1 Organization of brainstem (I) Fu Jen catholic university Department of medicine

2 Basic directional terms

3 Development of brainstem

4 Location of brainstem (brain stem) „ Connect diecephalon rostrally, and cervical portion of spinal cord caudally „ Anterior (ventral) to the and „ Locate in posterior cranial fossa beyond the foramen magnum

5 Divisions of brainstem „ Include (medulla), and midbrain „ Three continuous longitudinal laminae extend through the brainstem – tectum – tegmentum – basilar area „ Contains three types of structures: – nuclear groups – long fiber tracts (both motor and sensory) – reticular formation (RF) concerned with modulating awareness and behavior performance

6 External morphology of brainstem ventral view

7 External morphology of brainstem ventral view

8 External morphology of brainstem dorsal view

9 Dorsal view of brainstem Pons „ Median sulcus „ „ Medial eminence „ Vestibular area „ Striae medullares „ : (genu of CN VII & abducens nucleus) „ (LC): noradrenaline containing neurons „ Cerebellar peduncles: superior (brachium conjunctivum), middle & inferior (restiform body)

Midbrain „ Corpora quadrigemina: – superior & inferior colliculi (SC & IC) – superior & Inferior brachia „ Tectum „ Pretectum (pupillary light reflex) „ Trochlear nerve (CN IV) „

10 Dorsal view of brainstem Medulla

„ Fasciculus gracilis „ Fasciculus cuneatus „ Cuneate & gracile tubercles „ Tuberculum cinereum (spinal trigeminal tract & nucleus) „ (calamus scriptorius)

1 „ Closed & open parts of medulla „ (floor of 4th Ventricle) „ „ (Foramina of Luschka) „ Median aperture (Foramen of Magendie) „ Vagal & hypoglossal trigones „ – without BBB, site of vomiting (emetics) „ Inferior medullary velum ( of the 4th ventricle)

11 Lateral view of brainstem

12 Lateral view of brainstem „ Medulla – Restiform body – Postolivary sulcus: CN IX, X, XII – Olive (inferior olivary nucleus) – : CN VII, VIIi, VIII – Posterior (dorsal) column: gracile and cuneate fasciculi, tubercles (nuclei) – Trigeminal tubercle (tuberculum cinereum): spinal trigeminal nucleus and tract „ Pons – Trigeminal nerve (motor and sensory root) – Sup. Mid. Inf. Cerebellar peduncles „ Midbrain – Brachium of sup. & inf. colliculi – Trochlear nerve – Cerebral peduncle = tegmentum + basis pedunculi (substantial nigra + crus cerebri)

13 Derivatives of alar and basal plates

14 Serial sections from Caudal to rostral subdivisions of brainstem

15 Internal structure of caudal medulla: Pyramidal (motor) decussation


„ Central canal „ Somatosensory system – Dorsal column: gracile & cuneate fasciculi – Dorsal column nuclei: gracile & cuneate nuclei (touch & proprioception of limb) – Spinal trigeminal tract & nucleus (pain & temperature from head) – Dorsal (uncrossed) & ventral (crossed) spinocerebellar tracts – for adjusting movements – Spinothalamic tract (pain & temperature from body) „ Motor system – Pyramids – Pyramidal decussation (corticospinal tract – for initiation of voluntary movement) „ Anterior horn – Accessory nucleus

17 Internal structure of mid-medulla: Sensory decussation


„ Central canal „ Hypoglossal nucleus „ Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus „ Tractus solitarius „ Nucleus of tractus solitarius (NTS) „ Fasciculus gracilis „ Fasciculus cuneatus „ Cuneate & gracile nuclei – internal arcuate fibers – medial lemniscus (ML) „ Dorsal column – medial lemniscus system „ External (lateral, accessory) cuneate nucleus „ Spinal trigeminal tract & nuclsus „ Dorsal & ventral spinocerebellar tract (DSC & VSC) „ Anterolateral system = Spinothalamic tract (spinal lemniscus) „ Inferior olivary nucleus „ Nucleus ambiguus „ Medial longitudinal fasciculus

2 „ (MLF) „ Pyramids (corticospinal fibers) „ Arcuate nucleus

19 Internal structure of rostral medulla: Inferior olivary nucleus


„ „ Hypoglossal nucleus „ Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus „ NTS & solitary tract „ Medial & inferior vestibular nuclei „ MLF & medial lemniscus „ Pyramid „ Cuneate nucleus „ External cuneate nucleus „ Inferior cerebellar prduncle „ Spinal trigeminal tract & nucleus „ Spinal lemniscus (SL): spinothalamic tract + spinotectal tract „ DSCT & VSCT „ Nucleus ambiguus „ Inferior olivary nucleus „ Central tegmental tract (CTT)

21 Internal structure of rostral medulla: lateral recess


„ Fourth ventricle „ Hypoglossal nucleus „ Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus „ NTS & solitary tract „ Lateral, medial & inferior vestibular nuclei „ MLF & medial lemniscus „ Dorsal & ventral cochlear nucleus (DC, VC) „ Glossopharyngeal nerve „ Nucleus ambiguus (NA) „ Inferior cerebellar prduncle (ICP) „ Spinal trigeminal tract & nucleus „ Spinal lemniscus (SL): spinothalamic tract + spinotectal tract „ DSCT & VSCT „ Ventral spinocerebellar tract (VSC) „ Inferior olivary nucleus „ Central tegmental tract (CTT) „ Pyramids

23 Internal structure of caudal pons: facial colliculus


„ Fourth ventricle „ MLF (v-shaped) „ Facial colliculus: Abducens nu. + internal genu „ Superior vestibular nucleus „ NTS & solitary tract „ CN VI (med) & CN VII (lat) „ Facial motor nucleus „ Superior olivary nucleus „ ML – horizontally oriented „ Anterolatero system: Spinothalamic tract „ Lateral lemniscus „ Trapezoid body (acoustic fibers) „ CTT in RF „ Spinal V tract & nucleus „ Pontine nuclei „ Pontocerebellar fibers „ (transverse) „ Longitudinal fibers: corticospinal, corticobulbar fibers „ Facial & abducens nerves „ Inferior cerebellar peduncle = restiform body + juxtarestiform body

25 Nervus intermedius and facial nerve

3 26 Overview of somatosensory system 1. Modalities: Pain, temperature, touch, vibration & position sense below head 2. Three-order pathway „ Dorsal root ganglion „ Interneuron in spinal cord „ Relay neuron in thalamus 3. Somatotopic organization 4. Most contralateral to cortex

27 Dorsal Column-Medial Lemniscus (DC-ML) System

„ Lesions of DC-ML – Contralateral loss of tactile, two-point discrimination, and vibration sense

28 Anterolateral system (ALS) spinoreticular, spinotectal & spinothalamic tracts

„ Lesions of ALS – Contralateral loss of pain and temperature from trunk and extremities

29 Overview of trigeminal sensory system 1. Modalities: Pain, temperature, touch, vibration & position sense from face & scalp 2. Three-order pathway „ CN V, VII, IX, X ganglion „ Interneuron in spinal V nucleus „ Relay neuron in thalamus 3. Somatotopic organization 4. Most contralateral to cortex

30 Trigeminal sensory pathway „ Lesions of Spinal V Tract & Nucleus – Ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature from face

31 Subdivisions of spinal V nucleus „ Pars caudalis – Extend from c3 to pyramid – Perception of pain and temperature from face „ Pars interpolaris – Extend from pyramid to rostal inf. olivary nucleus – Perception of pain from teeth and touch, discriminative touch from face „ Pars oralis – Extend from pars caudalis to pontine V nucleus – Perception of touch, discriminative touch from face

32 Overview of somatic motor system

„ Course ipsilateral or contralateral „ Upper or lower motoneurons „ Somatotopic organization „ Crus cerebri contain three major fibers – Corticopontine tract – Corticobulbar tract – Corticospinal tract

33 Blood supply of medulla

4 34

35 Medial Medullary Syndrome „ Occlusion of Anterior Spinal Artery (ASA) „ CST – cotralateral spastic hemiparesis „ ML – contralateral loss of tactile & vibration from trunk & limbs „ CN XII – ipsilateral paralysis – tongue deviates to affected side

36 Lateral Medullary (Wallenberg’s) Syndrome „ Occlusion of posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) „ Spinal trigeminal nucleus & tract - ipsiplateral loss of pain & temp from face (facial hemianesthesia) „ STT – contralateral loss of pain & temp from trunk & extremities „ NA – ipsilateral pharyngeal, laryngeal & palatal hemiparalysis „ Some vertigo and nystagmus (vestibular nu.) „ Loss of taste (NTS) „ Hoarseness (vagus nerve) „ Descending hypothalamospinal fibers in lateral medulla – ipsilateral Horner’s syndrome: interruption of cervical sym. innervation results in pupillary miosis, eyelid ptosis, anhydrosis, flushing of skin

37 Lab review