St Hilda’s Stevenage

Parish Priest: Father Michael Doherty SDS The Presbytery, 9 Breakspear, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG2 9SQ Website Telephone (01438) 352182 Parish Safeguarding Co-Ordinator John Sloan Tel: 0790 013 8371 Email [email protected]

th 29 September 2019 th 26 Sunday of the Year

Sunday Masses Saturday 6.30 pm; Sunday 9.30 am and 11.00 am.

Service of The Word Tuesday 9.30 am; Service of the Word on Friday at 9.30am followed by Holy Hour;

The Rosary is said after Service of the Word on weekdays.

Confessions: 6:15pm


Holy Father’s Prayer Intention for September Universal: That politicians, scientists and economists work together to protect the world’s seas and oceans.

CAFOD HARVEST FAST DAY COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND This Fast Day, CAFOD invites us to fast, pray and give, so we can extend the hand of friendship to the world’s poorest people. Fabiano’s village in rural Uganda has been devastated by drought. Every day, children would trek miles for water, risking their education – and safety. Donations from parishioners across England and Wales helped install a solar powered water pump in the village. Now Fabiano and his friends can collect water quickly and safely. On Family Fast Day, CAFOD invites us to eat a simple meal for lunch or dinner and give the money we save to help children like Fabiano. Please collect a Fast Day envelope from the back of the church.

Canonisations On Sunday 13th October, will canonise 5 new in , including Blessed John Henry Newman and Sr Mariam Thresia Chiramel of , India. A 9-day "Novena with Newman", starting on 4th October, will be prayed throughout the Church, comprising a decade of the rosary and the following prayer:

“O God our heavenly Father, we offer you heartfelt thanks for the life and holiness of John Henry Newman. In him you give us an inspiring example of priest and teacher, heroic and humble in his labour for the salvation of souls and the pursuit of holiness. Through his intercession we ask you to lead us by the kindly light of the Holy Spirit, and so grant us peace and joy, in the one fold of the Redeemer. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.” For details, visit:

The God Who Speaks: A Year of the Word The Bishops of England and Wales have designated 2020 as 'The God Who Speaks': A Year of the Word to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Pope Benedict’s letter on ‘The Word of the Lord’, and the 1600th Anniversary of the death of St Jerome. This special year with the Bible begins this Monday, 30th September, the feast of St Jerome. Therefore, 2020 will be a year of celebrating, living and sharing God's word, through a range of events, activities and resources, available across the Diocese.

Confirmation in 2020 Registration Forms available from the table at the back of the Church. Candidates for Confirmation in 2020 should be in Year 9 (or older) and members of St Hilda’s Parish. Registration Forms should be returned to the Presbytery no later than Sunday 20th October 2019.

Ladies Lunch Takes place on Wednesday 2nd October 12noon for 12:15pm at The Coopers next door to Sainsbury’s at the Poplars. Good meals at very reasonable prices, warm welcome of new and old diners. Raffle prizes welcome.

Walsingham Annual Pilgrimage for the Sanctity of Life On Sunday 6th October 2019. Please contact Paul Vooght to reserve a place on 07861949101. Please see the poster on the notice board for further details.

Healing Event with The Little Way Healing Ministries On Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd November (10am - 5pm; lunch break 12noon - 1pm) in St Vincent De Paul School Bedwell Crescent. All are welcome to come and experience the power of the Holy Spirit to change lives and to be filled with the courage to live without fear, as God intended, in the peace of Christ, the Divine Physician. We are also looking for volunteers to come and helps us to run the event. We need help with: running refreshments stall (teas/coffees); preparing lunch for LWHM team and parish volunteers; parking; clearing after the event on Sunday. If you can spare some time to help us in any of those tasks and/or you can offer an accommodation to the LWHM team members then we would love to hear from you. Please contact Marion Godfrey (mobile 07792 057431) or Marta Pluta (07885710522).

Nursery School Admissions 2020 Certificate of Catholic Practice Please email the parish office on [email protected] and include a telephone number and the secretary will contact you.

Nursery Applications for 2020 (Children born between 1st September 2016 and 31st August 2017): Nursery applications for the two Catholic schools in Stevenage are now open for September 2020. Please visit the schools’ websites for more details. or or Tel: 01438 729555. Both schools will be offering 15 and 30 hours provision. Application deadline is Friday 29th November 2019.

Church Cleaning - Saturday 2nd October: Group 2

Lister Hospital Chaplaincy Contact: 01438 285138 (24/7 urgent need 01438 314333), via text message 0788 418 7463

Calendar Week Beginning Sunday 29th September


Monday St Jerome, Priest & Doctor Tuesday St Therese of the Child , Virgin & Doctor Wednesday The Holy Guardian Angels

Thursday feria

Friday Harvest Fast Day St Francis of Assisi Saturday Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday


Sunday Lectionary Weekday Lectionary Divine Office Year C 26th Sunday in OT (Yr 1) Psalter: Week 2

Mass Times and Mass Intentions

Saturday 6.30pm Parish Intentions

Sunday 9.30am Parish Intentions Sunday 11.00am Karl Monvoisin + (Anniversary)

Monday 9.30am No Mass

Tuesday 9.30am Service of the Word

Thursday 8.00pm No Holy Hour or Mass

Friday 9.30am Service of the Word followed by Holy Hour

Saturday 9.30am No Mass Saturday 6.30pm Parish Intentions

Sunday 9.30am Parish Intentions Sunday 11.00am Parish Intentions

Weekday Masses at St Joseph’s next week: Wednesday 7:00pm, Thursday and Friday 9:15am

Weekday Masses at Transfiguration next week: Monday and Friday 9:30am