


Our typography communicates confidence, expertise and a connection to those Overview we serve. The visual system uses typography with careful distinction to balance How to Use These Guidelines Corporate Typeface the technical and the emotive aspects of our brand.

The Zebra Brand Marketing Typeface Voice and Messaging The Zebra Logo Hierarchy Zebra Tagline Typography In Use Solution Logos – Good example Design Elements – Situations to avoid Brand Colors Typography Photography Video Social Media Legal Requirements


Corporate Typeface Arial Arial is the internal typeface and is used for company Primary weights Characters Table of Contents documents and non-marketing materials. How to Use These Headlines: Arial Bold is used for headlines Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ Guidelines RSTUVWXYZabcdefghijk The Zebra Brand Subheads: Arial Regular is used for subheads lmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567 890#!/@%$&+-*=_(){ }<>., Voice and Messaging Intro Statements / Quotes: Arial Regular is used ?:[ ]®°©¼½¾^ -><- The Zebra Logo for large intro statements Zebra Tagline Sub-section Headers: Arial Bold is used for section Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ subheads, descriptions and callouts RSTUVWXYZabcdefghijk Solution Logos lmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567 Design Elements Body Copy: Arial Regular is used for body copy 890#!/@%$&+-*=_(){ }<>., ?:[ ]®°©¼½¾^ -><- Brand Colors

Typography Styles are already set up for you to use in our Photography PowerPoint presentation: download it from our Brand Hub to help keep the formatting consistent across all Video Zebra communication material. Social Media Note: The use of italics is not permitted in any case. Legal Requirements

Available downloads

Employee Brand Hub - download Zebra PowerPoint template - download


Marketing Typeface Proxima Nova

The hybrid Proxima Nova typeface combines modern, even- Primary weights Characters Table of Contents width proportions with a somewhat geometric appearance. How to Use These Use the Proxima Nova typeface across marketing applications Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ Guidelines RSTUVWXYZabcdefghijk to ensure brand consistency. Choose from the various lmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567 The Zebra Brand styles to create a clear visual hierarchy in communications. 890#!/@%$&+-*=_(){ }<>., Voice and Messaging Headline: Proxima Nova Bold is used for headlines ?:[ ]®°©¼½¾^ -><- The Zebra Logo Subheads: Proxima Nova Regular is used for subheads Zebra Tagline Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ Intro Statements / Quotes: Proxima Nova Regular is used RSTUVWXYZabcdefghijk Solution Logos for intro statements, large callouts or quotes, depending on lmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567 Design Elements information and positioning 890#!/@%$&+-*=_(){ }<>., ?:[ ]®°©¼½¾^ -><- Brand Colors Sub-section Header: Proxima Nova Bold is used for Typography subheads, descriptions and callouts

Photography Body Copy: Proxima Nova Regular is used for all body copy Secondary weight Characters

Video Headers / Footers: Proxima Nova Bold and Regular are ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ Social Media used in upper case for headers and footers, which appear Light at the top left and /or bottom left of the page RSTUVWXYZabcdefghijk Legal Requirements lmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567 Legal: Proxima Nova Light is used for Trademark Attribution 890#!/@%$&+-*=_(){ }<>., Statement and Copyright Notice copy. ?:[ ]®°©¼½¾^ -><-

Available downloads and further resources

Proxima Nova - purchase Sync from Adobe (Adobe CC license required)


Headers / Footers ZEBRA TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION SCANNERS AND PRINTERS Typography Proxima Nova Bold + Regular: Hierarchy Black or white, All Caps

Headlines Proxima Nova Bold: Industry Printing Just Got Our typographic style supports clear communication of Black, white or blue, Table of Contents Title case our key messages, and reflects our voice persona by Stronger and Smarter How to Use These being inspiring and pragmatic. Guidelines Subheads Brawn and brains—all combined The headline text is the boldest and largest in scale, the Proxima Nova Regular: Black or white, Sentence case in Zebra’s new ZT600 Series The Zebra Brand body copy the smallest. Maintain this scalable relationship, Voice and Messaging no matter the size of the composition. “My scanner helps me provide faster, Intro statements / Quotes The Zebra Logo Top tips: Proxima Nova Regular: more accurate checkouts.” Black or white, Sentence case Zebra Tagline • Generous areas of open space around text blocks Solution Logos • Organized and well-structured information The Personalization Push • Well-defined hierarchies that are simple and Sub-section headers To aid flexibility within copy we have Design Elements straightforward two styles for sub-section headers: The Personalization Push • Use sentence-style capitalization only when Proxima Nova Regular: Brand Colors Black or white, Title case the title or subhead is a sentence. Otherwise use Proxima Nova Bold: Typography title-style capitalization. Black, white or Blue, Title case • When using title-style capitalization: Capitalize the Photography Rugged durability. Genius-level intelligence. Merged in first letter of each major word Body copy Proxima Nova Regular: a future-ready platform. The ZT600 Series printers build Video − 5 Steps to Improve the In-Store Experience Black, Sentence case, left aligned on the legacy of their industry-leading predecessors, the − Business-to-Business Marketing Tips Social Media Zebra Xi4 Series printers. Legal Requirements Bullets • Ommodiam, qui dolorerit volorescia as essint eumet Proxima Nova Regular: velenetur, et omnitat ecaborem lam, Black, Sentence case, left aligned Blue Bullet − Cum audandenim doluptam que aturero Sub-bullets 1 Available downloads and further reference • Molupta simporeptiae corepudant, ullantios As above with an aligned indententation with a black en dash Proxima Nova - purchase Sub-bullets 2 Sync from Adobe Font (Adobe CC license required) Refer to the InDesign Collateral Template and its accompanying ruleset for As above with an aligned more information - download indententation with a black bullet


Typography in Use Good examples of usage

Example Cover Table of Contents How to Use These Guidelines The Zebra Brand Headline-Cover Take Your Inventory Management Voice and Messaging Proxima Nova Bold: Title case Efficiency to the Next Level Luptasp erspienis ero ipsani bea delibus The Zebra Logo Subhead-Cover Proxima Nova Regular: Sentence case Zebra Tagline Solution Logos Design Elements Brand Colors Typography Photography Video Social Media Legal Requirements

Available downloads

Refer to the InDesign Collateral Template and its accompanying ruleset for more information - download


Typography in Use Good examples of usage

Example Interior Page Table of Contents

Asset title ASSET TITLE How to Use These Proxima Nova Bold + Regular: UPPERCASE Guidelines Results Headline Tatiuribus eaque solorum ulloreratet estio aut lan delis. Harum di dolorerum fugia videbit imil exerchil iunto eum dolorecest, explabore Proxima Nova Bold: Title case volorum quam, consedi cusdae. Nam quam et mi, sequiaspero qui The Zebra Brand blaut omnimagnim voluptiis etur, volorro repro estium, occupta tisqui optur aperum int expligendi bersped exerror iberum etusapi endiatem. Voice and Messaging Subhead-2 Ut Eseni Conse Sit Ma Eumqua Officipsum Quid Proxima Nova Bold: Title case Sollaut plites apienia eos re ipic tenis alitatem qui comnias qui occullaut. Equiae perchillorio exera exceper ciligent ex ea verrum solo endenis tianiam quiscipicab il eum estorum am alicit moluptas The Zebra Logo cus pa autem imuscienda dus aut idus natia optis nonet pedi de nit, Body te nonsequ iatur, sed ute con cuscipsae pore, sae volupta tecepre Proxima Nova Regular: Sentence case s pro cuptati aut as erem rerem et que peliti ut eos et lam volorae Zebra Tagline doloriberia nis quiaspel ius. Prem lam, sum, susda nobitati repro. Cuptatium simus doluptaque res eniam, corporia volorrunt in con res quam num aut incipidebis eostrum que quam que natur. Qui ut reptatur sum quae atquae ommodicil ium explam quis qui quatur serum. fugita Solution Logos voluptatem. Lectatias aliquidignis nobit, nonsercimin rernatem alias am harumque cus min entio et exerum adisit odis eos non poruntia dolorumque dem ex eius, peroreperum ullici rempe dus ut eostibear.

Design Elements Sequisq Uodita Quandest Vitatures que volest ad millab ipsam quam, quis rent utem id eius, utem. in rerit omnit arcitio. Offic tem rem nitis aperiae enestia qui Brand Colors ute. Ne pro voles volorum ventum autem vollaut autam et magnis. Pa poribus idellaut quam facieni ad ut ute que pratemq uiant. Totaes molum imporiae aut quo dit ut odiatus, velit, consend ebitiurem tui faccaerum aut eat ad. Quam fugit moluptas quas ea volupid quo. Typography Lectatias aliquidignis nobit, nonsercimin rernatem alias am harumque cus min entio et exerum adisit odis eos non porunti.

Photography Table headings Bar code caputure rates with mobile devices Proxima Nova Bold: Title case Video Lorem Ipsum Vercimp Quamfacien* Lectatias* Sinvelentis et Vercimp 400 400 Table content Temquia ne Derfernia 40 seconds 800 seconds Social Media Proxima Nova Bold + Regular: Title case for proper nouns Sentence case for data information Temquia Audicia Tendis 171.60 minutes 3,458 minutes Legal Requirements Delisium ne Entotas 200 seconds 4000 seconds Footnote *Rovitam int amet eos non plamusa nosapel iquunto qui cum quatquid que libus que natium conseritati nestia venisti ntectium. Proxima Nova Regular: Sentence case

Footer 13 zebra technologies Page numbers: Proxima Nova Bold Zebra Technologies: Proxima Nova Regular: UPPERCASE

Available downloads

Refer to the InDesign Collateral Template and its accompanying ruleset for more information - download


Typography in Use Good examples of usage

Example Interior Page Table of Contents Asset title ASSET NAME How to Use These Proxima Nova Bold + Regular Weight: UPPERCASE Guidelines Rely on Zebra to Maximize the Headline Productivity of Your Printers Facea pasi odit simus apietur Proxima Nova Bold Weight: Title case The Zebra Brand Simaios tiorum quos exerferat que vero velluptu. Iberit hariberibus eatquia doluptata qui si ut a consequi dolorem inverum alit peribus Subhead-1 volestiam fugitius estionsed quo temposandam, sitatiurit et officte Voice and Messaging ex est qui derovidi re perit omnihic to testi doleni ad es molorep Proxima Nova Bold Weight: Sentence case tinctat ectur, omni omnis adit voloritibus ma nonsed ut volorerument lam reratur, acea as cuptae. Bita quibus aut que cusaperate poressu ndestis intio et aut quid modit omnis et qui con non comnihi catisit The Zebra Logo fuga. Untiate mporis alicae sus.

Aborporent Consed Utempor Minvel ipienet illoreh enimolo rporion reneceperat occatus, con re Zebra Tagline vit quas rehenderum eos doluptatium quossim ut verum simusande quam secus sequi num quia dolore id quias arum fugit et, omnihil laccuptates nones accum assit a debit pliquat iatisim incias esectora as Solution Logos sedi omnimus mi, ut harum eiuris sendam audias qui apietur, cupicim aximinti etium la doluptia el eicturi omnis re seque pratus volo et inus.

Coremol upiene dioritas es porerem alitionsecab ium fuga. Et dissit Design Elements arum quo cusci sumquo blacea volorrunt, volores expero blaciatur am quas dolorem elibus reium se exercimo maxim quas debis es repudam velitatemosa idunt unt voleni doloreiumqui beratem enducium alit est, ut laboreh. Resciist expelitate consecto blatem utetur as volupta Brand Colors tquaepu ditatur, odi ad qui inctia est volo core nestiae nima secus dolupta non rem aut et im iustis esectora as sedi. Subhead-2 Lorem Ipsum Sedit Typography Minvel ipienet illoreh enimolo rporion reneceperat occatus, con re Proxima Nova Bold Weight: Title case vit quas rehenderum eos doluptatium quossim ut verum simusande quam secus sequi num quia dolore id quias arum fugit et, omnihil Photography laccuptates nones accum assit a debit pliquat iatisim incias esectora as sedi omnimus mi, ut harum eiuris sendam audias qui apietur, cupicim aximinti etium la doluptia el eicturi omnis re seque pratus volo et inus. Video Officabor Aliciabo Faccati Minvel ipienet illoreh enimolo rporion reneceperat occatus, con re vit quas rehenderum eos doluptatium quossim ut verum simusande quam secus sequi num quia dolore id quias arum fugit et, omnihil Social Media laccuptates nones accum assit a debit pliquat iatisim incias esectora as Body sedi omnimus mi, ut harum eiuris sendam audias qui apietur, cupicim Proxima Nova Regular Weight: Sentence case aximinti etium la doluptia el eicturi omnis re seque pratus volo et inus Legal Requirements ulparunt. Resciist expelitate consecto blatem utetur as volupta. Resciist expelitate consecto blatem utetur as volupta tquaepu ditatur odi ad.

18 zebra technologies

Available downloads

Refer to the InDesign Collateral Template and its accompanying ruleset for more information - download


Typography in Use Good examples of usage

Example Powerpoint Table of Contents How to Use These Guidelines The Zebra Brand Cover headline PowerPoint Sample Slides Arial Regular (Heading): Sentence case Voice and Messaging October 2018 | Version 2 The Zebra Logo Zebra Tagline

Solution Logos 1 Design Elements

Brand Colors Content slide headline Corporate PowerPoint Sample Slide Arial Regular (Heading): Title case Creating presentations with the sample slides Typography Sub-header • Use the two brand tools together to convert existing decks or build Zebra presentations – 16:9 Template with title, divider, bullet, photo, org chart and thank you slides Arial Regular (Body): Sentence case Photography – These Sample Slides • Sample Slides include – Cover, divider, text, photo, icon, table, chart, infographic, illustration, thank you and question slides Video – 100+ table and chart samples, built with Zebra Blue, Green, Yellow and Purple Body/bullets – Sample Slide Guidelines (see Pages 6-16) • Directions for using the preset Zebra brand “theme” colors; applying brand colors to text, bullets and shapes (Use Zebra Blue only) Arial Regular (Body): Sentence case • Instructions for using the complementary colors for tables, charts, icon, illustrations and infographics Social Media (Do not use the complementary colors for copy, shapes or any other content in slides.) • How to use Sample Slides – Copy the desired slide and paste it (selecting “Destination Theme”) into a presentation using the corporate template. Then simply swap Legal Requirements out the bullet point copy, photos, table, chart, etc. sample content with your content. – Change your photo size to match the sample size before replacing it. CTA Have questions? Email [email protected].

Arial Bold (Body): Sentence case ZEBRA TECHNOLOGIES

Available downloads

Use the PowerPoint template for your presentations - download


Typography in Use Situations to avoid

To reinforce our brand familiarity in the eyes of our Table of Contents audiences, it is essential to maintain clear and effective

How to Use These typographic language at all times. Ac sem integer a, ut molestie ut dolor fauc Guidelines INDUSTRY PRINTING Do not use all uppercase for headlines or body copy JUST GOT STRONGER The Zebra Brand Do not create new typographic styles and hierarchies AC SEM INTEGER A UT AND SMARTER MOLESTIE DOLOR FAUC Voice and Messaging Do not apply Zebra Blue or complementary color tints to editorial typographic styles* AC SEM INTEGER A, UT MOLESTIE UT DOLOR IBUS FERMEN The Zebra Logo FAUC IBUS FERMENTUM, MAURIS INTEGER Do not add drop shadows or dimension to text Zebra Tagline TUR PIS DOLOR UT VEHICULA, CLASS SED EU. Do not create typography in outline form Solution Logos Do not utilize various typographic sizes and weights in the same Design Elements Do not use all upper case for headlines Do not create new typographic styles Do not use italics or body copy. and hierarchies Brand Colors Do not reverse small text such as body copy out of black Typography Do not split sentences into different colors Photography Do not use periods with headlines or subheads when you Industry printing Industry printing can break into two lines, instead. Video just got stronger just got stronger Social Media See examples of these situations to avoid in the following pages. and smarter and smarter Legal Requirements Ac sem integer a, ut molestie ut dolor fauc Ac sem integer a, ut molestie ut dolor fauc ibus fermentum, mauris integer turpis dolor ibus fermentum, mauris integer turpis dolor *In some situations, complementary colors and tints can ut vehicula, class sed eu ipsum ultricies. ut vehicula, class sed eu ipsum ultricies. be applied to typography in tables and graphics, for more information see page XX

Available downloads Do not apply Zebra Blue or complementary Do not add drop shadows or Refer to the InDesign Collateral Template and its accompanying ruleset for color tints to editorial typographic styles* dimension to text more information - download


Typography in Use Situations to avoid, cont.

Table of Contents

How to Use These Ac sem integer a ut molestie dolor fauc Ac sem integer a, ut molestie ut dolor Guidelines INDUSTRY PRINTING ibus fermentu mauris integer turpis dolor fauc ibus fermentum, mauris integer JUST GOT STRONGER auctor tempus. The Zebra Brand Duis tellus turpis dolor ut vehicula, class sed eu AND SMARTER ipsum ultricies. Caboraes a dolorum Voice and Messaging quam sedden eos essus suntor apiendi onsequo seduio lobortis ios. dolorat urecea doluptatet aborest. The Zebra Logo Morbi condimentum sem et odio aliquam maximus. Phasellus mauris integer turpis. Zebra Tagline Solution Logos

Design Elements Do not create typography in outline form Do not utilize various typography sizes and Do not use italic for emphasis weights in the same paragraph Brand Colors Typography Ac sem integer a, ut molestie ut dolor fauc Photography ibus fermentum, mauris integer turpis dolor Industry printing ut vehicula, class sed eu ipsum ultricies. Video Caboraes a dolorum eos essus suntor just got stronger Social Media apiendi onsequo dolorat urecea doluptatet aborest, nes autatem quossin cum venesequi and smarter Legal Requirements odios sim sita dicium cus, ommos sedis dolupta consequo que net res vel exeriatem am audio. Intibus ma vellabore pro ent.

Do not reverse small text such as body copy Do not split sentences into different colors out of black
