many stcamors were hns tolcgraphod to Alfonso thnt ho but oxcurslon that A TORNAD0'3 Klnc has AH OCEUI PiGEAM strangers in New Yorl: wntcrs wero FTJRY. Middlebury Kegister NEWS SUMMAEY. no iutentiou of trenclilng upon Snanish through Holl Galo nbout daybreak nnd rights, nml Germany will nbnniloit nll piloted tliat stcnmcd down tho bay without stnpplng, hav-in- g An OI1I0 Toivn Surpt Almoot Clut ol I.'nvlcrn nitil ?llildlo Slntc, desigus upon tbo Cnruliuo slauds. on boards crowds of men nnd women for I'xUtcncoi SEPTEMBEtt IS, 1S8S. Vllll.K tho Jlov. Mr. Clnrk, of tho East cliar-tcre- F1UDAY, Advices from South Africa Btnto thnt Tho Greal Iii(oi'iiulioii;il Yiicht whom tho vossels had been speclnlly A terrlblo tornado rocently struck Washing- Hnven lCoiin.) Congregatlonnl church was Congo camiibals havo nttacked sovernl sta-tio- ton Court House, a city ot 4,000 llnisbing tho opuiing prnyer 011 Sunday, n of tbo Africnn nssociation nnd roastod lliico at New York. Evory train that rollod into tbo Grand inhnbitants, dovo ilow Into tbo church nnd nlightod on tho forty-cigb- twenly.nve miles west of JEFFERSOI DAVIS. nnd devourcd n numbcr of whites. Contrat donot for t hours beloro the Bpringflold, nt 8 centro gnllery. Vben tbo pnstor rcad sentcnco ot addod' to tho living stream o'clock p. st., and almost tho chapter ot Kiei.'s nppeal from bis denth raco its tributo litcrally swept it from first John tbo clause, "I dlsmissotl, tho beliof is genernl of Vossel3 ilowed Now Hnglnnu s "rocK-boun- d saw thoSpirit def conding hcavcn llko n has been nnd A Magtiificsnt Display thnt from from tho oarth. It camo from tho northwest from in 'WlnnlpeR tho balt-breo- rebol coast." Boston, Tioweli, l'ortlnnd, Worcoster, that lcador and broko upon tho townvery g dovonnd it nbodoupon hiin,"thodovopcrchcd will bo haligod. in tho Harbor. Eawrcncc, Fnll Klvor, Provldonco, Newport, suddenly, cnrry-in- Inicrcsling Lottor From llio ut on tho open Hlblo. At tho closo of tho service. nnd tho big nnd littlo citio3 nll sont their overy thing beforo it. Tlio tornado whirlcd Mr. Clnrk said that this might be cmblematical The flshlng schooner Gunrdian Angcl cnp-slzc- d rcpresentntivcs. Tho eiglit cars of tho Boston up Court street, tho niain businoss thorough-far- o, pres-enc- oll tho coast ot Nowfoundlnnd dur- ot llio Conlcdcracy. of tho ot tho Divino SpiriU As he wero jatumod full when ing n squnll, nnd all 011 board except 0110 mnn oxnress that train and rulnod almost cvery busincss said this tho bird alightod upon hlsbcad. Tho rolled into tho Grand Centrnl dcpot nt 0:'S block wero drowned. 011 it, clergymnn took the winged viltor down A. M. They wero nearly nll sollil, substantlal at lenst forty or Iltty iu nll. Hnrdly a and lield it ngniust bis brenst. Mnny wero The expulslon ot forcigners from Gor-mn- businoss men, prlvato n sidenco in tho town escaped, fully 400 Ra-ga- s citi7ens. mercliniits, ctc. rd nml Ilundi-ed- Presby-teria- n, Donying Osrtain Statements in movcd to tenrs, and tbo wholo congrcgation Austriacontlnucs. cf At!3::).")r. t. both yachU stnrted on their buildingsgolngdown. Tln Baptist, wero visiblo oirected. destituto I'olos, oxpelled from Silesln, nro forty milo ocoan race. Tlio oxcursion nnd Cutholio churchesnll suirorcd the to His Oapture. Accord-in- g common fnto. Hnn-dl- o, IvAWHE.NXE HnAINEHD. tbo defnultliig ox- - llocklng into Vnrsaw and Cracow. sightod tho wa3 hovering Ihu Ohio Southern, Pnn boata tus thnt Nnrrow Gnuge, and Midland Eresident ot tho St Albans (Vt.) savings to tho Austrinn patwrs over thlrty flvo near tho d turnliig float at railroad nt 'W'iniilpeg, Mnnitoba, thousnnd moro l'oles will shortly be ejected inimodialely liendcd dopols were blown to pieces, nnd ovory build-in- g 4:S0 o'clock and for in tho vlciuity Tho following lcttcr from Je!rerson Davis by dctcctivcs, who forcibly convoycd bim by thol'ruvsian nullioritio?, niiiong them ao, it. Tho Yankoo was then fully n milo to was cnrried away, mnking ingress o. into tho Unitod Stntcs. 000 Austrinn subjects nnd 1,000 ot French windwnrd ot tlio Genesta, a dHTerenco or cgress almost impossi-bl- to tho Now York Jlcruld has been writteu by tlio panic-stiicke- The nnnunl parado ot tbo United Ijibor origin. oqual to n load of nearly n milo and a third. Tho peoplo wero tho ot the confcderney in dcnlnl taken completely unawares, ond iled from orgauizations of Now York city and vicinity The Spnnhh govcrnmont hns dispntched a Tho timo for mnking tho raco was llmlted tho tumbllng of certain rocont stntcnients regnrdlng his 1:2,000 lo.OOO working-me- n turning mark wns buildlngs in overy direction brought out from to special mesiene;er to Berlin with a noto to to seven hours, nnd tho at through tho dnrkncss. tho nnd women. cnr-rio- d nway from capturo nt tho closo of war: Mnny bamiers woio Germany. Tho noto requests Gelinnny to that timo nearly four milcs tho Another nccount states witli inscriptions rociting tho dcmands nll of tstablishing n yachts. Itwas plaln tooverybody tliat thoro-mnlnd- er that tho tornado Misa., Scpt. 1), 1SS5. rcnounco intontion miz. of last evenlng almost completely Beauvoih, nnd griovnnces of working iieople. Cnrolliios 1 l'clow islnnds. of the could not bocoverod in demollshed the erainty over tln nn coure this placo. Nnt a slnglo storo facing To the Editoh of the JIcralil:On my A young Without sucli gunrantce, Spiiu must declino tho llght wind until loug nfter 8:37 o'clock. Central week nftcr Mornn. n horse squaro, out of forty, is ma-jori- ty nbsonco to givo sntijfaction for tho recent insults to Sotheregattn coinmittoo nnnouncod to tho left intnct, and n roturn ntter n protractod from homo jockey, bad bcenklllcd nttho Brigliton Iioach of them nro loveled. About 200 rnce-cours- o tho embassy Malrid. surroundlng boats that thero would bo no I rocoived n slip from your jourii.i1, which I (Coney Island) by bcing tlirown Gormnn at nro destroyed, and tho stroets nro so accl-de- raco. cncloso for groater convonionce in noticing in n race aml trainplod upon, n slmilnr Count I'Afl. Festetics, ot Iluiigory, has illlod with dobris that it is nlmost impossiblo occurreil at tbo ndjncont Shoeiishoad killod M. l'echy, son of tbo prosident of its contcnts: the to pnss through them. bay track. Tho victim this timo was n jockoy Hungarian delogation, in n duel. Tlio Sccond I'nllnro. "All tho gas went out when tho storm camo Indianai'OMS, Iml., August 10, 1SS5. At nnmed Ford; nfter falling ho was tranipled An nttemnt was mndo to havo the race up. Bonares hnd to be built In tho streets to tbo recent rouujon of tliu voterans of tbo almost beyond recognition. UTERNEW& tako placo on tho following day, and n largo givo llght for tho tcarcheis. Tho total known Fourth Indiana cavalry, intbiscity, Licutcn-nn- t Two passenger trains co'lidcd ncar Mid- uumborof cratt again gathared in tho lower dead immber llvo, nnd nbout flfty aro Isgrigg, of tbo commniul, who wns dlesex, I'enii. , nnd both locomotivcs nnd A tSll AMOKt V (ronti.) dlspatcli alloges that iny to wltncss tho contest. At about 1 1 :!i0 Ono of tlio lattcr, manager of tbo provost marslml at Mncon, Ga., at severnt cars wero smashed to pieces. An " Molly Mnguirciiin is rampant in tho 10 boats wero lcss than iltty yards npart, telephono cxchange, was hurriod acro,s tho tbo timo of tbo capturo of Joll'crson cnginecr and llremon wero killed nnd scveu nain ud in the manouvering for plnco thej came btrcet, and had one nrm, one upper nnd lower I.tizerno districts. Nino leg and his Davis, relatod tho circumstanecs ot other 111011 injurcd, onoor two with probably tugotlier, tho Puritan strikitig tho bowsprit collar bono broken. Somo houes tho capturo. Ho dcscribcd bis fatal lesult. murdcrs havo reccntly occurrod in tho north-er- n of tbo English cutter nnd completely tcariug were lifted up nnd eni riod licxlily sovernl hun- in this nlrnir ns follows: "I went A.v o.tploslon of sulphur gas nt tho Otto coal (lelds, nnd mincsnro frequcntly flrod. it nway. Tho mainsnil oE tho American drod feet, and then dasln-- to tho ground with out to tbo line of my jurlsdiction to rocelvo collicry, ten milcs from l'ottsville, renn. , Coal was badly damaged. Tho excitement terriilc force. Tho shatlered f agments wero 1 Murderers and fircbugs go freo nud tho Davis. Two miles an a half from Macon instnntly killed 0110 boy, fntally injurcd throo was now greator than over, nnd then whirled in somo instancesa quarter of a Iron polico seom powerloss to nlTord n verl-tabl- o be becamo my prisoner nnd 1 brought lilm to meii niul ssvcroly burncd ten otbeis. nnd the scono of the accident soon becamo a milo. Itelief committeo is nt work and all tbo city in an old farm wngou. It wnsnvo-blcl- e At tbo Xcw ork rrohibitlon Stnto to lifo niul propcrty." pandemonium. As tho Furitnn was to tho houses not destroyed aro throwu open to witli a great dcal to condenm it in tbo tho de-p- ot blamo for tho accident tho judges docided to the homeless. rnnncrs ar3 coinlng 111 by held in Syracuse, Govornor Ht. John A coal train rnn into handsomo rnizE CLT. way of unsightllness. It bad weakness all wns tiie rulo tho American sloop out of tho race, doznn, bringing foo and bcdding.' JofTer-so- n prcsent nnd mndo nn nddress.
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