Father Vellankal Remembered As Joyful Missionary Disciple

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Father Vellankal Remembered As Joyful Missionary Disciple VOL. 57, NO. 18 DIOCESE OF OAKLAND OCTOBER 21, 2019 www.catholicvoiceoakland.org Serving the East Bay Catholic Community since 1963 Copyright 2019 Father Vellankal remembered PACCIORINI as joyful missionary disciple . By Carrie McClish and Michele Jurich the Shrine of Our Lady of Banneux. C ALBERT VOICE THE CATHOLIC Staff writers “When he walked into the shrine, he This is the month parishes record Mass Rev. Mathew Vellankal, pastor of St. was healed,” Father Macadaeg said. “At attendance, illustrated by this photo Bonaventure Church is being remembered Holy Spirit we had a great Marian devotion.” at St. Raymond Parish in Dublin from as a joyful, extraordinary priest who met “He loved the Eucharist,” he said. “It was October 2018. people where they are, brought out the his vision of Perpetual Adoration at Holy best in his staff and parishioners and Spirit. It is a tremendous gift to the parish.” maintained a devotion Rev. Oscar Rojas, who serves as October: Month to the Blessed Mother. parochial vicar at St. Bonaventure Parish Father Vellankal, in Concord, said he has learned many 61, died Oct. 10 in things from his first assignment, also with to count heads a car accident in Father Vellankal. Colusa County. The He recalled Father Vellankal as “being accident also took happy all the time.” in parishes the life of Archbishop He always thanked people, Father Rojas By Carrie McClish Dominic Jala, SDB, said. “Tell them how grateful you are for what Staff writer of the Archdiocese of they do,” he said. Such encouragement, Recently in his weekly column “A Note Rev. Parekkatt Shillong, India, and Father Rojas said, is that “people from Fr. Mark” to members of the Catholic apostolic administrator of Nongstoin, India. feel joyful for what they do.” Community of Pleasanton, Rev. Mark Father Joseph Parekkatt, pastor of St. Father Vellankal, he Wiesner, shared some rather uncomfort- Anne Parish, which serves the Rossmoor said, was present at all able observations in the parish bulletin community of Walnut Creek, was injured. Masses, greeting peo- about the October Count. The title of the He is recovering from the injuries in the ple at the beginning column was “Something’s not right.” hospital. and end. He created That “something” had to do with trends “Father Vellankal’s joyous spirit and a good community revealed from numbers compiled from the faith will be deeply missed,” Bishop in the staff, he said, annual head count of parishioners since Michael C. Barber, SJ, said. “May his soul to help each other. the year 2000. “The October count num- and the soul of Archbishop Jala rest in the “He was bers for our parish are both interesting peace of Christ.” always kind,” and concerning,” the pastor wrote in the Services for Father Vellankal are a 7 Father Rojas Sept. 29 bulletin. p.m. Oct. 20 vigil at Holy Spirit Church, (Continued In 2000, the year that St. Elizabeth 37588 Fremont Blvd. Fremont, and on Page 4.) Seton Church opened, the October funeral Mass at 10:30 a.m. Oct. 21 at St. Count was 3,371, “meaning on average Bonaventure Church, 5562 Clayton Road, 3,371 people attended Mass in the par- Concord. Archbishop Jala’s remains will be ish on weekends,” Father Wiesner wrote. returned to India. While the parish’s October Count in 2012 “He knew how to pull out the very best reached a high of 4,492, in every year in people,” said the Very Rev. Brandon since then the yearly attendance num- Macadaeg, rector of the Cathedral of bers has shown a decline: from 4,030 in Christ the Light, whose first assignment October 2015 to 2,799 in October 2018. as a priest was as parochial vicar at Holy Calling these figures “particularly pro- Spirit Parish in Fremont, where Father nounced and disturbing,” Father Wiesner Vellankal was pastor. “There’s a man who noted that he shared this information with never, ever judged anyone. He looked at the parish’s pastoral council, finance coun- the gifts and talents everyone had and cil and parish staff to launch discussions he was brilliant in allowing that person to on the causes of the decline and to explore shine. That’s what he did for me.” ways to begin addressing the causes of it. Father Macadaeg also recalled Father The drop in Mass attendance figures is Vellankal’s faith. “He had a tremendous not confined to the Pleasanton faith com- prayer life, deeply Catholic,” he said. “He munity. The October Count has revealed loved the Blessed Mother very, very much.” that total Mass attendance across the Father Vellankal had suffered a leg diocese has been declining and “some injury when he was working in Belgium. He deaneries and regions have more declines walked a tremendously painful half-mile to than others,” according to Mary Fair who ALBERT C. PACCIORINI/THE CATHOLIC VOICE crunched the numbers from the October Count spanning the past 19 years for the Diocesan Planning Board. Total Mass attendance in the Oakland Related story diocese was in the 130,000 range from 2000 to 2009, with a dip to 125,346 in Thank you for your (Continued on Page 15.) friendship, Page 4 Rev. Mathew Vellankal On our cover Nuns hold images of new St. Vigil of Lights tradition at four cemeteries Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan before the canonization Staff report Mass for five new saints celebrated The tradition of the Vigil of Lights, an Requiem at the cathedral ‘Lunch and learn’ at by Pope Francis in St. Peter’s All Souls remembrance, continues at four Square at the Vatican on Oct. 13. of the Catholic cemeteries of the Diocese Staff report Catholic cemeteries More on Pages 2 and 3. of Oakland. Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ, will Staff report Vigil of Lights celebrations will begin celebrate Solemn Mass at 11 a.m . “Nobody knows where I start … Bishop’s Column . 3. with a prayer service at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 1 Nov. 2, All Souls Day, at the Cathedral how do I do this,” said Paula Parisi, Classified. 16 at St. Joseph Cemetery in San Pablo, Holy of Christ the Light, 2121 Harrison St., outreach manager of Catholic Funeral Datelines . .17 . Sepulchre Cemetery in Hayward, Holy Oakland. and Cemetery Services. Forum . 19. Cross Cemetery in Antioch and Queen of The Cathedral Choir of Men & Parisi and her siblings — “six of News in Brief . 18 Heaven Cemetery in Lafayette. Boys will sing David Brigg’s Requiem us,” she said — knew where to start Obituary . .16 . To order candles placed at the cem- for choir, organ and orchestra under because her mother had had “the Retreats . .9-12 . etery with a loved one’s name, order online the direction of Rudy de Vos, the conversation” with them about what Seniors . 15 by Oct. 27 at www.cfcsoakland.org/asd. cathedral’s director of music. funeral services should encompass. The Church. 2 On All Souls Day, Nov. 2, Mass will be cel- The boy choristers are members of “For me, after that,” she said, “I told Travel . 6-7 ebrated at 11 a.m. in all of the Catholic cem- the Pacific Boychoir Academy, whose my husband, ‘This is what I want.’” Vocations . 13-14 eteries. Cemetery hours will be extended to (Continued on Page 3.) (Continued on Page 3.) 8:30 p.m. that day at many of the cemeteries. 2 — THE CATHOLIC VOICE THE CHURCH OCTOBER 21, 2019 OFFICIAL THE VATICAN Bishop Barber’s Schedule Oct. 21: 10: 30 a.m., funeral Oct. 31: Catholic Telemedia Mass for Rev. Mathew Network board meeting Vellankal, St. Bonaventure Menlo Park Parish, Concord Office meetings, Chancery, Oct. 23: Office meetings, Oakland, including: FOCUS Chancery, Oakland team from UC-Berkeley Oct. 24: 10 a.m., funeral Nov. 1: 9: 30 a.m., Mass, Mass for Cardinal William J. Solemnity of All Saints, Levada, St. Mary’s Cristo Rey De La Salle High Cathedral, San Francisco School, Oakland Office meetings, Chancery, 12: 10 p.m., Mass, Solemnity of All Oakland, including: College of Saints, Cathedral of Christ the Light, Consultors Oakland 6 p.m., Mass for Priest Day Office meetings Chancery, Oakland, Celebration for Encuentro including: Bishop’s Administrative Matrimonial Mundial, St. Mark Council More on Parish, Richmond Page 3. Nov. 2: 11 a.m., Requiem Mass for All Oct. 25-26: St. Patrick’s Seminary Souls Day, Cathedral of Christ the Board of Trustees meeting and retreat, Light, Oakland CNS VIA REUTERS, MEDIA VATICAN Menlo Park Pope Francis speaks with Britain’s Prince Charles at the Vatican Oct. 13. Nov. 5: Fall Study Day with Oct. 26: 10 a.m., Confirmation, Presbyterate of the Diocese of St. Mary Parish, Walnut Creek Oakland, Santa Maria Parish, Orinda 1 p.m., diocesan Detention Ministry Nov. 6: Office meetings, Chancery, Pope Francis names Newman retreat, Cathedral of Christ the Oakland, including: Lumen Christi Light, Oakland Academies donor appreciation reception a saint: ‘Lead, kindly light’ Oct. 27: 10 a.m., Mass, Cathedral of By Courtney Mares sight for an ordinary man.” Christ the Light, celebrating 20th Nov. 7: Office meetings, Chancery, Catholic News Agency Newman was a 19th Century theolo- anniversary of WINGS — Women In Oakland, including: Priest Personnel THE VATICAN — Nearly two centuries gian, poet, Catholic priest and cardinal. God’s Spirit Board, Presbyteral Council ago, John Henry Newman was England’s Born in 1801, he was before his conver- Oct. 27-29: Amazing Parish Nov. 8-13: US bishops’ general most well-known Anglican priest, until he sion a well-known and well-respected conference, Anaheim sessions and committee meetings, risked everything to become a Catholic.
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