St. Stephen & Martyr 17500 84th Avenue, Tinley Park, Illinois 60487 708-342-2400

St. Stephen Deacon and Martyr Catholic Church 17500 South 84th Avenue, Tinley Park, IL 60487

Parish Office Phone: 708-342-2400 | Parish Office Fax: 708-342-1545 Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am—12:30pm and 1–8:00pm | Friday 8:30am—12:30pm and 1-4pm Saturday Noon—5pm | Sunday 9:30am—1:00pm

Religious Education Phone: 708-342-1544 RE Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am—12:30pm and 1pm-4:30pm | Friday 8:30am—12:30pm Evenings and weekends by appointment. Please call to schedule.

Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Parish School (CJB) 9250 West 167th Street, Orland Hills, IL 60487 Phone: 708-403-6525 | Fax: 708-403-8621 | web: | email: [email protected]

Pastor Anointing of the Sick—Please contact the parish office if you or a loved one Rev. Thomas A. Bernas need this sacrament. Associate Pastor Rev. Mirek Kulesa must be prescheduled and are celebrated every Sunday at 3pm in Pastor Emeritus English and 1pm in Polish. Baptisms can also be celebrated with the Parish Rev. James Finno Family at one of our weekend Masses. Please contact Fr. Tom in the parish

Deacons office for the necessary preparations. A preparation class is required to Robert Conlin have your child baptized at St. Stephen’s. New parishioners are required to William Engler register. Chuck McFarland William Schultz Communion for the sick, elderly, handicapped, or homebound parishioners Pete Van Merkestyn can be arranged by calling Barbara Black at 708-466-9962.

Administrative Asst. to Pastor Funerals can be arranged through the parish office. Laura Uher Marriages - St. Stephen’s Parish welcomes the celebration of the weddings of Adult Formation both registered parishioners and the children of registered parishioners. For Barbara Black more information, please contact the parish office.


Maintenance Directors New parishioners are invited to register: nd th Kevin Bohlig • After the 10am Mass on the 2 and 4 Sundays of every month. Dean Thompson • At the parish office.

Director of Music and Liturgy David Boyle For those in need: • Counseling services are available through the Holbrook Counseling Center Morning Receptionist of Catholic Charities. To get help, call 312-655-7725 or visit the website at Noreen Galvin • For Grief and Crisis Counseling, please contact Deacon Pete Van Director of Religious Education Merkestyn. Appointments will be taken on Wednesdays at 10am, 11am, and Sandi Morgan 12pm. Please call the parish office or email Deacon Pete at [email protected] to arrange for an appointment. Religious Ed. Admin. Assistant • For parishioners struggling and in need of assistance, please contact Dee Zvejnieks Religious Education Secretary the St. Vincent de Paul Ministry through the parish office. • For those seeking help through a twelve-step program, St. Stephen’s offers CJB Interim Principal English and Polish support groups. Please contact the parish office for more James Antos information. CJB Admissions Director • For information about Domestic Violence awareness, services, and Cynthia Labriola Devlin prevention, please contact Deacon Bill Schultz at the parish office. FATHER TOM’S TIDBITS Dear Friends, Today’s Gospel contains the first of two parables that tells about prayer. The second will be read at Mass next Sunday. This first parable is a lesson in persistence in prayer. Next Sunday's parable will address attitude in prayer. While the parable seems to present prayer as nagging God for what we want, such a reading misses the point. God is not like the judge in the parable, worn down by requests and coerced to respond. The key is found in the description of the judge as corrupt and unjust. Since God can be neither, we must understand Jesus to be saying that if even an unjust judge responds to the persistence of the widow, how much more so will God listen to our prayers. God truly wants to hear our needs and respond generously. It is the final lament of Jesus that gets to the point of the parable. The lesson is about the persistence of the one who prays. God wants us to be like the persistent widow, staying in relationship with God, confident that God hears and answers prayers. Then Jesus laments, “Will such faith be found when the Son of Man comes?” In this lament, Jesus notes how easy it can be for us to lose heart. This weekend, we join with the Church around the globe to celebrate World Mission Sunday. This weekend we are called to recommit ourselves to the mission of God in recognition that our faith in Jesus Christ and our relationship with the People of God are missionary by nature. Our faith is a treasure to be given, shared and proclaimed. This also presents an opportunity to support the global network of missionary commitment, known as the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, through prayer, the soul of mission and charitable offerings from Christians throughout the world. The second collection this weekend for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith supports the priests, religious and lay leaders who embody Christ’s mercy and presence among the most vulnerable communities in our world. The appeal provides critical support to communities of faith in the most economically disadvantaged regions of our world. Working with limited means, these local churches bear witness to the Gospel amid poverty and turmoil, addressing all forms of material and spiritual need. This weekend we also welcome to our parish all the First Responders who are joining us for our 10AM Mass. We owe a debt of gratitude to these men and women who serve and protect us and our community. Often we fail to realize the important role they play in serving us in so many ways every day. First Responders give of themselves in so many ways. So, as we gather today with them in prayer, we ask God to protect them and keep them safe from harm, and we offer them our thanks and appreciation for a job well done! If you have been to any store lately, you know that Halloween is near! The store shelves are stocked with the latest costumes, a huge variety of decorations and countless varieties of candies. Next weekend we will be hosting two Halloween events. On Saturday, we will be welcoming young children from two Catholic Charity Early Childhood Centers in the Back-of–the–Yards Community in the City of Chicago. This community is an economically disadvantaged community and there is a high level of crime and violence, which is very much a part of these children’s daily life experience. This event is being coordinated by Guy Spalla, as his Boy Scout Eagle Project. On Sunday we will be hosting our annual “Trunk or Treat” event. At this event, costumed children ages 11 and under, will have the opportunity to “Trick or Treat” from decorated car or van to decorated car or van to collect candy treats. Prior to the “Trunk or Treat,” the children will gather in the Parish Life Center for games and fun, while the families will be given the opportunity to decorate their cars and/or vans. Once everything is ready the children will have the opportunity to go out and “Trick or Treat.” If you would like to participate by decorating your car or van for the “Trunk or Treat,” please call Laura at the parish office or email her at [email protected] Last Saturday, we held our annual “Cancer Awareness Mass.” We joined with those dealing with the effects of cancer in their lives, cancer survivors, family members and friends of those dealing with cancer, and = families who have lost loved ones to cancer. I want to thank all those who were involved in preparing for the Mass. A special thanks also goes out to Kathy Marek and her crew of volunteers for coordinating all the behind the scenes preparations for the Mass and to the members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry, who were present at the Mass, passing out their prayer shawls to those who asked for one. We are in need of additional Eucharistic Ministers for our weekend and Holy Day Masses here at St. Stephen’s. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist in ministering Christ's body and blood to the People of God. Parishioners are needed to administer the Eucharist at all Masses, including Holy Day Masses. The schedule is flexible. Training leading to certification is required and provided. The next training session in our area will take place on Wednesdays November 13th and 20th, from 7PM until 9PM, at Incarnation Church, 5757 West 127th Street, in Crestwood. If you can assist us in this ministry, please contact Fr. Tom for more information. Have A Great Week!

From Our Associate Pastor KONDYCJA NASZEJ WIARY Kiedy patrzy się na kondycję fizyczną Polaków, to napawa ona smutkiem. Niedawno ogłoszono w mediach, iż co czwarty Polak zachoruje na nowotwór, sześć milionów naszych rodaków zagrożonych jest chorobami krążenia, a co trzeci mężczyzna ma podwyższony cholesterol. Może nawet sami zastanawiamy się, czy nie jesteśmy swoistą „bombą chorobową”, która wybuchnie za kilka dni czy miesięcy. A stan psychiczny i duchowy jest lepszy? Przecież 97% Polaków uznaje siebie za wierzących. Niestety, statystyki są nieubłagane: 75% naszych rodaków powinno w najbliższym czasie zgłosić się do poradni psychologicznej, a 70% dzieci i młodzieży jest uzależnionych. Są to uzależnienia od papierosów, alkoholu, narkotyków, Internetu lub gier multimedialnych. Kiedy w wielu zakątkach naszej ojczyzny rozmawia się ze zwykłymi ludźmi, okazuje się, że w większości uznają Boże przykazania za swój kodeks moralny. Kiedy jednak trzeba określić wpływ Dekalogu na ich życie, pojawia się słowo „ale”. „Dekalog? – tak, ale jest to trudne; niełatwo przestrzegać przykazań”. Jakże nie wspomnieć już książkowych przykładów, kiedy to rodzice wysyłają swoje dzieci do kościoła w niedzielę, a sami nie mają zamiaru uczestniczyć w Mszy św. Iluż jest rodziców, którzy wysyłają swoje dzieci pod ołtarz, a sami stoją przy ogrodzeniu placu kościelnego. Jakże często mówimy o sobie: jestem wierzący, ale nie przeszkadza nam to przyjmować postawy krytykanckiej wobec Kościoła, która kształtuje atmosferę religijną domu. Patrząc na kondycję psychofizyczną współczesnego człowieka, przypomnijmy sobie słowa Chrystusa, które są skierowane przecież i do nas: „Czy Syn Człowieczy znajdzie wiarę na ziemi, gdy przyjdzie?”. Czy znajdzie prawdziwą, dojrzałą wiarę? Pochylmy się więc nad kondycją naszej wiary, czyli odpowiedzmy na pytanie, jakie są cechy prawdziwej, dojrzałej religijności i pobożności. O dojrzałej wierze świadczy bezwzględny priorytet wartości religijnych. Prościej mówiąc: centralne miejsce w życiu powinien zajmować Bóg. To miejsce ma być niezagrożone przez pieniądz, pracę czy przyjemność. Centrum życia ma stanowić Bóg, według którego określa się swoje wybory. Święty Grzegorz z Nazjanzu pisał: „Jedynie zdumienie i zachwyt pozwalają pojąć człowiekowi coś z Boga”. Trzeba więc na nowo zachwycić się Bogiem, mimo że zewsząd słychać o zmniejszaniu się liczby uczęszczających do kościoła, o bogactwie i skandalach wśród księży. Trzeba umieć dostrzec Boga w tym świecie problemów i zła. Jakże pięknym przykładem świadectwa jest postawa matki księdza Jerzego Popiełuszki, która przy okazji otwarcia muzeum imienia jej syna na pytanie o odczucia związane z jego śmiercią odpowiedziała krótko: „Bóg tak chciał”. Na tym właśnie polega prawdziwa wiara, zachwyt Bogiem, który nieraz doświadcza. Bóg przychodzi jednak do nas przez Kościół. Dlatego też drugą cechą dojrzałej religijności jest obiektywne postrzeganie Kościoła. Widząc zło w tej instytucji, nie wolno nam uogólniać negatywnych zjawisk. Usłyszymy jeszcze wiele różnych niesprawdzonych informacji kompromitujących Kościół. Usłyszymy też wiele prawdziwych newsów. Czy to oznacza, że nasza wiara ma osłabnąć? Przecież Kościołem jesteśmy my wszyscy. Trzeba więc poczuć się za niego odpowiedzialnym. Święty Ambroży pisał przed wiekami: „Diabeł goni za hałasem, Chrystus szuka ciszy”. Jeśli nie będzie w nas postawy refleksyjnej, która likwiduje bezkrytyczne przyjmowanie stylu myślenia medialnego, to zostaniemy ubezwłasnowolnieni przez media. Jeśli nie będzie krytycznego podejścia do tych newsów, zaczniemy oddalać się od Boga, Kościoła, a w konsekwencji stracimy wiarę. Może się okazać, że staniemy się antyklerykalni, a nawet antyreligijni. Zatem drugim ważnym elementem dojrzałej religijności jest obiektywne postrzeganie Kościoła. Istnieje jeszcze jeden aspekt decydujący o dojrzałej pobożności. Jeśli wiara ma być dojrzała, musi się odbijać w relacjach z drugim człowiekiem. Tolerancja i otwartość na innych, chociażby inaczej myślących, leży u podstaw szanowania godności bliźniego. Mikołaj Gogol zapewniał swoich czytelników, że „szczęście człowieka na ziemi zaczyna się dlań wtedy, gdy zapominając o sobie, zacznie żyć dla bliźnich”. I to jest właśnie ludzki wymiar naszej wiary. Kiedy uświadomimy sobie, że nie jesteśmy sami, że wokół nas są inni, których trzeba szanować, będziemy bliżej prawdy, bliżej Chrystusa. Trzeba ich po prostu akceptować. Dzisiaj Chrystus pyta nas: „Czy Syn Człowieczy znajdzie wiarę na ziemi, gdy przyjdzie?”. Czy znajdzie ją w naszej rodzinie? Za chwilę wszyscy wyznamy naszą wiarę, która powinna być dojrzała. Kardynał mówił do swoich wiernych: „Wielu chwali religię aż do momentu, kiedy samemu trzeba być religijnym”. Łatwo innych pouczać, radzić, ale jakże trudno wprowadzać te rady w życie. Obyśmy wtedy, gdy przyjdzie Chrystus i zapyta o stan naszej wiary, mogli odpowiedzieć: wierzę głęboko i dojrzale; wierzę, że droga wiary jest drogą do szczęścia. PARISH MEMORIAL MASS BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASS On Sunday, November 3rd, Our Baptismal Preparation Class for at the 10AM Mass, we will be holding the month of October will take place this our Annual Memorial Mass for all our Thursday, October 24th, at 7PM. deceased parishioners and We remind all parents planning on benefactors. having their child/children baptized that they At this liturgy, we will remember in a special way must attend a Baptismal Preparation Class all those parishioners who have died in the past year and prior to their child’s baptism. had their funerals here at Stephen’s. We are inviting To register for the baptismal class, please go to our all their families to join us for this special Mass. A candle parish website, For more information will be lit and carried in procession in memory of each please contact the parish office, 708-342-2400 deceased person buried from our parish. Everyone is invited to attend this special liturgy as YOUNG AT HEART we remember all of our brothers and sisters who have Our next meeting is coming up been born into eternal life. on October 28th at 10:00 AM in the Parish Center. We’ll be celebrating the ST. STEPHEN MEN’S CLUB beautiful Fall Season with a lunch being CHRISTMAS WREATH SALE catered by Winston’s. If you have not purchased tickets Once again this year, the Saint for the lunch yet, you can do so this weekend, October Stephen's Men’s Club will be selling 19th and 20th, in the narthex at St. Stephens. Ticket price Christmas Wreaths and assorted is $12.00. Dessert is included. We will also have bingo evergreen decorations. at this meeting. They will be accepting pre-orders this weekend, All members are encouraged to attend and new October 19th & 20th, and next weekend, October 26th members are always welcome. Hope to see all of you and 27th, before and after all our weekend Masses. Orders there. can be paid by cash or by check made payable to the St. Stephen’s Men’s Club. Wreaths will be available for pickup on Saturday, November 30th. All proceeds of the sales will be used to continue to furnish the Parish Life Center. Your support of the wreath sale is appreciated. ORLAND TOWNSHIP FLU SHOTS For additional information, contact Curt Beringer Orland Township will be here next Sunday, at [email protected] October 27th, from 8AM until 12 Noon to provide walk-in (no appointment necessary) flu shots for anyone 3 years EMAIL COMMUNICATION of age or older. Pneumonia vaccines (Pneumovax 23 and Recently we have been Prevnar 13) will also be available at the Orland Township experimenting with using the internet Flu Shot Clinic to adults 18 years of ages or older. and email to send out parish information to our For more information call (708) 403-4222. Please parishioners. We have the capability to send out important consult with your physician as to which vaccine(s) you notices and information to our parishioners quickly and may need. efficiently to all parishioners and families. Email communications are also good for the environment. As we begin to explore this method of communication, we need to work at updating our email contacts for our parishioners. In the test emails, we found out that we have a significant number of emails that are either incorrect, have been changed, or are missing completely. Lt. Michael Balcerzak Major Michael Gryczk If you have not received any emails or notices L/Cpl Benjamin Brasher Lt. Dan Kniaz from us in the past few weeks, then we probably have an Capt. Anthony J. Cesaro Msgt. Laura Langley incorrect or missing email address for you. If this is the Major Vincent Cesaro Sgt. Joseph Malone case, we ask that you call the parish office and give us Capt. Michael Chimienti Capt. Christopher Mazurek your correct email address. PV2 Joseph Clavio Daniel C. McDonald, USN Lt. Dylan Conover Sgt. Matthew O'Boyle LCMR Amanda Griffith Lt. Elizabeth Ernst-Signore Jacob Elliott USN LCDR Marilyn Walsh Sgt. Evan Grober Major Thomas Walsh RECENTLY BAPTIZED AT SAINT PEREGRINE HEALING MASS Saint Julie Billiart will be hosting a SAINT STEPHEN’S Saint Peregrine Healing Mass this Monday, We would like to welcome to our October 21, 2019 at 7:00pm in the parish family these children Church. Father Chris Krymski from the National of Saint Peregrine (Our Lady who were recently bapƟzed here at Saint Stephen’s. of Sorrows Basilica, Chicago, IL) will preside. Saint Peregrine is the for those afflicted with cancer, AIDS and other illnesses. A light reception will follow in the Parish Hall to meet with Father Chris. For additional information, please contact Mike at 708.429.6767 X 212 or [email protected] Saint Julie Billiart is located at 7399 W 159th Street, Tinley Park.

CHOIR MEMBERS NEEDED The mission of the music ministry at Saint Stephen’s is to Ariella Emma Jachymiak bring meaningful music to the worshiping life of the congregation through the singers and instrumentalists of the parish. It is difficult to imagine our parish life or our worship without the choir and the other talented musicians who gift their music to us. Rehearsals tend to be on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm. We welcome new voices to the Choir. For additional information about joining, please see David Boyle, our Music Director, after one of our weekend Masses. Thomas Norbert Kwiecinski EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS DE LA SALLE OPEN HOUSE NEEDED De La Salle Institute will be hosting We are in need of additional the first of its two open houses this fall on Eucharistic Ministers for our weekend Wednesday, October 23, from 6-8 pm at our and Holy Day Masses here at St. campus at 3434 S. Michigan Ave. in Chicago. Stephen’s. All young women and men in sixth, seventh and The role of Eucharistic eighth grades and their families are invited to attend. Ministers seems simple enough: to minister the Body and Faculty, students and staff will be in attendance to answer Blood of Christ to the assembled faithful. In reality, the any questions as well as provide tours. role of each Eucharistic Minister is to draw faith from the For more information, please contact De La Salle’s people of God to become more and more like the Body Director of Admissions, Mr. John Brogan, at (312) 842-7355 and Blood of Christ. ext. 147 or [email protected]. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist

in ministering Christ's body and blood to the People of MERCY MADE FLESH ENCOUNTERING GOD BEHIND BARS God. Parishioners are needed to administer the Eucharist On Saturday, October 26th, Kolbe House, at all Masses, including Holy Day Masses. The schedule is the Catholic Jail Ministry of the Archdiocese of flexible. Training leading to certification is required and Chicago and St. Julie Billiart Parish, 7399 West provided. 159th Street, will be sponsoring “Mercy Made The next training session in our area will take Flesh - Encountering God Behind Bars,” a fresh place on Wednesdays, November 13th and 20th, from look at corporal work of mercy. 7PM until 9PM, at Incarnation Church, 5757 West 127th The guest speaker will be Joshua Stancil, a former Street, in Crestwood. inmate, and author of 'Shakedowns, Shanks, and Shackles: A If you can assist us in this ministry, please Writer's Guide to Prison Life'. contact Barbara Black or Fr. Tom for more information. The presentation will take place after the 4:30PM Mass. Please join them and bring a friend.


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27th - 3PM - 4:30PM St. Stephen’s Church Parking Lot Join families and friends for an afternoon of fun and games at our Fifth Annual “Trunk or Treat” at St. Stephen’s Church Parking Lot, 17500 84th Avenue, Tinley Park THIS IS A FUN & FREE FAMILY ACTIVITY!

Bring your Children, ages 11 and under, in their costumes (please keep away from overly scary themes as this is a family event). Children will gather in the Parish Life Center and families will have a chance to open up their trunk or van and decorate it. Once finished, the children will be invitedto Trick-or-Treat from car-to-car. (Stock up on your candy now!)

To register your vehicle please call St. Stephen’s Parish Office 708-342-2400 or email [email protected]

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE QUEEN OF HEARTS FOR THE FEAST OF ALL SOULS WEEKLY WINNER It has been a custom here at St. Julie Gerard - Card #26 Stephen’s to put out a Book of Remembrance prior to the Feast of All King of Clubs - Pot Rolls Over Souls for those who wish to write the Next drawing will take place names of their dear ones to be remembered at our All Souls on Wednesday, Mass. October 23rd. This book will be on the Baptismal Font side of Church beginning this weekend and will remain available through the Did you get your tickets yet? Feast of All Souls, November 2nd.

. FIVE NEW At the same time, she attended to the sick and the canonized five new saints during a poor, nursing lepers and caring for orphaned children. Mass at the Vatican last Sunday, October 13th. The Pope Thresia had a series of mystical experiences, canonized British theologian St. John Henry Newman, including the gift of healing and prophesy. She bore the Brazilian St. Maria Rita Lopes Pontes, who was known as stigmata in secret and passed through her own “dark “Sister Dulce;” Indian St. Mariam Thresia Chiramel night of the soul.” At first, she joined the Franciscan Mankidiyan, who founded the Congregation of the Holy Poor Clares, then the Discalced of Ollur. In Family; St. Josephine Vannini, co-founder of the Daughters the end she decided that what she really needed was to of St. Camillus; and Swiss laywoman and mystic St. lead a life that was withdrawn and in silent union with . God. In 1913 she created her first small community SAINT GIUSEPPINA VANNINI with two friends. It was to become the nucleus of the Her childhood name was Congregation of the Holy Family. During the 12 years in Giuditta and she was born in in which Mother Mariam was at the head of the 1859. Both her parents died within Congregation, despite the difficulties associated with three years of one another, and the outbreak of the First World War, the Congregation Giuditta and her two siblings were left flourished with new convents, schools, boarding schools orphans. and orphanages. It was at the orphanage run Mother Mariam Thresia died on June 8, 1926 by the Daughters of Charity of Saint and was beatified by Pope Saint John Paul II on April 9, Vincent de Paul that she first 2000. experienced the call to religious life. In 1891, Giuditta participated in a spiritual retreat where SAINT CARDINAL she met Camillian Father Luigi Tezza. A few months earlier, HENRY NEWMAN Fr Tezza had been tasked with restoring the Camillian Cardinal Henry Newman Tertiaries. He asked Giuditta to assist him, and she agreed. spent his life in search of Truth. Giuditta took the religious name of Sister He always said it was the only Giuseppina and soon became Superior General of the new reason for living. religious Congregation known as the Daughters of Saint At the age of 25, Camillus. The new institute needed the definitive approval Newman said he had met God, of the ecclesiastical authority, but Pope Leo XIII refused it not "as a notion, but as a twice because he had decided not to allow the foundation of person.” Two years later, he became an Anglican priest new religious communities. The Congregation did receive and taught at Oxford. official approved, however, in 1909. Always one to question the essence of the Mother Giuseppina died in 1911 from heart disease Truth and of Faith, Newman found an answer when he in Rome at the age of 51. By then, the Camillians already first visited Rome in 1833. had 156 professed religious and 16 religious houses Back in Oxford, he found he was increasingly between Europe and America. The main legacy the far from Anglicanism. He began studying the Fathers of Foundress left her sisters was the pure and simple physical the Church, common to all denominations, and and spiritual care of the sick, exercised at home as in gathered around him a group of scholars who hospitals, leprosariums and nursing homes, both in questioned themselves on important topics such as European rehabilitation centers, and in mission countries. respect for the tradition of the first centuries. Pope Saint John Paul II declared her Blessed on In 1843 he made his decision. Two years later October 16, 1994. he asked to be admitted to the Catholic Church. After completing his theological studies in Rome, he was SAINT MARIAM THRESIA ordained a priest in 1847. MANKIDIYAN In 1850 Henry returned to and threw Mariam Thresia Mankidiyan himself into various activities: he founded the Dublin was born in 1876 in , India, and University, produced a new translation of the Bible into named after Saint Teresa of Avila. She English, took over the direction of a magazine, and spent her entire life assisting the poor, founded an Oratory in Oxford dedicated to St Philip the sick, the elderly and all those in Neri, in whose Congregation he had been ordained a need. priest. Thresia’s mother was the In 1879, Pope Leo XIII created him a Cardinal. greatest influence in her childhood, reading her stories from John Henry Newman died at the Oratory the Bible and the lives of the Saints, and teaching her how on August, 11 1890. to pray. When Thresia was 10 years old, she made a private He was declared Blessed by Pope Benedict XVI vow of virginity and decided to consecrate her life to Christ. on September 19, 2010 during his visit to Britain. SAINT MARGUERITE BAYS SAINT DULCE LOPES PONTES Marguerite Bays was Her secular name was born in La Pierraz, in the Swiss Maria Rita, and she was born in canton of Fribourg, in 1815. She Salvador de Bahia in 1914. After was the second of seven her mother died, she went to live children and grew up in a with her aunts. When she was farming family. When she was 13, they took her to visit one of 15 she began her apprenticeship the poorest areas of the city. as a seamstress, a skill she Maria Rita was so struck by what practiced all her life. she saw that she began Marguerite used to pray dedicating herself to the poor the Rosary regularly and and needy of her attended daily Mass, paying frequent visits to the Blessed neighborhood. Sacrament, and inviting everyone she met to join her in Maria Rita was particularly devoted to Saint prayer. She spent all her free time working in the parish, Therese of the Child Jesus and felt a strong calling to where she taught catechism to the children, visited the religious life. She said she was ready to perform the sick, took care of the poor, and all those people she "small acts of love" that Jesus transforms into great thought of as "God's favorites." works. This life of active apostolate led her to join the After entering the Congregation of the Franciscan Third Order, now the Secular Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the of the Order, in 1860. Mother of God, she became Sister Dulce, her Mother’s Her profound spirituality caused many people to name, and spent her time attending to the local poor ask Marguerite why she did not enter the convent. and destitute. Eventually she founded the Sao Instead, she understood that her place was at home, and Francisco’s Workers Union and opened a clinic, a library, her way to holiness lay in her daily service to her family. a school and even a cinema for the poor. This choice did not always make things easy for her. As Sister Dulce’s reputation grew, so did the When her elder brother married her housemaid, number of people seeking her help and attention. She Josette, Marguerite had to suffer the harassment of her started out housing them in abandoned buildings in a sister-in-law who did not understand her prayer life. rundown area of Bahia, known as “Rat Island.” Marguerite endured everything in silence, and After a series of evictions, Sister Dulce’s Superior when Josette was dying, the only person she wanted by said she could use the henhouse attached to the her side was Marguerite. She took care of everyone in convent, on condition that she took care of the chickens. her family: her sister who returned home after a failed She did: by feeding them to her sick patients. That marriage, her brother who ended up in prison, and a chicken coop was later to become the present-day Santo nephew born out of wedlock who she brought up single- Antonio Hospital, a 1500-bed health care center handedly. specializing in cancer treatment. In 1853, when she was 35, Marguerite was Sister Dulce herself developed serious operated on for intestinal cancer. The treatments were respiratory problems and had to spend 16 months in that very invasive, and she prayed to Our Lady for healing hospital. It was there that Pope John Paul II came to and for a different understanding of suffering. visit her while he was on a trip to Brazil in 1990. The When Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of the President of Brazil had already nominated her for the Immaculate Conception, on December 8, 1854, both of 1988 Nobel Peace Prize, in recognition of her work with her prayers were answered. From then on, Marguerite the Charitable Works Foundation of Sister Dulce, which was forever bound to the figure of the suffering Christ on she founded in 1959. the cross. The "Mother Teresa of Brazil," as she was She developed the stigmata, the crucifixion known, died on March 13, 1992 at the age of 77. Pope wounds of Jesus, on her hands, feet and chest. At first Benedict XVI proclaimed her Blessed on May 22, 2011. she kept it secret, but the news soon leaked out. On Fridays and during Holy Week, she would fall ill or experience moments of ecstasy. Gradually the pain became more and more intense, and on June 27, 1879, Marguerite died. Pope Saint John Paul II proclaimed her Blessed on October 29, 1995.

October 20, 2019 - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“…proclaim the word, be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient...” (2 Timothy 4:2)

It is not always convenient to be a good steward, especially when all the temptations of our busy and materialistic world get in the way. Now add our own pride and ego into the equation and living a stewardship lifestyle may be downright uncomfortable! Remember, God didn’t call us to be comfortable. He called us to be faithful

Sharing Our Treasure

Thank you for your continued Stewardship in support of St. Stephen’s. Please consider making electronic donations through Byline Bank or through More information on how to make electronic donations is available at the back of the bulletin or on our website GIVING GREENER Are you trying to cut down on the paper you use? Is the check you write to our parish one of the few checks that you write anymore? You can give greener by using our Online Giving Program. Simply contact our parish office and we can set you up to have direct withdrawls Collection 10/13/2019 from your checking or savings accounts made to the parish. You can set up the amount that you would like to Regular Sunday $16,214.00 give on a schedule that meets your needs and you never Sharing $57.00 have to worry about writing another check, forgetting your envelope, or having cash in your wallet. There is no All Souls/All Saints $20.00 charge to you or to the parish for this service. Our parish greatly appreciates all those who Parish Center $200.00 choose to give in this manner as it helps us maintain a Propagation of the Faith $5.00 consistent cash flow and pay all of our bills in a timely manner. Total $16,496.00 Greeters Schedule October 26th - October 27th

5PM - Mary Tafoya, Joan Beck, Mary Berger 8:30AM - Jerry & Pat Lewitke, Mary Berger 10AM - Linda Giroux, Chris Losey, Mark Losey 11:30AM - Judy Kluchins, Charlene Mueller, Lynn Packert Meetings/Events 7:00 PM Baptism Prep #125/126 Sunday, October 20th 7:00 PM - Faith Formation - Parents & Catechists - PLC Narthex...Queen of Hearts Ticket Sales 7:00 PM RCIA #106

Narthex...Seniors Young at Heart Luncheon Ticket Sales Friday, October 25th 9:00 AM - Infant Massage Class #125 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Adoration of Blessed Sac Daily Chapel 10:00 AM - Children's Liturgy of the Word 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Queen of Hearts Sales Parish Office 10:00 AM First Responders' Mass/Church 8:45 AM - Scripture Study #126 (immediately followed by breakfast in PLC) 6:00 PM - Decorate for Halloween Party - PLC 10:00 AM Growing with God Preschool Program 7:00 PM - Al-Anon Polish #153 3:00 PM Baptism 8:00 PM - AA Pol #161

Monday, October 21st Saturday, October 26th Religious Education Classes 4pm & 6pm Men's Club Christmas Wreath Sale - Narthex 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM Queen of Hearts Sales Parish Office Narthex...Queen of Hearts Ticket Sales 2:00 PM Seniors Young at Heart Board Meeting #125 8:00 AM - AA #158/159 6:15 PM - Confirmation Parent Meeting/Church 12:00 PM - Halloween Party/Catholic Charities - PLC 7:00 PM - Parish Worship Team #125 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM Queen of Hearts Sales Parish Office Tuesday, October 22nd 5:00 PM - Confirmation Rite of Enrollment Mass/Church

Religious Education Classes 4pm & 6pm Sunday, October 27th 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM Queen of Hearts Sales Parish Office Men's Club Christmas Wreath Sale - Narthex 6:15 PM - Confirmation Parent Meeting/Church Narthex...Queen of Hearts Ticket Sales 7:00 PM - Rosary Daily Chapel (Polish) 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Orland Township Flu Shots Wednesday, October 23rd Large Meeting Room Religious Education Classes 4pm & 6pm 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM Queen of Hearts Sales Parish Office 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM Queen of Hearts Sales Parish Office 10:00 AM - Children's Liturgy of the Word 8:00 PM - AA Pol #161 10:00 AM - Confirmation Rite of Enrollment Mass/Church 10:00 AM - Growing with God Preschool Program Thursday, October 24th 3:00 PM - Baptism 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM Adoration of Blessed Sac Daily 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Trunk or Treat - Church Parking Lot Chapel with Rosary @ 8:30am 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM Queen of Hearts Sales Parish Office 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM Benediction Daily Chapel followed by Divine Mercy Prayers 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Scouts Training #153

INTERESTED IN JOINING THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? Welcome! We are happy you are interested in learning about the Catholic faith. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process by which men and women become members of the Catholic Church. It takes place within the context of the church community, and after a suitable period of formation, culminates in the reception of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. If you are interested in learning more about or becoming part of The Catholic Faith or if you are a Catholic who needs to complete their Sacraments of Initiation, this is the place for you. Who is RCIA for? The RCIA is for adults who are interested in becoming fully initiated into the Catholic Church. This would include anyone who is not baptized, or a person who was baptized into another faith denomination and would like to become Catholic. It is also for baptized Catholics who have not received the Eucharist (First Communion) and Confirmation. What is RCIA? The Rite of the Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program is one that models the process of conversion and is marked by different stages and rites (ceremonies). The process is for non-baptized adults (catechumens) and baptized Christians (candidates) to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church. RCIA is first and foremost an opportunity for people to develop or deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ. During this process each participant will learn about the doctrine of the Catholic faith, and have opportunities to get questions answered. If they should desire, a person may enter into full communion with the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. If you are ready to begin the process of learning more about becoming Catholic, please contact our parish office. You will be contacted by a staff member who will meet with you to determine the next steps for you. Since everyone's situation is different, the individual circumstances and sacramental needs of each person will be assessed. This is what determines the process to be followed and the time frame involved. For more information about our RCIA Program, please contact the parish office.

Please pray for those who are sick and in need Sunday, October 20th of healing from our 7:00 am Patricia Barkauskas Biel Family 8:30 am Joe Spedale Family Divine Healer: Luke & Mary Marren Family Roy McGrath Maury & Sheila McNulty 10:00 am Jean Dobersztyn Pauline Cotrano Eileen Krippel Thomas Rogan Family Ruth Pomaszewski 11:30 am Sam LaMargo Lucy LaMargo Guy Conlin Family Terry Ryan 1:00 pm Ron Kalmeta Henry Czajewski Natalie Sims 6:15 pm Art Divino Mr. & Mrs. Crispin Abacan Maryanne Lis Family Marie Zabrocki

Monday, October 21st 8:00 am Jose Nunez Carole Colin PRAYER REQUESTS Howard Kuzelka Keith & Sharon Grill Parishioners’ names and those of their immediate family Tuesday, October 22nd members will be read at Mass for 8:00 am Catherine Niemi Barbara Black two weeks and listed in the bulletin Mary Ann Canavan James Canavan for another two weeks. Names of non-parishioners Wednesday, October 23rd who are immediate family members of our 8:00 am All Souls in Purgatory Elisa parishioners will be read at Mass for two weeks and Ed Walsh Family listed in the bulletin for two weeks. Marcie Miskovic Miskovic Family After the second two weeks, all names will then be added to the Parish Petition Book, which is Thursday, October 24th 8:00 am Blessings for Elisa Ponnezhan Family presented at each Mass. Purgatorial Society Emily Johnson To be added to our prayer list, please Robert Claps Papa Family contact Deacon Pete in the Parish Office.

Friday, October 25th 8:00 am Rose Pagliero Marilyn Rizzardo Marcia Bastman Barb Baron Blessings for Charlie Murphy Nana

Saturday, October 26th As a Parish Family we pray for those 8:00 am Blessings for Newal Mehta who have been called from this life Marcia Eastman Johnson Family 5:00 pm Bruno Opyd Children & Grandchildren to eternal life in Christ. Steve & Ann Frejlich Family Michael Prokop Mom Constance Siemiawski , Sharon Grill Jan & Stella Kmiecik Family Wayne Crowley Clark-Soprych Family Mortello Family Family

Sunday, October 27th 7:00 am Steven Booth Cole Family Parishioners of Saint Stephen’s 8:30 am Luke & Mary Marren Family We pray for those engaged to be married Elmer J. Bucek Elaine Bucek Roy McGrath Maury & Sheila McNulty Jordan Van Gilder & Ashley Schaffer - II 10:00 am Jean Dobersztyn St. Stephen’s Men’s Club Jean Dobersztyn Mary Anne Whooley Jeffrey Lapena & Morgan Malone - III Thomas Leoni Teri Healy

30th Wedding Anniversary of Joe & Terri Schulte 11:30 am Frannie Wawrzaszek Jennie Freed The Sanctuary Candle Guy Conlin John & Karen Dillon & Family burns this week 1:00 pm Jerzy Budny Henry Czajewski 6:15 pm Virginia Owen Family In Memory of Ann Vidinich Family JoAnne Chess

Requested by Joe & Grace Dobersztyn

Weekend Masses: Saturday, 5PM and Sunday, 7AM, 8:30AM, 10AM, 11:30AM, & 6:15PM. 1PM in Polish Daily Mass 8AM - Monday through Saturday Sacrament of Reconciliation - Saturdays starting at 8:30AM and by appointment Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays 8:30AM - 6:30PM and Fridays 8:30AM - 3:30PM Benediction & Divine Mercy Prayers - Thursdays at 6:30PM Rosary 6PM - 2nd and last Tuesday of the month in English - 7PM every Tuesday in Polish

W ciągu całego roku Msza Św. w niedziele w języku polskim jest o godz. 1pm Pierwszy piątek miesiąca: Spowiedź od 6:30PM-7:30PM - Msza o 7:30pm Pierwsza sobota miesiąca: od godz. 7:00-9:30pm

Ways to Support the Ministry of St. Stephen Parish • GiveCentral—Through parishioners can make automatic donations at the time and frequency they choose. Donating through GiveCentral is a way to simplify your giving and is environmentally friendly. Signing up takes ONLY a few minutes. Go to our parish website and click on the Donate Now button at the bottom of the page. • Donations through GiveCentral are processed via your credit card at the frequency you choose. • Electronic Donations—St. Stephen’s accepts electronic donations through Byline Bank. To begin this method of donating, you will need to complete and sign the authorization form and attach a voided check and bring the items to the Parish Office. The authorization form is located on our website under Support/Sunday Giving. • Envelopes—Registered parishioners can also choose to receive weekly envelopes. Envelope packets are mailed.

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