof its olllc n capturo dead or alivo. tho history and developmont of traveling Vfind. An observer tho Battery would have been guilty of so (lastardly an ns wall could not count the bonts. tboy were so olliccr, has been adiled to the Londou land, sea and nir will open nt Liverpool in wnoLE-sA- ii sault on a prisoner. The Mississlppi Itepublican Stato commifc numorous. Tho polico bont I'ntrol went by the arNrsTA, ci.ose ntt'LEn :n a summor 1NU1CATINO UEIt MEEI.l.SO. zoological gardens. Upon that fnlsehood tJw narratir hnngs 110 ct n intecmg m Jacitson L ity ailopted t Mny, 1SS0, and continuo through tho with a select pnrtj' of city oflicials on board. lll'.EEZL', nnother, that I met lilm nt tho Ixuisvillo icution which says: "Inviowof tho facl and autumn. The tug Joseph P. Sticknoy spenl by with the miles to windwnrd of tho start, and was then lb7'-- - two miles nhead. Tho Gonesta when tho TIIK MAUKETS. botcl, in ', recognizcd bim nnd renewod that an orgnnizod opposition to tho Demo- At n reuuion held by King Christinn, of members ot tho Lnrclunont Yacht club ou thanks to bim "forsaviug my nnd I craltc party 111 this Stato fnll is (Srand judges' decision was made was still n long life," that this ueless. Denmark, at Frcdenburg, thoro were presen.t board. The mmimoth steamers hnd proviously written a letter of bocause ot tho woll known impossibility of nnd Coluinbia took down 7,000 persons way to the leoward of tlio mark. When tho new vonic thanks to bim. I bavo not been securing nt tho polls an lionest election, it is tlio ltusslan czar nnd czarina, Prince uud l'rin. between them, gathored up at points along Puritan rounded the stake the English boat Bcef cattle, good to primel w o (n was throo-quartu- of in tho Eouisvillo hotel sin. o tho tho senso of the Hcnublknn Stato committen cess of Wales, King Georgo of Grooco, and tlio North riv.T uud Brooklyn. The moiu-bjr- s fully an hour behind Calves, com'n to prime voals. r 7.H' war; I do not that 110 coupentlon be looking her. :i (a, remomber over to bavi scn or called to tho tho Duo nnd Duchesso do Chartros. Tbo of tho New Jersey Yacht club went Sheen beard of this hieutonanc Isgrigg at any timo nommaiiou 01 a stato UcKet by tho ilepubh-ca- whilo the I.mibs i formal betrothal of Marle, down 011 tho stuamer hyndhurst, or ilace, nnd it is not truu thnt, as be alleges, party." was tho Sylvnn Dell took down llvo hundrod of tho NEWSY GLEANINGS Hogs I.ivo 5.V I was eight days in bis custody, or that I daughter of tbo Duo de Chartres, nnd Priuco meinbcrj of tho Atlantio Yacht club. On Dressed, city .vsa Ij havo cver written to bim a letter of thanks. W Waldomnr, youngost son ot King Christinn. tbo iron stoamer Sii ius wero tho families and Tonquin war cost $211,500,000. Flour Ex. St.,goodtofaney 4 00 in Macon n fow nsliliitoii. The IK) sr, I remained but bours, and members of ibo :Eastern clubs from Boston, cclluloid Wcst, goixl to choico. (c was Monroo Hei'Outr receivod from various quartcrs Bed-for- AliTiviciAl. huiuan cars mado of bent forwnrd to Fortrets the DorcheUer, Nowport, New d Wheat No. 2. Kixl show that tho recent withdrawal 0110 NATIONAL GAME. Portlaud, nre now. evoning of the day of mv nnivnl tlicro! of nnd THE nnd I.ynn. Tho tugboats Cyclop?, llye State 02 01 J two doiiar buls froui circulation by tho treas :t,.00 miles ot Four-rowe- ST) Yours rcsijcctfully, ekkehson Davis, Ivanhoo, It. F. Cahili. Indian, C. P. has telegraph llne.and Bnrley d Stnto. .. ury has rosiilted in notes of those (0) denomi Ilaymoud, M. B. Starbuok, E. L. Levy nnd only soveu miles ot railroad. Coni Ungrnd. AVvst, mixed. 4S 50?; nations reacbing a slight prcmium. Tnn Routhern lenguo hasasurplusof $1,000 Bukfai.oes aro now bred at Goodnlght, Oats Wluto Stnto 40 (t 42 ItEronTS received nt the war department Ju tho league treasury. Knn., nnd buiralo calves sell at $50 a head. Mixed Weston-- . ;:o (ti :w from tho Indinn Torritory has ma lo changes 8.5 PKUMINENT indicato that the New Yohk tho fewest EuZAnETH IIickmaX, of Xenia, 111., has n Hny Med. to pr. Timothy.. . 05 PEOl'LE, terms ot tho IVosident's rocent nroclnmation in tho tenm, nud tho least exporimonts of nny r. 1. 70 (,7i 75 son soventy-fou-r years old, who is a Strnw Nn. llvo in regard to tho removnl of cattlo nro being league club. Ijird City Stcam 0 4. (.i 0 1K) iuuy compnea witn, nnd tliat tho cnttlo men fleld-in- g Buttcr Stnto Croamery. . .. 2 'M. 24 Ministeh I'eniii.etox is studying German New Yoiik leads tho batting nnd tbo Thhee-quauteii- s gin-ge- r aro movnig tneir cnttlo as rapldly as xwsible. of tho "importcd" Dairy 21 four hours a dny at Berlin. of tho league. Six of their batsmon nlo used iu tliis country Is manufactured I 1'HEKiiiEXT has to nro nmong tho in country. West. Im. Creamery 1 IS Sasi Jo.NK'i, the ovangolist, lios lost his Clevei.and returned tlrat dozen the ln llochester, N. Y voico by tbe U hito Houso from his trip to the Adi- - salaries ot nll tho loaguo playors will Factorv 13 incessant loud tnlUing. The isostiinntod that at least 10.0JO victlms Chccse Stnto actory 8 ronuacKS. bo twenty-liv- o per cont. season. It t Mils. Hattii: Guee.v, the New York reduccd next gas genernted by sewei's alono ure slain 5 t stock The I'resident lins nppointod Mrs. Marion Quito a uumber now get moro than fD.OJO. of Skims (i sperulator, is worth $4(),O00,t0J. country. . . 111., . every year in this AVcsteni. . ., , ,. 4', VI A. Mulligan, of Chicago, widow of n Sami-ei-, whilo uinpiring a gnme EuWAiiuEvEm.rr Halk o its (ivo meals n colonel in tho Union nrmy, to bo pension Censuk returns from vnrious jiarts ot Eggs Stato and Pcnn 10 day, says of bascbnll ut Danville, Gn., recently, was mluc-tlo- n nnd overy budy else bhould. agont nt Chicago, vlco Miss Ada C. Sweet, show a considerable vvrrAUX. ruu into by n plnyer uud probably fatally cen-su- s Ge.neiiai. Mil.ESnnd his wifo are said to rcsignou. ln jiopulatioH as coinparedwith tho Sheeii Good to Choico. , , . S 00 tjr n oo Uo internally. no 4 oo tho hnndsoinest couplo in the nrmy, Captai.v of of la75. Lambs WcskTn :i oi Davis, tho Fourth United Two circuit suggcsted for tho Eastcrn lengue Stcei's Western 3 50 (ii 4 00 The threo candidates for governor Ohio cavalry, , Mineiis in Maho nre eluughterlng fish by in Rtates under dato of Huachann, noxt yearcoinprisesTrenton, Newark, Pnter-son- Hogs Good 4 S5 ra 4 '.c, voto in tho samo precinct in Mexico, reports to tho department tho thousands, through mero wuntonness, to Choico Yorks Cincinimti. wnr that Jerfoy City, Bridgeport, Now Hnven, lish Hour C y ground procoss 5 'Si M t: 50 Miss St. 1'iEUltE, Tcnnesseo ou tho 7th ult. IJoutonant Day surprisod using dynamlte cartridges. 'Ihereisno it a heiress, is Mendon uud Hartford, Territory. Wheat No. 1. Hard Duluth 1 01M5 dovoting her fortuuo to tho elovation of tho Geronimo's camp in tho Bierrn Vadro moun-tuii- law in the Fiiom tho facllity with which minor leaguo s Coni No. 2, Mixed New.... Qe 40 poor whitos of tho South. killed llvo ludiaiu nnd capturod llttcen It is said that thero aro 101,000,003 of ncri-- pnpooses. clubs beat tho big clubs of tho National tho uats rsa Juxca vkestern 40 squaws nnd Nnna, tbe old Apache ot land on the Pacillo coast of l nited Two-rowe- d Hoscoe Conki.ino's easy lifo nt Carlsbad, ono leaguo and Ainericun nssociation it is ovident culturo of Bai loy Stato .... ( Gormany, has brought liis cbief, was of tho killod. Gcronimo, nll Ktiites ospucially ndaptod to the weight up to two tbougb wounded, escnped. that tho bost players bavo not yot been wliich is untouched. boston. buudred pouuds, loss two. gobbled up. THE GENESTA UXI1EII Fl'Ll. SAIU wheat, practually Bcef Ex. platonndlamily..l2 00 (312 A KUMHEK of Russians nre to settlo Iu n Hogs hivo John G. Whittieii'h Bcboolmates nt the TnB Fresident has nppointod Bonssolner The Now York club has Chicagoed overy Reindoer. cll crowded with people, gllded an agent of il& Haverbill (Mnss.) Ktono '1 Chi- vnlloy north of Sitka, Alaskn, Northern Dressoil .... S'.iS acadeiny, of whom nliout a to be collector ot internal rovenuo for league team at least once. liey have con-tine- ut pnst, gav with lUtteriug iwnnants. across tho . score are living, at u recent i'6unioii liouizod tho llrst district of Illlnois, in place of Jool cagoed Buiralo and Providoneo threo times theirs who is now journeying Tork Ex. Prime. tcr bbl . . 10 00 (SlO 50 The Old Domiuion steamsliip llreakwater. having recently selecU'd tho sito. I'lour inicr neat 0 25 5 40 tuo poet. D. Harvoy, suspendod. each, nnd Chicago uud St. Ixiuls twice each; ) mn took down tho bay i0 passensors rcruited completod is on Corn Ihgh Mixed, Ge.neiiai Looan now 1ms in press, in New returns to total, thiiteeu. Chicago has Clilcagood Baltimore, Washington, The ilrst Grunt monument 54o0i Seitemiieu tho departmontof from Pliila grouuds, Pealrody, Kansas. Oats IJxtrn White 4S Ov 50 book ilcaling movo-inent- s leaguo clubs twcivo times, viz., riiilndelphia Tlio sehonner C. P. tho t'tnto Fair York.n with tho political ngriculturo indicnto a largo yield in tho corn Norfolk nml high, built of Bye btaw 70 oi that lod to thu great war. Mrs. Ixjgan nnd cotton crops, n general nvcrago nll four times. Providenco threo times, Dotroit of tug, cnrried about 100 It oonsists of a shaft forty feet for Buil'alo Schultz, ln tow a ours ot wrought luto elabornto WATEKTOWN (MASS.) CATTLE UAUKET. lins gono un-ti- sprimr !)." and twieocneb, nnd lloston once. corn, to her Wostern home, to remaln l wheat of bOf asralnst in August. Eightseors. Bcef Extraquality 0 00 & 0 Docembor. nnd a genernl nverago of The romnrkablo games of fourtoon innings fully .W,000 men nnd 87lf in winter wheat Tt was cstimated that . , . , , ,, (OJ u-- eai-- engrnvor nnd Cllll.. i dlstin-Cuisbc- 00. s j 111 were pluyul Znnesville, Ohio, to seo tho raco. Bv n slngnlar error of tho rwi Tiik North Carolinn senators bavo d agamst Juiy, iu women wont down thu bay l.ambs 4'jOl ti lwtwoen tlio $1 $3 about ovcrsight of tho proof-rcade- new r themselves 111 the buntlug liold this home teaui nnd tho visitlng Astickets sold from to each, Hogs Nortliern, d. w 5 (3 Henley club, of Hlchmond, Ind. Zanos-vide- s oxpainlwl way. bllls of tho Old Colony National bauk, of 5Jf EUimner. Benntor Vanco lins killed 11 boar I'orelgn. The fl'i.'i.OOO was in this riULADELPHIA. won tho llrst gnme by S to 7, tho score The Soum stcamors roacuou 1110 city Plymouth, Mnss., havo tho wortl "of" twice nnd Senntor Itnusom has cxtcriuinatod n The dispute bctweeu Germany nnd Bpnin tliat Hour Peiin. cx fnmily, gooil 4 00 1 25 flve-fo- stnuding tied from tho seventh to the four-teeut- h morningor tho night beforo brought in tho titlo, rattlesnako. over tho Carolino Island is to be nmicubly in the Wheat No. 2, Hwl ...... M h inniug. Iu thesecoud gnme .nnes-villo- s "New roouy n ' Cadet Kulm, who graduatod at tho head sottlod. Spain has responded to Germany a the hundreils ot patrlotlo A New HAiirsimtE farnier has ln llyeStato demand for reparatiou for to tho led olf in tho ilrst iuuiug with four runs to liot tlieir Inst cont on the represontntivo of corner of hls lmrn a load ot hay of bis class at West J'oint this year, is the tho insult I Coni Stato Yellow 52 53 German embassy at Madrid by expressing and failo to scoro nfterwnrd. The Henloys rii,,l'ni kliiimrnft-- nml Vntlkee Soailintistlin. wliich was placod thero tlilrty-iou- r years ngo. Oats Mixed boii ot a blacksmith at Leavonworth. 1 40 ($ 41 ioor regret at tho occurrenco and declaring tho of tio tlio score iu the fourth innlng and mnde Not only tho regulnr steamlioats that ply . 'I'he l,ay is yellow from age, uut 119 quauijr Buttor o Ho got his appointmont to a cadeUhip by I Creamery Extra Pa S0 oi bo punL.hod. tho winuliig ruu iu tho last half ot the between this metropolis ;and Eastern cities, js jo bo unimpulred. OJiecso-- winning a competitlvo exatmiuation. fendew will Eraporor Willinm Baj N. Y. Full Cream... HJtfoi 1