Portland Daily Press: September 09,1885
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862---VOL. 23. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1885. SafEilVitëE} PRICE THREE CENTS. NOTICED. behalf the professed advocate» of the civil ser- •FECIAL· MISCEI.tANEOUS. at sea. The mate three seamen IN COLLISION. ed to. Eastern are in- THE STATE. by THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, brig's and yachtsmen extremely vice reform. The machine is working alone that should l>e the right also died the and two seamen dignant their pet sloop oil full time. a hundred removals Isa Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the during voyage, Certainly cause of this delay. The committee will offi- work—about all it can do. The whole Ε. B. are now .sick on hoard. The fatal disease is ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. fair day's BR. REED, PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, The Puritan Fouls the Cenesta and cially declare the date of the next race. The minor patronage of the State of Maine is in the supposed to have been yellow fever. Genesta's new will probably be Auburn is trying the reflectory kerosene hands of Simon Brown, chairman of the State At 07 exchange Portland, Me. Her* bowsprit and Botanic HAVE YOU GOT Street, Cripples made from her old mast. The Puritan's sail- light. Democratic committee and a prominent leader In Clairvoyant Physician Youthful Adventurers. State "steal." This is so open and notorious, Dollars a Year. To mail sub- ing master will A was received in Auburn .Mon- the ÏKHM8—Eight say nothing. telegram and thev this new'ktiid of "re- A Pain, Tired scribers, Seven Dollars a Year, il paid In advance. Baxgoiî, Sept. 8.—City Marshal Whitney day morning, announcing the death at Mar- areso^uiiblushiugin Medical Rooms 592 Backache, Drawing-down Weary, form," that the State committee, on being inform- Congress St., Kates of inch ol the ThelCenesta's Bowsprit Completely of Mr. James Feeling, Disinclination to labor, Scanty and High Advertising—One space, today caused the arrest upon arrival of tha's Vineyard Robinson, only ed that Cleveland refused to appoint Morton post- the of or twelve Unes New Insurance Law. A. Robinson of Auburn. troubles length column, nonpareil, of two Carried Away, Hampshire brother of Mr. Wffl. master at have met and voted like a co- Colored Urine? If you have any of these a steamer Cambridge from Boston, Augusta, PORTLAND, constitutes "square." To the Editor of the Press : ordinate branch of the executive to "Insist." What jrou be sure have Kidney Disease. Are $1.50 per square, first week; 75 cents per named Heward Gilbert and Fred Eddy, AROOSTOOK COUNTY. may you daily, boys Your L. carefully evades the new Andrew Jackson (the anti-spoils one) a week after; three insertions or less, $1.00, con- correspondent out of the Dr. Reed treats all chronic diseases that 0esh Is Have you jaundice? Do you have who at East each aged And Mainsail An engineering of twenty are busily will do will be seen when he conies JiliouH? tinuing every other after first week, 50 cents. livej Newton, Mass, the Puritan's Badly the real in favor of a valued insur- party Is heir to; all cases that are given up as incurable sail»., Are troubled with con- day argument the route between woods. The President, Mr. Heed thinks. doing jmplexion? you Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; 16. It is not known what are wanted engaged locating Megantic by the allopathic and liomoepathic I they Torn. ance law. me to it and all that any reasonable -spoilsman" could ask. physicians. If have Liver and one week, 50 cents week after. policy Allow state again. Moosehead Lake and Mattawamkeag, will take their case to treat and cure them. I And stipation? so, you Complaint $1.00 ; per hut the which caused the ar- Special one-third additional. for, despatch It is and in- to their labors in four months. about four-fifths of the cases up to die can should read the following testimonials : Notices, that it compels the insurer the hope complete given Under head of "Amusements" and "Auction rest was from G. W. The boys said McKee informs the Industri- be cured. Examination at a distance by letter, Mrs. Chas. 51 Pearl has Eddy. sured to the value of in Superintendant Maine Veterans in Massachusetts. IIathobjï, St.,Bangor, Sales," $2.00 per square per week ; three inser- Race Will agree upon buildings line across with their full name and place of residence and their names were Brown and J one* and they Possibility that the Come al Journal that the Megantic been very low with Kidney Disease; she had been tions or less, $1.50. sured at the time the is issued. If 4th, 1888. on* 2-cent stamp and (2.00. Examination second policy Maine will be completed in two year». Boston, Sept. confined to lier bed for some time. Had a con- were going to Mooseliead Lake to support Off Friday. sight and consultation free. THE MAINE STATE this is done the rights of both are protected. At Titcomb's steam lumber mill in New To the Editor of the Frees: PRESS, themselves Oflco Πβηικ- » a. m. to 9. p. m. my7sntf stant and intense by hunting. The insured and the insurer alike receive Limerick last Wednesday, A. H. Drew saw- The veteran soldiers and sailors in connec- Published Thursday Morning, at $2.50 every ed with a without an edger, seven- a year ; if paid in advance, $2.00 a year. Sandy Hook, Sept. 8.—The haze in the and pay value for value. If, however the rotary, tion with the Grand Army Posts of the De- Advertisements in the "Maine State THE SILENT STEED. teen thousand long lumber in eleven hours. "insurance. inserted ηtUnisphere to clear away towards !) or insures a of Massachusetts, last con- Press" has in began company, wilfully negligently, partment night (which a large circulation every and the breeze freshened so much as CUMBERLAND COUNTY. part of the for $1.00 for first in- o'clock, for more than its worth it suf- cluded a two day's encampment and gather- State) per square to make the water. All the building only sertion, and 50 cents for each subse- a swell upon A man named of Harrison BACKACHE per square Fourth Annual Tournament of the fers the consequence of its own wrong if it is young Martell, ing at the Point of Pines, a noted seaside re- quent insertion. yachtsmen were jubilant, and sails were rig- cut his foot while cutting wood near Club. the breeze. The steam to stand to its contract. If the severely sort. The attendance yesterday was im- W.D. LITTLE & Address all communications to Springfield Bicycle ged up to eateh yachts obliged money the shore of Long Pond. All the toes on CO., were first to move off. The Genesta gave Posts were not with all other symptoms of Kidney Disease. Her PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. of the widows and orphans who are stock- one foot were nearly severed. He had to mense, although many repre- signs that she would start ahead of the Puri- be- 81 EXCHANGE husband was called home as she was holders is lost, it is lost and solely by walk over a mile over very rough ground sented by any organi7.ed delegations. STREET, dangerously A Creat for Records. tan. This was ten minutes after 10 o'clock, simply Day Breaking fore he could get assistance other than was native of Established in 1843. ill; he bought Brown's Sarsaparilla; she was THE WEATHER. and the bav was then alive with yachts and the fraud or folly of the officers of the com- I was reminded of my State rendered a companion in the woods. cured and is now York, at a by by it, about her house in better steamers from New coming along pany. Maine by the fine appearance of Hiram G. Insurance Fire or in first as the Genesta had COUNTY. Reliable against Lightning health than for years. The testimony of her 9. Spkingfield, Mass.. Sept. *8.—'The fourth fast pace. &s soon got- law is calculated HANCOCK and the more fact Washington, Sept. fore- L. says the valued policy Berry Post, significant oltss American and Co s at Lowest Rates. friends is that Brown's Sarsaparilla saved her life. annual tournament of the Springfield Bicy- ten under way, the mainsail, topsail, Gov. the former First Assistant Foreign For Portland and vicinity—General the Puritan were set, and to promote fraud. How? L. says by allow- Crosby, that the Maine Veterans were present in Mr. Charles rains, cle Club opened today under the most auspi- topsail and jib of Postmaster General, is at Bar Harbor. Also Life and Accident Insurance. Patterson, Engineer, Bangor, south to west after her to over-insure their It would be difficult to find high winds,higher, followed by cious circumstances. Six thousand people the Huston sloop followed English ing property holders are large numbers. Tf.lhfhone 701. )el7snly was cured of Kidney Disease, caused by over ex- still more, It is reported that thirty new cottages lower attended the afternoon which were all rival. The breeze then freshened and then set them on Are. The a Post here without some etc. temperature. races, buildings to be erected this fall and winter in Bar Har- Grand Army ertion, lifting, so contested as and the Genesta, with her sails well filled, The indications for New are interesting, many being hotly answer to this is so it has not Hart of lias in its ranks. E.